EMERGING LIBRARY TECHNOLOGIES CHANDOS INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL SERIES Series Editor: Ruth Rikowski (email: Rikowskigr@aol.com) Chandos’ new series of books is aimed at the busy information professional They have been specially commissioned to provide the reader with an authoritative view of current thinking They are designed to provide easy-to-read and (most importantly) practical coverage of topics that are of interest to librarians and other information professionals If you would like a full listing of current and forthcoming titles, please visit www.chandospublishing.com New authors: we are always pleased to receive ideas for new titles; if you would like to write a book for Chandos, please contact Dr Glyn Jones on g.jones.2@elsevier.com or telephone +44 (0) 1865 843000 EMERGING LIBRARY TECHNOLOGIES It’s Not Just for Geeks IDA ARLENE JOINER Librarian Universal Academy Irving, TX, United States Chandos Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Copyright r 2018 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein) Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-08-102253-5 (print) ISBN: 978-0-08-102254-2 (online) For information on all Chandos Publishing publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher: Glyn Jones Acquisition Editor: Glyn Jones Editorial Project Manager: Lindsay Lawrence Production Project Manager: Debasish Ghosh Cover Designer: Victoria Pearson Essar Typeset by MPS Limited, Chennai, India CONTENTS Acknowledgments Emerging Library Technologies: It Is Not Just for Geeks Artificial Intelligence: AI is Nearby Introduction What is Intelligence? What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Areas Within Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep Learning Machine Learning Machine Translation Technology (MTT) Artificial Emotional Intelligence or Emotion AI Speech Recognition Technology Industries Impacted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Challenges and Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Challenges for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI in Medicine AI in Music AI in Libraries The Role of Libraries Internships/Mentorships Job Retraining Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography Robotics: Robots to the Rescue Introduction What is a Robot? What is Robotics? xi xiii 1 5 8 10 10 11 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 20 21 23 23 24 25 v vi Contents A Brief History of Robotics Market for Robotics Challenges and Opportunities for Robotics Challenges for Robotics Opportunities for Robotics Applications of Robots in Various Industries Robots in Healthcare Robots in Education Robots in Libraries Chicago Public Library Westport Connecticut Library Peters Township Public Library Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Seattle Public Library Wilson (CT) Public Library University of Texas at Arlington Library University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) FabLab The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Library Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography 26 26 27 27 29 30 30 31 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 43 Is It a Bird, Is It a Plane: It’s a Drone Flying Your Way 45 Introduction What is a Drone? A Brief History of Drones Types of Drones Single Rotor Drones Multirotor Drones Tricopters (Three Rotors or Propellers) Quadcopters (Four Rotors or Propellers) Hexacopter (Six Rotors or Propellers) Octocopters (Eight Rotors or Propellers) Fixed Wing Drones Features in Common Challenges and Opportunities for Drones Challenges for Drones Opportunities for Drones Applications of Drones Drones in Entertainment Drones in Agriculture 45 46 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 50 51 51 51 51 52 53 54 54 Contents Drones in Law Enforcement Drones in Real Estate Drones in Photography Drones in Deliveries Drones in Engineering Drones in Monitoring and Protection Drones in Education Drones in Libraries Mandel Public Library in West Palm Beach Florida Arapahoe Colorado Libraries Joint Library of Broward College & Florida Atlantic University Georgia Highlands College Library University of South Florida Library Colgate University Library Ohio Wesleyan University Idaho Schools and Libraries Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography Driverless Vehicles: Pick Me Up at the .? Introduction What is a Driverless Car? A Brief History of Driverless Vehicles Self-Driving Car Market The Self-Driving Car Major Players Waymo (Self-Driving Unit of Google Parent Alphabet) Uber Tesla Daimler-Mercedes Benz Porsche/Huawei Volkswagon Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Volvo Audi BMW Ford General Motors (GM) Apple Nvidia Baidu vii 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 58 59 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 67 69 69 70 72 73 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 viii Contents Industries Impacted by Driverless Cars Challenges and Opportunities for Driverless Vehicles Challenges for Driverless Vehicles Opportunities for Driverless Vehicles Role of Libraries Internships/Mentorships Job Retraining Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography Information Seeking With Big Data: Not Just the Facts Introduction What is Big Data? How Big is Big Data? History of Big Data Applications of Big Data Challenges and Opportunities for Big Data Challenges for Big Data Opportunities for Big Data Industries Impacted by Big Data Big Data Implications for Libraries Big Data Library Examples University of California Berkeley Libraries New York University Elmer Holmes Bobst Library Harvard University Library Analytics Toolkit Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries University of Michigan Library Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: What Is Your Reality? Introduction What are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? 79 82 82 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 90 90 91 92 95 95 95 96 97 97 98 98 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 105 106 107 107 108 109 111 111 111 Contents What is Augmented Reality (AR)? Brief History of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Brief History of Augmented Reality Market for Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) Major Players for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Challenges and Opportunities for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Challenges for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Opportunities for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications of Virtual Reality in Libraries Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation Proposal Glossary Suggestions for Further Reading Bibliography If You Print It, They Will Come: 3D Printing in Your Library Introduction What is 3D Printing? How Does 3D Printing Work? A Brief History of 3D Printing 3D Printing Market Types of 3D Printers The Most Popular Type of 3D Consumer Printer Challenges and Opportunities for 3D Printing Challenges for 3D Printing Opportunities for 3D Printing Applications of 3D Printing Medicine/Healthcare Retail Aerospace Architecture Education Manufacturing 3D Printing in Libraries Touro College School of Health Sciences Cline Library MakerLab, Northern Arizona University Photos Stephen F Austin State University, Ralph W Steen Library Conclusion Questions for Further Discussion Considerations for Implementation ix 112 113 114 115 115 116 116 117 118 120 122 123 124 125 125 126 127 129 129 130 130 131 132 132 133 134 134 136 137 137 138 139 140 140 141 142 142 145 146 147 148 149 149 How to Get Stakeholder Buy In for Implementing Emerging Technologies in Your Library 175 where librarians will be able to assist Librarians can establish partnerships with other agencies to assist these people so that they can obtain the needed resources for their families so that they will be able to provide for their families in a manner similar to when they were employed by the trucking agencies and earning lucrative salaries EMERGING TECHNOLOGY STAKEHOLDER BUY IN CHECK LIST I have included a checklist below that you should follow when you are considering getting your stakeholders on board to implement new emerging technologies in your library If you address all of these, you have a very good chance of getting your stakeholders on board to support your initiatives What technologies you want to implement? Why you want to implement these technologies? Who are your stakeholders and what are their backgrounds? Why should your stakeholders support your technology initiatives? What is your budget for your technology initiatives? What training is needed to support these initiatives? Who will provide the training and what are the costs? How will you market these technology initiatives? What are the marketing costs? 10 Did you perform a costÀbenefit analysis for these technology initiatives? 11 Are there legal fees? If so, what are they? 12 What are the risks? 13 What are the returns on the investment (ROI)? 14 What strategic partnerships can you establish? 15 What is your timeline for implementing these technology initiatives? This page intentionally left blank CHAPTER 10 Keeping Abreast of Emerging Technologies Figure 10.1 Artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and other technologies are represented in this image Whether it is new developments in driverless cars, wearable technologies, or virtual/augmented reality, or more libraries providing drones to the public, there is a plethora of emerging technology information that can be challenging to keep up with What should you to keep abreast of these emerging technologies without feeling overwhelmed? You need to pause and breathe Once you have caught your breath, begin to skim the information rather than attempting to read the entire document Skimming the material can save time, energy, and lead to less frustration I have found that following experts and professionals who you admire and respect on social media is a great way to keep abreast of emerging technologies It helps to comment on articles that you found helpful online as well I love my online and printed subscriptions to MIT Technology Review and Wired magazines They are great publications that are on the Emerging Library Technologies DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102253-5.00009-5 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 177 178 Emerging Library Technologies forefront of emerging technologies I receive CNET updates in my email and so I look at the titles and decide if there are any articles that interest me and if so, I skim, or read them in their entirety TechCrunch, the Verge, Mashable Technology, and Gizmodo are some of the online websites that I enjoy reading immensely I have included a list below of some of my favorite technology resources as a starting point for you as you begin to peruse and compile your own to keep you informed of emerging technologies As you research some of these exciting and engaging emerging technologies, you will find that you prefer some more than others However, have fun and enjoy the ride As you come across resources that you like, feel free to tweet me: @ida_joiner BLOGS AND PUBLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • MIT Tech Review—Provides expertly written articles on breakthrough technologies and advancements https://www.technologyreview.com Wired—Focuses on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics https://www.wired.com Futurism—Great technology resource that features how science and technology will shape our future https://futurism.com Business Insider—Great resource not purely technical but a great place to obtain business, financial, and other types of information overall http://www.businessinsider.com Gizmodo— Covers a plethora of great futuristic technology topics https://gizmodo.com TechCrunch—Great resource for learning about startup technologies and the future https://techcrunch.com Mashable Technology—Technology news and articles from the global Mashable news media giant https://mashable.com/category/tech/ CNET—Provides tech product reviews, news, articles, blogs, podcasts, prices, videos, forums, how-to on technology, and consumer electronics globally https://www.cnet.com The Guardian Technology—Features technology news from The Guardian news giant https://www.theguardian.com/technology/all The Economist Technology—Technology news and articles from The Economist news https://www.economist.com/topics/technology Bloomberg Technology—Technology section featuring news and articles from Bloomberg news https://www.bloomberg.com/technology Keeping Abreast of Emerging Technologies • 179 The Verge—Features articles on some of the latest tech news about the world’s best (and sometimes worst) hardware, apps, and much more https://www.theverge.com/tech PODCASTS Information on any topic that you can listen to while driving, cleaning, cooking, or other things • Top Technology Podcasts—www.themuse.com • Ted Talks—https://www.ted.com/read/ted-podcasts • Futuropolis (popular science)—https://www.popsci.com/authors/ futuropolis • Stuff from the future (How Stuff Works)—https://shows.howstuffworks.com/stuff-from-the-future-podcast.htm Social Media—follow the experts, topics, companies, technologies through social media • Twitter—https://twitter.com • Facebook—https://www.facebook.com • LinkedIn—https://www.linkedin.com BOOKS • • • • • • Browse the technology and engineering sections of bookstores to locate new technology books Search Amazon for your favorite technology topics Search publisher websites for new books in technologies that you are interested (MIT Press, Elsevier, Libraries Unlimited, O’Reilly) Visit your local public library and search the collection either in person or online Download ebooks Download free samples of ebooks from online stores and publishers TREND REPORTS Trend reports are great for following technology trends If you can’t afford to purchase some of the expensive ones, you can download the summaries • ALA Center for the Future of Libraries Trends (http://www.ala.org/ tools/future/trends) • LITA Top Tech Trends (www.ala.org/lita/about//committees/lit-ttt) 180 • • • Emerging Library Technologies NMC New Media Consortium—Horizon Report (www.nmc.org) Pew Research Center: Internet, Science and Tech (www.pewinternet org) Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies (www.gartner.com/ technology/research/methodologies/hypcycle.jsp) ATTEND CONFERENCES • • • American Library Association (ALA) (http://www.ala.org) Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) (http:// www.ala.org/lita/) Consumer Electronics Show (CES, the “World’s Biggest Tech Show”) (https://www.ces.tech) CONSORTIUMS AND GROUPS • • • Meetup groups (meetup.com—enter your zip code to find events) Attend local events Attend events at colleges and universities CONCLUSION All of these resources are available to keep you abreast of emerging technologies so that you can learn, inform, and assist others who want information on emerging technologies As the technology continues to grow at a rapid pace, just remember to stop, breathe, and skim I hope that you enjoyed reading this book as much as I did writing it Feel free to email me at ida.joiner@gmail.com to let me know what suggestions you have for improving this book and to tell me how your emerging library technology projects are coming along INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” refer to figures A Academic librarians, 85À86 Adaptive cruise control, 9, 71 Additive manufacturing, 130, 148 Additive process, 130À131 Aerospace industry, 3D printing in, 139À140 Agriculture big data in, 101 drones in, 54À55 AirBnBs, 81 Airline industry, driverless vehicles in, 81 Akouphone, 156 Allstate, 6À7 Alphabet, 75 Amazon, 55, 98 American Sign Language (ASL), 162 Androids, 24À25 Antilock brake systems (ABS), 70À71 Apple, 78 Apple Watch, 156 Arapahoe Colorado Libraries, 59 Architectural firms, 3D printing in, 140 Artificial emotional intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), 1À3, 1f, 28, 72 artificial emotional intelligence, challenges and opportunities for, 10 inaccurate data, 11 massive unemployment, 11 safety and security, 10 unethical use of data, 11 considerations for implementation, 17À19 deep learning, 5À6 history of, 3À4 industries impacted by, 9À10 internships/mentorships, 15 job retraining, 15À16 in libraries, 14 machine learning, 6À8 machine translation technology (MT), market for, in medicine, 13 in music, 13À14 opportunities for, 11À12 role of libraries, 14À15 speech recognition technology, AskNAO, 33 Audi, 77 Augmented reality (AR), 111À112 brief history of, 114 Austrian balloons, 47 Auto repair/auto parts/auto dealerships/oil change/car washes/driver schools, 79 Automatic game playing, Automatic machine translation, Autonomous car See Driverless vehicles B Baidu, 78 Banking industry, big data in, 101 Berkeley Institute for Data Sciences (BIDS), 102 Big data, 95À96 applications of, 97À98 challenges, 98À100 data privacy and security, 99 data quality, 100 errors in analysis and prediction, 99 pressing challenges, 100 relevancy and redundancy, 99 robust processing power, 99 speed of data transfer rate, 99 volume and transfer speed, 99 considerations for implementation, 106À107 Harvard University Library Analytics Toolkit, 103 history of, 97 implications for libraries, 101À102 181 182 Index Big data (Continued) industries impacted by, 101 library examples, 102 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) libraries, 104 New York University’s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 103 opportunities for, 100 forecasting, 100 identifying student risk, 100 increase of competitive advantage, 100 new products and services, 100 size, 96 University of California Berkeley libraries, 102À103 University of Michigan Library, 104À105 BMW, 77 C California Policy Lab, 103 CancerLinQ, 98 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 35À36 Character text generation, Chicago Public Library, 34À35 China, 27 Cline Library MakerLab, Northern Arizona University, 145À146 Colgate University Library, 61 Collaborative filtering algorithms, 10 Compound annual growth rate (CAGR), Computer games, Computer-aided design (CAD), 130, 132 Computer-powered devices, 156 Cortana, Cutting-edge technologies, D Da Vinci robots, 31 Da Vinci’s design, 72 Daimler-Mercedes Benz, 76 Dartmouth Conference of 1956, 3À4 Data-driven decision making, 105 Deep Blue Data, 104 Deep learning, 5À6 Deep reinforcement learning, DeepMind, 6, 10 DH.82B Queen Bee, 47 Dickmanns’ design, 72À73 Digital artificial intelligence interface 3D rendering, 4f Digital hearing aids, 156 Digital light projection printers, 132 Digital Media Commons, 60 Doctor-controlled robots, 30 Drive Pilot system, 76 Driverless trucks, 173À175 Driverless vehicles, 69À94 accessibility, 84 Apple, 78 Audi, 77 Baidu, 78 BMW, 77 brief history of, 72À73 challenges, 82À83 job losses, 82À83 pricing, 82 safety, 82 challenges and opportunities for, 82 considerations for implementation, 88À90 Daimler-Mercedes Benz, 76 environmental, 84 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), 76À77 Ford, 77À78 General Motors (GM), 78 industries impacted by, 79À82 internships/mentorships, 85 job retraining, 85À86 NVIDIA, 78 opportunities, 83À84 Porsche/Huawei, 76 role of libraries, 84 safety, 83À84 self-driving car major players, 74 self-driving car market, 73À74 Tesla, 75À76 Uber, 75 Volkswagon, 76 Volvo, 77 Waymo, 75 weather conditions, 83 Index Drones, 45À46 applications of, 53À54 Arapahoe Colorado Libraries, 59 brief history of, 47 challenges and opportunities for, 51 adult retraining, 53 collaborations, 52À53 costs, 51 delivery, 53 rules and regulations, 51À52 safety, 52 steep learning curve, 52 training of students for STEM/ STEAM careers, 53 Colgate University Library, 61 considerations for implementation, 64À66 in entertainment, 54 features in common, 51 fixed wing drones, 51 Georgia Highlands College (GHC) Library, 60 hexacopter, 49À50 IDAHO schools and libraries, 61À62 Joint Library of Broward College & Florida Atlantic University, 59À60 in libraries, 58 Mandel Public Library in West Palm Beach Florida, 59 octocopters, 50À51 Ohio Wesleyan University, 61 quadcopters, 48À49 tricopters, 48 types, 47 multirotor drones, 48 single rotor drones, 48 University of South Florida (USF) Library, 60 E Education industry big data in, 101 drones in, 56À57 robots in, 31À33 3D printers in, 140À141 Eldercare, 82 Electronic stability control (ESC), 70À71 183 Emerging library technologies, 169À176 Emotion AI, e-NABLE, 138 Engineering, drones in, 56 EnList (Entrepreneurial Leadership), 57 Entertainment artificial intelligence in, 10 drones in, 54 ExOne, 134 F Facebook, 7, 98 FFF (fused filament fabrication), 133 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), 76À77 Filament-based 3D printers, 133 Fitness trackers, 157 Fixed wing drones, 51 Flying robot, 46 Ford, 77À78 G GE, 142 General Motors (GM), 78 “Futurama”, 72 Georgetown University Gelardin Library, 122 Georgia Highlands College (GHC) Library, 60 Gizmodo, 178 Google, 3, 115 Google Maps, Google Search, Google self-driving project, 75 Google Translate, GPS sensing knowledge, 71 H Harvard University Library Analytics Toolkit, 103 Hawthorn, 138 Head-mounted display (HMD), 113 Head-mounted displays (HMDs)/virtual reality, 157 Headsight, 114 Health and social service care, Healthcare 184 Index Healthcare (Continued) big data in, 101 driverless vehicles in, 82 robots in, 30À31 3D printing for, 137À138 Hearing aid, 156 Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane, 47 Hexacopter, 49À50 Home-based robotics, HP (Hewlett-Packard), 134 HTC, 116 Huawei, 76 Humanoid robots, 24 Humanoids, 32 Hybrid 3D printers, 133 I Joint Library of Broward College & Florida Atlantic University, 59À60 K K-12 STEM education grant, 57 K-12 students, 173À175 L Law enforcement, 55, 81, 138 Law enforcement agencies, 98 Legal issues, 125, 173 Lego Mindstorms, 33 LEGO robots, 34 Library Analytics Toolkit, 103 Library Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections (DHHC), 60 Library Retrieval System (LRS), 37 Linrrican Wonder, 72 Lyst, IDAHO schools and libraries, 61À62 Image caption generation, Implantables, 157 Industrial robots, 26 Industries impacted by Artificial Intelligence, 9À10 education, 9À10 employment/job retraining/workforce development, entertainment, 10 healthcare, home-based robotics, impoverished/low-resource communities, 10 public safety/law enforcement/security, transportation, Industries impacted by big data, 101 Industries impacted by driverless cars, 79À82 Insurance, 6À7, 79 Intelligence, defined, 1À2 Intelligent robots, 25 International Data Corporation (IDC), Internships/mentorships, 15, 85 iRobot, 31 Machine learning, 6À8, 12 Machine translation technology (MT), “Made in China 2025”, 27 Makerbot, 134 MakerLab, 145À146, 147f MakerSpace, 148f Mandel Public Library in West Palm Beach Florida, 59 Marketing, 172 Mashable Technology, 178 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) libraries, 104 Medical industry artificial intelligence in, 13, 13f drones in, 56 3D printing for, 130, 137À138 Military, robots in, 31 Motion tracking HMD, 114 Multicopters, 48 Multirotor drones, 48 Music, artificial intelligence in, 13À14, 14f MyMINIFactory, 136 J N Job retraining, 15À16, 85À86 NASA, 136 M Index National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 70 Natural intelligence (NI), Netflix, 7À8 New York University (NYU) Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 103 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), 57 NIH, 136 9/11 terrorist attacks, 47 North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries, 121 Nuremberg eggs, 156 NVIDIA, 78 O Object classification in photographs, Object detection, Octocopters, 50À51 Oculus, 116 Oculus’s Rift, 162 Ohio Wesleyan University, 61 Organovo Holding, Inc., 137 P Palm Beach Drones in West Palm Beach Florida, 59 Panoramic paintings from the nineteenth century, 113 Parking lots, 81 Partnerships, establishing, 172 PayPal, Peters Township Public Library, 35 Photography, drones for, 55 Photos, 146 Podcasts, 179 Porsche/Huawei, 76 Powder-based 3D printers, 132 Progressive, 6À7 Prosthetics, 137À138 Public safety/law enforcement/security, Public/on-demand transportation, 80 Pygmalion’s Spectacle, 113 Q Quadcopters, 48À49 185 R Radical Robots program series, 34 Ralph W Steen Library, 147À148 Rand Corporation, 83À84 Rapid prototyping (RP) technologies, 131 Real estate sites, drones in, 55 Remote instruction, teaching through, 33 RepRap, 134 Research Data Services, 104À105 Resin-based 3D printers, 132 Risk management, 171 Robot, defined, 24À25 Robot Noah, 23 Robot Raceway, 35 Robotics, 6, 23À44 brief history of, 26 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 35À36 challenges, 27 autonomy for medical robotics, 29 brainÀcomputer interfaces, 28À29 costs, 28 decision-making, 28 job losses, 27 lack empathy and ethics, 28 safety, 28 steep learning curve, 28 training, 28 Chicago Public Library, 34À35 considerations for implementing, 39À40 in education, 31À33 in healthcare, 30À31 in libraries, 34 market for, 26À27 opportunities for, 27À30 assisting the elderly robots, 29 greater return on investment (ROI), 29 interacting with others, 29 job gains, 30 job retraining, 29 mundane, boring, repetitive tasks, 30 safety and security, 29 STEM/STEAM opportunities, 29 Peters Township Public Library, 35 Seattle Public Library (SPL), 36 University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Library, 37 186 Index Robotics (Continued) University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) FabLab, 37 University of Texas at Arlington Library, 36À37 Westport Connecticut Library, 35 Wilson (CT) Public Library, 36 Robots in delivery, 31 Robots in military, 31 Ruston Proctor Aerial, 47 Ryerson University Library & Archives Digital Media Experience Lab, 162 S Samsung, 116 San Jose Library, 122 Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), 33, 62À63, 141 STEM careers, 85 teaching and learning, 57 Science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) careers, 15, 62À63, 85 Seattle Public Library (SPL), 36 Self-driving cars, 6, 69f, 72 major players, 74 market, 73À74 Sensorama, 113 Single rotor drones, 48 SIRI, 3, Slicing software, 131 Smart clothing, 158 Smart jewelry, 157 Smart robots, 25 Smartphones, 76, 157 Smartwatches, 7, 155, 158 Sony, 115À116 Sony PlayStations, 119À120 Speech recognition technology, Spotify, Staffing, 124, 150, 172À173 Stakeholder buy in check list, 175 Stakeholders, 169À175 audience K-12 students, 173À175 truckers and autonomous vehicles, 173À175 budget, 171 engaging, 169À171 establishing partnerships, 172 marketing, 172 potential legal issues, 173 risk management, 171 staffing, 172À173 timeline for implementing technologies, 171À172 training, 172 State Farm, 6À7 STEM/STEAM careers training of students for, 117 Stephen F Austin State University, Ralph W Steen Library, 147À148 STL (Surface Tessellation Language or STereoLithography), 130 Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques, 60 Students with autism, teaching, 32 Surgical robots, 9, 31 “Sword of Damocles”, 114 System-wide robotics programming, 34 T Tatiana, 23 Taz Lulzbot 3D printers, 147 Technology initiatives, 172À173 Technopedia, 112 Telepresence, 32 Tesla, 75À76 Thingiverse, 136 3D consumer printer, 133À134 popular 3D printer manufacturers, 133À134 3D MakerSpace at Ralph W Steen Library, 148f 3D printing, 129À154 applications of, 137 brief history of, 131À132 challenges for, 134À135 copyright/intellectual property, 135 costs, 134 equipment failure, 135 expertise, 135 illegal use, 134À135 liability, 135 Index limited materials, 134 loss of jobs, 135 print time, 130 steep learning curve, 135 Cline Library MakerLab, Northern Arizona University, 145À146 considerations for implementation, 149À150 in libraries, 142 market, 132 medicine/healthcare, 137À138 opportunities for, 136À137 access to new technology, 136 availability of free 3D modeling templates, 136 careers in STEM and STEAM areas, 136À137 costs, 136 entrepreneurs creating home businesses, 136 printing food, 136 printing of prosthetic limbs, organs, and other medical uses, 136 printing of spare parts for various devices, 136 product prototyping, 137 photos, 146 retail, 138À139 aerospace, 139À140 architecture, 140 education, 140À141 manufacturing, 141À142 Stephen F Austin State University, Ralph W Steen Library, 147À148 3D consumer printer, 133À134 popular 3D printer manufacturers, 133À134 Touro College School of Health Sciences, 142À144 types, 132À133 filament-based 3D printers, 133 hybrid 3D printers, 133 powder-based 3D printers, 132 resin-based 3D printers, 132 working of, 130À131 3D Systems, 133 Three Laws of Robotics, 26 187 “3Vs” of data management, 96 Touro College School of Health Sciences, 142À144 Training, providing, 172 Transportation industry, big data in, 101 Tricopters, 48 Truckers and autonomous vehicles, 173À175 U Uber, 6À7, 75, 80 UberEats, 80 UC Berkeley D-Lab, 102 Ultimaker, 134 Ultimate Display, 114 Unemployment, artificial intelligence and, 11 Unimation, 26 United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 73 Universal Orlando Resort Water Park, 161 University of California Berkeley libraries, 102À103 University of California San Diego Healthcare wearable technology applications, 161À162 University of Michigan Library, 104À105 University of Oklahoma Libraries, 121 University of South Florida (USF) Library, 60 University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Library, 37 University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) FabLab, 37 University of Texas at Arlington Library, 36À37 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) See Drones Unmanned ground vehicle See Driverless vehicles V VaMoRs, 72À73 The Verge, 178 Vex Robotics, 33 Vietnam War, 47 188 Index View-Master stereoscope, 113 Virtual orchestras, 13 Virtual reality (VR), 111 brief history of, 113À114 first VR head-mounted display (1960), 113 Headsight (1961), 114 Morton Helig’s Sensorama (1950s), 113 panoramic paintings from the nineteenth century, 113 science fiction story predicted VR (1930s), 113 stereoscopic photos and viewers (1838), 113 Ultimate Display by Ivan Sutherland (1965), 114 in libraries, 120À122 Georgetown University Gelardin Library, 122 North Carolina State University (NCSU), 121 San Jose Library, 122 University of Oklahoma Libraries, 121 Virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/ AR) applications of, 118À120 in customer service, 120 in education, 119À120 in entertainment, 120 in medicine and healthcare, 118À119 challenges for, 116À117 costs, 116 health issues, 116À117 steep learning curve, 117 considerations for implementation, 124À125 major players for, 115À116 Google, 115 HTC, 116 Oculus, 116 Samsung, 116 Sony, 115À116 market for, 115 opportunities for, 117À118 adult retraining, 117À118 collaborations, 117 costs, 117 fun to use, 117 training of students for STEM/ STEAM careers, 117 Virtual tourism, 113 Voice recognition technology See Speech recognition technology Volker Sick, 105 Volkswagon, 76 Volvo, 77 W Waymo, 75 Wearable gadgets See Wearable technologies Wearable technologies, 155À156 brief history of, 156 challenges for, 158À159 access to new technology, 159À160 battery life, 158À159 careers in STEM and STEAM areas, 160 ease of use/learning curve, 159 entrepreneurs creating home businesses, 160 loss of jobs, 158 policies, 159 price, 158 security and privacy, 159 steep learning curve, 158 considerations for implementation, 163À165 implications for, in libraries, 160À161 in libraries, 161À162 Ryerson University Library & Archives Digital Media Experience Lab, 162 Universal Orlando Resort Water Park, 161 University of California San Diego Healthcare wearable technology applications, 161À162 market for, 156À157 opportunities, 159À160 types of, 157À158 Westport Connecticut Library, 35 Wildlife and animals protection, by drones, 56 Wilson (CT) Public Library, 36 ... Public Library Westport Connecticut Library Peters Township Public Library Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Seattle Public Library Wilson (CT) Public Library University of Texas at Arlington Library. .. record numbers to learn more about these emerging technologies WHAT ARE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES? According to BusinessDictionary.com, emerging technologies are technologies that are perceived as capable... learning, and neural networks Emerging Library Technologies DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102253-5.00002-2 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved Emerging Library Technologies However, many