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TOEIC PART 2 tiet 3

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KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PART – tiết CÂU HỎI WHY Question Patterns A Why + Verb Why [does / don't / doesn't] + S + V -? Why you take the bus to work? / Why don't you come along? Why does John work at home? / Why doesn't he bring his lunch? Why did [didn't] + S + V -? Why did you quit your job? Why didn't you take the book with you? Why be + (not) + S + V-ing -? Why are you going away this weekend? / Why aren't you leaving? Why be + (not) + S + p.p -? Why isn't your work done? Why are the doors locked? Why has [have] + (not) + S + (been) + p.p -? Why has the date been changed? Why hasn't the work been completed yet? Why haven't you begun working? B Why + Adjective Why be + (S) + Adjective -? Why is it so cold in here? Why are the offices so empty this morning? More Expressions Q Why did you leave your position? A To find a better job Q Why didn't you attend the workshop yesterday? A I thought it had been canceled Q Why you want to see the performance? A Because it received good reviews Why + Adjective Q Why doesn't the computer work? A You need to check the plug first http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Q Why is our dish taking such a long time? A It'll be here very shortly Q Why aren't you coming to the opening ceremony? A I won't be in town them Q Why was your car repaired? A It had some engine trouble Q Why has the factory stopped operating the assembly line? A It wasn't profitable Why + Verb Q Why is it so hot in here? A The air conditioner is out of order Q Why was Kelly late for the staff meeting? A The traffic was bad this morning Đọc thêm Why did you leave your position? Why you walk to work? Why aren't you eating? Why has the plan been changed? Answer Patterns I didn’t get along with my boss I don’t have a car I’m not very hungry Some staff members can’t make it today Question Patterns Why is the factory so far away? Why was Lynn not here this morning? Why are the stores so busy today? Answer Patterns The rent is too expensive in the city She went to the dentist They’re having a sale http://moon.vn – hotline: KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Luyện nghe (1 câu, câu) I/ Why didn't the papers come in with the rest of our office supplies? (A) Well reopen our office next Monday (B) Okay, let's take a break after moving them (C) They are going to be delivered in a separate shipment Why was the shipment postponed? (A) Just for a few days (B) Sure I posted it already (C) Some relevant documents are nowhere to be found II/ Why did you show up late to the meeting? (A) My car stalled on the road (B) I'm pleased to see you, too (C) No, she didn't show it to me yet Why you think Sarah didn't come to the meeting? (A) She had to meet someone this morning (B) Yes, it was very informative (C) No, she'll meet me later today Why is she leaving the company? (A) I'll leave it on your desk (B) She got a better offer elsewhere (C) I'll keep her company Why was the presentation postponed? (A) The main speaker couldn't make it today (B) Yes, down at the post office (C) I sent Mary to buy the present Why didn't John come by today? (A) He got stuck in a meeting (B) He will be doing it by himself (C) Yes, I will let him know when he gets here http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG CÂU HỎI GỢI Ý “WHY DON’T YOU/WE?” Question Patterns A Suggestion Why don't you [we] + V -? Why don't you take it with you? /Why don't we go to a movie tonight? How about V-ing -? How about going with me today? /How about meeting the client this afternoon? Let's + V - Let's go over after lunch today /Let's sit down and talk about it B Request Can [Could] you + V -? Can you take this down to the post office for me? Could you give me a hand with these boxes? Would you mind V-ing [if I + V] -? Would you mind making copies of these reports for me? Would you mind if I use your car? Will [Would] you happen to-V -? Will you happen to have an extra pen handy? Would you happen to know who Mr Lee is? More Expressions Suggestion Q Why don't you come to Gordon Park with us? A Certainly, I'd love to go Q How about taking the subway to the bus terminal? A That's a good idea Q Let's invite John Reed to give the training seminar A Sounds like an idea He's definitely qualified Q Why don't we take off at six today? A That sounds good Q Can you e-mail the client for me? A I'd be glad to Q Could you lend me a hand with these boxes? A Sure I'll be right there Q Would you mind taking this to Mr Wong's office? http://moon.vn – hotline: KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Request A No, but I don't know where his office is Q Would you mind if I borrow this book for a while? A No, go right ahead Q Do you happen to know where Jack lives? A I'm sorry, but I have no idea Q Would you happen to know where we keep our staplers? A Did you look in the cabinet? Đọc thêm: Why don’t we check out the mall? How about watching a movie today? Let’s go for a drive today Answer Patterns I’m sorry, but I can’t today Sure, what you want to see? Okay, but where you want to go? Requests Question Patterns Could you give me a hand with these boxes? Would you mind looking at this for me? Do you happen to have an extra pen handy? Answer Patterns Of course Give me a second Okay, I’ll take a look later Sorry, this is the only one I have Luyện tập (1 câu, câu) I/ Why don't we discuss your proposal over dinner'? (A) It was a lovely party (B) That's an excellent idea (C) A hamburger would be okay Could you please tell Mr Wright that I'll have the ticket ready tomorrow? http://moon.vn – hotline: KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG (A)Sure, I'll tell him as soon as he gets in (B) They are two dollars at the door (C) I've already reserved a table for you II/ Why don't we try the new restaurant across the street? (A) Because the food is delicious (B) It's located at the corner (C) Sure, let's check it out How about meeting tomorrow? (A) It'll be held in the conference room (B) Tomorrow sounds all right with me (C) To discuss the latest product Could you look after my dog while I'm away? (A) Every day around the park (B) No, I didn't take it (C) Sure, I'd be glad to Will you look after this for me? (A) Okay but for how long? (B) I've looked everywhere (C) No, that is not for me Let's continue this tomorrow (A) For two hours, (B) That is correct (C) Sure, that's fine http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG BÀI TẬP TỰ LUYỆN PART – TOEIC – TIẾT Luyện tập: Build Up your listening skills 064 mp3 Why is _ _ _ in ? _ was your _? _ _ you _ your _? Why _ the computer _ ? is our _ _ such a _ 6. _ was Kelly the staff ? 7. you to _ the _? _ _ _ you _ the workshop yesterday? Why you to the opening _? 10 Why has the _ the _ line? Build up your listening skills Why is it so hot in here? Why was your car repaired? Why did you leave your position? Why doesn't the computer work? Why is our dish taking such a long time? Why was Kelly late for the staff meeting? Why you want to see the performance? Why didn't you attend the workshop yesterday? Why aren't you coming to the opening ceremony? 10 Why has the factory stopped operating the assembly line? Part Question & Response 070 mp3 5, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 10 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 11 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12 Mark your answer on your answer sheet http://moon.vn – hotline: KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Mark your answer on your answer sheet 13 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 14 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Part Question & Response (B) 6.(C) 7.(B) (B) (C) 10.(A) 11.(C) 12 (C) 13 (A) 14 B Why is Ms Fields not thinking about renting the empty warehouse? (A) Because the truck is full (B) It's a bit far from the main roads (C) Yes, she thought it over twice Why aren't some employees coming to the company? (A) Sorry, but I will be going away this weekend (B) Yes, I had a great time there (C) They apparently have other plans Why haven't we received the samples from the lab? (A) Maybe later (B) They're supposed to arrive this afternoon (C) That is a good example Why is Sally looking so down? (A) I saw her going downstairs earlier (B) Unfortunately, she didn't get the big sale (C) She's probably looking around the place Why did John go to Boston a few days ago? (A) By car (B) For a week (C) To see a client 10 Why did you come back to the office so early? (A) So I can send an invoice to the manufacturer (B) I went back there a couple of weeks ago (C) When I leave the office at o'clock 11 Why did the company send you to France? (A) I'm thinking of sending it later today (B) Maybe the month after http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG (C) So that I can take part in the conference 12 Why did you come back from your business trip so early? (A) Maybe until the end of the week (B) I'm thinking of going to Hawaii (C) Some of the meetings got canceled 13, Why you think Susan was not chosen for the project? (A) She doesn't have enough experience (B) Probably by the general manager (C) The projector in the next room 14 Why isn't the printer working? (A) The printer is here (B) It's out of toner (C) One more copy Build Up your listening skills 112 mp3 Can you the client _? _ _ take off at six today? Do you _ _ Jack lives? 4. _ if I _this book for a _? 5. _ you me a _these boxes? _ come to Gordon Park with us? 7. _this to Mr Wong's office? _ the subway to the bus terminal? Let's John Reed the training seminar 10 Would you _ _ where we _ our staplers? Build up your listening skills Can you e-mail the client for me? Why don't we take off at six today? Do you happen to know where Jack lives? Would you mind if I borrow this book for a while? Could you lend me a hand with these boxes? http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Why don't you come to Gordon Park with us? Would you mind taking this to Mr Wong's office? How about taking the subway to the bus terminal? Let's invite John Reed to give the training seminar 10 Would you happen to know where we keep our staplers? Part Question & Response 118mp3 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 10 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 11 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 13Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 14 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Part Question & Response 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C Why don't you complain about the cold meal? (A) Yes, it's quite cold in here (B) I think I will that (C) Yes, there were many complaints Could you run some copies of these documents for the meeting? (A) I really need some coffee, too (B) It will be held in the main conference room (C) Sure, I'll it right away How about checking to see if the printer could put a rush job on the brochures we need? (A) We purchased one at the department store last week (B) No, a color printer will be better for this job (C) I called earlier, and he said he is doing it as fast as he can Could you show me how to set the timer on this treadmill? (A) Sure, I'll be right with you (B) It's 7:30 right now http://moon.vn – hotline: KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG (C) It's a very good exercise Can you recommend a capable building contractor? (A) Jane recommended it to me the other day (B) I got a famous attorney to represent me (C) I'll give you the number of the guy who renovated our house 10 How about celebrating for the contract we just signed? (A) That's a very good idea (B) Yes, that was part of the deal (C) Our second anniversary in business 11 Can I use your calculator for just a minute? (A) Sure, help yourself (B) Sorry, I can't (C) Thank you very much 12 Could you look after my cat while I'm away? (A) No, Susan will take it (B) Sure, I'd be happy to (C) You must take good care of them 13 Why don't we go for a drive this weekend? (A) I am thinking of getting a new car soon (B) Yes, I am free this Saturday (C) No I went with Paul 14 Could I take this book home today? (A) Sure, I'll book it for you (B) Yes, my house is close to yours (C) If you promise to bring it back http://moon.vn – hotline: ... http://moon.vn – hotline: 04. 32 . 99.98.98 KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG BÀI TẬP TỰ LUYỆN PART – TOEIC – TIẾT Luyện tập: Build Up your listening skills 064 mp3 Why is _ _ _ in ... your answer sheet 12 Mark your answer on your answer sheet http://moon.vn – hotline: 04. 32 . 99.98.98 KHÓA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG Mark your answer on your answer sheet 13 Mark your answer... Maybe the month after http://moon.vn – hotline: 04. 32 . 99.98.98 KHĨA LUYỆN THI TOEIC – Cơ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG (C) So that I can take part in the conference 12 Why did you come back from your business trip

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2019, 10:28

