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Thus the taxonomy and diversity of spider fauna of Darjeeling hills is prepared with the collected specimen of our study along with the recorded data of National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India and other published information. Spiders from different families likeAmaurobiidae, Araneidae, Atypidae, Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Ctenidae, Gnaphosidae, Hersilidae, Heteropodidae, Homalonichidae,Linyphidae, Lycosidae, Mithurgidae, Oecobidae, Oxyopidae, Pisauridae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, Scytodiidae, Tetragnathidae, Theraphosidae, Thomisidae and Trocanteriidae from Darjeeling hills in the light of modern taxonomic concept have been explored. It is verymuch expected that this comprehensive account will prove quite useful to the future worker in the field of Arachnology and also would be useful to the forest managers in the process of planning for conservation strategies. A total 119 spider species were dealt with here for the study of taxonomy and biodiversity and finally approached for conservation aspects. At present the named specimens are deposited at the national collection of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata

V'o l.92 No:s 1-4 Zoological Survey of India RECO 'R DS OF IT HE ZOOLOG CAL SURVEY OF IND A Vol, 92 (l-4) :~ Edited by ,the Director, Zoological Survey 1993 ~f India @ Copyright 1993, Government of India Published: Novembet 1993 PR CE: Inland : Rs 290-00 Foreign : £ ,4-00 ,o r $ 20-00 PRINTED AT THE BANI PRESS, l6 HEMENDRA SEN STREET, 'C ALCUITA·· 700006, PRODUCBD BY THE PUBLICATION DIVISION ANDPUBLISHBD BY THB DIRECT'O R, ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INOlA, CALCUTTA 700 020 C'O MPUTERISED DATA ON NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL C'O LLECTION The National Zoological Collections comprising nearly 15000 types are housed in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta and are properly maintained AU these specimens have Registr,a tion numbers and are readily available for study as and when ~equired Data pertaining to locality, date of e,oUection, name of collector, sex, up to date v;alid species name, name of theho.st (for parasite), etc., of 'each typ,e ,cc/lec,lion 'have already been computerised The comput.erised data are stored in the computer centre ,o f Zoological Survey of India Scientists I Naturalists interested for any infor- mation on type species pre,s ent in Zoological Survey of India may ,c ontact the Director, Zoologi,cal Survey of India, 'M' Block) New Alipur, Calcutta 700 051 DR A K GHOSH Direct,or Zoological Survey of [ndi,Q AN APPEAL In order to ·e nrich the "National Zoological Collection" (NZC) and to up date information on the occurrence and distribution of animal species in India Scientists I Naturalists and researchers workin.g on animal taxonomy l systematics are requested to deposit their identified specimens to the Zoological Survey of India at the following add ess ; Officer-·n-Charge, Identification :a:nd Advisory Section, Zoological Surv·ey of India, M S BuHd ing, N izam Palac·e, 234/1-, A J C.Bose Road., Calcutta-700 020 These specimens will be registered and their data will be computerised They are further requested to deposit thei., 'type collect.io.n positively to ZSI an.d use t.he Registration number in their publication of the new taxon DR A K GHOSH Director Zo% gic.a.' Surpey of India RE'C ORDS OF T'HE ZOO OGICAL SU VEY OF INDIA 1992 Vol 92 (1-4) Pages: 1-369 CONTENTS MAJUMDBR, OM, S C AND BISWAS, BIJ,A N-Taxonomic Studies of Pholcld Spiders from India (Araneae : Pholcidae) M., K D.•, Roy, S K B A Dote 80 e the Domestic Mammalian Remains from Chalcolithlc Kot_sur, District Blrbhum, West Benga GHOSH, A PAGB SARA, AND TALUf(DBR, on G S., GHOSH, S K., & C 'HAUDHURY, M.-On small collection of Ctenucbidae (Ins,ecta : Lepidopter;a) from Arunachal Pr,adesh An unusual case of Mound 'C onstruction by the~ermite Odonlotermu Feae (Wasmann) B081, GB1!TA D K.-On a collection of Lepidoptera from 'the Neora Valley and Vicinity, West Benga], India SRIVASTAVA, o K.-Taxonomic status of certain 'genera of Pygldictanidae 19 MANDAL, 41 O K.-On the Taxonomic status and identity·of Mel.,olabis Oaudell' (Burr) (Dermaptera ; Brachylabidinae) 53 P K AND ALP,RBD, J.R, B.-Food :and feeding in four specie,s of 'CoUembola in N E India 63 (Dermaptera) SRIVASTAVA, 2,3 'V ATSAVLlYA, JONAT'H AN, J K.-F:ive new species of OoZa'UlWJ 'T OWQes from Indian 17 Subregion HATTAa, S J S., ALFRED, J R B AND DARLONG, V 'F.-Soil Acarina and Col1embolain forest and cultivated land of Kbasi Hills, Megbalaya 89 Joops, A N T AND PARUl, P.-Asilidae (Diptera) from Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu ALAM, S., DAS'O UPrA, S K., CHOUDHURl, 99 P K Five new species of Sciarid Gnats (Diptera : Sciaridae) from India , 107 P.-Asilidae (Diptera) from GuJarat, India··· TIWAIU, D N.-Flagellate Symbiotes (Protozoa) of Xylophagous Termites from Northern Bihar 123 JOSEPH, A N T AND PARUI, 131 [ A N T JOSEPH, AND PARUI, ii ] P.-Asilide (Diptera) from Uttar Pradesh, India BISWAS, REDDY, INDRA, S 153 P K Studies on Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from India, Part I On Indian s,pecie of Apomecyna Latreille 'w ith a key to Indian 'Genera of tribe ,Apomeollnini ' 161 AND BASAK, T S AND PA'TB'L, B, H A rl're new spider Lutica Marx (Araneae ,: Zodariidae) from India · ·· T J.- Report OD the Ichthvofauna of Kanvakumarl District, Tamil Nadu R'BMA DEVI, K -Fisbes of Kalaka,d Wildlife Sanctuary, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India, with a redescripcioD of Horalabio3G Joshua 17,3 177 · · ' 1'93 MITRA, S K, -'Fixation of the concept of Paronella Schott, 1893 [ Collembola: Entomobryidae ] 211 YA.ZDANJ, O M., PAlIDHAN,M S AND SINGH, '0 F Fauna of cODservatio'D areas; Fauna of San,j oy Gandhi 'N,arilonal Park,Bombav (Verta'brates) 2:25 sUas 'B ROWMlK, DR H, K.-Notes on a collection of Grasshoppers (Orthoptera : Acrididae) from Bihar State, India 253 MITRA, S K.-Concept of P8eudoparo1lella Handschin" 1925 (Collembo'la : BDtomobryldae:' ParonelliDae) 265 S S AND KRISHNAN, S.-Polydactylus KOfIIJCItJensls a new thread tin fish from India with a key to species of the Polynemidae of India • 285 MISHRA, o B.-O.o the spe,cies ,Oaprit,ermea F,letokeri Holm,grea and Holmgren and Euterme8 I neola W,asmann (Isopter,a : Termitidae : Termitinae) : their status, descriptions, etc ' 293 G,hosh, S K AND CHAUDHUl\Y, M.-Cheek-list of Indian Rhvacophilldae (Trichoptera) 311 CHHOTANJ, T K Report on the occurence of Rattu8 Rattu8 Wrouglaeoni Hinton, 1918 (Mamm,alla : Rodentia : Muridae), in Ma,d b,a Pradesh, India ···347 CRAKRAB'ORTY, R P.-Population ceD8US of Rhesus Macaque and Hanuman La'Dgur in India-A status survey report TIWARI, KRISHNA KANl, AND MUKHERJBE, 349 Reo IOOZ S'Ur'IJ India, 92 (1-4) : 1-3, 1992 TAXONOMIC STUDIES OF SOME PHOLCID SPIDERS FROM INDIA (ARANEAE : PHOLCIDAE) S C MAJUMDER AND BIJAN BISWAS Zoological Survey oj India, Oalcutta INTRODUCTION Spiders of the family Pholcidae in India have not received much attention in the past The fauna oj British India, Arachnida by Pocock (1900) and Dyal (1935) had taken some interest on the pholcid spiders Recently Tikader (1961-1963), Tikader (1977)' and Tikader & Biswas (1981) described and studied on Pholcid spiders Walckenaer (1805) was the first to observe that the earlier known species Pholcus Phalangoides under the family Pholcidae Genus Artema Walckenaer 1837 Artema Walokenaer, Ins Apteres : 656 Type 8pecies; Artema mauricia Walck Distribution: Africa, Asia, America, Arabia, India and Malaysia Artema atlenta Walckenaer 1837 Artema atlenta Walokenaer, Ins Apteres, : 656 1900 Artema atlenta : Pooook, Fauna Brit India Arch, : 238 1961 Artema atlenta : Tikader, Bee Indian Mus., 59 : 437 1981 Artema atlenia : Tikader & Biswas, Bee zooZ SUfV India oco pap No 30: 18 Specimen examined: 12 ~ ~, 13 d' , Poona City, Maharashtra, 18.12.1973 coli B K Tilcader 15 ~ ~, 0, Dhakuria, Calcutta, West Bengal, 10.10.1958 coli B K Tilcader ~ , Sirpur, Sarao, Bihar, 1930 colI Machanzie 15 ~ ~ , 80 0, Petrapole, (N), 24 Parganas, West Bengal, 1.4.1984 coll Bijan Biswa8 India: Calcutta, West :Bengal; Travancore, Tamil Nadu; Poona, Maharashtra ; Punjab Distribution: Genus Crossopriza Simon 1898 Orossopriza Simon, Hist Nat Araign., : 476 Type 8pecie8: Oro88opriza pristina Simon Di8tribution: Egypt, Arabia and India Records 01 tke Zoological Survey o/ZntJiCi Crossopriza Iyoni (Blackwall) 1867 Pholeus lyoni Blackwall, Ann Mag Nat Hist., 19 (3) : 802 1960 Orossollriza lyoni : Pocock, Fauna Brit India Araeh., : 240 1935 OrossollrizQ, lyoni : Dyal, Bull zool Punjab Univ., ; 162 1981 Orossollriza lyoni : Tikader & Biswas, Bee zooZ SU'IV India, oco pap No SO : 18 Specimen examined: 12 ~ ~,5 0 , Dhosa, Dist Bhabnagar, Gujarat, 28.12.1973, colI S K Gupta 15 ~ ~, d' 0, Chotonagpur, Dist Singhbhum, Bihar, 26.l.1955, colI A p Kapoor, ~ ~, 20 0, Wadgaon, Gujarat, 15.11.1976 colI B Dutta ~ ~, Pali, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 4.2.1962 colI A K Dutta India: Calcutta, West Bengal; Madras, Tamil Nadu; Allahabad, U P ; Punjab; Rajasthan and Gujarat Distribution: Genus PholcDS Walckenaer 1805 Pholcus Walckenaer, Tabl • Aran., : 80.T-8.F-79 Type 8pecie8: PkolcU8 Pkalangoide8 Walckenaer Distribution: Cosmopolitan PholcDS kapori Tikader 1977 Pholcus kajJur' Tikader, Ree zool Surv India, 72 : 165 ~ ~, d', Nell Island, Reserve forest, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 11.4.1979 colI B K Tikader Specimen examined: Dilltribution: Neil Island (Type-locality) Andaman and Nicobar Island SUMMARY 130 specimens were examined and identified Altogether three species and three genera are treated here under the family Pholcidae ACKNOWL1!DGEMENTS Authors are thankful to Dr Asket Singh, Scientist-SF, in-Charge, Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta for facilities provided for the work They are also thankful to Dr S K Gupta, Scientist-SD for his suggestion MAJUMDBR & BISWAS: Taxonomic Btuaie8 o/some Pnolcia Spider8 from India REFERENCES Pocock, R I 1900 The Fauna 0/ British India, including Ceylon and Burma A.rachnida, London: 170 Dyal, S 1935 Spider fauna of Lahore, Bull zool Punjab Univ., : 168 Tikader, B K 1977 Spider fauna of Andaman and Nicobar, Rec zooZ Surv India, 72 : 194-196 Tikader, B K and Biswas Bijan 1981 Spider fauna of Calcutta and vicinity Part-I Ree zool Surv India, oce pap No 30 : 17-19 ... Wallengren -Hind wing with vein CU 2, Fore wing without vein Rs ; hind wing with vein MI from lower angle of cell P8ichotoe Boisduval (1 ••• ••• -Fore wing with vein Rs present; hind wing with M "CU... Hind wing with vein Ms from angle, connate with CU1a or rarely above it l-lind tibia with two pairs of spurs Amato, Fabr -Hind wing with vein Ms always from above the lower angle Hind tibia with. .. extending beyond the frons Fore wing with vein R -R stalked; M1 from or from below the upper angle of cell Hind wing with Rs coincident with M ; Ms present; Ms and CU absent; CU G from behind the

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2019, 06:32