Effects of spilled oil stranded on tidal flats on macrobenthic community were studied using a tidal flat ecosystem simulator. Two simulators, C simulator as a control and O simulator with oil spill by fuel oil C (1 lm-2), were compared. Total population density of macrobenthos in the C simulator increased and was kept high throughout the experimental period. In the O simulator, however, the population density of macrobenthos was kept low from the oil spill treatment until day 35 and thereafter recovered significantly. ORP in both the C and O simulators showed positive values in the top 1 cm layer of sediments before the oil spill treatment. However ORP of the top 1cm of the sediment in the O simulator dropped down to negative values after the oil spill. The volume of seawater infiltration in the O simulator in day 23 decreased to a third by the spill. However, it recovered back to almost the same volume as that before the spill in day 58 when macrobenthic population density also recovered. Also, the concentrations of fuel oil C in top 1 cm of the sediments decreased gradually down to a half. The removal of fuel oil C in sediment by washout through tides and waves are possibly responsible for the recovery of seawater infiltration, consequently resulting in the restoration of macrobenthic community in the O simulator. These results suggest that spilled oil on tidal flats apparently reduces the infiltration volume of seawater and causes the development of reductive zone in sediment layer and such changes in physical environment are mainly responsible for the damages in the macrobenthic community in tidal flats.
Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 23 - EFFECTS OF SPILLED AND STRANDED OILS ON SEAWATER INFILTRATION AND MACROBENTHIC COMMUNITY IN TIDAL FLATS Mitsumasa OKADA, Wataru NISHIJIMA Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University 1-4-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan ABSTRACT Effects of spilled oil stranded on tidal flats on macrobenthic community were studied using a tidal flat ecosystem simulator. Two simulators, C simulator as a control and O simulator with oil spill by fuel oil C (1 lm -2 ), were compared. Total population density of macrobenthos in the C simulator increased and was kept high throughout the experimental period. In the O simulator, however, the population density of macrobenthos was kept low from the oil spill treatment until day 35 and thereafter recovered significantly. ORP in both the C and O simulators showed positive values in the top 1 cm layer of sediments before the oil spill treatment. However ORP of the top 1cm of the sediment in the O simulator dropped down to negative values after the oil spill. The volume of seawater infiltration in the O simulator in day 23 decreased to a third by the spill. However, it recovered back to almost the same volume as that before the spill in day 58 when macrobenthic population density also recovered. Also, the concentrations of fuel oil C in top 1 cm of the sediments decreased gradually down to a half. The removal of fuel oil C in sediment by washout through tides and waves are possibly responsible for the recovery of seawater infiltration, consequently resulting in the restoration of macrobenthic community in the O simulator. These results suggest that spilled oil on tidal flats apparently reduces the infiltration volume of seawater and causes the development of reductive zone in sediment layer and such changes in physical environment are mainly responsible for the damages in the macrobenthic community in tidal flats. Keywords: Tidal Flat, Oil spill, Macrobenthic Community, Infiltration of seawater, Bacteria 1. INTRODUCTION Many oil spill accidents by tankers for transportation of petroleum have occurred all over the world. A part of the spilled oils into sea is drifting toward coastal area. Approximately a half of the spilled oil was transfered by winds to the coast in the Nakhodka oil spill in Japan (Hozumi, 2000). Wolfes (1994) also reported that about a half of 42 million liters of the oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez was stranded on the shoreline of the Prince William Sound. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 24 - In spilled oil stranded on tidal flat, which are important habitats for many commercial fishes and migratory birds, the oil pollution of tidal flats may result in tremendous damages on tidal flat ecosystem. Toxicological risk of pollutants on ecosystems is evaluated by their fate (its transfer and transformation in the environment) and effects (its impact on biological communities) in the ecosystem. Studies on biological effects include identifying and quantifying instances of exposure of biological communities to spilled hydrocarbons, evaluating acute, chronic and residual toxicity to organisms, and assessment of subsistent food contamination. The primary mechanisms by which petroleum hydrocarbons are deleterious to benthic organisms include oxygen stress (from organic enrichment) and direct toxic or carcinogenic effect on organisms (Connell & Miller, 1984). The ecological damages in tidal flats may be caused not only by the toxicity of oil constituents but also by the changes in physico-chemical condition like infiltration of seawater into tidal flat sediments. Macrobenthic organisms (benthos with the size more than 1 mm mesh size) living in tidal flat are known to obtain their food, such as plankton, bacteria and detritus, mainly from seawater. It is well known that tidal fluctuations play an important role in seawater infiltration during which dissolved matter in seawater is transported into benthic ecosystem in tidal flat as it returns to the sea by gravity drainage (McLachlan, 1982). Inter tidal flow of seawater supplies dissolved oxygen and consequently biological activities (Cheong, 2000). It is likely that the stranded oil prevents interstitial spaces of sediments, reduces water infiltration, and results in the decrease in oxygen, nutrients and other food supply to benthic communities. It was reported that stranded oils significantly decreased infiltration of seawater into tidal flat sediment (Cheong, 2000). The purpose of this study is to evalluate the effects of stranded oil on tidal flat ecosystems with special emphasis on the relationship between seawater infiltration and macrobenthic community using tidal flat ecosystem simulators. 2. TIDAL FLAT SIMULATOR Fig. 1 is a picture of the tidal flat simulator (Japan Aquatic Tech. Co. Ltd., JBES-2500W) used in this study. The tidal flat in the simulator is 4.5 m long and 0.8 m wide with a slope of 3/100. Two simulators with the same configuration were used for this study. These simulators are designed as a typical tidal flat ecosystem in the Seto Island Sea, Japan. The tidal flats were operated with a tidal fluctuation of 0.009 cm s -1 , wave height of 30 mm and seawater temperature at 20 . Tidal velocity of 0.009 cm s -1 was determined from the mean tidal range of 2 m in Hiroshima Bay. Breaking wave height and wave periods in this study were set to 30mm and 0.8 sec, respectively (Hayes, 1999). The sediments in the tidal flat simulator was collected from a natural tidal flat in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. The contents of silt & clay (< 0.075 mm) in the sediments of C and O simulators were 2.9% and 3.7%, respectively. Those in natural tidal flats in Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, ranged from 2.7% to 8.7% Japan (Lee, 1998). Macrobenthos populations were incubated for more than one month from an inoculum collected in the natural tidal flat. Fuel oil C (1 L m -2 ) was spilled onto a tidal flat simulator (O simulator). Another simulator was operated as a control without any oil spill (C simulator). Vertical profiles of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) in the tidal flat sediments were continuously monitored with intervals of 5 or 1cm by a multi-point electrode (TOA electronics Ltd., HM-50G) and a reference electrode (TOA electronics Ltd., HM205C) with saturated aqueous solution of silver chloride. Seawater and sediments were prepared to have the same conditions as those in natural tidal flats. Seawater was sampled to determine dissolved inorganic nutrients ((NO 2 +NO 3 )-N, PO 4 -P) and chlorophyll a concentration. Sediments were also sampled to determine chlorophyll-a and of macrobenthic populations. Volume of seawater infiltration by tide was estimated from the difference in water content of the sediments between high and low tides according to the method described by Cheong (2000). Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 25 - (a) (b) (d) (e) (f) (c) Concentration of hopane, non-biodegradable constituents in the oil, in the sediment was determined to estimate washout and biodegradation of the spilled oil. Total number of bacteria in sediment was counted according to the direct counting method with DAPI (4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) (Porter and Feig, 1980). Fig. 1 Tidal flat ecosystem simulators (O and C simulators) (a) Tidal flat, (b) Wave maker, (c) Tide control device, (d) Seawater tank, (e) Temperature control system, (f) Computer control system Fig. 2 (NO 2 +NO 3 )-N (a) and PO 4 -P (b) concentrations in seawater in the simulators The simulators were operated for 30 days prior to the oil spill. Fuel oil C was spilled into O simulator at day 0, whereas no spill was occurred in C simulator. Fig. 2 shows dissolved inorganic nitrogen (a) and phosphorus (b) concentrations in seawater before and after the oil spill in the O and C simulators. (NO 2 +NO 3 )-N and PO 4 -P concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 1.1 µg-at N l -1 and from 0.02 to 0.34 µg-at P l -1 , respectively. These concentrations are similar to those in Hiroshima Bay, i.e. from 0.2 to 10 (µg-at N l -1 ), and from 0.1 to 1.5 (µg-at P l -1 ), respectively, indicating that the water quality in the simulator is similar to that in Hiroshima Bay. Fig. 3 shows chlorophyll-a concentrations both in seawater and surface sediment in the C and O simulators. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in seawater and sediments in the C simulator ranged from 0.29 to 30.8 µg l -1 , and from 3.2 to 22.2 µg g -1 , respectively. These are almost same levels as those in Hiroshima Bay (Lee, 1996) indicating primary productivity in the simulators were enough to support benthic populations. 0 1 2 3 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days (NO 2 +NO 3 )-N( µ M) C O (a) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days PO 4 -P( µ M) C O (b) Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 26 - Fig. 4 shows vertical profiles of ORP in the C and O simulators. ORP in the surface sediments (1cm) were positive (average : 250 mV) throughout the experimental period, whereas those in 5cm deep were negative (average : - 400 mV). These values were similar to these in natural tidal flats in Hiroshima Bay (average : + 134 mV in 2cm deep and –60 mV 5cm deep) (Lee, 1996). After the oil spill, ORP in the O simulator dropped down to negative values even in the surface layer. The accumulation of oil in the surface sediments seemed to prevent oxygen supply from seawater and air into sediments and/or enhanced oxygen consumption by bacteria during oil decomposition in the sediments. Fig. 3 Chlorophyll-a in seawater (a) and sediments (b) in the C and O simulators. Fig. 5 Bacterial population in C and O simulators (■ 1cm, □ 7.5cm at C simulator, ● 1cm, ○ 7.5cm at O simulator) -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 ORP (mV) C simulator (1cm) C simulator (5cm) O simulator (1cm) O simulator (5cm) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days Chl-a( µ g l -1 ) C O (a) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days Chl-a ( µ g g -1 ) C O (b) 0 1 2 3 4 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Days Bacterial population (×10 9 cells g -1 ) Fig. 4 Effect of oil spill on ORP in C and O simulators Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 27 - Fig. 5 shows bacterial population in the sediments of C and O simulators. The bacterial population in the C simulator and O simulator ranged from 0.6 to 2.5 x 10 9 cells g -1 and were similar to those in the sediment in Hiroshima Bay, i.e. 1.6 to 3.6 x 10 9 cells g -1 . Significant changes in bacterial density were not noted after the oil spill. Fig. 6 Total population density of macrobenthos in the C simulator Fig. 6 shows population density of macrobenthos in the C simulator. In the C simulator before day 0, total population density of macrobenthos ranged from 225 to 525 m -2 , and the dominant species were Capitella sp., Ceratonereis erthraeensis and Mediomastus sp After a month, total population density of macrobenthos increased from 1200 to 2400 m -2 and was kept high throughout the experimental period indicating a formation of a stable ecosystem. Total population density of macrobenthos in natural tidal flats, Hiroshima Bay, were reported to range from 1760 to 6784 m -2 and dominant species were Polychaeta (Lee, 1998). As shown above, DIN and DIP concentrations in seawater and chlorophyll-a concentrations in seawater and sediment in the C simulator were similar to those in the coast area in Hiroshima Bay. ORP and Bacterial population were also similar to those in the Hiroshima Bay. Although population densities of macrobenthos in the C simulator were lower than those in Hiroshima Bay, these results suggest that the ecosystem maintained the C simulator represents the tidal flat ecosystems typical in Hiroshima Bay area. 3. EFFECTS OF SPILLED AND STRANDED OIL ON TIDAL FLAT ECOSYSTEM The penetrated oil concentrations in the sediments after the spill were estimated from the concentration of hopane, i.e. a non-degradable fraction in oil and usually being used as a biomarker. Fig.7 shows vertical profiles of the oil concentrations in the sediments in the O simulator. The oil concentration in the surface sediments decreased from 0.9 in day 7 down to 0.5 l m -2 in 35 days, whereas they were less than 0.01 l m -2 in deeper layers. The reduction may be due to biodegradation and washout bay tides. However, significant increase in bacterial population in the surface sediment was not noted throughout the experimental period as shown in Fig 5. It is most likely that the oil decrease is due to the washout, i.e., release of the oil into seawater by tidal and wave actions rather than biodegradation. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 -28 -21 -14 -7 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 Days ind m -2 ANNELIDA ARTHROPODA NEMERTINEA MOLLUSCA SIPUNCULA Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 28 - Fig. 7 Vertical profiles of fuel oil C concentration in O simulator sediments (■ 7 days, ● 14 days, ▲ 28 days, ○ 35 days after the oil spill) Fig. 8 Infiltration rate of seawater by tide at day 23 and 58 in the C and O simulators Fig.8 shows infiltration rate of seawater by tidal action both in the C and O simulators. The infiltration rates of sweater at day 23 in the C and O simulators were 9.2 x 10 -3 and 2.7 x 10 -3 m 3 m -2 day -1 , respectively. The oil spill and the penetration into the sediments decreased infiltration rate of seawater down to a third. The accumulation of fuel oil C on the tidal flat sediment (Fig.7) is mainly responsible for the decrease in the filtration rate. Also, the growth of benthic algae (Fig. 3(b)) seems to be responsible for the reduction of infiltration rate. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in the surface sediment in day 23 was higher than that before the oil spill. In day 58, the infiltration rate in the O simulator returned to that without oil spill, i.e. 8.5 x 10 -3 m 3 m -2 day -1 . The restoration of the infiltration rate is consistent with that of macrobenthic population density as shown later on. The increase in the infiltration rate is probably due to the decrease in the fuel oil C on the surface sediment. Fig. 9 shows population density of macrobenthos in the O simulator. In the O simulator, the population density was kept low after the oil spill until day 35, whereas the higher population density was observed in the C simulator was kept higher (Fig. 6). These results suggest that the oil spill gave an significant impact on the macrobenthic population. David (1996) reported that physical factors rather than chemical toxicity of the spilled oil affected inter-tidal fauna. Major reason for the reduction of benthic population here in this study also seemed to be physical factor; the oil accumulated in the sediment surface resulted in the decrease in ORP and infiltration rate of seawater. In day 42 from the oil spill, the macrobenthic community was almost recovered. This recovery is coincident with the recovery of the infiltration rate of seawater as shown in Fig. 8. These results indicate that the infiltration of seawater 0 2 4 6 8 10 Volume of Oil ( l m -2 ) Depth (cm) 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 C simulator O simulator Seawater infiltration rate by tide (m 3 m -2 day -1 ) day 23 day 58 Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 - 29 - with dissolved oxygen, nutrients and organic matters plays an important role in the suvival of macrobenthic community. Fig. 9 Population of macrobenthos in the simulators through the experimental period. REFERENCES 1. Cheong, C. J., Lee, J. G., Nishima, W., Baba E., and Okada, M., (2000) Seawater infilteration into tidal flat or sandy beach sediment by wave action in enclosed bay, J. Japan Society on Water Environ., 23(10), 619-623. 2. Hayes M. O. and Michel J. (1999) Factors determining the long-term persistence of Exxon Valdez oil in gravel beaches. Marine Pollution bulletin, 38, 92-101. 3. Hozumi T., Tsutsumi H. and Kono M. 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