The scarcity of books on the subject of spider life is my excuse for assuming the role of guide into “ Spiderland.” The fruit of personal observation and reading is set forth, in as graphic a form as I could command, by pen and camera. By the special permission of Dr. H. C. McCook, of Philadelphia, U.S.A., several figures have been adapted for the purposes of this book from “ American Spiders and their SpinningWork.” Dr. McCook, whose death i occurred in September, 1911, spent many years in the study of spiders and their ways. Writing to me from Brook Camp, Devon, Pa., U.S.A., eight months before his death, he stated that he was i much interested in my project of getting ready a : popular book on spider life.
Med K5925 I ' • '• - - SPIDERS CURIOUS Shamrock Spider x i}) Epeira Vertebrata x 15) ( ( AND BEAUTIFUL Banded Argiope, male (Nat Do female Acrosoma gracile ( x ( size) 3) ) Orchard Spider ( X Plumefoot Spider (Nat size) 2) SPIDERLAND BY R A ELLIS WITH PHOTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS BY THE AUTHOR CASSELL AND COMPANY LTD London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne 1912 WELLCOME INSTITUTE LIBRARY Coll welMOmee Coll No