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Research on routine problem solving (e.g. the typical story ,. problem) was reviewed to facilitate the identification and dissemination of promising practices for teaching routine problem solving, and to provide suggestions and directions for further research in the area. Promising teaching practices which were identified included giving attention to processes involved in solving routine problems (e.g., write an equation, make a chart) and devoting time to developing the meanings of mathematical vocabulary and symbols. Areas identitied as warranting further research included studies that examine the role of language variables (both syntactic and semantic) in the odecodingn pbase of solving a routine problem. Appendix C contains a coded bibliography which may be of great value to researchers in problem solving. (

DOCUMENT RESUME SE 029 968 ED 182 175 AUTHOg TITLE INSTITUTION SPONS AGENCY PUB DATE Sowder, Larry: And Others A Review of Research on Solving Routine Problems in Pre-College Mathematics Northern Illinois Univ., De Kalb National Science Foundation, Washingtnn, 79 GRANT NOTE NSP-SED-77-19157 99p.: Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of original document EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS MF01 Plus Postage PC Not Available from EDRS Algebra: *Bibliographies: *Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education: Information Dissemination: Mathematical Vocabulary; Mathematics Curriculum: *Mathematics Education; *Mathematics Instruction: Memory: *Problem Solving; *Research Reviews (Publications): Symbols (Mathematics) ABSTRACT Research on routine problem solving (e.g the typical facilitate the identification and "story , problem) was reviewed to dissemination of promising practices for teaching routine problem solving, and to provide suggestions and directions for further research in the area Promising teaching practices which were identified included giving attention to processes involved in solving routine problems (e.g., write an equation, make a chart) and devoting time to developing the meanings of mathematical vocabulary and symbols Areas identitied as warranting further research included studies that examine the role of language variables (both syntactic and semantic) in the odecodingn pbase of solving a routine problem Appendix C contains a coded bibliography which may be of great value to researchers in problem solving (MK) *********************************************************************** Reproductions suppl3ed by EDPS are the best that can be made from the original document *********************************************************************** S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION pets DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PERRO- T.- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIvED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN AT:Nc IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDuCTtON POSITION OR POLICY (NI A REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON SOLVING ROUTINE PRdBLEMS IN PRE-COLLEGE MATHEMATICS Larry Sowder Jeffrey C Barnett Kenneth E Vos 1979 $ UMMARY This project reviewed the research on routine problem solving (e.g., the typica- "story" problem) with an aim toward (a) identifying and disseminating promising practices for teaching routine problem solving and (b) sug3esting dftections for further research in the area The investigators surveyed relevant dissertations, journal articles, and files of research studies Products of the work include a chapter in a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics yearbook oriented toward teachers, and chapters in two monographs oriented toward educational researchers Various talks at meetings for teachers and researchers have also been scheduled Practices which might improve the teaching of routine problem solving include these; Give attention to processes involved in solving routine problems (e.g.) write an equatlon, make a chart) Devote time to developing the meanings of mathematical vocabulary and symbols Teach that reading of a mathematical problem is different from reading less technical prose, and requires multiple readings with attention to vocabulary and relationships among variables Have the learners make up, and solve, their own word problems Ar2as in which further research and development seem warranted include these: Instrumentation is needed for process-analysis studies, both for protocol coding and process measurement Studies that examine the role of language variables (both syntactic and semantic) in the "decoding" phase of solving a routine problem should contribute to our knowledge of teaching problem solving Whether different ways of presenting problemsobjects, pictures, words help children of different ages and mental characteristics needs examiaation INDEX page I Summary page Narrative Appendix A: A Review of Selected Literature on the Role of Memory in Arithmetic and Algebra Word Problem Solving Appendix B: Publications Based on the Project Appendix C: Bibliography Appendix D: Project Collaboratore 0" A Review of Research on Solving Routine Problems in Pre-College Mathematics ObitctIm The aims of the project were as follows: "0; Review and evaluate research on routine problem solving in precollege mathematics To identify directions for further research on routine problem solving in mathematics To make the findings about routine problei solving available to classroom teachers and researchers eL Lee terms in the objectives not have standard meanings Here are explanations of how the terms were used in the project: Problem A problem is a task which does not immediately suggest to the solver a systematic procedure for resolving the task (i.e., an algorithm) Thus, a person's kriowledge of algorithms determines whether a given task is a problem for that person Multiplying with multi-digit numerals would be a problem for third graders but not a problem for most seventh graders rough Routine vs nonroutine The routineness of a problem mays in a The solution way, be defined by the nature of its solution of a now7outine pmblem requires considerable analysis, synthesis, and perhaps some novelty of approach On the other hand, the solution of a routine problem requires only a relatively small amount of analysis and no unusual insights The typical verbal problem in pre-college mathematics books is an example of a routine problem Such problems usually require only the selection of an appropriate computation In elementary school book, protlems described as "challenges" or "brainbusters," are ueually nonroutine problems Rationale The ratanale for the project was based on four things to routine problems in mathematics is important First, attention Effective citizenship as a consumer, as a wage earner, as a taxpayer, requires an ability to solve a myr.Lad of routine problems Checking purchases, calculating interest costs, these are evaluating budgets, determining best buys, planning meals all sample routine problems The Second, unfortunately many students.do not solve problems well availability of handheld calculators is of no value if a person does not know which buttons to press It is well known that students are not usually fond of "story" problems, and the firdt National Assessment of Educational Progress (1975) offered evidence that people are not very proficient in solving routitie problems If existing research evidence suggests that certain procedures for teaching routine problem solving are promising, these should he identified and disseminated Third, at least a few such promising practices are identified in the literature but not appear to be widely known For example, VanderLinde (1.964, found a positive effect on problem solving from spending time on developing meanings for symbols and on studying quantitative vocabulary -Finally, directions for further research on routine problem solving in mathematics might be identified by an analysis and critique of the existing research Procedures The investigators Barnett, Vos, and Sowder identified as many studies of routine Problem solving in pre-college mathematics as they could, through searches of dissertation abntracts and ERIC files and through examination of journals deemed most likely to contain such studies The studies were categorized with an adaptation of Kilpatrick's taxonomy of variables in problem solving research (1978) The most promising dissertations, reports, and articles were studied in full On the basis of this wo-A, manuscripts were prepared (see Products below) In addition, Dr Edward Silver agreed to consult with the project and prepared a project paper on memory aspects of routine problem solving (see Appendix A) RP Limitations Which journals The project was necessarily limited in scope shouli be conceutrated on? llow far afield from routine problems in mathematics should we explore? The homely when-do-we-stop-reading-and-start-writing question demanded an answer, dictated by manuscript deadlines in our case Hence, we cannot claim to have accomplished a comprehensive search For example, the information-processing approach to routine problem solving was slighted Work along these lines is currently popular, perhaps too current for a dispassionate critique or for an even moderately thorough survey Silver's project paper (Appendix A) does draw on work in information processing, however Anotherattractive but unexplored body of work was in problem solving in fields other than mathematics e.g., science, therapy, busineas It may well be that important implications fcr mathematics education lie in studies in such domains Products Serendipitously, the dissemination objective of the project was realized through the post-proposal appearance of plans for two works on problem solving-a monograph on "applied" problem solving (R Lesh & D Mierkiewicz, Eds.) and a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics yearbook on problem solving (S Krulik, Ed.) Proposals and drafts of chapters for these two forthcoming works were prepared and accepted In addition, Barnett prepared a chapter for a mono6rupn on task variables in mathematical problem solving (G Goldin & E McClintock, Eds.), soon to appear publications are summarized in Appendix B Citations for these The intent to reach the teacher audience through the Arithmetic Teacher was abandoned on the appearance in the November, 1977, issue of an excellent problem-solving article al3ng the lines planned (Suydam & Weaver); the yearbook chapter served oriented article as a teacher- Presentations based on the project have aided, or will aid, in the dissemination of the major findings: Barnett (state meeting of the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics, October, 1978); Sowder (regional Illinois meeting, March, 1979; National (ouncil of Teachers of Mathematics regional meeting, March, 1980); Vos (California Mathematics Council, Southern Section, Novembei, 1979); Barnett, Vos, and Sowder (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics national meetinc April, 1980) Finally, one product of the*project was not planned in the original project but may be of great value to researchers'in problem solving: coded bibliography (see Appendix C) the This bibliography will be made available to interested researchers through contacts in the Special Interest Group on Research in Mathematics Education of the American Educational Research Association, and through ERIC Selected research recommendations The following condensed excerpts from the manuscript for the Lesh monograph represent the flavor of our recommendations for further research in routine problem solving in mathematics: For studies of the processes involved in routine problem solving, test instruments that emphasize such process variables must be developed, as well as a protocol scoring-coding scheme that is both elegant and efficient Studies that attempt to determine the role of syntax and semantic variables in the decoding process in the first stage of problem solving are of particular importunce Another area of needed research is that concerned with the improvement of instruction in reading and its relationship to improved problem solving ability Although the linear regression model has shown some promise as a research technique in the area of language variables and routine problem solving, it is clear that in its present form it falls short Improvements in of being able to predict problem solving success the model might include different criteria of importance; it would be helpful for studies to provide data on several dependent measures used with several measures of importance The relative effects of different formats words, pictures, objects-for problems should be investigated, particularly as they relate to learner characteristics What within-format variations make a difference? Studies with positive results should be replicatedfor example, Keil's 1964 study, in which student-generated and student-solved problemi apparently led to improved problem solving e Would concentrated attention'to routine problems give the same striking results as in Bramhall's 1939 study (8 months growth in 2.5 months)? 9, Cooperation among researchers interested in routine problem solving must increase so that common problemst similar instruments, and shared data analysiq can be more easily facilitated References Bramhall, k, W An experimental study of two types of arithmetic problems The alOUrnal of Experimental Education, 1939, 8, 36-38 Goldin, G A & McClintock, C E (Eds.) Task variables in mathematical Columbus, Ohio: ERICISMEAC, 1979 (in press) _problem solving Keil, G E Writing and solving original problems as a means of improving verbal arithmetic problem solving ability (Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, 1964) Dtusrl,asjoruatuttii, 1965, 25, 7109-7110 (University Microfilms No 65-2376) Kilpatrick, J Variables and methodologies in research on problem solving In L Hatfield (Ed.), liathettobler, Columbus, Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC, 1978 Problem solving Reston, Virginia: Krulik, S of Mathematics, in press National Council of Tc:achers Lesh, R., & Mierkiewicz, D Applied problem solving SMEAC, 1979 (in press) Columbus, Ohio: ERIC/ Consumer math, selected results National Assessment of Educational Progress from the First National Assessment of Mathematics Mathematics Report No 04-MA-02 June, 1975 Suydam, M N., & Weaver, J F Research on problem solving: Implications Arithmetic Teacher, 1977, 25(2), for elementary school classroon,s 40-42 Does the study of quantitative vocabulary improve problemVanderLinde, L F solving? Elementary School Journal, 1964, 65, 143-152 Appendix A Project Paper A Review of Selected Literature on the Role of Memory in Arithmetic and Algebra Word Problem Solving by Edward A Silver San Diego State University - assembly in protlem solving and development using Wertheimer$3 area of a Parallelogram problem (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1975) Dissertation (University Abstracts International, June, 1976, 36, 7957A Microfilms No .76-1(4, 155) S 000 Journal An analysis of geometric ability Surrey, John E of Educational Esychology, 1949, 40, 118-124 /000 The prevention and correction of errors Nyers, Garry C Chicago: Plymouth Press, c1925 in arithmetic 000 P A study of the performance of third Neil, Mrilyn S grad* children cr two types of verbal arithmetic problems (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alatama, 1968) Dissertation Abstracts Inter(University Micronational, 1965, 29, 3337A films No 6J-6559) Not math Information-gathering in diagnostic Neitark, Edi*h D Psychological' a preliminary report problem-solving: Record, 1961, 11, 243-248 Not math The development of logical Neimark, Edith J., Lewis, Nan Child Development, March, rroblem-3olving strategies 1967, 38(1), 1C7-117 000 The effects of diagram drawing and translation Nelern, Glenn T problem-solving performance (Doctoron pupi1.0 mathenatical al dissertation, University of Iowa, 1974) Dissertation (Universit Abstracts /nternationa), Jan., 1975, 35, 4149A Microfilms No 75-1234) J 000 Thrce determinants of difficulty in verbal Nesher, Perla Educational Studies in Plathearithmetic oroolems matic3, Decamltr, 1976, 7(4) , 369-d13 J 000 NewccU, R S Texching pupils how to solve protlems in 1922, Elementary School Journal, November, arithmetic (3), 183-1s9 Englewood Newell, A., 3imon, a A Human problem solving Prentice-Hall, 1972 Lliffl, N.J.: J 100 A study of the relaiionshins bctwecn socioculNewstat, Stevtn solving performances tural variables and geometric problem or disadvantaged children (Doctoral diss(.rtation, Michigan State university, 1972) Dissertation Abstracts Interna(Univorsi.ty nicrofilms ticnal mAV, 1.172, 33, 6069A 73-12, 733) 000 A multi-expc.rience approach to conceptnalizaNickel, Anton d tica tor the PUIPOSO of improv(.:dent of verbal problem solving in arithretic (Dectural disbortation, University of Dissertation Abstracts international, Dec., Oregon, 1971) No 72-960) (University iictoEilin 1971, 32, 2)17A-2918A SA000 Pelationship3 between problem-solving abLiit y NOVIld14, Philip U arwunt of training in ccz,putationll skill, inteliigenck, and mathLmatics ()ectoral dissertation, Columbia University, (Uni Dissrtation Abstracts, 1950, 10(4), 156-157 195j) verli'y Microtilzs No 50-J33) Ihe develo;.cental significance of pictorial IJ 100 O'Flahettv, fielen T rerres,ntition in ploviem s)lving (Doctoral dissertation, Fordham University, 1971) DI,Lsertation Abstracts InteUnd(University Microfilms No ticAtt, Oct., 1571, 32, 23829 71-26, 9d9) variables on the arith- 13 100 ylion, LaCc1le ThE effects of selected performance of educable metical vezbal problem solving dissertation, Univermentally retarded children (Doctoral 000V 000 000000S 010 durray 1949 100R 000 000000S 010 Ayers 1925 001R 000 CCOOOOS 010 NEIL 1969 Neimark 1961 treimark & Lewis1967 001R 000 -ma 111 000N 100000 011 Nelson 1975 C000005 010 Kosher 1976 011 Newcomb -1922 000 100000 -Nevell t.Simon 1972 000G 000 C00000 110 Newstat 1973 001R 000 IC0000 010 Nickel 197 100R 000 CCOOOOS 010 Norman 19 50 001R 000 CC0000C 010 Wriaherty 1971 10011 000 CCOOOOS 111 Olion 197 Dissertation Abstracts Internasity of Connecticut,' 197 3) (University Microfilms ho 57281t 1974, 34, tional, March, 74-7 130) olson, Gary it.; Miller, ,keon K.; Bale, Gordon A ; & Long-term correlates of ohildren°S._ Stevenson, llarold W learning and problem-solving behavior Journal; of Educational Psyctelogy, Aggust, 1968, 59(4) , 227-232 Pace, Angela Understanding and the ability to solve problems Arithmetic Teacher, May, 1961, 8(5), 6-233 The effect of mode of computer-operation on Pack, Elbert C learninn a computer language and on problem solving effici- 010 Olson et al 1968 100 000L 000 0000005 000 000R goo top000 011_ Pace 196 run din mood 110 _Pack 197 s000 ency of college bound high school students (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los'Angeles, 1970) Diesertatioh Abstracts International, June, 1911, 31, 6477A. - (University ftiorcfilms No 1-16, 348) Cognitive processes raige, Jeffrey M., & Simon, Ileruert In D Kleinmuntz in solvini algetra word problems Research, Method, and Theory (Ed.), Problem Solving: Wiley, 1966 New York: An -analysis o f the ef recta of verbalization Palzere, Dor.11.1 40 and acnverhalization in the learning of mathematics (DocDistcral dissertation, Univer tity of Connecticut, 1967) 28, 3034Aa, 196 sert at ion Anstracts International, (University Microfilms No 68-1386) 3035A Teaching children to be mathematicians Parert, Seymour versus teaching buut mathematics Inte rna tional Journal ot mathematical Education in Scit nee and Technology, July-September, 1572, 3(3) , 249-262 eading skills incorporated into mathematical Parli-?r, Jane U ruct ion,s effect on ability to solve mat hematical word inst problems (Doctoral dissertat ion, University of South Caro- Paige & Sinan 6000 000A 000 0000005 Papert 1972 I Di:6aertation Abstr cts Interne ional, 1974) (University 4icrof ilLs No 75-8686) 1975, 35, 6579A Ft Cects o L 'x t ended effort in Parries, slum; y Journal of Educat ional crea rive nzoblem solving 1968 1.1 Palzere,- Gen inf 1966 100 000R 110 100000 110 Parler 1975 000 00.0L 000 0000005 001 Parnes 1961 A000 000L 000 100000 001 Parnes & Meadow1959 A000 000L 000 100000 011 Parnes & S000 0004 000 000000S 011 Paull 1972 I 100 0001I 110 000 000S 10 Penner 1973 000 0:1011 000 100000 010 Penn ington 1970 lina , Psychology, June, 1961, 52 (3) , 117- 122 Effects of Parni=s, ;idtw.y 3., & t!c.tdo d, Arnold "bra instorming" instructions on creat Ira d sub jvct i :Journal lv ing 1.y t dined and nutra ycnolog y, August, 1959, or Fducational 171-171 Parnes, Sidne y J., & Meadow, Arnold 50 (4), F.valua tion of eadow1960 rsistcnce ur et te cts produced by a creative Psychological ate por: ts, problem-.;olv ink) course 1Sn.), , 3'4-361 Paull, Duane I ThE ,tLility tu esti,;kite in Ina dis.se rtation, Columbia Univer sit Abst facts Inter rat iona l, Jan., Microfilms No y, 1971) 1972, 32, tie J (Doctoral Dissertation (University 3567A 7s-4173) Effecr of cue word for m class on th oivinq w erd ptoblcnis by the menta Ily handicapped pectoral dissertation , Universit y of Connecticut, 1973) Dissertation Abstracts I nter nationa 1, Nov., 1973, 34, 2424A(Uni versity Microfilms No 73-26, 581) 2425A Behavior al and conce ptual strategies as Perningtou, Uarbara A decision models for solving problems (Doctoral University of California, Los Angeles,1970) Dissertation Permit., 6illiao J ot ar ie i'mct ic dissertation, I 7G (UniAbstracts International, Oct., 1970, 31, 1630A-16.31A versity Microfilms No 70-19, 879) Pereira-Mendoza, Licnel The effect of teaching heuristics on of grade ten students to solve novel mathematical problems (Dectoral dissertetion, University of British Columbia, 1975) Dissertation Abstracts international, (University Microfilms No sone) 1976, 36, 8014A June, Peterson, Margaret ".1., Aller, Setae Arithmetic problem solving Journal of Experimental - 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hc 65-3445) V ' 000 000R 000 100000 wilsen, John W The role of structure in verbal proilen solving Arithaetic Teacher, October, 1967, 14(6), 4E6-497 000 0001 000.100000 enlacement strategies P wittrock, ri C Replacement and nontJournal of Educational in children' s picblem solving _ 010 Wills Wilson 1967 1922 011 Wilson, James 1968 011 Wilson, John 1965 11 Wilson -.010 1967 Wittrock 1967 Psychology, April, 1967, 58(2) , 69-74 IJ 000 woody, Clifforl Som investigations resulting from the c1:1 investigation to t est ino program in dr itnntetiC: detr rmine the influence of specialized drill in reading upon the solution of verbal prcblems Indiana University School of Education Bulletin, April, 1930, (4), 30- 39 I 010 Wright, Jone P A study of childrttils performance on word clues and verbally stated problems containing of Alabama, omitting them (Doctoral dissertaion, UniversityNovember, 1968 Dissertation Abstracts International, 1S68) 29, 17703 ((Jniversity Microfilms Nu 68-15,518) Review young, Robert 1/., mcIsaac, John S The sequence of interpretation of processes aftects the pupil's verbal proulems in arithmetic Education, April, 1941, 61(8), 488-491 two perfor- J 000 Zalewski, rcnald L An exploratory study to compare of mathematical an interview-coding scheme mance measures: rroblem solving and a written test (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1974) Dissertation Abstracts International, parch; 1975, 35, 5797A-5798A (University Microfilms Ng 74-27, 77 1) ODOR 000 100000 010 Woody 1930 000R 010 0000005 011 Wright 1968 Young & ticIsaac1941 000W 000 000000C 011 Zalewski 1975 ' ci APPENDIX D NATIDNALSCIENCEFOUNDATION WaslAnston, D.0 20550 Institution and Address FINAL PROJECT REPORT NSF FORM 98A PLEASE READ !NSTRUCT:ONS ON REVERSE BEFORE COMPILING PART IPROJECT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NSF Award Number NSF Program Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 SED 77-19157 RISE S CumulAtive Award Amount Award Period From 9/1/77 To10/31/79 $35.000 Project Title A Review of Research on Solving Routine Problems in Pre-College Mathematics PART IISUMMARY OF COMPLETED PROJECT (FOR PUBLIC USE) This project reviewed the research on routine problem solving (e.g., the typical "story" problem) with an aim toward (a) identifying and disseminating promising practices for teaching routine problem solving and (b) suggesting directions for further research in the area Practices which might improve the teaching of routine problem solving include these: Give attention to processes involved in solving routine problems (e.g., write an equation, make a chart) Devote time to developing the meanir of mathematical vocabulary and symbols Teach that reading of a mathematical problem is different from reading less technical prose, and requires multiple readings with actention to vocabulary and relationships among variables I the Learners make up, and solve, their own word problems Areas in which further research and development seem warranted include these: Instrumentation is needed for process-analysis studier, both 'or protocol coding and process meesurement Studies that examine, the role of language variables (both Lintactic and semantic) in the "decoding" phase of solving a routine problem should contribute to our knowledge of teaching problem solving Whether different ways of presenting problemsobjects, pictures, words-help children of different ages and mental characteristics needs examination PART IIITECIINICAL INFORMA HON (F)R PRof;RAM 31.-1;40EMEN1 USES! F0 131 ITEM (Check appropriate blocks) NONE ArrAcHED PRP/Mt:SLY I URNISHED l RNISH1 1) SUPARA II I Y 10 Pi4.06}(Aki cheek (i, ) Approx Dafi a Abstracts of Theses b Puhlic.ition Citations c Data on Scientific Collaborators d Information un Inventions c Technical Descoutzon ot Prill'l Ond Results C Other(speNy; Prink ipal Invest igatoT 'Pi ject Director Nme (r.,,,:.0 Larry Sowder I X X(App I X \\V\\ \77v VVOr:\ X Printipal lnvestivator P:e;t ' irc;tot _ Signatuiv 4.11.1W 4.7 CYLAA-1 orrri 98A (D/8) Supersedes All Previuus E dawns , 1.14:.-1, Appri%ctl 14 tt 'go 90 X11 Appendix D Project Collaborators Co-investigator" Jeffrey C Barnett, Associate Professor, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas Larry K Sowder, Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois Kenneth E Vos, Associate Professor, College of St Catherine, St Paul, Minnesota Consultant Edward A Silver, Assistant Professon, San Diego State University, San Diego, California ERIC Reedy Reference 11 ERIC Accession Number Ranges (By Year) Resources in Education (RIE) PRE-1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED - 003 960 010 093 010 094 - 012 348 021 151 012 349 021 152 - 031 604 031 605 - 042 060 054 390 042 061 066 620 054 391 066 621 - 080 787 080 788 - 095 253 095 254 - 110 594 127 413 110 595 127 414 - 142 684 157 987 142 685 174 743 157 988 174 744 001 001 010 WO Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ 000 001 011 708 027 600 045 272 062 752 082 165 101 873 121 927 142 253 163 352 186 218 207 485 99 011 707 027 599 045 271 062 751 082 164 1^1 872 121 926 142 252 163 351 186217 207 484 ... with highly capable mathematics students The findings of the studies reported in this section strongly suggest that future tesearch pay specific attention to the mechanisms of schema construction

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