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11 I i Donated By ROBERT CHARLES BUNN FUND TRUST Diagram Reproduction Certificate ^ he/ purchaser/ aj/ this volume' is hereby authorized/ to reproduce- up any form op by any means', electronic' op mechanical, Lncludiny photocopyiny, all diayrams- contained/ in this/ utorh/ jop non-prolit/ educational op private- use/ Such reproduction/ reyuires- no- lurtnep - permission pump the^ublishep and/ op payment/ oj/ any permission jee ^A)he reproduetio« publication 7> ^ r 'end* M -"-"no Iop sale op incorporation in W'£SS/SC/f^£ ?4.0222 1626 Please keep date-due card card must be presented Derr ;outh, 8529359 in this pocket whenever A borrower's library materials are borrowed REPORT CHANGE OF any ermis&ion of R5 ADDRESS PROMPTLY Sciences on By the Diagram Group R574.0222 L626 New Facts On York, New York File Publications • Oxford, England BySifa'ESSUCE MAR 1986 LIFE SCIENCES ON FILE© Text and artwork© Diagram Visual Information Ltd 1986 Editorial director Dr Richard Managing editor Reet Walker Nelis Editors Elaine Broadbridge; Ruth Swan Indexer LizaWeinkove Art staff Suzanne Baker; Joe Bonello; Alastair Burnside; Richard Czapnik; Brian Hewson; Richard Hummerstone; Paula Preston; Jerry Watkiss Life Sciences On File is a No trademark of Facts On File, Inc book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the Publisher, Facts On File, Inc 460 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016; Facts On File, Ltd., Telford Road, Bicester, Oxford 0X6 OXD All rights reserved part of this THE PUBLISHER GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THIS WORK FOR NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL USE THE ILLUSTRATIONS MAY NOT BE USED IN A PROFIT MAKING VENTURE WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Main entry under title: Life sciences on file Includes index Summary: Surveys various aspects of biology, including reproduction, genetics, human physiology, and ecology, through reproducible diagrams and drawings Biological illustration Biology— Pictorial works [1 Biology Pictorial works] I Diagram Group 574'.022'2 QH318.L45 1985 85-29359 ISBN 0-8160-1284-9 — Printed 10 in the United States of America 987654321 CONTENTS 01 UNITY 02 CONTINUITY 03 DIVERSITY 04 MAINTENANCE 05 HUMAN BIOLOGY 06 ECOLOGY UNITY 01.001 01.002 01.003 Major branches of biology Branches of biology 01.004 01.005 01.006 01.007 01.008 01.009 01.010 Levels of organization Units of measurement Surface area: volume ratio 01.011 01.012 01.013 01.014 01.015 01.016 01.017 01.018 01.019 01.020 01.021 01.022 01.023 01.024 01.025 01.026 01.027 01.028 01.029 01.030 01.031 Life activities Classification of carbohydrates Monosaccharides Disaccharide synthesis and hydrolysis Starch synthesis Important polysaccharides Amino acids Dipeptide synthesis Protein structure Classification of proteins Enzymes: mechanism Enzymes and coenzymes Enzymes and inhibitors Allosteric enzymes Classification of lipids Fatty acids and glycerol Triglyceride formation Phospholipids Steroids Light microscope Animal cell: light microscope Plant cell light microscope Electron microscope Animal cell: electron microscope Plant cell: electron microscope Cell fractions produced by differential : centrifugation 01.032 01.033 01.034 01.035 Classification of cell contents Plasma membrane: structure Plasma membrane: osmosis Plasma membrane: active transport 01.036 01.037 01.038 01.039 01 040 01.041 01.042 01 043 01 044 01.045 01.046 01.047 01.048 01.049 01.050 01.051 01.052 01.053 01.054 01.055 01.056 01.057 01.058 01.059 01.060 01.061 01.062 01.063 01.064 01.065 01.066 01.067 01.068 01.069 Plasma membrane: endocytosis Exocytosis Lysosomes Cilia Summary of photosynthesis Summary of photosynthesis Chloroplast: structure Photosynthesis: light-dependent stage (light reactions) Photosynthesis: light-independent stage (dark reactions) Chlorophyll: absorption and action spectra Summary of aerobic respiration Summary of aerobic respiration Glycolysis Mitochondrion: structure Mitochondrion: structure Krebs (citric acid) cycle ATP structure Electron carrier chain Anaerobic respiration Chromosome structure Summary of protein synthesis DNA components Nucleotide synthesis Base pairing DNA structure DNA replication RNA components DNA transcription Rough endoplasmic Transfer reticulum: structure RNA Messenger RNA Gene control translation Transformation Genetic engineering CONTINUITY 02.001 02.002 02.003 02.004 02.005 Mitosis Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction propagation : fission 2: budding 3: vegetative 02.006 02.007 02.008 02.009 02.010 Meiosis: first division Meiosis: second division Crossing over and genetic variation Flower structure 02.011 02.012 02.013 Pollen formation 02.014 02.015 02.016 02.017 02.018 02.019 02.020 Pollination Plant fertilization 02.021 02.022 02.023 Mature stamen Mature pistil Ovule formation 02.039 02.040 02.041 02.042 02.043 02.044 02.045 02.046 02.047 02.048 02.049 02.050 02.051 02.052 02.053 Plant fertilization Seed development Succulent fruits Dry fruits Human reproductive system: male Human reproductive system: female Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Oogenesis 02.024 02.025 02.026 02.027 02.028 02.029 02.030 Twins Fetal development 02.031 02.032 02.033 Continuous variation 02.034 02.035 02.036 02.037 02.038 i Cell division 02.061 02.062 02.063 Sexual intercourse 02.064 02.065 02.066 02.067 02.068 02.069 02.070 Human fertilization Contraception Placenta Birth 02.071 02.072 02.073 Discontinuous variation Peas: monohybrid cross Peas: monohybrid cross Peas: test cross Guinea pigs: dihybrid cross 02.054 02.055 02.056 02.057 02.058 02.059 02.060 02.074 02.075 02.076 Guinea pigs: dihybrid cross Shorthorn cattle: incomplete dominance Shorthorn cattle: incomplete dominance Drosophila adult form and chromosomes : Drosophila: Drosophila: Drosophila: Drosophila: Drosophila: monohybrid cross monohybrid cross sex inheritance sex linkage sex linkage Albinism Karyotype preparation Human chromosomes Human sex inheritance Human sex linkage: hemophilia Hemophilia inheritance: the royal families of Europe Amniocentesis Multiple alleles: blood groups Multiple alleles: blood groups Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Chromosome mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Evidence forevolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution Evidence for evolution 10 DIVERSITY 03.001 03.002 03.003 03.004 03.005 03.006 03.007 03.008 03.009 03.010 03.01 03.012 03.013 03.014 03.015 03.016 03.017 03.018 03.019 03.020 (®> Classification of living organisms Kingdom Monera Bacterium Kingdom Protista Ameba Kingdom Protista Paramecium Kingdom Protista Spirogyra Kingdom Protista Spirogyra sexual : reproduction Kingdom Fungi Rhizopus Kingdom Fungi Rhizopus: reproduction Kingdom Plantae Classification Kingdom Plantae Bryophyta Kingdom Plantae Bryophyta: life cycle Kingdom Plantae Pteridophyta Kingdom Plantae Pteridophyta Kingdom Plantae Pteridophyta: life cycle Kingdom Plantae Gymnospermae Kingdom Plantae Gymnospermae: life cycle Kingdom Plantae Angiospermae Kingdom Plantae Angiospermae: life cycle Kingdom Animalia Classification Kingdom Animalia Porifera d> 03.021 03.022 03.023 03.024 03.025 03.026 03.027 03.028 03.029 03.030 03.031 03.032 03.033 03.034 03.035 03.036 03.037 03.038 03.039 03.040 03.041 Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia ^ ^ Nematoda Nematoda: cycle Insecta Crustacea Chilopoda and diplopoda Arachnida Echinodermata Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia If \ ^ O life Annelida Mollusca Mollusca ^^ w )#: *NI £7=^ Coelenterata Coelenterata: life cycle Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes: life cycle Platyhelminthes: life cycle

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2019, 11:55

