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The Earthworms Illustrated hv T i • • i daniel l dindal (Lumbncidae and Sparganophilidae) of OntarioThe Earthworms Illustrated hv T i • • i daniel l dindal (Lumbncidae and Sparganophilidae) of OntarioThe Earthworms Illustrated hv T i • • i daniel l dindal (Lumbncidae and Sparganophilidae) of Ontario

Royal Ontario Museum Ufs Sciences Miscellaneous Publications 0& M\v>* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Royal Ontario Museum http://archive.org/details/earthwormslumbriOOreyn MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM LIFE SCIENCES john w Reynolds Illustrated hv daniel l dindal The Earthworms /T (Lumbncidae and Sparganophilidae) i • • i of Ontario Publication date: 15 June 1977 isbn 0-88854-191-0 issn 0082-5093 Suggested citation: Life Sci Misc Pub R Ont Mus ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS IN LIFE SCIENCES The Royal Ontario Museum publishes three series in the Life Sciences: sciences contributions, a numbered cluding monographic works life series of original scientific publications, in- LIFE sciences occasional papers, a numbered series of original scientific publications, primarily short and usually of taxonomic significance LIFE sciences miscellaneous publications, an unnumbered varied subject matter and format series All manuscripts considered for publication are subject to the scrutiny cies and editorial poli- of the Life Sciences Editorial Board, and to review by persons outside the staff who Chairman: a r R BALL baker Editor: allan Editor: Gordon edmund New j BOARD emery Senior Editor: IAN john Museum are authorities in the particular field involved LIFE SCIENCES EDITORIAL w Reynolds is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forest Resources, University of Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick daniel L dindal is a Professor in the Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New Department of Forest Zoology, College of Environmental York ^ KOYAL ONTARIO MlLSEUWf I* PRICE: © of publications of $8.00 The Royal Ontario Museum, 1977 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, PRINTED AND BOUND IN Canada M5S 2C6 CANADA BY THE HUNTER ROSE COMPANY This book is dedicated to Dr Gordon E Gates on the occasion of birthday and 51st year of publication on the Oligochaeta his 80th Contents Foreword vii Acknowledgments Introduction i\ General Biology Introductory Remarks General Activity 3 and Predators Environmental Requirements and the Effects of Pesticides Parasites Rearing and Culturing Earthworms Methods of Study Sampling Techniques Preservation Techniques 10 Ontario Collection Coding 10 Figure Coding General Morphology 13 External Structure 13 Internal Structure 14 Glossary 18 Earthworms of Ontario Identification of the Key Mature Earthworms Found to Sexually Ontario 32 34 Systematic Section Family LUMBRICIDAE Genus A llolobophora 36 A chlorotica Genus Aporrectodea 40 Ap icterica A p longa 43 Ap trapezoides 46 Ap luberculata 50 56 Ap turgida Genus Bimastos B parvus 61 35 61 40 34 in Genus Dendrobaena D octaedra 64 65 Genus Dendrodhlus Genus Eisenia 74 E foetida E rosea Genus 78 83 Eiseniella 84 £/ tetraedra Genus Lumbricus 92 L.festivus 94 L rubellus L terrestris 99 Octolasiun cyaneum 105 tyrtaeum 108 Family 88 89 L castaneus Genus 69 69 74 Dd rubidus 104 SPARGANOPHILIDAE Genus Sparganophilus mew Distribution 1 13 and Ecology 16 Appendix: Provincial Description Literature Cited v/ 112 12 127 123 G1AVANNOL1 L Cave 1933 life of Kentucky VII Invertebrate -Amer Midi Nat D and R gish c 7: of life Mammoth and other neighboring caves 622-623 christf.nsen E Cadmium, 1973 14(5): nickel, lead and zinc in earthworms from roadside -Environ soil Sci Tech -Zool Anz 1060-1062 GOFF C C Flood-plain animal communities -Amer Midi Nat 47(2): 478^486 1952 GRAFF O Zur Berechtigung des Artnames Lumbricus 1953 Linnaeus terrestris 1758 161(11/12): 324-326 GRUBE A E Annulaten In MiddendorfT, AT., Reise 1851 in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens 2(1): 1-24 GUILD W MCL J The 1951 HAGUE and population density of earthworms (Lumbricidae) Anim Ecol 20(1): 88-97 distribution ture fields -J in Scottish pas- F S Studies on Sparganophilus eiseni Smith -Trans 1923 HARMAN W 42(1): 1-38 J A 1952 Amer Micros Soc taxonomic survey of the earthworms of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana -Proc La Acad Sci 15: 19-23 1954 Some earthworms from southern Oklahoma 1955 Earthworms of commercial importance and Sci 18: thesis, Univ of taxonomy and musculature of Illinois, 51-55 the earthworms of central Illinois -Ph.D 107 pp Life history studies of the 1965 Sci 35: on distribution -Proc La Acad 54-57 Studies on the 1960 -Proc Okla Acad their effect earthworm Sparganophilus eiseni in Louisiana -Southwestern Nat 10(1): 22-24 HEIMBURGER H V Notes on Indiana earthworms -Proc Ind Acad 1915 HOFFMEISTER W F 281-285 L De vermibus quibusdam ad genus Lumbncorum 1842 Sci 25: pertinentibus -Dissertation, Berlin, 28 pp 1843 Beitrage zur Kenntnis deutscher Landanneliden -Arch Naturg 9(1): 183-198 1845 Die bis einer HOPKINS A 1957 HUNT F on the English red worm -J Econ Ent 50(5): 699-700 SACHO to DDT and methoxychlor -J Wildl Manage 33: 267-272 W in the Otago Museum -Trans N Synopsis of the genera of earthworms -N Z 883 V J On New Zealand earthworms 1877 JANDA and R Response of robins 1969 and V M KIRK Effects of several insecticides L B HUTTON R jetzt bekannten Arten aus der Familie der Regenwiirmer Als Grundlage zu Monographic dieser Familie -Branschweig, Vieweg, 43 pp J Sci : Z Inst 9: 350-353 585-586 and K GAVRILOV 1939 Untersuchunger uber die Vermehrungsfahigkeit von Individuen einiger OligochaetenArten, die schon vor Erreichung der Geschlechtsreife isoliert wurden -Vestnik Czech Zool Spolecuosti v Prag 6-7: 254-259 JEFFERSON, 1955 P Studies on the earthworms of turf Sports Turf Res Inst 9(31): 6-27 132 A The earthworms of experimental turf plots -J IOHNSTON i 1865 \ catalogue ol the British non-parasitical worms London, ray lor and Francis, 365 pp + 20 um IOHNSTONI WALLACE in the collection of the British Muse- pis D B The influence of wild white clover on the seasonal production and chemical composition of pasture herbage and upon soil temperatures, Soil moistures and erosion control -4th 1937 Jordan g Int Grassl (onur Rep pp 188-1% a w Rt>soi ns and |s>> i Computer plotting \ i hirmii and analysis of earthworm population distribution in Prince Edward 1-7 Megadrilogica 2(10): Island JOYNI R.J * Earthworms of I960 the Upper Whitewater Valley (East-Central) Indiana -Proc Ind Acad Sci.69: 313-319 DD W JL S\ Studies of the Byron 1964 1970 Bog southwestern Ontario XIX Distribution of earthworms in -Nat Hist Pap Natn Mus Invertebrates from an abandoned muskrat house Can., no 25, pp at London Ontario -Can J Zool 48(2): 402-403 It I IN E De Svenska daggmaskarterna -Ark 1949 kl \ Zool 42A (17): 1-58 AN D k MCE 1962 Soil animals KINBERG -New York, Philosophical Librar\ 237 pp G H J Annulata nova Ofv Vet.-Akad Forh Stockholm 1867 KOBAYASHI 23: 98 s Terrestrial Oligochaeta 1940 from Manchoukou -Sci Rep Tohoku Imp Univ., 15: ser 4, 261-315 LADELL W R S A new 1936 apparatus for separating insects and other arthropods from the Biol 4: soil -Ann Appl 862-879 AN(,\1AI[> k k Some 1964 effects of earthworm invasion in virgin podzols -Can J Soil Sci 44: 34-37 LEGG D C Comparison of various wornvkilling chemicals 1968 LEUCKAR1 ZurKenntnisder Fauna von 1849 LEVINSI N -J Sports Turf Res Inst 44: 47-48 R Island -Arch Naturg 15(1): 149-208 M R (, Systematisk-geografisk oversigt over de nordiske Annulata, Gephyrea, Chaetognathi og 1884 Balanoglossi -Vidensk Meddel Naturhist Forh Kj)»benhavn, ser 4, 5: 92-350 I INN At i s c Sysiema naturae per regna 1758 charactenbus differentns tria naturae, s\nun\mis secundum locis classes, ordines genera, species Edition decima reformata cum Tom I -Laurentii Salvii Holmiae, 824 pp LIPA J J 1958 Effect on earthworm and Diptera populations of BHC dust applied to soil -Nature, Lond 181: 863 LISCINSKY S 1965 The American Woodcock in Pennsylvania -Pennsylvania Game Comm., Harrisburg, 32 pp 133 NCSTROM ii I ROM n NGS1 i \ Rl INI J Improvements I MALEV1C I pp and in the structural state of soils under levs -J Soil Sci 6: 179-199 D Sci 21(2): Washington the to list 69-75 I Material) k poznaniju dozdevych cervej Orechovo-Plodovych lesov juznoj Kirgizii 1949 -Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR 397-^00 (Biol.) 47: W A Om daggmasker, 1877 MCLEOD Lumbricina -Ofv Salsk Hortik Forh Goteborg : 34-47 H J Note on a Staphylinid (Coleoptera) predator of earthworms -Can 1954 MAHAN, M Ent 86(5): 236 L Preliminary notes on a 1976 new megadrile United States -Medagrilogica Ml( + 94 oronto, University of Toronto Press, x MCKEY-FENDER An introduction to Oregon earthworms with additions A J -Northwest \K Kl ( the in The Snakes of Ontario 1947 MALM 265-285 J NAB \( o and 10: B s E 1955 M p Variation 1958 LOW, A o morphology of Microchaetus modesius (Microchaetidae: Oligochaeta) from South Africa with notes on its biology -Zool Anz 182: 216-224 1969 LOCIF.R p Introduction to the study of earthworm taxonomy -Pedobiologia 1970 2( 1 species, genus, and family from the southeastern 6-8 ): HAELSEN, W Ohgochaten des Naturhistorischen Museums 1889 in Hamburg -Mitt III Mus Hamburg 7(3): 1-12 Die Lumbriciden Mecklenburgs -Arch Verh Freunde Naturg Mecklenb 44: 48-54 1890 1891 Die Terncolen-Faune der Azoren -Abh Nat Verh 1892 Terncolen der Berliner Zoologischen Sammlung II Hamburg 1(2): 1-8 -Arch Naturg 58(1): 209-261 Hamburg 16(1): 1-16 + 575 pp 1903 a Die geographische Verbreitung der Ohgochaten -Berlin, Fnedlander vi + 186 pp 1903b Neue Ohgochaten und neue Fundorte altbekannter -Mitt Naturh Mus Hamburg 1900a Die Lumbriciden-Fauna Nordamerikas -Abh Nat Verh 1900 b Oligochaeta Lief 10 In Das Tierreich -Berlin, Friedlander, xxix 19: 1-54 Neue Ohgochaten von Vorder-Indien, Ceylon Birma und den Andaman-Inseln 1907 -Mitt Naturh Mus Hamburg 24: 143-188 Annelida A Ohgochaten aus 1908 Ges Jena 13: dem Zur Kenntnis der Lumbriciden und 1910 Petersburg westlichen Kapland -Denskschr Med.-Naturw 29-^2 15: ihrer Verbreitung -Ann Mus Zool Acad Sci St 1-74 Die Ohgochaten des Kaplandes -Zool Jb Syst 34: 473-555 Zur Stammesgeschichte und Systematik der Ohgochaten, insbesondere der Lumbricuh- 1913 1921 den -Arch Naturg 86 (A-8): 130-141 MIC'KEL, C E Notes on Zygocyslis cometa 1925 Stein, a gregarine parasite of earthworms -J Parasit 11: 135-139 MOON, P II An 1934 MOORl II investigation of the littoral region of Preliminary account of a 1895 On J 1906 Anim Ecol 3: 8-28 new genus of Oligochaeta -Zool Anz 16: new oligochaete -J Morph the structure of Bimastos palustris a 333 10(2): 473-496 p Hirudinae and Oligochaeta collected 153-171 134 -J I 1893 MOORE Windermere in the Great Lakes region -Bull Bur Fish 25: MORGAN, C 1970 worm Profitable earth fanning 12th ed -Elgin, Shields Publ., 93 pp morris H M On 1922 MORRISON I DAL, insects and other arthropods from the soil -Bull Ent Res O The toxicit) of BHC Soc Ann Rep 80: 50-57 F 1950 Ml method of separating i 197 13: to certain microorganisms Earthworms and arthropods -Ont Ent S The evolution of polyploidy -Heredity 6: seu animalium infusoriorum, helminthicorum, et testaceorum non marionorum succincta historia Pars altera Helminthica -Havniae et The chromosomes of the earthworms 1952 I 55-76 mOller, o f Yermium terrestnum 1774 et fluviatilium, Lipsiae 1(2): 1-72 Ml NSELL COLOR COMPANY INC 1954 Ml Munsell Rl Hit I rs color charts -Baltimore, + i 14 pp R V, Survey of the Michigan earthworm fauna -Pap Mich Acad 1956 Ml soil Sci Arts Lett 41: 53-72 R The ABC's of the earthworm business -Elgin, Shields 1969 nelson J Publ., 60 pp and J e satchell The extraction of Lumbricidae from the soil with special reference to the hand sorting method In Murphy P W., ed Progress in Soil Zoology -London, Butterworths, pp m 1962 294-299 OLIVER H JR J A 1962 Ol SON mite parasitic in the cocoons of earthworms -J Parasit 48(1): 120-123 W H The earthworms of Ohio, with a study of their distribution in relation concentration, moisture and organic content of the soil -Bull Ohio 1928 Bull hydrogen-ion Biol Surv 4(2), 17:47-90 Two new species of earthworms for Ohio -Ohio J Sci 32: 192-193 Earthworms of Missouri -Ohio J Sci 36(2): 102-113 Earthworms of New York state -Amer Mus Nov., no 1090, pp 1932 1936 1940 OMODEO P Lumbricidae e Lumbnculidae della Groenlandia 1955 a ser B -Mem Soc Toscana Sci Nat Pisa, 62: 105-128 Contribute -Caryologia 1955 b Cariologia dei Lumbricidae 1956 Contnbuto 1962 Oligochetes des Alpes 1963 Distribution of the terncolous oligochaetes on the and A Love (eds) North Atlantic Biota and their Orley to alia revisione dei I II Lumbricidae -Arch Zool -Mem Mus 8: 137-178 It 41: 129-212 Verona 10: 71-96 two shores of the Atlantic In A Love Civ Sto Nat history Pp 127-151 L A 1881a Magyarorszagi Oligochaetak faunaja Akad 16: I Terricolae -Math Term Kbzlem Magyar 563-611 1881b Beitrage zur Lumbricinen-Fauna der Balearen -Zool Anz 4: 284-287 1885 A palearktikus ovben elo terrikolaknak revizioja es elterjedese -Ertek Term Akad PEARSE 1946 \ Magyar 15(18): 1-34 S Observations on the microfauna of the Duke Forest -Ecol Monogr 16: 127-150 PEECH M 1965 Exchange acidity, hydrogen-ion activity and lime requirement In Black, C A., ed Me- 135 thods of Soil Analysis Part consin, no PERRIER, 9, 2, Chemical and Microbiological Properties -Madison, Wis- pp 905-932 E Recherche pour 1872 PETTERSSEN 1968 servir a l'historie des Lombriciens terrestres -Nouv Arch Mus Pans 5-198 8: S Introduction to meteorology 3rd ed -Toronto, McGraw-Hill, xi + 333 pp PICKFORD G E On 1926 a new species of -Ann Mag Nat P1.ISKO, earthworm belonging Hist., ser 9, 17: to the subgenus Bimastus from Wicken Fen 96-98 D J Analiza matenalow dzdzownic (Lumbncidae) zmagazynowanych prezez kreta (Talpa 1961 europaea L.) -Fragm Faun 9(7): 61-73 Lumbricidae dzdzownice (Annelida: Oligochaeta) -Fauna 1973 Polski no 1, Warszawa 156 pp POP, V Zur Phylogenie und Systematik der Lumbriciden -Zool Jb Syst 74: 487-522 Lumbricidele din Romania -Ann Acad Repub Pop Romane, Sect §tiint Geol Geogr Biol., ser A, 1(9): 383-507 1941 1948 RAW F Estimating earthworm populations by using formalin -Nature, Lond 184: 1661-1662 1959 Earthworm population 1960 studies: a comparison of sampling methods -Nature, Lond 187: 257 RAW F and 1959 REDDELL J J R LOFTY Earthworm populations check Sci 17: REINECKE, A and J A new 1969 orchards -Rep Rothamstead Exp Stn 1958: 134-135 R A 1965 in of the cave fauna of Texas list I The invertebrata (excl of Insecta) Texas J 143-187 P A J RYKE species of the genus Geogenia (Microchaetidae: Oligochaeta) from Lesotho, with notes on two exotic earthworms -Rev Ecol Biol Sol 6(4): 515-523 REYNOLDS 1972a 1972b J W Earthworms (Lumbricidae) of the Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada -Megadnlogica 1(3): 1-11 The activity and distribution of earthworms in tulip poplar stands in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee (Acanthodnlidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) -Cont N Amer Earthworms (Annelida), no Bull Tall Timbers Res Stn., no 1972 c 1972 d A Repartition la 972 e The -J et biomasse des Lombricides (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) dans relationship of Tenn Acad trois bois de 1(4): 1-6 earthworm (Oligochaeta: Acanthodnlidae and Lumbricidae) distriin six heterogeneous woodlot sites in Tippecanoe County, Indiana Sci 47(2): 63-67 The earthworms of Delaware (Oligochaeta: -Megadrilogica 1973b pp 41-54 France (Departement d'Essonne) -Megadrilogica bution and biomass 1973a 1, contribution to the earthworm fauna of Montana -Proc Mont Acad Sci 32: 6-13 Acanthodnlidae and Lumbricidae) 1(5): 1-4 The earthworms of Rhode Island (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) -Megadrilogica 1(6): 1-4 1973c The earthworms of Connecticut (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) 1973d 136 Megadrilogica 1(7): 1-6 Earthworm (Annelida Oligochaeta) ecology and systematics In Dindal, D L ed Proc 1st Soil Microcommunities Conf -Springfield, U.S Atomic Energy Commn., Natn Tech Inform Serv., U.S Dept Com., pp 95-120 Review of Gates, G I973e E.: Burmese earthworms An introduction to the systematica and biolog) of megadrile oligochaetes with special references to southeast Asia -Syst Zool 22(2): 197 1974 a 199 and ke\ Checklist, distribution to the Lumbricidae in Tennessee Tenn Acad -J Sci 49(1): 16-20 The earthworms 1974b ot \lar\ land (Oligochaeta: Acanthodnlidae, Lumbricidae, Megascole- cidae and Sparganophilidae) -Megadrilogica 1(11): 1-12 1974 c Are oligochaetes realK hermaphroditic amphimictic organisms? 1975a Boiteagan (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) Cheap Breatunn -Megadnlogica 2(6): 1975b Les Lombricides (Oligochaeta) des Iles-de-la-Madeleine -Megadrilogica 2(3): 1-8 1975c The earthworms of Prince Edward Island (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) -Megadrilogica 1975d Les Lombricides (Oligochaeta) de Pile d'Orleans, Quebec -Megadnlogica 2(5): 8-11 2(7): Biologist 56(2): 90-99 4-10 Gaspesie Quebec -Megadrilogica 2(4): 4-9 1975 e Les Lombricides (Oligochaeta) de 1975 f Die Biogeograrie van Noorde-Amerikaanse Erdwurms (Oligochaeta) Noorde van Meksiko 1976a The -Indikator [ (4): distribution la 11-20 and ecology of the earthworms of Nova Scotia -Megadnlogica 2(8): 1-7 Un 1976 b aperqu des vers de partition 1976c Catalogue 1976d A dans les forets 2(9): 1-1 et cle d'identification nord-americaines, leurs activites et leurs re- des lombricides du Quebec -Nat can 103(1): 21-27 prehminarv checklist and distribution of the earthworms of Brunswick Nat New Brunswick -New 7(2): 16-17 Aporrectodea icierica (Savigny, 1826) une espece de vers de terre recemment decouverte 1976 e Amenque du Nord en 1976 terre -Megadnlogica -Megadrilogica 2(12): 3^4 Die Biogeografie van Noorde-Amerikaanse Erdwurms (Oligochaeta) Noorde van Meksiko f -Indikator 8(1): 6-20 II The earthworms of Massachusetts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae Megascolecidae and 1977 Sparganophilidae) -Megadrilogica 3(2): 49-54 The earthworms of Tennessee (Oligochaeta) prep Earthworms preservation for maximum use In prep In REYNOLDS II Sparganophilidae W and D G COOK Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica, a catalogue of names, descriptions and type J 1977 mens of the Oligochaeta -Fredericton, The University of New Brunswick, Rt>NOLDs w and c j A 1975 x + speci- 217 pp a Jordan prehminarv conceptual model of megadrile activity and abundance in the Haliburton Highlands -Megadnlogica 2(2): 1-9 Reynolds and v j v M rl>nolds Earthworms 1972 REYNOLDS 1974 in medicine -Amer J Nurs 72(7): 1273 W E E C CLEBSCH and W W REYNOLDS The earthworms of Tennessee (Oligochaeta) I Lumbricidae -Cont N Amer Earthworms (Oligochaeta), no 13 Bull Tall Timbers Res Stn no 17, vii + 133 pp J Rt>NOLDSON t B Observations on the earthworms of North Wales -North Western Naturalist 3(3): 1955 291-304 RHEE J A VAN 1969 Inoculation of earthworms in a newly drained polder -Pedobiologia RIBALCOLRT 1896 RISSO E 9: 128-132 DE Etude sur RIBALCOLRT 1906 E la faune lombricide de DE and A COMBA1 L'tihie I la Suisse -Rev Suisse Zool 4: 1-1 10 I des vers de terre en agriculture Rev Gen Agron : 374-384 A 1826 Histoire naturelle des pnncipales productions de I'Europe mendionale et particuliere- 137 Nice merit de celles des environs de + 439 pp + ROOTS B et des Alpes maritimes -Paris Levrault vol vii 12 pis (Les Lombrics, pp 426-427) I The water relations of earthworms II Resistance to desiccation and immersion, and behaviour when submerged and when allowed a choice of environment -J Exp Biol 33: 1956 29-44 ROSA D 1882 Descrizione di due nuovi Lumbrici -Atti Ace Torino 1884 1886 Lumbricidi del Piemonte -Torino 1884, pp 5-54 Note sui lombrici del Veneto -Atti Inst Veneto ser 1887 La distribuzione 1893 Revisione dei Lumbricidi rowe 6, 4: verticale dei lombrichi sulle Atpi -Boll -Mem Ace Torino, ser 2, 169- 173 18: 673-687 Mus Zool Torino 2(31): 1-3 43: 399^t76 s J Forest regions of Canada -Can For Serv., Publ 1300, x 1972 and SALT, G 1944 HOLL1CK Studies of wireworm populations F S Biol 81: SATCHELL 172 pp + pis I A census of wireworms in pasture -Ann Appl 52-64 E J Some 1955 + J aspects of earthworm ecology In Kevan, D McK., ed Soil zoology -London, Butterworths, pp 180-203 An method of sampling earthworm populations //; Rodale R ed The chal-Emmas, Soil and Health Foundation, pp 89-97 Lumbncidae In Burges A and F Raw, eds Soil biology -New York, Academic Press, 1961 electrical lenge of earthworm research 1967 pp 259-322 Methods of sampling earthworm populations -Pedobiologia 1969 SAVIGNY, 20-25 C J Analyses des travaux de l'Academie Royale des Sciences pendant l'annee 1821 partie 1826 physique Cuvier, sawyer, 9: j 1964 SCHREAD M le Baron G., ed -Mem Acad Sci Inst Fr 5: o and a a lindsay The Holdridge bioclimatic formations of the eastern and Ind Acad Sci 72: 105-112 J 176-184 central United States -Proc C Habits and control of the oriental earthworm -Conn Agric Exp Stn 556: 5-15 1952 SCHWERT, D p Recent records of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from central 1976 New York state -Megadrilogica 2(10): 7-8 The 1977 first North American record of Aporrectodea icterica (Savigny 1826) (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) with observations on the colonization of exotic earthworm species Canada -Can SHIELDS R Zool., 55( in 245-248 ): E B Raising earthworms for profit 9th ed -Elgin Shields Publ 1971 SIMS J W Lumbricus terrestris Linnaeus, 1758 (Annelida Oligochaeta): designation of a neotype in accordance with accustomed usage Problems arising from the misidentification of the 1973 species by Savigny SKOCZEN 1970 ( 822 and 826) -Bull Zool Nomencl 30( ): 27-33 S Gromadzenie zapasow pokarmowych przez neiktore ssaki owadozerne (Insectivora) -Przeglad Zool 14(2): 243-248 SMITH F 1895 A preliminary account of two new Oligochaeta from Illinois -Bull 111 St Lab Nat Hist 4(5): 142- 147 1896 Notes on species of North American Oligochaeta 396-413 138 II -Bull 111 St Lab Nat Hist 4(14): 1915 wo now I Si III I a ke\ to the described species in Illinois States National I92S Museum Proc I S in the collections An account of changes in the earthworm fauna of Illinois Div Nat Hist Surv 18(10): 347-362 and a description of one new and B R GREEN The Porifera, Oligochaeta, and certain other groups of invertebrates Douglas ake, Michigan -Mich Acad Sci., Ann Rep 17: 81-84 t 1916 of the United Natn Mus 52(2174): 157-182 species Ill Bull 559 North American earthworms of the famil) Lumbricidae 1917 SMITH of earthworms with varieties ab Nat Hist 10(8): 551 in the vacinity of SMITH « w New Zealand earthworms -Trans N.Z Inst 19: 122-139 New Zealand earthworms -Trans N.Z Inst 26: 155-175 1887 Notes on 1894 Further notes on SOLTIIi RV R 1909 Contribution towards a monograph of the British and Irish Oligochaeta -Proc R Irish 1910 A Acad 27B(8): 119-182 new species of enchvtraeid worm from the White Mountains -Proc Acad Nat in the Sci 62: 18-20 STAFFORD J Notes on worms -Zool Anz 25: 481-483 1902 STEBBINGS H J Endemic-exotic earthworm competition 1962 American midwest -Nature, Lond 196(4857): 905-906 STEPHENSON I On 1917 a collection of Oligochaeta from various parts of India dian Mus 13: Some earthworms from Kashmir Bombay and 1922 and further India -Rec In- 353-416 other parts of India -Rec Indian Mus 22: 427-443 The fauna of British Indian, including Ceylon and Burma Oligochaeta -London, Taylor and Francis, xxiv + 518 pp The Oligochaeta -Oxford Clarendon Press, xvi + 978 pp 1923 1930 stone, c and p ST0P-BOW c itz A contribution to our knowledge of the systematics and zoogeography of norwegian earthworms (Annelida Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) -Nytt Mag Zool 17(2): 169-280 1969 s\l G ogles L'ropoda agiians a mite pest in commercial fishworm beds -J Econ Ent 46(4): 711 1953 NDSEN, A J Earthworm population 1955 studies: a comparison of sampling methods -Nature, Lond 175: 864 The behaviour of lumbricids under moorland conditions 1957 -J Anim Ecol 26: 423-439 sw \RTZ R D Modification of behavior 1929 \M» in earthworms -J Comp Psychol 9: 17-33 R E The earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1866 1969 in Louisiana -Ph.D thesis, Louisiana State Univ 155 pp M MR 1879 p Annulata Danica (1) En de Danmark fundene Annulata Gephyrea, Gymnocopa og Polychaeta -Kj^benhavn 144 kritisk revision af Balanoglossi, Discophorae Oligochaeta i pp If MPI (TON R 1836 A catalogue of the species of annulose animals -Ann Mag Nat Hist 9: 233-240 TETRY A 1934 Description d'une espece franchise du genre Pelodrilus -C R Acad Sci Paris 199: 322 139 Une 1936 variele nouvelle Soc Sci Nancy de Lumbricus casianeus Savigny, sa valeur systematique Revision des lombnciens de 1937 Bull 1936 pp 196-201 collection de Savigny Bull Mus Hist Nat Paris 9: la 140-155 Contribution a l'etude de 1938 Thomas 453 la faune de Test de la France (Lorraine) -Nancy, Georges p THOMAS M K Climatological atlas of Canada -Natn Res Coun Div Bldg Res 3151(41): 253 pp 1953 THOMPSON A R Effects of nine insecticides 1971 on the numbers and biomass of earthworms in pasture -Bull Environ Contr Toxicol 5(6): 577-586 THOMSON A 1973a DAV1ES J and D M The biology of Pollenia first-instar larvae 1974 THORNTHWAITE C W An approach toward 1948 a rational classification of climate -Geogr Rev 38( 1): 55-94 o 1946 UDE Host location by I The biology of Pollenia rudis, the cluster civ (Diptera: Calliphoridae) II Larval feeding behaviour and host specificity -Can Ent 105: 985-990 Production of surface casts by the earthworm Eisenia rosea -Can J Zool 52(5): 659 1973b tuzet rudis, the cluster fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) -Can Ent 105: 335-341 Sur la spermatogenese atypique des lombriciens -Arch Zool Exp Gen 84: 155-168 H Ober die Ruckenporen der Terricolen Oligochaten, nebst Beitragen zur Histologic des 1885 Lieberaschlauches und zur Systematik der Lumbriciden -Z Wiss Zool 43: 87-143 Terricole Oligochaten von der Inseln der Sudsee 1905 und von verschiedenen andern Ge- bieten der Erde -Z Wiss Zool 83: 405-501 US DEPT AGRIC AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION 1951 survey mannual -Washington, U.S Gov Printing Off U.S Dept Agnc Handb Soil no 18, U.S vii DEPT AGRIC SOIL 1964 + 503 pp SURVEY STAFF SOIL CONSERV SERV Soil Classification, a Gov Printing Supplement 1967 Off., comprehensive system (7th approximation) -Washington, U.S 265 pp to soil classification system (7th approximation) -Washington, U.S Gov Printing Off 207 pp Supplement 1968 to 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J ijiljlil m I '% ii 1 1 1 if ... does not harm earthworms (Baker, 1946; Doane, 1962; Edwards, 1965; Edwards and Dennis, 1960; Edwards et al., 1967; Hopkins and Kirk, earthworms There 1957; Thompson, 1971) Although earthworms are... nickel, lead, and zinc) in earthworms were many times that of the surrounding soils This study was the first report of metal residues in earthworms Because of the earthworms' position in the... Task Nobody could needlessly set foot upon one of the giant earthworms of Australia may attain lengths of feet and weigh up many people earthworms are lowly insignificant creatures or Brazil, large

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2019, 08:42