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ILLUSTRATED KEYS TO THE GENERA OF JUMPING SPIDERS (ARANEAE: SALTICIDAE) IN AUSTRALIA Valenrs Tooo Davtns e.NpMenrx ZasK jumpingspiders 1989ll 13:Illustratedkeystothegeneraof Davies,V.ToddandLabka,M ISSN0079-8835 Brisbane (Araneae in Australia.MemQdMus.27Q):189-266 : Salticidae) genera of Australian described 57presently notesandillustrations Fromthekeys,accompanying have Canama,JotusandProstheclina Rhombonotus, salticidscanbeidentified.Four genera, from Omoedus andMintoniaarenewlyrecorded Harmochirus, Threegenera, beenreinstated hinnuleus, areillustratedfor thefirsttime:I Canama northernAustralia.Thefollowingspiders e Hypoblemumsp., Ligonipessp., 'Lycidos' ? Cocalusgibbosus,3 Coccorchestesferreus, bipenicillatus,I 'Trite' michoelseni,? Maratw sp., Prostheclinapallida, ? Sandalodes 'Trite' Thorell,l88l and HateriusSimon' 1900are longula.Discocnemius daemetii,and I D locertosus withZigorrpesKarsch,1878,resultingin newcombinations: newlysynonymised : L semitectus (Simon'1900)n : L Iacertosus (Thorell,1881)n comb.;fL semitectus to ZenodorusthrtsP orbiculata: comb.TheAustralianPystirospp.havebeentransferred = Z obscurofemoratus (Keyserling, 1881)n comb.andP, obscurofemorota Z orbiculatus (Keyserling, n comb 1881) jumpingspiders,Australia ZKet, Solticidae, 4101, Museum,PO Box 300,SouthBrisbone,Queensland ValerieToddDavies,Queenslond Australia; Marek 2abka, Zaktad zoologii WSR-P,Prusa 12, 08-110Siedlce'Poland; 14 1988 December, In Koch and Keyserling's (1871-1883)monumental three volume wori, Die Arochniden Australiens,morethan 150speciesof jumping spiders, mostly irom Australia, were desciibed.itre wort was well illustrated and contained a key to 46 genera,basedmainly on habitus, lengths of legs ind a.iangementof eyes.Becausethesevolumes are ruueit seemsopportune to publish new illustrations of as many-Australiangeneraas we can identify and to conitruct keysusing more reliable characiers.We recognisethat many more genera and hundredsof speiiesare yet to be described Subsequentaccountsof the generaof jumping spidershave dealt with the salticid generaof the world A historical reviewwas given by Peckham and Peckham(1885) Finding some nameswere preoccupied,they provided severalnew generic names,including for Australian spiders(seelist of generap l9l) They also gave a key to 84 genera, rather less than weri then described becausethe descriptionson which their key was basedweretoo incompletefor somegenerato be included Simon (1897-1903) separated the jumping spidersof the world into major divisions dependingon the retromarginal dentition of the chelicera- the Pluridentati with severalteeth, the Fissidentatiwith a divided tooth and the Unidentati with a singletooth or none; the last is by far the largestgroup Whether the systemis artificial (Zabki believesthat it is) or not, it seemsto be a practicaland sensibleway to structure keyswhen so few sub- families are sufficiently defined to be of use in this respect.It saysmuch for Simon's analyticalskill that thesedivisions, which he considered 'peut-€tre un peu artificielles', are still used It is clear that within thesedivisions many natural groupsof generacanbe recognised'Simon (loc cit.) gavekeys to 'groupes' (someof which have since been recognisedas sub-families)and within the 'groupes'he gavekeysto genera.These keys, in associationwith the illustrations from Koch and Keyserling(loc cit.) are the main basis for the identification ofgenerain Australia today Petrunkevitch(1928)recognisedand gavekeysfor 23 sub-familiesarranged, somewhatreluctantly, in Simon'sthree divisions; he listed the generain the sub-families chrysanthus(1968)redescribedand figured 2o salticid speciesfrom New Guinea' nearly all of which are also found in northern Australia' In recent revisions wanless (1978' l98l' 1984a' 1984b)has redescribedand figured severalAustralian 'plurident' genera' culminating in his revision(1988)of the Astieae'This is the first and only comprehensiverevision of a group of Australian salticidsand in it he gives keys to genera and species' Pr6szyriski's (1984, 1987) recent atlases of specimens.in European museums have been valuable Zabka's (1987a, 1987b) drawings of someof the existingtypes are reproducedin this paper, along with other drawingsfrom types and 190 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM many from freshmaterial The key is divided into sectionalkeys, the Pluridentati (16 genera),the Fissidentati (13 genera) and the Unidentati (28 genera).Short noteson the generaaregivenbelow the relevant part of the keys Occasionally attentionis drawn to the similarity betweengenera with different cheliceraldentition, suggestingthat these are closely related e.g Harmochirus (fissident)and Bianor (unident) Many of the Australian spiders describedby early workers were assignedto Northern Hemispheregenerato which they not belong In many casesthis has been recognisedand new nameshavebeengiven or transfersmadeto other describedgenera.We recognisethat severalof the latter not belongin thesegeneraeither No new nameshavebeensuppliedhere as it is hoped that proper diagnosesand revisionsof the generawill accompanysuch a move The presentnames of sevensuch genera are placed in single inverted commasto indicatetheir indeterminate statuse.g 'Breda'jovialis Salticidsare seldomlessthan 2.0mm in length, mostarebetween4.0-8.0mm.Unlike mostspiders the males often exceedthe femalesin size The lengthsof spidersin the size classesused are as follows:'small', lessthan 4.0mm; 'medium',4.08.0mm;'large',morethan 8.0mm The following abbreviationsare used: ALE, anterior lateral eyes;AME, anterior median eyes; PLE, posterior lateral eyesand PME, posterior median(or middle) eyes A glossaryof most of the terms used may be found in Davies(1986).Other terms: 'fossa(e)', the singleor paired epigynalindentation(s)within which the gonoporesare situated;'parscephalico', the anterior part of carapace,in front of PLE; 'pars thoracica', the posterior part of carapace, behind PLE; 'ocular quadrangle', quadrangle formed by ALE and PLE; 'posterior ocular quadrangle', quadrangleformed by PME and PLE ILLUSTRATIONS Figuresand labels on Plates I arrd2 show the generalstructureof salticidsand introducethe terminologyused.The rest of the illustrations are an essentialpart of the keysand should be examined as these are worked through In almost all instances,a dorsalviewofthe I is drawn and often a lateral view of the carapaceto show height A ventral view and a 'cleared'view of the epigynum are given The latter may be ventral, dorsal or a combinationof both views;sometimesa schematic drawing showing the courseof the insemination ductsto spermathecae and to fertilization ducts is included The habitus is occasionallydrawn; ventral and retrolateral views of the left palp of the d aregiven.Leg I and a cheliceraof the d and I may be drawn The labium and endite(s)are illustrated if they are diagnostic Usually only structuresthat not appearin Plates I or are labelled in subsequent Plates An asterisk following the name of the specieson the Plate indicatesit is the type speciesof the genus.The drawingsweredoneby Zabkausinga grid system; someadditional illustrations were done by Sybil Monteith using a camerolucido APPENDIX An appendixgivesthe geographicallocalitiesof the specimens that havebeendrawn Wherea 'type specimen'has been examinedthe initials of the Museumwhereit is depositedis given ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the Council of the Australian Biological ResourcesStudy for the financial support of Marek Zabka while he did the illustrations for this paper at the QueenslandMuseum betweenJuly and October 1987 He supplied some additional drawings while holding the Australian Museum Fellowship1987/88 in Sydney.We are grateful to the Directorate of the QueenslandMuseum for their support of Sybil Monteith who did supplementarydrawings(unsigned)and the final lay- out of the illustrations We thank Mr F Wanlessfor permissionto copy his drawingsof g Adoxotoma nigroolivacea and Mintonia tauricornis We aregratefulto Dr M Gray for useof several spidersfrom the Australian Museum (AM), and the following colleaguesfor allowing examination of types in their collections:Mr F Wanlessand Mr P Hillyard, British Mus.eum of Natural History,London,England(BMNH); Dr G Rack, ZoologischesInstitut und ZoologischesMuseum, Hamburg,BDR (ZMH); Dr J Heurtault, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHP); Dr M Moritz, Museum fur Naturkundeder Humboldt - Universitat, Berlin, DDR (ZMB); Dr S Langemark,Zoologisk Museum, Universitetspaken, Copenhagen, Denmark (ZMK); Dr Arbocco, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa,Italy (MCG) We wish to thank the Director, membersof the Board of Trusteesand membersof the Queensland Museum for their courtesy and support during preparationof this paper We are grateful to Mr F Wanlesswho made helpful commentson the keysat an early stageand to ProfessorN.I Platnick and Mr BruceCampbell who read, made corrections and suggested improvementsto the final manuscript JUMPING SPIDERS 191 INDEXTO GENERA PLURIDENTATI Plate UNIDENTATI Plate A r a s i a S i m o n1,9 BionorPeckham& Peckham,1885 .47 A s t i a L K o c h ,1 4C l y n o t i sS i m o n ,l l ' , E a v i aS i m o n ,1 7 C o c c o r c h e sT t ehso r e l l ,I 8 3 C o c a l uC s L K o c h ,1 C o s m o p h a sSi si m o n ,1 C o p o c r o s sSai m o n ,1 F r i g g aC L K o c h ,l l 50 s i m o n ,1 .3 C y r b aS i m o n ,1 G a n g uS s i m o n ,I 8 DamoetasPeckham& Peckham,1885 I I H o l o p l a t yS H e l p i s S i m o n1,9 HypoblemumPeckham& Peckham,1885 42 J a c k s o n o i dW e sa n l e s s1,9 8 JotusL Koch, I 881(reinstated) 46 s a r s c hI,8 .t + L i g o n i p eKs a r s c h I, 8 , 8L y c i d aK M i n t o n i aW a n l e s s1,9 .5 M a r o t u sK a r s c h 1, 8 Margoromma Keyserling, I 882 38 M y r m a r a c h nMea c l e a yI,8 P o r t i a K a r s c h1,8 M e n e m e r uSsi m o n ,1 8 5 RhombonotusL Koch, 1879(reinstated) M o p s u s K a r s c1h8, , 51 .O c r i s i o nSa i m o n ,l l SondrW a a n l e s s1,9 8 T a u a lW a a n l e s s1,9 8 I .5 .O m o e d uTsh o r e l l ,I 8 P o l p e l i uSs i m o n ,1 FISSIDENTATI P l e x i p p uC s L K o c h ,1 Adoxotoma S i m o n ,I 9 ProstheclinaKeyserling,I 882(reinstated) .44 29 S a n d a l o d K CanamoSimon,1903(reinstated) e se y s e r l i n gI 8, Cytaea Keyserling ,8 0ZenodorusPeckham& Peckham,1885 35,36,37 D i ol e n i u sT h o r e l l ,I (Unidentati) requiring revisions before ErganL e K o c h ,I 8 Species E u r y a t t uTs h o r e l l ,I 8I genericresolution H a r m o c h i r uSsi m o n ,1 8 2 'Breda'jovialis(L Koch, 1879) 58 'Clynotis' alboborbatus(L Koch, I 879) .59 H a s a r i uS s i m o n ,1 7I ' (Simon,I 909) 45 O p i s t h o n c uLs K o c h ,1 8 Lycidas'michaelseni S e m a eSai m o n I, 8 I 'Menemerus' bracteatus(L Koch, 1879) 57 S i m a ehta T h o r e l l ,I 8I 'Salpesio' squalida(Keyserling,I 883) 43 I 883) 60 S i m a e t h uS l m o n ,1 6'Trite'daemelii(Keyserling, TaraP eckharn & Peckham,I 885 ?fi ' T r i t e 'l o n g u l a( T h o r e l l1, 8l ) KEY TO FAMILY SALTICIDAE The family is divided into sections,basedon the dentition of the inferior (retro-) margin of the chelicera(Plate l) $eparatekeysare then given for eachsection l - Retromarginof chelicerawith many teeth,isolatedor rn series (p.194)PLURIDENTATI , with onetooth Retromargin of chelicera Cheliceraltooth with cusps,rarely truncatedor serrulate Gt.214)FISSIDENTATI (p.230)UNIDENTATI Cheliceraltooth simple,occasionallyabsent 192 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM fang promarginal tooth retromarginal tooth paruron Fissidentati (ventral) CHELICERAE AME ALE PME PLE fovea HEAD(frontal) I (dorsal) I (ventral) ABDOMEN MORPHOLOGYOF SALTICIDAE JUMPING SPIDERS 193 cymbium bulb tibia patella femur l"- trochanter endite(maxilla) labium sternum coxalV d CepunlOrnoRAx(ventrat) ventral tibialapophysis venral (cleared) EPIGYNUM retrolateral MORPHOLOGY OF SALTICIDAE t94 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM PLURIDENTATI _ KEY TO GENERA l Middle eyes(PME) relatively large;pars cephalicarising steeplyto high point at level of PLE - Middle eyessmall;parscepholicaflat or risinggradually Abdomen with tufts of hair; legswith fanlike fringes (Pl 3\ portio (northern Australia) - Abdomenwithouttufts of hair; legswithoutobviousfringes : 3 Small, low prominencein posterior ocular quadrangle (P1.4) Cocalus (northern Queensland) - Without smallprominencein posteriorocularquadrangle (Pl 5) Mintonia (northern Queensland) Thoracicfoveaunusuallylong epigynumwith notchedposteriormargin (Pl 6) Cyrba (introduced) - Thoracicfoveanot unusuallylong ? epigynumotherwise 5 Spidersantlike Carapaceat least 1.5x longer than wide; widest part of carapaceat or in front of PLE Abdomenslightlyconstricted in the anteriorthird .6 - Spidersnot ant-like.Carapacenot much longerthan wide (exc.Copocrossa);widestpart ofcarapace behindPLE Abdomennot constricted 9 and tibia I heavilyfringed - I and d tibia I unfringedor very lightly fringed .8 Wanless(1978b)givessynonymiesof Portio and P Jimbriafa There is an excellentcoloured photograph of P fimbriata in Jackson(1985a)showingits strangehabitusparticularly its tufted tibiae and thin elongatemetatarsiand tarsi At rest, in other spiders'webs,it resemblesdetritus Reportsof Portia spp enteringother spiders'websare documentedin Wanless(loc cit.) Coleman (1978)and Murphy (in Wanless1978b)appear to have been the first personsto observethe web-building of this highly specialisedsalticid The biology of P fimbriala has sincebeenextensivelystudiedby Jackson(1982a) and others.Williams and Mclntyre (1980)showedthat the anterior median eyesof P fimbriata have a telephotocomponentenablingit to increasethe imagesizeand thus assistin the stalking and catching ofprey For further referenceson behaviour seeJacksonand Hallas (1986a) Wanless(1981)revisedCocalusand described6 C gibbosus.The is figured herefor the first time Opisthoncus,a fissidentspider, also has a small prominencein the posterior ocular quadrangle,and occasionallyit hasplurident dentition; the structureof the d palps and I epigynaeasilydistinguishthe genera Mintonio is recordedfrom Australia for the first time To give someidea of the palp, drawingsof M tauricornisfrom Sarawakhavebeencopied from Wanless(1984a) SeeWanless(1984b)for synonymiesof Cyrba and C ocellota.In his revisionWanless(loc cit.) gives excellentmicrographsof the abdominal secretoryorgans of Cyrba spp and discussestheir possible significance.Jacksonand Hallas (1986b)give behaviouraldata on C algerina,which probably applies to all Cyrba spp As well as being an effective cursorial predator of insectsit invadesother spiders' websto eatthem, their eggsand their kleptoparasites.Portia, Cocalus,Mintonio and Cyrba areamong thosethat Wanless(1984a)has assignedto the sub-family Spartaeinae JUMPING SPIDERS fl\ \ i e ventral(cleared) 1859) PORTIAFIMBRIATA(DOLESCHALL, 195 r96 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM tegular lobe tegularlurrow b d patp(hototype) COCALUS GIBBOSUSWANLESS,1981 197 JUMPING SPIDERS d palp M tauicornis' MINTONIASP loc Kuranda.northeastQueensland r98 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ,I I CYRBAOCELLATA (KRONEBERG, 1875) 252 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM d palp(syntype) W L ff (KEYSERLING, 52 SANDALODES BIPENICILLATUS 1882)- JUMPING SPIDERS :slriae plI T I sl I I W G A N G U SC O N C I N N U S( K E Y S E R L I N G1,8 ) 253 254 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM I 1:ba6 asv 54.'TRtTE' LONGULA(THORELL, 1881) JUMPING SPIDBRS -1 I "l r{ w 1831) 55 MENEMERUS BIVITTATUS(DUFOUR, 255 256 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 23 Tibia I with regular retrolatero-ventralspines 24 25 26 27, Icius viduus Koch was chosenby Simon (1897-1903:611) as the type speciesof Clynotis, Clynotis viduw, a medium-sizedspider,is found under the bark of eucalypts.Zabka (1987a)givesa short redescription of the types The spider from Lake Broadwater (seedrawingsof habitus, cephalothoraxand chelicera)may not be C viduus, s strict 'Menemerus'brocteatus is a large spiderfound under the bark of eucalypts.The small palepatch on the cheliceraappearsto be presentin all salticids.This spiderlacks the large fossaeand conductor of Menemerus 'Breda'iovialis is usually smaller than 'M' bracteotusand may be beaten from foliage or taken from under bark Mascord (1970, Pl 9, fig 33) shows the characteristicyellow marking on the dorsal abdomen.Thereare severalundescribedspeciesand that illustrated may not bejovialis s.strict The palp of the Central American gews, Breda has a long tibial apophysisand long embolusarising posteriorly, quite unlike this spider Icius albobarbatuswas transferredto Clynotis by Rainbow (l9ll) in his catalogue Zabka (1987a) redescribedthe types as Clynotis alboborbatus 'Clynotis' albobarbatus is now seen, by its different habitus, epigynumand embolic pattern, to belong to a different genusfrom Clynotis It has several species,most of which are found in litter Trite, as mentionedearlier, is a fissidentspiderallied to Opisthoncus.'Trite' daemelii,on the other hand, is a distinctiveunident spider with very long embolus, very large epigynum and characteristic endite and fang' There are severalundescribedspecieslike daemelii and the specimenillustrated showsslightly different cheliceraldentition from that of Koch and Keyserling (loc cit.); thus it may not be doemeliis.strict The d holotype has not been located This is the first time the g has been illustrated Simon (1885: rxxxrx) choseMarptuso planissima L Koch to be the type speciesof Holoplatys Holoplatys is a very flat, medium-sizedspider usually found under the bark of eucalypts.Miscord (1970,Pl 10, fig 38) shows ? Ifobplatys Jacksonand Harding (1982)studiedthe intraspecificinteraction of a New Zealand speciesand found that the had three different mating tactics depending on the female'sageand location Jackson(1987),comparingthe releaserpheromonesassociatedwith the silk, found that two Holoplatys spp were the only spidersof the 36 testedthat did not respondto the nestof conspecificfemales Simon (1897-1903:609) choseMarptusa leucocomisL Koch to be the type speciesof Ocrisiona Ocrisionais a large spider which lacks the paired cephalic depressionsof Holoplatys; it is found in similar locations,underbark or beatenfrom foliage Mascord (1970,Pl ll, fig 41) shows and d Ouisiono The syntypeillustrated is'from Port Mackay, a locality not listed by Keyserling(Koch and Keyserlingloc cit.) so it may not be O leucocomiss.strict 257 JUMPING SPIDERS ,rMl Wtr; ,/'//1, ry Q epigynum(syntype) CI palp(syntype) VIDUUS(1.KOCH,1879) 56 CLYNOTIS MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM qo2 L[Lj'n""""" =l\ P\pa,epa,ch t A t :Ll d palp(syntype) 57.'MENEMERUS' (1.KOCH,1879) BRACTEATUS JUMPING SPIDERS' trr (1.KOCH,1879) 58 'BREDA'JOVIAL|S 2s9 260 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM r Thisis.lhe rt d palp;the , embolusis not anti-dockwiseas statedin fhe key /T6 c \ J-l o U l - d labiumand endite d palp(syntype) (syntype) Q epigynum 59.'CLYNOT|S'ALBOBARBATUS (1.KOCH,187e) JUMPING SPIDERS 1883) DAEMELil(KEYSERLING, 60.'TR|TE' 26r 262 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM h a\4cephalic depression 11 T l'"\ Kl d .J I V Q sternum (1 KOCH,1879) 61 HOLOPLATYS PLANTSSTMA 263 JUMPING SPIDERS A) V Q sternum d palp(syntype) /i l L1 l ' =:7 Q epigynum(syntype) LEUCOCOMIS(1.KOCH,1879) 62 OCR|S|ONA 264 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM LITERATURE CITED land: intraspecific interactions, web-invasion predators,and prey N.Z Journ Zool lS l-3j 1988b The biology of Tauala lepidus, a jumping spider (Araneae, Salticidae) from eueensland: displayand predatorybehaviour.N.Z Journ Zool 15| 34't-364 hcrsoN, R,R aNo HALLAS,S.E.A 1986a.Comparative 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(Araneae,Salticidae)from Queensland:utilisation of silk, predatory behaviour and intraspecificinteractions.J Zool., Lond (B)tz t45-173 1985c The biology of Simaetho paetula and S thoracico, web-buildingjumping spiders(Araneae, Salticidae) from Queensland: co-habitation with socialspiders,utilisation of silk, predatory behaviour and intraspecificinteraction J Zool., Lond (B)l: 175-210 CLVI-CXCV 1986a The biology of ant-like jumping spiders 1897-1903.'Histoire Naturelle des Araign6es', 2nd (Araneae: Salticidae):prey and predatorybehaviour edition 2: l-1080 Solticidae:381-1080.Paris of Myrmarachne with particular attention to M WANLESS, F.R 1978a.A revision of the spider genera lupatafromQueensland.Zool J Linn, Soc.EE:179Belippo and Myrmarochne (Araneae, Salticidae) in 190 the Ethiopian regiol; Bull, Br Mus nat Hist, 1986b The display behaviour of Bavio oericeps (Zool.) 33: l-139 (Araneae : Salticidae), a jumping spider from 1978b.A revisionof the spidergenusPorlra (Araneae : Salticidae) Bzll.Br Mus nat Hist (Zool.)34:83Queensland.Aust J Zool.34z 381-409 1986c.The display behaviour of Cosmophasismicat24 riodes (Araneze, Salticidae), a jumping spider from 1981.A revisionof the spidergenusCocalus(Araneae : Salticidae).Bull Br Mus nat Hist (Zool.) 4l: Queensland.N.Z Journ Zool l3z l-12 1987 Comparative study of releaser pheromones , 253-261 with the silk of jumping spiders(Araneae, associated 1984a.A reviewof the spidersub-family Spartaeinae Salticidae).N.Z Journ Zool 14: l-10 nom n (Araneae: Salticidae)with descriptionsof 1988a.The biology of Jacksonoidesqueenslandica,a six new genera.Eull Br Mus nat Hist (Zool.) 46Q); jumping spider (Araneae, Salticide) from Queens135-205 :, JUMPING SPIDERS 1984b.A revisionof the spidergenusCyrba (Araneae : Salticidae)with the descriptionof a new presumptive pheromonedispersingorgan.Bull Br Mus nat Hist (Zool.) 472445-481 1988.A revisionof the spidergroup Astieae(Araneae : Salticidae)in the Australian region N.Z Journ Zool l5t 8l-172 WlLLrAMs,D.S nro Mclnrvne, P 1980.The principal eyesof ajumping spiderhavea telephotocomponent NotureZEE.578-580 265 Zarxl, M 1987a Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, Genera Clynotis and,Taro Anns zool., lharsz 40: 437-450 1987b.Salticidae(Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, II GeneraLycidas andMaratus Anns zool., Warsz,40:451-482 1988.Salticidae(Araneae)of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions,Ill Anns zool Warsz.4lt 42l-479 APPENDIX A list of the spidersthat are illustrated, their geographicallocalitiesand the Museumsin which the type specimens,that have beenexamined,are located Unlessindicated, the rest of the material is from the collectionsin the QueenslandMuseum PLURIDENTATI Arasia mollicoma syntype,Bowen, MEQ (ZMH); (AM) Astio hariola I 3, Lake Broadwaternr Dalby, SQ Bavio aericeps? a, CapeTribulation, NEQ Cocalusgibbosus d holotype, Lockerbie, Cape York, NQ (QM); e, ShiptonsFlat, NQ Copocrossatenuilineota?, Mission Beach,NEQ Cyrba ocellota 9, Wilson Is., MEQ; 6, Wharton Reef, Great Barrier Reef, NEQ Damoetasnitidus syntypeofScirtetes nitidus, Sydney, NSW (ZMH), d palp; 9, OatleyPark, Sydney,NSW (AM); a, Rochedale,Brisbane,SEQ, other drawings Helpis minitabunda I6 , Noosa, SEQ, lacksonoideskochi I6, Home Rule nr Helenvale,NQ (det F Wanless) Lieonipessp 9d, Brisbane,SEQ Ligonipeslacertosusg, Somerset,CapeYork, NQ Ligonipes semiteclrc 9, syntype of Haterius semitectus, Cooktown, NEQ @MK) Mintonia sp 9, Kuranda, NQ (AM); M tauricornis, Sarawak,6 palp, after Wanless(1984) Myrmarachnespp.?, Brisbane,SEQ; 6, Goomeri, SQ PortiaJimbriata e, Cairns; Cape Tribulation, NEQ Rhombonotusgrocilis I6, Lake Broadwater,nr Dalby, Harmochirus brachiatus I3, West Alligator River mouth, NT Ilasarius adansoni 9, Heron Is, MEQ; d, Brisbane, SEQ Opisthoncusparcedentatus 96, Lake Broadwater nr Dalby, SQ Semaeavestita , Lake Broadwater nr Dalby, SQ Simoethathoracica9 d, Gordonvale,NQ Simoethulaspp I , CapeTribulation, NEQ; , Brisbane, SEQ Tara anomola holotype, Sydney, NSW (ZMB, A palp; habituscopiedfrom Koch & Keyserling(18711883).Taro sp d, Mt TenisonWoods nr Brisbane, SEQ; habitus, d palp UNIDENTATI Bianor maeulatusI 6, Lake Broadwaternr Dalby, SQ 'Breda'jovialis 6, Brisbane, SEQ 'Clynotis' albobarbatus I d, syntypes, Sydney, NSW (ZMH); epiglmum, palp 9, Gold Ck, Brisbane, SEQ,habitus Clynotis viduus 3 syntypes of lcius viduus, Sydney, NSW, Peak Downs, MQ, Rockhampton, MEQ (ZMH), d palp; I syntype (ZMB), epigynum 9d, Lake Broadwater nr Dalby, SEQ; habitus, other sQ drawings Sondra nepenthicola holotyp€, I paratype, Seary's Coccorchestesferreust holotype, Iron Ra, Cape York, Scrub,Cooloola, SEQ (QM) NQ (QM); 6, Iron Ra, CapeYork, NQ Taualalepidus holotype, I paratype, Crystal Cascades Cosmophosissp I6, Clifton Beach,NEQ nr Cairns,NEQ (QM) Fri\ga crocuto syntypes of Sandalodes calvus, Cooktown, NEQ (MNHP) FISSIDENTATI Gangusconcinnzs g, Lake Stosdlveler nr Dalby, SQ; Adoxotoma nigrooliyacea I syntype, Perth, WA (ZMB), 6, Murray Is., TorresStr Is epigynum and leg I; other illustrations of syntype Holoplaty plonissimo?, Booubyjanvia Tansey,SQ; d, after Wanless(1988) Brisbane,SEQ Canamahinnulezs9, Airlie Beach,MEQ; 6, Brandy Ck Hypoblemumsp , Cedar Ck, Samford nr Brisbane, nr Proserpine,MEQ SEQ Cytaeaalburno 9, Trinity Beach,NEQ; , Gin Cin, SQ Jotus auripes3, Flat Rock, NSW (AM) Diolenius sp ?6, Dividing Range, 15 km W Captain Lycidas sp I 6, Brisbane,SEQ 'Lycidas' michaelseni9 6, Perth, WA Billy Ck, CapeYork, NQ Ergonecognata6 holotype,PellewIslands,Gulf of Car- Marotussp ?d, Rochedale,Brisbane,SEQ pentaria, NT (Z\,IH), palp, chelicera; habitus Margarommojunestum I syntype, Cape York, NQ copiedfrom Koch & Keyserling(1871-1883) (BMNH) Euryattusbleekerig, Homevale,MQ, 6, Cairns, NEQ Menemerusbivittatus I6, Brisbane,SEQ 266 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 'Menemerus'bracteotus6 syntype,Rockhampton, MEQ (ZMH), d palp, chelicerae.9, Lake Broadwaternr Dalby, SQ, habitus, epigynum Mopsusmormon g, Koah Rd, NEQ; E, Darwin, NT Ocrisiono leucocomis ? , syntypes,Port Mackay, MEQ (BMNH), epigynum,6 palp I, Botany, NSW (AM), habitus,epigynum Omoedussp I 6, Iron Range,NQ Palpelius beccorii d, Lockerbie, Cape York, NQ; c, Bamaga,CapeYork, NQ Plexippuspaykul&?9, Forth Is, Great Barrier Reef; d, PelicanIs, Great Barrier Reef, NEQ Prostheclinopollida 9, syntype, Sydney,NSW (BMNH), epigynum,lateral carapace.9, 6, Kroombit Tops, SQ, other drawings 'Salpesia'squalidag, SalvatorRosaNational Park, SQ; palp cdpiedfrom Koch & Keyserling(1871-1883) Sondalodes bipenicillotus 6, syntype, Sydney, NSW (ZMH), palp; 9, Kroombit Tops, SQ; 3, Rochedale,Brisbane,SEQ, other drawings 'Trite' daemelii9 d, Brookfield, Brisbane, SEQ 'Trite' longula I, Yule Pt, NEQ; Mt Molloy Rd, NQ d holotype of Marptusa longula, Somerset, NQ (MCG) examinedand sketchesmade(VTD) in 1977 Zenodorusdumil/ei I, Shipton'sFlat, NQ; 3, Lockerbie, CapeYork, NQ Zenodorusmetallescensc 3, Clifton Beach,NEQ Zenodorusorbiculatus I3, Kroombit Tops, SQ ...190 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM many from freshmaterial The key is divided into sectionalkeys, the Pluridentati (16 genera) ,the Fissidentati (13 genera) and the Unidentati (28 genera) .Short... transfersmadeto other describedgenera.We recognisethat severalof the latter not belongin thesegeneraeither No new nameshavebeensuppliedhere as it is hoped that proper diagnosesand revisionsof the generawill... Plates I arrd2 show the generalstructureof salticidsand introducethe terminologyused .The rest of the illustrations are an essentialpart of the keysand should be examined as these are worked through

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2019, 14:17



