Ô tô Camry 3.5Q - Phần 1 Phần 1 (Tài liệu bằng tiếng anh) gồm: - Kết cấu thân xe - Kết cấu phần điện - CHASSIS - Kích thước xe - Động cơ xe
CHCHASSIS – DRIVE SHAFT01YCH51Y01YCH52YRzeppa Type CVJ Tripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-HandTripod Type CVJRzeppa Type CVJDifferentialSideWheelSideRight-Hand02KCH62Y025CH33Y02KCH63YRzeppa Type CVJTripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-Hand (AT Models)Rzeppa Type CVJ Tripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-Hand (MT Models)Tripod Type CVJRzeppa Type CVJDifferentialSideWheelSideRight-HandCH-107DRIVE SHAFTJDESCRIPTIONThe drive shaft uses a tripod type CVJ (Constant Velocity Joint) on the differential side, and Rzeppa type CVJon the wheel side." 2GR-FE Engine Models A" 1AZ-FE and 2AZ-FE Engine Models A . SHAFT01YCH51Y01YCH52YRzeppa Type CVJ Tripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-HandTripod Type CVJRzeppa Type CVJDifferentialSideWheelSideRight-Hand02KCH62Y025CH33Y02KCH63YRzeppa. CVJDifferentialSideWheelSideRight-Hand02KCH62Y025CH33Y02KCH63YRzeppa Type CVJTripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-Hand (AT Models)Rzeppa Type CVJ Tripod Type CVJWheelSideDifferentialSideLeft-Hand