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Family and friends 5 student book

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TrườngiT d ü J "Ho« \A6ư\ rộ p -A a ^ ấ n Ư/p /^ 7V/I * ü i K $ û f lû G ria M iSr, L i,/.,, o n A °Pi N iânJlióa:20Ạ f a 20 ¡j ¡I m ->n t\° & M g r Special Edition Student Book Q■ Tamzin Thomp F ' ?1 F j Naomi Simmor HD_E-books OXFORD Lesson O ne Listen, point, and repeat, n H«liSillS B B EEB O 01 CSShESB B B J 3¡3 33 B Heilo I'm ’ L e o I I Hi I'm I'm and I’m eleven Leo's sister I have Amy is my sister We I on aunt and an have a big family uncle and I have two cousins Read and write the names Listen and check, o Sta rter M y fam ily f lE S S IB Hi I'm (jỗotfy, i'm seven Max fS my brother He's nine V 02 HD_E-books Hello I'm ■ ' ¿ I have a sister Her name is Holly, she's seven We have two cousins Their names are Amy and Leo Le i Í o n Tw o Read and write T (true) or F (false) The red car is sm aller than the blue car F The green car is bigger than the blue car, The green car is faster than the red car A The red car is faster thon the green car The blue car is slower than the green car The blue car is slower than the red car Write The elephant is bigger (big) thon The giraffe Is (tall) than the zebra the monkey The donkey is (fast) than the cow The goat is (sm all) than the horse Read and write T (true) or F (false) It w as sunny T The children were sad The girl w as hungry The boy w as thirsty M o m and dad were cold The red c a r HD_E-books li b ig g e r than th e b lu e c a r Starter s Listen and repeat Ọ 03 nuäHB ỊpỊỊiiỉỊịỊpỊỊíimoommHSSÜIBIHi ĨI53Ì BIBS® flEQS9BCSSESSIflEISSiSBBEffiE3i(E33E2ll Listen and sing, n 0Í Twelve months in a y e a r January , February, M arch , a n d A p ril, January, February, March, and April, Ja n u a ry , February, M arch, a n d April, Twelve m onths in a year! May, June, July, then August, a n d September, May, June, July, then August, an d September, May, June, July, then August, an d September, HD_E-books Look and match sixty se v e n ty tw enty e ig h ty n in e ty one h u n d red Listen, point, and repeat Ữ 05 Write the answer ten + fifty = _SIXÌỊ^ se ven ty + ten = tw enty + tw en ty = six ty -th ree + th irty -o n e Numberi 1-100 HD_E-books Storler Lesson O ne Words Listen, point, and repeat, n 06 * f Listen and read, n 07 Max Holly where are our cousins? [ Max I don't know m i TY L SI fâteriri3íi~~) jL Where are those people from? They aren't from Australia, from Mexico Look at the \ Loolc! Are they our cousins? \ p* No, Holly They're from Viet Nam, if look at their bags Our cousins f are from Australia ' Amy Look behind you Holly! I'm Ar>iy an d r ] Leo this is Leo K E S B S ä S f c ä i T F l We're your cousins It's nice to meet you! HD_E-books Lesson Two Grammar Listen to the story and repeat Act Listen and repeat, n Where are you from? I m from Korea Where ỈS he from ? He's from Brazil W here are th ey from ? They’re from Viet Nam Read and check (/ ) He’s from Korea, ! She’s from Korea ! They're from Viet Nam She's from Viet Nam They're from the U.S.A We're from Mexico I ’m from the U S A He’s from Mexico Write We're She’s He'i □ □ □ □ They’re Tom is ten He's from the U.S.A Jenny is eleven. _ from Australia Chi and I are friends Jaidee and Tai are brothers from Viet Nam from Thailand HD_E-books W here are you from7 I'm from V iet Nam Unir Lesson Th ree Gram m ar and Song Choose a boy or a girl Ask and answer Linh, 10 Jae-won, 11 Is it a g irl? Ellie, 10 B illy, Thu, 10 Jack, 11 M i-rae, Corl, j ( Yes, it is ' ~ v Where is she from ? ) ( she's from Viet N am How old is she? )( she's ten It's Linh- Write about three people Llrih IS ten Sh e’s from Viet Nam Ja e -w o n is Listen and sing 09 Sing and W here are you from? I’m from Brazil It’s nice to meet you I HeJlo, hello, Nice to m eet you, too This is my friend He's from the U.S.A Hello, hello, HOW are you today? Where are you from? I’m fro m Hello, hello, How are you today? HD_E-books Listen, point, and repeat, n crayon brush 10 spoon Read the chant again Circle the words from Circle the beginning letters Listen and check, n 12 sm br st sp We draw with croyons sn br cr tr dr sp cl dr HD_E-books Comonant blendi Unil 11 II* Lesson Five T im e / (G EEESi Listen, point, and repeat o 13 Look at the pictures below W hat are they wearing? Listen and read Õ '14 Hi! I ’m Long, an d I'm from Ha Noi We h ave four se a so n s here In th e spring, the trees an d p la n ts grow It's very b e a u tifu l and e v eryo n e Loves to p la y outside- In the sum m er, there is a lot of rain, but it’s a lw a y s hot In th e fa ll, th e trees Lose their le a v e s The w e a th e r is very nice, and w e go for w a lk s to th e park It's m y favorite sea so n o f a lL The w in te r IS cold W e sta y insid e an d e a t hot n o o d le soup to keep w a rm Hi! M y n a m e ’s G ian g , and I ’m from Ho Chi M lnh City W e have tw o sea so n s here, d ry and rainy In the dry seaso n , it doesn't rain and the trees turn brown W e go for picnics and p la y outside because w e know w e w o n ’t get w et In the rainy seaso n , it rains a lot The rain com es very fa st and p eop le can get verụ w et We take rain co ats w ith us w h e n w e go out, W e d o n ’t know w h e n the rain w ill start It doesn't la s t long, and it isn ’t cold The w eo th er in Ho Chi M lnh c it y is w a rm aLL ye a r rou n d Read again and write a or b There are four seasons In the rainy season, it rains a lot The rain comes very fast Ho Chi Minh City b b Ha Noi In the spring, the trees and pLonts grow People eat hot noodle soup to keep warm The w eather is w arm a ll year round HD_E-books Lesson Thre« G ram m ar and Song j Look and say buses m otorcycles cars bicycles plane*! ) One hundred years ago There weren't any motorcycles Í It's Picture AI s _ _ _ _ ' > Write four sentences One hundred years ago: There weren’t any motorcycles Listen and sing, n 101 Sing and O u r town has a h isto ry O ur tow n has a history It's very old, you know l Here's a picture of our to w n TWO h u n d re d years ago There w e re n 't an y buses then And there w e re n 't a n y tra in s There w e re n 't a n y taxis, And there w e re n 't a n y planes, There were shops a n d m arkets then And there were hotels, too There were parks a n d cafés There was a lo t to do! HD_E-books There í íl |IUt Read the chant again Circle the words with igh, y, and i_ e Match and write HD_E-books long vow «?! íouird i Listen, point, and repeat Listen and read, o n 10'S 105 My Tet holiday Lost month was theTet holiday ALL of my fam ily come to my hometown to celebrate together M y hometown, Da Nang, is in the middle of Viet Nam M y cousins traveled from Ho Chi Minh G ty by plane! Before Tet, we cleaned our house to prepare for the holiday On New Year's Eve, there was a party at my grandparents’ house They live at the top of a hill Their house is very beautifuL There are orange trees and lots of flowers On the first day of Tet, my brother and dressed in new clothes, and my grandparents gave us lucky money We stayed at home with our fam ily We ate banh chung and fruit We played lots of games We visited our friends on the second day of TetThey had new clothes and lucky money, tool We walked along the beach We Laughed and talked together a ll day On the third day, we took gifts to our teachers My teacher’s house Is between the beach and the town gave herflowers and fruit, M y teacher was happy to see me and said, “Happy New Yearl" My holiday was very happy I Love Tet! By Nguyen Thi Oanh Read again and complete the sentence Da Nang is O anh’s hometown Oanh's grandparents Live at the top of a _ Oanh and her brother had n e w Oanh’s teacher w a s _ to see her HD_E-books hill happy Jiom etow n clothes Lesson Six Offing Listen and write the numbers, n 100 E3Ü Look at the pictures and say shops food tree games schools -'yTliey d id n 't go to school ) ( It's Picture a! W ritin g : A b o u t me! We use paragraphs to moke a te x t easier to read We s ta rt a new paragraph fo r each separate topic in a text Write about yourTet holiday Use paragraphs Paragraph Paragraph HD_E-books L iste ning, ip e a k in g , w ritin g U n ir 11 85 A clever baby! Lesson One Words Listen, point, and repeat n 107 handsom e Listen and read Ö 108 nuiijr LUUIV, ruttyi vvc nwvc zurríe Max This is Dad when he was Look! This is Grandm a I Dad Amy Dad I'm still young! when she was young Wow! He was handsome them I'm still handsome! — "T —n - V I Amy HD_E-books k Wow! Grandm a was pretty! y Ệ Ị Grandpa I th ink Grandm a is still pretty! I Ị Lesson Two Grammar Listen to the story and repeat Act Listen and repeat, m S M n 109 This is a photo of you when you were very young i He was handsome then I w asn 't t a ll w hen I was five We were happy when you were young You w eren’t shy w he /1 you were six He had a book when he was a baby You didn’t have w h ite hair when you were young Lookl I had a bag then, too! Read and circle They were /( w eren't)at the park on Sunday I t was/wasn’t sunny The ocean was / wasn’t hot The children were / weren't hungry The sandwiches were / weren’t smalL Write had d id n 't hove 3 ( B S &I They had pizza for The b o ys _ Lunch Last Friday a party Last weekend He a guitar lesson yesterday The g irls a picnic last Saturday HD_E-books My grandparents were very happy when they were young G ram m ar and Song L e ss o n T h r t * X Look and say - f -long hair short hair short to ll shy \ friendly h she had long h a ir ) ( she wos e ig h t years old V _— ' - W rite about M When Mai was two years old, she had short hair She w a s short Listen and sing Õ 110 Sing and W hen m y g n d p a was a boy when my gra n d p a was a boy He was a lot like me He had a nice apartment, And a happy family G randpa was a happy boy, And he had lots of friends They had lessons every day, And they had fun on weekends When my grandpa was a boy, He had fun every day He had lots of books to read, And lots of games to play HD_E-books She w as Lesson Four Phonics Listen, point, and repeat, n in snow elbow Listen and chant 'H coat nose soap stone 112 Read the chant again Circle the words with ow, oa, and o_e Circle the odd-one-out 1snow (soap) 3soap rope show coat slow boat hom e bone snow boat coat goat Write the words in the correct boxes show home those goat boat slow bone snow 00 o w coat 0_e show J V HD_E-books stone bone L e Í s o n F iv e 'ÿ ir U S T - ùợB ầ - ; ' > Listen, p o in t, cind re p e a t .A in i 111 m Ị Íjj.MJjLi'j D e s crib e w h a t yo u can see in the pictures below Listen and read í l i M uhe.« f ) H er S a s ie ii# , And ' ^ b/a íJ/ia t In / le J afore t / io q ^ ^ u ja i N ee ‘o Ằ °r ‘= “ ,r' ^ ■ ^ ^ th e « a '1, te o C xr -—fl r c c s ~ '< d _ s * ^ o LOV"\e^"> Jp/ie h a ^ c J h i& sC c e d c L t O g s h e u_>as tSu_>sr-\Ey —“tu-^o < d a _ jj , The U JO S CJ v « r y ọ rs jt1 \ Ị b r u d e g re rcrm (-ora's i-^cu/'Msls.crr'r-vs , ÝCTD ~r/~iaJt j-)c7 Xiog grtersrrvVs rny gna_n c* b)

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2019, 15:50