Ô tô Camry 3.5Q - Phần 1 Phần 1 (Tài liệu bằng tiếng anh) gồm: - Kết cấu thân xe - Kết cấu phần điện - CHASSIS - Kích thước xe - Động cơ xe
BODY ELECTRICAL– SMART ENTRY AND START SYSTEM02KBE89TEEntry Unlock/Lock FunctionsTrunk Open FunctionStart FunctionBE-136SMART ENTRY AND START SYSTEMJDESCRIPTIONDThe system settings vary depending on the destinations and engine types. For details, see the equipmentlist in Model Outline (see page MO-42).D The smart entry and start system not only has a wireless door lock remote control function and engineimmobilizer function, but by carrying the key the following functions (entry function and push button startfunction) are also possible without having to use a key or transmitter button. It is an extremely convenientsystem.– The engine can be started by simply pressing the engine switch while depressing the brake pedal (PushButton Start Function)– Door unlock/lock (Entry Unlock/Entry Lock Functions)– The trunk can be opened (Trunk Open Function)– Wireless door lock control function. . SYSTEM02KBE89TEEntry Unlock/Lock FunctionsTrunk Open FunctionStart FunctionBE- 13 6 SMART ENTRY AND START SYSTEMJDESCRIPTIONDThe system settings vary depending. engine types. For details, see the equipmentlist in Model Outline (see page MO-42).D The smart entry and start system not only has a wireless door lock remote