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^2 ^^ JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY VOLUME I BALTIMORE, MD 1916 COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS By the Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore, Md., U S A CONTENTS Number 1, January, 1916 — — Foreword The Genesis of a New Science Bacteriology W T Sedgwick The Pedagogics of Bacteriology D H Bergey Presidential Address, Urbana meeting Further Studies on Bacterial Nutrition: The Utilization of Proteid and Non-Proteid Nitrogen L F Rettger, N Barman, and W S Sturges Studies on Soil Protozoa and their Relation to the Bacterial Flora I James M Sherman 15 35 A Culture Medium for Maintaining Stock Cultures of the Meningococcus C G A Roos Bile Compared with Lactose Bouillon for Determining the Presence of B coli in Water M M Obst Society of American Bacteriologists Abstracts of Papers Presented at Seventeenth Annual Meeting, Urbana, III December 28-30, 1915 Abstracts of American Bacteriological Literature: Bacteriology of Food Bacteriology of Soils Bacteriology of Water and Sewage Dairy Bacteriology ; 67 73 81 123 123 125 125 Disinfection 126 Immunology 126 129 Laboratory Technique Medical Bacteriology Physiology of Bacteria Plant Pathology Number 130 131 132 2, March, 1916 Preliminary Report on Synthetic Media C J T Doryland the Significance of the Voges-Proskauer Reaction Max Levine Studies on Soil Protozoa and Their Relation to the Bacterial Flora 135 153 On II James M Sherman Are Spore-forming Bacteria of any Significance in Soil under Normal Conditions? H J Conn A Possible Function of Actinomycetes in Soil H J Conn Practical Observations on the T-'tration and Adjustment of Culture Media Bertha van Houten Anthony and Clarence V Ekroth A Species of Alcohol-forming Bacteria Isolated from the Interior of Stalks W of Sugar Cane Infested with the Cane-borer Diatraea saccharalis L 165 187 197 209 235 Owen iii CONTENTS IV Abstracts of American Bacteriological Literature: Animal Pathology Bacteriology of Water and Sewage Immunology Laboratory Technique Medical Bacteriology Protozoa and Other Animal Parasites Number 3, May, 1916 Frontispiece: Portrait of Professor T J Burrill 249 250 251 256 257 266 269 In Memoriam, Thomas J Burrill Erwin F Smith Resolutions adopted at the Urbana Meeting of the American Bacteriolo271 gists in regard to the work of Professor Burrill Studies on Aerobic Spore-bearing Non-pathogenic Bacteria Part I Introduction W W Ford 273 273 Spore-bearing Bacteria in Milk J S Lawrence and W W Ford The Number of Colonies Allowable on Satisfactory Agar Plates Robert S 321 Breed and W D Dotterrer A Modification of the Hygienic Laboratory Method for the Production of 333 Tetanus Toxin Harriet Leslie Wilcox A Method of Anaerobic Plating Permitting Observation of Growth Horry 339 M Jones Testicular Infusion Agar A Sterilizable Culture Medium for the Gono343 coccus Ivan C Hall Book Review Der Erreger der Maul- und Klauenseuche By Heinrich 353 Stauffacher Gary N Calkins Abstracts of American Bacteriological Literature 357 Animal Pathology 360 Bacteriology of Air and Dust Bacteriology Bacteriology Bacteriology Bacteriology Food 361 of Soils 361 of of the of Mouth 362 363 364 364 364 372 373 376 384 384 Water and Sewage Classification of Bacteria Disinfection Immunology Industrial Bacteriology Laboratory Technique Medical Bacteriology Paleontology Plant Pathology Number Biological Variations of Bacteria A New Culture Medium and Ward Burdick I 4, July, 1916 385 M R Smirnow W Whitridge Williams for the Tubercle Bacillus 411 ... Abstracts of American Bacteriological Literature 357 Animal Pathology 360 Bacteriology of Air and Dust Bacteriology Bacteriology Bacteriology Bacteriology Food 361 of Soils 361 of of the of Mouth... Ward Giltner Abstracts of American Bacteriological Literature Bacteriology of Food 415 423 435 445 453 455 Bacteriology of the Mouth Bacteriology of Soil Bacteriology of Water and Sewage Disinfection... American Bacteriological Literature: Bacteriology of Soils Bacteriology of Water and Sewage Classification of Bacteria 675 Immunology 682 Laboratory Technique Medical Bacteriology Physiology of Bacteria