Ô tô Camry 3.5Q - Phần 1 Phần 1 (Tài liệu bằng tiếng anh) gồm: - Kết cấu thân xe - Kết cấu phần điện - CHASSIS - Kích thước xe - Động cơ xe
BODY ELECTRICAL– WIRELESS DOOR LOCK REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMBE-130WIRELESS DOOR LOCK REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMJDESCRIPTIONDThe wireless door lock remote control system is used as standard on all models other than D grade modelswith 2AZ-FE engines for G.C.C. Countries.DThis system is controlled mainly by the main body ECU on models without the smart entry and start systemand by the certification ECU on models with the smart entry and start system. For details about this systemon models with smart entry and start system, refer to Entry Function Operation in Smart Entry and StartSystem. (see page BE-158)D This system is convenient system for locking and unlocking all the doors from a distance. It has thefollowing features:– The wireless door lock receiver performs the code identification process and sends the lock or unlocksignal to the main body ECU. Then the main body ECU effects the door lock control.– A key-integrated type transmitter is used, and it incorporates the following three buttons: LOCK,UNLOCK and TRUNK. (Models for China)– A key-integrated type transmitter is used, and it incorporates the following four buttons: LOCK,UNLOCK, TRUNK and PANIC. (Except models for China, Australia and G.C.C. Countries)– A transmitter without key is used, and it incorporates the following four buttons: LOCK, UNLOCK,TRUNK and PANIC. (Models for Australia and G.C.C. Countries) . BODY ELECTRICAL– WIRELESS DOOR LOCK REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMBE- 13 0 WIRELESS DOOR LOCK REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMJDESCRIPTIONDThe wireless door lock. refer to Entry Function Operation in Smart Entry and StartSystem. (see page BE -1 5 8)D This system is convenient system for locking and unlocking all the doors