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  • BC1_1

    • Introduction Lecture 1

    • Nucleic Acid Components

    • Nucleic Acid Components

    • Nucleic Acid Composition

    • Chromosome Composition I

    • Chromosome Composition II

  • BC1_2

    • DNA Replication I

    • DNA Replication II

    • Telomerases

  • BC1_3

    • DNA Repair I

    • DNA Repair II

    • DNA Repair Mechanisms Summary

  • BC1_4

    • Overview of Transcription

    • Types of RNA

    • RNA Polymerases

    • Transcription Terminology

    • Flow of Genetic Information

    • Transcription of Eukaryotic mRNA

    • Co- and Postranscriptional Processing

    • Alternative Splicing

    • Ribosomes

    • tRNA

    • Genetic Code

    • Mutations

  • BC1_5

    • Translation

    • Translation: Initiation Phase

    • Translation: Elongation Phase

    • Translation: Termination Phase

    • Antibiotics

  • BC1_6

    • Protein Structure

    • Chaperones, Ubiquitin and Proteasomes

    • Rough ER versus Free Ribosomes

    • Co- and Post-translational Modification of Proteins

    • Golgi Apparatus

  • BC1_7

    • Post-translational Modification of Collagen

    • Types of Collagen

    • Disorders of Collagen

  • BC1_8

    • Peroxisome

    • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

    • Microtubules

    • Chédiak–Higashi Syndrome

    • Cilia

    • Cytoskeletal Structures

  • BC2_1

    • Introduction Lecture 1

    • Chromatin Remodeling

    • Enhancers

    • Transcription Factors

    • Stimulation of Transcription

    • Key Specific Transcription Factors

  • BC2_2

    • Recombinant DNA

    • Recombinant Genomic DNA

    • Recombinant cDNA

  • BC2_3

    • DNA Libraries

    • Applications of Gene Cloning

  • BC2_4

    • Blotting Techniques

    • Types of Blots

    • Polymerase Chain Reaction

    • Polymerase Chain Reaction Sequence

    • Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

  • BC3_1

    • Introduction Lecture 1

    • Definitions I

    • Definitions II

    • Pedigree

  • BC3_2

    • Autosomal Dominant Inheritance

    • Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

    • X-Linked Recessive Inheritance

    • Recurrence Risk in X-Linked Recessive Inheritance

    • X-Linked Dominant Inheritance

    • Recurrence Risk in X-Linked Dominant Inheritance

    • Mitochondrial Inheritance

    • Algorithm for Determining Mode of Inheritance in Pedigree

  • BC3_3

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases I

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases II

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases III

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases IV

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases V

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases VI

    • Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases VII

    • Prader-Willi Syndrome

    • Angelman Syndrome

  • BC3_4

    • Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium I

    • Hardy –Weinberg Equilibrium II

    • Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium III

    • Factors Responsible for Genetic Variations in Populations

    • Natural Selection

    • Genetic Drift

    • Gene Flow

    • Consanguinity

  • BC3_5

    • Cytogenetics

    • Karyotype

    • Numerical Chromosome Abnormalities

    • Normal Meiosis

    • Nondisjunction During Meiosis I

    • Nondisjunction During Meiosis II

    • Structural Chromosomal Abnormalities

    • Reciprocal Translocation

    • Robertsonian Translocation

    • Deletion

    • Other Types of Structural Abnormalities I

    • Other Types of Structural Abnormalities II

    • Flourescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

  • BC4_1

    • Introduction

    • Achondroplasia

    • Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

    • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

    • Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    • Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

    • Hereditary Spherocytosis

    • Huntington’s Disease

    • Marfan Syndrome

    • Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes

    • Neurofibromatosis

    • Tuberous Sclerosis

    • von Hippel-Lindau Disease

  • BC4_2

    • Autosomal Recessive Diseases

    • Cystic Fibrosis

  • BC4_3

    • X- Linked Recessive Disorders

    • Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

  • BC4_4

    • Fragile X Syndrome

    • Friedreich’s Ataxia

    • Myotonic Dystrophy

  • BC4_5

    • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) I

    • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) II

    • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

    • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)

  • BC4_6

    • Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome

    • Williams Syndrome

    • Microdeletion at Chromosome 22q11

  • BC5_1

    • Introduction

    • Hormones: General Characteristics

    • Hormones Classification

    • Signal Transduction by Water Soluble Hormones

    • Trimeric G Protein

    • cAMP and PIP2 Systems

    • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Nitric Oxide Systems

    • Insulin Receptor

  • BC5_2

    • Vitamin Classification

    • Thiamine (B1)

    • Riboflavin (B2)

    • Niacin (B3)

    • Pantothenic Acid (B5)

    • Pyridoxine (B6)

    • Biotin (B7)

    • Folic Acid (B9)

    • Cobalamin (B12)

    • Ascorbate (Vitamin C)

    • Vitamin A

    • Vitamin A and Vision

    • Vitamin A Deficiency and Clinical Uses

    • Vitamin D

    • Vitamin D Deficiency

    • Vitamin D Toxicity

    • Vitamin K

    • Vitamin E α-Tocopherol

  • BC6_1

    • Introduction

    • Energy from Different Sources

    • Energy Storage

    • Levels of Metabolic Pathways Control

    • Metabolic Profile of the Well-Fed (Absorptive) State

    • Metabolic Profile of the Post-Absorptive State

    • Well-Fed Vs. Fasting States

    • Exercise Vs. Resting Skeletal Muscle

  • BC6_2

    • Overview of Carbohydrate Metabolism

    • Major Glucose Transporters

    • Insulin Regulation of Glucose

  • BC6_3

    • Introduction to Glycolysis

    • Glycolysis

    • ATP Production from Glycolysis

    • 2,3 Biphosphoglycerate and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency

  • BC6_4

    • Galactose Metabolism

    • Fructose Metabolism

  • BC6_5

    • Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

    • Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

  • BC6_6

    • Citric Acid Cycle

    • Electron Transport Chain I

    • Electron Transport Chain II

    • Pathologies Affecting the Electron Transport Chain

    • Uncoupling

  • BC6_7

    • Glycogen

    • Glycogen Synthesis and Breakdown

    • Glycogen Storage Diseases

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type I: Von Gierke’s Disease

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type II: Pompe’s Disease

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type III: Cori’s Disease

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV: Andersen’s Disease

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type V: McArdle’s Disease

    • Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI: Hers Disease

  • BC6_8

    • Gluconeogenesis

  • BC6_9

    • Hexose Monophosphate Shunt

    • Role of HMP Shunt in Hepatocytes, Phagocytes and RBCs

    • Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    • Alcohol Metabolism

  • BC7_1

    • Introduction

    • Fatty Acid Biosynthesis

    • Lipid Storage

    • Glycerophospholipids

  • BC7_2

    • Lipoprotein Metabolism

    • Classes of Lipoproteins and Important Apoproteins

    • Liporpotein Metabolism: Chylomicrons and VLDL

    • Lipoprotein Metabolism: LDL and HDL

    • Regulation of Cholesterol Level in Hepatocytes

    • LDL, HDL and Atherogenesis

  • BC7_3

    • Primary Hyperlipidemias

    • Hypolipidemias

  • BC7_4

    • De Novo Cholesterol Synthesis

  • BC7_5

    • Lipid Catabolism

    • Fatty Acid Beta Oxidation

    • Disorders of Beta Oxidation

    • Propionic Acid Pathway

  • BC7_6

    • Ketone Body Metabolism

    • Ketoacidosis

  • BC7_7

    • Sphingolipids

    • Tay-Sachs Disease

    • Gaucher’s Disease

    • Fabry’s Disease

    • Niemann-Pick Disease

    • Krabbe Disease

    • Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD)

    • Genetic Deficiencies of Sphingolipid Catabolism I

    • Genetic Deficiencies of Sphingolipid Catabolism II

  • BC8_1

    • Introduction

    • Amino Group Removal for Elimination as Urea and Ammonia

    • Urea Cycle

    • Urea Cycle Disorders: Primary Hyperammonemia

    • Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase and OTC deficiencies

    • Urea Cycle Disorders: Arginase Deficiency

  • BC8_2

    • Genetic Disorders of Amino Acids Metabolism

    • Phenylketonuria and Alkaptonuria

    • Maple Syrup Urine Disease

    • Neonatal Ketoacidosis

    • Homocysteinuria

  • BC8_3

    • S-Adenosylmethionine

    • Folate Metabolism

    • Catecholamine Synthesis

  • BC8_4

    • Heme Synthesis

    • Vitamin B6 Deficiency vs. Iron Deficiency vs. Lead Poisoning

    • Iron Metabolism

    • Heme Catabolism and Bilirubin

  • BC9_1

    • Introduction

    • Nucleotides Synthesis and Functions

  • BC9_2

    • Pyrimidine Synthesis

    • Pyrimidine Synthesis: OTC Deficiency

  • BC9-3

    • De Novo Purine Synthesis

    • Purine Salvage Pathway I

    • Purine Salvage Pathway II

Nội dung

Biochemistry Molecular Biology Part I Megan Murray M.D., Ph.D Candidate University of Buffalo BC01_1- Nucleic Acid Components • DNA and RNA are assembled from nucleotides: Nitrogenous base Pentose Phosphate • • Pentoses: Ribose → RNA; Deoxyribose → DNA Nitrogenous bases: Purines: rings Pyrimidines: ring Pure As Gold •FA 2013: 64.2 • FA 2012: 68.2 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 60.3 • ME 4e: 60.3 CUT the pie BC01_1- BC01_1- Nucleic Acid Components • • • Nucleoside: nitrogenous base + ribose Nucleotide: nucleoside + phosphate group(s) Nucleic acids: polymers of nucleoside monophosphates Structural elements of the most common nucleotides Commons.wikimedia.org Used with permission •FA 2013: 64.2 • FA 2012: 68.2 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 60.3 • ME 4e: 60.3 BC01_1- BC01_1- Nucleic Acid Composition • Phosphate group links 3’ carbon of deoxyribose to 5’ carbon of another deoxyribose • Each strand has 5’ and 3’ ends • Eukaryotes DNA is double-stranded RNA is single-stranded • Strands are joined by hydrogen bonds between bases • Bases of adjoining strands are always complementary A : T, C : G (DNA) U : T, C : G (RNA) Total purines = pyrimidines • Strands are anti-parallel 5’ to 3’ •FA 2013: 64.2 • FA 2012: 68.2 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 60.3 • ME 4e: 60.3 BC01_1- BC01_1- Chromosome Composition • Nuclear DNA is first packaged in a nucleosome Nucleosome • Negatively charged DNA winds around positively charged histone octamer • Histone octamer: copies of H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 • Histone H1: between adjacent nucleosomes • Difference between 10nm and 30nm chromatin is presence or absence of histone H1 •FA 2013: 64.1 • FA 2012: 68.1 • FA 2011: 66.1 • ME 3e: 60.3 • ME 4e: 60.3 BC01_1- BC01_1- Chromosome Composition Euchromatin • Loosely condensed nucleosomes • Accessible for transcription Heterochromatin • Densely condensed nucleosomes • Inaccessible for transcription •FA 2013: 64.1 • FA 2012: 68.2 • FA 2011: 66.1 • ME 3e: 60.3 • ME 4e: 60.3 BC01_1- BC01_1- DNA Replication Definition • Process by which genetic information is transmitted from cell to cell Process • complementary strands of parental DNA are pulled apart • Each is used as template for synthesis of new strand • Bidirectional and semi-conservative •FA 2013: 68.1 • FA 2012: 72.1 • FA 2011: 70.1 • ME 3e: 63.1 • ME 4e: 63.1 BC01_2- BC01_2- DNA Replication Sequence of events 5’ 3’ Base sequence recognized at origin of replication 3’ 5’ Helicase Origin 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ Leading strand 5’ 1 3’ 3’ Lagging strand 5’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 5’ 5’ Single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) binds to each strand Primase synthesizes RNA primer (5’→ 3’) at origin of each parental strand to be complementary and antiparallel to DNA template strands DNA polymerase (III in prokaryotes and α/δ in eukaryotes) begins DNA synthesis Leading strand: continuous and toward replication fork Lagging strand: Okasaki fragments, away from replication fork 5’ 5’ Helicase breaks hydrogen bonds holding base pairs together → unwinding begins Site of quinolones, etoposide action! 3’ RNAse H removes primers, DNA polymerase fills gaps DNA polymerase has capacity to proofread by possessing 3’-exonuclease activity DNA ligase seals nicks between Okasaki fragments Topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) relieves strain of supercoiling Replication is completed when forks meet •FA 2013: 68.1 • FA 2012: 72.1 • FA 2011: 70.1 • ME 3e: 63.1 • ME 4e: 63.1 BC01_2- BC01_2- Telomerases Telomeres • Repetitive sequences at ends of linear DNA molecules • Replication shortens telomere length, contributing to genetic material loss and cell aging Telomerase • Enzyme which maintains telomere length (embryonic, germ, and stem cells) by replacing telomere sequences on parent strand • Inactive in somatic cells (skin, blood, connective tissue) • Prokaryotes have single circular chromosomes, hence no telomerases • Inappropriately present in cancer cells • FA 2013: NA • FA 2012: NA • FA 2011: NA • ME 3e: NA • ME 4e: NA BC01_2- BC01_2- DNA Repair 3’ Nucleotide excision repair T A 5’ T A 5’ 3’ UV • Excision endonuclease nicks the phosphodiester backbone of damaged strand 3’ • Removes defective oligonucleotide • DNA polymerase fills gap & DNA ligase seals nick 5’ T=T A 5’ A 3’ Excision endonuclease Xeroderma pigmentosum Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) 3’ 3’ • Enzyme deficiency leads to XP 5’ T=T 5’ • Autosomal recessive 3’ A A 5’ • Extreme sensitivity to sunlight DNA polymerase Nick 3’ • Skin cancer (melanomas) 5’ T A • Diagnosis: excision endonuclease levels 5’ •FA 2013: 69.1 • FA 2012: 73.1 • FA 2011: 71.1 • ME 3e: 64.2 • ME 4e: 64.2 3’ DNA ligase • Skin freckling 5’ T A 3’ BC01_3- BC01_1- Homocysteinuria Signs and symptoms • ↑ homocysteine and methionine α -ketobutyrate • Marfanoid features + spontaneous thromboembolism Cysteine Cystathionine Cystathionine synthase CH3 THF B6 Homocysteine Homocysteine methyltransferase B12 Methionine S-Adenosylhomocysteine • Methyl groups for biosynthesis • Epinephrine • N-methylguanosine cap on mRNA ATP Pi + PPi • FA 2013: 109.1 • FA 2012: 113.1 • FA 2011: 108.3 • ME 3e: 48 • ME 4e: 48 S-Adenosylmethionine BC08_2-5 S-Adenosylmethionine Homocysteine methyl transferase N5-methyl THF B12 From diet Methionine Homocysteine S-Adenosylhomocysteine Methyl groups for biosynthesis of epinephrine N-methylguanine cap on mRNA ATP Pi + PPi • FA 2013: 109.1 • FA 2012: 113.1 • FA 2011: 108.3 • ME 3e: 47 • ME 4e: 47 S-Adenosylmethionine BC08_3-1 Folate Metabolism • FA 2013: 92.2 • FA 2012: 97.2 • FA 2011: 92.2 • ME 3e: 56 • ME 4e: 56 BC08_3-2 Catecholamine Synthesis Specific products derived from amino acids: • Tyrosine → thyroid hormones, melanin, catecholamines • Tryptophan → serotonin, NAD, NADP • Arginine → NO • Glutamate → GABA • Histidine → Histamine • Glycine → Heme • FA 2013: 108.1 • FA 2012: 112.1 • FA 2011: 107.1 • ME 3e: 46 • ME 4e: 46 BC08_3-3 Heme Synthesis • B6 deficiency → sideroblastic anemia • Iron deficiency → microcytic hypochromic anemia • Lead poisoning → microcytic sideroblastic anemia • FA 2013: 358.1 • FA 2012: 386.1 • FA 2011: 354.1 • ME 3e: 46 • ME 4e: 46 BC08_4-1 Vitamin B6 Deficiency vs Iron Deficiency vs Lead Poisoning Vitamin B6 Deficiency Iron Deficiency Lead Poisoning Microcytic Microcytic Microcytic; coarse basophilic stippling in erythrocytes Ringed sideroblasts in bone marrow - Ringed sideroblasts in bone marrow ↓ protoporphyrin ↑ protoporphyrin ↑ protoporphyrin ↓δ-ALA Normal δ-ALA ↑δ-ALA ↑ ferritin ↓ ferritin ↑ ferritin Normal serum iron ↓ serum iron ↑ serum iron Caused by isoniazid (TB) Caused by dietary iron insufficient to compensate for normal loss Caused by lead paint, pottery glaze, batteries • FA 2012: 386 • FA 2011: NA • FA 2010: NA • ME 3e: NA • ME 4e: NA • FA 2013: NA • FA 2012: 386 • FA 2011: NA • ME 3e: NA • ME 4e: NA BC08_4-2 Iron Metabolism Hemochromatosis • Mutation of HFE gene → ↑ iron absorption Ferroxidase (ceruloplasmin) • Ferritin binds iron → hemosiderin → deposits in tissues Liver cirrhosis and dermatitis Bronze skin • FA 2013: NA • FA 2012: NA • FA 2011: NA • ME 3e: NA • ME 4e: NA BC08_4-3 Heme Catabolism and Bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferase deficiency Kernicterus: accumulation of bilirubin in the brain (basal ganglia) • FA 2013: 358.1 • FA 2012: 386.1 • FA 2011: 354.1 • ME 3e: 46 • ME 4e: 46 BC08_4-4 Biochemistry Purines and Pyrimidines Megan Murray, M.D., Ph.D Candidate University of Buffalo Nucleotide Synthesis and Functions Nucleotide functions DNA and RNA synthesis Energy transport Nucleotide synthesis De novo synthesis (predominantly liver) Salvage pathway (peripheral cells outside the liver) • FA 2013: 65.1 • FA 2012: 69.1 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 60 • ME 4e: 60 BC09_1-2 Pyrimidine Synthesis • FA 2013: 65.1 • FA 2012: 69.1 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 61 • ME 4e: 61 BC09_2-1 Pyrimidine Synthesis: OTC Deficiency Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTC) • • • • Urea cycle Orothic aciduria Hyperammonemia No megaloblastic anemia Uridine monophosphate synthase deficiency • • • • Pyrimidine synthesis Orothic aciduria No hyperammonemia Megaloblastic anemia Pyrimidine Synthesis Pathway Urea Cycle • FA 2013: 65.2 • FA 2012: 69.2 • FA 2011: 67.2 • ME 3e: 61 • ME 4e: 61 BC09_2-2 De Novo Purine Synthesis Allopurinol 6-mercaptopurine • FA 2013: 65.1 • FA 2012: 69.1 • FA 2011: 67.1 • ME 3e: 62 • ME 4e: 62 BC09_3-1 Purine Salvage Pathway • FA 2013: 66.1 • FA 2012: 70.1 • FA 2011: 69.1 • ME 3e: 62 • ME 4e: 62 BC09_3-2 Purine Salvage Pathway Severe Combined Immunodeficiency • Lack of B- and T-cell function • Recurrent infections Allopurinol • Inhibits xanthine oxidase Hyperuricemia Adenosine deaminase deficiency • Autosomal recessive • Leads to accumulation of dATP • Orange, needle-shaped sodium urate crystals in diapers of infants • Crystal precipitation in joints induces inflammation gouty arthritis • Crystal precipitation in kidneys urate nephropathy • FA 2013: 66.1 • FA 2012: 70.1 • FA 2011: 69.1 • ME 3e: 62 • ME 4e: 62 BC09_3-3 ... 75.1 • FA 2010: 75.1 • ME 3e: 66.1 • ME 4e: 66.1 BC01_4- BC01_4- tRNA • tRNA carries activated (high energy) amino acid for translation • Each tRNA carries one activated amino acid determined... its anticodon sequence • Amino acid activation catalyzed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Requires high energy bonds from ATP Transfers activated amino acid onto 3’ end of correct tRNA • tRNA has... Phase • Three-step cycle repeated for each amino acid added to protein after initiator Met • Four high energy bonds used per cycle: Two ATPs for charging tRNA and peptide bond formation Two GTPs

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2019, 17:03