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ACCA paper f 7 financial reporting F7FR session30index d08

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SESSION 30 – INDEX A Accounting for deferred tax 1716 Accounting for deferred taxation 1711 Accounting for subsidiaries 1902 Accounting policies 1906, 2412, 2506 Accrual basis 206, 405 Acquired in-process research and development 1108 Acquisition method 1906 Adjusting events 2902 Aggregation 406 Allocation of Impairment Loss 1317 Allowed alternative treatment 113 Amortisation 1115 Analysis and interpretation 2501 B Balance sheet approach 1709 Bargain purchases 2215 Benchmark treatment 113 Bonus issue 2704 Borrowing costs arguments 802 Borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation 804 C Capital maintenance 210 Carrying Amount 712 Cash equivalents 2616 Cash-generating units 1311 Cessation of Capitalisation 807 Changes in provisions 1610 Commencement of Capitalisation 806 Comparability 207 Comparative information 407 Compensation for impairment 712 Compliance with IFRSs 404 Component 2802 Components of cost 703 Components of financial statements 403 Compound instruments 1809 Concepts of capital 210 Consignment inventory 303 Consistency 406 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 2301 Consolidated statement of financial position 2101 Consolidated statement of financial position 2001 Consolidation 2005 Contingent assets 1608 Contingent consideration 2207 Contingent liabilities 1608, 2208 Continuing operations 2809 Contract costs 1504 Control 1104, 1903 Corporate assets 1315 Cost 1203 Cost formulas 1404 Cost model 1113, 1206 Cost of inventory 1403 Creative accounting 302 Current asset 2805 Current assets 409 Current liabilities 410 Current tax assets 1703 Current tax liabilities 1703 Current/non-current distinction 408 Customers 2502 D Decommissioning costs 1615 Deductible Temporary Difference 1712 Deferred consideration 2206 Deferred tax assets 1718 Deferred tax liabilities 1716 Deferred taxation 1707, 1708 Definitions of elements 208 Departure from IFRS 404 Depreciable amount 709 Depreciation 709, 2807 Depreciation methods 710 Derecognition 303, 712, 1814 Determination of profit 210 Development phase 1110 Diluted earnings per share 2709 Direct method 2606 Disaggregation 502 Disclosure 407 Discontinued operation 2803 Discussion Documents 109 Disposal group 2803 Disposals 1206 Dividends 1809, 2203, 2303, 2414, 2903 Due Process 108 3001 SESSION 30 – INDEX E I Earnings performance 2702 Efficiency ratios 2514 Elements of financial statements 208 Employees 2502 Equity accounting 2404 European Union 103 Events after the reporting period 2806 Exchange of assets 704, 1107 Exposure Draft 109 IAS 02 “Inventories” 1401 IAS 07 “STATEMENT OF Cash Flows” 2601 IAS Presentation of Financial Statements 401 IAS 10 Events after the reporting period 2901 IAS 10 Scope 2902 IAS 11 “Construction Contracts” 1501 IAS 12 Income Taxes 1701 IAS 12 Scope 1702 IAS 16 Exclusions 702 IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment 701 IAS 16 Scope 702 IAS 17 Leases 1001 IAS 17 Scope 1002 IAS 18 Revenue 601 IAS 18 Scope 602 IAS Scope 1402 IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants & Disclosure of Government Assistance 901 IAS 20 Scope 902 IAS 23 Borrowing Costs 801 IAS 23 Scope 802 IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures 1908 IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements” 1901 IAS 28 “Investments in Associates” 2401 IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Presentation” 1801 IAS 33 “Earnings Per Share” 2701 IAS 33 Scope 2702 IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets” 1301 IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 1601 IAS 37 Scope 1602 IAS 38 “Intangible Assets” 1101 IAS 38 Scope 1102 IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” 1801 IAS 40 Investment Properties 1201 IAS 40 Scope 1202 IAS Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimats and errors 501 IAS Scope 503 IASB 104 Identifiability 1103 IFRIC 106 IFRS “Business Combinations” 1901 IFRS 2801 F Factoring of debts 308 Fair presentation 404 Fair value 211, 706, 1816, 2209 Fair value less costs to sell 1306 Fair value model 1204 Fair value of purchase consideration 2205 Finance Lease 1004 Financial asset 1814 Financial liability 1814 Financing activities 2608 Finite useful lives 1115 Forgivable loans 903 Framework 201 Future operating losses 1612 G Gaap hierarchy 112 Gearing 2511 General purpose financial statements 113 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 102 Going concern 206, 405, 2903 Goodwill 2007, 2204 Government and their agencies 2503 Government Assistance 905 Government grants 903 Government loans 906 Grants related to assets 904 Grants related to income 905 Group accounting policy adjustments 2203 H Highly probable 3002 2805 SESSION 30 – INDEX IFRS Operating Segments 1909 IFRSs 112 Impairment 712, 1119, 2412 Impairment losses 1303 Improvements Project 110 Indefinite useful lives 1118 Indicators of Finance Lease 1004 Influences on ratios 2505 Initial measurement 1203 Initial measurement at cost 703 Intangible assets 1119, 1303 Inter-company balances 2103 Inter-company trading 2413 Inter-company transactions 2303 Interest 1809 Interest, royalties and dividends 605 Internally generated goodwill 1109 Internally generated intangible assets 1109 International Financial Reporting Standards 112 International harmonisation 114 Interpretations 106 Intra-group trading 1906 Inventories 2209 Investing activities 2608 Investors 2502 Investors’ ratios 2516 IOSCO 114 Issuable shares 2709 L Land and buildings 706 Lease of Land and Buildings 1005 Lenders 2502 Lessee accounting for a finance lease 1006 Lessee accounting for an operating lease 1010 Limitations of ratios 2506 M N NCA held for sale 2805 Net realisable value 1407 Non adjusting events 2903 Non depreciation 711 Non-controlling interest 2012 Non-current asset 2805 Non-monetary government grants 904 Not for profit organisations 116, 2517 O Objectives of financial statements 402, 403 Objectives of the IASB 104 Offsetting 406 Onerous contracts 1612 Operating activities 2606 Operating Lease 1004 Options 2712 Other comprehensive income 413 Overhaul costs 705 P Part replacement Performance Performance ratios Plant and equipment Positive goodwill Present obligation Presentation of accounting policies Project update Proposed dividends Provisional accounting Provisions Public Purpose Framework 704 502 2507 706 2215 1604 421 110 2202 2216 1604 2503 202 Q Qualitative Characteristics 206 Marketable securities 2209 Materiality 406 Measurement 1608, 2902 Measurement bases 209 Measurement of revenue 602 Measurement period 2216 Mid-year acquisitions 2102, 2308 Movement on the deferred tax balance 1719 3003 SESSION 30 – INDEX R Recognition 303, 1203, 2207, 2902 Recognition assets and liabilities 302 Recognition criteria 209, 703, 1109 Recoverable amount 1305 Refurbishment Costs 1617, 1618 Regulatory framework 102 Relevance 206 Reliability 207 Rendering of services 604 Rentals in advance 1009 Rentals in arrears 1007 Repairs and maintenance 1617 Research and development expenditure 1121 Research phase 1110 Residual value 1116 Restructuring 1613 Retirements and disposals 1119 Revaluation model 1113 Revaluations 706, 1120 Revenue 1503 Revenue recognition 1502 Reversals of impairment losses 1319 Rights issues 2705 Risks and rewards 1004 S Sale and leaseback 1011 Sale and leaseback finance lease 1011 Sale and leaseback operating lease 1013 Sale and repurchase agreements 305 Sale of goods 603 Scope Framework 203 Segment reporting 1320 Short term liquidity ratios 2510 Significant influence 2403, 2404 Special purpose vehicle 307 Stage of completion 1507 Standard setting 108 Standards Advisory Council 106 3004 Statement of cash flows 2604 Statement of changes in equity 418 Statement of comprehensive income 412 statement of financial position 408 Statement of financial position presentation 411 Subsequent expenditure 704, 1108 Subsequent measurement 705 Substance over form 301 Supplementary statements 404 Suppliers and other creditors 2502 Suspension of Capitalisation 807 Syllabus aim v T Tax Base 1712 Tax rates 1721 Taxable Temporary Difference 1712 Traditional accounting for leases (pre IAS 17) 1002 Transfers 1206 Treasury shares 1811 True and fair 1903 U Underlying Assumptions 206 Understandability 206 Unrealised profit 2105, 2303, 2414 Useful life 709, 1114 User-focus 2502 Users 2502 Users and their information needs 204 V Value in use Voluntary disclosures 1307 2617 W Withholding tax Work program 1705 110, 111 ... Identifiability 1103 IFRIC 106 IFRS “Business Combinations” 1901 IFRS 2801 F Factoring of debts 308 Fair presentation 404 Fair value 211, 70 6, 1816, 2209 Fair value less costs to sell 1306 Fair... model 1204 Fair value of purchase consideration 2205 Finance Lease 1004 Financial asset 1814 Financial liability 1814 Financing activities 2608 Finite useful lives 1115 Forgivable loans 903 Framework... performance 270 2 Efficiency ratios 2514 Elements of financial statements 208 Employees 2502 Equity accounting 2404 European Union 103 Events after the reporting period 2806 Exchange of assets 70 4,

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2019, 16:28