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算法设计与分析课后作业 elie* 2012 年 月 16 * elie_001@163.com 1 小试身手——第一次作业 1.1 True or False? True or false? Consider an instance of the Stable Matching Problem in which there exits a man m and a woman w such that m is ranked first on the preference list of w and w is ranked first on the preference list of m Then in every stable matching S for this instance, the pair (m, w) belongs to S 命题为真。用反证法证明。假设存在稳定匹配 S,(m, w) ∈ S 那么存在一名“女 性”w′ 和一名“男性”m′ , 使得 (m, w′ ) ∈ S, (m′ , w) ∈ S 又因为对于 m, 他更喜欢 w 而非 w′ , 对于 w, 她更喜欢 m 而非 m′ , 从而 S 是不稳定的。因此与假设 S 是稳定的矛盾。从 而对做任意的一个稳定的匹配 S,(m, w) ∈ S 1.2 True or False? True or false? In the stable matching S generated by G-S algorithm, each woman is paired with her worst valid partner 命题为真。 设 w1 的 worst valid partner 是 m1 假设 G-S 算法产生的稳定匹配使 w1 不与 m1 相配。不妨设 w1 与 m2 相配。那么 w1 更喜欢 m2 而非 m1(因为 m1 是 w1 的 wosrt valid patner)。设另一匹配 S 中 w1 与 m1 相配。m2 与 w2 相配。在 S ∗ 中 m2 的配 偶 w1 是 m2 的 best valid patner 故 m2 更喜欢 w1 而非 w2 , 又 w1 更喜欢 m2 而非 m1 从而 w1 − m2 不稳定。 1.3 True or False Suppose we have two television stations, A and B There are n prime-time programming slots, and each station has n TV shows Each station wants to assign each show to a distinct slot so as to attract as much market share as possible Here is the way we determine how well the two stations perform relative to each other, given their schedules Each show has a fixed score We’ll assume that no two shows have exactly the same score A station wins a given time slot if the show that it schedules for the time slot has a higher score than the show the other station schedules for that time slot The goal of each station is to win as many time slots as possible Suppose Station A reveals a schedule S and Station B reveals a schedule T We’ll say that the pair of schedule (S, T ) is stable if neither station can unilaterally change its own schedule and win more time slots That is, there is no schedule S ′ such that Station A wins more slots with the pair (S ′ , T ) than it did with the pair (S, T ); and symmetrically, there is no schedule T ′ such that Station B wins more slots with the pair (S, T ) Decide whether you think the following statement is true or false If it is true, give an algorithm If it is false, give a counterexample True or false? For every set of TV shows and scores, there is always a stable pair of schedules 命题为假。考 n = 的情形,设 A 的两个节目的分数分别为 a1 , a2 , B 的两个节目的 分数分别为 b1 , b2 , 并且 a1 > b1 > a2 > b2 以这样的分数,无论怎么样的计划,两公司 总可以单方面地改变计划以获得更多的播放机会。例如,a1 , b1 竞争第一个节目时间, a2 , b2 竞争第二个节目时间,这样的计划 B 公司获得零个播出时间。但是 B 公司可以 改变策略,让 b1 与 a2 竞争第二个节目,b2 与 a1 竞争第一个节目,这样,B 公司可以获得 一个播出时间。同样,a1 与 b2 竞争,a2 与 b1 竞争时,A 以改变策略获得更多的播出时 间。 1.4 Stable Matching PSL is a shipping company that owns n ships and provide service to n ports Each ship has a schedule that says, for each day in some m(m > n) day period, whether the ship is at sea or staying at one port During the period, each ship visits each port once, and each visit lasts exactly one day For safety reasons, PSL has the following strict requirement: (†) No two ships can be in the same port on the same day The company wants to perform maintenance on all the ships in the following m day period In this case, each ship Si will arrive in one scheduled port and simply remains there for the rest of the period, ignoring the rest of its schedule Now the question is: Given the schedule for each ship, find when each ship should stop its travel so that condition (†) continues to hold Try to give an algorithm to find the solution 此问题类似于稳定婚姻问题。只需将船类比成稳定婚姻问题中的男士,码头类比 成女士, 然后套用 G-S 算法。 1.5 Complexity Analysis Design a data structure to support the following two operations for a set S of integers: Insert(S, x) inserts x into set S; Delete-Larger-Half(S) deletes the largest ⌊S/2⌋ elements from S Explain how to implement this data structure so that any sequence of m operations runs in O(m) time 将数据结构设计为一个动态数组 S Insert(插入操作) 每次向数组插入一个元素。当数组存满时,若执行插入操作,则另外申请加倍的 内存空间,并将原空间的数据拷贝到新申请的空间中, 删除原内存空间。 Delete-Larger-Half(删除操作) 忽略对删除操作前数据为空的判断时间。每次删除操作分两步: • 获取数组中所有元素的中位数(可以采用《算法导论》 (第二版)9.3 节最坏 情况线性时间获取线性表中位数的算法)。 • 删除数组中最大的 ⌊S/2⌋ 个元素,只需扫描整个数组,如果扫描过程中当前 元素小于中位数,则添加到数组的前半部分。如果当前元素大于或等于中 位数, 则删除这个元素。 可以用平摊分析法,得出任何次序的插入和删除操作的时间复杂度是 O(n) 1.6 Complexity Analysis In stock market, HH-index(historically highest) of the current price is k means that current price is the highest price in the previous k days, but not the highest one in the previous k + days For example, the price changes as showed in the following figure 8+ HH + + + + + 2 + The price in Day is the highest in Days 5, 4, 3, 2, but not highest one in Days 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, thus HH(5) = 4; The price in Day is the highest in Days 4, 3, 2, but not highest one in Days 4, 3, 2, 1, thus HH(4) = 3; The price in Day is the highest in Day 3, but not highest one in Days 3, 2, thus HH(3) = 1; The input in this example is 8, 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, the answer is 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, Given the prices of n days, please give an algorithm of O(n) time complexity to calculate the HH-index of all days 解:只简单地给出算法 (算法分析是简单的——时间复杂度 O(n)): while 还有没处理的数据 将下降序列插入到队列 Q 中。 将上升序列插入到栈 S 中。 k1 = |S|; k2 = |Q|; while S ̸= ∅ t = s pop(); HH[t] = k; while Q ̸= ∅ and v[Q top()] > v[t] tq = Q pop(); HH[ta ] = 1; end while HH[t]+ = |Q| + 1; end while while Q ̸= ∅ tq = Q pop(); HH[tq ] = 1; end while end while NP 完全问题的证明 2.1 NP-completeness The subgraph-isomorphism problem takes two graphs G1 and G2 and asks whether G1 is isomorphic to a subgraph of G2 Show that the subgragh-isomorphism problem is NP-complete Proof First we prove that the Subgraph Isomorphism problem is in NP The certificate is (G1 = (V1 , E1 ), G2 = (V2 , E2 ), φV1 → V2 ) The verifying algorithm checks if φ is a oneto-one function, and for all u, v ∈ V1 whether (u, v) ∈ E1 if and only if (φ(u), φ(v)) ∈ E2 Secondly, we prove that CIQUE ≤P Subgragh Isomorphism Let (G = (V, E), k) be an input instance for CLIQUE Define G1 to be the complete graph on k vertices, and G2 to be the grapgh G Then (G1 , G2 ) ∈ Subgragh Isomorphism if and only if (G, k) ∈ CLIQUE 2.2 NP-completeness Given an integer m × n matrix A and an integer m-vector b, the 0-1 Integer Programming problem asks whether there is an integer n-vector x with elements in the set {0, 1} such that Ax ≥ b Prove that 0-1 Integer Programming is NP-complete Proof First we show that 0-1 Integer-Programming is in NP The certificate is the nvector x with elements in the set 0, Given the certificate, it can be verified in linear time (hence, polynomial time) that it satisfies Ax ≤ b 3SAT ≤P 0-1 Integer-Programming Goal: Next we want to show that 3SAT is polynomially reducible to the 0-1 Integer-Programming (IP) That is, we want a polynomial time computable function, which given an instance of 3SAT (a set of variables Y and clauses C) outputs an instance of IP (an m-by-n matrix A and a m-vector b) such that the clauses C are satisfiable if and only if there is an integer n-vector x with elements in the set {0, 1} which satisfies Ax ≤ b Transformation: For each clause C we write out an inequality as follows If the literal is variable yi , we replace it by the variable xi ; and if the literal is y¯i , we replace it by the quantity − xi In what follows, we will call this quantity that replaces the literal a term Finally, the sum of these terms is set ≥ For example, if the 3SAT instance consists of two clauses y1 ∨ y¯2 ∨ y¯3 and y¯1 ∨ y3 ∨ y4 , then the inequalities are x1 + (1 − x2 ) + (1 − x3 ) ≥ and (1 − x1 ) + x3 + x4 ≥ One can obtain the matrix A and vector b from these inequalities quite easily The entire transformation can be done in linear time (hence polynomial time) Correctness: If the clauses are satisfiable then consider the satisfying truth assignment For each variable yi , if yi is true, then the corresponding variable xi is assigned value 1, and if yi is false, then the corresponding variable xi is assigned value Consider any clause c ∈ C Clearly, the satisfying truth assignment makes at least one literal in the clause c true If this literal is the variable yi then xi has value and the inequality corresponding to clause c is satisfied; and if this literal is yi then xi has value 0, and so − xi has value and again the inequality corresponding to clause c is satisfied Since the argument applies to any clause c, it implies that all the inequalities are satisfied by the above assignment Conversely, if all the inequalities can be satisfied then consider the assignment of values to the variables xi that satisfies the inequalities For each variable xi , if xi is 1, then the corresponding variable yi is set to true, and if xi is 0, then the corresponding variable yi is set to false Consider any inequality and the corresponding clause c ∈ C Clearly, if the inequality is satisfied then one of the three terms must be ≥ (since all the terms are ≥ 0) If the term is of the form xi then it implies that xi is and the corresponding literal yi is true; and if the term is of the form − xi then it implies that xi is and the corresponding literal yi is true In either case, the clause c is satisfied Our argument applies to any arbitrary clause c, hence the given clauses are satisfiable 2.3 NP-completeness The set-partition problem takes as input a set S of numbers The question is whether the numbers can be partitioned into two sets A and B and B = S − A such that Σx∈A x = Σx∈B x Show that the set-partition problem is NP-complete Proof First we show that Set-partition is in NP The certificate for the Set-partition problem consists of the two sublists S1 and S2 Given the sublists, in polynomial time we can compute the sums of the elements in these lists and verify that they are equal Subset Sum ≤P set-partition Goal: Next we want to show that SubsetSum (SS) is polynomially reducible to the set-partition problem (PART) That is, we want a polynomial time computable function f , which given an instance of SS (a set of numbers S = {x1 , x2 , , xn } and a target value t) outputs an instance of PART (a set of numbers S ′ = {x′1 , x′2 , , x′n }) such that S has a subset summing to t if and only if S ′ can be partitioned into subsets S1 and S2 that sum to the same value Transformation: Observe that the Set-partition problem is a special case of the subset sum problem where we are trying to find a set of numbers S1 that sum to half the total sum of the whole set Let T be the sum of all the numbers in S T = n ∑ xi i=1 If t = T /2 then the subset sum problem is an instance of the partition problem, and we are done If not, then the reduction will create a new number, which if added to any subset that sums to t, will now cause that set to sum to half the elements of the total The problem is that when we add this new element, we change the total as well, so this must be done carefully We may assume that t ≤ T /2, since otherwise the subset sum problem is equivalent to searching for a subset of size T − t, and then taking the complement Create a new element x0 = T − 2t, and call partition on this modified set Let S ′ be S together with this new element: S ′ = S ∪ {x} Clearly the transformation can be done in polynomial time Correctness: To see why this works, observe that the sum of elements in S ′ is T + T − 2t = 2(T − t) If there is a solution to the subset sum problem, then by adding in the element x0 we get a collection of elements that sums to t + (T − 2t) = T − t, but this is one half of the total 2(T − t), and hence is a solution to the Set-partition problem Conversely, if there is a solution to this Set-partition problem, then one of the halves of the partition contains the element x0, and the remaining elements in this half of the partition must sum to (T − t) − (T − 2t) = t Thus these elements (without x0 ) form a solution to the subset sum problem 2.4 NP-completeness In the Half-3SAT problem, we are given a 3SAT formula ϕ with n variables and m clauses, where m is even We wish to determine whether there exists a truth assignment to the variables of ϕ such that exactly half the clauses evaluate to and exactly half the clauses evaluate to Prove that the Half-3SATproblem is NP-complete Proof In order to prove that the Half-3SAT problem is NP-Complete, we need to prove two things: Half 3SAT ∈ NP, ∀L ∈ NP, L ≤P Half-3SAT, or Half-3SAT ∈ NP-Hard In order to prove that Half-3SAT is in NP, we need to show that a solution to a particular instance of the problem can be verified in polynomial time Consider the following ”witness” algorithm which takes an instance of Half-3SAT and a ”certificate” as parameters Our algorithm takes a boolean formula in conjunctive normal form, and the ”certificate” or ”proposed solution” is a list of the boolean variables and their proposed truth assignments The algorithm walks the formula, evaluating each clause with the proposed truth assignments and returns true if exactly half the clauses are true, and false if not This is clearly polynomial time because the boolean formula is only walked once In order to prove that Half-3SAT is NP-Hard, we can consider a reduction from a known NP-Complete problem to Half-3SAT (or prove it directly, which we won’ t even consider) We choose to reduce from 3SAT to Half-3SAT Because Circuit-SAT ≤P SAT ≤P 3SAT, if we are able to show 3SAT ≤P Half 3SAT, then this implies that Circuit-SAT ≤P Half 3-SAT And since L ≤P Circuit-SAT, ∀L ∈ NP, then this implies that L ≤P Half 3SAT, ∀L ∈ NP or that Half 3SAT ∈ NP-hard Consider the following reduction First, we need to convert an instance of 3SAT to Half 3SAT Our approach is create a φ′ which contains times as many clauses as φ Suppose φ contains m clauses When creating φ′ , first we take all of the clauses from φ Next, we create m clauses of the form: (p ∨ ¬p ∨ q) Clearly, these clauses are always true, regardless of the individual truth assignments for p and q Next, we create 2m clauses of the form: (p ∨ q ∨ r) These clauses are always true or always false Therefore, we have created a boolean formula φ′ which contains all of the clauses φ and m clauses which are always true and 2m clauses which are either all true or all false Clearly, this conversion takes polynomial time because we have only added variables, and 3m clauses We also need to show that there exists a ”yes” instance of 3SAT if and only if there exists a ”yes” instance of Half 3SAT • =⇒ that there exists a truth assignment which causes φ to be true Then, the m clauses which correspond to φ in φ′ are true and there are m clauses which are always true Thus, simply let p and r be false, and there exists a truth assignment which satisfies Half 3SAT, where half the clauses are true and half are false • ⇐= that there exists a truth assignment which causes Half 3SAT to be satisfied, or a truth assignment that causes half the clauses in φ′ to be true and half false But m clauses in φ′ are always true, which means that the 2m clauses cannot be true if Half 3SAT is satisfied (because then 3m clauses would be true which is more than half) Thus, the 2m clauses must be false, which means that φ is true, which means that 3SAT is also satisfied Thus, we have shown that a ”yes” instance of 3SAT produces a ”yes” instance of Half 3SAT, and vice versa, which concludes our proof 2.5 NP-completeness Show that Undirected-Hamilton-Cycle problem is NP-complete Undirected-Hamilton-Cycle(decision problem): Input: an undirected gragh G Output: if G has a Hamilton cycle which visits each vertex exactly once and also returns to the starting vertex, for others 证明:该问题显然是 NP 问题,故只需证明该问题是 NP-Hard 问题。记 Hamilton 轨 问题为 HP, Hamilton 圈问题为 HC, 有向 Hamilton 圈问题为 DHC, 有向 Hamilton 轨问 题为 DHP 首先证明 HP ≤P HC 是实上, 若 HP 的输入为 I: 一个无向图 G 和 u0 , v0 ∈ V (G), 则 取 HC 的输入为 f (I) : G′ = G + v0 u0 这样在 G 中存在 Hamilton 轨 P (u0 , v0 ) 当且仅当 G′ 存在 Hamilton 圈。 其次证明 DHC ≤P DHP 和(非常简单, 类似上面的证明,略) 最后只需证明 DHP ≤P HP 令有向图 G′ 和两顶 va , vb ∈ V (G′ ), 是 DHP 的一个输 入, 我们由 G′ 来构造一个无向图 G 如下: 对每个顶 vi ∈ V (G′ ), G 含三个顶点 vi1 , vi2 , vi3 , 和两条边 vi1 vi2 , vi2 vi3 对每一条有向边 vi vj ∈ E(G′ ), G 中含边 vi3 vj1 f (I) 取 G 和 va1 , vb3 作 为对应的输入。我们往证 G 有 va1 与 vb3 之间的 Hamilton 轨的充分必要条件是 G′ 有从 va 到 vb 的有向 Hamilton 轨。若 G′ 有从 va 到 vb 的一条有向 Hamilton 轨, 则 G 有在 va1 到 vb3 之间的 Hamilton 轨是显然的。反之,设 P (va1 , vb3 ) 是 G 中的一条 Hamilton 轨,我们从 va1 开始沿 P (va1 , vb3 ) 运行,把 P (va1 , vb3 ) 上形如 vi1 vi2 vi3 的长 的子轨缩成一个顶点 vi , 从 而得到 G′ 上从 va 到 vb 的一打有向 Hamilton 轨。 综上有 DHC ≤P DHP ≤P HP ≤P HC, 而 DHC 是 NPC 问题, 故 HC 是 NPC 问题。✷ 2.6 NP-completeness In the Half-Clique problem, we are given a graph G with n nodes, where n is even We wish to determine whether there exists a subgragh of G with n/2 nodes that is a clique Show that the Half-Clique problem is NP-complete 证明: 半团问题 (Half-Clique) 是 NP 问题。 证书是一个子图 H 和与图 G 的顶点的映射关系 f , 只需验证 H 是完全图,其顶点 个数为 n/2, 且 ∀v1 , v2 ∈ V (H), (f (v1 ), f (v2 )) ∈ E(G) 这显然可在多项式时间内 完成。 CLIQUE ≤P Half-Clique 设 ⟨G1 , k⟩ 是一个团的实例。 • k ≥ |G|/2 在 G 上添加 j = 2k − |G| 个孤立顶点,得到图 G′ G′ 中含有半团,当且公当 10 基可行解。它的检验数与原线性规划问题的数相同,说明该问题不能再改进。从而 它是修改后的线性规划问题的最优解。故 x∗ 在该转化成的 LP 问题的凸多面体的一 个顶点上。又 x∗ 满足所有的严格不等式,所以 x∗ 不在这些严格不等式对应的超平面 上。因此 x∗ 在某一顶点上。 6.3 Linear-inequality feasibility Given a set of m linear inequalities on n variables x1 , x2 , ,xn , the linear-inequality feasibility problem asks if there is a setting of the variables that simultaneously satisfies each of the inequalities a Show that if we have an algorithm for linear programming, we can use it to solve the linear-inequality feasibility problem The number of variables and constraints that you use in the linear grogramming problem should be polynomial in n and m b Show that if we have an algorithm for the linear-inequality feasibility problem, we can use it to solve a linear-programming problem The number of variables and linear inequalities that you use in the linear-inequality feasibility problem should be polynomial in n and m, the number of variables and constraints in the linear programming 解: (a) 只需要增加一个伪上标, 应用线性规划算法即可。 (b) 只叙述方法。考虑线性规划问题(LP)和它对应的对偶问题(DLP)。对两上问题 的不等式进行求解,并分别代入对应的目标。这样就得到最优目标所在的区间。取这 个区间的中点作为最优解的一个估计,可增加一个不等式,构成新的不等式组。根据 是否有解,确定新的最目标的区间范围。这样不断地迭代, 直至达到要求的精度。 6.4 Linar Programming Modelling Integer Linear Programming Problem is different from the classic Linear Programming Problem that some extra constraints such as xi is an integer, for all i = 1, 2, , n are added A railway station has estimated that at least the following number of staff is needed in each four-hour interval throughout a standard 24-hour period and the salary per hour for every person during the different period: 27 Time Period Staff Needed 5:00–9:00 9:00–13:00 13:00–17:00 17:00–21:00 21:00–1:00 1:00–5:00 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Time Period Salary Per Hour For Every Person 0:00–8:00 8:00–16:00 16:00–24:00 C1 C2 C3 All staff works in 8-hour-shifts, which means every person will continuous work for hours There are six possible shifts that start on the hour in the beginning of each 4-hour period in the table Now if the railway station want to minimize the total salary paid in one day, please formulate this problem as an integer linear programming problem 解:为方便描述,从 5:00 起每 个小时为一个时段,如段 5:00–9:00 称为第 时段; 9:00–13:00 称为第 时段。 设第 i 时段有 yi 人工作,第 i 时段开始时有 xi 人加入工作。因为每人一旦加入工 作,就连续工作 小时,因此第 i 时段有 xi−2 人离开工作(在模 同余的意义下计算脚 标)。故按约束条件有 yi = yi−1 − xi−2 + xi ≥ Si , i = 1, 2, , 下面分时间段考虑报酬: • 0:00–8:00 在这一时段, 每人每工作一小时的报酬是 C1 , 首先在 0:00–1:00 这一个小时内, 有 y5 人工作; 在 1:00-5:00 这四个小时内, 有 y6 人工作; 在 5:00-8:00 这三个小时内有 y1 人工作, 因此, 这一时间区间内的总报酬应为: w1 = C1 y5 + 4C1 y6 + 3C1 y1 ; • 8:00–16:00 同理分析,这一时间区间与第 1、2、3 时段相关, 总报酬为: w2 = C2 · (y1 + 4y2 + 3y3 ); • 16:00–24:00 同理,这一时间区间与第 3、4、5 时段相关, 总的报酬为: w3 = C3 · (y3 + 4y4 + 3y5 ) 28 因此全天的总报酬为 w = w1 + w2 + w3 目标是使总的报酬最小, 故最终问题形式为: w = w1 + w2 + w3 , yi = yi−1 − xi−2 + xi ≥ Si , i = 1, 2, , 6, w2 = C1 · (y5 + 4y6 + 3y1 ), w2 = C2 · (y1 + 4y2 + 3y3 ), w3 = C3 · (y3 + 4y4 + 3y5 ), xi , yi 是非负整数.i = 1, 2, , 6.5 Linear Programming Modelling 0-1 Integer Programming Problem is different from the classic Linear Programming Problem that some extra constraints such as xi ∈ {0, 1}, for all i = 1, 2, , n are added There is an undirected graph G with n nodes We use a matrix M to denote that whether two nodes are connected by an edge In other words, mij is if i and j are adjacent, and otherwise If you want to paint the nodes with some colors, such that any two adjacent nodes don’ t share the same color, and you try to use as less colors as possible, please formulate this problem as an integer linear programming problem (see the definition in Problem 4) or a 0-1 linear programming problem 解: 引入变量 Ck 1, 使用第 k 种颜色, Ck = 0, 不使用第 k 种颜色 则 0-1 整数规划问题为: n ∑ Ck , i=1 m (x + xjk ) ≤ mij Ck , ij ik s.t Ck ∈ {0, 1}, xi,k ∈ {0, 1}, i, k = 1, 2, , n 6.6 Linear Programming Modelling In a directed acyclic graph, you can find no path which start from some node and stop at the same node In this case, there are no Hamilton Cycle in this graph In some practical problems, we will modify the conditions a little so as to find some approximate solutions 29 For example, the original target can be modified to finding the minimum number of paths so that you’re able to visit all nodes when you go through all these paths The beginning and end of the paths are not restricted In the following instance, the minimum number of paths is 2, and the paths are colored red Try to formulate this modified problem as a linear programming problem or an integer linear programming problem (see the definition in Problem 4) or a 0-1 linear programming problem (see the definition in Problem 5) 解:此题比较困难,题意也不是很明确。我想可能与最小代价流 (The cost flow problem) 有关。望已解决该问题的人给出解答1 。 6.7 Linear Programming Modelling FBI wants to send a very dangerous criminal from one prison to another Just in case that the criminal be rescued, FBI decided to send several cars simultaneously to mislead his partners The problem appears here: how to design the routes so as to arrange as many misleading cars as possible Suppose all relative streets here are oneway streets In this case, the problem can be transformed to finding as many paths as possible in a directed graph, while all these paths cannot share any node or edge except the starting point s and the finishing point t In the following example, the maximum number of paths is 3, and the available paths are colored red Try to formulate this problem as a linear programming problem or an integer linear programming problem (see the definition in Problem 4) or a 0-1 linear programming problem (see the definition in Problem 5) 可以联系我,我好将答案附上 30 解:归约为每个顶点(见问题 7.1)、每条边容量为 的最大流问题。最终求得最大 流数即最大路径条数。 31 网络流 7.1 Problem Reduction In the Network Flow Problem, we add a group of constraints: for every node i, there has a capacity limitation ki , the flow over the ith node cannot be greater than ki Please reduce the problem to the traditional Network Flow Problem 解:设该问题为 P = (V, E, k, c, s, t) 其中 V 是有向图的顶点集,E 是边集,k : V → R+ , k(i) = ki , ∀i ∈ V ; c : E → R+ 是容量。s ∈ V 是源,t ∈ V 是汇。 ′ 设 V = {s, t, v1 , v2 , , vm }, V ′ = {s′ , t′ , v1′ , v2′ , , vm }, Vˆ = V ∪ V ′ 令 (v, v ′ ) ∈ E ′ , ∀v ∈ V ∀(u, v) ∈ E, (u′ , v) ∈ E ′ 定义 c′ : E ′ → R+ c((u, v)), e = (u′ , v); c′ (e) = k(u), e = (u, u′ ) 从而得到一最大流问题 Pˆ = (Vˆ , E ′ , c′ , s, t) 对问题 Pˆ 的任意一个流,由 c′ 的定义,流过任意顶点 v ∈ V 的流量一定小于或等于 k(v) 将 u, v ′ 收缩为一点,∀v ∈ V , 就得到原问题 P 的一个流。因此只需求解传统的最 大流问题 Pˆ ,然后转化为该问题的解即可。 7.2 Optimal cover problem If each vertex of a graph G carries a positive weight, then the weight of a set of S of vertices is defined as the sum of weights of all the vertices in S and the optimal cover problem requires finding a cover of the smallest weight Show that this problem can be turned into the minimum cut problem whenever G is bipartie 解:原问题的输入是一个二分图 G,输出是该二分图的一顶点子集 V1 , V1 覆盖 G 所 有的边, 且 w(V1 ) 具有最小值。 我们将原问题转化为一最大流问题。令 V (G) = X ∪ Y 其中 X 中的任两点无边相 连, Y 亦然。构造有向图 G′ : V (G′ ) = V (G) ∪ {s, t}, 对任意无向边 uv ∈ E(G), 作有向 边 (u, v) ∈ E(G′ ); 添加胡向边 (s, v), (u, t), ∀v ∈ X, u ∈ Y 至 E(G′ ) 定义 G′ 上的容量函 数: +∞, uv ∈ E(G), c(u, v) = w(v), u = s, w(u), v = t 下面考虑 G′ 的最小割具有怎样的形式。首先,如果 (S, T ) 是网络流 G′ 的最小割,那 么 ∀u ∈ S, v ∈ T , 有 (u, v) ̸∈ E(G′ ) 因为否则该割的容量 c(S, T ) = +∞ 但有一割 32 ({s}, V (G′ ) − s) 的容量为有限值。 下面我们将构造一个割,并且证明它是网络流 G′ 的最小割。设 A ∈ V (G) 是原问 题的最优解, 令 S = (X\A) ∪ {s} ∪ (Y ∩ A), T = (X ∩ A) ∪ {t} ∪ (Y \A) 显然有 c(S, T ) = w(A) 下面证明 (S, T ) 是流 G′ 的最小割。如若不然,存在另一割 (S ′ , T ′ ) 且 c(S ′ , T ′ ) < c(S, T ), c(S ′ , T ′ ) = ∑ c(s, v) + u∈S ′ v∈T ′ = ∑ ∑ c(s, v) + v∈T ′ ∩X c(u, t) ∑ c(u, t) u∈S ′ ∩Y 令 B = (T ′ ∩ X) ∪ (S ′ ∩ Y ) 则 c(S ′ , T ′ ) = w(B) 下面证明 B 是 G 的一个顶覆盖。∀e = uv ∈ E(G), 若 u ∈ T ′ ∩ X, 则显然 e 已被覆盖。 不妨设 u ∈ / T ′ ∩ X 且 u ∈ X 则 u ∈ X (T ′ ∩ X), 若 v ∈ / S ′ ∩ Y , 那 么 存 在 有 向 边 (u, v) ∈ E(G′ ) 且 u ∈ S ′ , v ∈ T ′ 从 而 c(S ′ , T ′ ) = +∞ 与 c(S ′ , T ′ ) < c(S, T ) 矛盾。故 v ∈ S ′ ∩ Y 从而 ∀e ∈ E(G) e 被 B 覆 盖。又由 c(S ′ , T ′ ) = w(B) < c(S, T ) = w(A), 与 A 是 G 的最优覆盖矛盾。从而 (S, T ) 是网络流 G′ 的最小割。 7.3 Problem Reduction Let M be an n × n matrix with each entry equal to either or Let mij denote the entry in row i and column j A diagonal entry is one of the form mii for some i Swapping rows i and j of the matrix M denotes the following action: we swap the values mik and mjk for k = 1, 2, , n Swapping two columns is defined analogously We say that M is rearrangeable if it is possible to swap some of the pairs of rows and some of the pairs of columns (in any sequence) so that, after all the swapping, all the diagonal entries of M are equal to (a) Give an example of a matrix M that is not rearrangeable, but for which at least one entry in each row and each column is equal to (b) Give a polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether a matrix M with 0-1 entries is rearrangeable 33 解: (a) The matrix 1 is not rerangeable (b) 令 V = {v1 , v2 , , , v11 , v22 , , vnn } ∪ {s, t} E0 = ∪ni=1 {(s, vi )}, E1 = ∪ni=1 {(vi , vkk )|mik = 1}, E2 = ∪ni=1 {(vii , t)}, E = E0 ∪ E1 ∪ E2 , 1, ∀e ∈ E0 ∪ E2 , c(e) = +∞, ∀e ∈ E 定义最大流问题 P = (V, E, c, s, t) 如果问题 P 的最大流函数 f 满足 f (s, V ) = n, 则矩 阵 M 是可重排的,否则是不可重排的。因此只需要按照上面的方法,将问题转化成最 大流问题,再用求解最大流问题的算法求解即可。 7.4 Unique Cut Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph, with source s ∈ V , sink t ∈ V , and nonnegative edge capacities {ce } Give a polynomial-time algorithm to decide whether G has a unique minimum s − t cut 解:应用 Ford-Fulkerson 算法计算最大流,并得到最小割 (S, T ) 对每一条边 e ∈ E(G) 且 e = (u, v), u ∈ S, v ∈ T 将 (u, v) 的容量增加一个单位得新的网络流 Ge ,如果 对所有新的网络流的最大流有 fGe (s, V ) > fG (s, V ), 则唯一, 否则不唯一。 7.5 Problem Reduction A company has a collection of n software applications, {1, 2, , n}, running on its old system; and the president would like to port some of these to the new system If he moves application i to the new system, they expect a net (monetary) benefit of bi ≥ The different software applications interact with one another; if applications i and j have extensive interaction, then the company will incur an expense if they move one of i or j to the new system but not both; let’s denote this expense by xij ≥ Due to small but fundamental incompatibilities between the two systems, there’s no way to port application to the new system; it will have to remain on the old system So, 34 this is the question: Which of the remaining applications, if any, should be moved? Give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a set S ⊂ {2, 3, , n} for which the sum of the benefits minus the expense of moving the applications in S to the new system is maximized Hoping others to give a solution 7.6 Maximum Cohesiveness In sociology, one often studies a graph G in which nodes represent people and edges represent those who are friends with each other Let’s assume for purposes of this question that friendship is symmetric, so we can consider an undirected graph Now suppose we want to study this graph G, looking for a “close-knit” group of people One way to formalize this notion would be as follows For a subset S of nodes, let e(S) denote the number of edges in S, that is, the number of edges that have both ends in S We define the cohesiveness of S as e(S)/|S| A natural thing to search for would be a set S of people achieving the maximum cohesiveness Give a polynomial-time algorithm that takes a rational number α and determines whether there exists a set S with cohesiveness at least α Solution: First we give the solution to the problem Then we give intuition about how one might discover the network that solves the problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a density α, we wish to discover whether there is a subset W ⊆ V such that e(W )/|W | ≥ α, where e(W ) is the number of edges with both endpoints in W We create a network flow to solve the problem as follows Add a source node s and connect it to each vertex by an edge of weight |E|, and add a sink node t and connect it to each vertex vi by an edge of weight |E|di + 2α, where di is the degree of vertex vi Note that all edges have positive weight, since di ≤ |E| Find the minimum weight cut in this graph, and let V1 be the set of vertices connected to s and V2 be the set of vertices connected to t in this cut Then if V1 = ∅, there is no subset of V of density greater than α Otherwise, V1 has density greater than α We prove this as follows We know that any cut in the graph must have weight greater than or equal to the cut that separates V1 from V2 Hence in particular the cut isolating s has weight greater than the weight of the minimum cut We let ci,j = if edge (i, j) is in G 35 Thus |V ||E| ≥ ∑ i∈V2 |E| + ∑ (|E| − dj + 2α) + j∈V1 ≥ |V ||E| + 2α|V1 | − ∑ j∈V1 (dj − ∑ ∑ ci,j i∈V2 ,j∈V1 ci,j ) i∈V2 ≥ 2α|V1 | − 2e(V1 ) e(v1 ) ≥ α |V1 | On the other hand, if V1 = ∅, we know that the inequality above is reversed, so we know e(V1 )/|V 1| ≤ α for any set V1 ⊆ V Why should we have expected this network to solve the problem? The symmetries of the problem imply that all nodes should be connected to the source and to the sink, and that the only pieces of information that we can use to distinguish the weights of these links must be the degrees of the nodes We wish the procedure to isolate vertices that are highly connected on one side, and ill connected on the other side Hence by making the links to the sink depend on the difference between 2α and the degree, we encourage nodes of high degree to connect to the source, and nodes of low degree to connect to the sink We add a constant to the edges to the source and the edges to the sink to ensure all edges have positive weight And the connectivity of vertices inside the graph ensures that nodes of moderate degree connected to high degree nodes also segregate into the part of the partition with their high degree neighbors 36 近似算法 8.1 Approximation Algorithm Consider the following algorithm for (unweighted) Vertex Cover: In each connected component of the input graph execute a depth first search (DFS) Output the nodes that are not the leaves of the DFS tree Show that the output is indeed a vertex cover, and that it approximates the minimum vertex cover within a factor of 解:只需考虑连通分支数为 的情况。若图 G 有多个连通分支,那么每个连通分 支的顶覆盖合起来就是 G 的顶覆盖。假设 G 的第 i 个连通分支的顶覆盖为 Ci , 且 ∑ ∑ |Ci |/|Ci∗ | ≤ 2, 其中 Ci∗ 是第 i 个连通分支的最小顶覆盖,那么 ni=1 |Ci | ≤ ni=1 |Ci∗ | 故 | ∪ni=1 Ci |/|C ∗ | ≤ 下面考虑 G 连通的情况。首先证明该算法输出是一个顶覆盖。∀e = (u, v) ∈ E(G), 在 DFS 树中,u, v 不能同时是叶子,从而要么 u ∈ A 或者 v ∈ A 或者两者都是 A 中的元素,这里 A 表示算法输出的顶点集合。故 e 被 A 覆盖。 然后证明 |A| ≤ 2|C ∗ | 我们通过与另一个顶点覆盖算法建立关系来证明。该算法 来自《算法导论》 (第二版,中译本,第 634 页) APPROX-VERTEX-COVER(G) 1: C ← ∅; 2: E ′ ← E(G); 3: while E ′ ̸= ∅ 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: let (u, v) be an arbitrary edge of E ′ ; C ← C ∪ {u, v}; remove from E ′ every edge incident on u or v; end while return C; 设该算法的输出为 C 课本中已证 |C|/|C ∗ | ≤ 算法第 行如果按照 DFS 的搜索顺序 给出边 (u, v) ∈ E ′ , 那么有 A ⊆ C, 故 |A| ≤ |C| 从而 |A|/|C ∗ | ≤ |C|/|C ∗ | ≤ 8.2 Apptoximation Algorithm Given a graph G = V, E with edge costs and set T ⊆ V of terminal vertices, the Steiner Tree Problem is to find a minimum cost tree in G containing every vertex in T (vertices in V − T may or may not be used in T ) (a)Give a 2-approximation algorithm if the edge costs satisfy the triangle inequality (b)Give a 2-approximation algorithm for general edge costs (The graph also need not be 37 complete) Solution: (a) We call the restricted (by the triangle inequality) problem metric Steiner tree problem Let R denote the set of required vertices Clearly, a minimum spanning tree (MST) on R is a feasible solution for this problem We will prove that the cost of an MST on R is within · OPT Consider a Steiner tree of cost OPT By doubling its edges we obtain an Eulerian graph connecting all vertices of R and, possibly, some Steiner vertices Find an Euler tour of this graph, for example by traversing the vertices in DFS (depth first search) order: The cost of this Euler tour is · OPT Next obtain a Hmiltom cycle on the vertices of R by traversing the Euler tour and “short-cutting” Steiner vertices and previously visited vertices of R: 38 Because of triangle inequality, the shortcuts not increase the cost of the tour If we delete one edge of this Hamiltonian cycle, we obtain a path that spans R and has cost at most · OPT This path is else a spanning tree on R Hence, the MST on R has cost at most · OPT (b)Now I’ll prove that there is an approximation factor preserving reduction from the Steiner tree problem to the metric Steiner tree problem We will transform, in polynomial time, an instance I of the Steiner tree problem, consisting of graph G = (V, E), to an instance I ′ of the metric Steiner tree problem as follows Let G′ be the complete undirected graph on vertex set V Define the cost of edge (u, v) in G′ to be the cost of a shortest u − v path in G G′ is called the metric closure of G The partition of V into required and Steiner vertices in I ′ is the same as in I For any edge (u, v) ∈ E, its cost in G′ is no more than its cost in G Therefore, the cost of an optimal solution in I ′ dose not exceed the cost of an optimal solution in I Next, given a Steiner tree T ′ in I ′ , we will show how to obtain, in polynomial time, a Steiner tree T in I of at most the same cost The cost of an edge (u, v) in G′ corresponds to the cost of a path in G Replace each edge of T ′ by the corresponding path to obtain a subgraph of G Clearly, in this subgraph, all the required vertices are connected However, this subgraph may, in general, contain cycles If so, remove edges to obtain tree T This completes the approximation factor preserving reduction 8.3 Approximation Algorithm Consider the following maximization version of the 3-Dimensional Matching Problem Given disjoint sets X, Y , Z, and given a set T ⊆ X × Y × Z of ordered triples, a subset M ⊆ T is a − dimensional matching if each element of X ∪ Y ∪ Z is contained in at most one of these triples The M aximum − Dimensional M atching P roblem is to find a 3-dimensional matching M of maximum size (You may assume |X| = |Y | = |Z| if you want.) Give a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a 3-dimensional matching of size at least 31 times the maximum possible size Solution: The trivial algorithm below approximates the optimal solution within 1/3 (For any triple in the found matching, consider it and all its neighbor triples At most three of these triples can be in the optimal matching.) T = M ; M = ∅; while T ̸= ∅ t = any element in T ; 39 M = M ∪ {t}; T = T {tand all its neighbors in T }; end while; 8.4 Approximation Algorithm Consider an optimization version of the Hitting Set Problem defined as follows We are given a set A = {a1 , a2 , , an } and a collection B1 , B2 , , Bm or subsets of A Also, each element ∈ A has a weight wi ≥ The problem is to find a hitting set H ⊆ A such that the total weight of the elements in H, that is, Σai ∈H wi , is as small as possible (H is a hitting set if H ∩ Bi is not empty for each i.) Let b = maxi |Bi | denote the maximum size of any of the sets B1 , B2 , , Bm Give a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this problem that finds a hitting set whose total weight is at most b times the minimum possible Solution: The hitting set problem is equivalent to the set cover problem: An instance of set cover can be viewed as an arbitrary bipartite graph, with sets represented by vertices on the left, elements of the universe represented by vertices on the right, and edges representing the inclusion of elements in sets The task is then to find a minimum cardinality subset of left-vertices which covers all of the right-vertices In the hitting set problem, the objective is to cover the leftvertices using a minimum subset of the right vertices Converting from one problem to the other is therefore achieved by interchanging the two sets of vertices Since we have given a 2-approximate algorithm to solve the set cover problem (see Algorithms, T.Cormen et al.), we get a 2-approximate algorithm for the hitting set problem 8.5 Approximation Algorithm Suppose you are given a set of positive integers A = {a1 , a2 , , an } and a positive integer B A subset S ⊆ A is called feasible if the sum of the numbers in S does not exceed B: ∑ ai ∈S You would like to select a feasible subset S of A whose total sum is as large as possible Example: If A = {8, 2, 4} and B = 11, then the optimal solution is the subset S = {8, 2} Give a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this problem with the following guarantee: It returns a feasible set S ⊆ A whose total sum is at least half as large as the maximum total sum of any feasible set S ⊆ A Your algorithm should have a running tim of most O(n log n) 40 解:方法如下:从大到小排序,如果可能,依次将元素加入集合。如果 ∃x ∈ A 使得 B ≥ x ≥ B/2, 则结论显然成立。否则,设排好序后的次序为 B/2 ≥ x1 , x2 , , xn , 必 可从中选出一组其和大于或等于 B/2 或者全部被选取(这时达到最优)。 8.6 Approximation Algorithm Bin Packing problem is as follows: Given n items with sizes a1 , , an ∈ (0, 1], find a packing in unit-sized bins that minimizes the number of bins used (a) Give a 2-approximation algorithm for this problem (b) Prove the following theorem: For any ε > 0, there is no approximation algorithm having a guarantee of the bin packing problem, assuming P ̸= NP − ε for You can use any conclusion in Assignment 解: (a) 算法如下: 新建一个 Bin b 和一个大顶堆 H, Bin 的值定义为其剩余容量 c 将 b 插入 H 中。 for i=0 to n t = H 的堆顶元素。 if 能够放入 H 的堆顶的 Bin b 中 then 将 放入 b 中; c(b) = c(b) − ; else 新建一个 Bin t 将 放入 t 中 c(t) = − ; 将 t 插入 H 中; end if end for 首先不会有两个罐的剩余容量同时少于 1/2,因为否则,第二个罐的物品会直接放入 每一个罐中。根据算法,不会新建一个罐。 • 若每个罐的容量都大于或等于 1/2, ∑ ∑ ∑ 则 ki=1 ≥ k/2 故 k ≤ ni=1 ≤ 2⌈ ni=1 ⌉ ≤ 2B ∗ • 若最后一罐的容量小于 1/2, 则 ∑k−1 ∑k−1 ∑k i=1 (1 − vk ) + vk > (k − 1) − (k − 2)vk > k/2 i=1 vi + vk > i=1 = (b) Hoping others to give a solution 41 ... same material (a) Give an algorithm using O(n log n) time to solve this problem (b) Give an algorithm using O(n) time and O(1) space to solve this problem sorry! I have an algorithm but fail to give... verified in polynomial time Consider the following ”witness” algorithm which takes an instance of Half-3SAT and a ”certificate” as parameters Our algorithm takes a boolean formula in conjunctive normal... conviviality ranking Describe an algorithm to make up a guest list that maximizes the sum of the conviviality ratings of the guests Analyze the running time of your algorithm 解: 只给出递推关系式: ∑ f( p),