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SolidCAM 2010 sim 5 axis user guide

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SOLIDCAM - THE LEADERS IN INTEGRATED CAM The complete integrated Manufacturing Solution inside SolidWorks SOLIDCAM 2010 SIMULTANEOUS 5-AXIS MACHINING USER GUIDE www.solidcam.com SolidCAM 2010 Simultaneous 5-Axis Machining User Guide ©1995-2010 SolidCAM All Rights Reserved Contents Contents Introduction 15 1.1 Adding a 5-Axis Operation 17 1.2 5-Axis Operation dialog box 18 1.3 The stages of the Sim 5-Axis Operation parameters definition 20 CoordSys 21 2.1 CoordSys page 22 2.1.1 Coordinate System definition 23 Geometry 25 3.1 Geometry 26 3.1.1 Drive surface definition 27 3.1.2 Drive surface offset 28 3.1.3 Curves definition .28 3.2 Pattern 29 3.2.1 Parallel cuts 30 3.2.2 Perpendicular to curve .32 3.2.3 Morph between two boundary curves 33 3.2.4 Parallel to curve 33 3.2.5 Engraving 34 3.2.6 Morph between two adjacent surfaces 35 3.2.7 Parallel to surface 37 3.3 Area 39 3.3.1 Full, avoid cuts at exact edges 39 3.3.2 Full, start and end at exact surface edges 40 3.3.3 Limit cuts by one or two points 42 3.3.4 Determined by number of cuts 42 3.3.5 Extend/Trim 44 3.3.6 Angle range 46 3.3.7 2D Boundary .47 3.3.8 Round corners 48 Tool 49 4.1 Tool definition 50 4.1.1 Spin definition 51 4.1.2 Feed definition 51 4.1.3 Rapid move parameters 53 Levels 55 5.1 Clearance area .56 5.1.1 Plane 56 5.1.2 Cylinder 58 5.1.3 Sphere 60 5.1.4 Tool tilting in the Clearance area 60 5.2 Machining levels 62 5.2.1 Retract distance 62 5.2.2 Safety distance 62 5.2.3 Air move safety distance 63 5.2.4 Rapid retract .63 Tool path parameters 65 6.1 Surface quality 66 6.1.1 Cut tolerance 66 6.1.2 Maximum Step over 67 6.1.3 Scallop 68 6.1.4 Surface edge merge distance 68 6.1.5 Apply outer sharp corners .69 6.1.6 Advanced options for surface quality 70 6.1.7 3D Tool compensation 72 Contents 6.2 Sorting 73 6.2.1 Cutting method 73 6.2.2 Direction of machining 76 6.2.3 Cut order 77 6.2.4 Machine by 78 6.2.5 Enforce closed contours 78 6.2.6 Flip step over .79 6.2.7 Start point 79 6.3 Tool contact point .82 Link 85 7.1 Approach/Retract 86 7.1.1 First entry 86 7.1.2 Last exit 89 7.1.3 Home position 91 7.2 Links 92 7.2.1 Gaps along cut 92 7.2.2 Links between slices 95 7.2.3 Links between passes 98 7.3 Default Lead In/Out 101 7.3.1 Type 101 7.3.2 Tool axis orientation .104 7.3.3 Approach/Retreat parameters (Use the ) 105 7.3.4 Height .106 7.3.5 Feed rate 106 7.3.6 Same as Lead In 106 Tool axis control 107 8.1 Output format 108 8.2 Interpolation .110 8.3 Tilting strategies (Tool axis direction) 111 8.3.1 Not to be tilted and stays normal to surface 111 8.3.2 Tilted relative to cutting direction 111 8.3.3 Tilted with the angle value .122 8.3.4 Tilted to axis by fixed angle 125 8.3.5 Rotated around axis 126 8.3.6 Tilted through point .127 8.3.7 Tilted through curve .128 8.3.8 Tilted through lines 133 8.3.9 Tilted from point away 134 8.3.10 Tilted from curve away 135 8.3.11 Tilted relative to impeller machining layer 139 8.4 Angle range 141 Gouge check 143 9.1 Clearance .144 9.2 Report remaining collisions .146 9.3 Check gouge between positions 147 9.4 Extend tool to infinity .148 9.5 Check link motions for collision .148 9.6 Gouge checking 149 9.6.1 Tool 149 9.6.2 Geometry 150 9.6.3 Strategy .151 10 Roughing (Offset) 165 10.1 Multi-passes 167 10.2 Plunging 170 10.3 Morph pocket 171 10.4 Depth cuts 173 10.5 Area roughing 176 10.6 Rotating .179 Contents 10.7 Sorting .182 10.7.1 Reverse order of passes/tool path .182 10.7.2 Connect slices by shortest distance 183 10.8 Stock definition 185 11 Motion limits control 189 11.1 Angle pairs 191 11.2 Angle control 192 11.3 Interpolation for distance .193 11.4 Retract .193 11.5 Pole angle tolerance 193 11.6 Use machine limits 194 11.7 Control definition 195 12 Misc parameters 197 12.1 Set Y-axis machine limit (special machine) 198 12.2 Smooth surface normals 199 12.3 Tool center based calculation 199 12.4 Message .200 12.5 Extra parameters 200 13 Sim 5-Axis sub-operations 201 13.1 Parallel cuts .203 13.1.1 Geometry .203 13.2 Parallel to curves 205 13.2.1 Geometry .205 13.3 Parallel to surface .206 13.3.1 Geometry .206 13.4 Perpendicular to curve 207 13.4.1 Geometry .207 13.5 Morph between two boundary curves 208 13.5.1 Geometry .208 13.6 Morph between two adjacent surfaces 209 13.6.1 Geometry .209 13.7 Projection 210 13.7.1 Geometry .210 13.8 Swarf Milling 211 13.8.1 Geometry .211 13.8.2 Tool path parameters 213 13.8.3 Tool Axis control 215 13.8.4 Gouge check 217 13.8.5 Roughing (Offset) 218 13.9 Impeller Roughing 219 13.9.1 Geometry .219 13.9.2 Tool path parameters 221 13.9.3 Tool axis control 222 13.9.4 Roughing (Offset) 223 13.10 Impeller Wall finish .224 13.10.1 Geometry .224 13.10.2 Tool path parameters 225 13.10.3 Tool axis control 226 13.11 Impeller Floor finish - Curve control of tilt .228 13.11.1 Geometry .228 13.11.2 Tool path parameters 230 13.11.3 Tool axis control 231 13.12 Impeller Floor finish - Surface control of tilt 232 13.12.1 Geometry .232 13.12.2 Tool path parameters 234 13.12.3 Tool axis control 235 13.13 Port machining .237 13.13.1 Geometry .237 13.13.2 Tool .238 13.13.3 Tool path parameters 239 10 CoordSys page 18, 22 Copy previous solution 160 Curves definition 28 Curve tilt type 129, 136 Cut order 77 Cuts parallel to the X axis 31 Cuts parallel to the Y axis 31 Cuts parallel to the Z axis 31 Cutting method 73 Cut tolerance 66 CW 76 Cylinder parallel to X 58 Cylinder - Parallel to X 58 Cylinder - Parallel to Y 58 Cylinder - Parallel to Z 58 Cylindrical sorting methods 279 D Damp 71 Default Lead In 101 Default Lead In/Lead Out 19 Default Lead Out 101 Defining the CNC-machine housing 352 Defining the coordinate transformation 371 Defining the fixture 366 Defining the name of the CNC-machine 349 Defining the rotary table 359 Defining the rotational axis 356 Defining the stock 365 Defining the tilting table 356 Defining the tool 368 Defining the tool path 367 Defining the translational axis 353, 361 Defining the workpiece 364 Depth cuts 173, 218 Desired tilt angle 262 Determined by number of cuts 42 Direct 86, 89, 92, 95, 98 394 Index Direction of machining 76 Directory for Machine simulation definition 320, 342 Distance 67 Do not trim tool path 163 Drive surface 26, 27 Drive Surface Collision Control 220, 229 Drive surface definition 27 Drive surface offset 28 Drive surfaces 150 E Edge curve 34, 212 Edge surface 37, 212 Electrode machining 247 Enable collision control 322 enable_mx_edit parameter 339 End 44 End Edge Curve 33 End Edge surfaces 35 Enforce 78 Engraving 34, 241 Environment 322 Example of CNC-machine definition 343 Expand 186 Extend 44 Extend tool to infinity 148 Extend/trim gaps 45 Extra parameters 200 F Feed definition 51 Feed Finish 52 Feed rate 106 Feed Rates 52 Feed Z 52 Fifth axis locking 108 Finishing passes 167, 174 First contour 75 395 First cut feed rate scale percentage 53 First entry 86 First rotation axis angle limit 195 first_rot_axis_name parameter 329 First/Second angle pair 191, 338 First surface tool path tangent angle 36 Fix axis 158 Fixed tilt angle 125, 128, 129, 131, 135, 136, 137 Fixed tool axis orientation 104 Flip 103 Flip step over 79 Flip tool axis 124, 126 Floor 220, 224, 229, 233 Floor surfaces 212 Follow surface isometric direction 113 Follow surfaces 93, 96, 99 From center away 77 From Clearance area 87 From outside to center 77 From start to end 132, 138 From start to end for each contour 132, 138 Front shift 83 Full 39, 40 G Gaps along cut 92 GCode output in machine/part coordinates 330 gcode_part_coordinate 330 Generate Tool Path Front side 36, 38 Geometry 19, 26 Geometry page 26 Gouge check 19 Gouge checking 149 Gouge checking geometry 150 Gouge check page 144 Gradual lag angle change 119 Gradual side tilt angle change 120 396 Index H Head-Head 324, 329, 332 Head-Table 325, 328, 331 Height 106 Holder 149 Holder clearance 145 Home position 91 Horizontal Tangential arc 102 I Ignore segments shorter than 187 Impeller Floor finish - curve control of tilt 228 Impeller Floor finish - surface control of tilt 232 Impeller Roughing 219 Impeller Wall finish 224 Improve side tilt definition for twisted surfaces 122 Initial orientation limit 159 interplat_angle_step parameter 340 interplat_distance parameter 340 interplat_for_dist parameter 340 Interpolation 110 Interpolation angle step 192, 340 Interpolation for distance 193, 340 Inwards 172 K Keep initial orientation until distance 61 Keep tool axis as vertical as possible 159 kinematic_type parameter 324 L Lag angle to cutting direction 112, 119, 139, 215, 222, 236 Lanes 78 Large and small gap areas 92 Large movements 95 Last contour 75 Last exit 89 397 Lead curve 32 Lead In 87 Lead Out 90 Leaving out gouging points 162 Left 219, 228, 232 Length 105 Levels Page 19 Limit between and 360 deg 195 Limit between -180 and 180 deg 195 Limit cuts by one or two points 42 Linear work type 203 Link 19, 86 Link Page 19 Links between passes 98 Links between slices 95 Links tab 92 Loops radius 69 M Machine 78 Machined Stock Name 186 Machine simulation 292, 342 Machine simulation settings 320, 342 Machine simulation user interface 293 Machining angles 30 Machining angle XY change 169 Machining areas 47 Machining levels 62 Main direction 131, 137 Make tool axis orientation continuously if distance is smaller than 161 Margins 41, 44 Max allowed angle 160 Max angle change 104 Max angle step 160 Maximum Step over 67 Maximum tilt angle 262 Max projection distance 34, 210 Max tilt angle 158 Message 200 398 Index Min allowed angle 160 Minimize rotary axis moves 159 Minimize surface normal change 81 Minimize tilt axis moves 159 Minimum angle change 191, 194, 338 Min tilt angle 158 Miscellaneous parameters 19 Misc parameters 198 Morph between two adjacent surfaces 35, 209 Morph between two boundary curves 33, 208 Morph pocket 171 Motion limit control 19, 190 Motion limit control parameters 338 Moving components 350 Moving tool away 153 Multi-Axis Drilling operation 266 Multi passes 98, 173, 218 Multi-passes 167 N Non-moving components 350 Not to be tilted and stays normal to surface 111 Number of cuts 214 Number of roughing passes 167, 174 Number of steps 180 O One way 73 Orientation 180 Orthogonal arc 102 Orthogonal line 103 Orthogonal to cutting direction at each contour 114 Orthogonal to cutting direction at each position 114 Orthogonal to edge curve 115 other_angle_pair parameter 338 Outer angle along pass 69 Output format 108 Outwards 171 399 P Parallel cuts 30, 203 Parallel to curve 33 Parallel to curves 205 Parallel to surface 37, 206 Parents-children relations 350 Part Settings 186 Pattern 29 Perform spiral 75 Perpendicular to curve 32, 207 Plane 56 Plane - In X 56 Plane - In Y 56 Plane - In Z 56 Plunge height 170 Plunging 170 Pocket area 172 Pocket Step over 172 Point tool to rotary axis 109 Pole angle tolerance 193, 341 pole_angle_tolerance parameter 341 Pole Limit 123 Port machining 237 Preferred start angle type 191 Preparing a CNC machine model 344 Projection 210 Projection curves 34 Projection direction 48 Provide first rotation angle 191 Provide second rotation angle 191 Q Quality 160 R Rapid motion in G1 mode 53 Rapid move parameters 53 400 Index Rapid retract 63 Regions 78 Report collisions 164 Report remaining collisions 146 Respect tool axis angle limits in cut direction 159 Retract 193 Retract along surface normal 154 Retract along tool contact line 155 Retract at user-defined direction 155 Retract away from origin 154 Retract distance 62, 87, 193, 341 retract_distance parameter 341 Retracting tool along tool axis 151 Retract in +X 153 Retract in XY 153 Retract-optimized in XY 155 Retract Rate 52 Retract towards cut center 154 Retreat 105 Return to home position 91 Reverse 27, 102, 103 Reverse All 27 Reverse order of passes/tool path 182 Reverse Tangential arc 101 Right 219, 228, 232 Rotary axis 108, 158 Rotary axis around 177, 180 Rotary axis base point 177, 180 Rotary table 350 rotate_axis_dir1 parameter 326 rotate_axis_dir2 parameter 326 Rotate by 80 Rotated around axis 126 Rotated by 79 Rotating 179 Rotation 180 Rotation angle 180 Rotation angle value 191 Rotation axes direction 326 401 Rotation axis limits 334 rot_axis_base_pnt1 parameter 331 rot_axis_base_pnt2 parameter 331 rot_axis_max_limit0 parameter 334 rot_axis_max_limit1 parameter 334 rot_axis_min_limit0 parameter 334 rot_axis_min_limit1 parameter 334 Roughing (Offset) 19, 166 Roughing passes 167, 174 Round corners 48 Ruled surface 120 Ruled surface radius limit 120 S Saddle 350 Safety distance 62, 87 Same as Lead In 106 Scallop 68 Second rotation axis angle limit 195 Second surface tool path tangent angle 36 section_rot_axis_name parameter 329 Select Faces dialog box 150 Sequence of drill positions 276 Set Y-axis machine limit 198 Shift by value 80 Show Direction for highlighted faces only 27 Show Direction for selected faces 27 Shrink 186 Side Shift 83 Side tilt collision control 217, 225, 233 Side tilt definition 216 Side tilt fanning distance 119 Side tilting 113 Simulation control panel 292 Single edge tool path tangent angle 38 Slide length 170 Sliding carriage 350 Slope angles 46 402 Index Slow and safe path creation 70 Small gap 92 Small movements 95 Smooth 160 Smoothing threshold 199 Smooth (Local) 114 Smooth surface normals 199 SolidCAM Settings 320 Solid verification 322 SolidVerify simulation 186 Sort by 168, 175 Sort by passes 168, 175 Sort by slices 168, 175 Sorting 73, 181, 182, 214 Sorting of cylindrical drilling patterns 277 Sorting options for Roughing 182 Source operation 257 Spacing 167, 174 Sphere 60 Spin definition 51 Spindle direction 326 spindle_direction parameter 326 Spiral 73 Spiral machining 172 Split contour within distance 162 Standard 77 Start 44 Start angle 180, 278 Start distance 180 Start edge curve 33 Start edge surfaces 35 Start from home position 88 Starting the CNC-machine definition 348 Start Margin 44 Start point 79 Start point by 80 Stay close to initial tool orientation 159 Step length 170 Step over distance 180 403 Stock definition 185 Stock to leave 150 Stop tool path calculation 164 Strategy 151 Surface 68 Surface quality 66, 213 Swarf machining 120 Swarf milling 211 T Table-Table 325, 328, 331 Tangential arc 101 Tangential line 102 Technology 18 The stages of the Sim 5-Axis Operation parameters definition 20 Tilt angle 123, 127 Tilt angle at side of cutting direction 112, 120, 139, 222, 236 Tilt axis 158 Tilt curve 128, 129, 136 Tilted from curve away 135 Tilted from point away 134 Tilted relative to cutting direction 111 Tilted relative to impeller machining layer 139 Tilted through curve 128 Tilted through lines 133 Tilted through point 127, 134 Tilted to 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 135 Tilted to axis with fixed angle 125 Tilted with the angle value 122 Tilt for collision free zones 262 Tilting lines maximum snap distance 117 Tilting range 158 Tilting strategies 111 Tilting table 350 Tilting tool away with max angle 156 Tilt lines 117, 133, 139 Tilt non-gouging segments 161 Tolerance 151, 278 404 Index Tool 149 Tool axis control 19, 108 Tool axis crosses tilt axis 124, 125 Tool axis direction 111 Tool axis orientation 104 Tool center 72 Tool center based calculation 35, 37, 199 Tool Contact point 82 Tool Contact point At Center 82 Tool Contact point At Front 82 Tool Contact point At Radius 83 Tool definition 50 Tool page 19, 50 Tool path coordinates 320 Tool path parameters 19 Tool Shaft 149 Tool tilting in the Clearance area 60 Tool tip 72 Tool Tip 149 trans_axis_max_limit parameter 333 trans_axis_min_limit parameter 333 Transformation 180 Translational axis limits 333 Trim 44 Trim tool path after first collision 163 Trim tool path after last collision 163 Trim tool path before first collision 163 Trim tool path before last collision 163 Trim tool path between first and last collision 163 Turbine blade machining 251 U Understanding the structure of the CNC-machine 350 Updated Stock calculation 186 Updated Stock model 185 Use base points of rotation axes 337 Use Exit macro 94 Use H Length 335 Use Lead In 94, 97, 100 405 Use Lead In/Out 94, 97, 100 Use lead/lag and side tilt angles 158 Use lead/lag angle 156 Use Lead Out 97, 100 Use machine limits 194, 338 use_machine_limits parameter 338 use_part_shifting 336 Use ramp 175 Use retract distance 87, 90 use_rot_axis_base_point1 337 use_rot_axis_base_point2 337 Use safety distance 87, 90 Use shifting 336 Use side tilt angle 157 Use spindle main direction 115 Use tilt line definition 117 Use tilt through 133 use_tool_h_length 335 Use user-defined direction 116 V Variable 104 Vertical Tangential arc 102 View direction 46 W Wall surfaces 212 Width 105 workpiece_transform 364 Work type 203 X XML file structure 374 XML tags 374 Z Zigzag 73 406 Index 407 2.5D Milling High-Speed Surface Machining (HSS) High-Speed Machining (HSM) Indexed Multi-sided Machining Simultaneous 5 - axis Machining Turning and Mill-Turn up to axis Wire EDM iMachining Service and Support © 2010 SolidCAM Ltd All rights reserved All brand and trade names are property of their respective owners www.solidcam.com ... SolidCAM 2010 Simultaneous 5- Axis Machining User Guide ©19 95 -2010 SolidCAM All Rights Reserved Contents Contents Introduction 15 1.1 Adding a 5- Axis Operation... SolidCAM Sim 5- Axis module In addition, SolidCAM provides you with a number of Sim 5- Axis suboperations dedicated for specific Sim 5- Axis machining tasks For more details about Sim 5- Axis sub-operations... 253 14 Converting HSM to Sim 5- Axis operation 255 14.1 Source operation 257 14.2 Tool 258 14.3 Levels 259 14.4 Tool axis control

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2019, 09:38

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Mục lục

    1.1 Adding a 5-Axis Operation

    1.2 5-Axis Operation dialog box

    1.3 The stages of the Sim. 5-Axis Operation parameters definition

    3.2.3 Morph between two boundary curves

    3.2.6 Morph between two adjacent surfaces

    3.3.1 Full, avoid cuts at exact edges

    3.3.2 Full, start and end at exact surface edges

    3.3.3 Limit cuts by one or two points

    3.3.4 Determined by number of cuts

    5.1.4 Tool tilting in the Clearance area


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