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A Thesaurus of English Word Roots

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www.ebook3000.com A Thesaurus of English Word Roots www.ebook3000.com A Thesaurus of English Word Roots Horace Gerald Danner Foreword by Timothy Brian Noone ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD Lanham • Boulder • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK www.ebook3000.com Published by Rowman & Littlefield 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com 10 Thornbury Road, Plymouth PL6 7PP, United Kingdom Copyright © 2014 by Rowman & Littlefield All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Danner, Horace G [Thesaurus of word roots of the English language] A thesaurus of English word roots / Horace Gerald Danner ; Foreword by Timothy Brian Noone pages cm Previously published as “Thesaurus of word roots of the English language”: Lanham, Md :y University Press of America, 1992 Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-4422-3325-6 (cloth : alk paper) – ISBN 978-1-4422-3326-3 (ebook) English language– Roots–Dictionaries English language–Etymology–Dictionaries English language–Synonyms and antonyms I Title PE1580.D36 2014 422.03–dc23 2013049224 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 Printed in the United States of America www.ebook3000.com www.ebook3000.com Dedication To my grandchildren Nathan, Alissa, Margaret Donna, Susan, and Madeline www.ebook3000.com www.ebook3000.com Contents Foreword ix Acknowledgements xi Preface xiii Thesaurus English to Roots Index 975 Works Consulted 989 About the Author 991 www.ebook3000.com www.ebook3000.com Foreword When you read these words you probably not fully understand what you have in your hands Were I to say that you have a whole dictionary in your hands, you might find that unremarkable; we often think of thesauri, those treasure-books of words, as mere extensions of dictionaries anyway But if I were to say that you had a lexicographical library in your hands, you might first wonder at the meaning of 'lexicographical'—you may look it up in this book—and then express a note of incredulity at my claim Yet that is what you actually have in your hands: Dr Danner has compressed into one volume all the knowledge of words and learning regarding their origins to be found in an entire library of foreign language dictionaries as well as related linguistic tools for the study of English developed by historians of the language This is an altogether singular achievement To see the extent to which this is the case, let us follow out Dr Danner's set of organizing principles by considering an example Take that strange word I used in the previous paragraph: lexicographical Using the English to Roots index at the back of the volume, you would soon discover that the word has two roots within its structure, roots that will reveal its meaning when combined The first is 'lex.' Once you look that up, you will learn that it derives from 'legein' in Greek, a verb that means 'to say' and by extension refers to utterances or words But you will also learn at the entry for that root the entire range of words that use that same root, discovering in the process that the root is behind the Latin word for 'law' as well as a host of English derivatives The second root of 'lexicographical' is 'graph' Having arrived by way of the index at this root, you will find that this root means 'writing' and takes it origin from 'graphein', another Greek verb As a result, you will now see inside, so to speak, the word 'lexicographical' and understand that lexicographers are people who write about words and that the adjectival form must mean: pertaining to writing about words I cannot overstate how important having an insight into the inner meaning of words is, for you now have a technique for decoding words even when you not have access to a dictionary, as I not when writing this on a commuter train coming home from work Dr Danner's book allows you not only to build up your passive English vocabulary, resulting in word recognition knowledge, but also gives you the rudiments for developing your active English vocabulary, making it possible to infer the meaning of words with which you are not yet acquainted Your knowledge can now expand and will so exponentially as your awareness of the roots in English words and your corresponding ability to decode unfamiliar words grow apace This is the beginning of a fine mental linguistic library: Enjoy! Timothy B Noone Ordinary Professor Catholic University of America www.ebook3000.com chaff: ather chain: caten chair: hedr chamber: camer, thal chance: alea, fortu change: amoeb, camb, meta-, mut channel: aul, solen, stria, sulc character: eth charge: leg2 charity: charit charm: terp chart: cart cheap: vil cheat: bar3 check (verb): ische cheek: buc, mala cheerful: hilar cheese: cas2, tyro chemistry: chem chest: pect(or), thorax chew: mast2 chicken: pull chief: arch, caput child: ped3, pub, puer chin: ment2 chink: rim chirp: trism choking: ang2 choose: lect2, leg3, opt chorus: chor1 church: eccles cicatrix: eschar circle: annel, cycl, gir, orb city: cit1, metro, poli, urb clap: laud, plang, plaud claw: chel, onych, ung clay: argill clean: cast1, cathar, pur1, purg, sincere clean (wipe): terg1 clear: cand, clar, luc, seren clear space: chor2 cleave: her2, scind, schis clerk: cler climb: ramp, scal, scan cloak: chlamy, mant, pall2 close (adjective): plesio, steno close (verb): cleid, clud, gird, mi, oper clot (blood): thromb cloth: mant clothe: dysi, vest cloud: fusc, nebul, neph, nub2, vap club: clav coal: anthr coals (live): brac coarse: gros code: cod coffee: caf coil: spir2, torq coins: mone, stip3 cold: alg2, cry2, frig, psychr collapse: gru, lap colon: col4 colony: col3 color: chrom, color, ting colossal: coloss column: column, styl1 comblike: cten, pect come: ven4 comfort: sol4 commodity: opso common: cen, com, mun2, sym common people: dem, lit, pleb, popul, vulg community: cit1, mun2 companion: pan1, soc complete: hol, integ, plen, salu, sat completely: cata-, dia-, percompletion: eschat, fin, tel, term compress: pil2 conceal: cel1, crypt concern: cur2 condition: -osis conduct: act cone: cun1, sphen confide: tru confused (to be): halluc conquer: vict2 consider: arbit, pend, sider1, skep contrained one: thrall contend: cert, vit contest: agon1, athl, machy, nit contract (verb): stypt contrary: contr contrivance: mechan converse: fab cook (verb): coqu, peps cool: fresc, frig copper: chalco, cupr cord: chord, lin1 cork: phell, suber cornea: cera, kerat corner: ang1, gon2 corner of eye: cant corpse: mort, necr cottage: cas1 cough: tuss counsel: consul country: pag course: cur1, drom court: cohor, hort1 cover: calyp, cel1, cover, crypt, fusc, scur, techn, tect, thec, vagin covering: calyp, cel1, chlamy, man, pall2, tect, vagin cow: bous, taur, vacc crab: canc2, carcin crack: crep1 cradle: cun2 cram: farc, stip1 crane (bird): geran craze: mania create: fac1, fig, poe A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 977 creep: ophi, rep, serp crescent: men1 criminal: fel2, crim crisp: ulo crooked: prav, vil cross: cruc crosswise: chiasma crowded: dens crown: cor2 crumb: ble, mica crush: bris cry out: clam, plang, cry1, plor crystal: crystal cup: calyc, scyph, tass cup-shaped: cotyl curb: frain cure: ac1, iatr curl: cirr current: rhe1 curve: cor2, sin, vert cushion: mat3, pulv1 cusp: cusp custom: eth, mor, nom1 cut (verb): cad, car2, cis, cop, coup, put, schis, scind, sect, tail, tom cut off: cad, put, tom, trunc D damage: dam2, lid dance: chor1, orch, terp dare: aud2 dark: crep2, fusc, hesper, maur, mela, scot, tenebr dark blue: cyan daub: let daughter: fil1 dawn: aur1, eo day: di, diurn, hemer, jour deaf: surd death: leth1, mort, necro, thana decay: marce decayed: sapr deceit: apat, dul1 deceive: fall, pseud decide: tail deck (verb): orn deep: bath, benth defecate: ine degree: grad deity: dei2, num2 delay: mora, man3, rest delight: terp deliver: don, trad demand: pet, post demon: demon dense: pycno deny: neg depth: bath descend: aval deserve: merit desire (verb): aver, cup, desider despise: miso, od3, phob, temn destroy: bezzl determination: bul, vol1 devil: demon devour: glut2, phag, vor devout: pi dialect: dic, vern1 dice game: alea, fortu die (noun): typ die (verb): mort, leth, thana different: heterodifficult: dysdig up: foss digest: peps dignity: hon dilation: eury, varic dim: maur dip (verb): bapt, merg dirt: limi, lut2 discerning: sag, sap, soph discharge: ine discharge (wound): ichor disease: noso, path disgrace: probr disk: orb dislocate: lux1 dissolve: lys distinct: idio distinctive mark: char, stig distinguish: crin2 distress: odyn disturb: tara ditch: scrob diverse: polydivide: fiss, scind, schis divination: mancy divine law: far2 division: class, pan2 do: act, dim, drama, fac1, ger1, prac dog: can2, cyn donkey: as door (folding): valv dorsum: noto double: dudoubt: dub down: cata-, dedowry: par4, phern drag: tract draw: dra, haust, tract draw close: sphin dream: oneir dregs: fec dress: tir2 dried body: skelet drink: bib, ebr, pos, pot1, tem2 drink (strong): temet drive: act, agon, pel2 drop: gutt, still drops (to fall in): stax dross: scor drum: tymp drunken (to be): methy dry: sic, seren, torr, xero duct: vas ductile: duc, elast due: deb dull: ambly, surd dung: copr, scat, sterc dust: con1, pulv2 dwarf: nano dwell: col3 dwelling: eco dye: chrom, color, ting E eagle: aqui ear: aur1, oto early: paleo, prot early time period: eo earn: merit earth: chthon, edaph, geo, hom, hum1, ped4, tell, terr ease: ag2, oti, scho eat: ed, glut2, phag, rod, vor echo: ech egg: oo, ov egg (yolk of): vitel eight: oct either: uter1 elastic: duc, elast elder: sen eleven: hendeca elite: oligo, op1 embark: quip employ: us empty: ceno1, cipher, inan, jej, vac, van1, vast enclose: arc2, clud, gird, hort1 enclosing: perienclosure: cohor end: but2, eschat, fin, tel, term enjoyment of: fruc enlarged vein: varic enrage: ir, fur enroll: cens ensnare: lic enter: dyt, penetr entice: lic entire: sol5 envelope: chlamy equal: equ1, homo, idem, ident, iso, par1, simil equal (to try to): emul equip: par4, phern A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 978 erase: dele erect: ithy, lin1, orth, rect, sagitt erotic desire: eros, lagn essence: esse, ous establish: found esteem: hon estimate: est1 ether: est2 Eustachian tube: salp even: plan, platy evening: hesper, vesp1 ever: semper every: omni-, panexamine: scop, scrut, vid1 example of (to give an): dei1 excessive: hyperexcite: horm, rit, turb excrement: copr, scat, sterc exercise: asc1 exist: esse existence: onto explain: phras external: ectoextravagance: lux2 extremities: acroeye: ocul, omma, op2, ophthal eyebrow: cili eyelid: blephar, cili, palpeb F face: fac1, fac2, prosop, schem facing: antifaint: fatig, langu faith: cred, fid fall (verb): cad, gru, lap, pto, sphal fall in drops: stax fallopian tube: salp false: fall, pseud famous: celeb far off: tele- farther from: deuterfashion: guis fast: celer fast (verb): jej fasten: aps, fix fat: adip, aliph, lip, ol2, seb, stear fate: fortu father: abb, patri fault: mend, pecca, vic3 favor: fav, plac1 fear: fright, metic, phobia, ver1 fear of: phob feather: pen2, plum, pter feces: copr, sterc fecund: felic, uber feed (verb): bos, past feel: alg1, esthe, pass, sens, tact1 felon: crim, fel2 felt (noun): filt female: gyn fence (verb): phrag ferment: zem, zym fertile: fecund, uber festive: fest2, hymn fetus: blast, germ fever: cal1, caust, febr, phleg, pyr1 few: oligo fiber: fibr field: agr, camp fig: syco fight with the fist: pug fill: plen, sat fillet: vitt filter: col2, ethym, filt, flu, man1, mea filth: sord, squal fin: pter find: heur, triev fine: lepto, petit finger: dactyl, digit fingernail: onych, ung fire: ard, ign, pyr1, volcan firm: stol firm (to make): firm firmly: dulg first: arch, prim, prot, protein first principle: element fish: ichthy, pisc fissure: fiss, rim fit together: art, fabr fitting: harm five: cinque, penta, quin flame: blaz, flag, pyr1 flank: ileu, lapar flat: plac2, plant, platy, tars flat blade: spat flax: lin2 flee: fug, phyg fleece: lan, velu flesh: carn, creat, memb(r), omo, sarc flint: sil2 float: nat2, pleus flock: greg flour: far1 flourish: anth, flor, thall flow: col2, drom, flu, liqu1, man1, mea, rhe1, rhe2, rrhag flower: anth, flor flower cluster: rac fluid (of body): lymph, ser fly (insect): mus1 fly (verb): avi, vol2 foam: spum focus: foc1 fog: atmo, nebul, neph, nub fold: gulf, pla, plex, ple, plic, ploid, pty folding door: valv follow: deuter, sequ food: pan1, past, sit1 foolish: fatu, foll foot: ped1, pod footprint: hege, ichno, vestig force: fort, rob, sthen, vin2, vio forehead: fron foremost: arch forest: for1, silv forgetfulness: leth2 fork: furc, ram form: eid, fabr, fig, form1, ide, morph, oid, plas, schem, typ former: ante, pre, prim, prior, pro1, pro2 forth: pro2 fortified place: burg, cast2, fort fortune: lot, sort forty: quadr forward: pro2, van2 fossil: foss, oryct, taph foul: fil3, squal found: ctyon four: quadr, tetra fowl: pull free: eleuther, fran, liber1, lys, solv free possession: allod free will: spont, vol1 freeze: gel1, glac frenzy: estr frequent: frequen fresh: fresc fresh water: lacu, limn friction: trib3, trit friend: am frighten: din, ghast, ter1 frigid: frig from: ab-, apo-, defrom afar: telefront: fron front of: antefrontier: fin, hori, tel, term fruit: carp2, fruc, pom fruitful: fecund, fruct, uber full (to be): bry1, pleth, sat funeral rite: ced1 fungus: myc1 furnish: orn A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 979 furrow: lir, sulc, stria further: ford G gadfly: estr gain: prov, quer galaxy: galact gall: chol gape: bey, chasm, chen, gap, hiat garden: par5 garlic: alli gas: aer, phys gateway: port2, pyl gather: leg3 gentle: clemen geometric figure: hedron giant: giga, macr, mega gift: do, don, trib1 gills: branchi gird: cinct girdle: zon girl: cor1 give: do, don, trib1 give birth to: nat, par3 glad: hilar, joic gland: aden, inguin glass: hyal, vitr glaze: amel gleaming: arg glide: mea, lap glitter: corus globe: glob, orb, plot, spher glowing: cand glue: coll2, gli, glut1 gnash: trism gnaw: rod go: bas1, ced2, ely, grad, it, vad goat: capri God, god: dei2, the1 gold: aur1, chrys good: bene-, bon, dec1, eu-, man2, prob govern: ege, gov government: arch grain: ble, chondr, gran, sit1 granary: sil1 grape: acini, uv1 grapelike: staphyl graphite: molybd, plumb grasp: aps, leps grass: gramin grating sound (to make a): strid gray: polio graze: past great: grand, gros, macro, mag, mega great (how): quan greed: aver green: chlor, ver3 grief: ced1, penth grind: mol groin: ileu, inguin, lapar groove: stria, sulc ground: edaph, geo, hum1, ped, terra grow: aug, cresc, embryo, oma grown up: pub growth: aug, cresc, oman, onc, physi growth (tumor): -oma grunt: grunt guard (verb): cav2, phalax, tuit guard (noun): phyla guest (receive as): hosp guide: ege, gov guilt: culp gullet: rum H habit: hab, mor hair: capill, chaet, com1, crin3, pil1, set, trich hair (stuffing of): toment half: demi-, hemi-, med3, meso, semihammer (to beat with): mall hand: chir, man4 hand (at): prest2 hang: pend happy: beat, felic harbor: port2, pyl hard: dur, firm, rob2, scirrh, scler hard skin: call harm: aecid, dam2, deleter, himsa, lid, noc2 harmful odor: mephi harsh: asper, aust, caco-, sever hasten: vit2 hatred of: miso, od3, phob, temn haunch: cox have: hab, hex2 haven: port2 head: capit, cephal head (back of): ini head of grain: spic headband: vitt heal: ac(ea), cur2, iatr, med1, pharmac, therap health: hygi, salu heap: acerv, cumu, sor hear: acou, aud1, aur1 heir: her1 hernia: cel2 heart: card2, cord heart beat: chrot, puls heat: cal1, caus, tep, thalp, therm heathen: secular heavens: cel1, cel3, dei2, uran heavy: bar1, grav, liber2, pend, pond heed, take: cav2 heel: calc2 height: acro, alt, apic, hyps, sum2 help: adjut, juv herd: greg hidden: lat3 hide (noun): cori, pel1 hide (verb): calyp, cel1, cond, cover, crypt hidden, to lie: lat3 high: acro, alt, apic, hypso, sum2 high mountains: alp, mont, oro hindrance: trib2, tric hip: cox, ischi hiss: sib, sifl hit (verb): cus hoarfrost: pruin hold (verb): cap1, eche, hab, hex2, lab2, och, serv2, ten1 hole: for2, spel, trem1, trog hollow: alv, cav1, coel, cotyl, sin holy: hagi, hier, sacr, sanct home: dom, eco, nost, vic2 hone: quet honey: mell honor: hon, dign hood: capit hooded cloak: cap2 hoof: pod hook: cros, unc hope: sper horn: cera, corn, kerat horse: caval, equ2, hipp hour: hor household: fam1, man3 houses (group of): eco, vic2 how many: quot huge: coloss, macr, mega hundred: cent, hect hunger: fam2 hurl: ball, disc, jac, pult, sip hurry: celer, fest3, vel hurt: trauma, vulner husband: andr hut: cas1 hydroxide: alk I A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 980 I: ego ice: glac, gel1 icy cold: cry2 ill: dys-, miser image: eid, fab, fig, form1, icon, ide, idol, mim, -oid, sem, sign imitate: mim immerse: bapt, merg impaired: dysimpede: bar2 implement: teuch improve: edi impulse: horm in: en-, in1, indi incite: celeus, hort2 inclining: plag increase: aug, cresc infectious disease: typh inferior: mean inflamed: -itis phleg, pyr1 injure: aecid, deleter injury: dam2, himsa, noc2 inner: endoinner part of body: visc1 insane (to be): dot inscription: titl insect: entom, mus1 inside: esoinsensible: surd intensify: ten2 intensive: ana-, com-, de-, in1, per-, periintestine: enter into: in1, indi iodine: iod iris: irid iron: ferr, sider2 island: insul, nes itch: prur ivory: ebur J jackass: as jaundice: icter jaw: gnath, mand jaw (upper): maxill join: art, cinct, cosm, dein, hapt1, jug, lig, nect, ser1 joined: gam, zyg joint: arthro joke: joc joy: gal judge: arbit, cens, jud, jur judgment: crim, dogma, fel2 judicial process: caus juice: chym, succul K keel of ship: car3 keep: serv2 kernel: karyo, nucl ketone: keto key: clav kidney: adren, nephr, ren kill: cad, cide, mata, nec, noc2 kind (noun): ethn, gen, phyl kind (what): qual kissing: osc knead: mass knee: genu, gon3 knot: nod know: gno, know, nobl, not, sci1 knowledge: cogn knuckle: condyl, tub2 L label: titl labor: erg, labor, op1, pono lack: pen1 ladder: scal lake: lacu lament: clam, plang, plor land: geo, terr language: gloss, ling large: grand, gros, macro, mag, mega larynx: laryng last things: eschat last: ulter late breakfast: prand later: hyster2, meta-, postlaugh: gel2, rid law: jud, leg1, nom1 lawlessness: anom lawsuit: caus layer: lamin, strat, tape lead (noun): molybd, plumb lead (verb): act, agog, agon1, duc, ege leadership: hege leading: agog, agon1, duc leaf: bract, foli, lam2, petal, phyll lean (verb): clim leanness: mac leap: bound, lop, ped5, sal2 learn: math leather: cori leather sack: burs, per2 leave: leip, linq leave behind: her1 leave off: lect1 leaven: zym lees: fec left, left-hand side: lev2, sinister leg: jamb, scel leisure: ag2, oti, scho lend: prest1 length: mec, long, macro lens, lentil: lent1 less: mini1, mio, sub less than usual: demiletter: liter level: plan, platy libation (to make a): spond lice: ped2 lick: lam1, lectu lie down: clin, cub lie hidden: lat lief: cred, fid, tru life: bio, spir, vit1 life principle: anim lift: ars, eor, lev1, meteor ligament: copu, desm, fasc light (noun): luc, lucubr, phos lily: cren1 limestone: calc1 limit: fin, hori, lim line: fil2, lin1, lir line of battle: phalan linen: lin2 link: caten, copu lion: leo lip: lab1 liquid: flu, liqu1, ner listen: aur1 little: petit, steno live (verb): anim, col3 live coals: brac, tic lively: alac liver: hepa living: anim, vir, vit1 lizard: lacert, saur load: on lock (of hair): cirr loin: lumb lonely: erem long: dolich, long, macrolong for: prur look at: scop, spec, vid1, tuit loom: hist, tex loose: lax loosen: lys, solub lot: lot, sort louse: ped2, phthir love: am, charit, ero, lagn, phil low: bas2, hypo-, infer, infra-, mean, sublower: hypo-, infer, infra-, neth, sub- A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 981 lower part of tree: bauch, rad2, stirp luck: fortu lump: condyl, mass, tub2, tum luncheon: prand lung: pulm M machine: mechan madness: mania magnet: magne maiden: parthen, virg2 mainland: epeiro maim: muti make: fac1, fig, poe male, man: andr, anthrop, hom, masc1, vir1 mankind: hum1 manner: guis, mod, styl2, trop mantle: chlamy many: hyper-, multi-, plur-, polymap: cart margin: marc, not mark (noun): char, sign mark (verb): marc, not, sign marketplace: agor marriage: gam, mar1, nub1, zyg marrow: medull, myel marry: gam, mar1, nub1 mask: masc2, person mass: cumu, floc, mol2, onc masses: pleb master: dom, mag material: mater2 matter: hylo, re, rem mature: mat1 measure: men1, metr2, mod, rhythm meat: carn, creat medicine: ac(ea), med1, pharmac meditate: med2, pond melody: can, mel, od melt: tec membrane: amnio, hymen, memb(r), mening memory: mne menstruation: mens1 mercy: clem, elee messenger: angel metal: metal metal plate: elasm, lam2 middle: med3, meso mild: clemen, leni mild (to make): mitig milk: galact, lact, muls millstone: mol3 mind: cereb, ment1, no, phren, psych, thym mindful: mem, mne mine (noun): metal minute: micro-, petit miracle: mir, thaum mist: atmo, nebul, neph, nub mite: acar mixing: cras1, misc, temp mob: ochl modern: neo moist: hum2, hygr, um mold (noun): typ mold (verb): plas moldy: muc, myc, myx mollusks: malac money: lucr, mone, pecu, prec1 monster: mon, terat month: lun, men1, selen moon: lun, men1, mens1, selen morbid fear of: phob more: aug, hyper, ple, plur, ultra mortal: bros, mort, thanat moss: bry2, moss mother: mater1, metro mountain: alp, mont, oro mourn: lugub mouse: mus2 mouth: bucc, ora, osc, stom move: act, amb, migr, mov, plan, ray, vag movement: cine move quickly: brid, celer, tach1, veloc moving (to be): ray much: multi-, polymuch (how): quan mucus: muc, myc2, myx mud: limi, lut2 mule: mul muscle: mus2, myo, tor mushroom: myc music: mus4 mussel: conch mute: mut2, siop, tac mutilate: muti mutually: all N nail of finger: onych, ung naked: gymn, nud name: nom2, onom, onym napkin: mant narrow: ang2, steno nation: ethn, phyl nature: physi navel: nav2, omphal, umbil near: anti-, peri-, plesio-, pronearest: prox nearness: ad- neck: cerv, coll1, trachel need: pen1 needle: acu, obel needy: indigent, pov negative: a2, an2, dis-, in2, mis-, neg, nonneither: neut nephew: nepot nerve: nerv, neur nest: nid net: ret nettle: urt new: ceno2, neo, nov1 next to: prox night: noc1, nyct nine: ennea, nov2 nipple: mamm, pap2, thel niter: nitr nod: nut none: nihil, null normal: eu-, norm, orth, rect, reg northern: arct north wind: bor nose: nas, rhin nose (to blow the): munct not: a2, an2, dis-, in2, mis-, ne-, non-, unnotched: cren, serr note: not nothing: nihil, null notion: ide nourish: al3, nurt, nutr, troph nucleus: karyo, nucl nude: gymn, nud numb: torp number: arithm, num1, pleth nut: karyo, nucl nutrition: al3, nurt, troph O oar: rem2 oblique: liqu2, lox, plag A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 982 oblivion: leth2 observe: temp obtain: quer obstruction: cumb ocean: hal1, mar2, pelag, thalass ode: hymn odor (harmful): mephi off: ab-, apo-, deoffspring: fet2, fil1, fecund, prol often: frequen oil, ointment: ol2, seb, unct old age: ger2, presby, sen, veter olive: oliv on: in-, indi one: haplo, hen, mono-, priv, sol, unione and a half: sesqui one’s own: idio, prop(ri) oneself: auto, sui open: aper opening: chasm, chen, gap, hiat, op2, osc, stom openness: cand open space: plac2 opinion: dogma opposite: anti-, contr-, oboppress: trib2 orb: orb order: cosm, log, nom1, ord, rat, tax, tir2 other: all, alter, heteroout: ex-, exooutdoors: exter, for1 outside: ecto-, epi-, exo-, exter, for1 outside the bounds: preter outward: exoovary: oophor, ov over: ana-, epi-, hyper-, superowe: deb ox: bous P pack: farc, stip1 pain: alg1, dol, odyn, pass, pen3 paint (verb): pict, ting pair: zyg palace: pala pale (to be): pall1 palisade: vall palm of the hand: palm paralysis: pleg parasite: parasit, verm park: par5 part: mer, part particular: prop(ri) partition: clud, mur, sep(t)1, vall partner: soc pass: mea passage: od2, por past: preter paste: past path: od2, por, trop, vi pay: trib1 pea: lent1 peace: franc, fray, pac peak: apic, culmin pear: pyr2 peasant: pag pebble: pseph pelvis: pyel penetrate: dyt, penetr penis: peni, phall people: dem, lit, pleb, popul, vulg people (common): pleb, popul, vulg perceive: esthe, path, sens, tact1 perform: act, funct, serv1 person: person personal: idio perspire: hidr, sud petal: chlamyd pharynx: pharyn pickax: dolabr picture: pict piece: class, pan2 pier: jamb pierce: penetr pigmented: chroma, pict, uv1 pillar: column, styl1 pimple: pap2, pust pipe: aul, fist, siphon, tub1 pit: alveol, sil1 place: chor2, loc, plac2, spac, stas, top place (verb): paus, pon, stas, thes place in order: par4 place where: -ory plain: camp, lito plan: schem plane off (verb): runc plank: tab1 plant (noun): bot, phyt, plant plague: pest2 plate: bract, lam2 play: lud please: fav, grat, plac1 pleasure: gal, hedon, libit, plac1, volup pledge: gage, plev, spond plenty: ampl, ops pliant: lent2 pluck: carp1 plunder: pred, rob1 plunge (verb): bapt, merg pod: vagin poem (part of): col1 point: centr, cusp, punct, spic, stig, styl1 point out: dic, disc poison: tox, ven5, vir2 polish: pol3, pse, tere pool: stagn poor: indigent, mean, pov populace: dem, ochl, pleb, vulg port (harbor): port2, pyl portion: nom1 position: pon, sit2 possession (free): allod post: fix, stel, tach2 pouch: asc2, bucc, burs, mars, sac pour: chem, fus, lib1 powder: con1, pulv2 power: crac, dyn, may, pot2 praise: laud, plaud prayer: ora, pet, prec2 prehistoric: paleo prepare: hent, par4 press: nast, piest, press, urg prevention: phyla price: prec1 prick (verb): cente, piq, punct pricked: stig prickle: acanth, spin prickly: echino primitive: paleoprior to: ante-, exprison: carc prize: athl proclaim: ban, dic produce (verb): cresc, gen, nat1 product of work: pono profane: secular profit: gain, lucr, prov project: cell, men2 projecting point: corn, lob prolific: fecund prompt: celer proper: dec2, eu, orth, prob, rect proper measure: temp property: fe, propr prophet: vat protect: arm, gar, hero, mun1, past, phylact, serv2 prove: prob A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 983 prune (verb): cis, put, scind pubic region: episio public: cen, mun2, vulg public treasury: fisc pull: pand, spasm, tend, tract pull tight: string, tend pulse: crot, pel2, sphyg punish: pen3 punishment in kind: tali pupa: pup pure: cast1, cathar, pur1, purg, sincere purple: porphy purse: fisc pursue: ept pus: pur2, pust, py, sep push: but1, pel2, trud, tund pushing: osm1 put: dim, pon, thes put in order: stal, stas, stat put on (as clothing): dysi, indu, uv2 puzzle: enigm Q quality of: -ose quantity: num1, pleth quarry: metal quick: ox quiet: mut2, siop, tac quicken: veg R race: ethn, gen, phyl rage: rab rain: hyet, ombro, pluv, rig2 raise: ars, lev1, tol raise up: cit2, susc rake (implement): hears ram (verb): pav ram down: pil2 rank (to be): ran rashly: temer rasp: strid rattle: crep1 raw: crud raw flesh: carn, creat, omo, sarc ray(s): actin, rad1, radio reach: aps reach for: orex, pet read: lect3, leg3 reason: caus, log, rat recent: ceno2, neoreceive: cap1, doche reckoning: caus, log, rat red: erythr, mini2, rhod, ros, rub reed: aul, can3,, fist, solen reflecting light: -esce refuse (noun): scor refute: elench regard: cur2, souc rejoice: char1, gal, hilar, joic, jub remain: man3, mora, rest remedy: ac1 remember: mem, minis, mne removal: derepeat: iter, pet replace: ersatz reproduction (sexual): gam reptile: rep repute: hon request: ora, pet, prec2 resembling: -oid, pararest: quie retina: ret retire: chor3, tir1 revel: com2 reverence: latr, ven1 reversed: ana-, meta- revive: cit2, suscit rib: cant, cost, pleur ribbon: lac, lemn, taen riches: op1, plut right: dec2, dext, eu, jud, orth, prob, rect right of seizure: sylum ring: annel, gir, orb ripe: coqu, peps, mat1 rise: cell, men, surg risk: per1 river: pot3, rip road: od2, por, vi roar: strep rob: spol rock: lapid, lith, petr1, sax rod: bac, rhabd, trab role: person roll (verb): volv roof: fast, tect roof of mouth: palat room: camera root: rad2, ram, rhiz, stirp rose: rhod rose-colored: eo rot: pur2, sapr, sep rotate: gir rotten: sapr, sep rough: asper, aust, crud, trach round: circ, tere rounded projection: lob rove: err row: stich, tir2 rub: broc, fri(c), trib2 rub away: trit rub smooth: fri, pse, trit ruins: rud rule: arch, crac, dyn, norm, pot2, raj, rect run: cur1, drom, lop, ped5, rhe, sal run away: fug running: troch rustic: pag S sac(k): burs, cyst, mars, sac sacred: hagi, hier, sacr, sanct safe: holo said (thing): ig sail: nav1, pliu sailor: naus, nav1 saint: hagio salivate: saliv salt: hal1, sal same: homo, idem, iso, simil, taut sand: aren sash: fasc sausage: allant saw (noun): serr say: ag1, dei1, dic, fab, ig1, loqu, ora, phan, vern1 scabies: scab scale: lep, squam scales (set of): balan, liber2 scar: eschar scatter: spers, spor scene: scen scrape, scratch: rad3 sea: benth, hal1, mar2, pelag, sal, thalass sea (put out to): quip seal: sign search carefully: scrut season of year: hor seasonable: mat1 seaweed: alg3, phyc second: deuter, sequ see: ide, op2, orama, scop, scrut, spec, vid1 seed: bacci, gon1, semen, sperm, spor seedcase: angi A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 984 seed (sowing): gon1, semen, sperm, spor seek: pet, quer, rog seem: dogma seer: vat seize: cap1, carp1, heres, leps, prehend, rapt, rob1, sul(t), sum1, sylum seizure: agra select: lect2 selection: ecles self: auto-, ego, ips, idio, propr, sui sell: pol2, ven2 semen: gon1, semen, sperm send: ema, hesis, leg2, miss, stal sepal: chlamy separate (verb): cern, crin2, vid2 servant: anc, latr, minist serve: funct, serv1 service: latr set (verb): par4, sist, stas, stat, tem set firm: firm, gel1 set in motion: cit2, esis, susc, zes set in place: sist, stas, stat seta: chaet settle: sid seven: hept, sept2 sew: cout, rhaps, sart, sut shadow: sci2, umbra shake: cuss, quat, seism, vibr shame: elench, pud shank: jamb shape: fabr, fig, form1, morph, oid, plas shared: cen sharp: ace, acid, mucr, ox shave: scab sheath: cole, thec, vagin sheet: lam2 shell: conch, coqu2, ostra, test2 shield: arm, pel1, scut shimmer: corus shine: flag, lamp, phos, splend shining: cand, corus, electr ship: naus, nav1 shoot (noun): blast, clad, germ, plant, rhiz shore: rip short: brachy, brev, curt shoulder: om, spat shout for joy: gal, joic, jub shovel: scap show (verb): dei1, dict, mon, par2, phan, phras, spec shriek: cry1 shudder: horr shut: clud, oper shut up: pound sickle: falc side: cant, cost, hedr, lat1, liqu2, plag, pleur siege tower: falq sign: icon, sem, sign, titl silent: mut2, siop, tac silk: seric silver: arg silvery gray: glau similar: homo, idem, iso, simil, taut simple: hapl, lito sin: culp, mend, pecca, vic3 sinew: nerv sing: can1, od1 single: hapl, mono, priv, sol3, unisister: soror sit: ize, sed2 situation: sit2 six: hex1, sex skill: sag, sap, soph skin: cori, cut, derm, pel1 sky: cel3 slack: languid, lax slander: calumn slanting: liqu2, lox, plag slave: dul2, serv1, slav sleep: dorm, hypn, somn, sopor slender: grac, lepto slide: lap, pto, sphal slime: myx slippery: lubr slope: clim, scarp slow: brady, lent2, stol, tard small: lept, micro, mini1, petit, pico small weight: scrup smash: bris smear: aloep smell: odor, ody, ol1, osm2, ozon smoke: fum smooth: glab, lev1, lito, pol3, tere snail: helic snake: angui, herpe, ophi, serp, rep snatch: leps, rap snow: niv soak up: sorb soap: sapo sober: ebr, sob soft: clemen, leni, malac, mitig, mol1 soil: edaph soldier: milit solid: dur, rob, solid, ster somber: fusc son: fil1, prol song: can1, hymn, fest2, mel, od1 sordid: sord, squal sorrow: dol, pen3, penth soul: anim, psych, thym sound: ech, phon, phthong, son, ton sour: acid, amar, sauer southern: austr sow: season sowing seed: spor space (open): plac2, spac spare (verb): pars spark: scint speak: dict, fab, leg3, loqu, od1, ora, parl, phas, rhet speak solemnly: vot spear: lanc speech: ep, log, loqu, ora speed: celer, tach1, vel3 sperm: gon1, semen, sperm, spor sphere: glob, plot, orb spherical body: nucl spider: arachn spike: spic spin: gir, rhomb, trop, vert spine: dors, noto, rachi, spin, terg2 spiny: acanth, echin spiral: gir, helic spirit: anim, pneu, psych, thym spit (noun): obel split: fiss, schis, scind, sect spleen: spleen spoke of wheel: rad1 spot: macu spread out: pand, tend spring (belonging to): vern2 sprout: blast, plant spur: quet square: quadr, tetra squeeze close: nast squirrel: sci2 staff: bacill, bacteri stain: macu stake in ground: pal, tach2 stalk: caul, stip2 A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 985 stamen: andr, fil2 stand: par4, sist, stas, stat, stem standing place: sist, stal, stat standing water: stagn star: aster, sider1, stell starch: amyl stare: mus3 stay: man3, mora steal: klep steam: vap stem: caul, stip2 step: amb, bas1, ced2, grad, it, stich, tir2, vad stern: sever stick to: her2 sticky: muc stiff: rig1 stiff hair: chaet, set sting: urt stink: fet1, pur2 stitch together: rhaps, sut stomach: gastr, stom, ventr stone: calc, lapid, lith, petr1, sax stop: man3, mora, paus, rest store (verb): cel1, cond, cover, crypt straight: ithy, lin1, orth, rect, sagitt strain: col2, ethm, filt stranger: xeno strap, harness: choat straw: caul, stip2 strength: bil, firm, fort, rob, sthen, stol, val, vin2, vio, vir1 stretch: elast, pand, rog, spasm, string, ten2, tend, ton strike: bat, cis, coup, crus, cus, fend, fer1, flic, fut, lid, pest1, pil1, plang, plaud, pleg, quat, tund strike out: can1, dele string: chord, lin strip: pred, spol, rob1 stripped: gymn, nud strive: cert, vit2 stroke (medical): pleg stroke (verb): mulc strong: alc, bil, dur, firm, fort, poll, rob2, sthen, val1, vig2 strong drink: bib, ebr, pos, pot1, tem2 struggle: agon, athl, luct, machy, nit study: stud stuff (verb): farc, frequen stumpy: bas2 stunned: narc, sopor, stup stupid: stol, surd stupor: hypn, narc, sopor, torp subdue: dam1 substance: esse, ous substitute: vic1 suffer: pass, path sugar: gluc, glyc, sacchar, sucr sulfur: sulf, thio summer: est1, ther2 summit: apic, culmin summon: ban, cal2, clam, plor sun: heli, sol2 suppress: ische surround: hort1 swallow: glut2, phag, vor swamp: stagn sway: nut, vacill swear: jur, orc sweat: hidr, sud sweet: dulc, gluc, glyc, sacchar, sucr swell (verb): ball2, bry1, edema, then, tub2, tum, turg swelling: cel2, edem, onc, puc swift: celer, fest3, tach1, vel3 swim: nat2, pleus swing (verb): oscill, nut, vacill sword: ens, glad, xiph symbol: eid, icon, sem, sign T table: mens2, tab1 tail: caud, cerc, cul, peni, ul, ur1 take: cap1, carp1, emp, heres, prehend, rap, seiz, sul, sum1 talk: dict, fab, lal, loqu, ora, parl, phas, verb tallow: adip, aliph, lip2, seb, stear tape: lemn, taen taste: geus, gust, sag tax: cens teach: didact, doc tear (verb): lacer tear apart: vuls teardrop: dacry, lachry tell: lect3, narr temple: fan ten: dec1, deca tend: cult, cur, med1, therap tender (to make): mitig terrible: din, ter1 terrify: ghast, ter1 test (verb): prob testicle, testis: didym, orchi, test1 the (Arabic): al2 thick: bas2, dens, pachy, pycno thicken: spiss thin: lepto thing: re2, rem1 thing for: -ory thing (said): ig think: mat2, opi, opt, pond think true: dogma third: ter2 thirst: dips this: hoc this side of: cis thorn: acanth, echino, spin thorough: diathoroughly: ex-, perthoughts: no thousand: chili, kilo, mil thrall: thrall thread: capill, fil2, lin, lir, mit, nema, stamen threaten: men2 three: trithreshold: lim throat: foc2, gorg, guttur, pharyn, rum throb: pel2, sphy through: dia-, per-, transthroughout: ana-, catathrow: ball1, disc, jac, pult, sip thrust: but, jac, pel2, trud, tund thunder: bront, ton, torn thyroid: thyr tick: acar tie (verb): lig, nect tight: ang2, steno time: chron, ev, temp tiny: pusill tip: apic tipsy: ebr tissue: hist, tex to: a1, ad-, obto be: esse toe: dactyl, digit together: com-, syntoil: erg, labor, pono tomb: comb, taph A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 986 tomorrow: cras2 tone: phon, son, ton tongue: gloss, ling tonsil: amyg tool: organ tooth: dent, odont topple: gru torch: blaz torment: vex torpid: torp toss: ball, disc, jac, pult touch: hapt, palp, tact1, tent tough: rob2 toward: a1, ad-, in-, indi, obtown: burg, cast2 trace: ichno, vestig track down: hege trade (verb): emp, merc, sum1 train: asc1 transparent: hyal, vitr trapezium: trapez tread (verb): pat treasure: thesaur treasury (public): burs, fisc treatment: iatr, therap tree: arb, dendr, for1, silv tree trunk: bauch, tir2 tremble: quav, trem2 trial: per1, pir tribe: ethn, gen, phyl trick: fall trickery: apat, dul1 tripe: omasum trough: alveol true: cred, fid, lief, tru, ver2 true meaning: esse, etym true (to think): dogma trumpet: salp trust: cred, fid, lief try: per1, tempt tube: aul, fist, siphon, tub1 tumor: cel2, edem, oma, onc tumult: rit, turb tunic: tuni turmoil: rit, turb turn: curv, flect, sin, stroph, torn, trop, var, verg, vert, viron tussle: buff twelve: dodeca twenty: icos twice: bi-, ditwig: plant, virg1 twin: didym, diplo, gem twist: plex, spir2, stroph, tort two: bi-, bin-, di-, dich-, dipl-, du-, dytype: typ U ulcer: fist umbilicus: nav2, omphal unmarried: celi uncovered: aper under: hypo-, sub-, nether, supin undertake: con2 unequal: aniso uneven: perisso unhappy: miser unite: hen united: gam, zyg unlucky side: sinister up: anaupon: epiupper arm: brachi upper jaw: maxil upward: anaurge: horm, hort2, per1, suas, tempt urinate: mict urine: ur2 usage: nom1 use (verb): chres, us use (to be of): gain uterus: alv, colp, hyster1, metr1, uter2 utter: fab, loqu, ora, phan, thegm uvula: staphyl V vacant place: are, vac vain: van1 vain (in): frustr valley: val2 valve: valv value: est1, val1 vapor: aer, atmo, nebul vary: var veil: vel1 vein: phleb, varic, ven3 vein (enlarged): varic verbal attack: polem vertebra: spondyl, vert vessel: angi, can3, cell, cyt, vas vex: vex vice (fault): culp, mend, vic3 victim: vict1 view: -orama, scop, the2, vid vigor: vin2 vile: prav, vil vine: viti vinegar: ace viper: asp virgin: parthen, virg2 virus: vir2 viscera: splanchn, visc1 vision: op2 voice: phon, phthong, son, voc vomit: eme, vom W wagon: car1 wail: cry1, plor walk: amb, it, pat wall: mur, parie, sep(t)1, val1 wall (of a room): mur, parie wall off: phrag wand: virg1 wander: err, ile, migr, plan, vag wander (mentally): halluc wanton: rib war: bell2, guerr, mart ward off: arc2, cav, fend, par4, phyla warm: cal1, est1, tep, ther2 warn: mon, mun1 wash (verb): clys, lav, rig2 wasp: vesp2 waste away: maras, marce, phthis, tab2 waste (to lay): vast watch: scop, orama, spec, vid1 watchful: phyla, vig1 watch over: gar, hero, mun1, past, serv2, vig1 water: aqu, hyd, lacu, limn water fluid: ser2 wave: und wax: cer, seb way: coluth, guis, od2, por, styl2, trop, vi weak: lepto weaken: lys wealth: ops, plut weapon: arm, bat, hopl, scut wear out: trit weary: fatig, langu weave: tex web: hist wedge: cun1, sphen weep: gret, lament weigh: arbit, pend, pond A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 987 weight: bar, grav, liber2, pend, pond, scrup well: bene, dext, dulg, euwell-known: nobl western: hesper wet: broc, rig2 wheel: cycl, gir, rot, troch whetstone: agon2 whey: lymph, ser1 whip: flagell whisper: susurr whistle: sifl white: alb, blanc, cand, leuk whole: hol, integ, salu, sol5, solid, ster wide: eury, lat1, platy wife: uxor wild: agr wild animal: fer3, ther1 will power: bul, vol1 wind: anem, flat, pneu, vent windbag: fatu, foll window: fenestra windpipe: bronch, laryng, trach wine: oeno, vin1, viti wing: al1, pen2, plum, pter, ptil wink: nic winter: cheim, hibern wipe clean: rad3, terg1 wise: sag, sap, soph wish: bul, vol1, spond with: com-, synwither: marce withdraw: tir1 within: deni, endo-, ento-, eso-, in-, indi, int, intrawithout: a2, an-, ex-, extra-, sans, sine witness: test1 wolf: lup woman: femin, gyn, muli womb: alv, colp, hyster1, uter2 wonder at: mir, thaum woo: nub1 wood: hylo, lign, mater2, xylo woods: bus, silv wool: lan, ulo, velu wool (stuffing of): toment woolly: ulo word: dict, ep, erg, fab, lect3, log, verb1 work: erg, labor, op1, pono world: cosm, mund worldly: secular worm: helminth, lumbri, verm worse: deterior, pejor worship: latr, ven1 worst: pejor, pessi worth: ax, dign, val1 wound: trauma, vulner, vuls wound discharge: ichor wrap: vel2 wrench: spasm wrestle: agon, athl, luct, machy, nit wretched: miser wrinkle: rug wrist: carp3 write: gram, scrib wrong: caco-, dys-, mis- yield: ced2 yoke: gam, jug, zyg yolk: lecith, vitel young: hebe, jun, neo young person: pup young wife: nymph Z zeal: zeal X X-ray: rad1 Y yawn: gap year: ann yellow: aur, chrys, flav, lut1, xanth A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 988 WORKS CONSULTED Abrams, M H., A Glossary of Literary Terms, 3rd Edition New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1985 Alexander, Henry, The Story of Our Language Garden City, New York: Dolphin Books (Doubleday & Company, Inc.), 1962 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, The, William Morris, Editor Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975 American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots (revised and edited by Calvert Watson) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1985 Ayers, Donald M., English Words from Latin and Greek Elements Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1965 Bartlett, John, Familiar Quotations Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1980 Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, Editor in Chief, Bryan A Garner St Paul: West Publishing Co., 2004 Borror, Donald J., Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms Palo Alto: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1960 Castillo, Carlos, and Otto F Bond, Spanish Dictionary Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972 Claiborne, Robert, The Roots of English New York: Times Books, 1989 Ehrlich, Eugene, The Harper Dictionary of Foreign Terms New Yoek: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975 Funk, Wilfred, Word Origins and Their Romantic Stories New York: Bell Publishing Company, 1978 Gamkrelidze, Thomas V and V V Ivanov, “The Early History of Indo-European Languages,” Scientific American, March 1990 Greene, Amsel, Word Clues New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1967 Harvard Dictionary of Music, Willi Apel, Editor Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965 Jespersen, Otto, Growth and Structure of the English Language New York: The Free Press, 1968 Johnson, Edwin Lee, Latin Words of Common English New York: D C Heath and Company, 1931 Mawson, C O Sylvester, Dictionary of Foreign Terms, Second Edition New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975 New Cassell’s German Dictionary, The, Henry T Betteridge, Editor New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1962 Partridge, Eric, Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961 A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 989 Pei, Mario, The Story of English New York: Fawcett World Library, 1952 Random House Dictionary of the English Language, The, College Edition, Laurence Urdang, Editor-inChief New York: Random House, 1968 Robertson, Stuart, and Frederic G Cassidy, The Development of Modern English, 2nd Edition Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1954 Shevoroshkin, Vitaly, “The Mother Tongue: How Linguists Have Constructed the Ancestor of All Living Languages,” The Sciences, May/June 1990 Smith, Robert W L., Dictionary of English Word Roots Totawa, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1966 Stone, Jon R., The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations New York: Routledge, 2005 Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 14, Clayton L Thomas, Editor Philadelphia: F A Davis Company, 1981 Thrall, William Flint, and Addison Hibbard, A Handbook to Literature Indianapolis: The Odyssey Press, 1972 Various Internet Sources, especially the search engine onelook.com Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition, Michael Agnes, Editor in Chief New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007 Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, Philip Babcock Cove, Editor Springfield, Massachusetts: G & C Merriam Company, Publishers, 1976 Word Mysteries & Histories Boston: Houghton Mifflin co., 1986 A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 990 About the Author Horace G Danner received a B.A in Social Sciences from the University of the Philippines, Quezon City, in 1955, while in the U.S Air Force Prior to joining the military at the outbreak of the Korean Conflict, he studied at Troy State University, Troy, Alabama, majoring in English and music Before receiving a Ph.D in educational psychology at American University, Washington, D.C., in 1973, he did postgraduate work at University of Virginia and George Washington University, Washington, D.C He has taught in the public school system of Fairfax County, Virginia, in the fields of music and English He has also taught literature and writing for Northern Virginia Community College In addition, he taught technical writing at Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland A retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, he was a writer and editor with the Air Force Intelligence Service After retiring from the military, he taught technical and business writing at University of Maryland University College for fifteen years He has also taught military writing at National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C He was a 2005 finalist in the annual awards program of the Association of Educational Publishers as the author of Discover It! A Better Vocabulary, a Better Way His book Discover It! The Ultimate Vocabulary Builder, has been adopted by the Idaho State Department of Education He is also the author of A Thesaurus of Medical Word Roots, published in 2013 by Scarecrow Press He lives in Occoquan, Virginia He has three children and six grown grandchildren ... annex, annotate, annul ap-: appanage, apparel, apparatus, apparition ar-: array, arrest, arrive as-: assail, assemble, assist, associate, assure at-: attain, attend, attest, attorney, attune... af(assimilation of ad-) ag(assimilation of ad-) ag1 Meaning [gas, air] Latin prefix to, toward Latin prefix to, toward Latin aio IE egspeak, say I say Examples aerogram (a radiogram; an airmail... ac-: acquaint, acquire, acquisition, acquit af-: affair, affect, affix, afflict, afford, affricate ag-: aggrade, aggravate, aggressor, aggrieve al-: allude, allure, allusion, alluvium an-: annex,

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