SELECTED WRITINGS AN INTRODUCTION TO ORGONOMY NOONDAY 217 $4.95 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 20i0 http://www.arch ive org/detai!s/selectedwritingsOOreic Selected Writings ALSO BY WILHELM REICH The Cancer Biopathy Character Analysis Ether, God and Devil and Cosmic Superimposition The Function of the Orgasm The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality Listen, Little Man! The Mass Psychology of Fascism The Murder of Christ Reich Speaks of Freud The Sexual Revolution WILHELM REICH Selected Writings A1z Introduction to Orgononzy FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX NEW YORK Copyright © 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1960, 1972, 1973 by J 1ary Boyd Higgins as Trustee of The \Vilhelm, Reich Infant Trust Fund All rights reserved Library of Congress catalog card number 72-97612 Priuted in the United States of America First printing, 1973 Published simultaneously in Canada by Doubleday Canada Ltd., Toronto Designed by Ircing Perkins This t;olume contains son1e material that appeared in the first edition of Selected Writings, copyright © 1960 by f 1ary Boyd Higgins as Trustee of the \Villzeln1 Reich Infant Trust Fund, and also includes new translations as follou.:s: "The \Vorkshop of Orgonomic Functionalisnl,H £(Animism, Afysticism, and fl;fechanistics," and C(The Living Orgonon1e,'' translated by Therese Pol; ''The Det;elopment of the Orgasm Theory,'' ((On the Technique of Character Analysis,H "The Breakthrough into the Biological Realm," and £(The Expressive Language of the Living/' translated by Vincent R Carfagno; uExperitnental Investigation of Biological Energy" and "The Carcinon1atous Shrinking Biopathy," translated by Andrew \Vhite u.;ith Alary Higgins and Chester M Raphael, fl;f.D Love, tcork, and knotcledge are the tcell-springs of our life They should also govern it "\V I L H E L 1\I R E I C H 552 BIBLIOGRAPHY "A Dilemma in Social Self-government" OEB, I, 3, 1949 "Cosmic Orgone Energy and 'Ether' " OEB, I, 4, 1949 ( EGD) "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II'' OEB~ II, 1, 1950 "Orgonon1ic Functionalism,u continued OEB, II, 2, 1950 "Orgonomic Functionalism," continued EB, II, 3, 1950 "Orgonomic and Chemical Cancer Research" EB, II, 3, 1950 "Orgonomy 1935-1950 (I)" OEB, II, 3, 1950 "Orgonon1etric Equations" I "General Form" OEB, II, 4, 1950 II 'rstanding the, orgone therapy, 62 n., 226, 261, 270; the concept of, 1.36; and expressive n1o\·en1ents, 141 if.; central task of, 147; goal of, 151~ physical, xx, 1:38 n., 261; t.•xperilnents with cancer, 233 ff., 269; psychiatric, xx; hio-energetic n1eaning of the prineiple of, 343 orgonity, definition of, xxi orgonotne, 334 fJ.; processes in, :34.5 orgonon1etry, definition of, xxi orgonornia, 329 orgonon1ic functionalisrn, function XXI\', -I tf ·~ 1'3D :)'"19 fJ • a }lSITI, X\'ll, ' : 457; definition of, xxi; four principles of, 210; and en1otions, 290; the world of, 294; and sensation, 295; basic clifferenct• of, :301; and the hurnan organisn1, 314 orgonon1ic (reversed) potential, xvii, 324; technical application of, 435, 441 ff.; and the lightning-rod principle, 443 J, •") , 426 , -±· '~3:) orgonon1)', XXI, XXIII, : , 524; and am1orecl character structtue, 465; distortions of, 507 If.: dt'\·elopn1ent of, 526 Organon, xv Ortner, xiv passive-fen1inine character, genital ernhrace, 30, 52, 57, Pasteur, Louis, 190, 470 "perfectionisn1," 284 Pfluger, E F \V., 188 phallic-narcissistic character, sadistic character, 52 Philip 11, 290 Pirquet, Clen1ens von, 463 Planck, :\lax, 524 Plato, 469 pleasnre anxietv, 118, 250: rnasochist, 9.5Pouchet, F A.) 190 priapisn1, 29 in 90 the phallic- in the prirnary drive~, xvii ''psychic energy," accnrdin!2; to Freud, 292 psychoanalysis, and rnysticisn1 2H2 psychological parallelislll, 292 radiation sickness, 357 fl., 4IH, 424; \Vea pon against, 383 Ravnaud's disease, 159, 45.5 re;;{lity principle, B:3 red fascistn, 513 religion, 510~ 53:3; rational core of 294, 520; Christian, 498; and the genital etnhrace, 521: and God, 531 repression, and the life process, 191 n·signa tion, characterological, 262, 274,277 resistance, -!:3 fJ.; sec al.~·o character resistance Rohein1, Geza, on potency, 26 Rous sarcotna, 228 Rousseau, Jean Jacrtnes, Social Contract, 467 sadisn1, 317 St Paul, 512; see also Saul of Tarsus ~atvriasis, 29, 34 Sai1l of Tarsus, 492 Schilder, Paul, xiv schizophrenia, ocular annor segrnent in, 150 1; catatonic, 118-19: ''electric currents'' in, 2B:3: and self-perception, 529 Schopenhauer, Arthnr, -!70 seconclarv drives, xvii self-perception, 517 ~ in schizophrenia, 529 self-regulation, of prirnary drives, xvii; distortion of, 508 Sen1on, \Y L., 7, 10:3 sensation, nature of, 2~2; considered fnnctionalh·, 295 sequestration: function of -!.57 fl sex-econo1n\·, sexual t•conomv, sexeconornist, 28, L defiuition oL xxi; developn1ent of, 16; biological .560 offshoot of, 41; theory of, 134; and cancer research, 269-70; and con1pulsive n1orality and ascetisn1, 272 sexual act, orgastically gratifying, 29 if Shakespeare, \Villian1, 470 Socrates, 469 Spencer, Herbert, 469 Spengler, Oswald, 469 spinning wave, 321 [f., 335; see also Kreiselu:elle Stalin, Joseph, 492 stasis anxietv, definition of, xxi stasis neur;"iis, 17, 21, 38, 273;