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iOS Developer iOS Developer NotesforProfessionals ® NotesforProfessionals 800+ pages of professional hints and tricks GoalKicker.com Free Programming Books Disclaimer This is an unocial free book created for educational purposes and is not aliated with ocial iOS® Developer group(s) or company(s) All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners Contents About Chapter 1: Getting started with iOS Development Section 1.1: Creating a default Single View Application Section 1.2: Hello World Section 1.3: Xcode Interface 11 Section 1.4: Create your first program in Swift 17 Chapter 2: UILabel 22 Section 2.1: Create a UILabel 22 Section 2.2: Number of Lines 24 Section 2.3: Set Font 25 Section 2.4: Text Color 26 Section 2.5: Background Color 27 Section 2.6: Size to fit 27 Section 2.7: Text alignment 30 Section 2.8: Calculate Content Bounds (for i.e dynamic cell heights) 30 Section 2.9: Label Attributed Text 32 Section 2.10: Clickable Label 38 Section 2.11: Variable height using constraints 39 Section 2.12: LineBreakMode 39 Section 2.13: Add shadows to text 41 Section 2.14: Changing Text in an Existing Label 41 Section 2.15: Auto-size label to fit text 42 Section 2.16: Get UILabel's size strictly based on its text and font 43 Section 2.17: Highlighted and Highlighted Text Color 44 Section 2.18: Justify Text 44 Section 2.19: Dynamic label frame from unknown text length 45 Chapter 3: UILabel text underlining 47 Section 3.1: Underlining a text in a UILabel using Objective C 47 Section 3.2: Underlining a text in UILabel using Swift 47 Chapter 4: attributedText in UILabel 48 Section 4.1: HTML text in UILabel 48 Section 4.2: Set dierent property to text in single UILabel 48 Chapter 5: UIButton 50 Section 5.1: Creating a UIButton 50 Section 5.2: Attaching a Method to a Button 50 Section 5.3: Setting Font 51 Section 5.4: Set Image 51 Section 5.5: Get UIButton's size strictly based on its text and font 51 Section 5.6: Disabling a UIButton 52 Section 5.7: Set title 52 Section 5.8: Set title color 52 Section 5.9: Horizontally aligning contents 53 Section 5.10: Getting the title label 53 Section 5.11: Adding an action to an UIButton via Code (programmatically) 54 Chapter 6: UIDatePicker 55 Section 6.1: Create a Date Picker 55 Section 6.2: Setting Minimum-Maximum Date 55 Section 6.3: Modes 55 Section 6.4: Setting minute interval 55 Section 6.5: Count Down Duration 56 Chapter 7: UILocalNotification 57 Section 7.1: Scheduling a local notification 57 Section 7.2: Presenting a local notification immediately 57 Section 7.3: Managing local notifications using UUID 58 Section 7.4: Registering for local notifications 59 Section 7.5: what's new in UILocalNotification with iOS10 60 Section 7.6: Responding to received local notification 62 Section 7.7: Register and Schedule Local Notification in Swift 3.0 (iOS 10) 62 Chapter 8: UIImage 64 Section 8.1: Creating UIImage 64 Section 8.2: Comparing Images 65 Section 8.3: Gradient Image with Colors 66 Section 8.4: Convert UIImage to/from base64 encoding 66 Section 8.5: Take a Snapshot of a UIView 67 Section 8.6: Change UIImage Color 67 Section 8.7: Apply UIColor to UIImage 67 Section 8.8: Creating and Initializing Image Objects with file contents 68 Section 8.9: Resizable image with caps 68 Section 8.10: Gradient Background Layer for Bounds 69 Chapter 9: Convert NSAttributedString to UIImage 70 Section 9.1: NSAttributedString to UIImage Conversion 70 Chapter 10: UIImagePickerController 71 Section 10.1: Generic usage of UIImagePickerController 71 Chapter 11: UIImageView 73 Section 11.1: UIImage masked with Label 73 Section 11.2: Making an image into a circle or rounded 73 Section 11.3: How the Mode property aects an image 74 Section 11.4: Animating a UIImageView 80 Section 11.5: Create a UIImageView 81 Section 11.6: Change color of an image 82 Section 11.7: Assigning an image to a UIImageView 82 Chapter 12: Resizing UIImage 83 Section 12.1: Resize any image by size & quality 83 Chapter 13: Cut a UIImage into a circle 84 Section 13.1: Cut a image into a circle - Objective C 84 Section 13.2: SWIFT Example 85 Chapter 14: UITableView 87 Section 14.1: Self-Sizing Cells 87 Section 14.2: Custom Cells 87 Section 14.3: Separator Lines 90 Section 14.4: Delegate and Datasource 92 Section 14.5: Creating a UITableView 98 Section 14.6: Swipe to Delete Rows 102 Section 14.7: Expanding & Collapsing UITableViewCells 105 Chapter 15: UITableViewController 108 Section 15.1: TableView with dynamic properties with tableviewCellStyle basic 108 Section 15.2: TableView with Custom Cell 109 Chapter 16: UIRefreshControl TableView 111 Section 16.1: Set up refreshControl on tableView: 111 Section 16.2: Objective-C Example 111 Chapter 17: UITableViewCell 113 Section 17.1: Xib file of UITableViewCell 113 Chapter 18: Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells 114 Section 18.1: Distinction between single and double selection on row 114 Chapter 19: Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells 115 Section 19.1: Distinction between single and double selection on row 115 Chapter 20: UIView 116 Section 20.1: Make the view rounded 116 Section 20.2: Using IBInspectable and IBDesignable 118 Section 20.3: Taking a snapshot 121 Section 20.4: Create a UIView 121 Section 20.5: Shake a View 121 Section 20.6: Utilizing Intrinsic Content Size 122 Section 20.7: Programmatically manage UIView insertion and deletion into and from another UIView 124 Section 20.8: Create UIView using Autolayout 125 Section 20.9: Animating a UIView 127 Section 20.10: UIView extension for size and frame attributes 127 Chapter 21: Snapshot of UIView 129 Section 21.1: Getting the Snapshot 129 Section 21.2: Snapshot with subview with other markup and text 129 Chapter 22: UIAlertController 131 Section 22.1: AlertViews with UIAlertController 131 Section 22.2: Action Sheets with UIAlertController 132 Section 22.3: Adding Text Field in UIAlertController like a prompt Box 135 Section 22.4: Highlighting an action button 135 Section 22.5: Displaying and handling alerts 136 Chapter 23: UIColor 141 Section 23.1: Creating a UIColor 141 Section 23.2: Creating a UIColor from hexadecimal number or string 142 Section 23.3: Color with Alpha component 144 Section 23.4: Undocumented Methods 145 Section 23.5: UIColor from an image pattern 146 Section 23.6: Lighter and Darker Shade of a given UIColor 147 Section 23.7: Make user defined attributes apply the CGColor datatype 148 Chapter 24: UITextView 149 Section 24.1: Set attributed text 149 Section 24.2: Change font 149 Section 24.3: Auto Detect Links, Addresses, Dates, and more 149 Section 24.4: Change text 150 Section 24.5: Change text alignment 150 Section 24.6: UITextViewDelegate methods 150 Section 24.7: Change text color 151 Section 24.8: Remove extra paddings to fit to a precisely measured text 151 Section 24.9: Getting and Setting the Cursor Postition 151 Section 24.10: UITextView with HTML text 153 Section 24.11: Check to see if empty or nil 153 Chapter 25: UITextField Delegate 154 Section 25.1: Actions when a user has started/ended interacting with a textfield 154 Section 25.2: UITextField - Restrict textfield to certain characters 155 Chapter 26: UINavigationController 156 Section 26.1: Embed a view controller in a navigation controller programmatically 156 Section 26.2: Popping in a Navigation Controller 156 Section 26.3: Purpose 156 Section 26.4: Pushing a view controller onto the navigation stack 157 Section 26.5: Creating a NavigationController 157 Chapter 27: UIGestureRecognizer 158 Section 27.1: UITapGestureRecognizer 158 Section 27.2: UITapGestureRecognizer (Double Tap) 159 Section 27.3: Adding a Gesture recognizer in the Interface Builder 159 Section 27.4: UILongPressGestureRecognizer 160 Section 27.5: UISwipeGestureRecognizer 161 Section 27.6: UIPinchGestureRecognizer 162 Section 27.7: UIRotationGestureRecognizer 163 Chapter 28: UIBarButtonItem 164 Section 28.1: Creating a UIBarButtonItem in the Interface Builder 164 Section 28.2: Creating a UIBarButtonItem 167 Section 28.3: Bar Button Item Original Image with no Tint Color 167 Chapter 29: UIScrollView 168 Section 29.1: Scrolling content with Auto Layout enabled 168 Section 29.2: Create a UIScrollView 171 Section 29.3: ScrollView with AutoLayout 171 Section 29.4: Detecting when UIScrollView finished scrolling with delegate methods 176 Section 29.5: Enable/Disable Scrolling 176 Section 29.6: Zoom In/Out UIImageView 177 Section 29.7: Scroll View Content Size 178 Section 29.8: Restrict scrolling direction 178 Chapter 30: UIStackView 179 Section 30.1: Center Buttons with UIStackview 179 Section 30.2: Create a horizontal stack view programmatically 183 Section 30.3: Create a vertical stack view programmatically 184 Chapter 31: Dynamically updating a UIStackView 185 Section 31.1: Connect the UISwitch to an action we can animate switching between a horizontal or vertical layout of the image views 185 Chapter 32: UIScrollView with StackView child 186 Section 32.1: A complex StackView inside Scrollview Example 186 Section 32.2: Preventing ambiguous layout 187 Section 32.3: Scrolling to content inside nested StackViews 188 Chapter 33: UIScrollView AutoLayout 189 Section 33.1: ScrollableController 189 Section 33.2: UIScrollView dynamic content size through Storyboard 193 Chapter 34: UITextField 195 Section 34.1: Get Keyboard Focus and Hide Keyboard 195 Section 34.2: Dismiss keyboard when user pushes the return button 195 Section 34.3: Hide blinking caret 196 Section 34.4: Input accessory view (toolbar) 196 Section 34.5: Moving scroll when UITextView becomes first responder 197 Section 34.6: KeyboardType 199 Section 34.7: Change placeholder color and font 199 Section 34.8: Replace keyboard with UIPickerView 200 Section 34.9: Create a UITextField 203 Section 34.10: Getting and Setting the Cursor Position 204 Section 34.11: Dismiss Keyboard 205 Section 34.12: Initialize text field 208 Section 34.13: Autocapitalization 208 Section 34.14: Set Alignment 209 Chapter 35: Custom UITextField 210 Section 35.1: Custom UITextField for Filtering Input Text 210 Section 35.2: Custom UITextField to Disallow All Actions like Copy, Paste, etc 210 Chapter 36: UIViewController 212 Section 36.1: Subclassing 212 Section 36.2: Access the container view controller 214 Section 36.3: Set the view programmatically 214 Section 36.4: Instantiate from a Storyboard 214 Section 36.5: Create an instance 215 Section 36.6: Adding/removing a child view controller 216 Chapter 37: UISwitch 217 Section 37.1: Set Image for On/O state 217 Section 37.2: Set On / O 217 Section 37.3: Set Background Color 217 Section 37.4: Set Tint Color 218 Chapter 38: UICollectionView 219 Section 38.1: Create a UICollectionView 219 Section 38.2: UICollectionView - Datasource 219 Section 38.3: Basic Swift example of a Collection View 220 Section 38.4: Manage Multiple Collection view with DataSource and Flowlayout 225 Section 38.5: UICollectionViewDelegate setup and item selection 227 Section 38.6: Create a Collection View Programmatically 228 Section 38.7: Swift - UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout 229 Section 38.8: Performing batch updates 229 Chapter 39: UISearchController 231 Section 39.1: Search Bar in Navigation Bar Title 231 Section 39.2: Search Bar in Table View Header 234 Section 39.3: Implementation 237 Section 39.4: UISerachController in Objective-C 237 Chapter 40: UITabBarController 239 Section 40.1: Create an instance 239 Section 40.2: Navigation Controller with TabBar 239 Section 40.3: Tab Bar color customizing 240 Section 40.4: Changing Tab Bar Item Title and Icon 240 Section 40.5: Create Tab Bar controller programmatically without Storyboard 241 Section 40.6: UITabBarController with custom color selection 242 Chapter 41: UIWebView 245 Section 41.1: Create a UIWebView instance 245 Section 41.2: Determining content size 245 Section 41.3: Load HTML string 245 Section 41.4: Making a URL request 246 Section 41.5: Load JavaScript 246 Section 41.6: Stop Loading Web Content 247 Section 41.7: Reload Current Web Content 247 Section 41.8: Load Document files like pdf, txt, doc etc 247 Section 41.9: Load local HTML file in webView 247 Section 41.10: Make links That inside UIWebview clickable 248 Chapter 42: UIActivityViewController 250 Section 42.1: Initializing the Activity View Controller 250 Chapter 43: UIControl - Event Handling with Blocks 251 Section 43.1: Introduction 251 Chapter 44: UISplitViewController 254 Section 44.1: Master and Detail View interaction using Delegates in Objective C 254 Chapter 45: UISlider 264 Section 45.1: UISlider 264 Section 45.2: SWIFT Example 264 Section 45.3: Adding a custom thumb image 264 Chapter 46: UIStoryboard 266 Section 46.1: Getting an instance of UIStoryboard programmatically 266 Section 46.2: Open another storyboard 266 Chapter 47: UIPageViewController 267 Section 47.1: Create a horizontal paging UIPageViewController programmatically 267 Section 47.2: A simple way to create horizontal page view controllers ( infinite pages ) 268 Chapter 48: UISplitViewController 272 Section 48.1: Interacting Between Master and Detail View using Delegates in Objective C 272 Chapter 49: UIFont 276 Section 49.1: Declaring and initializing UIFont 276 Section 49.2: Changing the font of a label 276 Chapter 50: UIDevice 277 Section 50.1: Get iOS device model name 277 Section 50.2: Identifying the Device and Operating 278 Section 50.3: Getting the Device Orientation 279 Section 50.4: Getting the Device Battery State 280 Section 50.5: Using the Proximity Sensor 281 Section 50.6: Getting Battery Status and Battery Level 281 Chapter 51: Make selective UIView corners rounded 282 Section 51.1: Objective C code to make selected corner of a UiView rounded 282 Chapter 52: Custom UIViews from XIB files 283 Section 52.1: Wiring elements 283 Section 52.2: How to make custom reusable UIView using XIB 297 Chapter 53: UIBezierPath 298 Section 53.1: Designing and drawing a Bezier Path 298 Section 53.2: How to apply corner radius to rectangles drawn by UIBezierPath 303 Section 53.3: How to apply shadows to UIBezierPath 305 Section 53.4: How to create a simple shapes using UIBezierPath 307 Section 53.5: UIBezierPath + AutoLayout 309 Section 53.6: pie view & column view with UIBezierPath 310 Chapter 54: UIPickerView 313 Section 54.1: Basic example 313 Section 54.2: Changing pickerView Background Color and text color 314 Chapter 55: UIFeedbackGenerator 315 Section 55.1: Trigger Impact Haptic 315 Chapter 56: UIAppearance 317 Section 56.1: Set appearance of all instances of the class 317 Section 56.2: Appearance for class when contained in container class 318 Chapter 57: UIKit Dynamics with UICollectionView 319 Section 57.1: Creating a Custom Dragging Behavior with UIDynamicAnimator 319 Chapter 58: UIPheonix - easy, flexible, dynamic & highly scalable UI framework 329 Section 58.1: Example UI Components 329 Section 58.2: Example Usage 331 Chapter 59: UIKit Dynamics 332 Section 59.1: Flick View Based on Gesture Velocity 332 Section 59.2: "Sticky Corners" Eect Using UIFieldBehaviors 335 Section 59.3: UIDynamicBehavior Driven Custom Transition 340 Section 59.4: Shade Transition with Real-World Physics Using UIDynamicBehaviors 351 Section 59.5: Map Dynamic Animation Position Changes to Bounds 363 Section 59.6: The Falling Square 368 Chapter 60: UI Testing 370 Section 60.1: Accessibility Identifier 370 Section 60.2: Adding Test Files to Xcode Project 372 Section 60.3: Disable animations during UI Testing 373 Section 60.4: Lunch and Terminate application while executing 373 Section 60.5: Rotate devices 373 Chapter 61: Change Status Bar Color 374 Section 61.1: For non-UINavigationBar status bars 374 Section 61.2: For UINavigationBar status bars 374 Section 61.3: For ViewController containment 375 Section 61.4: If you cannot change ViewController's code 375 Section 61.5: Changing the status bar style for the entire application 375 Chapter 62: UISegmentedControl 377 Section 62.1: Creating UISegmentedControl via code 377 Chapter 63: Passing Data between View Controllers 378 Section 63.1: Using the Delegate Pattern (passing data back) 378 Section 63.2: Using Segues (passing data forward) 380 Section 63.3: Passing data backwards using unwind to segue 381 Section 63.4: Passing data using closures (passing data back) 382 Section 63.5: Using callback closure(block) passing data back 383 Section 63.6: By assigning property (Passing data forward) 384 Chapter 64: Managing the Keyboard 385 Section 64.1: Create a custom in-app keyboard 385 Section 64.2: Dismiss a keyboard with tap on view 389 Section 64.3: Managing the Keyboard Using a Singleton + Delegate 390 Section 64.4: Moving view up or down when keyboard is present 393 Section 64.5: Scrolling a UIScrollView/UITableView When Displaying the Keyboard 394 Chapter 65: Checking for Network Connectivity 396 Section 65.1: Creating a Reachability listener 396 Section 65.2: Add observer to network changes 396 Section 65.3: Alert when network becomes unavailable 396 Section 65.4: Alert when connection becomes a WIFI or cellular network 396 Section 65.5: Verify if is connected to network 397 Chapter 66: Accessibility 399 Section 66.1: Make a View Accessible 399 Section 66.2: Accessibility Frame 399 Section 66.3: Layout Change 399 Section 66.4: Accessibility Container 399 Section 66.5: Hiding Elements 400 Section 66.6: Screen Change 400 Section 66.7: Announcement 400 Section 66.8: Ordering Elements 400 Section 66.9: Modal View 401 Chapter 67: Auto Layout 402 Section 67.1: Space Views Evenly 402 Section 67.2: Center Constraints 403 Section 67.3: Setting constraints programmatically 406 Section 67.4: UILabel & Parentview size According to Text in UILabel 407 Section 67.5: UILabel Intrinsic Size 412 Section 67.6: Visual Format Language Basics: Constraints in Code! 422 Section 67.7: Resolve UILabel Priority Conflict 424 Section 67.8: How to animate with Auto Layout 426 Section 67.9: NSLayoutConstraint: Contraints in code! 427 Section 67.10: Proportional Layout 428 Section 67.11: Mixed usage of Auto Layout with non-Auto Layout 429 Section 67.12: How to use Auto Layout 429 Chapter 68: MKMapView 431 Section 68.1: Change map-type 431 Section 68.2: Simulate a custom location 435 Section 68.3: Set Zoom/Region for Map 435 Section 68.4: Local search implementation using MKLocalSearch 436 Section 68.5: OpenStreetMap Tile-Overlay 436 Section 68.6: Scroll to coordinate and zoom-level 438 Section 68.7: Working With Annotation 440 Section 68.8: Add MKMapView 440 Section 68.9: Show UserLocation and UserTracking example 441 Section 68.10: Adding Pin/Point Annotation on map 444 Section 68.11: Adjust the map view's visible rect in order to display all annotations 445 Chapter 69: NSArray 446 Section 69.1: Convert Array into json string 446 Chapter 70: NSAttributedString 447 Section 70.1: Creating a string that has custom kerning (letter spacing) 447 Section 70.2: Change the color of a word or string 447 Section 70.3: Removing all attributes 448 Section 70.4: Appending Attributed Strings and bold text in Swift 448 Section 70.5: Create a string with strikethrough text 448 Chapter 71: Convert HTML to NSAttributed string and vice verse 450 Section 71.1: Objective C code to convert HTML string to NSAttributedString and Vice Versa 450 Chapter 72: NSTimer 451 Section 72.1: Creating a Timer 451 Section 72.2: Manually firing a timer 451 Section 72.3: Timer frequency options 452 Section 72.4: Invalidating a timer 453 Section 72.5: Passing of data using Timer 453 Chapter 73: NSDate 454 Section 73.1: NSDateFormatter 454 Section 73.2: Date Comparison 455 Section 73.3: Get Historic Time from NSDate (eg: 5s ago, 2m ago, 3h ago) 457 Section 73.4: Get Unix Epoch time 458 Section 73.5: Get NSDate from JSON Date format "/Date(1268123281843)/" 458 Section 73.6: Get time cycle type (12-hour or 24-hour) 459 Section 73.7: Get Current Date 459 Section 73.8: Get NSDate Object N seconds from current date 459 Section 73.9: UTC Time oset from NSDate with TimeZone 460 Section 73.10: Convert NSDate that is composed from hour and minute (only) to a full NSDate 460 Chapter 74: NSNotificationCenter 462 Section 74.1: Removing Observers 462 Section 74.2: Adding an Observer 462 Section 74.3: Posting a Notification with Data 463 Section 74.4: Add and remove observer for name 463 Section 74.5: Posting a Notification 463 Section 74.6: Observing a Notification 464 Section 74.7: Adding/Removing an Observer with a Block 464 Chapter 75: NSURLSession 465 Section 75.1: Objective-C Create a Session And Data Task 465 Section 75.2: Setting up background configuration 465 Section 75.3: Simple GET request 466 Section 75.4: Sending a POST Request with arguments using NSURLSession in Objective-C 466 Chapter 76: NSUserDefaults 471 Section 76.1: Setting values 471 Section 76.2: UserDefaults uses in Swift 472 Section 76.3: Use Managers to Save and Read Data 473 Section 76.4: Saving Values 475 Section 76.5: Clearing NSUserDefaults 475 Section 76.6: Getting Default Values 475 Chapter 77: NSHTTPCookieStorage 477 Section 77.1: Store and read the cookies from NSUserDefault 477 Chapter 78: NSURLConnection 479 Section 78.1: Delegate methods 479 Section 78.2: Synchronous Request 479 Section 78.3: Asynchronous request 480 Chapter 79: NSURL 481 Section 79.1: How to get last string component from NSURL String 481 Section 79.2: How to get last string component from URL (NSURL) in Swift 481 Chapter 80: NSData 482 ... iOS 8.1 2014-10-20 iOS 8.2 2015-03-09 iOS 8.3 2015-04-08 iOS 8.4 2015-06-30 iOS 2015-09-16 iOS 9.1 2015-10-22 iOS 9.2 2015-12-08 iOS 9.3 2016-03-21 iOS 10.0.1 2016-09-13 iOS 10.1 2016-10-24 iOS. .. Notes for Professionals Chapter 1: Getting started with iOS Development Version Release Date iPhone OS 2008-07-11 iPhone OS 2009-06-17 iOS 2010-06-08 iOS 2011-10-12 iOS 2012-09-19 iOS 2013-09-18 iOS. .. free to share this PDF with anyone for free, latest version of this book can be downloaded from: https://goalkicker.com/iOSBook This iOS Developer Notes for Professionals book is compiled from