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beyond wavelets Writing such a book is about decoding the trajectory of the school and gathering the pearls that have been uncovered on the way Wavelets are no longer the central topic, despite the previous edition’s original title It is just an important tool, as the Fourier transform is Sparse representation and processing are now at the core In the 1980s,many researchers were focused on building time-frequency decompositions,trying to avoid the uncertainty barrier,and hoping to discover the ultimate representation Along the way came the construction of wavelet orthogonal bases, which opened new perspectives through collaborations with physicists and mathematicians Designing orthogonal bases with Xlets became a popular sport with compression and noise-reduction applications Connections with approximations and sparsity also became more apparent The search for sparsity has taken over, leading to new grounds where orthonormal bases are replaced by redundant dictionaries of waveforms During these last seven years, I also encountered the industrial world With a lot of naiveness, some bandlets, and more mathematics, I cofounded a start-up with Christophe Bernard, Jérome Kalifa, and Erwan Le Pennec It took us some time to learn that in three months good engineering should produce robust algorithms that operate in real time, as opposed to the three years we were used to having for writing new ideas with promising perspectives Yet, we survived because mathematics is a major source of industrial innovations for signal processing Semiconductor technology offers amazing computational power and flexibility However, ad hoc algorithms often not scale easily and mathematics accelerates the trial-and-error development process Sparsity decreases computations, memory, and data communications Although it brings beauty, mathematical understanding is not a luxury It is required by increasingly sophisticated information-processing devices New Additions Putting sparsity at the center of the book implied rewriting many parts and adding sections Chapters 12 and 13 are new They introduce sparse representations in redundant dictionaries, and inverse problems, super-resolution, and xv xvi Preface to the Sparse Edition compressive sensing Here is a small catalog of new elements in this third edition: ■ Radon transform and tomography ■ Lifting for wavelets on surfaces, bounded domains, and fast computations ■ JPEG-2000 image compression ■ Block thresholding for denoising ■ Geometric representations with adaptive triangulations, curvelets, and bandlets ■ Sparse approximations in redundant dictionaries with pursuit algorithms ■ Noise reduction with model selection in redundant dictionaries ■ Exact recovery of sparse approximation supports in dictionaries ■ Multichannel signal representations and processing ■ Dictionary learning ■ Inverse problems and super-resolution ■ Compressive sensing ■ Source separation Teaching This book is intended as a graduate-level textbook Its evolution is also the result of teaching courses in electrical engineering and applied mathematics A new website provides software for reproducible experimentations, exercise solutions, together with teaching material such as slides with figures and MATLAB software for numerical classes of More exercises have been added at the end of each chapter, ordered by level of difficulty Level1 exercises are direct applications of the course Level2 exercises requires more thinking Level3 includes some technical derivation exercises Level4 are projects at the interface of research that are possible topics for a final course project or independent study More exercises and projects can be found in the website Sparse Course Programs The Fourier transform and analog-to-digital conversion through linear sampling approximations provide a common ground for all courses (Chapters and 3) It introduces basic signal representations and reviews important mathematical and algorithmic tools needed afterward Many trajectories are then possible to explore and teach sparse signal processing The following list notes several topics that can orient a course’s structure with elements that can be covered along the way Preface to the Sparse Edition Sparse representations with bases and applications: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Principles of linear and nonlinear approximations in bases (Chapter 9) Lipschitz regularity and wavelet coefficients decay (Chapter 6) Wavelet bases (Chapter 7) Properties of linear and nonlinear wavelet basis approximations (Chapter 9) Image wavelet compression (Chapter 10) Linear and nonlinear diagonal denoising (Chapter 11) Sparse time-frequency representations: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Time-frequency wavelet and windowed Fourier ridges for audio processing (Chapter 4) Local cosine bases (Chapter 8) Linear and nonlinear approximations in bases (Chapter 9) Audio compression (Chapter 10) Audio denoising and block thresholding (Chapter 11) Compression and denoising in redundant time-frequency dictionaries with best bases or pursuit algorithms (Chapter 12) Sparse signal estimation: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Bayes versus minimax and linear versus nonlinear estimations (Chapter 11) Wavelet bases (Chapter 7) Linear and nonlinear approximations in bases (Chapter 9) Thresholding estimation (Chapter 11) Minimax optimality (Chapter 11) Model selection for denoising in redundant dictionaries (Chapter 12) Compressive sensing (Chapter 13) Sparse compression and information theory: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Wavelet orthonormal bases (Chapter 7) Linear and nonlinear approximations in bases (Chapter 9) Compression and sparse transform codes in bases (Chapter 10) Compression in redundant dictionaries (Chapter 12) Compressive sensing (Chapter 13) Source separation (Chapter 13) Dictionary representations and inverse problems: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Frames and Riesz bases (Chapter 5) Linear and nonlinear approximations in bases (Chapter 9) Ideal redundant dictionary approximations (Chapter 12) Pursuit algorithms and dictionary incoherence (Chapter 12) Linear and thresholding inverse estimators (Chapter 13) Super-resolution and source separation (Chapter 13) Compressive sensing (Chapter 13) xvii xviii Preface to the Sparse Edition Geometric sparse processing: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Time-frequency spectral lines and ridges (Chapter 4) Frames and Riesz bases (Chapter 5) Multiscale edge representations with wavelet maxima (Chapter 6) Sparse approximation supports in bases (Chapter 9) Approximations with geometric regularity,curvelets,and bandlets (Chapters and 12) Sparse signal compression and geometric bit budget (Chapters 10 and 12) Exact recovery of sparse approximation supports (Chapter 12) Super-resolution (Chapter 13) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Some things not change with new editions, in particular the traces left by the ones who were, and remain, for me important references As always, I am deeply grateful to Ruzena Bajcsy and Yves Meyer I spent the last few years with three brilliant and kind colleagues—Christophe Bernard, Jérome Kalifa, and Erwan Le Pennec—in a pressure cooker called a “startup.” Pressure means stress, despite very good moments The resulting sauce was a blend of what all of us could provide,which brought new flavors to our personalities I am thankful to them for the ones I got, some of which I am still discovering This new edition is the result of a collaboration with Gabriel Peyré, who made these changes not only possible, but also very interesting to I thank him for his remarkable work and help St´ephane Mallat Preface to the Sparse Edition ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Some things not change with new editions, in particular the traces left by the ones who were, and remain, for me important references As always, I am deeply grateful to Ruzena Bajcsy and Yves Meyer I spent the last few years with three brilliant and kind colleagues—Christophe Bernard, Jérome Kalifa, and Erwan Le Pennec—in a pressure cooker called a “startup.” Pressure means stress, despite very good moments The resulting sauce was a blend of what all of us could provide,which brought new flavors to our personalities I am thankful to them for the ones I got, some of which I am still discovering This new edition is the result of a collaboration with Gabriel Peyré, who made these changes not only possible, but also very interesting to I thank him for his remarkable work and help St´ephane Mallat xix Notations f,g f f f ϱ f [n] ϭ O(g[n]) f [n] ϭ o(g[n]) f [n] ∼ g[n] A Ͻ ϩϱ A B z∗ x x (x)ϩ n mod N Inner product (A.6) Euclidean or Hilbert space norm L or l1 norm L ϱ norm Order of: there exists K such that f [n] р Kg[n] f [n] Small order of: limn→ϩϱ g[n] ϭ0 Equivalent to: f [n] ϭ O( g[n]) and g[n] ϭ O( f [n]) A is finite A is much bigger than B Complex conjugate of z ∈ C Largest integer n р x Smallest integer n у x max(x, 0) Remainder of the integer division of n modulo N Sets N Z R Rϩ C |⌳| Positive integers including Integers Real numbers Positive real numbers Complex numbers Number of elements in a set ⌳ Signals f (t) f [n] ␦(t) ␦[n] 1[a,b] Continuous time signal Discrete signal Dirac distribution (A.30) Discrete Dirac (3.32) Indicator of a function that is in [a, b] and outside Spaces C0 Cp Cϱ W s (R) L (R) L p (R) (Z) p (Z) CN U ⊕V Uniformly continuous functions (7.207) p times continuously differentiable functions Infinitely differentiable functions Sobolevs times differentiable functions (9.8) Finite energy functions | f (t)|2 dt Ͻ ϩϱ Functions such that | f (t)|p dt Ͻ ϩϱ Finite energy discrete signals ϩϱ nϭϪϱ |f [n]| Ͻ ϩϱ ϩϱ p Discrete signals such that nϭϪϱ |f [n]| Ͻ ϩϱ Complex signals of size N Direct sum of two vector spaces xix xx Notations U ⊗V NullU ImU Tensor product of two vector spaces (A.19) Null space of an operator U Image space of an operator U Operators Id f Ј (t) f (p) (t) ٌf (x, y) f g(t) f g[n] f g[n] Identity Derivative dfdt(t) p Derivative d dtf p(t) of order p Gradient vector (6.51) Continuous time convolution (2.2) Discrete convolution (3.33) Circular convolution (3.73) Transforms fˆ () Fourier transform (2.6), (3.39) fˆ [k] Discrete Fourier transform (3.49) Sf (u, s) Short-time windowed Fourier transform (4.11) PS f (u, ) Spectrogram (4.12) Wf (u, s) Wavelet transform (4.31) PW f (u, ) Scalogram (4.55) PV f (u, ) Wigner-Ville distribution (4.120) Probability X E{X} H(X) Hd (X) Cov(X1 , X2 ) F [n] RF [k] Random variable Expected value Entropy (10.4) Differential entropy (10.20) Covariance (A.22) Random vector Autocovariance of a stationary process (A.26) 790 Bibliography [434] J R Shewchuk What is a good linear element? 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468 image, 464 in wavelet bases, 442, 455 linear, 8, 436, 442, 468, 551 nonlinear, 9, 451, 512, 551 support, 9, 23, 455, 615 thresholding, uniform grid, 442 Arithmetic code, 491, 494, 510, 527 Atom time-frequency, 15, 89 wavelet, 92, 102, 109 windowed Fourier, 92 Audio masking, 502 scaling, 117, 124, 132 transposition, 118, 125, 132 B Backprojection, 163 l1 pursuit, 672 matching pursuit, 644 Radon, 55 Balian-Low theorem, 185, 410 Banach space, 754 Bandlets, 631 Basis biorthogonal, 161, 306, 309, 757 orthogonal, 757 pursuit, 660 Riesz, 161, 265, 757 Basis pursuit, 25 Lagragian, 25, 664, 665, 684 wavelet packets, 663 Battle-Lemarié wavelet, 281, 291, 457 Bayes estimation, 12, 536, 545 risk, 12, 536, 545 Bernouilli random matrix, 732 Bernstein inequality, 454 Besov norm, 460 space, 455, 459, 514 Best approximation, 612 Best basis, 393, 431, 504, 662 approximation, 622 compression, 623 795 796 Index Best basis (continued) local cosine, 629 search, 623 wavelet packet, 626 Bezout theorem, 174, 293 Binary tree, 624 Biorthogonal wavelets basis, 310 fast transform, 311 lifting, 350 ordering, 312 regularity, 312 splines, 314, 369 support, 311 symmetry, 312, 369 two-dimensional, 345 vanishing moments, 311 Blind source separation, 744 Block basis, 401, 519 cosine, 404, 407 Fourier, 401 two-dimensional, 402 Block thresholding, 576 risk, 577 Boundary conditions, 442, 444 Boundary wavelets, 317, 322, 369 Bounded variation discrete signal, 47 function, 46, 440, 446, 460, 461, 601, 711 image, 50, 467, 514, 603, 712 Box spline, 70, 174, 266 Butterworth filter, 56 C Canny edge detector, 230 Cantor measure, 245 set, 242 spectrum, 251 Capacity dimension, 243 CART algorithm, 623 Cartoon image, 570 Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 755 Chambolle algorithm, 675 Channel coding, 744 Chirp hyperbolic, 129, 134 linear, 94, 126, 133 quadratic, 94 Choi-William distribution, 148 Co-area formula, 50 Coarse to fine, 340 Code adaptive, 492, 507 arithmetic, 491 block, 490 conditional, 527 embedded, 516, 527 Huffman, 488 prefix, 485 Shannon, 488 variable length, 485, 506 Coding gain, 500 Cohen’s class, 145 discrete, 150 marginals, 146 Coherent matching pursuit, 658 structure, 656 Coiflets, 296 Color image(s), 478, 689, 692 Compact support, 286, 292, 311 Compression audio, 482 dictionary, 614 image, 482, 506 speech, 482 video, 483, 654 Index Compressive sensing, 29, 728 Concave function, 754 Concentration inequality, 618 Conditional expectation, 537 Cone of influence, 215, 457 Conjugate gradient, 165 Conjugate mirror filters, 4, 276, 306 choice, 284, 505 Daubechies, 292 Smith-Barnwell, 298 Vaidyanath-Hoang, 298 Continuous wavelet transform, 102 Convex function, 754 hull, 587, 592, 754 quadratic, 587 Convolution circular, 76, 83, 301, 320, 394, 450, 541 continuous, 34 discrete, 71 fast FFT algorithm, 79 fast overlap–add, 80 integral, 34 separable, 83 Convolution theorem circular, 77 discrete, 74 Fourier integral, 37 Cosine I basis, 403, 418, 519 discrete, 406, 425 Cosine IV basis, 404, 418 discrete, 407, 422 Cost function, 642 Covariance, 447, 762 operator, 447, 539, 762 Cubic spline, 270, 277 Curvelets, 194, 476 denoising, 570 tight frame, 197 D Daubechies wavelets, 292 DCT-I, 406, 409 DCT-IV, 407, 408 Decibels, 99, 541 Deinterlacing, 724 Devil’s staircases, 246 DFT, see Discrete Fourier transform Diagonal estimation, 552 Dictionary, 612 denoising, 616 Gabor, 650 local cosine, 646, 663 orthonormal bases, 621 wavelet packet, 646, 663 Dirac, 33, 40, 94, 719, 763 comb, 41, 60, 764 Discrete Fourier transform, 76, 540, 589 inversion, 77 Plancherel formula, 77 two-dimensional, 83 Discrete wavelet basis, 308, 563 Distortion rate, 11, 484, 517, 520 Dolby, 504 Dominated convergence, 274, 753 Dual analysis, 22 frame, 159 synthesis, 22, 162 Dyadic wavelet transform, 170, 190, 568 maxima, 224 splines, 174 two-dimensional, 189 797 798 Index E Edges curve, 232, 471 detection, 230 illusory, 236 image reconstruction, 235, 236 multiscales, 230 Eigenvector, 37, 71, 76 Embedded code, 516, 527 Energy conservation discrete Fourier transform, 77 discrete windowed Fourier, 101 Fourier integral, 39 Fourier series, 73 matching pursuit, 643 tight frame, 155 wavelet transform, 105, 111 windowed Fourier, 96 Entropy, 486 differential, 495 Error correcting code, 744 Estimation, 12 adaptive, 544 block thresholding, 578 multiscale edges, 236 noise variance, 565 oracle, 550, 551, 590, 705 orthogonal projection, 550 thresholding, 553 Wiener, 539 Exact Recovery Criteria, 25, 679 F Fast Fourier transform, 78 two-dimensional, 85 Fast wavelet transform biorthogonal, 310 continuous, 114 dyadic, 175 initialization, 301 multidimensional, 349 orthogonal, 298 two-dimensional, 346 Fatou lemma, 753 FFT, see Fast Fourier transform Filter, 34 analog, 37 causal, 34, 71 discrete, 71 interpolation, 337 low-pass, 40, 74 recursive discrete, 74, 87 separable, 83 stable, 34, 71 two-dimensional discrete, 82 varying, 351 Filter bank, 4, 176, 298 perfect reconstruction, 304 separable, 346, 399 Finite elements, 361, 442, 471 Fix-Strang condition, 286, 330, 370 Folded wavelet basis, 320 lifting, 369 Fourier integral, amplitude decay, 42 convolution theorem, 37 in L (R), 38 in L (R), 35 inverse, 36 Parseval formula, 39 Plancherel formula, 39 properties, 38 rotation, 53 sampling, 60 slice theorem, 54, 726 support, 45 Index two-dimensional, 51 uncertainty principle, 44 Fourier series, 72, 438 approximation, 438 inversion, 73 Parseval formula, 73 pointwise convergence, 73 random measurements, 733 Fractal dimension, 243 noise, 258 Fractional Brownian, 254, 261 Frame algorithm, 164 analysis, 155 definition, 22, 156 dual, 160, 187 dual wavelet, 180 projector, 166 synthesis, 156 tight, 156, 183, 197, 476 wavelet, 178 windowed Fourier, 182 Frequency modulation, 117 Frequency ridges, 17 Frobenius norm, 688 Fubini’s theorem, 754 G Gabor, 14 dictionary, 650 wavelet, 111, 190 Gaussian function, 41, 45, 126, 137 matrix, 731 process, 484, 499, 501, 540 white noise, 548 Geometry, 510 Gibbs oscillations, 47, 69, 440 Gram matrix, 157 Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, 648 Gray code, 386 H Hölder exponent, 206 norm, 464 space, 445, 464 Haar wavelet, 2, 3, 291 Hard thresholding, 668 Hausdorff dimension, 243 Heat diffusion, 221 Heisenberg box, 16, 90, 109, 388, 420, 628 uncertainty, 15, 43, 89, 90, 98 Hilbert space, 755 Histogram, 491, 506, 509 Huffman code, 488, 494 Hurst exponent, 254 Hyperrectangle, 587, 590 I Illusory contours, 236 Impulse response, 34, 82 discrete, 70, 82 Incoherence, 730 Inpainting, 722 Instantaneous frequency, 94, 115, 138 Interpolation, 61, 472, 725 Deslauriers-Dubuc, 332, 337 function, 328 Lagrange, 337 spline, 331 wavelets, 335 Inverse problem, 700 compressive sensing, 728 super-resolution, 713 799 800 Index Inverse problem (continued) thresholding, 27 Iterative thresholding, 668 J Jackson inequality, 454 Jensen inequality, 754 JPEG, 11, 519 JPEG-2000, 11, 523 K Karhunen-Loève approximation, 447 basis, 447, 450, 499, 539, 762 Kraft inequality, 486, 507 L Lagrangian approximation, 612, 665 basis pursuit, 664, 665, 684 Lapped fast transform, 424 frequency transform, 418 orthogonal basis, 416 orthogonal transform, 410 projector, 411 Lazy wavelet, 352 Least favorable distribution, 547 Left inverse, 159 Legendre transform, 248 Level set, 50, 232, 467, 471, 728 Lifting, 350 dual, 355 factorization, 367 prediction, 353 update, 355 Linear Bayes risk, 543 estimation, 12, 537 programming, 662 Lipschitz exponent, 205, 456, 460 Fourier condition, 206 in two dimensions, 230 regularity, 206 wavelet condition, 211, 212 wavelet maxima, 219 Littlewood-Paley sum, 212 Local cosine basis, 20, 418, 440, 501 discrete, 423, 429 quad-tree, 430 tree, 426, 429 two-dimensional, 630 Local stationarity, 501 Loss function, 536 LOT, see Lapped M M-band wavelets, 390 Mallat algorithm, 298 Markov chain, 532 Masking noise, 561, 570 Matching pursuit, 24, 642, 679 denoising, 656 fast calculation, 645 orthogonal, 648 wavelet packets, 646 Maxima curves, 232 of wavelet transform, 218, 231, 245 propagation, 221 Median filter, 565 Mesh, 361, 472 Mexican hat wavelet, 103, 180 Meyer wavelet, 289 wavelet packets, 418 Index Minimax, estimation, 12, 544 risk, 12, 544, 545, 586, 590, 606 theorem, 545 Mirror wavelet basis, 711 Missing data, 722 Model selection, 617 Modulus maxima, 218, 230 Modulus of continuity, 334 Mother wavelet, 92 Moyal formula, 139 MP3, 503 MPEG, 483 MRI imaging, 743 Multichannel signals, 688 Multifractal, 19, 242 partition function, 248 scaling exponent, 248 Multiresolution approximations definition, 264 piecewise constant, 265, 277, 339 Shannon, 265, 266, 277, 339 splines, 266, 277, 340 Multiscale derivative, 208 Multiwavelets, 287, 373 MUSICAM, 502 Mutual coherence, 678 N Neural network, 645 Norm, 754 L (R), 756 (Z), 756 p , 454, 460, 755 l1 , 660 l , 665 sup for operators, 758 weighted, 498, 520 NP-hard, 613 O Operator adjoint, 758 projector, 759 sup norm, 758 time-invariant, 33, 70 Oracle attenuation, 550, 590 estimation, 549 projection, 551, 557 Orthogonal basis, 757 projector, 759 Orthosymmetric set, 592, 606 P Parseval formula, 39, 757 Partition function, 248 Penalized estimation, 617 Piecewise constant, 265, 277, 339 polynomial, 543 Piecewise regular in 1D, 456, 599 in 2D, 471 Pixel, 80 Plancherel formula, 39, 757 Poisson formula, 41, 285 Polynomial approximation, 330 spline, see Spline Posterior distribution, 536 Power spectrum, 541, 763 Pre-echo, 502 Prediction, 606 Prefix code, 485 Principal directions, 449, 762 Prior distribution, 536 Prior set, 544 801 802 Index Pseudo inverse, 159 PSNR, 508 Pursuit basis, 660 matching, 642, 679 orthogonal matching, 648 Q Quad-tree, 396, 430, 624 Quadratic convex hull, 587, 592 convexity, 587 Quadrature mirror filters, 302, 371 Quantization, 11, 483, 493 adaptive, 502 bin, 493 high resolution, 493, 496, 507 low resolution, 510 uniform, 494 vector, 484 weighted, 526 Quincunx sampling, 359 wavelets, 359 R Radon transform, 53, 726, 743 Random sensing, 731 Random shift process, 449, 542 Rate distortion, 529 Real wavelet transform, 103 energy conservation, 105 inverse, 105 Regularization Tikhonov, 700, 722 total variation, 728 Reproducing kernel frame, 167 wavelet, 106 windowed Fourier, 97 Residue, 643, 648 Restoration, 700 Restricted isometry constant, 730 Richardson iteration, 163 Ridges wavelet, 129 windowed Fourier, 122 Riemann function, 260 Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, 56 Riesz basis, 22, 65, 161, 265, 757 Rihaczek distribution, 147 Risk, 12, 536 Run-length code, 519 S Sampling Block, 69 generalized theorems, 69, 328 irregular, 158 redundant, 168 spline, 70 two-dimensional, 81 Whittaker, 68 Whittaker theorem, 61, 81 Sampling theorems, Satellite image, 712 Scaling equation, 270, 330 Scaling function, 106, 267 Scaling images, 724 Scalogram, 109 Segmentation, 192 Seismic imaging, 719 Self-similar function, 19, 244 set, 242 Separable basis, 84, 760 block basis, 402 Index convolution, 83 decomposition, 84 filter, 83 filter bank, 399 local cosine basis, 431 multiresolution, 338 wavelet basis, 338, 341 wavelet packet basis, 399 Shannon code, 488 entropy theorem, 486 multiresolution, 266 sampling theorem, 61 Sigma-Delta, 168 Signal to Noise Ratio, 541 Significance map, 510, 516, 519, 526 Singular value decomposition, 27, 701 Singular values, 156, 759 Singularity, 19, 205 spectrum, 246 SNR, 541 Sobolev differentiability, 438, 443 space, 439, 443, 459 Soft thresholding, 553 Sonar, 126 Sound model, 117, 744 separation, 744 Source separation, 29, 687, 744 Sparse spike deconvolution, 719, 733 Spectrogram, 92 Spectrum of singularity, 246 operator, 759 power, 763 Speech, 117, 482 Spline approximation, 457 multiresolution, 266 sampling, 70 wavelet basis, 281 Stationary process, 450 circular, 540 locally, 501 Stein Estimator, 559 Super-resolution, 28, 713, 724 Support approximation, 23 recovery, 25 Sure threshold, 558, 566 Symmetric filters, 313 Symmetric operator, 758 Symmlets, 294, 565 T Tensor product, 339, 760 Texture discrimination, 191 Thresholding block, 576 estimation, 14, 568, 705 hard, 552, 565, 668 inverse problem, 27 iterative, 668 risk, 552, 592 soft, 553, 565 Sure, 558, 566 threshold choice, 556, 705 translation invariant, 561, 566 wavelets, 566, 606 Tikhonov regularization, 701, 723 Time-frequency atom, 15, 89 plane, 15, 90 resolution, 90, 98, 109, 124, 135, 140, 146, 388 Tomography, 53, 726, 743 backprojection, 55 Tonality, 502 803 804 Index Total variation, 440, 461, 728 discrete signal, 47 function, 46 image, 50 Transfer function, 83 analog, 37 discrete, 71 Transform code, 11, 482, 483 JPEG, 11, 519 with wavelets, 11, 514 Transient, 628 Translation invariance, 168, 226, 422, 561, 566, 589, 646 Transposition, 118, 125, 132 Triangulation, 361, 472 Delaunay, 475 Turbulence, 258 U Uncertainty principle, 16, 43, 89, 90, 98 Uniform sampling, 60 V Vanishing moments, 208, 284, 330, 342, 352, 358, 443, 455, 524 Variance estimation, 565 Video compression, 483, 654 Vision, 189 Von Koch fractal, 244 W Walsh wavelet packets, 387 Wavelet directional, 189 seismic, 719 Wavelet basis, 278, 281 Battle-Lemarié, 291, 457 boundary, 301, 322 choice, 284, 524 Coiflets, 296 Daubechies, 3, 292 discrete, 306 folded, 320 graphs, 302 Haar, 291 interval, 317, 369, 442 lazy, 352 lifting, 350 M-band, 390, 504 Meyer, 289 mirror, 711 non-separable, 359 on surfaces, 361 orthogonal, periodic, 318 quincunx, 359 regularity, 287 separable, 341 Shannon, 289 spherical, 365 Symmlets, 294 Wavelet packet basis, 19, 382, 504, 626, 710 quad-tree, 430 tree, 379 two-dimensional, 395 Walsh, 387 Wavelet transform, 17 admissibility, 106, 179 analytic, 109 continuous, 17, 102 decay, 211, 212 dyadic, 170 frame, 178 lifting, 356 Index maxima, 218, 232 multiscale differentiation, 208 real, 103 ridges, 129, 216 Weak convergence, 763 White noise, 540, 548 Wiener estimator, 538, 539, 542, 589 Wigner-Ville cross terms, 140 discrete, 149 distribution, 89, 136, 140, 651 instantaneous frequency, 138 interferences, 140 marginals, 139 positivity, 143 Window Blackman, 99 design, 75, 99, 419 discrete, 75 Gaussian, 99 Hamming, 99 Hanning, 75, 99 rectangle, 75 scaling, 98 side-lobes, 75, 99, 125 Windowed Fourier transform, 16, 92 discrete, 101 energy conservation, 96 frame, 182 inverse, 96 reproducing kernel, 97 ridges, 122 Z Zak transform, 203 Zero-tree, 526 Zygmund class, 212 805 ... with sharp attacks, or radar signals having a frequency that may vary quickly at high frequencies Multiscale Zooming A wavelet dictionary is also adapted to analyze the scaling evolution of transients... } Bayes versus Minimax To optimize the estimation operator D,one must take advantage of prior information available about signal f In a Bayes framework, f is considered a realization of a random... Differential entropy (10.20) Covariance (A. 22) Random vector Autocovariance of a stationary process (A. 26) CHAPTER Sparse Representations Signals carry overwhelming amounts of data in which relevant