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er!™ si a E g in th ry e v E Making d a P e p Ty Learn to: • Start blogging with TypePad • Select the best pricing plan for you and your blog • Personalize your blog • Take advantage of TypePad’s built-in SEO features and templates Melanie Nelson Founder of BloggingBasics101.com Shannon Lowe Author of Rocks In My Dryer, a TypePad blog www.it-ebooks.info ® Get More and Do More at Dummies.com ® Start with FREE Cheat Sheets Cheat Sheets include • Checklists • Charts • Common Instructions • And Other Good Stuff! To access the Cheat Sheet created specifically for this book, go to www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/typepad Get Smart at Dummies.com Dummies.com makes your life easier with 1,000s of answers on everything from removing wallpaper to using the latest version of Windows Check out our • Videos • Illustrated Articles • Step-by-Step Instructions Plus, each month you can win valuable prizes by entering our Dummies.com sweepstakes * Want a weekly dose of Dummies? 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time she has worked with every major blogging platform, including TypePad She currently owns and writes Blogging Basics 101 (www.bloggingbasics101.com), where she provides tips, instructions, and advice for bloggers She has spoken at both the Blissdom and BlogHer blog conferences as well as local professional development events Melanie is also a social media consultant, a Contributing Editor at BlogHer.com, and a technical writer and editor She has a master’s degree in technical writing Melanie lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two children Shannon Lowe: Shannon has been a TypePad blogger since 2006, writing the award-winning parenting blog Rocks In My Dryer (www.rocksinmydryer net) She is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in books and magazines such as Good Housekeeping, Parenting, Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul, and The Social Cause Diet She has been a guest speaker at several blogging conferences, including BlogHer, Blissdom, and SheSpeaks In February 2008, she and a team of U.S bloggers traveled to Uganda with Compassion International to live-blog their child advocacy work She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and four children www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Dedication To Bill and Mac, for everything www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Index Picnik, 227 pictures inserting in blog posts, 106–107, 110–111 in navigation bar, 222 in Sidebar, 235–238 installing custom banner, 286–287 optimizing for Web, 172 photo albums choosing design, 166–169 choosing settings, 170–172 creating, 163–173 finding, 54 protecting, 308–312 publishing on blog from Flickr, 190–197 shrink-wrapping, 310–312 untagging in Facebook, 189–190 viewable, 310 Plagiarism Today, 308 PNG files, 172–173 podcasting equipment, 173 reasons for, 174 PopShops widget, 161 Post Body subsection (Theme Builder), 233 Post by Email tab (blog setting), 88–89 Post Footer subsection (Theme Builder), 233 Post Title subsection (Theme Builder), 233 posting Flickr pictures through Flickr, 194–196 via TypePad, 191–193 posts (blog) compared with pages, 118–120 composing, 97–102 configuring options, 112–118 editing, 118 finding, 92–93 formatting text, 102–105 inserting extras in, 105–111 options advertising, 254 comments, 254 configuring, 112–118 excerpts, 117 featuring, 117–118 keywords, 116–117 publishing, 112–114 saving, 112–114 scheduling, 112–114 Share This Post, 118 timestamp, 115 trackbacks, 116 organizing into categories, 111–112 paid, 249–250 thinking before writing, 350 tips on writing, 104–105 Posts section (Theme Builder), 232–233 Posts tab (blog setting), 83–85 post-title asterisk, 294 powered-by-typepad, 285 PowerTwitter application, 187 Preview option, 240 price setting, 255 privacy issues, 14–15, 346–347 Pro Plus blogging package features of, 31–32 overview, 28 Pro Unlimited blogging package features of, 32 overview, 28 ProBlogger blog, 100 products recommendations on, 155 reviews of, 347 www.it-ebooks.info 399 400 TypePad For Dummies profile connecting to Web, 49–50 creating, 47–50 Profile (About Me Page tab), 62 profile URL, 48 protecting images, 308–312 publicity of blog, 78 publishing comments, 132 Flickr photos on blogs, 190–197 posts, 112–114 TypeLists, 154 •Q• Question Of the Day blog, 100 Question of the Day (QotD), 73–74 Quick Compose, 72 •R• Raisin Toast blog, 335–336 reach, 377 reader interest, 347 Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 1.0 feed, 81 2.0 feed, 81 2.0 template, 283 overview, 19 recent-comments, 285 reciprocal link agreement, 343 recordkeeping, 300 reference, 235 referrals, 373 registrar, 354 rejecting comments, 125 trackbacks, 126 removing borders around banners, 271–272 Rename option, 240 replacing post-title asterisk, 294 replying to comments, 127–128, 132, 135 resources See also Internet resources Advanced Templates, 279 Allsorts blog, 326 Blogging Basics 101, 323 Build a Better Blog, 324 Career Hub blog, 326–328 Confident Writing blog, 100 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 279 Eat Local Challenge blog, 328–329 Economist’s View blog, 329–330 Everything TypePad blog, 316–317, 325 Finslippy blog, 330–331 Get Satisfaction TypePad user forum, 320–321 HELLO My Name Is Heather blog, 337–338 Hey Dead Guy blog, 332–333 Money Saving Mom blog, 333–334, 349–350 NaBioPoMo blog, 101 overview, 315 ProBlogger blog, 100 Question Of the Day blog, 100 Raisin Toast blog, 335–336 Six Apart Professional Network, 320 Six Apart Status blog, 317–318 Six Apart’s Twitter feed, 322 Smart Dog blog, 336–337 TypePad Beta blog, 319 TypePad Services blog, 320 TypePad Small Business Center blog, 318–319 Rich Text, 17–19 Right Column (Theme Builder), 231 Rocks in My Dryer blog, 341, 354 Rowse, Darren (blogger), 100 www.it-ebooks.info Index RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 1.0 feed, 81 2.0 feed, 81 2.0 template, 283 overview, 19 running advertising campaigns, 252–255 •S• Sabin-Wilson, Lisa (author) WordPress For Dummies, 25, 27 saving posts, 112–114 scheduling posts, 112–114 scraping, 307 Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 19–21, 373 search widget, 347 searching for domain names, 354–362 TypeLists, 154 security, 25 selecting Advanced Templates, 264 blog settings, 76–89 blogging packages, 27–33 content modules, 216–218 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 264 domain names, 353–354 photo album design, 166–169 settings, 170–172 stat counters, 374 theme layouts, 214–215 self-hosted compared with hosted blogging platforms, 21–22 sending trackbacks, 125 SEO (Search Engine Optimization), 19–21, 373 SEO tab (blog setting), 78–80 setting(s) blog, 76–89 comments, 129–131 conditions, 255 configuring for standard comments, 129–131 for TypePad Connect, 131 DNS GoDaddy, 364–366 Network Solutions, 366–367 PairNIC, 367–368 Yahoo! Small Business, 367 goals, 298–299 goals in Google Analytics, 381–382 keywords for posts, 116–117 managing for TypeLists, 152–153 photo album, 170–172 prices, 255 standards for blogs, 14 terms, 255 Share This Post option, 118 sharing audio files, 174 blog, 156 comments through social media, 128–129 personal information, 48–49 video from File Manager, 180–182 from third-party sites, 177–179 Sharing tab (blog setting), 80–81 ShinyStat stat counter, 374 showing comments, 115–116 Flickr slideshows in posts, 196 Shozu for Blackberry, 306 shrink-wrapping images, 310–312 Sidebar See also TypeLists; widgets advertisements, 247–248 defined, 139 www.it-ebooks.info 401 402 TypePad For Dummies Sidebar (continued) image HTML, 237–238 inserting images in, 235–238 overview, 219–220 Sidebar Modules (Theme Builder), 233–235 sign in for commenting, 123 to TypePad accounts, 45–47 Silverman, David (author) Taxes For Dummies, 300 simplicity of TypePad, 25 Site Meter stat counter, 374 Six Apart, 23, 251–252, 322 Six Apart Professional Network blog, 320 Six Apart Status blog, 317–318 slideshows (Flickr), 196 Smart Dog blog, 336–337 social bookmarking Delicious, 203–204 Digg, 202–203 Kirtsy, 202 overview, 200, 341 StumbleUpon, 200–201 social media account information, 66–68 adding social networks, 184–197 bit.ly, 197–199 commenting through, 128–129 defined, 183 overview, 183–184 sharing blogs through, 80–81 social bookmarking, 200–204 social networks adding to blogs, 184–197 Facebook, 187–190 Flickr, 190–197 FriendFeed, 190 overview, 184–185 Twitter, 185–187 software audio-editing, 173 open source, 27 video-creation, 178 sorting comments, 124 Sostre, Pedro (author) Web Analytics For Dummies, 371 spam, marking comments as, 132 standard comments compared with TypePad Connect, 122–129 configuring settings for, 129–131 standards setting for blogs, 14 stat counters, 374 statistics checking, 90–91 choosing stat counters, 374 FeedBurner, 376–377 Google Analytics, 377–384 implementing FeedBurner, 374–377 overview, 371–372 traffic data, 375 interpretation, 254 terminology, 372–373 traffic terminology, 372–373 Stats tab (blog setting), 81 StumbleUpon, 200–202 Style link (photo album design), 169 style (post heading), 275–2761 StyleSheet, 283 submitting blog to directories, 300–302 help tickets, 71–72 Subscribe Now (FeedBurner), 160 subscriber data, 375 subscribe-to-feed module, 285 www.it-ebooks.info Index subscriptions (E-Mail), 312–314 Summary tab, 58–59 support (technical), 25, 33–34 survey (blog), 254 •T• tabs About Me Page, 61–66 Authors, 86–88 Basics, 78 Billing Info, 60–61 Categories, 85–86 Comments, 86 Design, 208–210 Domain Mapping, 69 Feeds, 81–83 Notifications, 60 Other Accounts, 66–68 Password Protection, 68–69 Post by Email, 88–89 Posts, 83–85 SEO, 78–80 stats, 81 Summary, 58–59 TypeKey API, 69 tag documentation, 279 Taxes For Dummies (Tyson, Munro and Silverman), 300 technical support, 25, 33–34 techniques (blogging) hosted compared with self-hosted platforms, 21–22 rich text, 17–19 RSS feeds, 19 Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 19–21 Technorati search engine, 301–302 telephone, blogging via, 306 Template modules, 283–285 Template Tag Syntax, 279 templates Advanced Templates adding TypeLists, 290–293 adding widgets, 289–290 changing navigation bars, 287–288 changing pictures, 293–294 choosing, 264 deleting post-title asterisk, 294 Index templates, 282–283 installing, 280–282 installing custom banner images, 286–287 overview, 263–264, 280 replacing post-title asterisk, 294 resources, 279 Template modules, 283–285 Archive Index, 282 Atom, 282 design, 25 Index, 282–283 Main Index, 283 Sharing, 80–81 terminology (traffic), 372–373 terms (setting), 255 text customizing headers, 226–227 formatting blog, 102–105 inserting links in navigation bar, 222 Theme Builder banner, 226–229 defined, 209 General section, 230–232 overview, 225–226 Posts section, 232–233 Sidebar Modules, 233–235 Theme stylesheet, 283 www.it-ebooks.info 403 404 TypePad For Dummies themes applying, 212–214 arranging content modules, 218–225 browsing, 210–212 choosing content modules, 216–218 design principles, 206–208 Design tab, 208–210 finding, 210–212 inserting images in sidebar, 235–238 managing designs, 239–242 selecting layouts, 214–215 Theme Builder banner, 226–229 defined, 209 General section, 230–232 overview, 225–226 Posts section, 232–233 Sidebar Modules, 233–235 third-party sites, 177–179 30 Boxes calendars, 300 Thomas, Mark (blogger), 329–330 threaded comments, 126–127 timestamp, 115 Title Format (blog), 78 Tittle, Ed (author) HTML, XHTML, & CSS For Dummies, 279 toolbar See Compose Editor tools (Google Analytics), 378 trackbacks accepting, 126 rejecting, 126 sending, 125 taking action with, 133 using, 116 tracking click-throughs, 383–384 goals with Google Analytics, 381–382 social media traffic, 197–199 traffic data, 375 interpretation, 254 statistics, 254 terminology, 372–373 Transaction History (Billing Info tab), 61 Trott, Mena & Ben (bloggers), 23 tutorials (HTML), 101 tweet, 186 TweetDeck application, 187 Twhirl Twitter application, 187 Twitpic picture-sharing, 187 Twitter, 185–187, 322 Type Pad Micro, 38–40 TypeKey API tab, 69 TypeLists About Me page components of, 67 tab, 61–66 adding in Advanced Templates, 290–293 Album creating, 150–152 overview, 140 Books creating, 147–149 defined, 55 overview, 140 configuring, 152–155 creating, 140–152 defined, 140 deleting, 154–155 editing, 152–155 Links creating, 142–144 defined, 55 overview, 140 managing settings for, 152–153 navigating, 55 www.it-ebooks.info Index Notes creating, 144–146 defined, 55 inserting sidebar images using, 236 overview, 140 overview, 26 publishing, 154 searching, 154 types, 139–140 uses for, 155–156 TypePad See also specific topics advertising program, 251–252 cons of, 26–27 history of, 23–24 for iPhone, 306 Knowledge Base, 279 layouts, 214–215 overview, 24 personal and business uses of, 24–25 pros of, 25–26 TypePad Beta blog, 319 TypePad Connect, 122–129, 123, 131 TypePad Micro, 40 TypePad Mobile, 306 TypePad One, 279, 315 TypePad Pro, 41–45 TypePad Profile (About Me Page tab), 64 TypePad Services blog, 320 TypePad Small Business Center blog, 318–319 Tyson, Eric (author) Taxes For Dummies, 300 •U• unique users, 372 unpublishing comments, 132 untagging photos in Facebook, 189–190 updates, frequency of, 26 uploading files, 57 userpic, 49 user picture, 49, 124 users (unique), 372 •V• validation of domain name, 352 Vaughn, Susan (blogger), 335–336 verifying domain availability, 16 statistics, 90–91 video adding to blogs, 177–182 embedding, 179–180 inserting files in blog posts, 111 linking to, 179–180 sharing from File Manager, 180–182 from third-party sites, 177–179 video-creation software, 178 video-hosting sites, 178 Vidly video sharing, 187 viewable image, 310 viewing comments, 132 Vimeo, 177, 178 VisitBlogs.com, 326 •W• Water Mark Tool, 308 watermarks, 308–309 Web connecting profile to, 49–50 optimizing images for, 172 Web Analytics For Dummies (Sostre), 371 Web sites Adobe Audition, 173 Alltop, 301 www.it-ebooks.info 405 406 TypePad For Dummies Web sites (continued) Amazon widget, 248 Annomate, 300 Audacity, 173 Blip, 178, 187 Blog Catalog, 301 Blog It for iPhone, 306 Blogarama, 301 Blogged, 301 BlogTopsites, 301 BlogTracker, 374 BraveNet Calendars, 300 Camtasia, 178 Color Picker, 264 color wheel tool, 206 copyright, 307, 340 CopyScape, 308 Creative Commons, 190–191, 308 Delicious, 203 designers, 281 Digimarc, 309 disclosure policy, 346 Dollarshot, 23 ePrintableCalendars, 299 Facebook, 187 favorite, 156 FeedBurner, 82, 374 Flickr, 178, 187, 190 FriendFeed, 190 GarageBand, 173 GIMP, 227, 309, 310 GoDaddy, 352, 356–357, 364–366 Google Analytics, 255 Google Calendar, 300 Google Reader, 19 HootSuite, 187 Izea, 249 Jing, 178 MyBlogLog, 301, 374 Network Solutions, 352, 357–358, 366–367 NewBaby, 178 PairNIC, 352, 360–362, 367–368 PayPal, 254 PayPerPost, 249 Picnik, 227 Plagiarism, 308 PowerTwitter, 187 ProBlogger, 100 ShinyStat, 374 Shozu, 306 Site Meter, 374 Six Apart, 252 StatCounter, 374 StumbleUpon, 200 Tag documentation, 279 Technorati, 302 Template Tag Syntax, 279 30 Boxes, 300 TweetDeck, 187 Twhirl, 187 Twitpic, 187 Twitter, 185 TypePad Connect, 123 TypePad for iPhone, 306 TypePad Mobile, 306 TypePad One, 279 video-hosting, 178 Vidly, 187 Vimeo, 177, 178 Visit Blogs.com, 326 Water Mark Tool, 308 WebHosting Talk, 22 WhichTime, 299 Widget Gallery, 158 Yahoo!, 352 Yahoo! Small Business, 358–360, 367 YouTube, 177, 178 Web sites (blogs) Allsorts blog, 326 Blogging Basics 101, 323 Build a Better Blog blog, 324 www.it-ebooks.info Index Career Hub blog, 326–328 Confident Writing, 100 Eat Local Challenge blog, 328–329 Economist’s View blog, 329–330 Everything TypePad, 316–317, 325 Finslippy, 330–331 Get Satisfaction TypePad user forum, 320–321 HELLO My Name Is Heather, 337–338 Hey Dead Guy, 332–333 Money Saving Mom, 333–334, 349–350 NaBioPoMo, 101 ProBlogger, 100 Question Of the Day, 100 Raisin Toast, 335–336 Six Apart Professional Network, 320 Six Apart Status, 317–318 Smart Dog, 336–337 TypePad Beta, 319 TypePad Services, 320 TypePad Small Business Center, 318–319 WebHosting Talk Web site, 22 weblogs See blogs WhichTime calendars, 299 Widget Gallery, 158 widgets activating, 158–161 adding in Advanced Templates, 289–290 blog functions with, 157–161 Amazon, 248 Blog It, 302–304 disabling, 161 Embed Your Own HTML, 158, 236–237 enabling, 161 finding, 158–161 overview, 157 search, 347 Windows Live Writer, 305 WordPress, 24, 260 WordPress For Dummies (SabinWilson), 25, 27 Write Your Own HTML Page option (About Me Page tab), 63–64 writer’s block, 100–101 WYSIWYG, 17 •Y• Yahoo! Small Business changing DNS settings, 367 overview, 358–360 Web site, 352 Young, Joanna (blogger), 100 YouTube, 177, 178 www.it-ebooks.info 407 408 TypePad For Dummies www.it-ebooks.info Business/Accounting & Bookkeeping Bookkeeping For Dummies 978-0-7645-9848-7 eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-38536-4 Job Interviews For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-17748-8 Resumes For Dummies, 5th Edition 978-0-470-08037-5 Stock Investing For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-40114-9 Successful Time Management For Dummies 978-0-470-29034-7 Computer Hardware BlackBerry For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-45762-7 Computers For Seniors For Dummies 978-0-470-24055-7 iPhone For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-42342-4 Laptops For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-27759-1 Macs For Dummies, 10th Edition 978-0-470-27817-8 Cooking & Entertaining Cooking Basics For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-7645-7206-7 Wine For Dummies, 4th Edition 978-0-470-04579-4 Diet & Nutrition Dieting For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-4149-0 Nutrition For Dummies, 4th Edition 978-0-471-79868-2 Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-471-76845-6 Digital Photography Digital Photography For Dummies, 6th Edition 978-0-470-25074-7 Gardening Gardening Basics For Dummies 978-0-470-03749-2 Hobbies/General Chess For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-8404-6 Organic Gardening For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-43067-5 Drawing For Dummies 978-0-7645-5476-6 Green/Sustainable Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies 978-0-470-17559-0 Green Cleaning For Dummies 978-0-470-39106-8 Green IT For Dummies 978-0-470-38688-0 Health Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-27086-8 Food Allergies For Dummies 978-0-470-09584-3 Living Gluten-Free For Dummies 978-0-471-77383-2 Knitting For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-28747-7 Organizing For Dummies 978-0-7645-5300-4 SuDoku For Dummies 978-0-470-01892-7 Home Improvement Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies 978-0-470-37602-7 Home Theater For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-470-41189-6 Living the Country Lifestyle All-in-One For Dummies 978-0-470-43061-3 Solar Power Your Home For Dummies 978-0-470-17569-9 Photoshop Elements For Dummies 978-0-470-39700-8 Available wherever books are sold For more information or to order direct: U.S customers visit www.dummies.com or call 1-877-762-2974 U.K customers visit www.wileyeurope.com or call (0) 1243 843291 Canadian customers visit www.wiley.ca or call 1-800-567-4797 www.it-ebooks.info Internet Blogging For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-23017-6 eBay For Dummies, 6th Edition 978-0-470-49741-8 Facebook For Dummies 978-0-470-26273-3 Google Blogger For Dummies 978-0-470-40742-4 Web Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-37181-7 WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-40296-2 Language & Foreign Language French For Dummies 978-0-7645-5193-2 Italian Phrases For Dummies 978-0-7645-7203-6 Spanish For Dummies 978-0-7645-5194-9 Spanish For Dummies, Audio Set 978-0-470-09585-0 Macintosh Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies 978-0-470-43543-4 Parenting & Education Parenting For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-5418-6 Self-Help & Relationship Anger Management For Dummies 978-0-470-03715-7 Type Diabetes For Dummies 978-0-470-17811-9 Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies 978-0-7645-5447-6 Pets Cats For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-5275-5 Sports Baseball For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-7645-7537-2 Chemistry For Dummies 978-0-7645-5430-8 Dog Training For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-8418-3 Basketball For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-5248-9 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 For Dummies 978-0-470-03737-9 Puppies For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-470-03717-1 Golf For Dummies, 3rd Edition 978-0-471-76871-5 Office 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies 978-0-471-78279-7 Religion & Inspiration The Bible For Dummies 978-0-7645-5296-0 Web Development Web Design All-in-One For Dummies 978-0-470-41796-6 Math & Science Algebra I For Dummies 978-0-7645-5325-7 Biology For Dummies 978-0-7645-5326-4 Calculus For Dummies 978-0-7645-2498-1 Music Guitar For Dummies, 2nd Edition 978-0-7645-9904-0 Catholicism For Dummies 978-0-7645-5391-2 Women in the Bible For Dummies 978-0-7645-8475-6 Windows Vista Windows Vista For Dummies 978-0-471-75421-3 iPod & iTunes For Dummies, 6th Edition 978-0-470-39062-7 Piano Exercises For Dummies 978-0-470-38765-8 Available wherever books are sold For more information or to order direct: U.S customers visit www.dummies.com or call 1-877-762-2974 U.K customers visit www.wileyeurope.com or call (0) 1243 843291 Canadian customers visit www.wiley.ca or call 1-800-567-4797 www.it-ebooks.info How-to? 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If you’ve been thinking about breaking into the blogosphere but didn’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place First, you’ll get some pointers on what blogging’s all about and how to develop your online identity Then you’ll find out how TypePad works, how to use TypeLists and widgets, and what it takes to make your blog a huge success! • Blogging 101 — if you haven’t blogged before, explore the why and how of blogging and learn to find your niche • Your TypePad account — discover how to set one up, create your Profile, choose settings, and track visitors • Ready, set, blog! — write your first posts, format the text, add images, and set keywords • Make it your own — find out about TypePad tools that let you customize your blog to suit your readers and your subject matter Open the book and find: • A primer on blogging etiquette • How to add photo albums and galleries • Cool ways to beef up your blog with TypeLists • Things to with widgets • Tips for good blog posts • How to encourage comments from visitors • Ten interesting TypePad blogs to explore • Advice on managing your blog community • Import options — transfer an existing blog to TypePad • Money making tips — learn how to make money with ads and paid posts, and what your blog needs to attract advertisers • Your blog has friends — see how to use Facebook®, Twitter®, and other social media to promote your blog • For the geek blogger — explore Advanced Templates and ways to customize with code Go to Dummies.com® for videos, step-by-step examples, how-to articles, or to shop! $24.99 US / $29.99 CN / £17.99 UK Melanie Nelson is a technical writer and the author of BloggingBasics101 com, a leading resource for beginning and intermediate bloggers Shannon Lowe is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Good Housekeeping, Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul, and Parent and Child Magazine www.it-ebooks.info ISBN 978-0-470-55094-6 ... www.it-ebooks.info xiv TypePad For Dummies Part II: Getting Started with TypePad 35 Chapter 3: Creating Your TypePad Account and Profile 37 Signing Up for a TypePad Account 37 TypePad Micro... 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Ngày đăng: 19/04/2019, 16:03


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