Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: March 17, 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-321-41949-9 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-41949-1 Pages: 592 Table of Contents | Index "If the purpose is to
Trang 1Mastering the Requirements Process Second Edition
By Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson
Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: March 17, 2006
Print ISBN-10: 0-321-41949-9 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-41949-1 Pages: 592
Table of Contents | Index
"If the purpose is to create one of the best books on requirements yet written, the authors have succeeded."
Capers Jones
It is widely recognized that incorrect requirements account for up to 60 percent of errors
in software products, and yet the majority of software development organizations do not have a formal requirements process Many organizations appear willing to spend huge amounts on fixing and altering poorly specified software, but seem unwilling to invest a much smaller amount to get the requirements right in the first place.
Mastering the Requirements Process, Second Edition, sets out an industry-proven
process for gathering and verifying requirements with an eye toward today's agile
development environments In this total update of the bestselling guide, the authors show how to discover precisely what the customer wants and needs while doing the minimum requirements work according to the project's level of agility.
Features include
The Volere requirements processcompletely specified, and revised for compatibility with agile environments
A specification template that can be used as the basis for your own requirements specifications
New agility ratings that help you funnel your efforts into only the requirements work needed for your particular development environment and project
How to make requirements testable using fit criteria
Iterative requirements gathering leading to faster delivery to the client
Trang 2Checklists to help identify stakeholders, users, nonfunctional requirements, and more Details on gathering and implementing requirements for iterative releases
An expanded project sociology section for help with identifying and communicating with stakeholders
Strategies for exploiting use cases to determine the best product to build
Methods for reusing requirements and requirements patterns
Examples showing how the techniques and templates are applied in real-world
Trang 3Mastering the Requirements Process Second Edition
By Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson
Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: March 17, 2006
Print ISBN-10: 0-321-41949-9 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-41949-1 Pages: 592
Trang 13Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers todistinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Wherethose designations appear in this book, and the publisher wasaware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printedwith initial capital letters or in all capitals
The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation ofthis book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of anykind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions Noliability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages inconnection with or arising out of the use of the information orprograms contained herein
The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when
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Trang 15All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Thispublication is protected by copyright, and permission must beobtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited
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Trang 16In the six years since we published the first edition of this book,the world's knowledge of requirements has grown, and morepeople have a job called "business analyst," "requirements
engineer," or something similar The Volere Requirements
Specification Template has been downloaded countless times.The Volere Requirements Process is in use by thousands of
people who are engaged in the activity of successful
requirements gathering They, in turn, have given us feedbackover the years about what they needed to know, and what theyare doing when gathering requirements
This book is a reflection of the feedback we have received, and
of the way people have made use of the first edition
The requirements activity has moved away from wanting to beseen as an engineering discipline, to the realization that it is asociotechnical activity Requirements analysts now see their rolefirst as one of communication, and second as a technician
being that greater emphasis is placed on close customer
relationships, and less emphasis is placed on documentation
We heartily applaud this advance However, we have also seentoo many people, who, in the name of agility, rush to a solution
Trang 17solved
This, then, is the role of requirements in the agile world: to
ensure that we hear not only one customer's voice, but also thevoices of the other stakeholdersthose with some value to add tothe requirements for the product Agile requirements analystsensure that the work is considered, not just the product, andthat the nonfunctional requirements are studied, not left to thewhim of the programmer
Agile methods have brought with them a healthy disdain fordocumentation We agree with this view Throughout this
second edition we urge you to consider the benefit before
committing anything to writing But while we suggest
sometimes you can develop software successfully without
formally written requirements, we never suggest you can do itwithout understanding the requirements
The emphasis on iterative development means that the
requirements "phase" is no longer completed before buildingbegins The drive toward short, sharp release cycles means
requirements analysts get feedback on their requirements
efforts more quickly Stakeholders receive positive
reinforcement when they see the time they invest in
requirements paid back with progressive versions of workingsoftware that does what they expect, and what they need
Technological advances have changed requirements gathering.Blogs and wikis mean that requirements analysts can gathertheir requirements informally and iteratively using the
convenience of networking with their stakeholders Desktopvideoconferencing and instant messaging mean closer, quickercommunication with stakeholders, which is, of course,
necessary for good requirements gathering
The gap between what we wrote in 1999 and what we foundourselves doing when gathering requirements gradually grew
Trang 18volume that you hold in your hands is the result of the last fewyears of our work and teaching We trust you find it interesting,enlightening, and useful
Trang 19assemble a complete, comprehensive requirements process
One watchword of their process is "reasonableness." In otherwords, every part of the process makes sense, even to peoplewho are not very experienced with requirements work Whenintroducing this kind of structure to an organization,
Trang 20Robertson, James, and suzanne Robertson
Complete Systems An analysis: The Workbook, the
textbook, the Answer Dorset House, 1998.
The process they describe is the Volere approach, which theydeveloped as an outcome of many years helping clients to
improve their requirements Aside from the Volere approachitself, James and Suzanne contribute their superb teaching skills
to the formidable task facing anyone who wishes to developrequirements and do them well
The Robertsons' teaching skills are well known to their seminar
students as well as to fans of their Complete Systems
Analysis books Mastering the Requirements Process
provides a much-requested front end for their analysis booksorfor anyone's analysis books, for that matter
We can use all the good books on requirements we can get, andthis is one of them!
Gerald M Weinberg
Febraury 1999
Trang 21Writing a book is hard Without the help and encouragement ofothers, it would be nearly impossible, at least for these authors
We would like to take a few lines to tell you who helped andencouraged and made it possible
Thanks are due to the technical reviewers who gave up theirtime to wade through some fairly incomprehensible stuff MikeRussell, Susannah Finzi, Neil Maiden, Tim Lister, and BasharNuseibeh all deserve honorable mentions
We would like to acknowledge our fellow principals at the
Atlantic Systems GuildTom DeMarco, Peter Hruschka, Tim Lister,Steve McMenamin, and John Palmerfor their help, guidance, andincredulous looks over the years
The staff at Pearson Education contributed Sally Mortimore,Alison Birtwell, and Dylan Reisenberger were generous and
skillful, and used such persuasive language whenever we spokeabout extending the deadline
For the second edition, Peter Gordon provided guidance andpersuasion at exactly the right times Kim Boedigheimer, JohnFuller, and Lara Wysong were invaluable at steering us throughthe publishing process Jill Hobbs tamed our faulty grammarand punctuation, and made this text readable The technicalinput of Ian Alexander, Earl Beede, Capers Jones, Chuck
Pfleeger, and Tony Wasserman goes far beyond valuable Thank
Trang 22And finally we thank the students at our seminars and our
consulting clients Their comments, their insistence on havingthings clearly explained, their insights, and their feedback haveall made some difference, no matter how indirect, to this book.Thank you, everybody
James and Suzanne Robertson London, January 2006
Trang 23in which we consider why we are interested in
The most useful products are those where the developers haveunderstood what the product is intended to accomplish for itsusers and how it must accomplish that purpose To understandthese things, you must understand what kind of work the userswant to do and how the product will affect that work and fit intothe organization's goals What the product does for its usersand which constraints it must satisfy in this context are the
product's requirements Apart from a few fortuitous accidents,
no product has ever succeeded without prior understanding ofits requirements It does not matter what kind of work the userwishes to do, be it scientific, commercial, e-commerce, or wordprocessing Nor does it matter which programming language ordevelopment tools are used to construct the product The
development processwhether agile, eXtreme Programming,
prototyping, the Rational Unified Process, or any other methodisirrelevant to the need for understanding the requirements Onefact always emerges: You must come to the correct
Trang 24determine their precise nature Moreover, it explains how youwill know that you have found the correct requirements andhow to communicate them
Any important endeavor needs some kind of orderly process.Moreover, the people who are active in the process must beable to see why different parts of the process are important,and which parts carry particular significance for their particularproject This book presents Volerea process, a requirementsspecification template, and a set of techniques for gathering,confirming, organizing, and documenting the requirements for aproduct This process and template can beindeed, have
beenused for any kind of product or project Since the first
version of Volere was released in 1995, it has been used by
thousands of projects in hundreds of countries
The requirements process, as we describe it here, is a thoroughexploration of the intended product with the intention of
product unless you know what you are trying to build This doesnot mean that your understanding must always be perfect
before you start construction, and it does not mean that all therequirements have to be written down But it does mean that ifyou intend to deliver useful and usable products at the lowestcost to your organization, you must pay attention to
This book discusses how you can come to an understanding ofthe requirements and how you might write them down so thatthe constructors, and the future generations of maintenance
Trang 25Requirements are usually expressed as an abstraction That is,they are expressed in a technologically neutral way so as tointentionally avoid influencing the design of the solution Therequirements are a pure statement of business needs, withoutany implementation bias The role of product design is to
translate the requirements into a plan to build some physicalreality that will, in the real world, do what is needed Productdesign determines which devices are to be used, which softwarecomponents are necessary, and how they are to be constructed
It is important to the success of the product that final designdecisions are not taken before the relevant requirements areknown It is equally important to note that a well-organizedrequirements process means that requirements, design, andimplementation can be done as a number of iterative loops.Each iteration produces some usable functionality Figure 1.1
should be read as iterative That is, the complete Requirements
Specification does not have to be produced before design and
Trang 26environment, you will produce a minimal set of requirementscomponents and use those as a guide to planning iterations
be able to grow to accommodate the new demands If you areusing an agile process where new functionality is delivered
frequently, the partial product has an effect on the work
practices For example, it may trigger new, previously
unforeseen requirements, some of which may change the
Trang 27requirements is a process that we cannot control or prescribe,but it is one that we must accept Requirements for a productare not frozen the moment that it is built Instead, they evolveover a period of time, and any requirements process must takethis fact of ongoing change into account
Requirements for a product are not frozen the
moment that it is built.
Trang 28Requirements gathering and systems modeling have a
significant degree of overlapthe requirements gatherer usesmodels to help find the requirements, and the modeler uses therequirements to help model the functionality and data Bothproduce artifacts used to understand and specify requirements
In the beginning, the requirements-gathering activity is
dominant The only models being built are a context diagramand perhaps an exploratory data model and a stakeholder map.The requirements analysts are busy discovering the businessgoals, the stakeholders, the work (or business domain), and thedesired outcome
As the knowledge of the work increases and the business usecases evolve from fuzzy intentions to known quantities, the
models become more precise and provide valuable feedback tothe requirements gathering Similarly, the growing knowledge
of the requirements feeds the modeling process, enabling themodeling to be more productive This relationship is illustrated
development continues, the modeling activity expands to
occupy a continually greater proportion of the effort
Trang 29functionality Provided that the model is complete and is
supported by a data dictionary and any needed process
descriptions or scenarios, it makes a suitable alternative to thetextual specification
The craft of systems modeling is well documented Several
books cover this area, including those mentioned in the margin
We encourage you to build models of your proposed productand to understand the work by building models of it We will notcover, except in a very rudimentary way, how to build thesemodels That is for you to explore We will, however, bring you
to a complete understanding of what a requirement is, how towrite one, and how requirements connect to models
Robertson, James, and Suzanne Robertson Complete
Systems Analysis: The Workbook, the Textbook, the Answers Dorset House, 1998.
Jacobson, Ivar, et al Object-Oriented Software
Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Trang 30
Since the first edition of this book was published, the agileapproach to developing systems has become popular, and
rightly so Agility refers to product development where the
team's development process is based on the principles of theAgile Manifesto We reproduce it here and, throughout thisbook, will show its relevance to the requirements activity
Trang 31proponents of agile development believe that agility and
requirements are not compatible This view is both wrong anddangerous
Trang 32these techniques involve some kind of personal interaction withthe appropriate stakeholders Requirements come from
humans, so the better you are at interacting with humans, thebetter you will be at gathering requirements There is no tool orprocess that, as far as we can see, will ever replace the
effectiveness of the requirements analyst and the stakeholdersitting down eyeball-to-eyeball and talking about what is
needed The skill of the requirements analyst here is to
introduce tools, models, and other measures that can help thestakeholder discover and explain his needs
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Trang 33All too often, the requirements process is seen as a long-windedprocess that eventually delivers an unreadable (and often
Trang 34contractoutsourcing or complying with departmental
responsibilities are examples that spring to mindand you cannotavoid creating a contractual requirements specification Thecourts are jammed with lawsuits between software suppliersand clients where the source of disagreement is not whetherthe software works, but whether it does what is needed
of what is needed Do not ask the client to sign off on the
requirements; instead, ask the client to sign on to them and
make them a collaborative effort
Responding to change over following a plan
Trang 35what is delivered is what they asked for Good requirementspractices encourage change as early as possible in the cycle,when the changes are cheapest to make By using interactivemodels such as scenarios and prototypes, the requirementsanalyst encourages the stakeholder to make changes beforebuilding the software
Boehm, Barry, and Richard Turner Balancing Agility and
Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed Addison-Wesley,
There is every reason to make your requirements activity asagile as possible We say "as possible" because in some
in such a way as to be as agile as you can, and get the correctresult
Rabbitthe most agile of projects You are a rabbit when you
Trang 36delivering a small increment to the working functionality Rabbitprojects will not spend a great deal of time writing the
requirementsthat is not the same thing as not learning the
requirementsand probably will use scenarios and prototypes fordelivering the requirements to the developers In a rabbit
project the sources of domain knowledge are colocated with thedevelopers Rabbit projects, like their namesake, have relativelyshort lives
Horsefast, strong, and dependable Horse projects are
probably the most common corporate projects There is a needfor some documentation, because requirements likely must behanded from one department to another Horse projects usuallyinvolve more than a few stakeholders (often in a variety of
locations), thus necessitating the need for some consistentlywritten documentation The organization in this case has a
manufacture, where regulators demand that not only full
specifications be produced, but also the process used to
produce them be documented and auditable Elephant projectstypically have a long duration, and they involve many
Trang 37Little uses a menagerie that includes skunks in his article for
IEEE Software Each author, including the current ones,
categorizes agility by looking at different aspects of productdevelopment and using an animal to represent each category
We do not claim the idea of using animals as an original one,but we persist with it, as we believe it to be a simple indicator
quickly Throughout this book, we will point out the relevancy ofparts of each chapter to rabbits, horses, and elephants In otherwords, we will guide you to select the parts of the requirementsprocess that return the best value for the effort expended The
Trang 38discovering and managing requirements so that you can makechoices about how much requirements work you need to dobefore you can deliver your product.
Trang 39The product is whatever you want to construct You might want
to produce it from scratch, buy it ready-made, install it for freeusing open source components, or acquire it in some other way.For the sake of simplicity, we will use the term "constructing"the product It stands to reason that the product's requirementsmust be understood before its construction begins The correctrequirements come from understanding the work that the
product is intended to support Only when you know the correctrequirements can you design and build the correct product,
which in turn enables the product's users to do their work in away that satisfies their business needs
Sadly, the requirements are not always correctly understood.Both Steve McConnell and Jerry Weinberg provide statistics thatshow that as many as 60 percent of errors originate with therequirements activity Clearly, although developers of productshave the opportunity to almost eliminate the entire largest
category of error, they chooseor, even worse, their managerschooseto rush headlong into constructing the wrong product As
a result, they pay many times the price for the product thanthey would have if the requirements and analysis had been
Trang 40to understand requirements Programming is constructing the
solution to the problem Sure, you can turn out many iterations
of a solution in a weekbut they are still solutions Without anunderstanding of the fundamental work the user needs to doand of the broader ramifications of introducing your solutioninto the work environment, your solution can be no better thanthe user's perception of a fix to the current problem There is
no conflict between agile development and requirements, just adifference in the way you discover and manage the
organization of repair to substandard products, the cost of
cancelled projects that suffered requirements breakdown (noone could agree on the requirements), and the cost of the
opportunity lost by not having the correct products at the
correct time If this wastage is insignificant, then stop readingthis book You already have your requirements process undercontrol
Otherwise, read on