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Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies In cooperation with: and Carl Benedikt Frey & Thor Berger, Oxford Martin School at Oxford University Written by TOBIAS HÜSING ERIONA DASHJA WERNER B KORTE KRISTINA DERVOJEDA MARK LENGTON GABRIELLA CATTANEO MARIANNE KOLDING ROSANNA LIFONTI CARL BENEDIKT FREY THOR BERGER January 2016 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Content Project Data Executive Summary Management Report Phase 10 Status and activity reporting 10 Deviations 17 Corrective actions and revised work plan 17 Introduction 18 1.1 Statistical figures 18 1.2 Objectives 18 1.3 The EU e-Leadership Agenda 19 1.3.1 A new agenda 19 1.3.2 Agenda contents 19 1.3.3 Agenda comprehensiveness 20 1.3.4 Supporting early action 20 1.3.5 Time schedule 20 1.3.6 Format of the present report 20 The Digital Economy: Implications for the Workforce 22 2.1 Implications for liberal professions 23 Business, Industrial and Technology Trends and Impact on e-Leadership Skills 25 e-Leadership Skills: from Vision to Achievements 26 4.1 e-Leadership skills vision and roadmap 2013 26 4.2 e-leadership skills curriculum guidelines and profiles 2015 27 4.3 e-leadership skills for SMEs and start-ups training offers and demonstrations 2015 28 4.3.1 Guidelines for designing e-Leadership training and education 28 4.3.2 What is an e-Leadership training offer? 29 4.3.3 Diverse pathways to e-leadership are indispensible 30 4.4 e-Leadership skills for KETs and AMTs 34 4.4.1 Increasing role of e-leadership for KETs and AMTs 34 4.4.2 Readiness of KETs and AMT leaders for digital transformation .36 4.4.3 Key e-leadership skills for KETs and AMTs 37 4.4.4 Initiatives facilitating e-leadership in KETs and AMTs 39 4.5 e-leadership skills for liberal professions 40 4.5.1 e-leadership for architects .40 4.5.2 e-leadership for civil engineers 41 4.5.3 e-leadership for notaries 43 4.5.4 e-leadership for doctors 44 4.5.5 e-leadership for lawyers 46 4.5.6 e-leadership for accountants 48 CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION 4.6 Overview of achievements and recommendations for actions 50 4.6.1 Recommendations for stimulating e-leadership in general 50 E-Skills - Policy Recommendations (2014) 60 4.7 Recommendation 1: Launch initiatives in countries lagging behind 60 4.8 Recommendation 2: Scale up efforts through longer term policy commitment 60 4.9 Recommendation 3: Adapt education and training to the digital age 61 4.10 Recommendation 4: Foster IT professionalism and quality 61 4.11 Recommendation 5: Build bridges for all students, graduates and workers 62 4.11.1 Recommendations for stimulating e-leadership in KETs and AMTs .63 4.11.2 Consolidated set of recommendations for stimulating e-leadership .64 Stakeholder Policies and Initiatives on e-Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies 67 5.1 Introduction 67 5.2 European Commission and government policies and activities 68 5.2.1 European policies and activities 2004 - 2016 68 5.2.2 EU Member State policy initiatives 71 5.3 Industry and stakeholder partnerships and initiatives 74 5.3.1 Overview 74 5.3.2 Best Practices 76 5.3.3 Best Practices for KETs and AMTs 89 Awareness, Relevance and Benefits of European and National Policies and Activities 98 6.1 Objectives 98 6.2 Methodology 98 6.3 Online Survey Results 98 6.3.1 European Activities: policies, initiatives, partnerships etc 100 6.3.2 National / EU Member State Activities: policies, initiatives, partnerships etc 101 6.3.3 Challenges in Need to be addressed 102 6.3.4 Impact of Technology Trends on Digital and e-Leadership Skills Demand 104 6.3.5 Disaggregating the results for KETs, AMT and liberal professions .109 Annexes 111 7.1 Annex 1: Best Practice Selection Criteria 111 7.2 Annex 2: Selection of survey invitees according to categories 112 7.3 Annex 3: Survey participants expressing commitment to initiative 112 7.4 Annex 4: Workshop invitees 121 7.5 Annex 5: Workshop attendees and interviewees 132 7.6 Annex 6: List of stakeholders from outside Europe consulted and interviewed 136 7.7 Annex 7: List of identified professional bodies for selected liberal professions 136 Annex 8: Bibliography 137 7.8 137 CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Project Data Service contract N° EASME/COSME/2014/013 Contract Title: Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies Date of Contract Signing: 30.07.2015 Contracting Authority: European Union, represented by the European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (EASME) Delivery Partner: empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH Oxfordstr - 53111 Bonn - Germany Duration of the project: 18 months About this document This document is the Final Report of work under a service contract, Tender No EASME/COSME/2014/013, of the European Commission on "Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies" About “Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies” The European Commission sees the need to keep momentum relating to e-leadership skills going, provide consolidation to these efforts in 2015-2016 The aim is to promote e-leadership skills and provide Europe with a larger talent pool of highly-skilled entrepreneurs, managers and professionals A comprehensive agenda (2016-2020) for e-leadership will be elaborated The new agenda is to take digital education and entrepreneurship policies fully into account, as well as addressing labour market disruptions resulting from ICT developments and integrating new analyses of leadership skills for liberal professions such as doctors and lawyers The agenda is to be broad enough to exploit synergy with emerging leadership skills requirements in businesses exploiting Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Key Enabling Technologies, and is to be explicitly international in scope The contract is carried out by empirica in cooperation with PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC), IDC Europe and Carl Frey from the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University DIGITALEUROPE, PIN-SME, EuroCIO, CIONET, CEPIS, ASIIN, APMG International, EXIN, EFMD, ECWT and ESI European Software Institute Center Eastern Europe have signalled their support to this initiative Disclaimer The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the information provided in this document CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Executive Summary E-Leadership skills are the skills that lead towards designing business models and taking advantage of innovation opportunities, making best use of digital technologies, and delivering value These skills are scarce and increasingly sought after As the European Commission has repeatedly stated, the economy of the 21st century is increasingly demanding leaders with a T-shaped portfolio of skills who have expertise in new technologies and the development of successful and efficient organisations They are of crucial importance for growth, innovation, competitiveness and job-creation in Europe Corresponding to the increasing importance of the issue, projects, initiatives and policies relating to eleadership skills have been initiated in recent years The European Commission sees the need to keep momentum going and provide consolidation to these efforts in 2015-2016 Objective: Develop an EU e-Leadership Agenda 2016-2020 The general goal of the service contract – which is part of the activities of the EU e-skills strategy – is aimed at “promoting e-leadership skills and providing Europe with a larger talent pool of highly-skilled entrepreneurs, managers and professionals.” The development, validation and dissemination of a new, comprehensive policy agenda on e-leadership, including support to execution of early agenda actions is at the heart of the present service contract The new EU e-Leadership Agenda 2016-2020 is to be built on results of the European Commission e-Leadership Initiative, particular the activities defining the vision for e-leadership, developing new curricula for skills supply, fostering e-leadership skills and investigating skills for KETs Key stakeholders throughout Europe are asked to join forces in this initiative Such a joint action will allow stakeholders to benefit from a coordinated approach across all EU Member States and involve relevant actors at the European Commission integrating a multitude of perspectives into a coherent framework Other objectives Results of the first phase of the service contract for the European Commission can be seen as milestones and inputs towards establishing the above mentioned EU e-leadership agenda The work programme follows specific requirements from the service contract with the European Commission and includes elaborating on current trends and monitoring and analysing the labour market, its disruptions and implications on the workforce and related skills demand These are presented in ‘The Digital Economy: Implications for the Workforce’, chapter 2, written by Carl Frey and Thor Berger from Oxford Martin School at Oxford University ‘Business, Industrial and Technology Trends and Impact on e-Leadership Skills’, chapter 3, written by Gabriella Cattaneo, Marianne Kolding and Rosanna Lifonti of IDC Europe Chapter reports about the past and present understanding of and visions about e-leadership skills and relevant European initiatives and first achievements of these Chapter provides an updated description of initiatives in the field of e-leadership skills for digital and key enabling technologies throughout Europe It provides the results of the analysis of the larger number of initiatives identified with a presentation of the best practices In the final chapter the results of the stakeholder survey and engagement activities are reported which involved experts and stakeholders in interviews and a survey Digitalization, Jobs, and Convergence in Europe: Strategies for Closing the Skills Gap In the report from Carl Frey and Thor Berger from Oxford Martin School at Oxford University referred to in Chapter the authors conclude that the rapid technological progress that is transforming companies and industries in Europe has implications for the demand for skills New technologies increasingly benefit skilled workers, and thus countries with a relative abundance of skills Digital technologies are likely to contribute CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION to a surge in productivity over the forthcoming decades, while raising concerns that associated benefits are unlikely to be widely shared unless substantial investments are made to upskill the European workforce Importantly, there is growing evidence that the slow convergence in high-tech employment within the European Union reflects the slow diffusion of skills across Member States The potential scope of automation recently has expanded beyond routine work as technological advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Mobile Robotics (MR) have brought a wider range of more complex tasks into the domains of computers (Frey and Osborne, 2013) These technological advances may affect job creation and skill demands in Europe over the next decades According to some estimates, as many as 54 percent of current jobs in the EU27 could be computerized as a result; including many low-skill jobs in construction, logistics, and services (Bowles, 2014) The implications of these trends are also already being widely perceived by firms: for the fourth survey in a row, the perceived importance of automating and/or improving business processes had increased in the McKinsey Global Survey—in the most recent wave, more than half of respondents cite it as a top-three priority for their organization.1 Although technological change is rapidly destroying jobs and transforming others, it also creates entirely novel types of jobs and industries; app development, big data analysis and software design are all examples of new work created in the wake of the digital revolution Meanwhile, forecasts suggest that there will be a shortfall of digital professionals, which may lead to as many as 756,000 unfilled vacancies in ICT jobs by 2020, of which around 226,000 are at management level, though such estimates have a wide margin of error.2 Business, Industrial and Technology Trends and Impact on e-Leadership Skills In the IDC report (see reference in Chapter 3) on ‘Business, Industrial and Technology Trends and Impact on e-Leadership Skills’ the authors conclude that the innovation push of the main ICT trends and KETs will generate in the years to 2020 strong transformational impacts on the EU economy and society, driving a strong increase of demand of ICT, R&D but especially e-leadership skills The demand of e-leadership skills varies by type of technology trend and type of skills, but Big Data, the Internet of Things and the combination Cognitive systems/Robotics are likely to generate the most disruptive impacts and drive the highest demand of e-leadership skills Both IDC research and the experts' opinions converge on these conclusions Approximately 70% of the experts surveyed agree that the increase of demand of skills will create a very high risk of skills gaps in Europe However, experience says that complaints about the difficulty of sourcing skills not necessarily translate into a concrete increase of employment, if skills become available There are all kinds of mismatches between demand and supply which must be dealt with (from unrealistic expectations, to wrong timing, to mismatched geographical location: supply in Europe is not always available where demand is) Therefore, the demand of IT skills is more likely to translate into demand for training and specialized certification for existing IT employees and managers than into the creation of new, additional jobs Nevertheless, the innovative nature and technology profiles of some of these trends, particularly Big Data and IoT, will definitely create demand for genuinely new skills and, thanks to the potential of increasing business revenues, also the creation of new jobs e-Leadership Skills: from Vision to Achievements Chapter gives a historical account of how the research on e-leadership evolved and which milestones were reached After these, a first consolidation of recommendations and the proposed actions from precursor activities and further new ones emerging in the course of the present service contract are provided These build the basis for the development of a policy roadmap and action plan for the years to come, and will be discussed in expert rounds organised throughout the year 2016 for the formulation of the European McKinsey (2015a) Tobias Hüsing, Werner B Korte, Eriona Dashja: e-Skills in Europe - Trends and Forecasts for the European ICT Professional and Digital Leadership Labour Markets (2015-2020) empirica Working Paper, November 2015 CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Agenda for e-Leadership in Europe 2016-2020 The first workshop has already taken place on 22 January 2016 in Brussels Further ones will take place on 20 April 2016, 22 September 2016 and 24 November 2016 Combining recommendations and proposed actions from precursor activities and further new ones emerging in the course of the present service contract, a consolidated set of recommendations has been developed which builds the basis for further discussions and development with key stakeholders Stakeholder Policies and Initiatives and Best Practices on e-Leadership Skills for Digital and Key Enabling Technologies Stakeholder policies, initiatives and partnerships on e-leadership skills throughout Europe were gathered and analysed differentiated according to stakeholder groups (see Chapter 5) These activities could build on the results from precursor activities carries out by empirica and PwC which were and will continue to be updated and best practice cases identified and further elaborated and described Those relating to KETs have already been completed the others – according to work plan - are still in the process of analysis All will constitute key elements for the third workshop on 22 September 2016 The (policy) initiatives and further actions - including the best practices - described address e-leadership skills, either explicitly or – as is most often the case – by implication The most recent update (December 2015) of efforts to identify and document relevant activities and initiatives delivered 354 relevant initiatives throughout Europe from which around 20 have been selected as initial set of best practices For the KETs part the number of best practices finally selected and approved by the Commission encompasses five cases Our analysis suggests that multi-stakeholder partnerships are not as well developed yet in the e-leadership field as compared to other segments of the e-skills domain, i.e digital literacy and ICT practitioner skills Awareness, Relevance and Benefits of European and National Policies and Activities A survey addressed to the ‘Promotion of e-Leadership Skills’ with the intention to raise awareness and recognise the strategic importance of these types of skills across Europe and beyond was carried out among 726 experts and decision makers in the e-skills arena, from across Europe and beyond to: assess experts’ opinions as an input for the development of forthcoming European e-Leadership Skills Agenda (2016-2020) highlight differences among results for ICT / KETs/ AMT and Liberal Professions engage stakeholders in promoting e-Leadership skills in Europe and beyond And in parallel, identify / update existing initiatives / activities with a propensity to e-Leadership in each country policies of relevance to e-leadership skills development in the MS Results described in Chapter show that funding mechanism are most well known, highlighting the fact that, quite obviously, financial incentives are as important here as anywhere The awareness that the e-CF receives and also the relevance it finds is based on highest quality work and commitment that has been pursued over an extended period of time now This pays off in a well regarded product that meets appreciation among the stakeholders The European e-Leadership initiatives also rate high on the awareness scale There are high awareness levels for the Grand Coalition and for the Digital Single Market, which were both announced through Commissioners, which obviously helps publicity Both still show, as yet, some gap between acknowledged relevance and perceived benefits Interestingly, the respondents’ general opinion reveals that expected benefits have not yet been fully exploited Findings confirm once more the need for tailored education and training offers to fit the rapid pace of digital innovation as well as evolving industry requirements Dedicated and targeted efforts in improving the matching mechanisms of the new graduates and industry needs would definitely serve as a catalyst for addressing the challenge of e-leadership skills supply CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Aligning curriculum development to industry needs is seen as ‘very important’, closely followed by the need for setting up new teaching and training programmes, formats and partnerships When it comes to the role of on-job training, experts call on the importance of regular (re-) training of current employees and for convincing companies that the return on training and skills development investment is sufficient to offset the costs Respondents see development of suitably qualified talent through training mechanisms targeted to employees as ‘very important’ for addressing current and future digital and leadership skills needs Boosting awareness among stakeholders and the wider public on the need of e-leadership skills in a rapidly evolving digital world is another of the vital components backed by respondent’s opinion All ICT trends presented to the experts were believed to impact industry significantly Highest scoring answers are IT security, Mobile and Big Data as the most relevant, closely followed by Cloud Computing and IoT The majority of experts evaluate the impacts of ICT trends on the demand of skills as very high or high IT security remains the most relevant, but is closely followed by Big Data, IoT and Artificial Intelligence Finally, experts largely share the assessment of the risks of a skills gap The increase of demand of specialized skills driven by all ICT trends is not expected likely to be satisfied by the labour market, the more so the more disruptive and innovative a technology is These results are coherent with the analysis about the potential impacts of the main ICT trends and the disruptive nature of the combination IoT, Big Data and Cloud, which will pose the greater challenges in skills recruitment According to the experts' survey, some of the actions to be taken could be: To integrate digital savviness in formal educational programmes relevant by industry To promote MBA-style training courses on digital savviness for managers Some analysis of responses from particularly KETs, AMT and liberal professions was possible Although the overall results are generally in line with results presented so far, a few interesting observations can be made These observations are: Respondents from both, KETs and AMT, as well as liberal professions are slightly less aware of the proposed skills initiatives For liberal professions in particular, we also observe a lower perceived relevance and benefit of eskills, digital and ICT related policy initiatives With respect to the challenges respondents from these domains face, for KETs and AMT “embedding technical multi-disciplinarity in the curricula” is considered among the top key challenges Respondents from liberal professions advocate building awareness of e-leadership skills and also consider new teaching and training programmes for e-Leadership skills a key challenge that needs to be addressed In line with our interview findings, a lower proportion of KETs and AMT respondents agree that people in leadership positions require extensive re-skilling of e-skills All chapters and reports referred to in this report have undergone revisions after considering and incorporating the comments and recommendations from the experts at the first workshop and those from the Steering Committee members, all of which are highly appreciated CONFIDENTIAL EUROPEAN COMMISSION Management Report Phase Status and activity reporting3 Description Task Policy initiatives analysis and stakeholder engagement WP1 + Joint development of T3.1 methodologies for expert/stakeholder consultation, surveys and interviews & engagement Due date Resp 31 OCT 2015: M03 Monthly reporting Status EMP, PwC, Start of methodology development with PwC; working IDC meeting in Bonn, 17 September 2015 IDC contributed questions on main technical trends Survey and interview methodology and instrument completed Completed Complex online survey questionnaire programmed in Lime Survey Update information on latest EU T1.1, Member State policy initiatives T3.2 on e-leadership and digital entrepreneurship education and training (building on previous achievements: Country Reports from LEAD: http://eskillslead.eu/documents/) including engaging with experts from EU Member States and beyond on eleadership policy initiatives and demand and supply statistics Motivate stakeholders to ‘buy-in’ to e-leadership, ask them to contribute to the development of the Agenda on e-Leadership in Europe (2016-2020) and start or expand relevant activities 30 NOV EMP 2015: M04: survey & engaging 31 JAN 2016: M06: final report Start of development of contact lists Contact lists completed Total list of more than 300 initiatives and multistakeholder partnerships in 10 categories from all over Europe screened for their relevance Applied selection criteria and shortlisted 20 initiatives with a rather good geographical balance (spread across 14 countries) and a good mix of different e-leadership education and training types / categories and target groups Conducted desk-research and approached relevant stakeholders to collect the needed information on the selected good practices Final selection of these 20 initiatives for the analysis and development of abstract descriptions e-leadership national policy experts contacted through an Comonline survey, further interaction through mail exchanges, pleted telephone conversations and interviews e-leadership initiatives / multi-stakeholder partnership experts contacted through an online survey, further interaction through mail exchanges, telephone conversations and interviews Status of survey execution (15 November 2015): 726 completed questionnaires (contractual obligation = 100) Data set preparation and development and analysis work started Compilation of a dataset and graphics relating 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