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theano Documentation Release 1.0.0 LISA lab, University of Montreal November 21, 2017 CONTENTS News Download Citing Theano Documentation Community 11 Help! 13 Python Module Index 637 i ii theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently Theano features: • tight integration with NumPy – Use numpy.ndarray in Theano-compiled functions • transparent use of a GPU – Perform data-intensive computations much faster than on a CPU • efficient symbolic differentiation – Theano does your derivatives for functions with one or many inputs • speed and stability optimizations – Get the right answer for log(1+x) even when x is really tiny • dynamic C code generation – Evaluate expressions faster • extensive unit-testing and self-verification – Detect and diagnose many types of errors Theano has been powering large-scale computationally intensive scientific investigations since 2007 But it is also approachable enough to be used in the classroom (University of Montreal’s deep learning/machine learning classes) CONTENTS theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE NEWS • 2017/11/15: Release of Theano 1.0.0 Everybody is encouraged to update • 2017/10/30: Release of Theano 1.0.0rc1, new features and many bugfixes, final release to coming • 2017/10/16: Release of Theano 0.10.0beta4, new features and many bugfixes, release candidate to coming • 2017/09/28: IMPORTANT: MILA will stop developing Theano and the next release (renamed to 1.0) will be the last main release • 2017/09/20: Release of Theano 0.10.0beta3, new features and many bugfixes, release candidate to coming • 2017/09/07: Release of Theano 0.10.0beta2, new features and many bugfixes, release candidate to coming • 2017/08/09: Release of Theano 0.10.0beta1, many improvements and bugfixes, release candidate to coming • Removed support for the old (device=gpu) backend Use the new backend (device=cuda) for gpu computing See Converting to the new gpu back end(gpuarray) for help with conversion • 2017/03/20: Release of Theano 0.9.0 Everybody is encouraged to update • 2017/03/13: Release of Theano 0.9.0rc4, with crash fixes and bug fixes • 2017/03/06: Release of Theano 0.9.0rc3, with crash fixes, bug fixes and improvements • 2017/02/27: Release of Theano 0.9.0rc2, with crash fixes, bug fixes and improvements • 2017/02/20: Release of Theano 0.9.0rc1, many improvements and bugfixes, final release to coming • 2017/01/24: Release of Theano 0.9.0beta1, many improvements and bugfixes, release candidate to coming • 2016/05/09: New technical report on Theano: Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions This is the new preferred reference • 2016/04/21: Release of Theano 0.8.2, adding support for CuDNN v5 • 2016/03/29: Release of Theano 0.8.1, fixing a compilation issue on MacOS X with XCode 7.3 • 2016/03/21: Release of Theano 0.8 Everybody is encouraged to update • Multi-GPU theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 • We added support for CNMeM to speed up the GPU memory allocation • Theano 0.7 was released 26th March 2015 Everybody is encouraged to update • We support cuDNN if it is installed by the user • Open Machine Learning Workshop 2014 presentation • Colin Raffel tutorial on Theano • Ian Goodfellow did a 12h class with exercises on Theano • New technical report on Theano: Theano: new features and speed improvements • HPCS 2011 Tutorial We included a few fixes discovered while doing the Tutorial You can watch a quick (20 minute) introduction to Theano given as a talk at SciPy 2010 via streaming (or downloaded) video: Transparent GPU Computing With Theano James Bergstra, SciPy 2010, June 30, 2010 Chapter News CHAPTER TWO DOWNLOAD Theano is now available on PyPI, and can be installed via easy_install Theano, pip install Theano or by downloading and unpacking the tarball and typing python setup.py install Those interested in bleeding-edge features should obtain the latest development version, available via: git clone git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git You can then place the checkout directory on your $PYTHONPATH or use python setup.py develop to install a pth into your site-packages directory, so that when you pull updates via Git, they will be automatically reflected the “installed” version For more information about installation and configuration, see installing Theano theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 Chapter Download theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 causal_conv1d() (in module clone_get_equiv() (in module theano.gof.graph), 363 clone_get_equiv() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 538 method), 368 CDataType (class in theano.gof.type), 371 clone_with_new_inputs() (theano.gof.graph.Apply ceil() (in module theano.tensor), 517 method), 358 CEnumType (class in theano.gof.type), 372 (in module CGpuKernelBase (class in code_version() theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 425 theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 change_input() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), col() (in module theano.tensor), 486 col_scale() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 368 (theano.gof.FunctionGraph check_and_convert_boolean_masks() (in module collect_callbacks() method), 368 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 400 check_conv_gradinputs_shape() (in module CompatUnpickler (class in theano.misc.pkl_utils), 441 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 539 check_for_x_over_absX() (in module compilation_warning (config.config.cmodule attribute), 347 theano.tensor.opt), 604 check_integrity() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph compile (in module config), 344 compile (module), 310 method), 368 check_preallocated_output (con- compile_limit (config.config.traceback attribute), 348 fig.config.DebugMode attribute), 344 check_preallocated_output_ndim (con- compiledir (in module config), 341 compiledir_format (in module config), 340 fig.config.DebugMode attribute), 345 compress() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 591 check_stack_trace (in module config), 336 compress() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators chi2sf() (in module theano.tensor), 518 method), 494 choice() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams compute_test_value (in module config), 346 method), 448 compute_test_value_opt (in module config), 346 Cholesky (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 606 concatenate() (in module theano.tensor), 504 CholeskyGrad (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 606 conf() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), choose() (in module theano.tensor.basic), 505 493 choose() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators config (module), 332 method), 494 conj() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), clean() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 476 494 clients() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 368 conjugate() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators CLinkerType (built-in class), 236 method), 494 CLinkerType (class in theano.gof.type), 372 ConnectionistTemporalClassification (class in clip() (in module theano.tensor), 515 theano.tensor.nnet.ctc), 576 clip() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), consider_constant() (in module theano.gradient), 493, 494 431 clone() (in module theano), 618 Constant, 155, 624 clone() (in module theano.gof.graph), 362 Constant (class in theano.gof.graph), 358 clone() (PureType method), 213 Constant (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType atclone() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 368 tribute), 419 clone() (theano.gof.graph.Apply method), 357 constant elimination, 308 clone() (theano.gof.graph.Constant method), 359 constant folding, 307 clone() (theano.gof.graph.Variable method), 361 (in module clone() (theano.gof.type.PureType.Constant constructors theano.compile.sharedvalue), 311 method), 378 clone() (theano.gof.type.PureType.Variable method), container (theano.compile.sharedvalue.SharedVariable attribute), 311 380 642 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType csm_indices() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 csm_indptr() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 attribute), 419 context_name (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType csm_shape() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 ctc() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.ctc), 576 attribute), 419 cuirfft() (in module theano.gpuarray.fft), 417 conv (module), 523, 581 cumprod() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 591 conv() (theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv.BaseAbstractConv cumsum() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 592 method), 535 curfft() (in module theano.gpuarray.fft), 417 conv2d() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 525 conv2d() (in module cxx (in module config), 343 cxxflags (config.config.gcc attribute), 343 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 540 cycle_detection (in module config), 335 conv2d() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.conv), 530 conv2d() (in module theano.tensor.signal.conv), 581 conv2d_grad_wrt_inputs() (in module D d3viz() (in module theano.d3viz.d3viz), 355 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 540 conv2d_grad_wrt_weights() (in module d3write() (in module theano.d3viz.d3viz), 355 debug (config.config.cmodule attribute), 347 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 542 conv2d_transpose() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), debug (config.config.scan attribute), 335 debug_perform() (built-in function), 221 527 DebugMode (class in theano.compile.debugmode), conv3d() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 528 328 conv3d() (in module DebugMode (in module config), 344 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 544 (class in conv3d() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.conv3d2d), DebugModeError theano.compile.debugmode), 330 529 conv3d_grad_wrt_inputs() (in module debugprint (config.config.profiling attribute), 338 debugprint() (in module theano.printing), 444 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 546 conv3d_grad_wrt_weights() (in module default_infer_shape() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature method), theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 547 603 convert_variable() (theano.gof.type.PureType default_output, 219 method), 381 ConvolutionIndices (class in default_output() (theano.gof.graph.Apply method), 358 theano.sparse.sandbox.sp), 482 deprecated() (in module theano.gof.utils), 388 convolve() (in module theano.sparse.sandbox.sp), destination (config.config.profiling attribute), 338 483 copy() (theano.compile.function_module.Function Destructive, 625 Det (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 608 method), 317 copy() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators deterministic (in module config), 334 device (in module config), 333 method), 494 diag() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 611 copy_into() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuIncSubtensor diagonal() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 400 method), 493 copy_of_x() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuIncSubtensor diff() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 592 method), 400 difference() (in module theano.gof.utils), 388 cos() (in module theano.tensor), 517 DimShuffle (class in theano.tensor.elemwise), 586 cosh() (in module theano.tensor), 517 dimshuffle() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators count (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 616 method), 492, 494 CpuContiguous (class in theano.tensor.extra_ops), disconnected_grad() (in module theano.gradient), 590 431 CSM (class in theano.sparse.basic), 475 DisconnectedInputError, 429 csm_data() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 context Index 643 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 elu() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 562 DisconnectedType (class in theano.gradient), 429 enabled (config.config.dnn attribute), 341 disown() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 369 dnn_batch_normalization_test() (in module enabled (config.config.magma attribute), 342 encompasses_broadcastable() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), 410 theano.tensor.opt), 605 dnn_batch_normalization_train() (in module enum_from_alias() (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType theano.gpuarray.dnn), 411 method), 386 dnn_conv() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), 413 dnn_conv3d() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), 414 EnumList (class in theano.gof.type), 375 dnn_gradinput() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), EnumType (class in theano.gof.type), 375 environment variable 415 THEANO_FLAGS, 128, 286, 332, 333, 622 dnn_gradinput3d() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), THEANORC, 128, 332, 333 415 dnn_gradweight() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), eq() (in module theano.tensor), 514 erf() (in module theano.tensor), 517 415 dnn_gradweight3d() (in module erfinv() (in module theano.tensor), 517 eval() (theano.gof.graph.Variable method), 361 theano.gpuarray.dnn), 415 eval() (theano.gof.type.PureType.Variable method), dnn_pool() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), 415 380 dnn_spatialtf() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), evaluate() (theano.sparse.sandbox.sp.ConvolutionIndices 416 static method), 482 DnnBase (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 405 exception_verbosity (in module config), 347 do_constant_folding() (built-in function), 220 exclude (Query attribute), 269 do_type_checking() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuIncSubtensor excluding() (theano.compile.mode.Mode method), method), 400 327 dot() (in module theano), 618 execute_callbacks() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph dot() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 477 method), 369 dot() (in module theano.tensor), 518 exp() (in module theano.tensor), 516 dot22, 308 DotModulo (class in theano.sandbox.rng_mrg), 448 Expm (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 ExpmGrad (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 DoubleOp (class in theano.misc.doubleop), 301 Expression, 625 downsample (module), 584 dtype (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType at- Expression Graph, 625 extend (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 616 tribute), 419 (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType dtype (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators at- extended() method), 388 tribute), 492, 495 eye() (in module theano.tensor), 502 dtype (theano.tensor.TensorType attribute), 491 dtype_specs() (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType F method), 419 FAST_COMPILE (in module dump() (in module theano.misc.pkl_utils), 439 theano.compile.mode), 327 E FAST_RUN (in module theano.compile.mode), 327 Feature (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 370 Eig (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 608 fft() (in module conv), 582 Eigh (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 608 fill cut, 307 EighGrad (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 609 fill() (in module theano.tensor), 502 Eigvalsh (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 fill() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), EigvalshGrad (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 495 Elementwise, 625 fill_diagonal() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), Elemwise (class in theano.tensor.elemwise), 587 592 elemwise fusion, 309 644 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 fill_diagonal_offset() (in module ge() (in module theano.tensor), 514 gemm, 309 theano.tensor.extra_ops), 592 gen() (theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams filter() (PureType method), 212 method), 580 filter() (theano.gof.type.PureType method), 381 general_toposort() (in module theano.gof.graph), filter_inplace() (PureType method), 212 363 filter_variable() (theano.gof.type.PureType method), Generic (class in theano.gof.type), 378 381 find_node() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), get_aliases() (theano.gof.type.EnumType method), 378 422 finder (theano.compile.function.Function attribute), get_clients() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 get_clients2() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 316 get_constant() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer static flatten() (in module theano.gof.utils), 388 method), 600 flatten() (in module theano.tensor), 500 flatten() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators get_context() (in module theano.gpuarray.type), 420 get_conv_gradinputs_shape() (in module method), 493 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 550 floatX (in module config), 334 get_conv_gradinputs_shape_1axis() (in module floor() (in module theano.tensor), 517 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 551 flops() (built-in function), 220 (in module flops() (theano.gpuarray.blas.BaseGpuCorr3dMM get_conv_gradweights_shape() theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 551 method), 393 flops() (theano.gpuarray.blas.BaseGpuCorrMM get_conv_gradweights_shape_1axis() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 552 method), 394 get_conv_output_shape() (in module flops() (theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv.BaseAbstractConv theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 553 method), 535 get_conv_shape_1axis() (in module foldl() (in module theano), 463 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 554 foldr() (in module theano), 463 get_enum() (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType force_device (in module config), 334 method), 386 format_as() (in module theano.gradient), 431 (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType frac_bilinear_upsampling() (in module get_field() method), 386 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 549 free() (theano.compile.function_module.Function get_helper_c_code_args() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuIncSubtensor method), 317 method), 400 fromalias() (theano.gof.type.EnumType method), get_num_denum() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer 377 method), 600 FromFunctionOp (class in theano.compile.ops), 323 Function (class in theano.compile.function_module), get_out_shape() (theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConv static method), 406 316 get_output_info() (theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise function() (in module theano), 618 method), 588 function() (in module theano.compile.function), 313 get_param_size() (theano.gpuarray.dnn.RNNBlock function_dump() (in module theano), 618 method), 410 function_dump() (in module get_params() (Op method), 247 theano.compile.function), 315 get_params() (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType FunctionGraph (class in theano.gof), 367 method), 387 FusionOptimizer (class in theano.tensor.opt), 601 get_parents() (theano.gof.graph.Node method), 359 G get_scalar_constant_value() gamma() (in module theano.tensor), 517 (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators gammaln() (in module theano.tensor), 517 method), 494 Index 645 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 397 get_shape() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature GpuCAReduceCuda (class in method), 603 theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 397 get_shape_info() (PureType method), 213 GpuConnectionistTemporalClassification (class in get_size() (PureType method), 213 theano.gpuarray.ctc), 429 get_substream_rstates() GpuContextType (class in theano.gpuarray.type), (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams 420 method), 449 (class in get_type() (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType GpuContiguous theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 method), 386 GpuCorr3dMM (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 394 get_value() (theano.compile.sharedvalue.SharedVariable GpuCorr3dMM_gradInputs (class in method), 310 theano.gpuarray.blas), 395 getitem (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 616 GpuCorr3dMM_gradWeights (class in gof (module), 357 theano.gpuarray.blas), 395 GPU transfer, 309 GpuCorrMM (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 395 gpu_ctc() (in module theano.gpuarray.ctc), 428 GpuCorrMM_gradInputs (class in gpu_kernels() (theano.gpuarray.basic_ops.GpuKernelBase theano.gpuarray.blas), 396 method), 390 (class in gpu_supported() (in module theano.gpuarray.type), GpuCorrMM_gradWeights theano.gpuarray.blas), 396 420 GpuAdvancedBooleanIncSubtensor (class in GpuCrossentropySoftmax1HotWithBiasDx (class in theano.gpuarray.nnet), 401 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 GpuAdvancedBooleanSubtensor (class in GpuCrossentropySoftmaxArgmax1HotWithBias (class in theano.gpuarray.nnet), 401 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 (class in GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor (class in GpuDimShuffle theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 398 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor1 (class in GpuDnnBatchNorm (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 405 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 (class in GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor1_dev20 (class in GpuDnnBatchNormInference theano.gpuarray.dnn), 405 theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 GpuAdvancedSubtensor (class in GpuDnnConv (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 406 GpuDnnConvDesc (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 406 GpuAdvancedSubtensor1 (class in GpuDnnConvGradI (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 406 GpuAlloc (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuAllocEmpty (class in GpuDnnConvGradW (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 407 theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 gpuarray_shared_constructor() (in module GpuDnnPool (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 407 GpuDnnPoolBase (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), theano.gpuarray.type), 420 407 GpuArrayConstant (class in theano.gpuarray.type), GpuDnnPoolDesc (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 418 407 GpuArraySharedVariable (class in GpuDnnPoolGrad (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), theano.gpuarray.type), 418 408 GpuArrayType (class in theano.gpuarray.type), 418 GpuArrayVariable (class in theano.gpuarray.type), GpuDnnSoftmax (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 408 GpuDnnSoftmaxBase (class in 420 theano.gpuarray.dnn), 408 GpuCAReduce (in module GpuDnnSoftmaxGrad (class in theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 397 theano.gpuarray.dnn), 408 GpuCAReduceCPY (class in 646 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 GpuDnnTransformerGradI (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 408 GpuDnnTransformerGradT (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 409 GpuDnnTransformerGrid (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 409 GpuDnnTransformerSampler (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 409 GpuDot22 (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 397 GpuElemwise (class in theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 398 GpuErfcinv (class in theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 398 GpuErfinv (class in theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 399 GpuEye (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuFromHost (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuGemm (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 397 GpuGemv (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 397 GpuGer (class in theano.gpuarray.blas), 397 GpuImages2Neibs (class in theano.gpuarray.neighbours), 401 GpuIncSubtensor (class in theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 399 GpuJoin (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuKernelBase (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuReshape (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuSoftmax (class in theano.gpuarray.nnet), 401 GpuSoftmaxWithBias (class in theano.gpuarray.nnet), 401 GpuSplit (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 GpuSubtensor (class in theano.gpuarray.subtensor), 400 GpuToGpu (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 390 grab_cpu_scalar() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), 422 grad() (built-in function), 221 grad() (in module theano.gradient), 431 grad() (theano.tensor.nlinalg.Eigh method), 608 grad() (theano.tensor.nlinalg.MatrixInverse method), 609 grad_clip() (in module theano.gradient), 432 grad_not_implemented() (in module theano.gradient), 433 grad_scale() (in module theano.gradient), 433 grad_undefined() (in module theano.gradient), 433 Index gradient (module), 429 GradientError, 429 Graph, 625 graph construct Apply, 153 Constant, 155 Op, 154 Type, 154 Variable, 155 gt() (in module theano.tensor), 514 guess_n_streams() (in theano.sandbox.rng_mrg), 451 module H h_softmax() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 564 hard_sigmoid() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 560 has_alias() (theano.gof.type.EnumType method), 378 has_type() (theano.gof.params_type.ParamsType method), 386 hash_from_file() (in module theano.gof.utils), 389 hash_from_ndarray() (in module theano.tensor.utils), 584 hessian() (in module theano.gradient), 434 Hint (class in theano.sandbox.linalg.ops), 447 HintsFeature (class in theano.sandbox.linalg.ops), 447 HintsOptimizer (class in theano.sandbox.linalg.ops), 447 History (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 371 HostFromGpu (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 391 hstack() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 478 I identity_like() (in module theano.tensor), 502 ignore_bug_before (config.config.warn attribute), 340 ignore_first_call (config.config.profiling attribute), 338 imag (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators attribute), 495 imag() (in module theano.tensor), 513 images2neibs() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours), 567 implicit (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 313 In (class in theano), 618 647 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 irecv() (in module theano.tensor.io), 597 In (class in theano.compile.function), 312 irfft() (in module theano.tensor.fft), 613 In (class in theano.compile.io), 317 iround() (in module theano.tensor), 517 inc_rstate() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams is_an_upcast() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 method), 449 is_equal() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), 423 inc_subtensor serialization, 308 is_in_ancestors() (in module theano.gof.graph), 364 inc_subtensor() (in module theano.tensor), 512 is_inverse_pair() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 include (Query attribute), 269 is_same_graph() (in module theano.gof.graph), 364 include_path (config.config.dnn attribute), 341 is_valid_value() (PureType method), 212 include_path (config.config.magma attribute), 342 (theano.gof.type.PureType including() (theano.compile.mode.Mode method), is_valid_value() method), 381 327 inf_is_error (config.config.NanGuardMode at- isclose() (in module theano.tensor), 514 isend() (in module theano.tensor.io), 597 tribute), 345 infer_context_name() (in module isinf() (in module theano.tensor), 514 isnan() (in module theano.tensor), 514 theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 392 infer_shape() (built-in function), 220 J infer_shape() (Op method), 246 jacobian() (in module theano.gradient), 434 init_gpu_device (in module config), 334 init_r() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature method), K 603 inline_reduce() (in module Kernel (class in theano.gpuarray.basic_ops), 391 kernel_version() (theano.gpuarray.basic_ops.GpuKernelBase theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 425 method), 390 inline_reduce_fixed_shared() (in module kron() (in module theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 425 inline_softmax() (in module L theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 426 inline_softmax_fixed_shared() (in module L_op() (theano.tensor.elemwise.Prod method), 589 L_op() (theano.tensor.nlinalg.MatrixPinv method), theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 426 610 Inplace, 625 L_op() (theano.tensor.slinalg.Cholesky method), inplace_allocempty() (in module 606 theano.gpuarray.opt_util), 422 L_op() (theano.tensor.slinalg.Solve method), 607 inplace_elemwise, 309 ldflags (config.config.blas attribute), 341 inplace_random, 309 le() (in module theano.tensor), 514 inplace_setsubtensor, 309 InplaceElemwiseOptimizer (class in length (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 616 library_path (config.config.dnn attribute), 341 theano.tensor.opt), 601 library_path (config.config.magma attribute), 343 inputs() (in module theano.gof.graph), 364 limit (config.config.traceback attribute), 348 insert (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 616 Linker, 625 int_division (in module config), 336 linker (in module config), 339 inv() (in module theano.tensor), 517 inv_finder (theano.compile.function.Function linker (theano.compile.mode.Mode attribute), 327 list_contexts() (in module theano.gpuarray.type), attribute), 316 420 InvalidValueError (class in list_of_nodes() (in module theano.gof.graph), 365 theano.compile.debugmode), 330 load() (in module theano.misc.pkl_utils), 440 invert() (in module theano.tensor), 516 io_connection_pattern() (in module load() (in module theano.tensor.io), 597 load_w() (in module theano.gpuarray.fp16_help), theano.gof.graph), 364 428 io_toposort() (in module theano.gof.graph), 364 648 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 max() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 496 max_and_argmax() (in module theano.tensor), 506 max_err() (theano.gradient.numeric_grad method), 435 max_inputs_to_GpuElemwise() (in module theano.gpuarray.elemwise), 399 max_pool() (in module theano.sparse.sandbox.sp), 484 max_pool_2d_same_size() (in module theano.tensor.signal.pool), 583 maximum() (in module theano.tensor), 516 may_share_memory() (PureType method), 213 mean() (in module theano.tensor), 509 mean() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 496 M memoize() (in module theano.gof.utils), 389 make_list (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 617 merge, 307 make_node() (built-in function), 218 merge_num_denum() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer make_node() (theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnTransformerGrid method), 600 method), 409 merge_two_slices() (in module theano.tensor.opt), make_node() (theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnTransformerSampler606 method), 409 MethodNotDefined, 388 make_node() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor1_dev20 mgrid() (in module theano.tensor), 521 method), 399 min() (in module theano.tensor), 507 make_node() (theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise min() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), method), 588 496 make_node() (theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse.SparseBlockGemv min_memory_size (config.config.profiling atmethod), 573 tribute), 337 make_node() (theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse.SparseBlockOuter min_peak_memory (config.config.profiling atmethod), 574 tribute), 337 make_thunk() (built-in function), 219 minimum() (in module theano.tensor), 516 make_value() (theano.gof.type.CDataType method), Mode, 625 372 Mode (class in theano.compile.mode), 327 make_variable() (PureType method), 212 mode (in module config), 337 make_variable() (theano.gof.type.PureType move_to_gpu() (in module theano.gpuarray.type), method), 382 420 make_view_array() (theano.gpuarray.subtensor.GpuIncSubtensor mpi_send_wait_key() (in module theano.tensor.io), method), 400 598 MakeVector (class in theano.tensor.opt), 602 mpi_tag_key() (in module theano.tensor.io), 598 map() (in module theano), 462 MPIRecv (class in theano.tensor.io), 596 matrix() (in module theano.tensor), 486 MPIRecvWait (class in theano.tensor.io), 597 matrix_dot() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 611 MPISend (class in theano.tensor.io), 597 matrix_power() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), MPISendWait (class in theano.tensor.io), 597 611 MRG_RandomStreams (class in MatrixInverse (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 609 theano.sandbox.rng_mrg), 448 MatrixPinv (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 610 mul canonicalization, 308 max() (in module theano.tensor), 506 mul specialization, 309 LoadFromDisk (class in theano.tensor.io), 596 local_add_mul_fusion() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 local_alloc_elemwise_assert (config.config.experimental attribute), 341 local_elemwise_fusion() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 local_elemwise_fusion_op() (in module theano.tensor.opt), 605 local_log_softmax, 310 local_remove_all_assert, 310 LocalOptimizer (built-in class), 264 log() (in module theano.tensor), 517 Lop() (in module theano.gradient), 429 lt() (in module theano.tensor), 514 Index 649 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 normal() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams mul() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 478 method), 449 Multinomial (class in theano.sparse.sandbox.sp2), nout (theano.gof.graph.Apply attribute), 358 484 multinomial() (in module NullTypeGradError, 430 numeric_grad (class in theano.gradient), 435 theano.tensor.raw_random), 579 numpy (in module config), 345 multinomial() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams nvcc_kernel() (in module method), 449 theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen), 427 multMatVect() (in module theano.sandbox.rng_mrg), 451 mutable (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 313 O ogrid() (in module theano.tensor), 521 N on_attach() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature method), 370 n_apply (config.config.profiling attribute), 337 on_change_input() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature n_ops (config.config.profiling attribute), 337 method), 370 name (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 312 name (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType at- on_detach() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature method), 370 tribute), 419 nan_is_error (config.config.NanGuardMode at- on_import() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature method), 370 tribute), 345 NanGuardMode (class in on_opt_error (in module config), 339 on_prune() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature method), theano.compile.nanguardmode), 332 370 ndim (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType aton_shape_error (in module config), 340 tribute), 419 ndim (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators attribute), ones() (in module theano.tensor), 502 ones_like() (in module theano.tensor), 501 492, 496 Op, 154, 625 ndim (theano.tensor.TensorType attribute), 491 Op (built-in class), 244 neg() (in module theano.tensor), 517 op_as_string() (in module theano.gof.graph), 365 neg_div_neg, 309 openmp (in module config), 336 neg_neg, 308 neibs2images() (in module openmp_elemwise_minsize (in module config), 336 OpRemove() (built-in function), 267 theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours), 568 ops() (in module theano.gof.graph), 365 neq() (in module theano.tensor), 514 OpSub() (built-in function), 267 nin (theano.gof.graph.Apply attribute), 358 Optimization, 626 nocleanup (in module config), 344 optimize() (Optimizer method), 263 Node (class in theano.gof.graph), 359 node_colors (theano.d3viz.d3viz.PyDotFormatter Optimizer, 625 Optimizer (built-in class), 263 attribute), 356 optimizer (in module config), 339 NodeFinder (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 371 nodes_constructed() (in module theano.gof.graph), optimizer (theano.compile.mode.Mode attribute), 327 365 nonzero() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators optimizer_excluding (config.config attribute), 343 optimizer_excluding (config.config.metaopt atmethod), 493, 496 tribute), 348 nonzero_values() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators optimizer_including (config.config.metaopt atmethod), 493, 496 tribute), 348 norm() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators optimizer_including (in module config), 343 method), 493 normal() (in module theano.tensor.raw_random), optimizer_requiring (in module config), 343 optimizer_verbose (in module config), 344 579 650 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 496 profile (in module config), 337 profile_memory (in module config), 337 profile_optimizer (in module config), 337 psd() (in module theano.sandbox.linalg.ops), 447 psi() (in module theano.tensor), 517 ptp() (in module theano.tensor), 511 ptp() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 496 Pure, 626 PureType (built-in class), 212 PureType (class in theano.gof.type), 378 P PureType.Constant (class in theano.gof.type), 378 pad_dims() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), PureType.Variable (class in theano.gof.type), 378 424 PyDotFormatter (class in theano.d3viz.formatting), Params (class in theano.gof.params_type), 385 356 params_type (theano.gof.graph.Apply attribute), 358 pydotprint() (in module theano.printing), 445 ParamsType (class in theano.gof.params_type), 385 python_constant_folding() (Op method), 247 patternbroadcast() (in module theano.tensor), 500 python_constant_folding() PatternSub() (built-in function), 267 (theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise PdbBreakpoint (class in theano.tests.breakpoint), method), 588 617 Q perform() (built-in function), 218 perform() (theano.gpuarray.elemwise.GpuElemwise qr() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 611 QRFull (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 610 method), 398 perform() (theano.tensor.nlinalg.EighGrad method), QRIncomplete (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 610 Query (built-in class), 269 609 perform() (theano.tensor.slinalg.CholeskyGrad R method), 606 permutation() (in module R_op() (built-in function), 224 R_op() (theano.tensor.nlinalg.MatrixInverse theano.tensor.raw_random), 579 method), 609 Poisson (class in theano.sparse.sandbox.sp2), 485 random_integers() (in module pool (module), 582 theano.tensor.raw_random), 579 pool_2d() (in module theano.tensor.signal.pool), 582 (in module pool_3d() (in module theano.tensor.signal.pool), 583 random_state_type() theano.tensor.raw_random), 578 pow specialization, 309 RandomFunction (class in pp() (in module theano.printing), 445 theano.tensor.raw_random), 578 preallocate (config.config.gpuarray attribute), 338 (class in preload_cache (config.config.cmodule attribute), RandomStateType theano.tensor.raw_random), 578 347 RandomStreams (class in Print (class in theano.printing), 443 theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams), print_active_device (in module config), 334 580 print_test_value (in module config), 346 RandomStreamsBase (class in PrintListener (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 371 theano.tensor.raw_random), 577 Prod (class in theano.tensor.elemwise), 588 RandomVariable (class in prod() (in module theano.tensor), 508 theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams), or_() (in module theano.tensor), 516 orderings() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 369 orderings() (theano.gof.toolbox.Feature method), 370 orphans() (in module theano.gof.graph), 365 Out (class in theano.compile.function), 313 out (theano.gof.graph.Apply attribute), 358 outer() (in module theano.tensor), 518 output_merge() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), 423 OutputGuard (class in theano.compile.ops), 323 Index prod() 651 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 reshape() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 492, 497 (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators reshape_chain, 308 method), 493 ravel_multi_index() (in module reverse (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 617 revert() (theano.gof.toolbox.History method), 371 theano.tensor.extra_ops), 593 real (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators attribute), rfft() (in module theano.tensor.fft), 613 rng (theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomVariable 496 attribute), 581 real() (in module theano.tensor), 513 RNNBlock (class in theano.gpuarray.dnn), 409 Rebroadcast (class in theano.compile.ops), 323 roll() (in module theano.tensor), 501 recv() (in module theano.tensor.io), 598 root (config.config.ctc attribute), 343 reduce() (in module theano), 463 reg_context() (in module theano.gpuarray.type), 421 Rop() (in module theano.gradient), 430 register_deep_copy_op_c_code() (in module round() (in module theano.tensor), 517 round() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators theano.compile.ops), 325 method), 493, 497 register_rebroadcast_c_code() (in module row() (in module theano.tensor), 486 theano.compile.ops), 325 register_shape_c_code() (in module row_scale() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 479 run_params() (theano.gof.graph.Apply method), 358 theano.compile.ops), 325 register_shape_i_c_code() (in module S theano.compile.ops), 325 register_specify_shape_c_code() (in module safe_json() (in module theano.d3viz.d3viz), 356 same_shape() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature theano.compile.ops), 326 method), 603 register_view_op_c_code() (in module sandbox (module), 446 theano.compile.ops), 326 sandbox.linalg (module), 447 relu() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 561 sandbox.neighbours (module), 447 remove (in module theano.typed_list.basic), 617 sandbox.rng_mrg (module), 448 remove() (in module theano.gof.utils), 389 remove_feature() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph scalar() (in module theano.tensor), 486 scalarconsts_rest() (in module theano.tensor.opt), method), 369 606 remove_gxx_opt (config.config.cmodule attribute), scan() (in module theano), 464 347 reoptimize_unpickled_function (in module config), scan_checkpoints() (in module theano), 468 sched (config.config.gpuarray attribute), 339 347 searchsorted() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), repeat() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 593 594 repeat() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators SearchsortedOp (class in theano.tensor.extra_ops), method), 493, 497 590 replace() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 369 replace_all() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), seed() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams method), 450 369 replace_patterns() (in module theano.d3viz.d3viz), seed() (theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams method), 580 356 selu() (in module theano.tensor.nnet), 562 replace_validate() (theano.gof.toolbox.ReplaceValidate send() (in module theano.tensor.io), 598 method), 371 separable_conv2d() (in module ReplaceValidate (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 371 theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 555 require (Query attribute), 269 (in module requiring() (theano.compile.mode.Mode method), separable_conv3d() theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv), 556 327 reshape() (in module theano.tensor), 498 581 ravel() 652 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 set_shape() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature simplify() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer method), 601 method), 604 set_shape_i() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature simplify_constants() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer method), 601 method), 604 simplify_factors() (theano.tensor.opt.Canonizer set_subtensor() (in module theano.tensor), 511 method), 601 set_value() (theano.compile.sharedvalue.SharedVariable single_stream (config.config.gpuarray attribute), 339 method), 311 SingletonType (class in theano.gof.type), 382 seterr_all (config.config.numpy attribute), 345 softmax() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 561 seterr_divide (config.config.numpy attribute), 345 softplus() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 561 seterr_invalid (config.config.numpy attribute), 346 softsign() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 561 seterr_over (config.config.numpy attribute), 346 Solve (class in theano.tensor.slinalg), 607 seterr_under (config.config.numpy attribute), 346 solve() (in module theano.tensor.slinalg), 608 sgn() (in module theano.tensor), 517 solve_lower_triangular() (in module Shape (class in theano.compile.ops), 324 theano.tensor.slinalg), 608 shape promotion, 307 solve_symmetric (in module theano.tensor.slinalg), shape() (in module theano.tensor), 498 608 Shape_i (class in theano.compile.ops), 324 solve_upper_triangular() (in module shape_i() (in module theano.compile.ops), 326 theano.tensor.slinalg), 608 shape_ir() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature method), sort() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 604 493, 497 shape_of_variables() (in module theano.tensor.utils), sp_ones_like() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 479 584 sp_sum() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 479 shape_padaxis() (in module theano.tensor), 499 sp_zeros_like() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 479 shape_padleft() (in module theano.tensor), 499 sparse (module), 475 shape_padright() (in module theano.tensor), 499 shape_tuple() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature sparse.sandbox (module), 482 sparse_block_dot() (in module method), 604 theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse), 575 ShapeFeature (class in theano.tensor.opt), 602 sparse_dot, 308 ShapeOptimizer (class in theano.tensor.opt), 604 shapes (theano.d3viz.d3viz.PyDotFormatter at- sparse_grad() (in module theano), 619 sparse_random_inputs() (in module tribute), 356 theano.sparse.tests.test_basic), 481 Shared Variable, 626 SparseBlockGemv (class in shared() (in module theano), 618 theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse), 573 shared() (in module theano.compile.sharedvalue), SparseBlockOuter (class in 311 theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse), 574 shared_constructor() (in module specialize() (built-in function), 271 theano.compile.sharedvalue), 312 SharedVariable (class in SpecifyShape (class in theano.compile.ops), 324 spectral_radius_bound() (in module theano.compile.sharedvalue), 310 theano.sandbox.linalg.ops), 447 SharedVariable (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType split_params() (theano.gpuarray.dnn.RNNBlock attribute), 419 method), 410 sigmoid() (in module theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 559 sigmoid_binary_crossentropy() (in module sqr() (in module theano.tensor), 517 sqrt() (in module theano.tensor), 517 theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 563 squeeze() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), 595 signal (module), 581 (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators simple_extract_stack() (in module theano.gof.utils), squeeze() method), 497 389 stack() (in module theano.tensor), 503 Index 653 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 tensor7() (in module theano.tensor), 486 stack_search() (in module theano.gof.graph), 366 TensorConstant (class in theano.tensor), 492 stacklists() (in module theano.tensor), 504 tensordot() (in module theano.tensor), 518 std() (in module theano.tensor), 510 std() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), TensorInv (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 611 tensorinv() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 612 498 StochasticOrder (class in TensorSharedVariable (class in theano.tensor), 492 TensorSolve (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 611 theano.compile.debugmode), 330 tensorsolve() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 612 Storage, 626 TensorType (class in theano.tensor), 490 strict (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 313 TensorVariable (class in theano.tensor), 492 StripPickler (class in theano.misc.pkl_utils), 440 structured_dot() (in module theano.sparse.basic), theano (module), 618 theano.compile.debugmode (module), 328 480 theano.compile.function (module), 312 sub() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 480 theano.compile.io (module), 317 subgraph_grad() (in module theano.gradient), 435 theano.compile.mode (module), 327 subquery (Query attribute), 269 theano.compile.nanguardmode (module), 331 Sum (class in theano.tensor.elemwise), 589 theano.compile.ops (module), 323 sum() (in module theano.tensor), 507 sum() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), theano.compile.sharedvalue (module), 310 theano.d3viz (module), 348 498 theano.d3viz.d3viz (module), 355 sum_scalar_mul, 308 theano.function, 626 SupportCodeError, 399 theano.gof.fg (module), 367 supports_c_code() (theano.gpuarray.elemwise.GpuCAReduceCuda theano.gof.graph (module), 357 method), 398 theano.gof.params_type (module), 383 SVD (class in theano.tensor.nlinalg), 610 theano.gof.toolbox (module), 371 svd() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 612 swapaxes() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators theano.gof.type (module), 371 theano.gof.utils (module), 388 method), 498 theano.gpuarray (module), 389 switch() (in module theano.tensor), 515 theano.gpuarray.basic_ops (module), 390 T theano.gpuarray.blas (module), 392 T (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators attribute), theano.gpuarray.ctc (module), 428 493 theano.gpuarray.dnn (module), 405 take() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), theano.gpuarray.elemwise (module), 397 493 theano.gpuarray.fft (module), 417 tensor (module), 485 theano.gpuarray.fp16_help (module), 428 tensor.elemwise (module), 585 theano.gpuarray.kernel_codegen (module), 425 tensor.extra_ops (module), 590 theano.gpuarray.neighbours (module), 401 tensor.io (module), 596 theano.gpuarray.nnet (module), 401 tensor.nlinalg (module), 608 theano.gpuarray.opt_util (module), 421 tensor.nnet.blocksparse (module), 573 theano.gpuarray.subtensor (module), 399 tensor.nnet.bn (module), 570 theano.gpuarray.type (module), 418 tensor.opt (module), 598 theano.gradient (module), 429 tensor.slinalg (module), 606 theano.misc.doubleop (module), 301 tensor.utils (module), 584 theano.pp() (in module theano.printing), 445 tensor3() (in module theano.tensor), 486 theano.printing (module), 441 tensor4() (in module theano.tensor), 486 theano.sandbox.linalg.ops (module), 447 tensor5() (in module theano.tensor), 486 theano.sandbox.rng_mrg (module), 448 tensor6() (in module theano.tensor), 486 theano.scan_module (module), 462 654 Index theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 TypedListConstant (class in theano.typed_list.basic), theano.sparse.basic (module), 475 615 theano.sparse.sandbox.sp (module), 482 TypedListVariable (class in theano.typed_list.basic), theano.sparse.sandbox.sp2 (module), 484 615 theano.sparse.sandbox.truedot (module), 485 theano.tensor.elemwise (module), 585 U theano.tensor.extra_ops (module), 590 ultra_fast_sigmoid() (in module theano.tensor.fft (module), 613 theano.tensor.nnet.nnet), 560 theano.tensor.io (module), 596 unbroadcast() (in module theano.tensor), 499 theano.tensor.nlinalg (module), 608 undefined_grad() (in module theano.gradient), 436 theano.tensor.nnet (module), 523 uniform() (in module theano.tensor.raw_random), theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv (module), 531 579 theano.tensor.nnet.blocksparse (module), 573 uniform() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams theano.tensor.nnet.ctc (module), 576 method), 451 theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours (module), 567 uniq() (in module theano.gof.utils), 389 theano.tensor.nnet.nnet (module), 558 Unique (class in theano.tensor.extra_ops), 590 theano.tensor.opt (module), 598 unpack() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature method), theano.tensor.raw_random (module), 577 604 theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams (module), 580 unpad_dims() (in module theano.gpuarray.opt_util), theano.tensor.slinalg (module), 606 424 theano.tensor.utils (module), 584 unravel_index() (in module theano.tests.breakpoint (module), 617 theano.tensor.extra_ops), 595 theano.typed_list.basic (module), 615 UnShapeOptimizer (class in theano.tensor.opt), 604 THEANO_FLAGS, 128, 286, 332, 622 unshared2d() (theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_conv.BaseAbstractConv THEANORC, 128, 332, 333 method), 535 tile() (in module theano.tensor), 501 update (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 313 timeout (config.config.compile attribute), 344 to_one_hot() (in module theano.tensor.extra_ops), update (theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomVariable attribute), 581 595 update_shape() (theano.tensor.opt.ShapeFeature toposort() (in module theano.gof.utils), 389 method), 604 toposort() (theano.gof.FunctionGraph method), 369 updates() (theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams trace() (in module theano.tensor.nlinalg), 613 method), 580 trace() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 494 transfer() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators V Validator (class in theano.gof.toolbox), 371 method), 498 value (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 313 transform() (LocalOptimizer method), 264 transpose() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators value (theano.gof.graph.Constant attribute), 359 value (theano.gof.type.PureType.Constant attribute), method), 498 378 true_dot() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 480 value_validity_msg() (theano.gof.type.PureType truncated_normal() (theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams method), 382 method), 450 values_eq() (PureType method), 212 Type, 154, 626 values_eq() (theano.gof.type.PureType method), 382 Type (class in theano.gof.type), 382 type (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators attribute), values_eq_approx() (PureType method), 212 values_eq_approx() (theano.gof.type.PureType 492 method), 382 typecode (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType atvar() (in module theano.tensor), 509 tribute), 419 Index 655 theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 var() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 498 Variable, 155, 626 Variable (class in theano.gof.graph), 359 variable (theano.compile.function.In attribute), 312 variable (theano.compile.function.Out attribute), 313 Variable (theano.gpuarray.type.GpuArrayType attribute), 419 variables() (in module theano.gof.graph), 366 variables_and_orphans() (in module theano.gof.graph), 367 vector() (in module theano.tensor), 486 verbose (config.config.metaopt attribute), 348 verify_grad() (in module theano.gradient), 437 version() (in module theano.gpuarray.dnn), 416 View, 626 view_roots() (in module theano.gof.graph), 367 ViewOp (class in theano.compile.ops), 324 vstack() (in module theano.sparse.basic), 481 W wait (config.config.compile attribute), 344 warn_float64 (in module config), 334 warn_input_not_reused (config.config.DebugMode attribute), 345 warn_no_version (config.config.cmodule attribute), 347 where() (in module theano.tensor), 515 work_dtype() (in module theano.gpuarray.fp16_help), 428 workmem (config.config.dnn.conv attribute), 342 workmem_bwd (config.config.dnn.conv attribute), 342 write_w() (in module theano.gpuarray.fp16_help), 428 X xor() (in module theano.tensor), 516 Z zero_grad() (in module theano.gradient), 438 zeros() (in module theano.tensor), 502 zeros_like() (in module theano.tensor), 501 zeros_like() (theano.tensor._tensor_py_operators method), 494 656 Index ... maintenance - this is as good as it gets :-) ” (theano- users, Aug 2, 2010) • Register to theano- announce if you want to be kept informed on important change on theano( low volume) • Register and post to theano- users... functionalities on top of Theano You can download the latest PDF documentation, rather than reading it online Check out how Theano can be used for Machine Learning: Deep Learning Tutorials Theano was featured... classroom (University of Montreal’s deep learning/ machine learning classes) CONTENTS theano Documentation, Release 1.0.0 CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE NEWS • 2017/11/15: Release of Theano 1.0.0 Everybody is encouraged

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2019, 01:28