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Introduction to artificial intelligence

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❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✶ Slides for the book Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Wolfgang Ertel Springer-Verlag, 2011 www.hs-weingarten.de/~ertel/aibook www.springer.com last update: October 31, 2013 Contents References Introduction 13 Propositional Logic 39 First-order Predicate Logic 76 Limitations of Logic 141 Logic Programming with PROLOG 161 Search, Games and Problem Solving 190 Reasoning with Uncertainty 246 Machine Learning and Data Mining 348 Neural Networks 509 10 Reinforcement Learning 588 Bibliography The RoboCup Soccer Simulator http://sserver.sourceforge.net Alpaydin, E.: Introduction to Machine Learning MIT Press, 2004 8.8, 9.6 Anderson, J.✴Pellionisz, A.✴Rosenfeld, E.: Neurocomputing (vol 2): directions for research Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 1990 9.8 Anderson, J.✴Rosenfeld, E.: Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988, Sammlung von Originalarbeiten (document), 1, 9.8 Bartak, R.: Online Guide to Constraint Programming 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Chang, C L.✴Lee, R C.: Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1973 3.9 Clocksin, W F.✴Mellish, C S.: Programming in Prolog 4th edition Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 1994 5, 5.8 Dassow, J.: Logik fuăr Informatiker Teubner Verlag, 2005 3.9 Diaz, D.: GNU PROLOG Universităat Paris, 2004, Aufl 1.7, fuăr GNU Prolog version 1.2.18, http://gnu-prolog.inria.fr 5.1, 5.8 D.J Newman, S Hettich, C.L Blake✴Merz, C.J.: UCI Repository of machine learning databases http://www.ics.uci.edu/\protect\unhbox\ voidb@x\penalty\@M\{}mlearn/MLRepository.html, 1998 8.8 ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻ Duda, R.O.✴Hart, P.E.: Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis Wiley, 1973, Klassiker zur Bayes-Decision-Theorie (document) Duda, R.O.✴Hart, P.E.✴Stork, D.G.: Pattern Classification Wiley, 2001, Neuauflage des Klassikers Duda✴Hart 7.6, 8.6, 15, 8.8 Eder, E.: Relative Complexities of First Order Calculi Vieweg Verlag, 1991 3.3 Ertel, W.✴Schumann, J.✴Suttner, Ch.: 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Semantik fuăr Nicht-Monotones Schlieòen Muănchen: CS-Press, 1996, Dissertationen zur Informatik ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✶✵ Schulz, S.: E – A Brainiac Theorem Prover Journal of AI Communications, 15 2002, Nr 2/3, 111–126, www4.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/\protect\ unhbox\voidb@x\penalty\@M\{}schulz/WORK/eprover.html 3.6, 3.7 Schumann, J.: Automated Theorem Proving in Software Engineering Springer Verlag, 2001 3.8 Scho ălkopf, S.Smola, A.: Learning with Kernels: Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization, and Beyond MIT Press, 2002 9.6 Sejnowski, T.J.✴Rosenberg, C.R.: NETtalk: a parallel network that learns to read aloud The John Hopkins University Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Technical Report, 1986 (JHU/EECS-86/01) – Technical report, Wiederabdruck in Anderson✴Rosenfeld S 661-672 Siekmann, J.Benzmu ăller, Ch.: Omega: Computer Supported Mathematics In KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Springer Verlag, 2004, LNAI 3238, www.ags.uni-sb.de/\protect\unhbox\voidb@x\penalty\ @M\{}omega, 3–28 4.1 ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✸✽ Function approximation, Generalization and Convergence • continuous state variables ⇒ infinite state space • Table with V − or Q−values can not be stored explicitly Solution: • Q(s, a)-table is replaced by a neural network with • Input-variables s, a and Q-value as output • Finite representation of (infinite) function Q(s, a)! • Generalization (from finite training samples) Attention: No convergence guarantee any more because Theorem 10.2 only holds if all state-action pairs are visited infinitely often Alternative: any other function approximator ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✸✾ POMDP POMDP: partially observable Markov decision process: • many different states are recognized as one particular state • many states in the real world are mapped to a observation • Convergence problem with value iteration or Q-learning • Possible solutions:1, Observation Based Learning2 ✶ ❙✉tt♦♥✱ ❘✳✴❇❛rt♦✱ ❆✳ ❘❡✐♥❢♦r❝❡♠❡♥t ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣✳ ▼■❚ Pr❡ss✱ ✶✾✾✽✳ ✷ ▲❛✉❡r✱ ▼✳✴❘✐❡❞♠✐❧❧❡r✱ ▼✳ ●❡♥❡r❛❧✐s❛t✐♦♥ ✐♥ ❘❡✐♥❢♦r❝❡♠❡♥t ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ❯s❡ ♦❢ ❖❜s❡ r✈❛t✐♦♥✲❇❛s❡❞ ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣✳ ■♥ ❑♦❦❛✐✱ ●❛❜r✐❡❧❧❛✴❩❡✐❞❧❡r✱ ❏❡♥s✱ ❡❞✐t♦rs Pr♦❝❡❡❞✐♥❣s ♦❢ t❤❡ ❋●▼▲ ❲♦r❦s❤♦♣ ✷✵✵✷✳ ✷✵✵✷✳ ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✵ Application: TD-Gammon • TD-Learning (Temporal Difference Learning) utilizes states that are more far in the future • TD-Gammon: a program for playing backgammon • TD-Learning using a backpropagation network with 40 to 80 hidden neurons • The only reward: Scoring at the end of the game • TD-Gammon was trained within 1.5 million games against itself • Beat’s Backgammon grandmaster! ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✶ Other applications • RoboCup: with reinforcement learning a policy for the robot is learned, e.g dribbling3 • Inverse pendulum • Control of a Quadrocopter Problems in robotics: • extreme computation times in higher dimensional problems (many variables/actions • Feedback of the environment on real robots is very slowly • Better, faster learning algorithms are required ✸ ❙t♦♥❡✱ P✳✴❙✉tt♦♥✱ ❘✳❙✳✴❑✉❤❧♠❛♥♥✱ ●✳ ❘❡✐♥❢♦r❝❡♠❡♥t ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣ ❢♦r ❘♦❜♦❈✉♣✲❙♦❝❝❡r ❑❡❡♣❛✇❛②✳ ❆❞❛♣t✐✈❡ ❇❡❤❛✈✐♦r✱ ✷✵✵✺❀ ❚❤❡ ❘♦❜♦❈✉♣ ❙♦❝❝❡r ❙✐♠✉❧❛t♦r✳ http://sserver.sourceforge.net✳ ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✷ Landing of air planes [Russ Tedrake, IROS 08] ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✸ Birds don’t solve Navier-Stokes! [Russ Tedrake, IROS 08] ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✹ Birds don’t solve Navier-Stokes! [Russ Tedrake, IROS 08] ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✺ Birds don’t solve Navier-Stokes! [Russ Tedrake, IROS 08] ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✻ Curse of dimensionality • Problem: high dimensional state- and action spaces Solution methods: • Learning in nature happens on many abstraction layers • Computer Science: every learned skill is encapsulated in a module • Action space is scaled down • States are abstracted • Hierachical learning Barto✴Mahadevan • distributed learning (Centipede, a brain for each leg) ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✼ Curse of dimensionality, other ideas • Human brain is at birth no tabula rasa • Good initial policy for a robot? • Classical programming • Reinforcement learning • Trainer offers additional feedback • or: • Learning from demonstration (learning with a teacher) • Reinforcement learning Billard ❡t ❛❧✳ • Trainer offers additional feedback ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✽ Current state of research • Fitted Value Iteration • Connecting reinforcement learning with imitation learning • Policy Gradient Methods • Actor Critic Methods • Natural Gradient Methods ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✹✾ Fitted Value Iteration 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: Randomly sample m states from the MDP Ψ=0 n = the number of available actions in A repeat for i = → m for j = → n ´ (i) (j) q(a) = R(s ) + γV (s ) end for y (i) = maxj q(a) end for m (i) T (i) Ψ = arg minΨ i=1 (y − Ψ Φ(s )) until Ψ Converges ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✺✵ www.teachingbox.org • reinforcement learning algorithms: • value iteration • Q(λ), SARSA(λ) • TD(λ) • tabular and function approximation versions • actor critic • tile coding • locally weighted regression • Example Environments: • mountain car ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ • gridworld (with editor), windy gridworld • dicegame • n armed bandit • pole swing up ✻✺✶ ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✻✺✷ Literatur • First introduction: Mitchell, ❚✳ ▼❛❝❤✐♥❡ ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣✳ ▼❝●r❛✇ ❍✐❧❧✱ ✶✾✾✼ • Standard work: Sutton, ❘✳✴❇❛rt♦✱ ❆✳ ❘❡✐♥❢♦r❝❡♠❡♥t ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣✳ ▼■❚ Pr❡ss✱ ✶✾✾✽ • Overview: Kaelbling, ▲✳P✳✴▲✐tt♠❛♥✱ ▼✳▲✳✴▼♦♦r❡✱ ❆✳P✳ ❘❡✐♥❢♦r❝❡♠❡♥t ▲❡❛r♥✐♥❣✿ ❆ ❙✉r✈❡②✳ ❏♦✉r♥❛❧ ♦❢ ❆rt✐✜❝✐❛❧ ■♥t❡❧❧✐❣❡♥❝❡ ❘❡s❡❛r❝❤✱ ✹ ✶✾✾✻ ... Philipp Reclam, 1994 (document) Chapter Introduction ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✶✶✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✶✹ What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) • What is intelligence? • How can intelligence be measured? • How does our... Advances in Artificial Intelligence Springer Verlag, 2004, LNAI 3238, www.ags.uni-sb.de/protectunhboxvoidb@xpenalty @M{}omega, 3–28 4.1 ❈♦♣②r✐❣❤t ➞ ✷✵✵✾✱ ❲✳ ❊rt❡❧ ✶✶ Stone, P.✴Sutton, R.S.✴Kuhlmann,... Automated Deduction Springer-Verlag, LNAI 449, 1990, 470–484 4.1, 4, Sutton, R.✴Barto, A.: Reinforcement Learning MIT Press, 1998, www.cs.ualberta.ca/protectunhboxvoidb@xpenalty@M {}sutton/book/the-book.html

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2019, 01:26