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Ubuntu unleashed 2010 edition, 5th edition

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  • Sams - Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition (January 2010) (ATTiCA)

  • Contents at a Glance

  • Table of Contents

  • About the Authors

  • Dedication

  • Acknowledgments

  • Introduction

  • Part I: Installation and Configuration

    • 1 Installing Ubuntu

      • Before You Begin the Installation

      • Step-by-Step Installation

      • Reference

    • 2 Post-Installation Configuration

      • Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Problems

      • The sudo command

      • First Update

      • Configuring Software Repositories

      • Installing Graphics Drivers

      • Changing Ubuntu’s Look and Feel

      • Preferred Behaviors

      • Input Devices

      • Detecting and Configuring a Modem

      • Configuring Power Management in Ubuntu

      • Setting the Date and Time

      • Configuring and Using CD, DVD, and CD-RW Drives

      • Configuring Wireless Networks

      • Reference

    • 3 Working with Gnome

      • The Gnome Desktop Environment

      • Eye Candy for the Masses

      • Basic X Concepts

      • Using X

      • Starting X

      • KDE—The Other Environment

      • XFce

      • Reference

    • 4 Command Line Quickstart

      • What Is the Command Line?

      • Logging In to and Working with Linux

      • Using the Text Editors

      • Working with Permissions

      • Working as Root

      • Reading Documentation

      • Reference

  • Part II: Desktop Ubuntu

    • 5 On the Internet

      • Getting Started with Firefox

      • Choosing an Email Client

      • RSS Readers

      • Instant Messaging with Pidgin

      • Internet Relay Chat

      • Usenet Network Newsgroups

      • The Pan News Client Newsreader

      • Videoconferencing with Ekiga

      • Reference

    • 6 Productivity Applications

      • Introducing OpenOffice.org

      • Office Suites for Ubuntu

      • Productivity Applications Written for Microsoft Windows

      • Reference

    • 7 Multimedia Applications

      • Sound and Music

      • Graphics Manipulation

      • Using Digital Cameras with Ubuntu

      • Burning CDs and DVDs in Ubuntu

      • Viewing Video

      • Reference

    • 8 Printing with Ubuntu

      • Overview of Ubuntu Printing

      • Configuring and Managing Print Services

      • Creating and Configuring Local Printers

      • Reference

    • 9 Games

      • Linux Gaming

      • Installing Games in Ubuntu

      • Playing Windows Games with Cedega

      • Reference

  • Part III: System Administration

    • 10 Managing Users

      • User Accounts

      • Managing Groups

      • Managing Users

      • Managing Passwords

      • Granting System Administrator Privileges to Regular Users

      • Disk Quotas

      • Reference

    • 11 Automating Tasks

      • Running Services at Bootup

      • Beginning the Boot Loading Process

      • Starting and Stopping Services Manually

      • Scheduling Tasks

      • Basic Shell Control

      • Writing and Executing a Shell Script

      • Reference

    • 12 System-Monitoring Tools

      • Console-Based Monitoring

      • Graphical Process and System Management Tools

      • KDE Process- and System-Monitoring Tools

      • Reference

    • 13 Backing Up

      • Choosing a Backup Strategy

      • Choosing Backup Hardware and Media

      • Using Backup Software

      • Copying Files

      • System Rescue

      • Reference

    • 14 Networking

      • Laying the Foundation: The localhost Interface

      • Networking with TCP/IP

      • Network Organization

      • Hardware Devices for Networking

      • Using Network Configuration Tools

      • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

      • Wireless Networking

      • Beyond the Network and onto the Internet

      • Common Configuration Information

      • Configuring Digital Subscriber Line Access

      • Configuring Dial-Up Internet Access

      • Troubleshooting Connection Problems

      • Reference

    • 15 Remote Access with SSH and Telnet

      • Setting Up a Telnet Server

      • Telnet Versus SSH

      • Setting Up an SSH Server

      • The SSH Tools

      • Remote X

      • Reference

  • Part IV: Ubuntu as a Server

    • 16 File and Print

      • Using the Network File System

      • Putting Samba to Work

      • Network and Remote Printing with Ubuntu

      • Creating Network Printers

      • Using the Common UNIX Printing System GUI

      • Avoiding Printer Support Problems

      • Reference

    • 17 Apache Web Server Management

      • About the Apache Web Server

      • Installing the Apache Server

      • Starting and Stopping Apache

      • Runtime Server Configuration Settings

      • File System Authentication and Access Control

      • Apache Modules

      • Virtual Hosting

      • Logging

      • Other Web Servers for Use with Ubuntu

      • Reference

    • 18 Remote File Serving with FTP

      • Choosing an FTP Server

      • Installing FTP Software

      • The FTP User

      • inetd Configuration for wu-ftpd

      • Configuring the Very Secure FTP Server

      • Configuring the Server

      • Using Commands in the ftpaccess File to Configure wu-ftpd

      • Configuring FTP Server File-Conversion Actions

      • Using the ftphosts File to Allow or Deny FTP Server Connection

      • Using Commands for Server Administration

      • Reference

    • 19 Handling Electronic Mail

      • How Email Is Sent and Received

      • Basic Postfix Configuration and Operation

      • Using Fetchmail to Retrieve Mail

      • Choosing a Mail Delivery Agent

      • Mail Daemons

      • Alternatives to Microsoft Exchange Server

      • Reference

    • 20 Proxying and Reverse Proxying

      • What Is a Proxy Server?

      • Installing Squid

      • Configuring Clients

      • Access Control Lists

      • Specifying Client IP Addresses

      • Example Configurations

      • Reference

    • 21 Administering Database Services

      • A Brief Review of Database Basics

      • Choosing a Database: MySQL Versus PostgreSQL

      • Configuring MySQL

      • Configuring PostgreSQL

      • Database Clients

      • Reference

    • 22 LDAP

      • Configuring the Server

      • Configuring Clients

      • Administration

      • Reference

  • Part V: Programming Linux

    • 23 Using Perl

      • Using Perl with Linux

      • Perl Variables and Data Structures

      • Operators

      • Conditional Statements: if/else and unless

      • Looping

      • Regular Expressions

      • Access to the Shell

      • Modules and CPAN

      • Code Examples

      • Reference

    • 24 Working with Python

      • Python on Linux

      • The Basics of Python

      • Functions

      • Object Orientation

      • The Standard Library and the Vaults of Parnassus

      • Reference

    • 25 Writing PHP Scripts

      • Introduction to PHP

      • Basic Functions

      • Handling HTML Forms

      • Databases

      • Reference

    • 26 C/C++ Programming Tools for Ubuntu

      • Programming in C with Linux

      • Using the C Programming Project Management Tools Provided with Ubuntu

      • Using the GNU C Compiler

      • Graphical Development Tools

      • Reference

    • 27 Mono

      • Why Use Mono?

      • Mono on the Command Line

      • Building on Mono’s Libraries

      • Reference

  • Part VI: Ubuntu Housekeeping

    • 28 Securing Your Machines

      • Understanding Computer Attacks

      • Assessing Your Vulnerability

      • Protecting Your Machine

      • Viruses

      • Configuring Your Firewall

      • Forming a Disaster Recovery Plan

      • Keeping Up-to-Date on Linux Security Issues

      • Reference

    • 29 Performance Tuning

      • Hard Disk

      • Kernel

      • Apache

      • MySQL

      • Reference

    • 30 Command Line Masterclass

      • Why Use the Shell?

      • Basic Commands

      • Combining Commands

      • Multiple Terminals

      • Reference

    • 31 Managing Software

      • Using Add/Remove Applications for Software Management

      • Using Synaptic for Software Management

      • Staying Up-to-Date

      • Working on the Command Line

      • Compiling Software from Source

      • Reference

    • 32 Kernel and Module Management

      • The Linux Kernel

      • Managing Modules

      • When to Recompile

      • Kernel Versions

      • Obtaining the Kernel Sources

      • Patching the Kernel

      • Compiling the Kernel

      • When Something Goes Wrong

      • Reference

  • Part VII: Appendixes

    • A: Ubuntu Under the Hood

      • What Is Linux?

      • Why Use Linux?

      • What Is Ubuntu?

      • Ubuntu for Business

      • Ubuntu in Your Home

      • 64-Bit Ubuntu

      • Ubuntu on the PPC Platform

      • Getting the Most from Ubuntu and Linux Documentation

      • Ubuntu Developers and Documentation

      • Reference

    • B: Installation Resources

      • Planning Your Ubuntu Deployment

      • Hardware Requirements

      • Preparing for the Install Process

      • Partitioning Before and During Installation

      • Reference

    • C: Ubuntu and Linux Internet Resources

      • Websites and Search Engines

      • Usenet Newsgroups

      • Mailing Lists

      • Internet Relay Chat

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X-Y-Z

Nội dung

www.it-ebooks.info Andrew Hudson Paul Hudson Matthew Helmke Ryan Troy Ubuntu UNLEASHED 2010 Edition Covering 9.10 and 10.4 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA www.it-ebooks.info Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition: Covering 9.10 and 10.4 Copyright © 2010 by Sams Publishing All rights reserved No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein ISBN-13: 978-0-67233-109-1 ISBN-10: 0-67233-109-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is on file Printed in the United States of America First Printing January 2010 Trademarks All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized Sams Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this information Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied The information provided is on an “as is” basis The authors and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book or from the use of the CD or programs accompanying it Bulk Sales Sams Publishing offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales For more information, please contact: U.S Corporate and Government Sales 1-800-382-3419 corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com For sales outside of the U.S., please contact: International Sales international@pearson.com www.it-ebooks.info Acquisitions Editor Debra Williams Cauley Development Editor Michael Thurston Managing Editor Patrick Kanouse Project Editor Jennifer Gallant Copy Editor Paula Lowell Indexer Tim Wright Proofreader Leslie Joseph Technical Editor Dallas Releford Publishing Coordinator Kim Boedigheimer Multimedia Developer Dan Scherf Cover and Interior Designer Gary Adair Composition Mark Shirar Contents at a Glance Introduction Part I Installation and Configuration Installing Ubuntu 11 Post-Installation Configuration 25 Working with Gnome 51 Command Line Quickstart 79 Part II Desktop Ubuntu On the Internet 113 Productivity Applications 133 Multimedia Applications 153 Printing with Ubuntu 185 Games 197 Part III System Administration 10 Managing Users 209 11 Automating Tasks 233 12 System-Monitoring Tools 289 13 Backing Up 301 14 Networking 325 15 Remote Access with SSH and Telnet 371 Part IV Ubuntu as a Server 16 File and Print .381 17 Apache Web Server Management .407 18 Remote File Serving with FTP .439 19 Handling Electronic Mail 471 20 Proxying and Reverse Proxying 489 21 Administering Database Services 499 22 LDAP 525 www.it-ebooks.info Part V Programming Linux 23 Using Perl 537 24 Working with Python 561 25 Writing PHP Scripts 579 26 C/C++ Programming Tools for Ubuntu 613 27 Mono 625 Part VI Ubuntu Housekeeping 28 Securing Your Machines .639 29 Performance Tuning 651 30 Command Line Masterclass 663 31 Managing Software .689 32 Kernel and Module Management .701 Part VII Appendixes A Ubuntu Under the Hood 727 B Installation Resources 737 C Ubuntu and Linux Internet Resources .759 Index 769 www.it-ebooks.info Table of Contents Introduction Part I 1 Installation and Configuration Installing Ubuntu 11 Before You Begin the Installation .11 Researching Your Hardware Specifications 12 Installation Options 12 Planning Partition Strategies .12 The Boot Loader 13 Installing from CD or DVD 13 Step-by-Step Installation .13 Starting the Install .14 First Update 20 Wubi—The Easy Installer for Windows 22 Shutting Down 24 Reference .24 Post-Installation Configuration 25 Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Problems 26 The sudo command 27 First Update 28 Configuring Software Repositories .30 Installing Graphics Drivers 33 Changing Ubuntu’s Look and Feel .34 Changing the Desktop Background 34 Changing Colors 35 Modifying System Fonts 36 Changing How Menus Look .36 Visual Effects 37 Preferred Behaviors .37 Preferred Applications 37 Removable Drives and Media 39 Input Devices 39 Keyboard Shortcuts 40 Keyboard Layout 40 Mouse 41 Detecting and Configuring a Modem 42 Configuring a Serial-Port Modem .42 Configuring WinModems for Laptops 42 www.it-ebooks.info vi Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition Configuring Power Management in Ubuntu .43 Setting the Date and Time 44 Using the date Command 45 Using the hwclock Command 45 Changing the Time and Date 46 Configuring and Using CD, DVD, and CD-RW Drives 46 Checking Drive Assignment 47 Configuring Wireless Networks 48 Reference .49 Working with Gnome 51 The Gnome Desktop Environment 52 Gnome: The GNU Network Object Model Environment 52 Eye Candy for the Masses .54 Basic X Concepts 55 Using X 56 Elements of the xorg.conf File 57 Configuring X 62 Starting X 64 Using a Display Manager 65 Changing Window Managers 73 KDE—The Other Environment 77 XFce .78 Reference .78 Command Line Quickstart 79 What Is the Command Line? .79 Navigating Through the File System 83 Managing Files with the Shell .85 Working with Compressed Files 86 Use Essential Commands from the /bin and /sbin Directories 87 Use and Edit Files in the /etc Directory 87 Protect the Contents of User Directories—/home 87 Use the Contents of the /proc Directory to Interact with the Kernel 87 Work with Shared Data in the /usr Directory 89 Temporary File Storage in the /tmp Directory 89 Access Variable Data Files in the /var Directory 89 Logging In to and Working with Linux .90 Text-based Console Login 90 Logging Out 90 www.it-ebooks.info Contents vii Logging In and Out from a Remote Computer 91 Using Environment Variables 92 Using the Text Editors 95 Working with vi 96 Working with emacs 97 Working with Permissions 99 Assigning Permissions .100 Directory Permissions 101 Understanding Set User ID and Set Group ID Permissions 103 Working as Root 104 Creating Users 105 Deleting Users 106 Shutting Down the System .106 Rebooting the System 107 Reading Documentation 108 Using Man Pages 108 Reference .110 Part II Desktop Ubuntu On the Internet 113 Getting Started with Firefox .114 Choosing an Email Client 115 Evolution 116 Mozilla Thunderbird 118 KMail 120 Other Mail Clients .120 RSS Readers 120 Firefox 122 Liferea .122 Instant Messaging with Pidgin 123 Internet Relay Chat 124 Usenet Network Newsgroups 127 The Pan News Client Newsreader .128 Videoconferencing with Ekiga 130 Reference .132 Productivity Applications 133 Introducing OpenOffice.org .134 Configuring OpenOffice.org .136 Working with OpenOffice.org Writer .137 Working with OpenOffice.org Calc 140 www.it-ebooks.info viii Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition Office Suites for Ubuntu .144 Working with Gnome Office 146 Working with KOffice 149 Productivity Applications Written for Microsoft Windows .150 Reference .152 Multimedia Applications 153 Sound and Music 153 Sound Cards .154 Adjusting Volume 155 Sound Formats 156 Listening to Music .157 Graphics Manipulation .163 The GNU Image Manipulation Program 163 Using Scanners in Ubuntu 164 Working with Graphics Formats .166 Capturing Screen Images 168 Using Digital Cameras with Ubuntu 168 Handheld Digital Cameras 168 Using F-Spot .169 Burning CDs and DVDs in Ubuntu 170 Creating CDs and DVDs with Ubuntu’s Graphical Clients 172 Creating CDs from the Command Line 174 Creating DVDs from the Command Line .176 Viewing Video .178 TV and Video Hardware 178 Video Formats 180 Viewing Video in Linux 181 Personal Video Recorders 181 DVD and Video Players .182 Reference .182 Printing with Ubuntu 185 Overview of Ubuntu Printing 185 Configuring and Managing Print Services 187 GUI-Based Printer Configuration Quickstart 187 Managing Printing Services .188 Creating and Configuring Local Printers 189 Creating the Print Queue 190 Editing Printer Settings 192 Reference .195 www.it-ebooks.info Contents Games ix 197 Linux Gaming .197 Installing Proprietary Video Drivers 198 Installing Games in Ubuntu .199 DOOM 200 Unreal Tournament 2004 201 Quake 202 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 203 Battle for Wesnoth 204 Playing Windows Games with Cedega .204 Reference .205 Part III 10 System Administration Managing Users 209 User Accounts .209 The Super User/Root User 210 User IDs and Group IDs 212 File Permissions 212 Managing Groups .213 Group Management Tools .214 Managing Users 216 User Management Tools 216 Adding New Users .218 Monitoring User Activity on the System 219 Managing Passwords 220 System Password Policy .220 The Password File 220 Shadow Passwords .221 Managing Password Security for Users 223 Changing Passwords in a Batch 224 Granting System Administrator Privileges to Regular Users 224 Temporarily Changing User Identity with the su Command 225 Granting Root Privileges on Occasion—The sudo Command 227 Disk Quotas 229 Implementing Quotas .230 Manually Configuring Quotas 230 Reference .232 www.it-ebooks.info tar command-line backup software 820 options, 310 Fedora Core shells list, 247–248 restoring files from backups, 311–312 job-control commands, 249 tar streams, 317 maintaining shell strings with unexpanded variables, 265–266 tarballs, 86, 698 man pages, 248 targets, creating makefiles, 615–616 resolving variables in strings with embedded spaces, 264–265 tar command, 309–311, 322 tasks, automating shell command line, background processing, 252–253 batch job numbers, viewing, 244 scheduling tasks shell command line, input/output redirection, 248–252 at command, 242–244 shell command line, job-control commands, 249 batch command, 243–244 cron daemon, 245–247 scheduling tasks, 242 shell command line, pattern-matching, 248–250 shell scripts, 261–262 shell command line, pipes, 248–252 #! (shebang lines), 256–258 shell command line, positional parameters, 259–261 built-in variables, viewing, 263 system services operation at bootup commands as, 253 environment variables, 258 booting to default runlevel, 237 executing, 254–255 booting to nondefault runlevel, 237–238 positional parameters, accessing/retrieving command line variables, 259–261 booting to runlevel, 236 reasons for using, 253 special characters, list of, 263–264 controlling services via administrative tools, 239 storing for systemwide access, 255–256 init scripts, 238 testing, 262 init scripts, 239 trojan scripts, 255 initiating boot loading process, 234–235 user variables, 258 loading Linux kernel, 235–236 changing runlevels, 240 variables, accessing values, 259 manually starting/stopping, 241–242 variables, assigning values to, 258 troubleshooting runlevels, 240–241 system services operation at bootup, 234 variables, storing strings in, 259 writing, aliases, 254 Taylor, David, 154, 177 writing, comments, 253 TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), networking, 328 writing, text wrapping, 253 shells classes, 329–330 ` (backticks), replacing strings with output, 266 IP masquerading, 331 / (backslashes) as escape characters, 266 IPv4 addressing, 329–331 IPv6 addressing, 331 ports, 332 changing, 256 www.it-ebooks.info troubleshooting tcpdump command, Promiscuous mode, 645 tif graphics file format, 166 tcsh shell, 247 time command, 292 comparison of expression 821 file comparisons, 274–275 time-admin client, changing time/date settings, , 46 logical comparisons, 275 time/date resets number comparisons, 273 date command, 45 string comparisons, 272 hwclock command, 45 time-admin client, 46 repeat statements, 280 time/date resets, 44 test command file comparisons, 274–275 timewarp, 219 logical comparisons, 275 TiVo, 182 number comparisons, 273 token ring NIC (network interface cards), 335 string comparisons, 272 tools telinit command, changing runlevels, 240 Mono, 626–627 Telnet servers netpbm, 167 system-config-printer, 189–190 configuring, 371 top command, 293 versus SSH servers, 372 terminal client, 56 top shell command, 682–684 terminal multiplexers, 686 Torvalds, Linus, 702, 727 terminals, screen shell command, 686–687 touch command, 99 ternary operators (PHP), 591 tracking function time, 619 test command Transmeta, Inc., 727 file comparisons, 270–275 triggers, database comparisons, 510 logical comparisons, 271– 275 trim() string function, 597 number comparisons, 268–273 Tripwire security tool, 644–645 string comparisons, 267–272 Trojan horses, 644 test command, 267 trojan scripts, 255 troubleshooting testing programs (kernel) in /usr/src/linux-2.6 directory, 704 Internet connections, 368 shell scripts, 262 kernel runtime errors, 722 kernel compilation, 721 testparm command, testing Samba, 390 network connections, 339 text editors NIC, 341 emacs, 98–99 printers vi, 95–97, 557 legacy printers, 403–404 text wrapping, shell scripts, 253 print/fax/scan devices, 403 Thunderbird email client, 532 USB printers, 403–404 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com www.it-ebooks.info troubleshooting 822 runlevels, 240–241 DVD-based installations, 13 Ubuntu configurations, 26 first updates, 20–22 tune2fs command, file system optimiziation, 654 GRUB, 13 Tuxmobil-Mobile Unix website, 765 partitioning options, 12–13, 17 twm (Tab Window Manager), 76 passwords, 18–19 typecasting, Python number type conversion, 564 hardware requirements, 12 step-by-step guide, 14–20 networking in, 329 types field (ftpconversions file), 462 overview of, 730 U PPC, 733 shutting down, 24 Ubuntu versions, 731 64-bit, 733 Ubuntu Project configuring CD/DVD drive configurations, 46–47 date/time resets, 44–46 first updates, 28–30 modems, 42–43 power management, 43 software repositories, 30–33 sudo command, 27 troubleshooting, 26 wireless networks, 48–49 customizing desktop backgrounds, 34 desktop color, 35 input devices, 40–41 mouse configurations, 41 preferred applications, 37–38 Removable Drives and Media, 39 documentation, 733–735 for business, 731–732 for home use, 732–733 history of, 730 installing CD-based installations, 13 distribution options, 12 mailing lists, 767 website, 763 Ubuntu rescue disc, 320 UDP (Universal Datagram Protocol), 328 unexpanded variables (shells), 265–266 unicast addressing, 334 University of Helsinki, Finland, 727 Unix backup levels, 305–306 unless conditional statements (Perl), 546 unset() function, 604 until loops (Perl), 548 until statements, 279–280 Update Manager package updates, 699 software managment, 693 Ubuntu first updates, 20–22 updates, 20–23 network security, 648 software managment, 693 upgrading Apache Server file locations, 410 to other Ubuntu versions, 33 uplink ports, 338 www.it-ebooks.info virtual hosts, Apache Web server USB (Universal Serial Bus) var dump() function, 605–606 printers, troubleshooting, 403–404 variable substitution (PHP), 587 scanners, 166 variables troubleshooting, 747 class object variables in Python, 574 use function (Perl), 552 interactive interpreter (Python), handling in, 562 Usenet newsgroups websites, 766 Mono, creating, 629–630 posts to (Perl coding example), 555–556 Perl variables arrays, 540–541 user accounts, 81 hashes, 540–540 Fetchmail, configuring in, 481–483 special variables, 541 MySQL, adding to, 512 User configuration directive (Apache Server), 417–418 PHP variables, 580 arrays, 582–583 resources, 582 user information types of, 581 FTP servers, displaying, 464–465 variable substitution, 587 wu-ftpd servers, configuring, 452–455 shell scripts user information directives (ftpaccess configuration file) built-in, 258–263 displaying adminsitrator email address, 455 built-in, viewing, 263 displaying files, 453–455 environment, 258 displaying prelogin banners, 452 storing strings in, 259 last modification date notifications, 455–456 unexpanded variables, 265–266 user, 258 user jobs values, accessing, 259 /var/spool/cron directories, 246 values, assigning, 258 running, 245 Vaults of Parnassus website, 577 user variables (shell scripts), 258 vi command, 286 useradd command, 105 UserDir configuration directive (Apache Server), 419 vi text editor, 557 video cards, X Window System updates, 61 VideoLAN HOWTO, 182 users viewing FTP users, 442–444 batch job numbers, 244 granting, 224–229 UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cable, 337 built-in variables, 263 vim, 96 V virtual file systems, 87 values function, Perl hashes, 541 van Rossum, Guido, 561 823 virtual hosts, Apache Web server address-based hosts, 432 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com www.it-ebooks.info 824 virtual hosts, Apache Web server intranet websites, 433 documentation websites, 408 name-based hosts, 432–434 downloading, 409 virus scanners, 484, 646 file system access control, 422–425 visual effects, modifying, 37 file system authentication, 423–425 visudo command, 227 installing, file locations, 412 vmstat tool, 294 installing, from APT, 409–410 VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 378 installing, 409 vncviewer tool, 296 Internet security, 422 vsftpd command, 470 logging, common log format, 434 vsftpd servers logging, CustomLog directive, 435 anonymous access, controlling, 446 logging, 434 configuring, 445–448 mod_access module, 427 vsftpd, 470, 440 mod_alias module, 427 vulnerability assessments (security) mod_asis module, 427 Nessus, 641–642 mod_auth module, 428 Nmap, 642 mod_auth_anon module, 428 mod_auth_dbm module, 428 W mod_auth_digest module, 428 w command, 249 mod_autoindex module, 429 Wall, Larry, 622 mod_cgi module, 429 wallpaper, changing, 34 mod_dir module, 429 war driving, 643 mod_env module, 429 wav files, 156, 177 mod_expires module, 429 weaknesses, assessing (security) mod_headers module, 429 Nessus, 641–642 mod_include module, 429 Nmap, 642 mod_info module, 430 mod_log_config module, 430 Web searches Google website, 761 mod_mime module, 430 tips for, 760 mod_mime_magic module, 430 mod_negotiation module, 430 Web servers mod_proxy module, 430 Apache building source code, via configure script, 411 mod_rewrite module, 430 building source code, via ln command, 411–412 mod_sll module, 431 mod_setenvif module, 430 building source code, via rpm command, 411–412 development of, 407–408 mod_speling module, 431 mod_status module, 431 mod_unique_id module, 431 www.it-ebooks.info writing shell scripts mod_userdir module, 431 while statements, 277–279 mod_usertrack module, 431 whitespace, SQL commands, 504 mod_vhost_alias module, 431 wildcards, 85, 250 mod_vhost_alias module, 432 window managers, modifying, 73–76 optimizing, 656–658 825 Windows, productivity applications, 150–151 quick start guide, 412 Wine, 150–151 runtime configuration, configuration directives, 416–421 WinModems, laptop configurations, 42–43 runtime configuration, httpd.conf configuration file, 416 runtime configuration, MPM, 419 wireless networking, 336 advantages of, 359 choosing available protocols, 359–360 configuring, 48–49 security report websites, 409 encryption, 49 source code website, 410 starting/stopping, manually starting, 413-414 starting/stopping,/etc/init.d/apache2 script, 414–416 security, 642 access points, 643 OpenSSH tools, 643 support for upgrading, file locations, 410 iwconfig command, 357–358 usage statistics, 407 iwlist command, 357 version information, 409 iwpriv command, 357 via allow/deny directives, 422–423 virtual hosting, address-based hosts, 432–433 virtual hosting, name-based hosts, 432–434 Sun ONE, 436 iwspy command, 357 war driving, 643 wish command, 257 WITH PASSWORD segment (CREATE USER statement), 516 Zeus, website, 436 worker MPM (multiprocessing module), Apache Server configuration, 419 Zope, website, 436 WPA Personal encryption, 49 webcam command, 470 WriteLine() method, 629 welcome.msg files, 454 Writer (OpenOffice.org), 134 WEP encryption, 49 options, 139 whatis command, 85 styles and formatting, 139-140 WHERE clauses, SELECT statements, 505 writing shell scripts WHERE statements (SQL), 506 aliases, 254 whereis command, 85, 94 comments, 253 which shell command, 684 text wrapping, 253 while loops, 593 Perl, 548 Python, 571 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com www.it-ebooks.info wu-ftpd servers 826 Xfce desktop, 78, 656 wu-ftpd servers access control, configuring, 449–452 Xine, 182 ftpaccess file command, 448–460 permission control, configuring, 457–459 xinetd daemons, configuring for wu-ftpd servers, 444 system logging, configuring, 456–457 xorg.conf files user information, configuring, 452–455 Device section, 60–61 xinetd daemons, configuring for, 444 Files section, 58 InputDevice section, 59 X-Y-Z Module section, 59–60 Screen section, 61–62 X Window System X Window System configuration, 64 applying, 56–57 components list, 57–58 Xsane scanners, 165–166 components of, 57 Zeus Web server website, 436 configuring, 62 zImage directive display managers, 56 kernel compilation, 714 displayconfig-gtk client, 63–64 Zope Web server distributed processing, 55 website, 436 distribution components, 56 zsh shell, 247 elements of, 55–59, 62 hard drive requirements, 56 Module section, 59 Monitor section, 60 overview of, 55 references, 78 ServerLayout section, 58 starting, 64 via display managers, 65 websites, 765 xorg.conf file, 64 X-Chat, 124–125 x-x, shell pattern-matching searches, 250 X.Org Foundation, 728 X11, 51 xdm display manager, applying, 73 XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol), 68, 71, 377 www.it-ebooks.info This page intentionally left blank www.it-ebooks.info THIS PRODUCT informit.com/register Register the Addison-Wesley, Exam Cram, Prentice Hall, Que, and Sams products you own to unlock great benefits To begin the registration process, simply go to informit.com/register to sign in or create an account You will then be prompted to enter the 10- or 13-digit ISBN that appears on the back cover of your product About InformIT Registering your products can unlock the following benefits: • Access to supplemental content, including bonus chapters, source code, or project files • A coupon to be used on your next purchase Registration benefits vary by product Benefits will be listed on your Account page under Registered Products — THE TRUSTED TECHNOLOGY LEARNING SOURCE INFORMIT IS HOME TO THE LEADING TECHNOLOGY PUBLISHING IMPRINTS Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco Press, Exam Cram, IBM Press, Prentice Hall Professional, Que, and Sams Here you will gain access to quality and trusted content and resources from the authors, creators, innovators, and leaders of technology Whether you’re looking for a book on a new technology, a helpful article, timely newsletters, or access to the Safari Books Online digital library, InformIT has a solution for you informIT.com THE TRUSTED TECHNOLOGY LEARNING SOURCE Addison-Wesley | Cisco Press | Exam Cram IBM Press | Que | Prentice Hall | Sams SAFARI BOOKS ONLINE www.it-ebooks.info Try Safari Books Online FREE Get online access to 5,000+ Books and Videos FREE TRIAL—GET STARTED TODAY! www.informit.com/safaritrial Find trusted answers, fast Only Safari lets you search across thousands of best-selling books from the top technology publishers, including Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco Press, O’Reilly, Prentice Hall, Que, and Sams Master the latest tools and techniques In addition to gaining access to an incredible inventory of technical books, Safari’s extensive collection of video tutorials lets you learn from the leading video training experts WAIT, THERE’S MORE! 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