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Data analysis using SQL and excel

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www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page iii Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel® Gordon S Linoff Wiley Publishing, Inc www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page ii www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page i Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel® www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page ii www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page iii Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel® Gordon S Linoff Wiley Publishing, Inc www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page iv Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-09951-3 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by 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Department within the U.S at (800) 762-2974, outside the U.S at (317) 572-3993, or fax (317) 572-4002 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Linoff, Gordon Data analysis using SQL and Excel / Gordon S Linoff p cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-470-09951-3 (paper/website) SQL (Computer program language) Querying (Computer science) Data mining Microsoft Excel (Computer file) I Title QA76.73.S67L56 2007 005.75'85 dc22 2007026313 Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page v To Giuseppe for sixteen years, five books, and counting www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page vi About the Author Gordon Linoff (gordon@data-miners.com) is a recognized expert in the field of data mining He has more than twenty-five years of experience working with companies large and small to analyze customer data and to help design data warehouses His passion for SQL and relational databases dates to the early 1990s, when he was building a relational database engine designed for large corporate data warehouses at the now-defunct Thinking Machines Corporation Since then, he has had the opportunity to work with all the leading database vendors, including Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM With his colleague Michael Berry, Gordon has written three of the most popular books on data mining, starting with Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support In addition to writing books on data mining, he also teaches courses on data mining, and has taught thousands of students on four continents Gordon is currently a principal at Data Miners, a consulting company he and Michael Berry founded in 1998 Data Miners is devoted to doing and teaching data mining and customer-centric data analysis vi www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page vii Credits Acquisitions Editor Robert Elliott Vice President and Executive Publisher Joseph B Wikert Development Editor Ed Connor Project Coordinator, Cover Lynsey Osborn Technical Editor Michael J A Berry Copy Editor Kim Cofer Graphics and Production Specialists Craig Woods, Happenstance Type-O-Rama Oso Rey, Happenstance Type-O-Rama Editorial Manager Mary Beth Wakefield Proofreading Ian Golder, Word One Production Manager Tim Tate Indexing Johnna VanHoose Dinse Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Anniversary Logo Design Richard Pacifico Production Editor William A Barton vii www.it-ebooks.info 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 8/24/07 10:37 AM Page 631 Appendix ■ Equivalent Constructs Among Databases Microsoft CAST( as VARCHAR) mysql CAST( as CHAR) Note that VARCHAR does not work Oracle TO_CHAR() SAS proc sql PUT(, BEST.) The default puts the number into 12 characters For a wider format, use BEST (such as BEST20.) for the format Other Functions and Features These are miscellaneous functions and features that not fall into any of the previous categories Least and Greatest How you get the smallest and largest values from a list? IBM (CASE WHEN < THEN ELSE END) (CASE WHEN > THEN ELSE END) If you have to worry about NULL values: (CASE WHEN ELSE (CASE WHEN ELSE IS NULL OR < THEN END) IS NULL or > THEN END) www.it-ebooks.info 631 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 632 Appendix 8/24/07 ■ 10:37 AM Page 632 Equivalent Constructs Among Databases Microsoft (CASE WHEN < THEN ELSE END) (CASE WHEN > THEN ELSE END) If you have to worry about NULL values: (CASE WHEN ELSE (CASE WHEN ELSE IS NULL OR < THEN END) IS NULL or > THEN END) mysql LEAST(, ) GREATEST(, ) Oracle LEAST(, ) GREATEST(, ) SAS proc sql (CASE WHEN < THEN ELSE END) (CASE WHEN > THEN ELSE END) If you have to worry about NULL values: (CASE WHEN ELSE (CASE WHEN ELSE IS NULL OR < THEN END) IS NULL or > THEN END) Return Result with One Row How can a query return a value with only one row? This is useful for testing syntax and for incorporating subqueries for constants IBM SELECT FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 8/24/07 10:37 AM Page 633 Appendix ■ Equivalent Constructs Among Databases Microsoft SELECT mysql SELECT Oracle SELECT FROM dual SAS proc sql Does not seem to support this; can be implemented by creating a data set with one row Return a Handful of Rows How can a query return just a handful of rows? This is useful to see a few results without returning all of them IBM SELECT FROM FETCH FIRST ROWS ONLY Microsoft SELECT TOP FROM mysql SELECT FROM LIMIT www.it-ebooks.info 633 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 634 Appendix 8/24/07 ■ 10:37 AM Page 634 Equivalent Constructs Among Databases Oracle SELECT FROM WHERE ROWNUM < SAS proc sql proc sql outobs=2; SELECT ; Get List of Columns in a Table How can a query return a list of columns in a table? IBM SELECT colname FROM syscat.columns WHERE tabname = AND tabschema = Microsoft SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = AND table_schema = mysql SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = AND table_schema = Oracle SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = AND owner = www.it-ebooks.info 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 8/24/07 10:37 AM Page 635 Appendix ■ Equivalent Constructs Among Databases SAS proc sql SELECT name FROM dictionary.columns WHERE upper(memname) = AND upper(libname) = ORDER BY in Subqueries Is the ORDER BY clause supported in subqueries? IBM Apparently Supported Microsoft Partially supported — supported only when TOP is used in the select mysql Supported Oracle Not Supported SAS proc sql Not Supported Window Functions Does the database support window functions? IBM Not Supported Microsoft Supported www.it-ebooks.info 635 99513bapp01.qxd:WileyRed 636 Appendix 8/24/07 ■ 10:37 AM Page 636 Equivalent Constructs Among Databases mysql Not Supported Oracle Supported; called analytic functions SAS proc sql Not Supported Average of Integers Is the average of a set of integers, using the AVG() function, an integer or a floating-point number? IBM Integer Microsoft Integer mysql Floating point Oracle Integer SAS proc sql Floating point www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 637 Index A accurate method of calculating distance, 139–140 AGGREGATE operator, 16 APPEND operator, 15 array functions (Excel), 144 associations, 428 multi-way, 451–452 one-way, 431–433 evaluation information, 434–436 generating, 433–434 product groups, 436–441 sequential, 454–455 two-way calculating, 441–442 chi-square and, 442–448 zero-way, 429, 430–431 average value chart, lookup model, 485–487 averages comparing numeric variables, 301–306 moving average, best fit line, 525–528 standard deviation, 100–101 B before/after comparisons, 337 best fit line, 512 averages, 518 direct calculation of coefficients, 536–544 error, 517–518 exptected value, 515–517 formula for line, 515 goodness of fit, 532–536 inverse model, 518–519 LINEST( ) function, 528–532 moving average, 525–528 OLS (ordinary least squares), 514 R2, 532–536 residuals, 517–518 scatter plots, 521–522 tenure, 512–513 trend, 392–393 slope, 393–395 trend curves exponential, 522–524 logarithmic, 522–524 polynomial, 524–525 power, 522–524 weighted, 546–548 charts and, 548–549 637 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 638 Index ■ 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 638 B–C Solver and, 550–552 SQL and, 549–550 billing mistakes, 333 binary classification, 480–481 bubble charts, non-numeric axes, 421–422 C Calendar table, 191–192 cardinality, 7–8 Cartesian product of tables, 23 CASE statement, 30–31 censor flag, 246 censoring, 251–253 census demographics income, similarity/dissimilarity, chi-square and, 152–156 median income, 150–151 proportion of wealthy and poor, 152 Central Limit Theorem, 100 Ceres, least squares regression and, 514 charts, animation order date to ship date, 231–234 order date to ship date by year, 234–238 chi-square calculation, 124–125 confidence intervals, 123 demographics, 152–156 distribution, 125–127 degrees of freedom, 125–127 expected values, 123–124 deviation, 123 SQL and, 127–128 two-way associations applying chi-square, 442–445 comparing rules to lift, 445–447 negative rules, 447–448 Codd, E.F., 17 cohort-based approach to calculating tenure, 338–341 column alias, 19 column charts, 45–46 creating, 47–49 formatting color, 51 fonts, 50–51 grid lines, 51 horizontal scale, 51 legend, 50 resizing, 49–50 inserting data, 46–47 number of orders and revenue, 54–55 side-by-side columns, 52–54 stacked and normalized columns, 54 stacked columns, 54 columns See also Excel histograms, 60–64 for numeric values, 67–72 of counts, 64–66 summarizing columns, 88–89 one columns, 84–87 values, 59–60 in two columns, 79–84 comparisons, numeric variables, averages and, 301–306 competing risks, 321–322 examples of involuntary churn, 322–323 migration, 323–324 voluntary churn, 323 hazard probability, 324–326 survival, 326–327 conditional formatting (Excel), 479–480 confidence bounds, 304–306 statistics and, 112–113 constant hazards, 263 correlated subqueries, 37–38 counties, highest realtive order penetration, 175–177 counting combinations, 105 confidence and, 112–113 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 639 Index Null Hypothesis and, 112–113 probability and, 114–116 counts comparing by date, 193–197 customers, 362–364 customers by tenure segment, 227–231 customers every day, 224–226 customers of different types, 226–227 customers on given day, 224 orders and sizes distinct products, 198–201 dollars, 201–203 number of units, 198 county wealth, 170–172 wealthiest zipcode relative to county, 173–175 cross-joins, 23–24 CROSSJOIN operator, 16 customer signatures, 564–565 ad hoc analysis, 570 building driving table, 578–580 initial transaction, 584–586 looking up data, 580–583 pivoting, 586–594 summarizing, 594–596 customers, 565–566 data sources, 566–570 designing column roles, 571–573 profiling versus prediction, 573 time frames, 573–577 extracting features date time columns, 597–598 geographic location information, 596–597 patterns in strings, 598–600 predictive modeling, 570 profile modeling, 570 customers behaviors, summarizing, 601–609 couting, 362–364 customer information ■ C–D addresses, 360–361 gender, 351–354 names, 354–358, 354–360 number of, 349–350 one-time, products, 408–410 products, best customers, 410–413 purchases average time between, 367–368 increasing over time, 381–395 intervals, 369–370 span of time, 364–367 D data, structure, 2–12 data exploration, 44–45 data mining, 1–2 directed, 458 data, 459–463 directed models, 459 model evaluation, 465 modeling tasks, 463–465 data models, logical data models, physical data models, dataflows, 12–14 edges, 13 nodes, 13 AGGREGATE operator, 16 APPEND operator, 15 CROSSJOIN operator, 16 FILTER operator, 15 JOIN operator, 16 LOOKUP operator, 16 OUTPUT operator, 15 READ operator, 15 SELECT operator, 15 SORT operator, 17 UNION operator, 16 date time functions, 619–627 dates and times, 186–187 Calendar table, 191–192 comparing counts by date, 193–197 comparisons by week, 215–216 components, extracting, 187 www.it-ebooks.info 639 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 640 Index ■ 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 640 D–E converting to standard formats, 189–190 counts of orders and sizes, 197–203 DAY( ) function, 187 days of week billing by, 203–204 changes in by year, 204–205 comparison for two dates, 205–206 duration in days, 206–208 duration in months, 209 duration in weeks, 208–209 durations, 190–191 extrapolation by days in month, 220–221 HOUR( ) function, 187 intervals, 190–191 MINUTE( ) function, 187 MONTH( ) function, 187 month-to-date comparison, 218–220 number of Mondays, 210–213 SECOND( ) function, 187 storing, 188 time zones, 191 without times, 192–193 YEAR( ) function, 187 year-over-year comparisons comparisons by day, 213–216 comparisons by month, 216–224 DAY( ) function, 187 day-by-day comparisons, 213–216 demographics county wealth, 170–172 distribution of values of wealth, 172–173 direct estimation of event effect, 341–344 directed data mining data model set, 459–461 prediction model sets, 461–463 profiling model sets, 461–463 score set, 461 directed models, 459 model evaluation, 465 modeling tasks multiple categories, 465 numeric values, 465 similarity models, 463 yes-or-no models, 463–464 distance accurate method of calculating, 139–140 Euclidian method of calculating, 137–139 distribution of probabilities, 429–430 distribution of values of wealth, 172–173 duplicate products in order, 403–407 E earliest/latest values, comparing, 381–386 empirical hazards method, 297 entity-relationship diagrams, 2, 7–8 equijoins, 26–27 Euclidian method of calculating distance, 137–139 evidence models, probability, 495–497 likelihood, 497–498 odds, 497 Excel area charts, 57 array functions, 144 column charts, 45–46 (See also columns) creating, 47–49 formatting, 49–52 inserting data, 46–47 conditional formatting, 479–480 line charts, 56 link charts, 106–108 MapPoint, 179 maps, 177 reasons to create, 178–179 X-Y charts (scatter plots), 57–58 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 641 Index F FILTER operator, 15 first year values/last year values, comparing, 390–392 first/last values, comparing, 386–390 foreign keys, 8, 24 functions date time, 619–627 DAY( ), 187 HOUR( ), 187 mathematical, 627–321 MINUTE( ), 187 miscellaneous, 631–636 MONTH( ), 187 ranking functions, 372–373 SECOND( ), 187 string, 612–619 window functions, 385–386 YEAR( ), 187 G geocoding, 133 geographic hierarchies census hierarchies, 168–169 counties, 167–168 DMAs (designated marketing areas), 168 zip codes, wealthiest, 162–165 GIS (geographic information system), 145 H hazard calculation censoring, 251–253 constant hazards, 263 data investigation, stop flags, 245–249 empirical hazards method, 297 hazard and survival example, 262–267 hazard probability, 249–250 probability, competing risks, 326 probability for all tenures, estimating, 314–316 ■ probability for one tenure, estimating, 314 ratios, 307–308 interpreting, 306–307 reasons for, 308–309 retention calculation, 260–262 survival comparison, 262 survival, 253 calculating for all tenures, 254–256 calculating in SQL, 256–260 point estimate for survival, 254 hazards, proportional hazards regression, 300 histograms, 60–64 for numeric values, 67–72 number of units, 407–408 of counts, 64–66 cumulative, 66–67 homogeneity assumption, 239 HOUR( ) function, 187 I IN statement, 31–32 as a join, 36–37 INTERVAL data type, 190 item sets, product combinations examples, 419 households, 424–427 multi-way, 422–424 product groups, 420–422 two-way, 415–417, 415–418 J JOIN operator, 16 joins (tables), 22–23 cross-joins, 23–24 equijoins, 26–27 lookups, 24–26 nonequijoins, 27–28 outer, 28–29 www.it-ebooks.info F–J 641 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 642 Index ■ 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 642 L–N L labeling, points on scatter plots, 165 latitude/longitude, 134–135 degrees, 136–137 minutes, 136–137 scatter plots, 145–146 seconds, 136–137 left truncation effect of, 311–312 fixing, 313–314 recognizing, 309–311 time windowing, 316–318 right censoring, 318–321 life expectancy, 242–243 linear regression best-fit line, 512 scatter plots, 521–522 input variables, multiple, 552–560 tenure, 512–513 weighted, 544–552 LINEST( ) function, 528–532 link charts (Excel), 106–108 locations, distance between accurate method, 139–140 Euclidian method, 137–139 logical data models, look-alike models, 466–469 nearest neighbor model, 469–473 z-scores, 469–473 lookup model evaluating, 477 most popular product, group, calculating, 475–477 order size, 481–482 average value chart, 485–487 nonstationarity, 484–485 one dimension, adding, 482–484 probability of response accuracy, 490–493 dimensions, 488–489 overall probability as a model, 487–488 profiling, prediction and, 478–480 LOOKUP operator, 16 lookups, 24–26 loyality, 333–335 M many-to-many relationships, MapPoint, 179 market basket analysis histogram, number of units, 407–408 price, changes in, 413–415 products best customers, 410–413 duplicates, 403–407 one-time customers, 408–410 scatter plots, 402–403 mathematical functions, 627–321 maximum values, 72 metadata, minimum values, 72 MINUTE( ) function, 187 mode, 73 calculating SQL extensions and, 74 standard SQL and, 73–74 string operations and, 75–76 modeling look-alike models, 466–469 nearest neighbor model, 473–474 z-scores, 469–473 lookup models evaluating, 477 most popular product, 475–477 MONTH( ) function, 187 month-to-date comparison, 218–220 multi-way associations, 451–452 N Naive Bayesian models calculating, 498–499 generalization, 502–504 lookup models, 507–508 model of one variable, 500–502 probability, 495–497 likelihood, 497–498 odds, 497 scoring, 504–507 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 643 Index naming, variables, subqueries, 33–34 nearest neighbor model, 473–474 non-numeric axes, charts, 421–422 nonequijoins, 27–28 NOT IN operator, 38–39 Null Hypothesis, 93–94 counting and, 112–113 NULL values, nullability, number of units, histogram, 407–408 numeric variables, comparing, averages and, 301–306 O OLS (ordinary least squares), 514 Ceres and, 514 one-at-a-time relationships, one-time customers, products, 408–410 one-to-one relationships, one-way associations, 431–433 generating, 433–434 evaluation information, 434–436 product groups, 436–441 order penetration of county, highest, 175–177 outer joins, 28–29 OUTPUT operator, 15 P p-values, chi-square and, 125–127 partitioning, vertical partitioning, physical data models, prediction, profiling lookup model, 478–480 price raises, 335, 413–415 probability, distribution of probabilities, 429–430 products attributes, rules and, 452–453 customers, best, 410–413 duplicates, 403–407 number of units, histogram, 407–408 scatter plots, 402–403 ■ N–R profiling lookup model, prediction and, 478–480 proportional hazards regression, 300 purchases dataset, 11–12 Q queries, 2, 18 columns, 87 SELECT clause, 19 subqueries, 32–33 correlated, 37–38 IN operator, 36–39 NOT IN operator, 38–39 summaries and, 34–36 UNION ALL operator, 39–40 variable naming, 33–34 summary query, 20–22 R R2, 532–536 raising prices, 335 ranking functions, 372–373 ratios lower bounds, 122 proportions confidence interval, 120–121 difference of, 120–121 standard error, 118–120 READ operator, 15 relational algebra, 17 relationships, RFM analysis customer migration, 378–380 dimensions, 370–371 frequency, 374 limits, 380–381 methodology, marketing experiments, 377 monetary, 374–375 recency, 371–373 RFM cell, calculation, 375–377 right censoring, left truncation, time windowing, 318–321 www.it-ebooks.info 643 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 644 Index ■ 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 644 S S scatter plots best-fit line, 521–522 latitude/longitude, 145–146 non-numeric axes, 421–422 points, labeling, 165 products, 402–403 state boundaries, 180–182 SECOND( ) function, 187 SELECT clause, 19 SELECT operator, 15 sequential associations, 454–455 SORT operator, 17 SQL (Structured Query Language), customer survival, 256–260 ranking functions, 372–373 window functions, 385–386 state boundaries pictures of, 182–183 scatter plots, 180–182 statistics averages, 101–104 approach, 99–100 standard deviation, 100–101 basic concepts, 92 confidence, 94–95 normal distribution, 95–99 Null Hypothesis, 93–94 probability, 94–95 counting, 104–118 ratios lower bounds, 122 proportions confidence interval, 120–121 difference of, 121–122 standard error, 118–120 stratification, 298 string functions, 612–619 strings, values case sensitivity, 76–77 characters, 77–79 histogram of length, 76 spaces, 76–77 subqueries, 32–33 correlated, 37–38 IN operator, 36–39 NOT IN operator, 38–39 summaries and, 34–36 UNION ALL operator, 39–40 variable naming, 33–34 subscription dataset, 10 SUBSTRING( ) function, 19 summaries, subqueries and, 34–36 survival analysis, 240–242 See also hazard calculation average customer lifetime, 281–282 comparing survival over time, 272–278 competing risks and, 326–327 conditional survival, 272 confidence in hazards, 282–284 customer survival by year of start, 275 customer value calculations and, 284 estimated future revenue, 286–288 estimated future revenue for customers, 292–295 estimated revenue, 285–286 estimated revenue for customers, 289–292 examples of hazards, 243–245 forecasts, 335–337 hazards, changing over time, 273–275 life expectancy, 242–243 markets, 267–268 stratifying by, 268–270 summarizing, 267–268 median customer tenure, 279–280 medical research, 243 past survival, 275–278 point estimate, 278–279 stratification, 298 survival ratio, 270–272 www.it-ebooks.info 99513bindex.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 2:36 PM Page 645 Index T table alias, 19 tables, Calendar, 191–192 columns date-times, dates, numeric values, primary key, types, 6–7 joins, 22–23 cross-joins, 23–24 equijoins, 26–27 lookups, 24–26 nonequijoins, 27–28 outer, 28–29 NULL values, tenure, best fit line, 512–513 time See also dates and times time to next event calculation, 395–396 next purchase date, 396–397 time-to-event, 397–398 time-to-event, stratifying, 398–399 time windowing, 316–318 left truncation, right censoring, 318–321 time zones, 191 trend lines, moving average, 214–215 truncation, left effect of, 311–312 fixing, 313–314 recognizing, 309–311 tuples, 17 two-way associations calculating, 441–442 chi-square and applying, 442–445 comparing rules to lift, 445–447 negative rules, 447–448 heterogeneous associations product mixing, 450 state plus product, 448–450 ■ T–Z U UNION ALL statement, 30, 39–40 UNION operator, 16 V values earliest/latest comparison, calculating, 381–386 first/last, comparing, 386–390 variables, naming, subqueries, 33–34 vertical partitioning, W wealth See also income county, 170–172 distribution of values, 172–173 wealthiest zipcode realtive to county, 173–175 web, maps, 180 window functions, 385–386 Y YEAR( ) function, 187 Z ZCTAs (zip code tabulation areas), 133 zero-way associations, 429, 430–431 zip code tables, 8–9 zip codes classifying, 159–162 comparing, 159–162 finding all within a given distance, 141–143 finding nearest (Excel), 143–144 most orders in state, 165–167 not in census file, 156–157 wealthiest relative to county, 173–175 with/without orders, 157–159 Zipcode table, 134 latitude/longitude, 134–135 www.it-ebooks.info 645 ... Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page ii www.it-ebooks.info 99513ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 8/27/07 4:15 PM Page iii Data Analysis Using SQL. .. The Zip Code Tables Subscription Dataset Purchases Dataset Picturing Data Analysis Using Dataflows What Is a Dataflow? Dataflow Nodes (Operators) READ: Reading a Database Table OUTPUT: Outputting... Contents mysql Oracle SAS proc sql Power IBM Microsoft mysql Oracle SAS proc SQL Floor IBM Microsoft mysql Oracle SAS proc sql “Random” Numbers IBM Microsoft mysql Oracle SAS proc sql Left Padding

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