More traditionally, sushi is served on minimalist Japanese-style, geometric, wood or lacquer plates which are mono- or duo-tone in color, in keeping with the aesthetic qualities of this cuisine.
Many small sushi restaurants actually use no plates — the sushi is eaten directly off of the wooden counter, usually with one’s hands, despite the historical tradition of eating nigiri with chopsticks.
SitePoint Marketplace—The number marketplace for buying and selling web sites Rounded Corners 175 We’ve gained an extra corner! If adding paragraphs is really necessary, we’ll have to give the last paragraph some kind of class attribute, and add the background image to that element specifically Alternatively, all the paragraphs could be wrapped in another div But either way, you’re complicating your markup and CSS Figure 6.22: Multiple paragraphs cause problems NOTE CSS to the Rescue—the :last-child Pseudo-class When the day arrives that the majority of browsers implement CSS selectors— primarily the :last-child pseudo-class3—we won’t need to choose between the previously mentioned trade-offs We’ll be able to add the bottom-right corner image to the last paragraph using the following CSS: #feature p { padding: 1em 2em; color: #1B220F; line-height: 1.3; } #feature > p:last-child { padding-bottom: 2em; background: url(images/bottom_right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; } No superfluous div elements or class attributes there! Again, I’m not going to tell you that any of these options is right or wrong—it’s up to you to decide which you’ll use But the rule stands: the more flexible your box, both visually and in terms of its content, the more markup and style you’ll have to use to get the desired effect.3 SitePoint Marketplace—The number marketplace for buying and selling web sites 176 The Art & Science of CSS Rounding a Fluid Layout With the previous examples under our belts, let’s tackle the task of creating a fluid layout (or, liquid layout): one that expands horizontally based on browser window width Let’s revisit the markup: flexible-width-layout.html (excerpt) Cartography Corner …Copyright 2006 - Cartography Corner - All Rights Reserved
If we evaluate element locations to see which elements we can use for placing the corners, we see that both the header div and the h1 will touch only the top corners The footer div and the paragraph it contains will touch only the bottom corners The wrapper div could be used as a styling hook for any corner, but it doesn’t look like we’ll need to use it for that purpose Instead, we’ll use it for the expanding white background color In preparing the images, we’ll need to produce ones that are almost identical to those we used in the previous example, with one major difference When we styled the h1 element the last time we used this markup, we included the logo as a background image Because we can’t assign two background images to the same element, let’s combine the logo and the top-left corner into one graphic We’ll wind up with a layout that looks like Figure 6.23 Figure 6.23: Corner images for our liquid layout SitePoint Marketplace—The number marketplace for buying and selling web sites ... HostGator eats up the competition with their newly priced plans! 186 The Art & Science of CSS The thead, tbody, and tfoot Elements The thead, tbody, rows together A tbody and tfoot... eats up the competition with their newly priced plans! 196 The Art & Science of CSS Each column after the first is simply shifted over by the width of the previous cells The first... adding a dash of usability 182 The Art & Science of CSS In this chapter, we’ll spend some time gaining an understanding of the elements that go into the construction of a table