Setting the Initial Welcome Email Often you want to have an email that contains some basic information waiting for a new user While this feature is available from both the command line and the administrator's console, the documentation often only provides examples for the administrator's console, as it is much easier to do from the console Many customers want to configure this from the command line For more details, refer to Chapter 2 of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Administration Guide The following steps are required when the Messaging Server is running: Use su to go to mailsrv, where mailsrv is the UNIX or system user ID under which the Messaging Server is running Since you used "nobody" during the install: # su - nobody Change to the messaging instance for which you want to enable SSO, /msg-Home/msg-Instance/: # cd /msg-Home/msg-Instance/ # cd /A1000/demo6789/ims5/msg-sparc5-1 where msg-Home is the directory where the messaging software was installed, and Instance is the name of the messaging instance (install), often the hostname (short host name) Check the existing settings for the welcome message: # /configutil | grep gen.newuserforms Edit or create a welcome message (email format including headersminimum of subject): # vi welcome.txt You must at least have a "Subject: {subject}" header Example: "Subject: Welcome! This is a welcome message." is OK, but not: "This is a welcome message." Set the welcome message # /configutil -o gen.newuserforms -v < welcome.txt ...Check the existing settings for the welcome message: # /configutil | grep gen.newuserforms Edit or create a welcome message (email format including headersminimum of subject):... is OK, but not: "This is a welcome message." Set the welcome message # /configutil -o gen.newuserforms -v < welcome.txt