Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide ISBN:0738499455 by Whei-Jen Chen et al IBM Redbooks © 2003 (448 pages) This informative guide describes how to migrate the database system from Oracle to DB2 UDB Version 8.1 on AIX, Linux, and the Microsoft Windows platform It presents the best practices in migration strategy and planning, migration tools, and more Table of Contents Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide Notices Preface Chapter 1 - Introduction Oracle Migration Project Chapter 2 Planning Chapter 3 - MTK Chapter 4 - Porting with MTK Chapter 5 - Conversion Reference Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 - Data Conversion - Application Conversion - Script Conversion - Testing DB2 UDB Product Appendix A Overview Appendix B - Data Types Oracle Call Interface Appendix C (OCI) Mapping Converter for Appendix D SQL*Loader Appendix E - Terminology Mapping Appendix F - Example Oracle Database Appendix G - Additional Material Related Publications Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Examples Back Cover DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) has long been known for its technology leadership This IBM Redbook is an informative guide that describes how to migrate the database system from Oracle to DB2 UDB Version 8.1 on AIX, Linux, and the Microsoft Windows platform This guide presents the best practices in migration strategy and planning, migration tools, and practical migration examples It is intended for technical staff who are involved in an Oracle to DB2 UDB conversion project This Redbook provides migration planning guidelines, with step-by-step instructions for installing and using IBM Migration Toolkits (MTK) to port the database objects and data from Oracle to DB2 UDB It illustrates with examples how to convert the stored procedures, functions, and triggers Application programming and conversion considerations are discussed along with the differences in features and functionality of the two products In addition, you can find script conversion samples for data loading, database administration, and reports, which are useful for DBAs The testing section provides procedures and tips for conversion testing and database tuning Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide Whei-Jen Chen Fadel Fiani Marina Greenstein Stefan Hummel Ranjit K Kalidasan Ken Leonard Art Sammartino Artur Wronski Redbooks Step-by-step guide to migrate from Oracle to DB2 UDB V8.1 Conversion examples Step-by-step guide of MTK tool usage Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices" on page xv First Edition (November 2003) This edition applies to DB2 UDB Version 8.1, Fixpak 2, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, AIX 5.0, Linux Red Hat Version 8 Windows 2000 Server Copyright © International Business Machines Corporation 2003 ISBN:0738499455 All rights reserved Note to U.S Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp Notices This information was developed for products and 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planning process, and the available tools and resources Chapter 3 describes the IBM Migration Toolkits functions and installation procedures Chapter 4 discuss and demonstrates the conversion of database objects and the extraction and loading of data into a DB2 UDB database using the IBM Migration Toolkit Chapter 5 explores some tools and methods for manually converting the triggers, store procedures, and functions It also provide examples of implementing SQL features in DB2 UDB, and technics in building external procedures and functions using C/C++ and Java™ Chapter 6 discusses the data conversion methods for deploying the data from Oracle to DB2 database Chapter 7 describes the application conversion from an Oracle to a DB2 UDB environment including planning, Proc*C, OCI, Java conversion, and package application migration such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and Siebel Chapter 8 discusses the administration script conversion from an Oracle environment to a DB2 UDB environment including data Chapter 9: Testing Table 9-1: Aggregations for data migration verification Table 9-2: List of monitor switches and related DBM parameters Table 9-3: Common snapshot table functions Table 9-4: Parameters for AUTOCONFIGURE command Appendix B: Data Types Table 9-5: Oracle to DB2 data type mapping Table 9-6: SQL data types mapped to Java declarations Table 9-7: Mapping Oracle data types to DB2 UDB data types Appendix C: Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Mapping Table 9-8: Connect/initialize/authorize Table 9-9: Handles/descriptors Table 9-10: Transaction management Table 9-11: Bind/define/describe Table 9-12: Prepare/execute/fetch Table 9-13: Miscellaneous Appendix E: Terminology Mapping Table 9-14: Oracle Terminology to DB2 UDB mapping List of Examples Chapter 4: Porting with MTK Example 4-1: Create database Example 4-2: Example of the create database command Example 4-3: Create table space command Example 4-4: Creating a table space of type Large Example 4-5: Creating a table space to store indexes Example 4-6: Granting Create table privilege to user smith Example 4-7: Trigger InsertEmployee Oracle source code Example 4-8: Trigger InsertEmployee DB2 conversion code Example 4-9: Trigger ManagersChange Oracle source Example 4-10: Trigger ManagersChange DB2 code Example 4-11: Alternative DB2 conversion of trigger ManagersChange Example 4-12: Trigger UpdateDepartments Oracle source code Example 4-13: DB2 conversion of trigger UpdateDepartments Example 4-14: InsertEmployee.db2 Example 4-15: EmployeeDynamicQuery Oracle source code Example 4-16: Converted DB2 code of Procedure EmployeeDynamicQuery Example 4-17: SelectRow Oracle source Example 4-18: SelectRow DB2 conversion Chapter 5: Conversion Reference Example 5-1: Simple Oracle trigger Example 5-2: Simple DB2 trigger Example 5-3: Oracle trigger with DML command Example 5-4: DB2 trigger with DML command Example 5-5: PL/SQL procedure with usage of DBMS_SQL Example 5-6: PL/SQL procedure with usage of native dynamic SQL Example 5-7: SQL PL procedure with native dynamic SQL Example 5-8: Dynamic UPDATE with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Example 5-9: Dynamic UPDATE with EXECUTE and PREPARE Example 5-10: Java User Defined Function with dynamic SQL Example 5-11: Oracle procedure with explicit cursor Example 5-12: DB2 store procedure with cursor Example 5-13: Function with an explicit cursor in Oracle Example 5-14: Conversion using a FOR LOOP in DB2 Example 5-15: Oracle code using nested table Example 5-16: DB2 UDB code using DGTT Example 5-17: Efficient DB2 UDB code using DGTT Example 5-18: DB2 UDB code using INSERT INTO Example 5-19: PL/SQL procedure returns nested table Example 5-20: SQL Procedure returns multiple rows using CURSOR WITH RETURN Example 5-21: DB2 Store procedure calls AccountPackage.AccountList Example 5-22: Condition handler - SQL EXCEPTION Example 5-23: Condition handler - handle a long value Example 5-24: Condition handler - SIGNAL SQLSTATE Example 5-25: Oracle package with initialization Example 5-26: Oracle package with initialization as procedure Example 5-27: Definition of global variables in Oracle Example 5-28: Temporary table with global variables Example 5-29: Oracle hierarchical query Example 5-30: Computing of direct child data Example 5-31: Hierarchical query with entry point Example 5-32: Compute hierarchy level Example 5-33: Sample use of hierarchical query Example 5-34: Oracle outer joins Example 5-35: DB2 outer join conversion Example 5-36: Oracle code using RETURNING INTO Example 5-37: DB2 code using SELECT INTO Example 5-38: DB2 CODE using SELECT Example 5-39: DB2 dummy view for system information Example 5-40: Oracle function with a REF cursor Example 5-41: Conversion to a procedure with a Result Set in DB2 Example 5-42: Oracle procedure with Local function Example 5-43: DB2 Conversion of Oracle Procedure with Local Function Example 5-44: Stored Procedure in C Example 5-45: UDF Java source Chapter 6: Data Conversion Example 6-1: The script Example 6-2: The desc.awk script Example 6-3: The count.awk script Example 6-4: Procedure to export_ table data Chapter 7: Application Conversion Example 7-1: Passing data to store procedure Example 7-2: Oracle JDBC connection Example 7-3: DB2 JDBC connection Example 7-4: Java call of Oracle or DB2 UDB procedure with input parameter Example 7-5: Java call of Oracle procedure with result set Example 7-6: Java call of DB2 UDB procedure with result set Example 7-7: Java call of Oracle procedure with input parameter and result set Example 7-8: Java call of DB2 UDB procedure with input parameter and result set Example 7-9: Java of Oracle function with input parameter and result set Chapter 8: Script Conversion Example 8-1: SQL*Loader control file with fixed-format fields Example 8-2: DB2 UDB Load file for table ACCOUNTS Example 8-3: SQL*Loader control file with variable-length fields Example 8-4: DB2 load commend with variable-length fields Example 8-5: SQL*Loader control file with conditions for table ACCOUNTS Example 8-6: Export script in Oracle Example 8-7: BACKUP database script in DB2 Chapter 9: Testing Example 9-1: Sample IMPORT messages Example 9-2: LOAD messages Example 9-3: Turning integrity checking back on Example 9-4: Table for storing number of rows (Oracle) Example 9-5: Table for storing number of rows (DB2) Example 9-6: Sample table CK_ROW_COUNTS contents Example 9-7: PL/SQL program that generates scripts for counting rows Example 9-8: Explaining error codes Example 9-9: Example of db2diag.log file Example 9-10: Example snapshot Example 9-11: Resetting snapshot monitor counters Example 9-12: Displaying monitor switches Example 9-13: Updating monitor switches at instance level Example 9-14: Updating monitor switches at application level Example 9-15: Database manager snapshot Example 9-16: Lock snapshot Example 9-17: Table snapshot Example 9-18: Table space and buffer pool snapshots Example 9-19: Dynamic SQL snapshot Example 9-20: Sample snapshot table function Example 9-21: Sample snapshot table function Example 9-22: Sample snapshot table function Example 9-23: Storing snapshot data in a table Example 9-24: Creating sample event monitor Example 9-25: Generating table syntax for specified event monitor Example 9-26: Enabling event monitor Example 9-27: Creating event monitor with file option Example 9-28: Formatting event monitor output files Example 9-29: Checking for current page allocation status Example 9-30: Enabling multi page allocation Example 9-31: Relocation of logical logs Example 9-32: Updating IO related processes Example 9-33: Increasing buffer pools Example 9-34: Resizing the transactional log Example 9-35: Invoking snapshot for locks on database sample Example 9-36: Lock escalation message in db2diag.log file Example 9-37: Current usage of log space by applications Example 9-38: Checking log I/O activity Example 9-39: Autoconfigure command Example 9-40: Finding indexes for particular query Appendix D: Converter for SQL*Loader Example 9-41: Conversion of Oracle control file to DB2 load command Example 9-42: Generation of additional DB2 update commands ... Drew Bradstock, Ted Wasserman, Bill Wilkins IBM DB2 UDB Consulting Services, Toronto Laboratory Alex Jarzebowicz IBM Data Management User Technology, IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory Dan Simchuk IBM World Wide Consulting - Data Management group... Chapter 8 discusses the administration script conversion from an Oracle environment to a DB2 UDB environment including data load script conversion, administration script conversion, and report tools available to DB2 Chapter 9 describes the test objectives and a generic testing... Art Sammartino Artur Wronski Redbooks ibm. com/redbooks Step-by-step guide to migrate from Oracle to DB2 UDB V8.1 Conversion examples Step-by-step guide of MTK tool usage Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read