This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Perl for Oracle DBAs By Andy Duncan, Jared Still of • Table Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: August 2002 ISBN: 0-596-00210-6 Pages: 620 Slots: Perl is a very powerful tool for Oracle database administrators, but too few DBAs realize how helpful Perl can be in managing, monitoring, and tuning Oracle9i, Oracle8i, and earlier databases You don't need to be a Perl expert to reap the rewards of reading Perl for Oracle DBAs The book explains what you need to know about Perl, profiles the best Perl open source applications available to DBAs, and provides the Perl DBA Toolkit, a comprehensive suite of ready-to-use scripts designed to ease the burden of Oracle database administration This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Perl for Oracle DBAs By Andy Duncan, Jared Still of • Table Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: August 2002 ISBN: 0-596-00210-6 Pages: 620 Slots: Copyright Preface Audience for This Book Which Platform and Version? Structure of This Book About the Perl DBA Toolkit and Examples Conventions Used in This Book Comments and Questions Acknowledgments Part I: Introducing Perl for Oracle Chapter Perl Meets Oracle Section 1.1 What is Perl? Section 1.2 The Perl/Oracle Architecture Section 1.3 Perl for Oracle DBAs Section 1.4 For Further Information Chapter Installing Perl Section 2.1 Installing Perl Section 2.2 Installing Perl DBI Section 2.3 Running Perl DBI Section 2.4 Installing Cygwin Part II: Extending Perl Chapter Perl GUI Extensions Section 3.1 Perl/Tk Section 3.2 OraExplain Section 3.3 StatsView Section 3.4 Orac Section 3.5 DDL::Oracle Section 3.6 SchemaDiff Section 3.7 Senora Section 3.8 DBD::Chart Section 3.9 SchemaView-Plus Section 3.10 Open Source Perl IDEs This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Section 3.11 Open Source Perl GUI Debuggers Chapter Perl Web Extensions Section 4.1 Apache Section 4.2 Oracletool Section 4.3 Karma Chapter Embedding Perl into Apache with mod_perl Section 5.1 mod_perl Section 5.2 Apache::OWA Chapter Embedded Perl Web Scripting Section 6.1 Embperl Section 6.2 Mason Chapter Invoking the Oracle Call Interface with Oracle::OCI Section 7.1 What is Oracle::OCI? Section 7.2 What Is OCI? Section 7.3 Installing Oracle::OCI Section 7.4 Coding with Oracle::OCI Section 7.5 The Future of Oracle::OCI Chapter Embedding Perl into PL/SQL Section 8.1 Communication Between Perl and PL/SQL Section 8.2 Embedding Perl Within Oracle Part III: The Perl DBA Toolkit Chapter Installing the PDBA Toolkit Section 9.1 Introducing the PDBA Toolkit Section 9.2 Toolkit Modules Section 9.3 Installing the PDBA Toolkit for Unix Section 9.4 Installing the PDBA Toolkit for Win32 Section 9.5 Configuring the PDBA Toolkit Chapter 10 Performing Routine DBA Tasks with the PDBA Toolkit Section 10.1 Managing User Accounts Section 10.2 Maintaining Indexes Section 10.3 Killing Sniped Sessions Section 10.4 Managing Extent Usage Section 10.5 Extracting DDL and Data Chapter 11 Monitoring the Database with the PDBA Toolkit Section 11.1 Monitoring the Alert Log Section 11.2 Monitoring the Databases Chapter 12 Building a Database Repository with the PDBA Toolkit Section 12.1 Repository Table Structure Section 12.2 Installing the Repository Section 12.3 Loading the Repository with Data Section 12.4 Reporting on Database Changes Section 12.5 Reporting on SQL Execution Plans Chapter 13 Extending the PDBA Toolkit This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Chapter 13 Extending the PDBA Toolkit Section 13.1 Modifying a Script in the Toolkit Section 13.2 Modifying a Module in the Toolkit Part IV: Appendixes Appendix A The Essential Guide to Perl Obtaining Online Information Running Perl Scripts Perl Variable Types: Scalars, Arrays, and Hashes Perl Contexts: Void, Scalar, List, and Boolean Program and Subroutine Parameters Perl References Perl's Object Orientation Appendix B The Essential Guide to Perl DBI DBI Class Methods Database Handles — Preparation Statement Handle Methods Database Handles — SQL and Cleanup Metadata Oracle-Specific Methods Appendix C The Essential Guide to Regular Expressions The Origins of Regular Expressions Built-in String Handling Functions Regular Expression Concepts Metacharacters Match Suffixes Appendix D The Essential Guide to Perl Data Munging What Is Data Munging? Data-Munging Example: An Inter-Database Transfer Numeric Modules Date Modules Conversion Modules XML Modules Colophon Index This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Copyright © 2002 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 O'Reilly & Associates books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use Online editions are also available for most titles ( For more information contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps The association between the image of thread-winged lacewings and the topic of Perl for Oracle DBAs is a trademark of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc Oracle® and all Oracle-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation, Inc in the United States and other countries O'Reilly & Associates, Inc is independent of Oracle Corporation While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Preface There are many books on Perl and many books on Oracle, but until now there have been no books dedicated to describing the relationship between these two popular technologies Our aim is to bridge the gap between the world's leading data-processing language and the world's leading database The Perl language was created with the goal of making "the easy things easy and the hard things possible." Oracle's ever-expanding purpose is to provide a complete database environment for the entire interconnected world This mission makes Oracle a tough taskmaster — and thus an environment ideally suited to Perl, because being an Oracle database administrator is one of the toughest jobs around Oracle DBAs need enormous intelligence, infinite patience, and considerable courage We think they also need Perl The Perl open source language is a many-splendored thing; you can write scripts with it, develop GUIs with it, create web sites with it, generate XML with it — and you can probably hang your towels from it! Perl fills data warehouses and runs on virtually every operating system around Perl is the toolkit without limitations, the salvation of your 24x7 lifestyle If Gandalf the Wizard were to choose a scripting language, he would choose Perl Our mission in this book is to show you how Perl can revolutionize your life as an Oracle DBA We'll focus on four aspects of the Perl/Oracle connection: The Perl language itself We'll introduce you to the Perl language, with its rich history and culture, present some language basics, and shine some light on CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, the main distribution point for Perl modules The Perl/Oracle architecture We'll introduce you to the modules that allow Perl programs to communicate with Oracle databases Perl applications for Oracle DBAs We'll profile about a dozen of the best ready-made applications written in Perl for use by Oracle DBAs These provide help with database administration, monitoring, tuning, and daily troubleshooting They also provide components you can use in your own Perl scripts, should you choose to add a little program development to your daily DBA routine The PDBA Toolkit We'll present, for your enjoyment, an Oracle database administration toolkit we've written ourselves The Perl Database Administration (PDBA) Toolkit contains nearly 100 Perl scripts and reusable modules that perform operations ranging from creating new Oracle users to monitoring the Oracle alert log to building a repository of database information for use in tuning and troubleshooting All of this code is available on the O'Reilly web site ( This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Audience for This Book If you're an Oracle DBA who is trying desperately to keep up with the daily demands of administering, monitoring, and tuning your Oracle databases, this book is for you We are Oracle DBAs ourselves, and we know how difficult your job can be This book provides both information and software that we hope will ease your burden Although the primary audience is Oracle DBAs, many DBAs end up being devel-opers from time to time, and there is no better language than Perl for writing those quick scripts Anyone doing Perl development will find Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Chapter 13, as well as the appendixes, particularly useful This book assumes no prior experience with Perl, though some knowledge of the language will help you get the most out of the material presented here Although the book's appendixes explore the essential syntax of Perl, Perl DBI (DataBase Interface), Perl's regular expressions, and Perl's data-munging modules, a complete Perl tutorial is beyond our scope Our goal here is to jumpstart your explorations into the intersection where Perl meets Oracle We'll provide plenty of suggestions for where to go next on your journey This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Which Platform and Version? Both Perl and Oracle run on virtually every hardware platform and operating system To demonstrate this ubiquity, we've used a wide variety of OS platforms and Oracle versions in the preparation of this book Oracle versions range from Oracle7.3 through Oracle9i OS platforms include Linux Red Hat 6, Linux SuSE 7.3, Solaris 8, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, and others We've focused on Unix and Win32 operating systems, but we've also included specific installation instructions for particular operating system variants when necessary Against this irresistible surge of platforms, our immovable rock is the Perl version we've used on all of these operating systems Perl 5.6.1 was the latest stable Perl release available as we wrote this book and developed the toolkit software We also used the most current stable version of Perl DBI, Version 1.20, in conjunction with Perl DBI's Oracle-specific driver module, DBD::Oracle (DataBase Driver for Oracle), Version 1.12 By the time you read this book, it's possible that the latest stable versions on the CPAN web site will have been upgraded, particularly if Perl itself is upgraded to Perl6, which was under development as we wrote this book We'll be updating our toolkit as an open source project in order to cope with any such Perl enhancements This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Structure of This Book This book is divided into four parts: Part I Chapter introduces the Perl language and explains why it is such a helpful language for Oracle database administrators It also provides an overview of the main components of the Perl/Oracle architecture Chapter describes how to install Perl on Unix and Win32 systems It also describes how to install Cygwin, a Unix-like development environment you can install on your Win32 machine Part II Chapter describes Perl/Tk, an extensive GUI-based toolkit for Perl, as well as a number of applications that provide Oracle DBAs with graphically oriented tools for performing database administration These include OraExplain, StatsView, Orac, DDL::Oracle, SchemaDiff, Senora, DBD::Chart, SchemaView-Plus, and a variety of Perl GUI integrated development environments (IDEs) and debuggers Chapter discusses the relationship between Perl and the Apache web server, and focuses on two Oracle applications that use a web browser as their user interface: Oracletool and Karma Chapter explains how the use of Apache's mod_perl module can greatly improve the performance of Perl web-based CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts used with Oracle This chapter also covers several related Apache modules: Apache::Registry, Apache::DBI, and Apache::OWA (used to connect mod_perl to Oracle's PL/SQL Web Toolkit) Chapter describes two applications, Embperl and Mason, that demonstrate the advantages of embedded scripting, a method that allows Perl code to be embedded within web pages These tools provide a mechanism for filling your production web pages with dynamic Oracle data and creating your own Oracle web tools, while separating content from design issues Chapter covers Oracle::OCI, a Perl module that provides a more extensive interface to Oracle's Oracle Call Interface (OCI) than is possible with Perl DBI Chapter discusses extproc_perl, a Perl module that communicates with the Oracle PL/SQL language's external procedure C library system (known as EXTPROC) This module and the others described here allow Perl code to be embedded directly in PL/SQL programs Part III Chapter introduces the components of the Perl Database Administration Toolkit (PDBA) and explains how to install it and build the toolkit's password server Chapter 10 describes the toolkit's Perl scripts that help DBAs perform day-to-day administration We'll cover managing user accounts, maintaining indexes, killing sniped sessions, managing extent usage, and extracting DDL (Data Definition Language) and data This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Chapter 11 describes the toolkit's Perl scripts that can be used to monitor both the Oracle alert log (containing database error and status messages) and the connectivity of the databases Chapter 12 describes the toolkit's Perl scripts that allow you to build a repository in which to store information about the many changes made to an Oracle database's tables, indexes, roles, schemas, and other objects Chapter 13 provides information that will be helpful if you decide to modify any of the scripts or modules in the toolkit We'll take a detailed look inside one of the toolkit's scripts and modules and illustrate how you can change it to suit your specific database administration needs Part IV Appendix A summarizes basic Perl syntax, including object-oriented features Appendix B presents the main Perl DBI application programming interface (API) functions Appendix C describes the basics of regular expressions (regexes), patterns of literals and metacharacters used extensively by Perl for pattern matching Appendix D summarizes the Perl data-munging modules that are helpful in formatting and transforming data for data warehouses and other such Oracle applications; it includes sections on numeric, date, conversion, and XML modules This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] qed program, regular expressions and queries, generic [See PDBA::GQ] question mark (?), Perl regex metacharacter 2nd question mark-question mark (??), Perl regex metacharacter quotas, setting while creating user accounts quote method (Perl DBI) This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] RaiseError attribute, connecting to Oracle databases via PDBA::CM recode library Red Hat Linux, installing Apache::OWA ref operator in Perl main return values of regexes [See regular expressions] registry, PDBA settings regular expressions 2nd altering operation of architectures capturing backreferences concepts data munging and guide to history of implicit use of $_ input left-to-right assumption match suffixes matching/Substitutin/translating metacharacters boundaries character class shortcuts escaped characters Perl and PL/SQL Web Toolkit qed\/ed\/vi resource for further information split operator -rep_report parameter_diff_rpt command -rep_start_date/-rep_end_date switches -report_list option ( reports comparing SQL execution plans of database changes predefined in performance statistics via DBD::Chart writing SQL, comparing Perl and SQL*Plus reverse function (Perl) rindex (Perl) role_privs_diff_rpt, reporting on changes to privileges role_privs_rpt, reporting on privileges role_rpt, reporting on roles roles, reports on rollback method (Perl DBI) rows fetching from arrays retrieving rows method (Perl DBI) RPC::PlClient RPC::PlServer This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] scalability, mod_perl scalar values, in Perl 2nd scheduled jobs, checking on SchemaDiff 2nd downloading installing running schemas comparing/generating zzz [See also SchemaDiff][See also SchemaDiff]2nd dumping, example of zzz [See also][See also] examining/saving [See SchemaView-Plus] tracking changes to [See PDBA repository reports, of database changes] SchemaView-Plus 2nd installing on Unix installing on Win32 scripts CGI [See CGI scripts] configuration files changing [See PDBA::ConfigLoad PDBA::ConfigFile] loading 2nd locating created by command for DBA tasks, avoiding cutting/pasting [See DDL::Oracle] PDBA Toolkit [See PDBA Toolkit scripts] Perl [See Perl scripts] web [See embedded web scripting] Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), modules used with security [See also passwords] batch job passwords and Cygwin and EXTPROC and ls() subroutine as example of risk OPS$ Oracle accounts Oracletool 2nd passwords and PDBA password server and PDBA Toolkit, script installation order Perl, web resource for security modules pwd.conf %instanceAuth data structure SELECT statements (Oracle) selectall_arrayref method (Perl DBI) selectall_hashref method (Perl DBI) selectcol_arrayref method (Perl DBI) selectrow_array method (Perl DBI) Senora 2nd DataDictionary plug-in, ls option downloading flexibility of installing options, Unix-style plug-ins, table of running This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot SQL*Plus and sequence_rpt, reporting on sequences serverName parameter ( sessions limiting resource consumption sniped, killing with PDBA Toolkit scripts SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter (Oracle) sleepTime parameter (kss.conf) Solaris installing Perl from prebuilt package installing StatsView on, ps -ef command zzz [See also StatsView, installing][See also StatsView, installing] Solaris installing Apache::OWA, Perl open source resource command-line options date options options and tags report-specific options -report_list option text options implementation of parameters PDBA-generated SQL used with, example of predefined reports reporting parameter changes viewing repository data split function (Perl) split operator (regex) sprintf function (Perl) formats for SPX report, comparing execution plans SQL cache, warning about excursions into collecting for PDBA repository execution plans [See SQL execution plans] execution, troubleshooting slowdown 2nd scripts [See SQL scripts] statements [See SQL statements] tracking in V$SQLTEXT data dictionary view 2nd SQL execution plans and cache examination [See OraExplain] comparing reporting on 2nd SQL explain plan [See SXP] SQL Query Tool SQL scripts adding to Oracletool created by command repository of [See Orac] SQL statements binding parameters to collecting/storing from data dictionary examining 2nd generating XML files from number of rows processed by SQL*Loader This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot SQL*Net SQL*Plus alternative to [See Senora] dropping user accounts, limitations of Perl compared to Perl DBI tools Perl driver for Senora and writing ad hoc SQL reports SQL*Plus Driver [See] 2nd command-line options, table of features of square brackets ([]) Perl Perl regex metacharacter square brackets-caret sign ([^]), Perl regex metacharacter square brackets-exclamation points ([! !]), Perl in Embperl template square brackets-hyphens ([- -]), Perl in Embperl template square brackets-plus signs ([+ +]), Perl in Embperl template SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), modules used with tag ( STARTUP_EXTPROC_AGENT, debugging external procedures setup statement handle metadata, Perl DBI statement handles, creating statistics, gathering [See StatsView] StatsView 2nd downloading gnuplot installation PNG installation PNG, need for zlib installation installing ps -ef command sv program installing Tk::GBARR Storable downloading Storable package 2nd required by Mason Embperl on Unix, storing data structures in Perl interface with Apache strings functions for handling in Perl interpolated in Perl regexes subroutines, Perl scripts substitution operator, regexes substr function (Perl) suffixes of regexes sv program (StatsView) svplus program SXP (SQL explain plan) repository tables scripts 2nd 3rd command-line options password/privilege messages unique constraint error This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot 2nd 3rd example output 2nd 3rd sys_privs_diff_rpt, reporting on changes to system privileges sys_privs_rpt, reporting on system privileges SYSDBA/SYSOPER, login cases for with PDBA::CM This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] table_info method (Perl DBI) table_privs_diff_rpt, reporting changes to table privileges 2nd table_privs_rpt, reporting on table privileges table_rpt, reporting on tables 2nd tables analyzing via ANALYZE command dumping several [See] indexes on [See indexes] in PDBA repository, structure of Oracle data dictionary tables reporting on [See also reports, of database changes]2nd 3rd SXP repository tracking changes to [See PDBA repository] tables method (Perl DBI) tablespace_rpt, reporting on tablespaces tablespaces creating, PDBA repository installation locally managed reporting on taint mode in Perl scripts Template Toolkit templating [See embedded web scripting] installing testing extproc_perl mod_perl on Win32 text processing, modules for Text::Abbrev Text::ParseWords Text::Soundex throttleDelaySeconds parameter ( time/date information -dateformat option leap seconds in calendar modules parsing 2nd 3rd PDBA repository reports, changing in time/date utilities Time::HiRes, required by Mason TimeDate module 2nd XML::XMLtoDBMS and Tk::GBARR, installing Tk::JPEG DBD::Chart installation using Perl/Tk canvas applications with Tk::PNG, DBD::Chart installation TNS_ADMIN variable cm.conf and Oracletool and 2nd PDBA Toolkit and tnsnames.ora, setting up external procedures trace method (Perl DBI) tracing levels, table of translate operator, regular expressions This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot troubleshooting developer PDBA role/connect PDBA role SQL execution slowdown zzz [See also debugging][See also debugging] module TWO_TASK variable Oracle::OCI and PDBA Toolkit and type_info method (Perl DBI) type_info_all method (Perl DBI) TZ variable, Date::Manip and This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] uc\/ucfirst functions (Perl) %udat variable UltraEdit (Perl IDE) Unix administering [See StatsView] alert log on background programs configuring on configuring on configuring Karma on Karma OS monitor agent daemons creating in Perl resource for further information using in Perl directory for PDBA Toolkit scripts installing Apache on APACI installation directory for CGI scripts installing Apache::OWA on installing on locating/updating chkalert.conf installing Date::Manip on installing DBD::Chart on gd library and JPEG and required downloads required libraries required modules Tk::JPEG Tk::PNG installing DDL::Oracle on 2nd installing Embperl on installation modules required installing Karma on installation installation installing on installing Mason on modules required installing mod_perl on build options include paths modules required by optional SSL modules preinstallation security measure specifying mod_perl Apache library installing Oracle::OCI on errors in build, troubleshooting installing Oracletool on installing password server as daemon installing PDBA Toolkit on This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot account to install from Perl modules/scripts installation setting PDBA environment installing PDBAx on installing Perl DBI on installing Perl on from prebuilt package from source installing Perl/Tk on X Windows server access installing SchemaView-Plus on installing XML::Generator::DBI on installing XML::LibXML on installing XML::Parser on installing XML::XMLtoDBMS on running PDBA password server on running Perl scripts on shared objects upDays parameter (dbup.conf) upHours parameter (dbup.conf) URI module XML::Parser and "use strict" line in Perl code user accounts [See accounts] user_rpt, reporting on users username parameter (dbup.conf) %users data structure (pwd.conf) utilities in PDBA Toolkit [See PDBA module] development [See Oracletool] This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] V$INSTANCE parameter (pdbarep_grants.sql) V$PARAMETER parameter (pdbarep_grants.sql) V$SQLTEXT data dictionary table, tracking SQL in variables CGI environment, Apache::Registry and config, referring to by package name naming, Embperl syntax Perl DBI naming conventions Perl hash uninitialized lexical, Apache::Registry and version control system, reporting database changes and _version function (extproc_perl) vertical bar (|), Perl regex metacharacter vi program, regular expressions and This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] wantarray function (Perl) watchdogLength/Time parameter ( web data, storing persistent web extensions to Perl web forms handling via Embperl storing data associated with web servers [See Apache] web sites for downloading Perl, modules, tarballs, and items related to this book [See downloading] while loops, Embperl syntax Win32 alert log on background programs CGI scripts configuring on configuring Karma on configuring mod_perl on creating daemon in Perl 2nd DDLs directory for PDBA Toolkit scripts environment variables PPM and web resource for extproc_perl and installing Apache on directory for CGI scripts running Apache as console application installing Apache::OWA on installing on installing Date::Manip on TZ variable installing DBD::Chart on loading DBD::Chart for ActivePerl installing DDL::Oracle on installing Embperl on installing Karma installing on installing Mason on installing mod_perl on installing Number::Format on installing Oracle::OCI on ORACLE not available errors on Linux SuSE 7.3 precursor modules required installing Oracletool on securing installing password server as service installing PDBA Toolkit on additional Perl modules installation registry settings installing PDBAx on installing Perl DBI on installing Perl on local drives installing Perl/Tk on installing SchemaView-Plus on This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot Perl and Perl Apache modules, writing porting Unix applications to [See Cygwin] running Karma on Perl modules, extra running PDBA password server running PDBA password server on Windows NT 4.0/2000 running Perl on, Cygwin and running Perl scripts on service control application, Perl services sniped sessions, killing testing mod_perl on using services in Perl web resource for Apache Win32::Daemon 2nd 3rd and creating Win32 daemon in Perl PDBA password server and using Win32 services in Perl Windows 2000 installing on PDBA password server on starting alert log monitoring service starting kill sniped session service on Windows 95/98 MSI Microsoft Windows program installer Windows NT MSI Microsoft Windows program installer starting alert log monitoring service starting kill sniped session service Windows NT 4.0 PDBA password server This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] X PixMap (XPM), support for X Windows server, Perl/Tk Unix installation and XML (Extensible Markup Language) data parsing [See SchemaView-Plus] database facilities modules database facilities parsers XML::XMLtoDBMS XML-DBMS Version 2.0, forthcoming features XML::Dumper downloading installing XML::Generator::DBI installing on Unix XML::Handler::YAWriter XML::LibXML installing on Unix XML::LibXSLT XML::Parser XML::Parser::PerlSAX XML::XMLtoDBMS installing on Unix modules required by Oracle date format and XML sink input XML sink mapping XML source mapping XML source output XML::XPath XPM (X PixMap), support for XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) This document is created with a trial version of CHM2PDF Pilot [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] zlib program DBD::Chart and ... Introducing Perl for Oracle Chapter Perl Meets Oracle Section 1.1 What is Perl? Section 1.2 The Perl/ Oracle Architecture Section 1.3 Perl for Oracle DBAs Section 1.4 For Further Information Chapter... language Perl/ Oracle architecture We'll see how Perl connects to the Oracle database via the Perl DBI module, the DBD: :Oracle program, and Oracle' s own OCI product These modules interact to allow Perl. .. access to Oracle databases Perl for Oracle DBAs We'll discuss why Perl is a particularly appropriate language for Oracle DBAs to learn and use We'll also provide a list of additional Perl resources