01 shadowmarch tad williams

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01 shadowmarch   tad williams

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SHADOWMARCH Shadowmarch, book Tad Williams November 2, 2004 This book is dedicated to my children, Connor Williams and Devon Beale, who as I write this are still small but extremely powerful They amaze me every day Someday, when they are grown and their mother and I have ambled on to the Fields Beyond, I hope the two of them will be warmed by the knowledge of how fiercely we loved them, and a tiny bit embarrassed by how wickedly they took advantage of it, charming, funny little buggers that they are No book is written without help, and few authors need as much help as I do, so on with the parade of gratitude! Many thanks, as always, to my fabulous wife, Deborah Beale, for her unfailing support and brilliant help and discerning reader’s eye, and to my most excellent agent Matt Bialer, for having my back when the quibbles are flying Thanks also to our talented assistant, Dena Chavez, who keeps Deborah and I as close to sane as we are ever likely to get, in part by immense organizational skill, in part by preventing my beloved children from helping me too much when I really need to finish something My overseas editors, Tim Holman in the UK and Dr Ulrike Killer in Germany, have been big supporters of my work and give me a great deal of confidence with all the projects I undertake They have my overwhelming gratitude, too And of course all my friends at DAW Books–who also (conveniently!) happen to be my American publishers–including Debra Euler, Marsha Jones, Peter Stampfel, Betsy Wollheim, and Sheila Gilbert, cannot escape much vigorous thank-ification Betsy and Sheila have been my editors and partners-in-crime since I started on this wild book-writing endeavor twenty years ago, and the more years that pass, the more I come to realize what a great gift that has been and how lucky I am Thanks, guys We’ve had fun, huh? Last but not least, I must also mention that this particular book owes a huge debt of gratitude and inspiration to all the mad, wonderful folk on the Shadowmarch.com bulletin board, a repository of wisdom, support, silliness, and recipes for rhubarb like no other Thanks for Shadowmarch (the online project) are especially due to Josh Milligan and the incomparable Matt Dusek, the latter still helming the site as Tech Wizard in Residence I hope many of you new readers will come and join us–I spend a lot of time kibitzing on the board there, and I’d enjoying meeting you Author’s Note For those who wish to feel securely grounded in the Who, What, and Where of things, there are several maps and, at the end of the book, indexes of characters and places and other important materials The maps have been complied from an exhaustive array of traveler’s tales, nearly illegible old documents, transcripts of oracular utterances, and the murmunngs of dying hermits, not to mention the contents of an ancient box of land-office records discovered at a Syannese flea market A similarly arcane and wearying process was responsible for the creation of the indexes Use them well, remembering that many have died, or at least seriously damaged their vision and scholarly reputations, to make these aids available to you, the reader Contents Maps A Brief History of Eion Prelude PART ONE: BLOOD 01 A Wyvern Hunt 02 A Stone in the Sea 03 Proper Blue Quartz 04 A Surprising Proposal 05 Songs of the Moon and Stars 06 Blood Ties 07 Sisters of the Hive 08 The Hiding Place 09 A Gleam of Pale Wings 10 Halls of Fire 11 Bride of the God 12 Sleeping in Stone PART TWO: MOONLIGHT 13 Vansen’s Charge 14 Whitefire 15 The Seclusion 16 The Grand and Worthy Nose 17 Black Flowers 18 One Guest Less 19 The God-King 20 Lost in the Moon’s Land 21 The Potboy’s Dolphin 22 A Royal Appointment 23 The Summer Tower 24 Leopards and Gazelles 25 Mirrors, Missing and Found 26 The Considerations of Queens PART THREE: FIRE 27 Candlerstown 28 Evening Star 29 The Shining Man 30 Awakening 31 A Night Visitor 32 In This Circle of the World 33 The Pale Things 34 In a Marrinswalk Field 35 The Silken Cord 36 At the Giant’s Feet 37 The Dark City 38 Silent 39 Winters Eve 40 Zoria’s Flight Appendix Maps monsters and princesses had to go disguised through their own domains in Skimmer clothes that stank of fish Ena led them through the dank, narrow streets to a dock on the southern lagoon where the keep’s huge outer wall shadowed Fitters Row, but they did not get into a boat Instead, she took them through a weathered door that opened right into the wide wall of stone which defended the castle from the bay The rough-hewn passage inside led to a stairwell that wound upward into the cliff wall for some twenty or thirty paces, then down again for quite a few more steps, where Briony was astonished to discover herself beside another tiny lagoon, this one entirely surrounded by a rock cave that was lit by lanterns perched here and there along the shore This must be hidden inside the seawall, she marveled Two Skimmer men sat cross-legged on the stony shore guarding a dozen or so small boats, but they were on their feet before Briony and her companions ever left the stairs They both carried nasty-looking hooked blades on long poles and did not lower the weapons until Ena had spoken to them in a guttural undertone Did the Skimmers truly have their own tongue, then? Briony had heard many say that couldn’t be true She realized that she had learned very little about these people who lived inside her own castle And a hidden lagoon! “Did you know about this place?” she asked Shaso “I have never seen it,” he said, which didn’t quite answer the question She didn’t press him further, though; he was barely able to stand upright as it was Ena appeared to have successfully explained her mission to the Skimmer sentries She directed Shaso and Briony into a long, slender rowboat, then climbed in after them and rowed them out onto the tiny lagoon toward a low, apparently natural opening in the far rock wall that must have been invisible under water for at least half of every day The oars moved easily in the girl’s strong, long-fingered hands In only a short while the little boat slipped out onto the gentle swell of the bay, with the cloudy, vast sky overhead and the night winds blowing “Why have I never heard of that lagoon?” Briony was cramped on the seat, her feet perched on the sack Ena and her father had provided that contained mostly dried fish and skin bags full of water She looked back “What if someone should invade the castle through that hole in the seawall?” “It is only there for a little part of the day.” The Skimmer girl smiled an oddly shy, wide-mouthed smile “When the tide begins to come back up, we must take the boats out of the water and leave the cavern There are other guards, too–guards you did not see.” Briony could only shake her head It was clear that there was much she had yet to learn about her own home After a stretch of quiet, the motion of the little boat and the quiet repetitive creaking as Ena plied the oars began to lull her Sleep was very tempting, but she was not ready to surrender yet “Shaso? Shaso.” He made a grunting sound “You told me you would explain what happened Why you did not tell me the truth.” He groaned, but very quietly “Is this my punishment, then?” “If you want to think of it that way.” She reached out and squeezed his arm, felt where the hard muscle had begun to devour itself during his dark, malnourished weeks in the stronghold cell “I promise I will let you sleep soon Just tell me what happened that night.” Shaso spoke slowly, stopping often to get his breath “He called me in, your brother Kendrick He had just been visited by Gailon Tolly If that jackal Hendon told the truth in this one thing, anyway, Gailon must have been arguing against the Autarch’s offer, not for it I thought he was the one who brought it, but it seems I was wrong In any case, your brother told me what he intended to do–to abandon your father’s belief that all the nations of Eion must be defended Kendrick thought that he could convince the other monarchs to let the Autarch take Hierosol, and that m return the Autarch would release your father “Leaving aside whether or not it was honorable, I thought it a foolish gamble We drank wine and we argued We argued a long time, Kendrick and I, and bitterly I told him that he was a fool to bargain with such a creature, especially a creature of such growing power–that I would sooner kill myself than let him this to his kingdom All my life I have watched the monarchs of Xis at work, Briony I saw Tuan and a dozen other nations in Xand dragged in chains before the Falcon Throne, and it is said this Autarch is the worst of his whole mad line But Kendrick was certain that the only way to withstand the Autarch in the long run was to have your father Olin lead a defensive coalition of northern nations–to give up Hierosol and the other decadent southern cities A demon’s bargain, I called it–the kind that only the demon can win Eventually, in drunken anger and despair and what I must admit was disgust as well, I I left him I passed Anissa’s maid in the hall–summoned by Kendrick, I assumed She was pretty and had a saucy eye, so I thought little of it.” A thought caught at Briony Kendrick said, “Isss ” He could not remember the girl’s name He was calling her “Anissa’s maid” or “servant” as he as he died It was too dreadful to think on long, and she did not want to be distracted “You say you simply left, Shaso But when we found you, we were covered in blood!” “As we disputed, as I raged against his foolishness, I turned my knife on myself I told him Oh, Briony, girl, I hate that these were the last words the last words I spoke with him.” For a long moment it seemed that he wouldn’t continue When he did, the rasp in his voice was harsher than before “I told your brother I would cut my own arms from my body, the arms that had so long served his father, before letting them serve such a treacherous son That I would stab myself in the heart I was drunk–very drunk by then, and very angry I could not bear facing Dawet dan-Faar across the table that night without wine and I had already had several cups before I went to your brother’s room I have cursed myself for it in the darkness of that cell many times Kendrick tried to wrestle the knife away from me He was furious that I would argue with him, that I did not merely doubt his strategy but denounced it and him We fought for the knife and I was cut again Him, too, I think, but only a little At last I came back to my right mind He sent me away, making me swear on my debt to your father that I would not speak of what had happened no matter how much I disagreed with him “To tell you truth, even after you freed me, I would never have spoken of what he planned, poor Kendrick, the dishonor of bargaining with the bloody Autarch ”Again Shaso had to stop Briony would have felt sorry for him but the newness of the betrayal was too much–Shaso’s for keeping stubbornly silent and her brother’s for thinking he knew more than their father, for thinking himself a king before he had gained the wisdom, for supposing he could manipulate a great and powerful enemy “I returned to my rooms,” Shaso went on “I drank a great deal more wine, trying to make it all go away When you came for me, I thought that Kendrick was still angry with me for insulting him, perhaps even that I had been too drunk and had hurt him in our scuffling, that I would be locked up for insulting him–made a slave again, after all these years It only became clear to me later what had happened.” “But, you fool, why didn’t you tell us?” “What could I say? I gave my oath to your brother before he died that I would not speak of what had happened in that room I was ashamed for myself and for him And at first, before I understood the truth, my honor was outraged that you should come for me like a criminal, simply because I had disagreed with the prince regent But when I learned what had happened, I told you that I hadn’t killed him, and that was the truth.” He trembled a little under her hand, which still touched his arm “What does a man have if he gives up the bond of his word? He is worse than dead Had Hen-don Tolly not told you what your brother planned, I would be silent still.” Briony sat back, looking up at the jutting shadow of the castle She was shiveringly cold and weary, still terrified by the night’s events Somewhere in that darkened keep, she knew, armed men were searching for her and Shaso “So where we go?” “South,” he said after a while He sounded like he had fallen asleep for a few moments “But after that? After we land? Do you have allies in mind?” South, she thought Where Father is being held prisoner “My brother,” she said out loud “I I’m afraid for him, Shaso.” “Whatever happened, he did what he thought was best His soul is at rest, Briony.” For a moment her heart was startled up into her throat Barrick? Did Shaso know something about him that she did not? Then she understood “I didn’t mean Kendrick Yes, he did his best, the gods bless him and keep him No, I mean Barrick.” It was hard to find the strength even to speak: the long day had finally caught up to her Tears made the dark geometries of the keep even more blurry “I miss him I am afraid I’m afraid something bad has happened.” Shaso had nothing to say, but patted her arm awkwardly The boat slipped on, the oars moving steadily beneath Ena’s skillful hands Briony felt like Zona in the famous tale, fleeing her home in the middle of the night What was it Tinwright had written about that– overwritten, to be honest? “Clear-eyed, lion-hearted, her mmd turned toward the day when her honor will again be proclaimed ” But the goddess Zoria had been escaping from an enemy and fleeing back to her father’s house Briony was leaving her home behind, perhaps forever And Zoria was an immortal Midlan’s Mount with its walls and towers no longer loomed over them like a stern parent, but was beginning to recede, the bay widening between their little boat and the casde, the forested shore growing closer, a blackness along the southern horizon that blotted the starry sky Only a few lights burned where she could see them in the castle’s upper reaches, a few in the Tower of Spring, a few lanterns in the guardhouses along the wall and atop the harbor breakwaters She was filled with an unexpected, aching love for her home All the things she had taken for granted, even some she had despised, the chilly, ancient halls as complicated as long stories, the portraits of glowering ancestors, the gray trees below her window in the Privy Garden that budded so bravely each cold spring–all had been stolen from her She wanted it all back Shaso was asleep now, but Briony had missed her own chance at healing slumber For this little while, anyway, she was queerly wakeful, exhausted but full of fretful thoughts She could only sit and watch as the moon dove down through the sky and the waters of the bay grew wider between her and all of her life until this moment ***** The streets of Funderling Town were lit but deserted, so that they had the feehng of unfinished scrapes instead of thoroughfares Chert, walking like a man who had lately seen too many of the world’s strangest corners, could hear his footsteps echo from the stone walls of his neighbors’ houses as he trudged up Wedge Road and in through his own front door Opal heard him in the main room and rushed out from the back of the house, face full of misery and fear He thought she would demand to know where he had been all these long, long hours, but instead she just grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the bedroom She was moaning and he suddenly knew the worst had happened: the boy was dead To his shock, Flint was not dead but awake and watching Chert turned to Opal, but she still had the look of someone who had discovered her most prized possession had been stolen “Boy?” he asked, kneeling beside him “How you feel?” “Who are you?” Chert stared at the familiar face, the shock of hair so pale as to be almost white, the huge, watchful eyes Everything was the same and yet the child also seemed somehow slightly different “What you mean, who am I? I’m Chert, and this is Opal.” “I I don’t know you.” “You’re Flint, we’re we’ve been taking care of you Don’t you remember?” Slowly, weakly, the boy shook his head “No, I don’t remember you.” “Well if you’re not Flint, who are you?” He waited in a kind of airless terror for the answer “What’s your name?” “I said I don’t know!” the boy whined There was something in him Chert had never seen before, a trapped and frightened animal behind the narrow face “I don’t know who I am!” Opal stumbled out into the other room, clutching her throat as though she couldn’t breathe Chert followed her, but when he tried to put his arms around her, she flailed at him in her misery and he retreated Since he could think of nothing else to he came back to the bed and took the boy’s hand; after a moment of trying to pull his fingers free, the boy who looked like Flint relaxed and let him hold it Helpless and weary, all thought of what had just happened to him outside the city gates swept aside, at least for now, Chert sat this way for an hour, calming a terrified child while his wife cried and cried in the other room Appendix PEOPLE Adcock–one of the royal guard under Vansen’s command Agate–Funderling woman, a friend of Opal’s Agnes–daughter of Finneth and Onsin Anazona–Briony’s youngest maid Andros–a priest, proxy to Lord Nynor Angelos–an envoy from Jellon to Southmarch Anglin–Connordic chieftain, awarded March Kingdom after Coldgray Moor Anglin III–King of Southmarch, great-grandfather of Briony and Barrick Amssa–Queen of Southmarch, Olin’s second wife Antimony–a young Funderling temple brother Argal the Dark One–Xixian god, enemy of Nushash Autarch–Sulepis Bishakh am-Xis III, monarch of Xis, most powerful nation on the southern continent of Xand Avin Brone–Count of Landsend, the castle’s lord constable Axamis Dorza–a Xixian ship’s captain Back-on-Sunset-Tide–Skimmer extended family Barrick Eddon–a Prince of Southmarch Barrow–a royal guard Baz’u Jev–a Xandian poet Beetledown–a Rooftopper Big Nodule (Blue Quartz)–Chert’s father Blackglass–a Funderling family Boulder–a Funderling Brambinag Stoneboots–a mythical ogre Bratchard, Lord–a nobleman Brenhall, Lord–a nobleman Brigid–a serving-woman at the Quiller’s Mint Briony Eddon–a Princess of Southmarch Brother Okros–physician-priest from Eastmarch Academy Caddick–soldier of the Southmarch royal guard, known as “Longlegs.” Calkin–a Skimmer Caradon Tolly–Gailon’s younger brother Caylor–a legendary knight and prince Chaven–physician and astrologer to the Eddon family Chert (Blue Quartz)–a Funderling, Opal’s husband Cheshret–Qinnitan’s father, a minor priest of Nushash Child of the Emerald Fire–a Qar tribe Chryssa–Chief Acolyte of the Hive Temple in Xis Cinnabar–a Funderling magister Clemon–famous Syannese historian, also called “Clemon of Anverrin.” Cloudwalker–another name for Perin, the sky god Collum–Willow’s younger brother Collum Dyer–one of Vansen’s soldiers Comfrey M’Neel–a noblewoman Conary–proprietor of the Quiller’s Mint Cononc, Sivonmc, and Iellic tribes–”primitive” tribes who lived on Eion before conquest by the southern continent of Xand Cusy–chief of the Favored (eunuchs) of the Royal Seclusion in Xis Daman Eddon–Merolanna’s husband, King Ustin’s brother Dannet Beck–Raemon Beck’s cousin Dawet dan-Faar–envoy from Hierosol Dab Dawley–a Southmarch guard Dawtrey–a legendary knight, sometimes called “Elf-spelled” Derla–wife of Raemon Beck Dimakos Heavyhand–one of the last chieftains of the Gray Companies Donal Murray–onetime captain of the Southmarch royal guard Droy Nikomede–a.k.a “Droy of Eastlake,” a Southmarch noble Durstin Crowel–Baron of Graylock Dunyaza–Qinnitan’s friend, an acolyte of the Hive Earth Elders–Funderling guardian spirits Eats-the-Moon–a Qar of the Changing tribe Ellis–Merolanna’s maid Elan M’Cory–sister-in-law of Caradon Tolly Ena–a young Skimmer girl, Back-on-Sunset-Tide clan Enlo–god of the harvest Erivor–god of waters Euan Dogsend–Chaven’s friend, “the most learned man in Blueshore.” Evander–Syannese count, envoy to Southmarch Ever-Wounded Maid–a character out of legend Evon Kinnay–friend of Gailon Tolly, son of Baron of Longhowe Ewan–Finnith’s son Falk–a Southmarch guard Fergil–son of Finneth and Onsin Ferras Vansen–Captain of the royal guard Finton–Raemon Beck’s younger son Finn Teodoros–a writer Finneth–a woman of Candlerstown Funderlings–sometimes known as “delvers,” small people who specialize in stonecraft Gailon Tolly, Duke of Summerfield–an Eddon family cousin Gar Doiney–a scout Gil–a potboy at the Quiller’s Mint Galhbert Perkin–Count of Craneshill, Lord Chancellor of Southmarch Gowan M’Ardall–an earl, his fiefdom is in Helmingsea Grandfather Sulfur–a Funderling elder of the Metamorphic Brothers Gray Companies–mercenaries and landless men turned bandits in the wake of the Great Death Great Mother–goddess worshipped in Tuan Greenjay–a Qar of the Trickster tribe Gregor of Syan–a famous bard Grenna–a lady’s maid Guard of Elementals–a tribe of the Qar Gwatkin–soldier of the Southmarch royal guard Gyir–a Qar, Yasammez’s captain, a k a “Gyrir the Storm Lantern” Gypsum–a Funderling family Habbili–a god, the crippled son of Nushash Haketam–people of the Haketan tribe in Xand Hammerfoot–a Qar, of Firstdeep Hand of the Sky–a Rooftopper deity Hanede–Shaso’s daughter Harry–Chaven’s manservant Harsar–Ynnir’s counselor Hasuris–a Xixian storyteller Havemore–Brone’s factor Hendon Tolly–youngest of the Tolly brothers Heryn Millward–a Southmarch royal guard Hesper–King of Jellon, betrayer of King Olin Hiliometes–a legendary demigod and hero Hisolda–Anissa’s midwife Hornblende–Funderling, Stonecutters Guild foreman Hull-Scrapes-the-Sand–Skimmer extended family Iaris–an oracle of Kermos, a semi-saint Idrin–young son of Gowan of Helmingsea Ivar Brenhill–a knight and nobleman of Silverside Jeddin–chief of the autarch’s Leopard guards, also known as “Jin.” Jem Tallow–a Southmarch guard officer Karal–King of Syan killed by Qar at Coldgray Moor Kaspar Dyelos–Chaven’s mentor, a.k.a “Warlock of Krace.” Kellick Eddon–great-grandnephew of Anglin, first of Eddon family March Kings Kendrick Eddon–Prince Regent of Southmarch, eldest son of King Olin Kermos–earth god Kert hillmen–a wild tribe that lives northwest of Kertewall King Nikolos–Syan monarch who moved the Trigonarchy out of Hierosol Krisanthe–Queen Meriel’s mother, the twins’ grandmother Kupilas–god of healing Lander III–son of Karal, King of Syan, a.k.a “Lander the Good,” “Lander Elfbane.” Lapis–Chert’s mother Layhn–uncle of Tyne Aldritch Laybrick–a Southmarch guard Leotrodos–Perikalese scientist friend of Chaven Lepthis–an Autarch of Xis Lew–a Southmarch guard Lindon Tolly–father of Gailon, former First Minister of March Kingdoms Lily–Anglin’s granddaughter, queen who led Southmarch in time of Gray Companies Little Carbon–a Funderling craftsman Little Raemon–Raemon Beck’s oldest son Lord of the Peak–a Rooftopper deity Lorick Eddon–Olin’s older brother, who died young Ludis Drakava–Protector of Hierosol Luian–an important Favored in the Seclusion, previously known as “Dudon.” Madi Surazem–goddess of childbirth Matthias Tinwright–a poet, a k a “Matty.” Mayne Calough–a nobleman and knight Meriel–Olin’s first wife, daughter of a powerful Brennish duke Merolanna–the twin’s great-aunt, originally of Fael, widow of Daman Eddon Mesiya–moon goddess Metamorphic Brothers–a Funderling religious order Mica–Schist family member, Hornblende’s nephew Mickeal Southstead–a Southmarch guard Mistress Jennikin–Chaven’s housekeeper Moina Hartsbrook–a young Helmingsea noblewoman, one of Briony’s ladies-in-waiting Mokori–one of the autarch’s stranglers Mormng-in-Eye–a Qar of the Changing People Muchmore–a Southmarch scout Nevin Hewney–a playwright Nodule–Chert’s brother, a k a “Magister Blue Quartz.” Nose, Grand and Worthy–a Rooftopper dignitary Nushash–Xixian god of fire, patron god of the autarchs Nynor–Steffans Nynor, Count of Redtree, Lord Castellan of Southmarch Castle Old High Feldspar–a wise elder of the Funderlings, now deceased Old Pyrites–a Funderling acquaintance of Chert and Opal Olin–King of Southmarch and the March Kingdoms Onsin–a Candlerstown blacksmith, called “Oak-arms.” Opal–a Funderling, Chert’s wife Panhyssir–Xixian high priest of Nushash Parnad–father of current autarch, Sulepis, sometimes known as “the Unsleeping.” Pedar Vansen–Ferras Vansen’s father Perin–sky god, called “Thane of Lightnings” Pinimmon Vash–Paramount Minister of Xis Prusus–scotarch of Xis, sometimes called “Prusus the Cripple” Pumice–a Funderling guildsman Purifiers–fanatics who banded together to punish Qar and others for the Great Death Puzzle–court jester to the Eddon family Qar–race of non-humans who once occupied much of Eion Quicksilver–important Funderling family Quiet People–a name for the Qar Qinnitan–an acolyte of the Hive in Xis Raemon Beck–member of a Helmingsea trading family Rafe–Ena’s friend, Hull-Scraped-the-Sand clan Raven, Prince of Birds–character from legend Robben Hulligan–a musician, friend of Puzzle Rocksalt–a Funderling peddler Rooftoppers–little-known residents of Southmarch Castle Rorick–Earl of Daler s Troth, an Eddon cousin of Brennish ancestry, related to Meriel Rose Trelling–one of Briony’s ladies-in-waiting, a niece of Avin Brone Rugan–the High Priestess of the Hive Rule–Avin Brone s informant Rusha–a hairdresser in the Royal Seclusion Sanasu–widow of Kellick Eddon, known as “Weeping Queen” Sandstone–a Funderling family Sawney Wander-Eye–a Skimmer Schist–a Funderling family, one of them is chorister of Funderling Town Sedimentary–a Funderling clan made up of several families Selia–Anissa’s maid, also from Devonis Shaso dan-Heza–Southmarch master of arms Silas of Perikal–semi-legendary knight Sni’sni’snik-soortah –Rooftopper name for “Rooftoppers.” Sisel–Hierarch of Southmarch, chief religious figure m March Kingdoms Siveda–goddess of night Sivney Fiddicks–a nobleman and knight Skimmers–a people who make their livings on and around water Stone Circle People–a Qar tribe Stone of the Unwilling–a Qar of the Guard of Elementals Surigah–Xixian goddess Sveros–old god of the night sky, father of Tngon gods Talc–Schist family member, Hornblende’s nephew Tanyssa–a gardener and errand-runner in the Royal Seclusion Three Highest–reference to the gods of the Tngon Timoid, Father–Eddon family mantis (priest) Toby–Chaven’s assistant Tricksters–a tribe of the Qar Trigon–priesthoods of Perin, Erivor, and Kernios acting in concert Trigonarch–Head of Trigon, chief religious figure in Eion Tully Joiner–a man of Candlerstown Turley Longfingers–a Skimmer fisherman, Back-on-Sunset-Tide clan Twelve Families–governing body of old Hierosol Twilight People–another name for the Qar Tyne Aldritch–Earl of Blueshore, an ally of Southmarch Uncle Flint–Chert’s uncle Upsteeplebat, Queen–monarch of the Rooftoppers Ustin–King Olin’s father Utta–a.k.a “Sister Utta,” a priestess of Zoria and Briony’s tutor Whispering Mothers–Qar, known as “They who nurse the Great Egg.” Widow Rocksalt–a Funderling Willow–a young woman Yasammez–Qar noblewoman, sometimes known as “Lady Porcupine,” or “Scourge of the Shivering Plain” Yellow Knight–nemesis of Silas of Perikal Ynnir the Blind King–lord of the Qar, “Ynnir din’at sen-Qin, Lord of Winds and Thought,” a.k.a.”Son of the First Stone” Young Pyrite–a Funderling Zoria–goddess of wisdom Zmeos–a god, Perin’s nemesis Zosim–son of Erilo, god of playwrights and drunkards PLACES Akans–an island between Xand and Eion Badger’s Boots–a Southmarch inn Basilisk Gate–main gate of Southmarch Castle Beetle Way–street in Funderling Town Bird Snare Market–a marketplace in Xis Brenland–small country south of the March Kingdoms Brenn’s Bay–named after a legendary hero Candlerstown–Daler’s Troth town Cascade Stair–in the Funderling Depths Cat’s Eye Street–a street in Xis Chapel of Erivor–Eddon family chapel Chamber of Cloud-Crystal–in the Funderling Depths Cloud-Spirit Tower–a tower in Qul-na-Qar Coldgray Moor–legendary battleground, from a Qar word, “Qul Girah.” Creedy’s Inn–tavern in Greater Stell Dale House–Daler’s Troth town, seat of Earl Rorick Deep Library–a place in Qul-na-Qar Eastmarch Academy–university, originally in old Eastmarch, relocated to Southmarch at the time of the last war with the Qar Eastside Gate–one of the gates of Candlerstown Eion–the northern continent Emberstone Reach–in the Funderling Depths Fael–a nation in the heartland of Eion Faneshill–a large town south of the Settland Road Farmers’ Hall–an ornamental hall in the Throne Hall Feather Cape Row–a street in Xis Firstdeeps–a place in Qar lands Fitter’s Row–a street in Southmarch Free Kingdoms–the kingdoms of Eion which have not fallen under the Autarch’s rule Funderling Town–underground city of Funderlings, in Southmarch Garden of Queen Sodan–a garden in the Royal Seclusion of Xis Great Gable–Rooftopper sacred spot Greater Stell–Dalter’s Troth town Gypsum Way–a street in Funderling Town i Hangskin Row–a street near the Old Tannery Dock Hawkshill–Daler’s Troth town Hidden Hall–part of the Rooftopper kingdom Hive–a temple in Xis, home of the sacred bees of Nushash Hierosol–once the reigning empire of the world, now much reduced; its symbol is the golden snail shell Holy Wainscoting–Rooftopper sacred spot Jellon–kingdom, once part of Syannic Empire J’ezh’kral Pit–a place out of Funderling myth Krace–a collection of city-states, once part of Hierosoline Empire Kertewall–one of the March Kingdoms Landsend–part of Southmarch, Brone’s fief, colors red and gold Lily Gate–gate leading out of the Seclusion into the city of Xis Little Stell–Daler’s Troth town Lower Ore Street–a main street in Funderling Town Marash–a Xandian province where peppers are grown March Kingdoms–originally Northmarch, Southmarch, Eastmarch, and Westmarch, but after the war with the Qar constituted by Southmarch and the Nine Nations (which include Summerfield and Blueshore) Market Road–one of Southmarch’s main roads Market Square–main public space in Southmarch Marrmswalk–one of the March Kingdoms Marsh Road–main road in Candlerstown Maze–in the Funderling Depths Moonstone Hall–in the Funderling Depths Mount (the), a k a Midlan’s Mount–rock in Brenn’s Bay upon which Southmarch is built Mount Xandos–mythical giant mountain that stood where Xand now lies Northmarch Road–the old road between Southmarch and the north Oak Chamber–a council chamber Observatory House–Chaven’s residence Old Tannery Dock–Skimmer name for dock near the Tower of Autumn Olway Coomb–a battle-site in Marnnswalk Ore Street–a main street in Funderling Town Oscastle–a city in Marnnswalk Quarry Square–a meeting place in Funderling Town Qirush-a-Ghat–cavern towns of the Qar, name means “Firstdeeps.” Qul-na-Qar–ancient home of the Qar or Twilight People Raven’s Gate–entrance to Southmarch Castle’s inner keep Redtree–an Eddon holding Reheq-s’lai–Wanderwind Mountains Rose Garden–at the center of the Lesser Hall, sometimes called “Traitor’s Garden.” Sailmaker’s Row–a street near the docks in Great Xis Salt Pool–underground sea pool in Funderling Town Sama–a country in Xand Scented Garden–a garden in the Seclusion of Xis Seclusion–home of the wives of the autarch Sessio–an island kingdom in the south of Eion Settland–small, mountainous country southwest of the March Kingdoms, ally of Southmarch Shadowline–line of demarcation between lands of Qar and human lands Shehen–”Weeping,” Qar name forYasammez’s house Shivering Plain–site of a great Qar battle Siege of Always-Winter–a mythical castle Silent Hill–place behind the Shadowlme Silk Door–a place beneath Funderling Town Skimmer’s Lagoon–body of water inside Southmarch walls, connected to Brenn’s Bay Silverside Road–thoroughfare leading, among other places, between Southmarch and Summerfield Southmarch–seat of the March Kings, sometimes called “Shadowmarch.” Square of Three Gods–town square in mainland Southmarch Stonecutter’s Door–an exit from Funderling Town Squeakstep Alley–a street in Southmarch Summerfield Court–ducal seat of Gailon and the Tolly family Sunken Garden–a Southmarch castle garden, Erilo’s shrine is there Sun’s Progress Square–a plaza in Great Xis Suttler’s Wall–a Southmarch town near the Blueshore border Syan–once-dorninant empire, still a powerful kingdom in center of Eion Tessis–capitol city of Syan Three Gods–a triangular plaza in Southmarch; a populous district around that plaza Three Brothers Road–thoroughfare leading, among other places, between Southmarch and Summerfield Tin Street–a street in Southmarch Torvio–an island nation between Eion and Xand Tower of Autumn–one of the four cardinal towers of Southmarch Castle Tower of Spring–one of the four cardinal towers of Southmarch Castle; Amssa’s residence Tower of Summer–one of the cardinal towers of Southmarch Castle Tower of Winter–one of the cardinal towers of Southmarch castle Tribute Hall–hall outside Briony’s bedroom passage Tuan–native country of Shaso and Dawet Wedge Road–Chert and Opal’s street Wharfside–a district of mainland Southmarch White Desert–vast desert that covers much of the center of Xand Whitewood–a forest on the border between Silverside and Marrinswalk Wolfstooth Spire–tallest tower of Southmarch Castle Xand–the southern continent Xis–largest kingdom of Xand; its master is the autarch THINGS and ANIMALS Astion–a Funderling symbol of authority Blueroot–favorite Funderling tea-herb Book of Regret–a semi-mythical Qar artifact/text Book of the Tngon–a late-era adaptation of original texts about all three gods Cloudchip–a type of crystal Dado–a dog, raised by Briony “Dasmet and the Girl With No Shadow”–a Xandian folktale Days of Cooling–legendary time in Funderling history and myth Days of the Week–in the Eionic calendar, there are three ten-day periods in each month, called “tennights.” Therefore, the twenty-first day of August in our calendar would be more or less the third Firstday of Oktamene (See the explanation under “Months” for more information.) Firstday, Sunsday, Moonsday, Skyday, Wmdsday, Stonesday, Fireday, Watersday, Gods day, Lastday Demia’s Ladder–a constellation Earth-ice–a type of crystal Eddon Wolf—the symbol of the Eddon family (silver wolf and stars on black field) “Ever-Wounded Maid”–a famous story Family of Stones and Metals–a Funderling scheme of classification Feast of the Rising–Xixian festival at the end of the rainy season Firegold–a mineral Fireworm–a poisonous snake Great Death–plague that killed a large part of Eion’s population Great Golden Piece–part of the Rooftopper’s crown jewels Harrier–a hunting hound Hierosoline–the language of Hierosol, found in many religious services and scientific books, etc History of Eion and Its Nations –book by the historian Clemon Horns of Zmeos–a constellation, also called the Old Serpent K’hamao–a drink, part of Funderling ritual Kettle–Barrick’s horse Kloe–a cat Kossope–a constellation Kuhkos or kuhkos stone–a reputedly magical object Lastday–Funderling day of rest Lander’s Hall–a near-mythical setting for stones of knightly adventure “Lay of Kermos”–a famous story and song, part of the funeral service Leaf, Singers, White Root, Honeycomb, Waterfall–-Flint’s names for constellations Lymer–a hunting hound M’aarenol–a location, possibly a mountain, in Qar lands Maker’s-pearl–a stone used by Funderlings for decoration Mantis–a priest, usually of the Trigon Meadowsweet–a common wildflower Months–each Eion month is thirty days long, divided into three ten-nights, with five intercalary days between the end of the year– Orphan’s Day–and the first day of the new year, also known as Firstday or Year Day Thusly month/month correspondents are liable to differ by a few days the first day of Trimene in Southmarch is not the exact same day as March on our calendar.: Eimene–-January, Diniene–February, Trimene–March, Tetramene–April, Pentamene–May, Hexamene–-June, Heptamene–-July, Oktamene–August, Ennamene–September, Dekamene–October, Endekamene– November, Dodekamene–December Mordiya–Tuani for “uncle,” can be honorary or actual Morning Star of Kirous–Jeddin’s ship Mossbrew–a strong Funderling drink Neverfade–a small white wildflower Pass-evil–hand sign made to avert bad luck Pentecount–a troop, numbering fifty “Perin’s great planet”–Pennos Eio, largest planet in the skies Perinsday–a spring holiday Podensis–a Hierosoline ship Procession of Penance–a holy festival Puffkin–a cat Quiller’s Mint–a tavern Rack–a dog, raised by Briony S’a-Qar–language of the Qar Sandy–a river on the Blueshore border Seal of War–a Qar gem, object of great importance Screaming Years–an era of Qar history Shining Man–center of the Funderling Mysteries Shivering Plain–a famous Qar battleground Silver Thing–part of the Rooftopper’s crown jewels Skyglass–Funderling name for a type of crystal Snow–Briony’s horse Sun’s Blood–an elixir prepared by the priest of Nushash Vuttish longboat–a raiding boat used by Vuttish islanders in the northern ocean Whitefire–the sword of Yasammez Wildsong Night–a holiday evening, in the days after Winter’s Eve Wolf’s Chair–throne of Southmarch Castle .. .SHADOWMARCH Shadowmarch, book Tad Williams November 2, 2004 This book is dedicated to my children, Connor Williams and Devon Beale, who as I write this... all the mad, wonderful folk on the Shadowmarch. com bulletin board, a repository of wisdom, support, silliness, and recipes for rhubarb like no other Thanks for Shadowmarch (the online project)... aids available to you, the reader Contents Maps A Brief History of Eion Prelude PART ONE: BLOOD 01 A Wyvern Hunt 02 A Stone in the Sea 03 Proper Blue Quartz 04 A Surprising Proposal 05 Songs of

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2019, 08:46

Mục lục

    A Brief History of Eion


    2. A Stone in the Sea

    5. Songs of the Moon and Stars

    7. Sisters of the Hive

    9. A Gleam of Pale Wings

    11. Bride of the God


    16. The Grand, and Worthy Nose

    20. Lost in the Moon’s Land

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