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  • Copyright Page

  • About the Author

  • Acclaim for Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen

  • By the Same Author

  • Title Page

  • Dedication

  • Acknowledgements





  • Prologue

  • I

  • II






























  • Epilogue

  • Glossary

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This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's and publisher's rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly ISBN 9781409092421 Version 1.0 www.randomhouse.co.uk Steven Erikson is an archaeologist and anthropologist and a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop The first six novels in his Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence – Gardens of the Moon, Deadhouse Gates, Memories of Ice, House of Chains, Midnight Tides and The Bonehunters – have met with widespread international acclaim and established him as a major voice in the world of fantasy fiction The thrilling seventh instalment in this remarkable story, Reaper's Gale, is now available from Bantam Press Steven Erikson lives in Canada www.rbooks.co.uk/stevenerikson Acclaim for Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen: 'Steven Erikson is an extraordinary writer My advice to anyone who might listen to me is: treat yourself' Stephen R Donaldson 'Give me the evocation of a rich, complex and yet ultimately unknowable other world, with a compelling suggestion of intricate history and mythology and lore Give me mystery amid the grand narrative Give me the world in which every sea hides a crumbled Atlantis, every ruin has a tale to tell, every broken blade is a silent legacy of struggles unknown Give me in other words, the fantasy work of Steven Erikson a master of lost and forgotten epochs, a weaver of ancient epics' Salon.com 'I stand slack-jawed in awe of The Malayan Book of the Fallen This masterwork of the imagination may be the high watermark of epic fantasy' Glen Cook 'Truly epic in scope, Erikson has no peer when it comes to action and imagination, and joins the ranks of Tolkien and Donaldson in his mythic vision and perhaps then goes one better' SF Site 'Rare is the writer who so fluidly combines a sense of mythic power and depth of world with fully realized characters and thrilling action, but Steven Erikson manages it spectacularly' Michael A Stackpole 'Like the archaeologist that he is, Erikson continues to delve into the history and ruins of the Malazan Empire, in the process revealing unforeseen riches and annals that defy expectation this is true myth in the making, a drawing upon fantasy to recreate histories and legends as rich as any found within our culture' Interzone 'Gripping, fast-moving, delightfully dark Erikson brings a punchy, mesmerizing writing style into the genre of epic fantasy, making an indelible impression Utterly engrossing' Elizabeth Hayden 'Everything we have come to expect from this most excellent of fantasy writers; huge in scope, vast in implication and immensely, utterly entertaining' alienonline 'One of the most promising new writers of the past few years, he has more than proved his right to A-list status' Bookseller 'Erikson's strengths are his grown-up characters and his ability to create a world every bit as intricate and messy as our own' J V Jones 'An author who never disappoints on delivering stunning and hard-edged fantasy is Steven Erikson a master of modern fantasy' WBQ magazine 'Wondrous voyages, demons and gods abound dense and complex ultimately rewarding' Locus 'Erikson is able to create a world that is both absorbing on a human level and full of magical sublimity A wonderfully grand conception splendidly written fiendishly readable' Adam Roberts 'A multi-layered tale of magic and war, loyalty and betrayal Complexly drawn characters occupy a richly detailed world in this panoramic saga' Library Journal 'Epic in every sense of the word Erikson shows a masterful control of an immense plot the worlds of mortals and gods meet in what is a truly aweinspiring clash' Enigma By Steven Erikson GARDENS OF THE MOON DEADHOUSE GATES MEMORIES OF ICE HOUSE OF CHAINS MIDNIGHT TIDES THE BONEHUNTERS REAPER'S GALE Memories of Ice A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen STEVEN ERIKSON Table of Contents Copyright Page About the Author Acclaim for Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen By the Same Author Title Page Dedication Acknowledgements GENABACKIS CAPUSTAN DRAMATIS PERSONAE THE CARAVANSERAI Prologue I II BOOK ONE: THE SPARK AND THE ASHES CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX BOOK TWO: HEARTHSTONE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE CHAPTER THIRTEEN BOOK THREE: CAPUSTAN CHAPTER FOURTEEN CHAPTER FIFTEEN CHAPTER SIXTEEN CHAPTER SEVENTEEN CHAPTER EIGHTEEN CHAPTER NINETEEN CHAPTER TWENTY BOOK FOUR: MEMORIES OF ICE CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE CHAPTER TWENTY TWO CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Epilogue Glossary To R S Lundin 'And I you.' 'You have no sword ' 'Indeed, I have not Do you think I will need one?' She leaned close to him 'Now more than before, I would think.' 'Perhaps you are right We must needs find a quarry.' 'The Barghast Range A flint the colour of blood – I will invest it, of course, to prevent its shattering.' 'As you did once before, sister.' 'Long ago.' 'Aye, so very long ago.' Under the impassive gaze of the two brothers, Lady Envy relinquished the sorcery that kept Mok from returning to consciousness She watched as the Third slowly regained awareness, the eyes within the mask dulled with pain 'There, now,' she murmured 'You have suffered of late, haven't you?' Mok struggled to sit upright, his gaze hardening upon finding his brothers Lady Envy straightened and glanced over at Senu and Thurule with an appraising eye After a moment, she sighed 'Indeed, they are a sight They suffered in your absence, Third Then again,' she noted brightly, 'you've not fared much better! I must inform you, Mok, that your mask has cracked.' The Seguleh reached up, probed tentatively, finding then following the hairline fissure running two-thirds of the length on the left side Lady Envy continued, 'In fact, I reluctantly admit, none of our fa?ades has survived unfractured If you can imagine it, Anomander Rake – the Seventh – has unceremoniously banished us from the city.' Mok climbed unsteadily to his feet, looked around 'Yes,' Lady Envy said, 'we find ourselves in the very same forest we spent days trudging through Your punitive exercise is concluded, perhaps satisfactorily, perhaps not The Pannion Domin is no more, alas Time's come, my three grim servants, to begin the journey home.' Mok examined his weapons, then faced her 'No We shall demand an audience with the Seventh—' 'Oh, you foolish man! He'll not see you! Worse, you'll have to carve your way through a few hundred Tiste Andii to get to him – and no, they won't cross blades with you They will simply annihilate you with sorcery They're a perfunctory people, the Children of Mother Dark Now, I have decided to escort the three of you home Isn't that generous of me?' Mok regarded her, the silence stretching Lady Envy offered him a sweet smile On their long journey north, the White Face Barghast broke up into clans, then family bands, ranging far and wide as was their wont Hetan walked with Cafal, lagging behind their father and his closest followers and angling some distance eastward The sun was warm on their heads and shoulders, the air fresh with the gentle surf brushing the shore two hundred paces to their right It was midday when she and her brother spotted the two travellers ahead Close kin, Hetan judged as they drew nearer Neither one particularly tall, but robust, both black-haired, walking very slowly side by side closer to the coastline They looked to be Barghast, but of a tribe or clan unknown to either Hetan or Cafal A short while later they came alongside the two strangers Hetan's eyes focused on the man, studied the extraordinary scars crisscrossing his flesh 'We greet you, strangers!' she called out Both turned, clearly surprised that they had company Hetan now looked upon the man's face That the woman beside him was his sister could be no more obvious Good 'You!' she called to the man, 'what is your name?' The man's smile made her heart catch 'Onos Toolan.' Hetan strode closer, offering a wink to the dark-haired woman, then settling her eyes once more on the man called Onos Toolan 'I see more than you imagine,' she said in a low voice The young warrior cocked his head 'You do?' 'Aye, and what I see tells me you've not bedded a woman in a long time.' The man's eyes widened – oh, such lovely eyes, a lover's eyes – 'Indeed,' he said, his smile broadening Oh yes, my lover's eyes EPILOGUE Paran shoved the door open Shouldering his heavy, gold-filled pack, he stepped into the antechamber beyond 'Raest! Where are you?' The armour-clad Jaghut emerged from somewhere to halt before Paran, said nothing 'That's right,' Paran muttered, 'I've decided to take up residence here.' Raest's voice was a cold rasp, 'You have.' 'Aye Three weeks in that damned inn was enough, believe me So, here I am, courage worked up, ready to settle into the dreaded, infamous Finnest House – and I see your skills as housekeeper leave much to be desired.' 'These two bodies on the threshold – what will you with them?' Paran shrugged 'I haven't decided yet Something, I suppose But, for now, I want to drop this gold off – so I can sleep easy for a change They're opening the place up tonight, you know ' The giant warrior replied, 'No, Master of the Deck, I not.' 'Never mind I said I'd go Hood knows, I doubt anybody else in this city will, except maybe Kruppe, Coll and Murillio.' 'Go where, Master of the Deck?' 'Ganoes, please Or Paran Where, you ask? Picker's new tavern, that's where.' 'I know nothing of—' 'I know you don't, that's why I'm telling—' '—nor I care, Ganoes Paran, Master of the Deck.' 'Well, your loss, Raest As I was saying, Picker's new tavern Her and her partner's, that is They've spent half their pay on this insane project.' 'Insane?' 'Yes – you don't know the meaning of insane?' 'I know it all too well, Ganoes Paran, Master of the Deck.' Paran was brought up short by that He studied the helmed face, seeing only shadows behind the visor's slots A faint shiver ran through the Malazan 'Uh, yes In any case, they purchased the K'rul Temple, belfry and all Made it into a—' 'A tavern.' 'A temple everyone in the city calls haunted.' 'I imagine,' Raest said, turning away, 'it came cheap, all things considered ' Paran stared after the armoured Jaghut 'See you later,' he called Faintly came the reply, 'If you insist ' Emerging from the battered gateway onto the street, Paran almost stumbled over a decrepit, hooded figure sitting awkwardly on the edge of the gutter A grimy hand lifted from the rags towards the Malazan 'Kind sir! A coin, please! A single coin!' 'Luckily for you, I can spare more than one, old man.' Paran reached for the leather purse tucked into his belt He drew out a handful of silvers The beggar grunted, dragged himself closer, his legs trailing like dead weights 'A man of wealth! Listen to me I have need of a partner, generous sir! I have gold Councils! Hidden in a cache on the slopes of the Tahlyn Hills! A fortune, sir! We must needs only mount an expedition – it's not far.' Paran dropped the coins into the old man's hands 'Buried treasure, friend? No doubt.' 'Sir, the sum is vast, and I would gladly part with half of it – the repayment to your investment will be ten times at the very least.' 'I've no need for more riches.' Paran smiled He stepped away from the beggar, then paused and added, 'By the way, you probably shouldn't linger overlong at this particular gate The House does not welcome strangers.' The old man seemed to shrink in on himself His head twisted to one side 'No,' he muttered from beneath his ragged hood, 'not this House.' Then he softly cackled 'But I know one that does ' Shrugging at the beggar's obscure words, Paran turned once more and set off Behind him, the beggar broke into a wretched cough Picker could not pull her eyes from the man He sat hunched over, on a chair that had yet to find a table, still clutching in his hands the small rag of tattered cloth on which something had been written The alchemist had done all he could to return life to what had been a mostly destroyed, desiccated body, and Baruk's talents had been stretched to their limits – there was no doubt of that She knew of him, of course They all did They all knew, as well, where he had come from He spoke not a word Had not since the resurrection No physical flaw kept him from finding his voice, Baruk had insisted The Imperial Historian had fallen silent No-one knew why She sighed The grand opening of K'rul's Bar was a disaster Tables waited, empty, forlorn in the massive main chamber Paran, Spindle, Blend, Antsy, Mallet and Bluepearl sat at the one nearest the blazing hearth, barely managing a word among them Nearby was the only other occupied table, at which sat Kruppe, Murillio and Coll And that's it Gods, we're finished We should never have listened to Antsy The front door swung open Picker looked over hopefully But it was only Baruk The High Alchemist paused within the antechamber, then slowly made his way forward to where the other Daru sat 'Dearest friend of honourable Kruppe! Baruk, stalwart champion of Darujhistan, could you ask for better company this night? Here, yes, at this very table! Kruppe was astonishing his companions – and indeed, these grimfaced ex-soldiers next to us – with his extraordinary account of Kruppe and this tavern's namesake, conspiring to fashion a new world.' 'Is the tale done, then?' Baruk asked as he approached 'Just, but Kruppe would be delighted to—' 'Excellent I'll hear it some other time, I suppose.' The High Alchemist glanced over at Duiker, but the Imperial Historian had not so much as even looked up Head still bowed, eyes fixed on the cloth in his hands Baruk sighed 'Picker, have you mulled wine?' 'Aye, sir,' she said 'Behind you, beside the hearth.' Antsy reached for the clay jug, rose to pour Baruk a cup 'All right,' Picker said in a loud voice, walking over 'So, this is it Fine The fire's warm enough, we've drunk enough, and I for one am ready for some stories to be told – no, not you, Kruppe We've heard yours Now, Baruk here, and Coll and Murillio for that matter, might be interested in the tale of the final taking of Coral.' Coll slowly leaned forward 'So, you'll finally talk, will you? It's about time, Picker.' 'Not me,' she replied 'Not to start, anyway Captain? Refill your cup, sir, and weave us a tale.' The man grimaced, then shook his head 'I'd like to, Picker.' 'Too close,' Spindle grumbled, nodding and turning away 'Hood's breath, what a miserable bunch!' 'Sure,' Spindle snapped, 'a story to break our hearts all over again! What's the value in that?' A rough, broken voice replied, 'There is value.' Everyone fell silent, turned to Duiker The Imperial Historian had looked up, was studying them with dark eyes 'Value Yes I think, much value But not yours, soldiers Not yet Too soon for you Too soon.' 'Perhaps,' Baruk murmured, 'perhaps you are right in that We ask too much—' 'Of them Yes.' The old man looked down once more at the cloth in his hands The silence stretched Duiker made no move Picker began to turn back to her companions – when the man began speaking 'Very well, permit me, if you will, on this night To break your hearts once more This is the story of the Chain of Dogs Of Coltaine of the Crow Clan, newly come Fist to the 7th Army ' This ends the Third Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen GLOSSARY PANNION DOMIN TERMINOLOGY: Pannion Seer: the political and spiritual leader of the Domin Septarch: ruler of one of seven districts in Domin (also commands armies) Urdo: commander of elite heavy infantry (Urdomen) Urdomen: elite heavy infantry, fanatical followers of the Seer Seerdomin: fanatical bodyguard and assassin sect of the Domin Betaklites: medium infantry Beklites: regular infantry (also known as the Hundred Thousand) Betrullid: light cavalry Betakullid: medium cavalry Scalandi: skirmishers Desandi: sappers Tenescowri: the peasant army IN CAPUSTAN The Grey Swords: a mercenary cult hired to defend against the Pannion Domin The Mask Council: High Priests of the Fourteen Ascendants represented in Capustan The Gidrath: soldiers serving the fourteen temples The Capanthall: Capustan's city garrison, under command of Prince Jelarkan The Coralessian Company: followers of exiled Prince Arard of Coral Lestari Guard: refugee Palace Guard from the city of Lest Capan: name for distinct self-contained neighbourhoods and people in Capustan Daru Quarter: old town at centre of Capustan The Thrall: old Daru keep now home to the Mask Council THE FOURTEEN ASCENDANTS OF CAPUTAN'S MASK COUNCIL Fener/Tennerock Trake/Treach D'rek Hood Burn Togg Beru Mowri Oponn Soliel and Poliel Queen of Dreams Fanderay Dessembrae Shadowthrone PEOPLES AND PLACES The Rhivi: pastoral nomadic society in central plains of Genabackis The Barghast: a warrior caste tribe found on various continents: Ilgres Clan White Face Clan (including: Senan, Gilk, Ahkrata, Barahn, Nith'rithal) T'lan Imass (the Armies of the Diaspora): Logros, Guardians of the First Throne Kron, First to the Gathering Betrule (lost) Ifayle (lost) Bentract (lost) Orshayn (lost) Kerluhm (lost) Tiste Andii: an Elder Race Jaghut: an Elder Race K'Chain Che'Malle: one of the Four Founding Races, presumed extinct Moranth: a highly regimented culture, centred in Cloud Forest Daru: a cultural and linguistic group on Genabackis Capan: a citizen of Capustan Domin/Pannion: name for a new empire on Genabackis Lestari: a citizen of Lest Coralessian: a citizen of Coral Morn: a ruined, haunted place on the southwest coast of Genabackis Coral: a city in the Pannion Domin Lest: a city in the Pannion Domin Capustan: a city on the north side of the Catlin River Darujhistan: last Free City on Genabackis Lamatath Plain: plains to south of Darujhistan Jhagra Til: T'lan Imass name for now-extinct inland sea THE WORLD OF SORCERY The Warrens: (the Paths – those Warrens accessible to humans) Denul: the Path of Healing D'riss: The Path of Stone Hood's Path: the Path of Death Meanas: The Path of Shadow and Illusion Ruse: the Path of the Sea Rasham: The Path of Darkness Serc: the Path of the Sky Tennes: the Path of the Land Thyr: the Path of Light The Elder Warrens: Kurald Galain: the Tiste Andii Warren of Darkness Kurald Emurlahn: the Tiste Edur Warren Tellann: the T'lan Imass Warren Omtose Phellack: the Jaghut Warren Starvald Demelain: the Tiam Warren, the First Warren THE DECK OF DRAGONS– The Fatid (and associated Ascendants) High House Life King Queen (Queen of Dreams) Champion Priest Herald Soldier Weaver Mason Virgin High House Death King (Hood) Queen Knight (once Dassem Ultor) Magi Herald Soldier Spinner Mason Virgin High House Light King Queen Champion Priest Captain Soldier Seamstress Builder Maiden High House Dark King Queen Knight (Son of Darkness) Magi Captain Soldier Weaver Mason Wife High House Shadow King (Shadowthrone/Ammanas) Queen Assassin (the Rope/Cotillion) Magi Hound Unaligned Oponn (the Jesters of Chance) Obelisk (Burn) Crown Sceptre Orb Throne ASCENDANTS Apsalar, Lady of Thieves Beru, Lord of Storms Burn, Lady of the Earth, the Sleeping Goddess Caladan Brood, the Warlord Cotillion/The Rope (the Assassin of High House Shadow) Dessembrae, Lord of Tragedy D'rek, the Worm of Autumn (sometimes the Queen of Disease, see Poliel) Fanderay, She-Wolf of Winter Fener, the Boar (see also Tennerock) Gedderone, Lady of Spring and Rebirth Great Ravens, ravens sustained by magic Hood (King of High House Death) Jhess, Queen of Weaving Kallor, the High King K'rul, Elder God Mael, Elder God Mowri, Lady of Beggars, Slaves and Serfs Nerruse, Lady of Calm Seas and Fair Wind Oponn, Twin Jesters of Chance Osserc, Lord of the Sky Poliel, Mistress of Pestilence Queen of Dreams (Queen of High House Life) Shadowthrone/Ammanas (King of High House Shadow) Shedenul/Soliel, Lady of Health Soliel, Mistress of Healing Tennerock/Fener, the Boar of Five Tusks The Crippled God, King of Chains The Hounds (of High House Shadow) Togg (see Fanderay), the Wolf of Winter Trake/Treach, The Tiger of Summer and Battle Son of Darkness/Moon's Lord/Anomander Rake (Knight of High House Dark) Treach, First Hero ... MOON DEADHOUSE GATES MEMORIES OF ICE HOUSE OF CHAINS MIDNIGHT TIDES THE BONEHUNTERS REAPER'S GALE Memories of Ice A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen STEVEN ERIKSON Table of Contents Copyright... anthropologist and a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop The first six novels in his Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence – Gardens of the Moon, Deadhouse Gates, Memories of Ice, House of Chains, Midnight... and ruler of Capustan Arard, prince and ruler in absentia of Coral Rath'Fener (Priest of the Mask Council) Rath'Shadowthrone (Priest of the Mask Council) Rath'Queen of Dreams (Priestess of the Mask

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2019, 08:31



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