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02 shadowplay tad williams

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  • Acknowledgements

  • Author’s Note

  • Contents

  • Maps

  • Prelude


    • 1. Exiles

    • 2. Drowning

    • 3. Night Noises

    • 4. The Hada-d’in-Mozan

    • 5. At Liberty

    • 6. Skurn

    • 7. Chasing the Jackals

    • 8. An Unremarkable Man

    • 9. In Lonely Deeps

    • 10. Crooked and his Great Grandmother

    • 11. A Little Hard Work

    • 12. Two Yisti Knives

    • 13. Messages

    • 14. Hunted


    • 15. The Boy in the Mirror

    • 16. Night Fires

    • 17. Bastard Gods

    • 18. Questions with No Answers

    • 19. Voices in the Forest

    • 20. A Piece of the Moon’s House

    • 21. The Deathwatch Chamber

    • 22. A Meeting of the Guild

    • 23. The Dreams of Gods

    • 24. Three Brothers


    • 25. The Gray Man

    • 26. Rising Wind

    • 27. The Players

    • 28. Secrets of the Black Earth

    • 29. Bells

    • 30. The Tanglewife

    • 31. The Dark-Eyed Girl

    • 32. Remembering Simmikin

    • 33. The Crocodile’s Roar

    • 34. Through Immon’s Gate

    • 35. Blessings

    • 36. The False Woman

    • 37. Silence

    • 38. Beneath the Burning Eye

    • 39. City of the Red Sun

    • 40. Offered to Nushash

    • 41. Kinswoman to Death

    • 42. The Raven’s Friend

  • Appendix

Nội dung

SHADOWPLAY Shadowmarch, book Tad Williams March 2007 This book like the first volume, is dedicated to our children Connor Williams and Devon Beale— who, since that first dedication, are a couple of years older and louder, but still quite fabulous I flinch with love every time they shriek at me Acknowledgements Those wishing the full story of my gratitude should inspect the “thank-you-all” page in Shadowmarch Nothing much has changed with the second volume Or those who don’t have Volume One to hand: As always, many thanks to my editors Betsy Wollheim and Sheila Gilbert and everyone else at DAW Books, my wife Deborah Beale and our assistant Dena Chavez, and my agent Matt Bialer, and also my pets and children, who make every day a challenge and an adventure (And whoever did good work without being challenged?) Last of all, another shoutout to the folks at Shadowmarch.com You are welcome to join us there You don’t even have to bring booze or anything (It’s a virtual community, after all.) Author’s Note For those who wish to feel securely grounded in the Who, What, and Where of things, there are several maps and, at the end of the book, indexes of characters and places and other important materials The maps have been compiled from an exhaustive array of traveler’s tales, nearly illegible old documents, transcripts of oracular utterances, and the murmurings of dying hermits, not to mention the contents of an ancient box of land-office records discovered at a Syannese flea market A similarly arcane and wearying process was responsible for the creation of the indexes Use them well, remembering that many have died, or at least seriously damaged their vision and scholarly reputations, to make these aids available to you, the reader Contents Maps Prelude PART ONE: MASKS Exiles Drowning Night Noises The Hada-d’in Mozan At Liberty Skurn Chasing the Jackals An Unremarkable Man In Lonely Deeps 10 Crooked and his Great-Grandmother 11 A Little Hard Work 12 Two Yisti Knives 13 Messages 14 Hunted PART TWO: MUMMERS 15 The Boy in the Mirror 16 Night Fires 17 Bastard Gods 18 Questions with No Answers 19 Voices in the Forest 20 A Piece of the Moon’s House 21 The Deathwatch Chamber 22 A Meeting of the Guild 23 The Dreams of Gods 24 Three Brothers PART THREE: MACHINES 25 The Gray Man 26 Rising Wind 27 The Players 28 Secrets of the Black Earth 29 Bells 30 The Tanglewife 31 The Dark-Eyed Girl 32 Remembering Simmikin 33 The Crocodile’s Roar 34 Through Immon’s Gate 35 Blessings 36 The False Woman 37 Silence 38 Beneath the Burning Eye 39.City of the Red Sun 40 Offered to Nushash 41 Kinswoman to Death 42 The Raven’s Friend Appendix Maps which he was not quite certain (although he could judge himself guilty of much) would walk it forever, undying, an endless sentence But could the gods really be so cruel? And even if they were, why did he still feel tired, as a living man might feel? And what was it about the gods that pricked at him? Why were they weighing so heavily on his thoughts? Every time he tried to remember how he had come to this place, what had seemed solid fell apart in his grasp, like fog He could not remember where he had been before this—in fact, he could remember almost nothing that had happened since he threw himself against the guards in the demigod’s underground fortress He seemed to recall a city, and something about his father, but surely those were dreams, since his father had been dead for years But if those had been dreams, then what was this place? Where was he? Who or what had set him on this unending track? What if he just stepped off this pointless, endless bridge, he wondered, and let himself fall? Could whatever happened —death or an equally pointless, endless plunge—really be so much worse? It was something to keep in reserve, he decided—a door It might turn out to be the only door that could lead him out of this dreadful emptiness Ferras Vansen had no answers, but being able to ask questions at least kept him from going mad It was as though he had blinked, but the moment of his eyes being shut had lasted for a year instead of an instant When he noticed what had happened, everything had changed The abyss was gone, the infinite, eternal black faded in some strange way to a much more tangible darkness, that of ordinary shadow Something that felt like stone still lay beneath his feet, but flat, not curved, and he had the distinct sense of being surrounded by something other than the dreadfully familiar void He stopped, surprised and more than a little frightened— after so long, any change was terrifying He dropped to his knees and sniffed the cold stone, pressed his forehead against it It felt real It felt different, which was even more important He stood up and to his immense surprise the darkness itself began to recede, or rather the light came and dissolved it: brightness flooded in, the light of actual, homely torches, and he could see walls around him, stone walls that had been decorously carved He followed the lines of the ceiling up and discovered, to his horror, an immense shape looking back down at him, black and ominous But it was only a statue, a huge image of Kernios, and although Vansen was startled when he looked down and saw the same statue staring up at him from beneath his feet, he grasped a moment later that he stood on some kind of looking-glass stone, a vast mirror which reflected the pit so intricately carved in the ceiling overhead, as well as great Kernios looking down, or up, from its depths Staring up and then down made him dizzy Vansen almost fell, but caught himself Where was he? Was this some deep place in the earth beneath the demigod’s mine? He had fallen through the god’s open gateway—was this the heart of the god’s sanctuary? But it seemed too ordinary, somehow The carving was beautiful, the statue of Kernios awe-inspiring, but they did not seem otherworldly He caught himself when he almost toppled again, forced himself to breathe He was weary beyond belief He was alive The one was proof of the other, and the solid room around him was more proof that he had survived, no matter where he might be Across from him was a massive doorway He went to it and tested it Despite its heaviness, it swung open at a touch The room on the other side was full of small figures— waiting for him, Vansen thought at first, but when he saw the startled look on the little men’s faces he knew that was not true Servants of Kernios, perhaps? But there had also been tiny men like this in Jikuyin’s mines Vansen held up his hands, wondering if they could speak any language he knew “Can you understand me?” “What in the name of the Earth Elders were you doing in the Council Chamber, stranger?” one of the little men asked him, frowning “You’re not allowed in there.” His eyes grew wide with alarm and he turned and scuttled out the far door The rest of the little men followed him, looking back fearfully as they fled, as though Vansen were some kind of dangerous beast He stared after them and a chill traversed his spine from tailbone to skull and back Not only was it his tongue the little man had spoken, it had been a perfect Southmarch accent What was happening? What kind of trick was being played on him? Vansen stood for a long time letting his heart slow, staring around the wide room and trying to make sense of what had happened to him, but almost afraid to find out At last the door of the large chamber opened and a group of the little men, this time carrying shovels and picks and other weapons, came cautiously toward him across the shiny stone floor Vansen lifted his hands to show he was unarmed, but his attention was caught by the stout man who came with them—a normal man, someone Vansen’s own height There was something oddly familiar about his face “I know you, sir,” he said as the big man and his child-sized army approached “You are gods save me, you are Chaven, the royal family’s physician.” “So you say,” the man said He did not look the type to be leading any armed band, even one this size “But I not admit it You are trespassing here, you know What are you doing in the Funderling’s guildhall?” “Funderlings? Guildhall?” Vansen could only stare at the man “What madness is this? Where am I?” “By all the gods,” Chaven said, and stopped He put out his arms to hold back the nearest Funderlings, or perhaps to support himself—he looked as though he had been struck a blow “I know this man, but he was lost in the battle against the Twilight People Are you not Captain Vansen, sir? Are you not the captain of the royal guard?” “I am But where am I?” “Don’t you know?” The physician shook his head slowly “You are in Funderling Town, of course, underneath Southmarch Castle.” “Southmarch ?” Ferras Vansen looked around the chamber again in stunned amazement, then took a staggering step toward Chaven and the Funderlings, causing some of the little men to raise their weapons in alarm Vansen fell to his knees, raising his arms in the air to praise all the gods, then the crowd of Funderlings watched with worried faces him as he threw himself down on the floor, laughing and weeping, and pressed his face against the blessed solidity of the stone Appendix PEOPLE Aduan—former king of March Kingdoms, husband of Ealga, and builder of M’Helan’s Rock lodge Aesi’uah—Yasammez’ chief eremite, of Dreamless blood Aislin—a Skimmer tanglewife Alessandros—Anissa’s father, grand viscount of Devonis Ananka—baroness, former mistress of King Hespter, now Enander’s Angelos—an envoy from Jellon to Southmarch Anglin—Connordic chieftain, awarded March Kingdom after Coldgray Moor Anglin III—king of Southmarch, great-grandfather of Briony and Barrick Anissa—queen of Southmarch, Olin’s second wife Annon—a demigod, son of Kernios, killed by Jikuyin Argal—Xandian name for Perin Argal the Dark One—Xixian god, enemy of Nushash Arimone—the autarch’s paramount wife Arjamele—one of Qinnitan’s neighbors at her childhood home Ashretan—Qinnitan’s sister Autarch—Sulepis Bishakh am-Xis III, monarch of Xis, most powerful nation on the southern continent of Xand Avin Brone—count of Landsend, the castle’s lord constable Axamis Dorza—a Xixian ship’s captain Ayona, Countess—wife of Perivos Akuanis Azinor of the Onyenai—a god, one of Zmeos’ sons by Zuriyal Baddara—an innkeeper in Lander’s Port Barrick Eddon—a prince of Southmarch Barrow—a royal guard Barumbanogatir—a demigod, child of Sveros Baz’u Jev—a Zandian poet Bazilis, Favored—envoy for autarch Beetledown—a Rooftopper Berkan Hood—the Tollys’ lord constable Birin, Lord of the Evening Mist—a god, one of Perin’s sons, killed in the God War Bloodstone Smoke Quartz— magister of Smoke Quartz family Brabinayos Boots-of-Stone— Hierosoline name for Barumbanogatir Brigid—a serving woman at the Quiller’s Mint Briony Eddon—a princess of Southmarch Brother Lysas—Pelaya’s and Teloni’s tutor Caprock Gneiss, Highwarden— important Funderling of the Fire Stone House Captrosophist Order—school of mirror-lore, founded in Tessis Caradon Tolly, Duke of Summerfield—second oldest Tolly brother Caylor—a legendary knight and prince Celebrants of Mother Night—Qar order/subspecies/cult Chakkai—a people of the southern Perikalese mountains Chaven—physician and astrologer to the Eddon family Chert Blue Quartz—a Funderling, Opal’s husband Cheryazi—Qinnitan’s sister Children of the Emerald Fire—a Qar tribe Cinnabar—a Funderling magister Collum Dyer—one of Vansen’s soldiers Conary—proprietor of the Quiller’s Mint Conoric, Sivonnic, and Iellic tribes —“primitive” tribes who lived on Eion before conquest by the southern continent of Xand Crooked —Qar name for Kupilas Daikonas Vo—a Perikalese White Hound Dandelon—a character in Hewney’s King Nikolos Dawet dan-Faar—envoy from Hierosol Dawtrey—a legendary knight, sometimes called “Elf-spelled” Devona—a goddess, aka “Devona of the Harp” Devonai kings—ancient line of Hiersoline royalty Dimakos Heavyhand—one of the last chieftains of the Gray Companies Doirrean—young Prince Olin’s nursemaid Donal Murroy—onetime captain of the Southmarch royal guard Dowan Birch—a player in Makewell’s Men Dreamless—also known as “Night Men” Drows—a race behind the Shadowline, related to Funderlings Durstin Crowel—baron of Graylock Ealga Flaxen-Hair—former queen of March Kingdoms, wife of King Aduan Earth Elders—Funderling guardian spirits Effir dan-Mozan—a Tuani merchant Eilis—Merolanna’s maid Elan M’Cory—sister-in-law of Caradon Tolly Ena—a young Skimmer girl, Backon-Sunset-Tide clan Enander II—king of Syan Eneas—son of Enander, prince of Syan and heir to throne Erasmios Jino—Marquis of Athnia, aide to King Enander of Syan Eri—Chaven’s oldest brother Eril—an Akuanis family servant Erilo—god of harvest Erivor—god of waters Erlon Meaher—a court poet in Southmarch, rival of Tinwright Eshervat—Xixian name for Erivor Estir Makewell—sister of Pedder Makewell Fanu—a relative of Idite Febis—cousin of the autarch Feival Ulian—a player in Makewell’s Men Ferras Vansen—captain of the Southmarch royal guard Finn Teodoros—a writer Four Sunsets—the fairy who owned Dragonfly Funderlings—sometimes known as “delvers,” small people who specialize in stonecraft Gailon Tolly, Duke of Summerfield —an Eddon family cousin Geral Kelty—one of the Southmarch guards lost behind the Shadowline Gil—a potboy at the Quiller’s Mint Grandfather Sulfur—a Funderling elder of the Metamorphic Brothers Gray Companies—mercenaries and landless men turned bandits in wake of the Great Death Great Mother—goddess worshipped in Tuan Gregor—a laundry worker Gregor of Syan—a famous bard Guard of Elementals—a tribe of the Qar Gyir—a Qar, Yasammez’ captain, aka “Gyir the Storm Lantern” Habbili—a god, the crippled son of Nushash Harsar—Ynnir’s counselor Hendon Tolly—youngest of the Tolly brothers, Guardian of Southmarch Hesper—King of Jellon, betrayer of King Olin Hijam Marukh, aka “Stoneheart”— captain of the autarch’s Leopard guards Hiliometes—a legendary demigod and hero Idite—Effir dan-Mozan’s wife Ikelis Johar—High Polemarch (chief general) of Xis Iomer M’Sivon—Baron of Landers Port Irinnis—foreman of military engineers, Hierosol Jacinth Malachite—a female magister Jeddin—chief of the autarch’s Leopard guards Karal—king of Syan killed by Qar at Coldgray Moor Kaspar Dyelos— Chaven’s mentor, aka “Warlock of Krace” ayyin—“real” name of Gil the potboy Kearn Tinwright—Matt Tinwright’s father, a tutor Kellick Eddon—great-grandnephew of Anglin, first of Eddon family March Kings Kelofas—a Hierosoline noble Kendrick Eddon—prince regent of Southmarch, eldest son of King Olin Kernios—god of earth and death, one of the Trigon brothers King Nikolos—Syan monarch who moved the Trigon out of Hierosol Kiril—Pelaya’s brother Krisanthe—Queen Meriel’s mother, the twins’ grandmother Kupilas— god of healing, also known as “Habbili” and “Crooked” Lady Simeon—a lady-in-waiting during the twins’ youth Lander III—son of Karal, king of Syan, aka “Lander the Good,” “Lander Elfbane” Lawren—the old Earl of Marrinscrest Lida—Elan M’Cory’s maid Lisiya Melana of the Silver Glade— demigoddess, one of the nine daughters of Birgya and Volios Lord of the Peak—a Rooftopper deity Lorick Eddon—Olin’s older brother, who died young Losa—a laundry worker Ludis Drakava—Lord Protector of Hierosol Madi Surazem—goddess of childbirth Magister Scoria of the Gneiss family Makaros (“the Makari”)—Chaven’s family name Matthias Tinwright—a poet, aka “Matty” Meriel—Olin’s first wife, daughter of “a powerful Brennish duke” Merolanna—the twins’ great-aunt, originally of Fael, widow of Daman Eddon Mesiya—moon goddess Metamorphic Brothers—a Funderling religious order Milios, Bandit-King of Torvio—character from a play Moina Hartsbrook—a young Helmingsea noblewoman, one of Briony’s ladies-in-waiting Mokori—one of the autarch’s stranglers Muziren Chah—the autarch’s regent in Xis Nenizu—Xandian name for Mesiya the moon goddess Nevin Hewney— a playwright and player in Makewell’s Men Nikos—Dorza’s Hierosoline son Niram—Chaven’s older brother Nodule—Chert’s brother, aka “Magister Blue Quartz” Nushash— Xixian god of fire and chief god of Xis, patron god of the autarchs, Xandian name for Zmeos Nynor—Steffens Nynor, Count of Redtree, lord castellan of Southmarch Castle Okros Dioketian—Brother Okros’ full name Olin Alessandros Benediktos Eddon—son of King Olin and Queen Anissa On Iaris—an oracle of the Trigonate Church On Zakkas (known as “the Ragged”)—an oracle of the Trigonate Church Onir Kyma—an oracle with a temple in Southmarch Onir Soteros —“Dreamer Soteros,” an oracle of the Trigonate Church Opal—A funderling, Chert’s wife Palakastros—neighbors of the Akuanis family Pale Daughter—Qar name for Zoria Panhyssir—Xixian high priest of Nushash Parnad—father of current autarch, Sulepis, sometimes known as “the Unsleeping” Pedar Vansen—Ferras Vansen’s father Pedder Makewell—actor, sponsor, of troop of players Pelaya— daughter of Count Perivos Perin—sky god, called “Thane of Lightnings” Perivos Akuanis, Count—steward of the Hierosoline citadel Petris Kopayis—famous Kracian siege tactician Phelsas—Hierosoline philosopher, founder of School of Phelsas, postulator of Many Worlds idea Pilney—a young player Pinimmon Vash—Paramount Minister of Xis Prusus—scotarch of Xis, sometimes called “Prusus the Cripple” Puzzle—court jester to the Eddon family Pyarin Ky’vos—Skimmer name for Perin Qar—race of nonhumans who once occupied much of Eion Qinnitan— an acolyte of the Hive in Xis, later a bride in the autarch’s Seclusion Quicklime Pewter, Highwarden— important Funderling of the Metal House Quicksilver—important Funderling family Rabbit—a laundry worker Rafe—Ena’s friend, Hull-Scrapedthe-Sand clan Red Stag—the Qar name for the god Honnos Robben Hulligan—a musician, friend of Puzzle Rooftoppers—little-known residents of Southmarch Castle Rorick Longarren, Earl of Daler’s Troth— an Eddon cousin of Brennish ancestry, related to Meriel Rose Trelling—one of Briony’s ladies-in-waiting, a niece of Avin Brone Rud—a god, son of Zo and Sva, aka “Golden Arrow” Rugan— the high priestess of the Hive Salamandros—one of Zosim’s holy names Sanasu—widow of Kellick Eddon, known as “Weeping Queen” Saqri (of the Ancient Song)—queen of the People, Ynnir’s wife, aka “The Sleeping Queen” Sard Smaragdine, Highwarden— important Funderling of the Crystal House Sawamat—Xixian name for Great Mother, a goddess Selia—Anissa’s maid, also from Devonis Shaso dan-Heza—Southmarch master of arms Shoshem—Xandian name for Zosim Shusayem—Xandian name for Madi Surazem Silas of Perikal—semilegendary knight Sisel—Hierarch of Southmarch, chief religious figure in March Kingdoms Sister (or “Sor”), Lyris—Pelaya’s tutor Siveda—goddess of night Skimmers—a people who make their living on and around water Soryaza—mistress of the laundry, former Hive acolyte Surigali— Xixian goddess Suya—Xandian name for Zoria Sveros—old god of the night sky, father of Trigon gods Talibo—Effir’s nephew Tane, King—ancient Vuttish king known as Tane the White and T’chayan Redhand Tedora—Axamis Dorza’s Hierosoline wife Teloni—Pelaya’s sister Thallo—a Heiosoline queen from the imperial period Timoid, Father —Eddon family mantis (priest) Tirnan, Havemore—Brone’s former factor, later castellan of Southmarch Travertine, Highwarden—important Funderling of Water Stone House Trigon—priesthoods of Perin, Erivor, and Kernios acting in concert Trigonarch—Head of Trigonate Church, chief religious figure in Eion Turley Longfingers—a Skimmer fisherman, Back-onSunset-Tide clan Twelve Families— governing body of old Hierosol Twilight People—another name for the Qar Tyne Aldritch, Earl of Blueshore— an ally of Southmarch, killed by Qar Ueni’ssoh—Jikuyin’s adviser, one of the Dreamless Umdi Onajena—the Xixian name for Madi Onyena Upsteeplebat, Queen—monarch of the Rooftoppers Urekh—a god, wore wolf-armor Urrigijag the Thousand-Eyed— Funderling name for Immon Ustin—King Olin’s father Utta—aka “Sister Utta” or “Sor Utta,” a priestess of Zoria and Briony’s tutor—full name: Utta Fornsdodir Uvis White-Hand—a god, wounded by Kernios Vanderin—a Syannese poet Vermilion Cinnabar—wife of Quicksilver magister Volios of the Measureless Grip—a son of Perin, god of war Waterman —a player Whispering Mothers—a Qar tribe White Daughter—a name for Zoria Widowmakers—Jikuyin’s troop in ancient days Willow—a young woman Xarpedon—name of several autarchs of Xand Xergal—Xandian name for Kernios Ximander—a mantis, “writer” of a famous book Xosh—Xandian name for Khors Yaridoras—a Perikalese White Hound Yarnos of the Snows—a god Yasammez—Qar noblewoman, aka “Lady Porcupine” Yazi—a laundry girl from Ellamish border country Yirrud—a god, son of Rud and Onyena Yisti—Sanian metalworkers of Funderling blood Ynnir the Blind King—lord of the Qar, “Ynnir din’at sen-Qin, Guardian of the Fireflower, Lord of Winds and Thought,” aka “Son of the First Stone” Zamira—Chaven’s sister Zmeos—a god, Perin’s nemesis Zoria—goddess of wisdom Zosim—son of Erilo, god of playwrights and drunkards Zsansan-sis—chieftain of the Children of the Emerald Glow PLACES Akaris—an island between Xand and Eion Aldritch Stead—castle of Tyne Aldritch, late earl of Blueshore Ardos Perinous—a mountain town in Syan Badger’s Boots—a Southmarch inn Basilisk Gate—main gate of Southmarch Castle Blessed Lady of Night—a temple of Siveda, in Tessis Brenland—small country south of the March Kingdoms Brenn’s Bay—named after legendary hero Cat’s Eye Street—a street in Xis Chakki’s Hole—a district in the northestern corner of central Tessis Citadel Hill—small palatine hill of Hierosol Coast Road—a road in Marrinswalk Coiner’s Point—a pramantony of Landsend Coldgray Moor—legendary battleground, from a Qar word, “Qul Girah” Creedy’s Inn—tavern in Greater Stell Dagardar—trading port of Tuan, also a famous siege by the troops of the old autarch Parnad Daneya Street—a waterfront street in Hierosol, haunt of prostitutes Dawnwood—site of a battle between Qar and demigod Deep Library—a place in Qual-na-Qar Doros Kallida—Syannese town Ealingsbarrow—human settlement now ruined behind the Shadowline Eastmarch Academy—university, originally in old Eastmarch, relocated to Southmarch at the time of the last war with the Qar Eion— the northern continent Ellamish—border country to Xis Emberstone Reach—in the Funderling Depths Esterian River Valley—in Syan, most populous place in Eion Falopetris—capitol of Ulos, home of Chaven Firstford—main city of Silverside Funderling Town—underground city of Funderlings, in Southmarch Great Gable—Rooftopper sacred spot Great Kertish Road—a road between Silverside and Kertewall Hakka—islands off the coast of Xand Hallia Fair—a town in Kertewall Harbor of Kalkas—Hierosolian harbor Harbor of Nektarios—Hierosolian harbor Hierosol—once the reigning empire of the world, now much reduced; its symbol is the golden snail shell Hive—a temple in Xis, home of the sacred bees of Nushash Holy Wainscoting—Rooftopper sacred spot Iyar—country in Xand J’ezh’kral Pit—a place out of Funderling myth Jellon—kingdom, once part of Syannic Empire Karalsway—a road in Marrinswalk Kertewall—one of the March Kingdoms Kinemarket—a town in Marrinswalk Kolkan’s Field—manorial farm outside Southmarch, site of the last Qar/human battle Krace—a collection of city-states, once part of Hierosoline Empire Kulloan Strait Lake Strivothos—a large lake (really a bay) at the center of Southern Eion Lander’s Port—a Marrinswalk fighing town Landsend—part of Southmarch, Brone’s fief, colors red and gold Landsman’s Market—a disctrict in Hierosol with a famous market Lantern Broad—widest street in Tessis Lily Gate—gate leading out of the Seclusion into the city of Xis Little Stell—Daler’s Troth town Mandrake Court—inner court of the Orchard Palace in Xis Marash—a Xandian province where peppers are grown March Kingdoms— originally Northmarch, Southmarch, Eastmarch and Westmarch, but after the war with the Qar constituted by Southmarch and the Nine Nations (which include Summerfield and Blueshore) Market Road—one of Southmarch’s main roads Market Square—main public space in Southmarch Marrinswalk—one of the March Kingdoms Meadows of the Moon—pastures for the horses of the Qar Mihan—a nation in Xand Mount, The, aka Midlan’s Mount— rock in Brenn’s Bay upon which Southmarch is built Mount Sarissa—mountain in southern Eion (“lance”)—visible from Hierosol, has “neighbors” Mount Xandos—mythical giant mountain that stood where Xand now lies Northmarch Road—the old road between Southmarch and the north Nyoru—chief city of Tuan Observatory House—Chaven’s residence Odeion—a theater Onir Diotrodos—Syannese town Onir Soteros—a district in Hierosol Onsilpia’s Veil—a large city in Silverside Oscastle—a city in Marrinswalk Pomegranate Court—an outer court of the Orchard Palace Port Road—a main road running along the mainland Southmarch seafront Qirush-a-Ghat—cavern towns of the Qar; name means “Firstdeeps” Quarry Square—a meeting-place in Funderling Town Qul-na-Qar— ancient home of the Qar or Twilight People Raven’s Gate—entrance to Southmarch Castle’s inner keep Reheq-s’lai—Wanderwind Mountains Rimetrail—a magical river that separates Everfrost from Xandos Royal Highway—sometimes called King Karal’s Road, in Syan, leading all the way to Tessis Sailmaker’s Row—a street near the docks in Great Xis Salt Pool— underground sea-pool in Funderling Town Sandy Head Sania—a country in Xand Sessio—an island kingdom in the south of Eion Settesyard—capitol of Settland Settland—small, mountainous country southwest of the March Kingdoms; ally of Southmarch Shadowline—line of demarcation between lands of Qar and human lands Shehen—“Weeping,” Qar name for Yasammez’ house Shivering Plain—site of a great Qar battle Siege of Always-Winter—a mythical castle Silent Hill—a place behind the Shadowline Siris—Akuanis family county in northeastern Hierosol Sirkot— legendary city in the southernmost part of Xand Skimmer’s Lagoon— body of water inside Southmarch walls, connected to Brenn’s Bay Sleep—the city of the Dreamless Smoking Islands—an archipelago in the sea, far southwest of the Kracian Peninsula Southmarch—seat of the March Kings, sometimes called “Shadowmarch” Square of Three Gods—town square in mainland Southmarch Stoneless Spaces—from Funderling myth, a place of banishment Sublime Canal—the main canal in Xis, which runs through the Orchard Palace Summerfield Court—ducal seat of Gailon and the Tolly family Syan—once dominant empire, still a powerful kingdom in center of Eion Tessis—capitol city of Syan Theogonian Gate—a city gate in Hierosol Torvio—an island nation between Eion and Xand Tuan—native country of Shaso and Dawet Tyrosbridge—a principality near the northern Syannese border Ugenion —Syannese town Wedge Road—Chert and Opal’s street Wharfside—a district of mainland Southmarch Whitewood—a forest on the border between Silverside and Marrinswalk Willowburn—Elan M’Cory’s family home Wolfstooth Spire—tallest tower of Southmarch Castle Xand—the southern continent Xis—largest kingdom of Xand; its master is the autarch (adjective, “Xixian”) Zan-Ahmia—country in Xand Zan-Kartuum—country in Xand THINGS Adelfa—head of a Zorian sisterhood Arrow Count—a Qar ceremony Astion—a Funderling symbol of authority Bandit-King of Torvio, The—a play Black Wrack—a Skimmer wine Blueroot—favorite Funderling teaherb Book of Regret—a semi-mythical Qar artifact/text Book of the Fire in the Void—“the source of the music that governs even the gods” Book of the Trigon, The—a late-era adaptation of original texts about all three gods Council of the Twenty-Seven Families—the leaders of Hierosol D’shinna—Tuani word for fairies Demia’s Candle—a holiday Dragonfly—a Shadowline horse Earthstar—spear of Kernios Eddon Wolf—the symbol of the Eddon family (silver wolf and stars on black field) Ever-Wounded Maid—a famous story False Woman, The—a tavern in Tessis Fireflower—immortality among the Qar’s ruling family Firmament, The —a theater in Southmarch Four Sisters Courtyard—a large courtyard in the Hierosoline palace Gestrimadi—religious festival in March Kingdoms Golden Enomote—an enomote (about two dozen) soldiers who guard the ruler of Hierosol Great Zosimia—a holiday, known for religious drama Hierosoline— the language of Hierosol, found in many religious services and scientific books, etc., and the root to the common speech of Eion Hours of Refusal—a Zorian prayer Kerneia—a holiday Kori-doll—effigy thrown onto Eril’s Night bonfire Kossope—a constellation Kossope House—a dormitory for servants working in the Hierosoline citadel Kulikos or Kulikos Stone—a reputedly magical object Life and Death of King Nikolos, The—a play Little Zosimia—a holiday, known for religious drama Mantis—a priest, usually of the Trigon Mihanni—object from Mihan Morning Star of Kirous—Jeddin’s ship Mossbrew—a strong Funderling drink Oak Tree—Perin’s hammer Onir Kyma—a temple Orphan Boy in Heaven, The—a play Outcrop—the ceremonial center of the Funderling Stone Cutter’s guildhall Pentecount—a troop, numbering fifty Perin’s Forgiveness—a common religious ritual Perinos Eio—largest planet in the skies Polemarch—a general of Xis of Hierosol Prophet’s Day—the day before Kerneia Quiller’s Mint—a tavern Raging Beast—a monster defeated by Hiliometes in a famous story Salute of the Bone Knife—Qar ceremony Seal of War—a Qar gem, object of great importance Shanat—a popular Xandian game Shining Man—center of the Funderling Mysteries Shivering Plain—a famous Qar battleground Shouma—a drink with strange properties Silver Thing—part of the Rooftopper’s crown jewels Silverbeam—sword of Khors Smoke Sacrifice—a Trigonate ritual Song of the Owl’s Eye—Qar ceremony Soso—Aislin’s rescued gull Sun’s Blood—an elixir prepared by the priest of Nushash Taksiarch—a military rank of Xis of Hierosol Trigon—the religious power of Eion, a triumvirate of priesthoods (Perin, Erivor, Kernios) Umeyana—the “blood-kiss” War-Stone—a weapon of the Whispering Mothers Whitefire—the sword of Yasammez Wickeril—a Skimmer liquor Wildson Night—a festive winter holiday Wildsong Night—a holiday evening, also known as Winter’s Eve Xandian Federation Xarpedon—an autarch of Xis Ximander’s Book—selections from the Book of Regret Xol-priest—one who can manipulate the autarch’s parasite Years of Blood—when the Qar fought against the last demigods and monsters Zoria, Tragedy of a Virgin Goddess—a play Zosimion Theater—a theater in Tessis Days of the Week: in the Eionic calendar, there are three ten-day periods in each month, called “tennights.” Therefore, the twentyfirst day of August in our calendar would be more or less the third Firstday of Oktamene See the explanation under “Months” for more information Firstday Sunsday Moonsday Skyday Windsday Stonesday Fireday Watersday Godsday Lastday Months: each Eion month is thirty days long, divided into three tendays, with five intercalary days between the end of the year— Orphan’s Day—and the first day of the new year, also known as Firstday or Year Day—thus month/month correspondents are liable to differ by a few days: the first day of Trimene in Southmarch is not the exact same day as March 1st on our calendar Eimene— January Dimene— February Trimene—March Tetramene— April Pentamene— May Hexamene— June Heptamene— July Oktamene— August Ennamene— September Dekamene— October Endekamene— November Dodekamene— December .. .SHADOWPLAY Shadowmarch, book Tad Williams March 2007 This book like the first volume, is dedicated to our children Connor Williams and Devon Beale— who, since

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2019, 15:50



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