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Migrating to the Cloud This page intentionally left blank Migrating to the CloudOracle Client/Server Modernization Tom Laszewski Prakash Nauduri Technical Editor Ward Spangenberg AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Syngress is an imprint of Elsevier Acquiring Editor: Chris Katsaropoulos Development Editor: Matt Cater Project Manager: Jessica Vaughan Designer: Alisa Andreola Syngress is an imprint of Elsevier 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein) Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods or professional practices may become necessary Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information or methods described herein In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Laszewski, Tom Migrating to the cloud : Oracle client/server modernization / Tom Laszewski, Prakash Nauduri p cm ISBN 978-1-59749-647-6 Cloud computing Systems migration Oracle (Computer file) Client/server computing I Nauduri, Prakash II Title QA76.585.L38 2012 004.6782edc23 2011029908 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-59749-647-6 Printed in the United States of America 12 13 14 15 16 10 For information on all Syngress publications visit our website at www.syngress.com Contents About the Authors xv About the Technical Editor xvii Introduction xix CHAPTER Migrating to the Cloud: Client/Server Migrations to the OracleCloud What Is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing Service Models Cloud Computing Deployment Models The OracleCloud Legacy Client/Server Databases and Applications 10 Why Migrate? 11 Why Oracle? 13 Migration Strategies .16 Summary 19 Endnotes 19 CHAPTER Identifying the Level of Effort and Cost 21 Complexity of Database and Application SQL Migration Defined .24 Overall Estimating and Scoping Approach 25 Questionnaires 25 First-Pass Migration with Oracle SQL Developer .27 On-site Visit or Web Conference(s) .27 Migration Workshop .28 Scope Deliverables 28 Analysis and Design 28 Database Migration .29 Schema and Data 29 Stored Procedures 30 Triggers 30 Views .31 Application Migration 32 SQL Only 32 Language Migration .33 Language Migration: Sybase and SQL Server C/Cỵỵ APIs 33 Service Enablement 34 Integration Architecture 34 Infrastructure Products, Utilities, and Tools .34 v vi Contents Application Server Migration to Oracle WebLogic .34 Hardware and Software .35 Exadata and Exalogic: Database and Middleware Hardware and Software 35 Oracle Virtualization and Oracle Enterprise Linux: Database and Middleware Hardware and Software .36 Operating System Migration 36 System, Customer Acceptance, and Performance Testing 36 Moving to Production 37 Other Things to Consider 38 Project Management and Enterprise Architect 38 Migration Effort Examples 38 SQL Server Visual Basic Migration Estimate .39 Sybase Cỵỵ, PowerBuilder, Java, and Business Object Migration Estimate .40 DB2 PowerBuilder and Java Migration Estimate 40 Summary 42 Endnotes 43 CHAPTER Methodology and Design 45 Migration Options .45 Methodology and Design 46 Assessment 47 Analysis and Design .51 Migration 55 Testing 62 Optimization 63 Deployment 65 Post-Production Support .66 Migration Services 66 Summary 67 CHAPTER Relational Migration Tools 69 Initial Database Migration 70 Database API and Protocol Options .70 SQL Loader and External Tables 73 Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench Database Migration .73 Oracle Gateways 74 Oracle ETL and ELT Tools 75 Oracle Tuxedo Workbench for DB2 z/OS .76 Oracle GoldenGate 77 Contents Third-Party Tools 77 Reducing Data Migration Time and Disk Requirements 78 Matrix of Oracle and Third-Party Database Migration Tools 79 Initial Stored Object Migration 79 Matrix of Oracle and Third-Party Stored Object Migration Tools 81 Application SQL Migration 83 Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench Application Migration 84 Ispirer 84 SwisSQL 85 Unit Testing 86 Performance Testing 86 System Testing 86 Production Rollout 87 Oracle GoldenGate 87 Oracle CDC 88 ODI CDC Knowledge Modules .89 Matrix of Production Rollout Tools .89 Global and Niche Service Providers 89 Summary 90 Endnotes 91 CHAPTER Database Schema and Data Migration 93 Database Migration Tools from Oracle 93 Database Schema Migration Tasks .95 Data Migration 102 Data Extraction .103 Data Staging and Transfer 104 Data Loading 106 Data Loading Using Oracle SQL*Loader 107 Data Loading Using the External Table Feature 110 Data Loading Using SQL Developer 112 Data Migration Using ETL Tools Such as ODI 113 Data Validation 113 Sample Sybase Database Migration to Oracle Using Oracle SQL Developer 115 Prerequisites for Schema Migration Using SQL Developer 115 Database Schema Migration .117 Summary 129 vii viii Contents CHAPTER Database Stored Object Migration 131 SQL Developer Environment for Sample Migrations 133 Translation Scratch Editor 135 Stored Procedure Migrations 136 Oracle Differences 137 Top Challenges and Solutions 138 Example Sybase Stored Procedure Migration .139 Triggers 142 Oracle Differences 142 Top Challenges and Solutions 143 Example SQL Server Trigger Migration 144 Views 147 Oracle Differences and Top Challenges and Solutions .147 Example SQL Server View Migration 148 Unit Testing .150 Setting Up the Unit Testing Environment and Creating the Unit Test 151 Unit Test of Oracle Stored Procedure 151 Unit Test of Sybase and SQL Server Stored Procedures 151 Summary 153 CHAPTER Application Migration/Porting Due to Database Migration 155 Types of Application Changes 155 Factors Influencing Application Changes 156 Migration Options and Solutions 159 Manually Identifying Changes and Modifying Applications 159 Migrating Applications Using Scripts and Tools .159 Emulation Technology-based Solutions .162 Application Migration Tasks 163 Database Connectivity Changes 164 Embedded SQL Changes 168 Application Code Changes 171 Database API Changes 173 Changes to External Interfaces and Replication Solutions .173 Error Handling 175 Performance Optimization 175 Application Build Process Changes .178 Summary 179 Contents CHAPTER Migrating Applications to the Cloud 181 Application Migration Options 182 Emulation/Web Service Enablement 183 Rearchitecture/Rewrite 184 Automated Migration 184 COTS 185 Moving to Noncoding Fusion Products .186 Rehosting 186 Portfolio Rationalization 187 Application Analysis 188 3GL Applications 190 4GL Applications 190 Target Languages and Environments 191 Java and Java EE 192 Java EE Frameworks 192 Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) 193 Oracle Application Express (APEX) 193 Oracle Fusion Product Solutions 194 Application-Supporting Tools and Custom Scripts 195 Applications in the Cloud 195 Target Hardware and Software Stack Options 197 Building Your Own Nonvirtualized Cloud 198 Building Your Own Virtualized Cloud Platform 200 Oracle Virtualized Red Stack .202 “Cloud in a Box”: Exalogic 203 Pros and Cons of Each Hardware and Software Stack Option 205 Hosting Options .207 Summary 207 Endnotes 208 CHAPTER Service Enablement of Client/Server Applications 209 The Unique Client/Server Dilemma 210 Replacing Client/Server Systems with a Cloud-based Application 211 Restructuring Client/Server Code 211 Reusing Client/Server Applications Using SOA 212 LegaSuite: Platform for SOA-Enabling Windows Client/Server Applications 213 Step by Step for Creating an SOA Interface from a Legacy Windows Client/Server Application 214 ix 362 Index Semantic Designs, 189 Semantic partitioning, Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 272 Server consolidation Oracle DB cloud infrastructure, 240e241 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 277e278 Server decisions, new vs existing, 248e249 Server sizing, basic considerations, 252e254 Service enablement client/server applications basic considerations, 209 basic problem, 210e213 cloud-based replacements, 211 code restructuring, 211e212 LegaSuite, 213e214 LegaSuite modernization architecture, 216f LegaSuite runtime considerations, 228e233 reuse with SOA, 212e213 SOA from Windows application, 234e236 client/server applications, SOA with LegaSuite basic considerations, 214e228 cloud deployment options, 229f configuration settings, 219f development environment setup, 217e218 development process, 217e228 exception handling, 223e226, 224f infrastructure changes, 233 load balancing, 231e232, 231f, 232f new project and state diagram, 218e222 Oracle Middleware, 233 service registry, 228 sizing for performance and scalability, 230e231 source control, 227 testing and debugging, 226, 227f Windows Service Building perspective, 220f language migration, 34 Service-level agreement (SLA) Oracle mLogica case study, 279 platform sizing, 252 SaaS, 246 Security as a Service, 338 SOA with LegaSuite, 230, 231 Service-oriented architecture (SOA) ADF, 193 client/server application reuse, 212e213 client/server dilemma, 210 computing history, vs emulation/web service enablement, 183 Forms-to-ADF migration case study, 301 with LegaSuite, 213e214 basic considerations, 214e228 configuration settings, 219f development environment setup, 217e218 development process, 217e228 exception handling, 223e226, 224f infrastructure changes, 233 load balancing, 231e232, 231f, 232f new project and state diagram, 218e222 Oracle Middleware, 233 runtime considerations, 228e233 service registry, 228 SIS modernization, 235 sizing for performance and scalability, 230e231 source control, 227 testing and debugging, 226, 227f Windows Service Building perspective, 220f migration strategies, 16 Oracle CDC, 88 server sizing, 253 from Windows application, 234e236 Service providers application migration to cloud, 207 assessment phase, 51 cloud computing emerging trends, 336 data validation, 114e115 project assessment, 49 relational migration tools, 89e90 schema migration with SQL Developer, 115e116 Services registry, SOA interface with LegaSuite, 228 SGA, see Shared global area (SGA) Shared global area (SGA), Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 268 SID, see Security Identifier (SID) Siebel CRM multitenant applications, 245 SaaS, Simple migration complexity analysis and design phase, 29t definition, 24 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) application migration to cloud, 183 LegaSuite, 214 SOA interface with LegaSuite, 223 SIS, see Social Interest Solutions (SIS) SLA, see Service-level agreement (SLA) Smalltalk, LegaSuite, 213 SME, see Subject matter expert (SME) SMP, see Symmetric multiprocesing (SMP) server Index Sneakernet, and FTP, 72 SOA, see Service-oriented architecture (SOA) SOAP, see Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Social Interest Solutions (SIS), modernization with LegaSuite, 234e236 SoftSol, 191 Software as a Service (SaaS) application migration to cloud, 207 business challenges, 335 cloud computing emerging trends, 336 CRM replacement, 211 definition, Integration as a Service, 338 multitenant applications, 245e247 Oracle version, Security as a Service, 338 Sybase ASE issues, 265e266 Software installation/configuration, deployment phase, 65 Software migration phases basic considerations, 35e36 cost estimate, 23 Software stack options, application migration to cloud, 197e205, 198f Solaris Exalogic, 203 hardware/software migration, 35 Oracle cloud, OS migration, 36 Virtualized Red Stack, 202 Solaris Zones, native vs hypervisor-based virtualization, SOX, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Spring framework, application migration to cloud, 192 SQL code analysis and design phase, 51e53 application migration, 32e33 migration scanning tools, 32e33 SQL Developer analysis and design phase, 52 application migration, 160 cloud deployments, 251 database API migration, 33 data extraction, 103e104 data loading, 106e107, 112e113 data validation, 114e115 first-pass migration, 27 limitations, 100e102 migration emerging trends, 334 migration technological challenges, 332e333 ODBC, 72 schema migration, 100 SQL migration scanning tools, 32e33 stored object migration connections and projects, 133e136, 134f process, 132e133 Translation Scratch Editor, 135e136, 136f stored procedure/function testing, 63 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 270, 274 Sybase-to-Oracle example available database selection, 124f basic considerations, 115e129 Create Database Capture Scripts screenshot, 120f database capture method, 123f database connection, 122f data migration advanced options, 128f data migration options, 127f data-type mapping, 125f metadata file selection, 124f migration preferences, 125f migration repository creation, 117f, 118f Migration Wizard screenshot, 119f project explorer, 129f project properties, 122f schema generation, 127f schema migration, 117e129 schema migration prerequisites, 115e117 target schema creation, 126f third-party driver registration, 121f unit testing, 86, 152f view creation, 150 SQL Developer Migration Workbench benefits, 79 database migration, 73e74 data migration, 29 initial stored object migration, 81 named pipes, 72 service providers, 90 SQL*Loader and external tables, 73 SQL Server trigger migration, 144 stored procedures, 30 Sybase stored procedure migration, 139 Sybase-to-Oracle, 266 unit testing, 86 SQL Developer SQL Worksheet, stored procedure unit testing, 150e151 SQL generators, view migration, 31e32 SQL*Loader data extraction, 104 data loading, 107e110 363 364 Index SQL*Loader (Continued) with diret-path load option, 108 external interface changes, 173e175 index maintenance bypass, 109e110 initial database migration, 73 Ispirer SQLWays, 78 with parallel option, 108e109 SwisSQL, 78 SQL*Plus, 273 SQL Query Optimizer, migration optimization phase, 64 SQL Server (Microsoft) application code changes, 171 case insensitivity, 53e55 database object physical grouping, 95 data validation, 114e115 error conditions/codes, 176t GoldenGate, 259 Ispirer SQLWays, 78 migration emerging trends, 333e334 ODBC, 72 ODI KMs, 76 Oracle CDC, 88 vs Oracle stored procedures, 137, 142 Oracle view differences, 147e148 and SQL Developer, 73 SQL Developer connection tip, 136 stored object migration, 134e135 stored procedure unit test, 151e153 SwisSQL, 78 system functions, 169t temporary tables, 138 timestamp column, 99e100 trigger migration, 143, 144e147 unit testing, 86 utilities and replication solutions, 174t view migration example, 148e150 SQL Server C/C++, API migration, 33 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) [Microsoft] external interface changes, 173e175 migration questionnaire, 27 OWB, 75 SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft), unit testing, 151 SQL Server Migration Assistant (Microsoft), 332e333 SQL Server SQL Server Visual Basic, migration estimate, 39 SQL statements application changes, 156, 168e170 application migration, 61 built-in-functions, 158 caching, 177 case insensitivity, 54e55 database interactions, 157 emulation technology-based migration, 162 migration emerging trends, 334 migration optimization phase, 64 migration questionnaire, 27 Oracle Database Gateways, 94 Oracle view differences, 147 scanning tool limitations, 162 SQLWays, Ispirer, 78 SSH, see Secure Shell (SSH) SSIS, see SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) [Microsoft] SSL encryption, APEX in cloud, 327 Statement caching application migration performance, 177 Java applications, 178 Static code analysis, application migration to cloud, 189 Static SQL analysis, application SQL migration, 83 Stickiness, load balancers, 232 Storage area network (SAN) new vs existing servers, 248e249 sizing considerations, 254 Storage replication/mirroring, disaster recovery strategy, 259 Storage system sizing, basic considerations, 254 Stored object migration basic considerations, 131 initial, 79e83 logic scenarios, 132f Oracle and third-party tools, 82t SQL Developer connections and projects, 133e136 Translation Scratch Editor, 135e136, 136f stored procedures basic considerations, 136e142 challenges/solutions, 138e139 Oracle differences, 137e138 Sybase example, 139e142 triggers basic considerations, 142e147 challenges/solutions, 143e144 Oracle differences, 142e143 SQL Server example, 144e147 unit testing example basic considerations, 150e153 execution, 152f Oracle stored procedure, 151 Index sample results, 152f setup and creation, 151 Sybase/SQL Server, 151e153 views basic considerations, 147e150 challenges/solutions, 147e148 Oracle differences, 147e148 SQL Server example, 148e150 Stored procedure migration basic considerations, 136e142 challenges/solutions, 138e139 Oracle differences, 137e138, 142 reference cursors, 153 Sybase example, 139e142 unit testing example basic considerations, 150e153 execution, 152f Oracle, 151 sample results, 152f setup and creation, 151 Sybase/SQL Server, 151e153 Stored procedures application migration, 61e62 database migration, 30, 30t into functions, 59 impact on JDBC, 59e60 migration questionnaire, 26 stored program migration, 59 testing, 63 view migration, 31e32 Struts (Apache), application migration to cloud, 192 Subject matter expert (SME), view migration, 149e150 SunFire, Virtualized Red Stack, 205t Sun Storage, Virtualized Red Stack, 205t SwisSQL application SQL migration, 85e86 benefits, 79 initial database migration, 78 initial stored object migration, 81 JDBC driver layer emulation, 163 Sybase API migration, 33 application code changes, 171 application SQL migration, 84e85, 160 database API changes, 173 database object physical grouping, 95 data staging, 106 error conditions/codes, 176t Exadata database sizing, 255e257 GoldenGate, 259 Ispirer SQLWays, 78 migration emerging trends, 333e334 ODI KMs, 76 vs Oracle stored procedures, 137, 142 Oracle view differences, 147e148 and SQL Developer, 73 SQL Developer connection tip, 136 stored object migration, 134e135 stored procedure migration example, 139e142 stored procedure unit test, 151e153 system functions, 169t temporary tables, 138 timestamp column, 99e100 trigger migration, 142, 143 unit testing, 86 utilities and replication solutions, 174t view migration example, 148 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle migration analytics, 269e270 Analytics Appliance vs Exadata, 273 architectural differences, 267e274 backup/recovery, 271 cost, 275e276 database clustering, 272e273 database server, 267e268 development tools, 273e274 high availability, 271e272 infrastructure migration, 276e277 memory model, 268e269 migration tools, 274e275 overview, 261 partitioning and storage, 272 performance, 273 procedural languages, 270 reasons for, 262e266 security, 271 server consolidation, 277e278, 278f target database sizing, 276 technical challenges, 266e267 time management issues, 274 transaction processing, 269 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle migration case study (mLogica) basic challenge, 279e280 business drivers, 279 implementation, 280 overview, 278e280 results, 280 situation analysis, 279 Sybase C++, migration estimate, 40 Sybase IQ, 266, 270 365 366 Index Sybase-to-Oracle migration example basic considerations, 115e129 schema migration, 117e129 schema migration prerequisites, 115e117 Symantec, 338 Symmetric multiprocesing (SMP) server vs clusters, 249e250 Oracle database instances, 242 platform considerations, 248 System functions database comparison, 169t database schema migration, 56 System resources, migration optimization phase, 64 System testing migration cost/effort, 36e37, 36t relational migration tools, 86e87 T Tabular Data Stream (TDS), Sybase, 137 Task flow, ADF, 293e296, 295f, 297 Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) portfolio rationalization, 188 relational migration tools, 90 TCO, see Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) TCP/IP, Oracle GoldenGate, 77 TCS, see Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) TDS, see Tabular Data Stream (TDS) Temporary storage, data extraction, 104 Temporary tables stored procedure migration, 138e139 stored program migration, 59 Sybase stored procedure migration, 139 Teradata data validation, 114e115 data verification, 62e63 GoldenGate, 259 Ispirer SQLWays, 78 migration tools, 77, 80t schema migration, 100e102 SwisSQL, 78 Terremark application migration to cloud, 207 cloud templates, 306 Testing phase migration cost estimate, 22 migration emerging trends, 334 migration project life cycle, 62e63 relational migration tools, 86e87 SOA interface with LegaSuite, 226 The Software Revolution, Inc (TSRI), 3GL applications, 190 Third Generation Language (3GL) application migration, 158 application migration to cloud, 183e184, 190 automated application migration to cloud, 185 call-level interfaces, 158 OMNIA2 project, 325 Third-party tools initial database migration, 77e78, 79, 80t initial stored object migration, 81e83 Ispirer, 77e78 registration in SQL Developer, 121f Timestamp column, basic function, 99e100 TopLink application migration to cloud, 192 stored object migration, 131 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) migration benefits, 12 migration business challenges, 331e332 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 275e276 Total lines of code, migration questionnaire, 26 TP, see Transaction processor (TP) Training requirements IT systems, 38 project assessment, 49 Transaction flow, application migration, 158 Transaction processing, see Online transaction processing (OLTP) Transaction processor (TP), rehosting, 187 Translation Scratch Editor screenshot, 136f SQL Developer, 135e136 Transparent Gateways, characteristics, 74 Trigger migration basic considerations, 142e147 challenges/solutions, 143e144 Forms-to-ADF mapping, 298e299 Oracle differences, 142e143 SQL Server example, 144e147 Triggers analysis and design phase, 53 CDC, 58 database migration, 30e31, 99 migration level, 31t migration questionnaire, 26 stored program migration, 59 T-SQL migration emerging trends, 333e334 ODI, 76 Oracle mLogica case study, 280 Sybase ASE-to-Oracle, 268, 270, 274 TSRI, see The Software Revolution, Inc (TSRI) Index Tuxedo Exalogic, 203e204 migration options, 46 migration strategies, 16, 17t multiuser/multithreading, 187 rehosting, 186e187 3GL applications, 190 Tuxedo Application Rehosting (ART) Workbench, 76e77 User-defined types, SQL Developer limitations, 101 User interface (UI) application migration to cloud, 182e183 Forms-to-ADF migration, 292, 294e296 keystrokes/menu items vs buttons, 299e300 OMNIA legacy system, 314, 318 OMNIA2 project, 321, 323 screen scraping technologies, 19 U V UAT, see User acceptance test (UAT) cycle UDDI, see Universal Description-DiscoveryIntegration (UDDI) UI, see User interface (UI) UML, see Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unicode large object data type, schema migration, 97t Unified Modeling Language (UML), application analysis, 189e190 Unit testing relational migration tools, 86 stored procedure example basic considerations, 150e153 execution, 152f Oracle, 151 sample results, 152f setup and creation, 151 Sybase/SQL Server, 151e153 Universal Description-Discovery-Integration (UDDI), 228 Universal Serial Bus (USB), data transfer, 105 UNIX application build process changes, 178 application migration performance, 175 application migration scripts, 161 database migration products, 80t data loading, 112 legacy data integration/workflow, 195 migration to Oracle, 22 ODBC-based applications, 164 OMNIA application, 314 OS migration, 36 SQL Developer Migration Workbench, 74 Sybase-to-Oracle, 262 Tuxedo workbench, 76 Unprintable characters, validation, 114 Update/Delete statements, embedded SQL changes, 170 USB, see Universal Serial Bus (USB) User acceptance test (UAT) cycle, Forms-toADF migration, 305e306 Vblock (VCE), 200e201 VCE, see The Virtual Computing Environment Company (VCE) Very complex migration analysis and design phase, 29t definition, 24e25 Vgo Software, see also Oracle Forms-to-ADF migration case study (Vgo) Forms applications modernization, 285 4GL to Java EE, 191 View migration basic considerations, 147e150 challenges/solutions, 147e148 database migration, 31e32 Forms-to-ADF mapping, 288e289, 298e299 migration level, 31t OMNIA2 project, 322 Oracle differences, 147e148 SQL Server example, 148e150 View objects, Forms-to-ADF migration, 293 The Virtual Computing Environment Company (VCE), 200e201 Virtualization application migration to cloud, 200e202, 201f basic technology, 3e4 hardware/software migration, 36 vs hypervisor-based virtualization, Oracle DB cloud infrastructure, 240e241 pros and cons, 205t Virtualized Red Stack application migration to cloud, 202e203 overview, 203f pros and cons, 205t Virtual local area networks (VLANs) RAC database deployment, 249 virtualization, Virtual machines (VMs) ADF in cloud, 306 Oracle DB cloud infrastructure, 240e241 platform considerations, 248 3GL applications, 190 367 368 Index Virtual machines (VMs) (Continued) virtualization, 3, 250 Virtual Private Database (VPD), multitenant applications, 246e247 Virtual private network (VPN), FTP data transfer, 72 Virtual Server cloud templates, 306 cloud vs virtual server, 187 rehosting, 187 3GL applications, 190 Virtual tables, trigger migration, 143 Visual Basic (Microsoft) into APEX, 310e311 application analysis, 189 application migration, 160 application migration to cloud, 183e184 automated migration, 185 client/server code restructuring, 211 early architectures, embedded SQL changes, 168 4GL applications, 190e191 language migration, 33 legacy systems, 10 LegaSuite, 213 migration complexity, 24 ODBC, 164, 166t service enablement, 34 SQL Server migration, 39 SQLWays, 84e85 3GL applications, 190 web service enablement, 183e184 Visual C++ client/server code restructuring, 211 LegaSuite, 213 VLANs, see Virtual local area networks (VLANs) VM/370 (IBM), 200e201 VMs, see Virtual machines (VMs) VPD, see Virtual Private Database (VPD) VSAM, Oracle CDC, 88 vSphere (VMware), 200e201 W Waterfall software development methodology, overview, 47, 47f WebCenter, 194e195 Web conferences, migration cost/effort estimation, 27e28 WebLogic application server migration, 34e35 cloud templates, 306 domains, 205 Solaris Zones, 204 Virtualized Red Stack, 202 WebLogic Portal (BEA), 194e195 Web services APEX in cloud, 326 application analysis, 188e189 application migration to cloud, 182, 183e184 BPEL, 194 client/server code restructuring, 211e212 client/server modernization, 11 creation, 213 as easy migration option, 46 LegaSuite, 214 screen scraping technologies, 19 3GL applications, 190 Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 183 WebSphere MQ (IBM), OMNIA legacy system, 314e315 Windows applications (Microsoft) client/server application reuse, 212 client/server application to SOA, 234e236 LegaSuite, 213 service enablement, 34 SOA interface, 214e228 SOA with LegaSuite, 213e214, 230 Windows operating system (Microsoft) application build process changes, 178 client/server applications reuse, 212 database migration products, 80t data loading, 112 4GL applications, 190e191 hardware/software migration, 35 migration optimization, 64 migration to Oracle, 22 ODBC-based applications, 164, 177f OMNIA application, 313 Oracle cloud, 9, 248 OS migration, 36 platform considerations, 248 Sybase-to-Oracle, 262 Tuxedo workbench, 76 Windows Terminal Services (Microsoft) client/server enablement, 218 SOA with LegaSuite, 230 Workload consolidation implementation options, 244e245 Oracle database cloud infrastructure, 241e245 Workload estimation, migration optimization phase, 64 Index WSDL, see Web Services Description Language (WSDL) X XenApp (Citrix), 200e201 XML application migration to cloud, 193 LegaSuite, 214 LegaSuite Windows Integration Engine, 225 LegaSuite Windows Integration Proxy, 215e216 OMNIA2 project, 322 XML-compliant Java Server Pages (JSPX), Forms-to-ADF migration, 289 XML data types, schema migration, 98 XML documents, storage, 98 XML User Interface Language (XUL), LegaSuite, 214 XUL, see XML User Interface Language (XUL) Y Y2K bug scare, 189 Z Zero-length strings, analysis and design phase, 53 z/VM (IBM), 3, 200e201 369 This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank ... future cloud migration endeavors CHAPTER Migrating to the Cloud: Client/ Server Migrations to the Oracle Cloud INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: • What Is Cloud Computing? • The Oracle Cloud • Legacy Client/ Server... CHAPTER Migrating to the Cloud: Client/ Server Migrations to the Oracle Cloud What Is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing Service Models Cloud Computing Deployment Models The Oracle. .. Laszewski, Tom Migrating to the cloud : Oracle client/ server modernization / Tom Laszewski, Prakash Nauduri p cm ISBN 978-1-59749-647-6 Cloud computing Systems migration Oracle (Computer file) Client/ server