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Newnes fixed mobile convergence and beyond unbounded mobile communications oct 2008 ISBN 0750687592 pdf

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Newnes is an imprint of Elsevier 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK Copyright # 2009, Elsevier Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) 1865 843830, fax: (+44) 1865 853333, E-mail: permissions@elsevier.com You may also complete your request online via the Elsevier homepage (http://elsevier.com), by selecting “Support & Contact” then “Copyright and Permission” and then “Obtaining Permissions.” Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Elsevier prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Application submitted British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-7506-8759-1 For information on all Newnes publications visit our Web site at www.books.elsevier.com Printed in the United States of America 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Foreword Never before has the need to constantly stay connected been so great It is for this reason in most industrialized countries, ownership of a personal cell phone is fast approaching market saturation The compelling convenience of cellular phone use has progressed to the point where many – especially young adults, don’t even have a fixedline telephone but rely solely on a cellular phone for telephony services Reliance on mobile devices is evidenced in business where analysts have noted that 40-50% of all business cell phone calls are made in sight of a desk phone The convenience of mobility is too compelling to deny However, cellular telephony alone does not meet all the mobile market requirements, due to limited in-building coverage and a lack of feature-rich businesses services There are benefits to using “fixed” telephony providers (traditional public switched telephone network, or PSTN, services) and “mobile” telephony providers (cellular services) but each also has its own set of drawbacks Converging functionality provided by the traditional “fixed” networks with the mobility provided by the cellular networks is seen as the optimal solution A widely-popularized solution to bridge this gap has been proposed by the telecommunications industry and termed fixed/mobile convergence or FMC There are, however, many implementations of FMC coming to market that differ greatly in implementation and benefit realized while bearing the FMC label These solutions range from PBX/IP-PBX add-ons to standalone solutions and service provider offerings The vast array of disparate solutions has made it difficult to grasp the value of each and completely understand what FMC solution is best for each specific need At its core, FMC is a knitting together of multiple technologies (WiFi, VoIP, cellular, PBX, and Internet) and standards from multiple vendors, which further complicates www.newnespress.com x Foreword understanding the scope and value of any one solution The telecom professional has been faced with the challenge of learning about FMC solutions in a highly fragmented manner by reading publications, news websites, blogs, product datasheets, and white papers There has been no single reference source available that describes how all these technologies are brought together, nor has there been any source that describes how these solutions are accessed through a sales channel Filling this information gap was the motivation for writing this book and I know of few people as knowledgeable about this topic as the author, Rich Watson This book clarifies the morass of technical acronyms used to describe these emerging mobile communication product; it describes, in a straightforward manner, how each of the contributing technological elements adds to the total solution This book is not intended to be a tutorial on each contributing technology, but rather has the goal of providing insight and understanding on how each element contributes to the overall FMC solution Writing a book such as this is a challenge because of the rapid evolution of each the components but this rapid rate of change underscores the necessity of a single, unbiased resource for describing how FMC is implemented and how consumers and prosumers benefit The description of varied mobile communications solutions is found in this work along with an accurate annotation of the current state of products, key standards efforts and technology trends that will affect purchasing decisions for such products Two basic FMC markets have evolved (consumer-centric and enterprise-centric), and solutions for these separate markets are addressed here This book fills a vacuum in the information space today regarding FMC, providing a full-spectrum description of the contributing technologies and the challenges and benefits of knitting each into an FMC solution that can be successful in the marketplace Rich Tehrani President and Editor-in-Chief Technology Marketing Corporation www.newnespress.com Preface What Is the Purpose of This Book? The motivation for writing this book is to describe the emerging unbounded mobile communications (UMC) technology and market in a manner that is both tutorial and referential in nature, providing a knowledge base that couldn’t exist until now, given the marked evolution that has taken place in the past five years What UMC is and how it might be integrated into the consumer or enterprise ecosystem might be easily misunderstood or be confusing by simply reading the industry press Simply stated, the purpose of this book is to provide a single source that will simultaneously educate both those responsible for mobile communication buy decisions and those charged with implementing mobile technologies with the knowledge to make sound decisions Furthermore, I want to provide those responsible for making purchasing decisions with the sufficient market savvy to select the best in class or best fit for their business Why Is It Important? Making the best decision regarding purchasing and deploying UMC solutions implies an assumption of knowledge about the functional benefits and corresponding costs of all the key solution components Return-on-investment (ROI) assessments can be quite complex and somewhat subjective A solid understanding of the technologies and market forces will aid in making the best decision aligned with customer needs In this book, a broad collection of alternative UMC solution approaches will be reviewed, along with the associated pros and cons Each approach has specific valueadded aspects that may be better suited for one particular market segment over another This book will attempt to describe the details of the most mobile communication www.newnespress.com xii Preface requirements for customer market segments as diverse as the consumer and enterprise markets The stance taken in each case will be non-partisan, leaving the final assessment and purchase decision to the reader Who Is the Target Audience? An underlying design of this book is to address two different classes of readers:  CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers Those who are responsible for making the final value-buy decisions and who not need the details of the individual components and underlying technologies  Network and telecom managers Those responsible for understanding the underlying technologies and how they might be implemented in addition to understanding the potential impact of certain configuration decisions Each chapter will be formatted to give a brief technology tutorial along with current market product trends and a statement about the status of the readiness and capability of that specific element technology to form solid UMC solutions For example, it may be important to understand the state of any one UMC component’s market readiness because it might affect the timing of a buy decision Likewise, understanding some of the integration complexities involved in deploying a UMC system may assist in evaluating an SI or VAR proposal for such a solution How to Best Use the Information? Each chapter covers a specific product or technology component of a total UMC solution The beginning sections are directed to the buy decision makers The balance of each chapter focuses on documenting the technical details sufficient to understand what is important to the success of a UMC deployment These later sections are not intended to be comprehensive tutorials; rather, they are annotations of specific technology functional details describing how the technology impacts and contributes to UMC functionality Full tutorials on WiFi, SIP, VoIP, telephony, or cellular networks may be found in other published works Attempting to write about a disruptive technology is problematic Change is constant During the writing of this book many new standards have been announced, new vendors have come into the market, new products have been introduced, and many company www.newnespress.com Preface xiii acquisitions have taken place It is likely that some information in this book will be out of date at printing, despite all efforts to keep it current To minimize any stale information, every effort has been made to ensure that all information is the most recent The core technologies, however, are not anticipated to change significantly in the next 24–48 months, and the observations found in this book will be sound The hope is that with the knowledge derived from this work, UMC customers will be able to understand the market and the technology and make optimal decisions in purchasing and implementing unbounded mobile communication solutions www.newnespress.com Acknowledgments Writing a book takes time It is especially challenging when the subject you are writing about is in constant flux Hours of thought and reading go into ensuring that what is articulated is best said to convey the exact ideas The topic of UMC is particularly challenging because it requires integration of so many diverse technologies to bring a unified solution to the market The evolution of our social structures demands greater freedom in communication options Proliferation of wireless technologies becomes the basis for that freedom—a freedom without geographic bounds Because of the extensive span of different technologies of UMC solutions, it is difficult for one person to fully grasp all the details of each contributing element It takes input and critique from specialists in the individual areas to ensure that the message is on target I am indebted to the following friends and professional comrades for their time and valuable input to ensure that the content of this work is accurate:  Clint Chaplin, chairman of the IEEE 802.11r Task Work Group and past chairman of the WiFi Alliance, Mountain View, CA  Steve Shaw, VP of Marketing for Kineto Systems, Milpitas, CA  Jenni Adair, Director of PR for DiVitas Networks, past Director of PR for Trapeze Networks, Mountain View, CA  Mark Ferrone, PR Manager, Customer Programs, Corporate Communications for Cisco Systems, Santa Clara, CA  Jeff Watson, VP of New Media, Warner Bros Records, Burbank, CA www.newnespress.com xvi Acknowledgments  Amanda Mitchell Henry, Former editor of InfoWorld (San Francisco), LAN Times, and Computer Reseller News, now a technology industry freelance writer  Bob Beach, Senior Director of Engineering, Motorola Enterprise Division, San Jose, CA  Bob O’Hara, Co-founder of AireSpace, Inc., and Director of Systems Engineering – retired, San Jose, CA  Dave Hockenberry, Senior Technologist for Verizon, Mountain View, CA  Barbara Nelson, CTO of iPASS, Inc., Redwood Estates, CA  TJ Noto, Director of Business Development, Boingo, Inc., Los Angeles, CA  Marc Solsona, Director of FMC handset development for DiVitas Networks  Nora Freeman, Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Networking for IDC In today’s ultra-high-tech world, it takes multiple perspectives to grasp the full scope of the UMC solution’s complexity To reach the goal set for this work takes the collaboration of a unique team of individuals contributing their learning and insight As the late tennis pro Althea Gibson observed, “No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.” Thank you all! I will always be grateful to my wife, Geri, for her patience and editing help in the process of writing this book I believe a book on this topic, with its overview perspective and its target of assisting the mobile market decision makers in understanding UMC solutions and making the best product selection, is timely I trust the book meets those goals www.newnespress.com CHAPTER Unbounded Mobile Communications 1.1 Communication Knits Societies Together When the Minneapolis I-35W Bridge collapsed on August 1, 2007, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time It was the middle of the evening commute and untold numbers of cars and trucks were on the bridge when it went down in those fateful few seconds Not only were the massive bridge’s roadway parts in the Mississippi River, but hundreds of people were struggling for survival in the chaos With the bridge collapse, most of the communication links were also severed, hampering rescue efforts; wireless services were the only remaining communication links still operative As the rescue teams launched their efforts, their communications relied solely on the wireless services from cellular and WiFi networks that covered the bridge area Quickly, voice links were established over the cellular network, and because of the proximity of the municipal WiFi service, Web cameras were set up to continually monitor the site and to aid rescuers in focusing their efforts The wireless communication services in place helped save lives and minimize the trauma of this disaster Communication among people has always been at the cornerstone of success for all civilizations; whether spoken, written, read, viewed or heard, it is how we progress, learn, develop, adapt, express, and pass on knowledge, faith, wisdom, and history Whether by the cave drawings of early humans, Native American smoke signals, the Gutenberg press, or the intergalactic radio probes of the 21st century, these different forms of communicating ideas, concepts, and information have been the basis of how we have progressed However, it is not only what we communicate, but how what we communicate impacts each successive generation and the means by which we it www.newnespress.com 246 Chapter 16 a single service point that is a pan-network service element and can meet access control requirements at multiple levels (see Figure 16.2) Such a service, decoupled from the individual layer entities requiring authentication, can greatly simplify the task of managing on and off campus authenticated network and application access To deliver such “engines,” a convergence of standards must occur to describe how all these independent components may utilize a single authentication resource There are a few identity-service products currently available on the market These will have greater impact on the overall mobile networking community through delivery of products being defined by standards bodies such as the Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH).3 Authentication Points UMC Application UMC Client WLAN Switch Network Node User/Device Directory Source Ethernet Switch Identity Services VoIP phone iPBX Firewall Session Boarder Controller Figure 16.2: Identification services www.openauthentication.org www.newnespress.com LDAP, Active Directory, Custom Directory Unbounded Mobile Communications: Beyond FMC 247 16.4 Presence in the Future Reporting “presence” for a network user was incubated in the IM market Why send an IM to a buddy if they are not there? This concept has been extended beyond its original function set and now contributes to the rich functionality required by many other application classes For presence to reach its full market potential in the enterprise, several paradigm shifts must be made in the implementation designs of network-based applications:  Presence-based content must be expanded to encompass more user-, environment-, and user-associated application-specific information  Support of presence must be decoupled from any one application and become a base service in and of itself  Presence must be an embedded service at the network level, independent of vendor-specific components  Presence should be a portable concept across any network or subsystem (WLAN, Cellular, IMS, etc.)  Concepts of “public” and “private” presence will be implemented  Concept of “functional” (not individual) presentity could be created  Concept of authorized levels of presence information could be defined A broader definition of presence could include concepts such as: I’m here (basic presence) Here’s who I am (title, skill set, responsibilities, organization position) Here’s how I can be contacted (telephone, IM, SMS or email) Here’s what I can (capabilities and applications) Here’s when I can it (availability) Here’s where I am (locality and time zone) The IETF standards body has taken up the challenge of expanding the functionality of presence services and defined a Rich Presence Information Data (RPID) format that expands the concept of presence to include: www.newnespress.com 248 Chapter 16  Activities: What the person is currently doing  Class of user: Specific user grouping for management and control  Device-ID: Specifics about the user’s device and its capabilities  Location information: Where the user is currently located  Location type: Office, school, church, golf course, etc  Class of service availability: How best to communicate with the presentity  Other data descriptors, including examples such as mood of the user Additional potential RPID parameters might include the application or communication modes available to this user and any application-specific requirements for these modes Additional presence information could also describe the organization position, skill, and area of responsibility within an organization (i.e., chief architect, CFO, support, etc.) 16.5 Major Vendor Trends The major networking vendors have already announced their intent to address unified communications (UC) with solutions that center around their product families With UC, it is possible to support all kinds of communication classes that have been traditionally segregated into separate product offerings Telephony was not integrated with data networking, which was not integrated with video technologies UC offers new opportunities for major solution vendors to add tremendous value-add to their existing product families UC acts as that crystallization point within the enterprise network Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS), Cisco Unified Communications, and IBM Lotus Sametime are all targeted at maximizing the UC features to be leveraged from their respective core products Presence, peer telephony, IM, and collaborative capabilities are all offered by these companies to their customer base Each brings a competitive value distinction that enhances and extends the UC capabilities However, none of these commercially available systems supports a mobility element that matches the UMC capabilities, a fact that will open up new markets for the UMC vendors targeting the enterprise segment www.newnespress.com Unbounded Mobile Communications: Beyond FMC 249 16.6 UMC: FMC and Beyond UMC solutions are currently on the market and meet many customer mobile communication needs Whether consumer (controlled by the cellular provider) or enterprise (controlled by the enterprise), all the UMC solutions seek to provide an unbounded experience with telephony providing a consistent feature set regardless of physical location, freeing the user from concerns of coverage, location, or features The evolution of UMC solutions has gone quickly beyond the simple goal of providing a seamless bridge between the fixed and mobile telecommunication worlds, and the future holds promise of being able to carry a personal and professional communicator to be available at all times, regardless of where you are on the globe Analysts have projected that by 2012 there will be some 5.8 billion cellular phones in use on the planet, many of which will be dual-mode, providing that extended wireless coverage needed by an ever-growing mobile community of travelers, workers, vendors, customers, associates, family, and friends Wireless infrastructures that blanket the globe will be the backbone of the worldwide UMC services Once these wireless “highways” are in place, users with multimode devices will be able to maintain constant communication contact with almost anyone else on the planet This level of technology will permit us to communicate at will with individuals and groups, without bounds www.newnespress.com Glossary 1XRTT 3G — Third Generation 3GPP — 3rd Generation Partnership Project 802.11 (a, b, g, n) — Four different Wireless LAN standards based on 2.4GHz and 5.2Ghz RF frequencies AAA — Authentication, Authorization, & Accounting AES — Advanced Encryption Standard AIPN — All IP Network AMPS — Advanced Mobile Phone Systems AMS — Advanced Multimedia System ARPU — Average Revenue per User BSS — WiFI Basic Service Set BSSID — Basic Service Set ID (WLAN) CAGR — Compound Annual Growth Rate CALEA — Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act Capex — Capital Expenditure CBC — Cellular Broadband Convergence CCMP — Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentiation Code Protocol CCX — Cisco Compatible Extensions CDC — Cellular Data Channel CDMA — Carrier Detect Multiple Access CDPD — Cellular Digital Packet Data CDR — Call Detail Records CFO — Chief Financial Officer CIO — Chief Information Officer www.newnespress.com 252 Glossary CO — Central Office Codec — Coder/decoder CPE — Customer Premise Equipment CSMD/CD — Carrier Sense Multiple Detect/Collision Detection DECT — Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telephony DFS — Dynamic Frequency Selection DID — Direct Inward Dialing DiffServ — Differentiated Services distributed antenna system (DAS) DMZ — Demilitarized Zone DSCP — Differentiated Service Code Point DSL — Digital Subscriber Line DTMF — Dual Tone Multiple Frequency EDGE — Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution Enhanced Wireless Consortium (EWC) ESN — Electronic Serial Number ESSID — Extended Service Set ID (WLAN) EV-DO — Evolution-Data Optimized (packet data service for WWAN) FDM — frequency domain multiplexing FEC — Forwarding Equivalence class FEMTOCELL/Microcell FMC — Fixed/Mobile Convergence FMCA — Fixed/Mobile Convergence Alliance GAN — General Access Network GPRS — General Packet Radio Services GPS — Global Positioning System GSM — Global System for Mobile Communications HA — High Availability HDTV — High Definition TV HIPAA — Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HLR — Home Location Register HSPA — High Speed Packet Access ICSA — (IMS-Controlled with Static Anchoring) IEEE — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IETF — Internet Engineering Task Force IM — Instant Messaging IMEI — International Mobile Equipment Identity www.newnespress.com Glossary 253 IMS — IP Multimedia Subsystem iPBX — IP Private Branch Exchange IPSEC — IP Security ISM — Industrial Scientific & Manufacturing ISP — Internet Service Provider ISV — Independent Software Vendor ITU — Internaltional Telecommunications Union LBS — Location Based Services LCD — Liquid Crystal Display LTE — Long Term Evolution MDR — Mobile Detail Records MIH — Media Independent Handover MIMO — Multiple-input/Multiple-output MMC — Mobile-to-Mobile Convergence Mobile Unified Communications Mobile-to-Mobile Convergence (MMC) MOH — Music on hold MPLS — Multiple Protocol Label Switching MSC — Mobile Switching Center MVNO — Mobile Virtual Network Operator MWI — Message Waiting Indicator NAT — Network Address Translation OFDM — Orthognal Frequency Domain Multiplexing Opex — Operational Expenditure OSI — Open Systems Interconnection OTA — Over the Air PBX — Private Branch Exchange PDA — Personal Digital Assistant PRC — Peoples Republic of China PSAP — Public Safety Answering Point PSK — Private Shared Key PSTN — Public Switched Telephone Network PTT — Push to talk QoS — Quality of Service QWERTY — Keyboard layout form RF — Radio Frequency RFID — Radio Frequency Identification www.newnespress.com 254 Glossary RIM — Research in Motion ROI — Return on Investment RPID — Reich Presence Information Data RSSI — Receive Signal Strength Indicator RSVP — Reservation Protocol RTLS — Real Time Location Services RTP — Real Time Protocol SBC — Session Boarder Controller SDP — Session Description Protocol SI — System Integrator SIM — Subscriber Identification Module SIP — Session Initiation Protocol SLA — Service Level Agreement SMB — Small/Medium Business SMS — Short Message Service SOHO — Small Office/Home Office SRTCP — Secure Real Time Control Protocol SRTP — Secure Real Time Protocol SSL — Secure Socket Layer SVP — SpectraLink Voice Priority TCO — Total cost of ownership TDM — time domain multiplexing TKIP — Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TOS — Type of Service TPC — Transmit Power Control U-APSD — Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery UMA — Universal Mobile Access UMTS — universal mobile telcommunications system UNC — UMA Network Controller UC — Unified Communications USD — United States Dollars VAR — Value Added Reseller VCC — Voice Call Continuity VHT — Very High Throughput VLAN — Virtual LAN VLR — Visiting Location Register VoIP — Voice over IP www.newnespress.com Glossary 255 VPN — Virtual Private Network WAPI — Wired Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure WCDMA — Wideband Code Division Multiple Access WEP — Wired Equivalent Privacy WFA — WiFi Alliance WiFi (or Wi-Fi) — Wireless Fidelity WiMAX — Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WISP — Wireless Internet Service Provider WLAN — Wireless LAN WMM — Wireless Multimedia WPA — Wireless Protected Access WPS — WiFi Protected Setup WWAN — Wireless Wide Area Network www.newnespress.com Index A AAA, see Authentication, authorization, and accounting Access control list (ACL), implementation, 174–175 ACL, see Access control list Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 176–177 Advanced Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS), 90 AES, see Advanced Encryption Standard AMPS, see Advanced Mobile Phone Systems Antenna Distributed Antenna System, 242 sensitivity in handsets, 146 Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) management requirements, 204–205 multiple authentication, authorization, and accounting, 182 Authentication center, GSM, 21 B Battery life, handsets, 54, 144, 150–151 C CALEA, see Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act Carrier Sense Multiple Detection/Collision Detection (CSMD/CD), 119 CBC, see Cellular-Broadband Convergence CDC, see Cell Data Connection CDMA, see Code Division Multiple Access CDPD, see Cellular Digital Packet Data Cell Data Connection (CDC) voice over Internet Protocol support, 87 wireless wide area network, 61–63 Cellular-Broadband Convergence (CBC), architecture, 32 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), 94 Cellular phone base technologies, 19–23 carrier-centric roam sequence, 79–80 challenges and opportunities, 23–24 coverage, 19, 74 generations of networks 2.0, 93 2.5, 93 3G, 93 4G, 93–94, 241–242 overview, 91–92 handover logic to/from WFi, 45–46 historical perspective, 8, 90 Channel bonding, 802.11n, 109 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) base station, 22 components, 22 handset, 22 network switching center and gateway, 23 overview, 19 Communication manager, handset, 147–148 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), 207–208 Convergence, wireless services, 13–15 CRM, see Customer relationship management CSMD/CD, see Carrier Sense Multiple Detection/ Collision Detection Customer relationship management (CRM), vertical market opportunities, 222 D DA, see Distributed Antenna System DataTAC, 94 Demilitarized zone (DMZ), WiFi, 66 Desperation roam, 136 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), 139–140 Distributed Antenna System (DAS), 242 DMZ, see Demilitarized zone DSCP, see Differentiated Services Code Point DTMF, see Dual-Tone/MultiFrequency Dual-mode handset challenges audio routing, 149–150 battery life, 150–151 codec/audio encoding, 151 global positioning system, 151 network flexibility, 147–149 www.newnespress.com 258 Index Dual-mode handset (Continued) push to talk, 151, 221 WiFi robustness, 146–147 consumer requirement determination, 154–155 landscape, 143–144 Linux-based products, 153 manufacturers, 144–146 Microsoft Windows Mobilebased products, 152 overview, Symbian products, 153 Dual-Tone/Multi-Frequency (DTMF), voice over Internet Protocol support, 120, 124–125 E Early adopters, technology, 81 eFMC, see Enterprise fixed/ mobile convergence 802.1p/Q, 137 802.11 standards 802.11e, 103–105 802.11h, 108 802.11i, 105–106, 173 802.11k, 106 802.11n, 57, 97, 109–111 802.11r, 107–108 802.11s, 108 802.11u, 107 802.11v, 107 evolution, 24–26, 95–97 handset support, 155 missing standards, 109 task group charters, 104 802.16 standard, 110–112 802.21 standard, 110 EIR, see Equipment identity register Email, 219 Emergency response support, 210–212 Enterprise fixed/mobile convergence (eFMC), architecture, 32 Equipment identity register (EIR), GSM, 21 ESSID, see Extended Service Set Identifier Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID), 68, 174–175 F Femtocell, 46–47, 77, 86, 94–95 Field service automation (FSA), vertical market opportunities, 222 Fixed/mobile convergence (FMC) carrier-based seamless handoff, 31 carriers, 32–33 definitions, 4–5, 27 enterprise seamless handoff, 30–31 find me/follow me, 28–29 manual fixed-to-mobile transfer, 28 manual handover model, 29–30 prospects, 239 FMC, see Fixed/mobile convergence FSA, see Field service automation G Global positioning system (GPS) handsets, 151 location-based services, 224 real-time location services, 223–224 Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) base station, 20 components, 20–21 emergency response support, 212 handset, 20 mobile switching center, 20 overview, 19 GPS, see Global positioning system www.newnespress.com GSM, see Global System for Mobile Communication H H.323, 120–121 Handsets, see also Dual-mode handset audio routing considerations, 55 battery considerations, 54, 144, 150–151 carrier-independent considerations, 52 form-factor considerations, 55–56 ideal features, 50–51 operating system considerations, 51–52 physical security, 205 prospects, 240–241 security considerations, 56 vendor solutions, 235–236 WiFi considerations, 53–54 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 209–210 HIPAA, see Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HLR, see Home location register Home location register (HLR) CDMA, 23 GSM, 21 Hotspots application barriers, 164 classification, 159 convergence impact, 162–163 demand, 160 federated hotspots, 167–168 municipal hotspots, 167 network domains, 158 overview, 64–65 planning, 157–158 portable hotspots, 168 prospects, 168–169 security considerations, 163–164 Index use models, 161–162 value proposition, 169 wireless Internet service provider access considerations, 160, 165 I Identity services, prospects, 245–246 IM, see Instant messaging IMS, see Internet Protocol multimedia services Industrial scientific, and medical (ISM) band, wireless local area network interference, 112 Instant messaging (IM), 220 Intercept, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 207–208 Internet Protocol multimedia services (IMS) components, 243 historical perspective, 10–11 implementation considerations, 70 overview, 6, 242–245 prospects, 242–245 vendors as unbounded mobile communication providers, 87–88 Internet Protocol-Security (IPSEC), 181 IPSEC, see Internet ProtocolSecurity IPv6, prospects, 241 ISM band, see Industrial scientific, and medical band L LBS, see Location-based services Load balancing, wireless local area network, 97 Location-based services (LBS), 224 M Media prioritization, see Voiceoptimized network Message integrity code (MIC), 177 MIC, see Message integrity code MIMO, see Multiple-input/ multiple output Minneapolis I–35W Bridge, MMC, see Mobile-to-Mobile Convergence Mobile switching center, GSM, 20 Mobile-to-Mobile Convergence (MMC), architecture, 32 Mobile videoconferencing, 222 Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), 85 Mobitex, 94 MPLS, see Multiprotocol label switching Multiple-input/multiple output (MIMO), 802.11n, 109 Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS), 140 MVNO, see Mobile virtual network operator N NAT, see Network Address Translation Neighborhood report, 802.11k, 106 Network Address Translation (NAT), security, 66 911 call, 210–212 Nuevo communication network provider, features, 88–89 Nurse call, vertical market opportunities, 222 O Overlapping coverage, wireless local area network overview, 97–99 259 quality of service considerations, 99–100 topology considerations, 100–103 P PBX, see Private Branch Exchange PDA, see Personal digital assistant Personal digital assistant (PDA), 154 Personal Information Manager (PIM), 206 Picocell, 46, 86, 94–95 PIM, see Personal Information Manager Preemptive roam, 136 Presence management, 213–214, 247–248 Privacy Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 207–208 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 209–210 Private Branch Exchange (PBX) agnostic, 42 historical perspective, 10 integration considerations, 65 overview, 6, 185 unbounded mobile communication solutions carrier-centric solutions, 186 challenges, 191–193, 199–201 enterprise-centric solutions hosted services, 186–187 line-side configuration, 188–191 on-site services, 187–191 trunk-side configuration, 188–191 interconnect options www.newnespress.com 260 Index Private Branch Exchange (PBX) (Continued) analog lines, 202 digital lines, 201 overview, 193 SIP trunks, 202 prospects, 194 supplementary service requirements call conference, 196 call hold/mute, 195 call transfer, 195–196 call waiting, 197 message-waiting indication, 198 voicemail, 197–198 vendors solutions, 234 unbounded mobile communication providers, 87 Private shared key (PSK), WiFi Protected Access, 105 PSK, see Private shared key PSTN, see Public switched telephone network PTT, see Push to talk Public switched telephone network (PSTN) historical perspective, 89 trends, 84–85, 240 Push to talk (PTT) handsets, 151 implementation, 221 R Real-time location services (RTLS), 223–224 Real-Time Protocol (RTP), voice over Internet Protocol support, 125 ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP), 133–134 Return on investment (ROI) classification, 82 unbounded mobile communication enterprise solutions, 82–84 ROI, see Return on investment RSVP, see ReSerVation Protocol RTLS, see Real-time location services RTP, see Real-Time Protocol S Sales and support purchase drivers consumers, 226 enterprises, 226–228 sales channels and purchase challenge consumer sales channels, 228–229 handset vendor solutions, 235–236 overview, 228 Private Branch Exchange/ telephony solutions, 234 prosumer sales channels, 230–231, 233 software vendor solutions, 236–237 wireless carrier solutions, 233–234 wireless local area network solutions, 235 vendors landscape, 232 trends, 248 Sales force automation (SFA), vertical market opportunities, 222 SBC, see Session Border Controller SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission Secure Real-Time Protocol (SRTP), 180–181 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 213 www.newnespress.com Security AAA, see Authentication, authorization, and accounting cellular security, 172 handsets, 56 hotspots, 163–164 implementation options call signaling security, 178–180 media security, 180–181 security scope considerations, 181 multiple authentication, authorization, and accounting, 182 network security considerations, 65–67 physical security, 205 quality of service balancing, 181–182 unbounded mobile communication landscape, 171–172 registration and security, 183 wireless local area network, 58, 172–178, 182 Service-level agreement (SLA), wireless wide area network, 60 Session Border Controller (SBC), security, 66 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Private Branch Exchange interconnection, 202 voice over Internet Protocol, 121–125 SFA, see Sales force automation Short Message Service (SMS), 220 SIM, see Subscriber identity module SIP, see Session Initiation Protocol Skype, 126–127 Index SLA, see Service-level agreement Slotted ALOHA, 130–132 Smartphone, 154 SMS, see Short Message Service Software, vendor solutions, 236–237 SRTP, see Secure Real-Time Protocol Subscriber identity module (SIM), 92, 205 T Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), 176–177 Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 86, 94 3GPP, see Third Generation Partnership Project TKIP, see Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TOS, see Type of Service Type of Service (TOS), 138–139 U UMA, see Universal Mobile Access UMC, see Unbounded mobile communication Unbounded mobile communication (UMC), see also specific technologies agnostic approach client agnostic, 41 network agnostic, 41–42 Private Branch Exchange agnostic, 42 cellular readiness, 95 convergence of wireless services, 13–15 cost-control policies, 214–217 definition, 4–5 delivery challenges, 7–8 enterprise-centric architectures, 80–81 growth predictions dual-mode handsets, 33–35 voice over Internet Protocol, 35 WiFi, 35 handover logic, 42–46 market drivers, 73–74 market forces, 12–13 network security considerations, 65–67, 183 policy management, 206–207 popularity, presence management, 213–214 Private Branch Exchange integration, see Private Branch Exchange products and services, 5–6, 18 prospects, 239–249 solutions accessibility, 37 configuration management considerations, 67–68 consumer mobility requirements, 38–39 consumer solutions, 82 cost management considerations, 69–70 directory access management considerations, 68–69 enterprise mobility requirements, 39–41 enterprise solutions, 82–84 Internet Protocol multimedia services considerations, 70 network access management considerations, 68 support considerations, 70–71 Universal Mobile Access (UMA) architecture, 31–32, 76 femtocell hybrid, 77 261 V VCC, see Voice Call Continuity vFone, 77 Video conferencing, 222 Virtual local area network (VLAN) partitioning, 132–133 security, 174 Virtual private network (VPN) deployment, 175–176 security, 182 Visiting location register (VLR), GSM, 21 VLAN, see Virtual local area network VLR, see Visiting location register Voice Call Continuity (VCC) architecture, 32, 78 services, 78 Voice-optimized network converged media prioritization 802.1p/Q, 137 multiprotocol label switching, 140 type-of-service and differentiated services, 138–140 WLAN WME/WMM, 134–137 general considerations, 129–130 network congestion and Slotted ALOHA example, 130–132 quality of service, 135, 140–141 shared media allocation ReSerVation Protocol, 133–134 virtual local area network partitioning, 132–133 transport bandwidth availability, 129 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) www.newnespress.com 262 Index Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) (Continued) availability for unbounded mobile communication, 125–127 bandwidth, 119 Cell Data Connection support, 87 client/server protocols, 116–117 commercial consumer services, 126–127 Dual-Tone/Multi-Frequency support, 120, 124–125 emergency response support, 211 enterprise-centric architectures, 80 Ethernet considerations, 60 growth predictions, 35, 84 historical perspective, 10, 90–91, 113–114 overview, 6, 62–64 packet size/rate, 118–119 prospects, 242 quality of service, 119 Real-Time Protocol, 125 setup, 114–115 standards H.323, 120–121 Session Initiation Protocol, 121–125 stimulus protocols, 116–11 voice encoding, 117–118 VoIP, see Voice over Internet Protocol VPN, see Virtual private network W WFA, see WiFi Alliance WiFi, see Wireless local area network WiFi Alliance (WFA), 25–26, 59 WiFi Protected Access (WPA), 105, 176 WiFi Protected Setup (WPS), 106 WiMAX, 111–112 Wireless Internet service provider (WISP), access considerations, 160, 165 Wireless local area network (WLAN) architecture, 24–26 cost-control policies, 214–215 coverage, 74–75 802.11 standards 802.11e, 103–105 802.11h, 108 802.11i, 105–106 802.11k, 106/802.11u, 107 802.11n, 57, 97, 109–111 802.11r, 107–108 802.11s, 108 802.11v, 107 evolution, 24–26, 95–97 missing standards, 109 task group charters, 104 802.16 standard, 110–112 802.21 standard, 110 enterprise-centric architectures, 80–81 Ethernet topology integration considerations, 58–59 growth predictions, 35 handover logic to/from cellular, 45–46 handset considerations, 53–54 historical perspective, 9, 91 hotspots, 64–65 hotspots, see Hotspots ISM band interference, 112 overview, 5–6 prospects, 241 www.newnespress.com radiofrequency coverage considerations, 58, 98 product classes, 57 security considerations, 58, 172–178, 182 standards and regulatory considerations, 59 vendor solutions, 235 voice problems load balancing, 97 overlapping coverage overview, 97–99 quality of service considerations, 99–100 topology considerations, 100–103 Wireless Multimedia Extensions/ WiFi Multimedia (WME/ WMM), 134–135 Wireless network provider, features, 86–87 Wireless wide area network (WWAN) Cell Data Connection, 61–63 evolution, 91–94 service-level agreement, 60 Wireline provider, features, 84–85 WISP, see Wireless Internet service provider WLAN, see Wireless local area network WME/WMM, see Wireless Multimedia Extensions/ WiFi Multimedia WPA, see WiFi Protected Access WPS, see WiFi Protected Setup WWAN, see Wireless wide area network ... cellular-broadband convergence (CBC), Mobile Unified Communications, seamless mobile collaboration (SMC), and mobile- to -mobile convergence (MMC)—a confusing array of mobile solution labels and acronyms!... often labeled with the term fixed/ mobile convergence (FMC) Delivery of communications solutions with such sophistication of technology will result in unbounded mobile communications (UMC) by virtually... by the telecommunications industry and termed fixed/ mobile convergence or FMC There are, however, many implementations of FMC coming to market that differ greatly in implementation and benefit

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2019, 15:09

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Mục lục

    What Is the Purpose of This Book?

    Why Is It Important?

    Who Is the Target Audience?

    How to Best Use the Information?

    Communication Knits Societies Together

    The Business Value of Mobility

    Unbounded Mobile Communication Concepts

    UMC: What Is Needed?

    Are the Technologies Ready?

    VoIP and iPBX History