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Springer modelling stochastic fibrous materials with mathematica dec 2008 ISBN 1848009909 pdf

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Engineering Materials and Processes Series Editor Professor Brian Derby, Professor of Materials Science Manchester Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HS, UK Other titles published in this series Fusion Bonding of Polymer Composites C Ageorges and L Ye Materials for Information Technology E Zschech, C Whelan and T Mikolajick Composite Materials D.D.L Chung Fuel Cell Technology N Sammes Titanium G Lütjering and J.C Williams Casting: An Analytical Approach A Reikher and M.R Barkhudarov Corrosion of Metals H Kaesche Computational Quantum Mechanics for Materials Engineers L Vitos Corrosion and Protection E Bardal Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices L Dai Modelling of Powder Die Compaction P.R Brewin, O Coube, P Doremus and J.H Tweed Microstructure of Steels and Cast Irons M Durand-Charre Silver Metallization D Adams, T.L Alford and J.W Mayer Phase Diagrams and Heterogeneous Equilibria B Predel, M Hoch and M Pool Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion R Javaherdashti Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials M Kamiński Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes P.M Dixit and U.S Dixit Gallium Nitride Processing for Electronics, Sensors and Spintronics S.J Pearton, C.R Abernathy and F Ren Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics V.Yu Topolov and C.R Bowen William W Sampson Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with Mathematica® 13 William W Sampson, PhD School of Materials University of Manchester Sackville Street Manchester M60 1QD UK ISBN 978-1-84800-990-5 e-ISBN 978-1-84800-991-2 DOI 10.1007/978-1-84800-991-2 Engineering Materials and Processes ISSN 1619-0181 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Control Number: 2008934906 © 2009 Springer-Verlag London Limited Mathematica and the Mathematica logo are registered trademarks of Wolfram Research, Inc (“WRI” – www.wolfram.com) and are used herein with WRI’s permission WRI did not participate in the creation of this work beyond the inclusion of the accompanying software, and offers it no endorsement beyond the inclusion of the accompanying software Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers The use of registered names, trademarks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made Cover design: eStudio Calamar S.L., Girona, Spain Printed on acid-free paper springer.com Preface This is a book with three functions Primarily, it serves as a treatise on the structure of stochastic fibrous materials with an emphasis on understanding how the properties of fibres influence those of the material For some of us, the structure of fibrous materials is a topic of interest in its own right, and we shall see that there are many features of the structure that can be characterised by rather elegant mathematical treatments The interest of most researchers however is the manner in which the structure of fibrous networks influences their performance in some application, such as the ability of a non-woven textile to capture particles in a filtration process or the propensity of cells to proliferate on an electrospun fibrous scaffold in tissue engineering The second function of this book is therefore to provide a family of mathematical techniques for modelling, allowing us to make statements about how different variables influence the structure and properties of materials The final intended function of this book is to demonstrate how the software Mathematica1 can be used to support the modelling work, making the techniques accessible to non-mathematicians We proceed by assuming no prior knowledge of any of the main aspects of the approach Specifically, the text is designed to be accessible to any scientist or engineer whatever their experience of stochastic fibrous materials, mathematical modelling or Mathematica We begin with an introduction to each of these three topics, starting with defining clearly the criteria that classify stochastic fibrous materials We proceed to consider the reasons for using models to guide our understanding and specifically why Mathematica has been chosen as a computational aid to the process Importantly, this book is intended not just to be read, but to be used It has been written in a style intended to allow the reader to extract all the important relationships from the models presented without using the Mathematica A trial version of Mathematica 6.0 can be downloaded from http://www.wolfram.com/books/resources, by entering the licence number L3250-9882 Mathematica notebook files containing the code presented in each chapter can be downloaded from http://www.springer.com/978-1-84800-990-5 vi Preface examples provided However, for a comprehensive understanding of the science underlying the models, readers will benefit from running the code and editing it to probe further the dependencies we identify and discuss The Mathematica code embedded in the text includes numbers added by Mathematica on evaluation Where a line of code begins with ‘In[1]:=’ this indicates that a new session on the Mathematica kernel has been started and previously defined variables, etc no longer exist in the system memory When preparing the manuscript, some consideration was given as to the appropriate amount of Mathematica code to include In common with many scientists, the author’s first approach to any theoretical analysis involves the traditional tools of paper and pencil, with the use of Mathematica being introduced after the initial formulation of the problem of interest Typically however, once progress has been made on a problem, the early manipulations, etc are subsequently entered into Mathematica so that the full treatment is contained in a single file As a rule, we seek to replicate this approach by providing many of the preliminary relationships and straightforward manipulations as ordinary typeset equations before turning to Mathematica for the more demanding aspects of the analysis Occasionally, where the outputs of relatively simple manipulations are required for subsequent treatments, Mathematica is invoked at an earlier stage Consideration was given also as to whether to include Mathematica code for the generation of plots, or to provide these only in the form of figures with supplementary detail, such as arrows, etc One of the great advantages of working with Mathematica is that its advanced graphics capabilities allow rapid generation of plots and surfaces representing functions; surfaces can be rotated using a mouse or other input device and dynamic plots with interactivity are readily generated When developing theory, the ability to visualise functions guides the process and can provide valuable reassurance that functions behave in a way that is representative of the physical system of interest Accordingly, the Mathematica code used to generate graphics is provided in the majority of instances and graphics are not associated with figure numbers, but instead are shown as the output of a Mathematica evaluation Where graphics are associated with a figure number, the content is either a drawing to guide our analysis or a collection of results from several Mathematica evaluations; in the latter case, plots or surfaces have been typically generated using Mathematica and exported to graphics software for the addition of supplementary detail and annotation The manuscript has benefited greatly from the comments of Kit Dodson, Nicola Dooley, Ramin Farnood and Steve I’Anson, who provided helpful feedback on an early draft I would like to thank each of them for being so generous of their time and for being so diligent in their attention to detail Kit Dodson deserves particular thanks and recognition for introducing me to statistical geometry, stochastic modelling and Mathematica when I spent time with his research group at the University of Toronto in the early 1990s Many of the Preface vii outcomes from our fifteen years of fruitful and enjoyable research collaboration are included in this monograph Thanks are also due to Maryka Baraka of Wolfram Research for support and advice, to Steve Eichhorn for permission to reproduce the micrograph of an electrospun nanofibrous network in Figure 1.1 and to Steve Keller for permission to reproduce Figures 5.7 and 5.8 I would like to thank Taylor and Francis Ltd for permission to reproduce Figure 3.7, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science for permission to reproduce Figure 6.1 and Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA for permission to reproduce Figure 7.1 Manchester February, 2008 Bill Sampson Contents Introduction 1.1 Random, Near-Random and Stochastic 1.2 Reasons for Theoretical Analysis 1.3 Modelling with Mathematica 11 Statistical Tools and Terminology 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Discrete and Continuous Random Variables 2.2.1 Characterising Statistics 2.3 Common Probability Functions 2.3.1 Bernoulli Distribution 2.3.2 Binomial Distribution 2.3.3 Poisson Distribution 2.4 Common Probability Density Functions 2.4.1 Uniform Distribution 2.4.2 Normal Distribution 2.4.3 Lognormal Distribution 2.4.4 Exponential distribution 2.4.5 Gamma Distribution 2.5 Multivariate Distributions 2.5.1 Bivariate Normal Distribution 15 15 15 16 29 29 31 35 37 38 39 42 45 46 49 51 Planar Poisson Point and Line Processes 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Point Poisson Processes 3.2.1 Clustering 3.2.2 Separation of Pairs of Points 3.3 Poisson Line Processes 3.3.1 Process Intensity 3.3.2 Inter-crossing Distances 55 55 55 56 63 71 73 81 x Contents 3.3.3 Statistics of Polygons 83 3.3.4 Intrinsic Correlation 94 Poisson Fibre Processes I: Fibre Phase 105 4.1 Introduction 105 4.2 Planar Fibre Networks 105 4.2.1 Probability of Crossing 110 4.2.2 Fractional Contact Area 115 4.2.3 Fractional Between-zones Variance 117 4.3 Layered Fibre Networks 132 4.3.1 Fractional Contact Area 132 4.3.2 In-plane Distribution of Fractional Contact Area 137 4.3.3 Intensity of Contacts 146 4.3.4 Absolute Contact States 150 Poisson Fibre Processes II: Void Phase 159 5.1 Introduction 159 5.2 In-plane Pore Dimensions 160 5.3 Out-of-plane Pore Dimensions 171 5.4 Porous Anisotropy 174 5.5 Tortuosity 182 5.6 Distribution of Porosity 184 5.6.1 Bivariate Normal Distribution 185 5.6.2 Implications for Network Permeability 191 Stochastic Departures from Randomness 195 6.1 Introduction 195 6.2 Fibre Orientation Distributions 196 6.2.1 One-parameter Cosine Distribution 196 6.2.2 von Mises Distribution 199 6.2.3 Wrapped Cauchy Distribution 201 6.2.4 Comparing Orientation Distribution Functions 202 6.2.5 Fibre Crossings 206 6.2.6 Crossing Area Distribution 211 6.2.7 Mass Distribution 216 6.3 Fibre Clumping and Dispersion 217 6.3.1 Influence on Network Parameters 222 Three-dimensional Networks 241 7.1 Introduction 241 7.2 Network Density 244 7.2.1 Crowding Number 246 7.3 Intensity of Contacts 248 7.4 Variance of Porosity 250 7.6 Sphere Caging τ = nfib λ 261 (7.33) We obtain the expected sphere diameter in terms of τ only: In[7]:= Solve Τ nfib Λ, Cv PowerExpand Ds Out[7]= Cv Π Τ Ω2 Π Out[8]= Τ In[9]:= Out[9]= N 2.98541 Τ We may state then that the expected diameter of a sphere caged by fibres in a three-dimensional network is ¯ s ≈ √3 , D τ (7.34) and is therefore independent of fibre width and length and decreases as the total fibre length per unit volume increases Recall that we observed a similar dependency when considering the dimensions of polygons generated by random lines in the plane For completeness, we note the result of Ogston [113] who considered the distribution of the diameters of spheres contacting one fibre only and obtained, D¯s = π ω Cv (7.35) Applying Ogston’s criterion to the treatment of Philipse and Kluijtmans [123] we obtain: In[10] = Out[11]= Clear Ds DsOgston Ω Cv Ds Solve Ncontacts 1, Ds 262 Three-dimensional Networks This estimate differs from that given by Equation 7.35 by a factor π/4 ≈ 0.88 The difference arises because Ogston did not allow fibres to penetrate spheres; though by permitting fibres and spheres to occupy the same volume, we greatly simplify the analysis Ogston’s treatment does provide however the distribution of the diameters of spheres contacting one fibre as, f (Ds ) = Ds π Ds − π4 D s e ¯2 2D s (7.36) We obtain the variance and coefficient of variation of sphere diameters in the usual way: In[12] = Π Ds pdfDs VarDs Out[13]= Out[14]= Π Ds2 PowerExpand Integrate Ds, 0, CVDs Dbar2 , Assumptions PowerExpand Dbar2 VarDs Dbar2 Ds Re Dbar ; Dbar 2 pdfDs, Dbar Π Π Π Π Note that the coefficient of variation obtained is independent of the mean suggesting that the probability density of sphere diameters should be well approximated by a gamma distribution We plot the cumulative distribution functions with a solid line for Ogston’s probability density and a dashed line for the corresponding gamma distribution: In[15] = cdfDs Integrate pdfDs, Plot cdfDs Dbar 1, CDF GammaDistribution Ds, 0, Ds ; CVDs2 , CVDs2 , Ds Ds, 0, , PlotStyle , Dashed , AxesLabel "Ds Ds ", "F Ds " , 7.6 Sphere Caging 263 F Ds 1.0 0.8 0.6 Out[16]= 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Ds Ds So, just as we saw for the when considering planar fibre processes, the characteristic dimensions of voids in three-dimensional networks are well characterised as being distributed according to a gamma distribution and the network variable that controls the mean is the expected total fibre length per unit volume Here and in earlier sections, we have considered fibres as rigid cylindrical rods When considering flexible fibres these may be considered as consisting of straight segments with bends between them The volume surrounding such fibres that we have considered here and in Section 7.3 is unaltered by the number of segments that constitute a fibre and their orientation Accordingly, we expect no influence of fibre flexibility on the statistics we have computed; this remark was made also by Ogston [113] It is supported by the fact that the total fibre length per unit volume, and not the length of individual fibres, is the controlling parameter defining void dimensions So, in the context of sphere caging, the random orientation of short fibre 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18 calculation from data, 18 gamma distribution, 48 Conditional probability, 121 Continuous distributions: bivariate normal, 51, 185 Chi-square, 87 cosine, 196 elliptical, 201 exponential, 45, 48, 82, 87, 174 gamma, 46, 87, 91, 170, 229 Lognormal, 42 normal, 199 normal (Gaussian), 39 triangular, 41 two-parameter cosine, 217 uniform, 38 von Mises, 199 wrapped Cauchy, 201 Correlation, 50 of polygon sides, 94 Correlation coefficient, 187 Cosine distribution, 196 two-parameter, 217 Covariance, 50, 187 matrix, 51 Coverage, 106, 159 definition, Crowding number, 246 Cumulative distribution function, 38, 103 Curved fibres, 4, 110, 196, 263 Denier, Departures from randomness, 5, 8, 130 Discrete distributions: Bernoulli, 29 binomial, 31, 139 discrete uniform, 25 negative binomial, 222 276 Index Poisson, 35, 106 Discrete random variables, 16 Discrete uniform distribution, 25 Eccentricity, 196, 215 Electrospinning, Elliptical distribution, 201 Equivalent pore diameter, 91 Exponential distribution, 45, 48, 82, 87, 174 Felting, 241 Fibre clustering, 4, 5, 195 Fibre crossings, 110, 211 3D networks, 248 effect of orientation, 206 Fibre curvature, see Curved fibres Fibre dispersion, 5, 195, 217 Fibre flexibility, 154 Fibre length distribution, 130 Fibre orientation, 5, 196, 216 distributions, 196 eccentricity, 196, 215 Filters, 91 Fitting distributions, 206 Flocculation, 195, 217, 247 Flocs, Fractional between-zones variance, 119, 195, 216, 220, 257 Fractional contact area, 217, 236 distribution, 137 oriented networks, 215 Fractional open area, 116, 237 Gamma distribution, 46, 87, 91, 170, 229 Global average, 63 Grammage, see Areal density Hydraulic radius, 91 Image analysis, 83, 116, 130, 195 Inspection volumes, 251 Inspection zones, 58, 62, 71 Inter-crossing distance, 81, 87, 90, 94, 160, 215, 227 Joint probability density, 51 Kozeny-Carman equation, 191, 250 Linear density, 7, 11, 107, 128 Local average, 63 areal density, 118 porosity, 251 Lognormal distribution, 42 Maximum packing concentration, 245 Mean, 17 calculation from data, 17 calculation from probability density function, 38 calculation from probability function, 26 Median, 17 Mode, 17 Monte Carlo methods, 25, 42, 85, 86, 89, 94, 139, 152, 215 good practice, 99 Multi-planar structures, 132 Negative binomial distribution, 222 Nematic structures, 246 Network evolution, 195 Normal (Gaussian) distribution, 39 Normal distribution, 199 Orientation fibre, see Fibre orientation Orientation ratio, 198, 217 Paper, Papyrus, pdf, see probability density function Pendulum, Percolation threshold, 110, 149, 247 Pinholes, 108, 116, 226 Planar networks, 55 Point variance, 118 Poisson distribution, 35, 106, 228 Polygon area distribution, 90 mean, 84 Polygon dimensions, 113 Polygonal voids, fraction of quadrilaterals, 85 fraction of triangles, 84 Population, 22 Pore diameter, 168 Pore height, 171 Index distribution, 174 Pore radius distribution, 92 Pore size, 216, 232 Porosity, 159, 250 distribution, 184 Probability density function, 37 joint, 51 Probability functions cf probability density functions, 37 Process intensity fibres, 107 lines, 73 Pseudorandom numbers, 56 Random fibre networks, 62 definition, Randomness definition, departures from, Relative bonded area, 115 Sample, 22 Sampling, 251 Self-healing, 195 Skewed distributions, 17 Skewness, 35, 43, 48, 142 Smoothing, 195 Sorting, 99, 102 277 Standard deviation, 17 calculation from data, 17 Stochastic cf random, Tomography, 183, 241, 247 Tortuosity, 11 Transforming variables, 43, 64, 65, 75, 92 Triangular distribution, 41 Two-dimensional networks, see Planar networks, 108 Uniform distribution, 38 Variable transform, see Transforming variables Variance, 17 at points, 118 calculation from data, 17 calculation from probability density function, 38 calculation from probability function, 26 influence of scale, 63, 118 Variance ratio, 130, 222 Volumetric concentration, 244 von Mises distribution, 199 Wrapped Cauchy distribution, 201 ... William W Sampson Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with Mathematica 13 William W Sampson, PhD School of Materials University of Manchester Sackville Street Manchester M60 1QD UK ISBN 978-1-84800-990-5... of stochastic fibrous materials, mathematical modelling or Mathematica We begin with an introduction to each of these three topics, starting with defining clearly the criteria that classify stochastic. .. Printed on acid-free paper springer. com Preface This is a book with three functions Primarily, it serves as a treatise on the structure of stochastic fibrous materials with an emphasis on understanding

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