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Using some activities to help students improve english communication skills in speaking lessons at nhu thanh secondary and high school

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  • The writer: Phan Anh Dao

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHU THANH SECONDARY & HIGH SCHOOL INNOVATION IN TEACHING USING SOME ACTIVITIES TO HELP STUDENTS IMPROVE ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN SPEAKING LESSONS AT NHU THANH SECONDARY & HIGH SCHOOL The writer: Phan Anh Dao The post: Teacher of English Innovation of subject: English THANH HOA 2018 TABLE OF CONTENT 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Object of the study 1.4 Methods of the study : CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical and practical basis 2.1.1 Theoretical basis: 2.1.2 Practical basis: 2.2 The status of the research subject: 2.2.1 The advantages of teaching speaking skill: 2.2.2 The disadvantages of teaching speaking skill: 2.3 Some solutions to the research subject: 2.3.1 General requirements: 2.3.2 The main solutions: 2.3.3 Organization steps: 2.3.4 Demonstration: 2.4 Result 3: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 3.1 Conclusion: 3.2 Suggestion: 4: REFERENCE BOOKS PAGE 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 19 20 20 20 21 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY: Knowing English is knowing everything so English has now become one of the most popular languages in the world In the tendency of integration of the global economy, English is one of the most effective communicative tools for everybody The role of English is considered to be very important in the fields of economics, politics, science, culture and education Being aware of the importance of English so the society is becoming more and more interested in teaching and learning English at schools, the curriculums and the methods of teaching English are innovated to better the needs of learners Therefore, today in Viet nam, everyone from the children to the adult tends to learn English and many English centers are opened to satisfy the leaners They are fully aware that knowing English will allow people to access an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available So communication skills are essential for a successful career, satisfying relationships and a personal sense of accomplishment Communication is seen every day through TV commercials, interaction with the person opening a door for people and listening to the manangers of their company speaking Effective communication empowers people, provides clear direction and increases productivity Without it, people lose motivation and the inability to make a decision, and they become angry because their messages are not understood In fact, many students in Viet nam who have good command of English, but can’t use English well don’t get good jobs So, English is the first and the most important standard for workers who want to work not only at foreign companies but also at national ones To this better, Teachers at schools especially at high schools and Universities have to use many skills and activities to promote positive, proactive students and create optimal conditions for students to train, develop and enhance skills to use language for purposes of communication So we have to create the environment for students to communicate in the classroom, especially, in Speaking lessons and this raises for teachers is to organize various activities to improve the efficiency of the speaking lessons and make students feel easily with the subject However, students have limited time to learn English in class, and they still not have enough encouragement to practice English outside the class in order to get familiar with English This case brings a problem that make high school students have difficulties to communicate in English and the majority of students are still feeling embarrassed and shy when speaking in front of the class Therefore, in this study I boldly give the subject “ Using some activities to help students improve English communication skills in speaking lessons at Nhu Thanh secondary and High School ” 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY When writing this initiative, I just wish to offer some ideas to find the best teaching methods to generate excitement for students and bring optimal efficiency - Through this research, I myself will have more experiences in teaching speaking lessons - Promote active learning of students in English periods, especially in the of speaking lessons - guiding students to practise themseves, practise to have skills and speaking skills in English 1.3 OBJECT OF THE STUDY This research is carried out in grade 10A1, 11C1, 12B1 and 12B4 at Nhu Thanh Secondary & High School 1.4 METHODS OF THE STUDY In this research, I use some research methods to collect and analyze the needed data Recording is used to record the process of giving some activities and surveying through the answer sheets is used to know the practical situation of teaching and learning English communication skills a Observation method: Reading reference books, summarizing material research and visiting classes of colleagues b Exchange method, discussion: Discussing with other colleagues after visiting their classes to draw out experiences c Experimental method: Teachers can carry out experimental teaching according to the aims of specific request in speaking lessons d Survey method: Teachers ask questions to test and evaluate the content of the students’ lessons CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical and practical basis 2.1.1 Theoretical basis: The aim of teaching a foreign language is not only to give students the knowledge of the language, but also the ultimate aim of teaching a foreign language is to teach students to have the ability to communicate in that language The ability of students to communicate through skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Students' speaking skills are formed through a process of academic training in English language environment In addition to learning in the classroom, students have to learn and practice speaking through different forms and methods 2.1.2 Practical basis: After many years teaching English in high school , I have noticed the fact that the majority of students in high school are afraid of learning English, and they often have a heavy feeling in the English lessons and especially in speaking lessons So what must we to make students have a real enthusiasm about learning a foreign language, namely English subject and make students look forward to and hope for this subject without feeling bored ? How can they hear and speak simple English sentences in a natural way ? Those are some of my concerns in the teaching process, so I'm always trying to find out the most effective solutions to make my lectures attractive to students, and is also aimed at improving the quality of this subject on the purpose of renovating teaching methods is that : “learner –centered”.So I decide to choose this research subject 2.2 The status of the research subject: 2.2.1 The advantages of teaching speaking lessons: - For students: Most students in Nhu Thanh secondary & high school have studied English since they were in secondary school and the knowledge which they are provided at this level of education is relatively high on grammar, vocabulary and communication skills Most students are obedient and aware of studying Students themselves and their parents have realized the importance of learning English so they have had the interest and considerable investment in many aspects to this subject , and it is no longer considered a subordinate subject Schools have been equipped with full conditions about facilities for study like language laboratory, books, tapes, and radios - For teachers: Teachers have satisfied with the school’s demand as well as education and applied the new teaching methods The facilities of the school like language laboratory , books , tapes , and radios are full and Administrator is interested and facilitates the teaching of the teachers so that they can prove their abilities in the best way 2.2.2.The disadvantages of teaching speaking lesson: - For students: There are so many different students in class and the quality of each student is uneven Many students haven’t determined the importance of English in the current period, so they aren’t aware of their own learning Some students have a limited vocabulary so they can’t know how to speak a correct sentence Classrooms are crowded, and the activities of speaking lesson often practise in pairs or in groups so the classrooms are easily noise - For teachers: There are still some teachers who have difficulty in teaching speaking skills and choosing suitable skills for each lesson Teachers don’t assign the tasks to students clearly Teachers don’t create the environment to encourage students to speak English effectively 2.2.3 Specific survey in classes 10A1, 11C1, 12B1 and 12B4 Class Students Excellent-good Average Weak (bad) 10A1 100% 10% 55% 35% 11C1 100% 8% 57% 35% 12B1 100% 9% 55% 36% 12B4 100% 9% 55% 36% 2.3 Some solutions to the research subject: 2.3.1 General requirements: We know that speaking skill plays a very important role in mastering a foreign language According to David Nunan (1991) the author of language teaching methodology book: "Success is measured by the ability to conduct a dialogue in the language they are learning." To this successfully, teachers must make students understand and gain the ability to use the language as much as possible because the needs of learners are very diverse Besides, teachers shouldn’t create unfortunate misunderstanding in the communication process Speaking skills of students are practised with other skills through a learning process in English language environment In addition to learning in classroom, students must learn themselves and practise speaking exercises through different forms and methods because the aim of speaking exercises is to help learners speak exactly and fluently The selection of teaching speaking techniques must be determined on the basis of the lesson content to build the activities for study Through research process and practice in different classrooms I offer some solutions to guide students to develop communication skills 2.3.2 The main solutions: Students often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning process To guide students to develop communication skills in English, teachers can teach students speaking strategies such as providing a dialogue, spoken word actions, using minimal respones, practising grammar structures and applying groupwork or pairwork in speaking skills and games Providing a dialogue: Thanks to the guidance of teachers, students themselves can create the dialogues and then practice, practice instead This activity is quite simple and will be familiar so students are interested in learning The main purpose of this activity is to help students use Wh- questions or Yes-no questions fluently Spoken word actions: In these actions teachers should let students speak simple sentences or dialogues so that students have communicative opportunities In classroom, teachers can give some exercises to students to explain or talk on the themes and afterwards, teachers and the whole class will remark by asking questions or assessing and this will help students make faster progress because: - Assessment helps learners become more confident about assessing language ability used by others - Teachers must create a routine for your own classroom - where speaking English in the classroom can turn into daily conversation, even compulsory for students - Teachers can use this activity to help students retell the stories or conversations in front of the whole classroom - Teachers should create situations, contexts, themes for students to practise speaking in pairs or groups In this section teachers can use pictures, photos in and out of a textbook or topics close to them as their school, their home, and their friends, and so on Using minimal responses: Language learners who lack confidence in their ability to participate successfully in oral interaction often listen in silence while others the talking One way to encourage such learners to begin to participate is to help them build up a stock of minimal responses that they can use in different types of exchanges Such responses can be especially useful for beginners Minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic phrases that conversation participants use to indicate understanding, agreement, doubt, and other responses to what another speaker is saying Having a stock of such responses enables a learner to focus on what the other participant is saying, without having to simultaneously plan a response Practising grammar structures: Unlike other languages , English has a word order and grammar rules to be followed The implementation of the structures and grammar principles in practising speaking English is not simple Therefore, when communicating in English, try to use the grammar structures that you have been learned and mastered If you just master the structures and simple sentences , you should only use them until you can be sure of the correct use of more complex structures Applying groupwork or pairwork in speaking skills: This is the basic and efficiency activity to practise speaking Teachers need to give careful instructions and know exactly how to divide the class Pair work and group work can become a routine Once students are used to it and have regular working partners, it can be organized quickly and easily After that group chief may give topic to say and members discuss Some activities such as paintings, plays, telling story should be applied Games: Games is a very popular activity that teachers frequently used any activity is also considered games when we want students to and want to find out the winner It is clear that Games are very positive and have a high motivation Teachers can design the games such as “chain games”, “lucky number”, “find someone who” and so on to suit each specific class, each specific object to encourage more students to participate 2.3.3 Organization steps: For a speaking period, there are often three stages which are: Preparing for speaking – Controlled practice – Free practice/Production This learning process not only helps students understand the material but also understand their speaking skills used in practical communication But the prerequisite problem is that teachers need to clearly define the purpose of each speaking lesson to orient for the students perform the tasks in the next steps for speaking: - The instructions that are given at the beginning are crucial If the students not understand exactly what they have to do, there will be time-wasting, confusion, lack of effective practice, possible loss of control - Select tasks that are simple enough to describe easily; and in monolingual classes, you may find it cost-effective to explain some or all in the students’mother tongue - Teachers encourage students to contribute to the general ideas for speaking lessons ( Brainstorming activity) - Teachers can ask students some questions to check their understanding Controlled practice: - Need to comply with the guideline from easy to difficult Teachers should give different types of exercises such as Substitution drills, using Prompts or picture cues or language games for students to form structure they have just studied - Teacher goes from group to group, pair to pair, monitor, and either contribute or keep out of the way whichever is likely to be more helpful - Providing general approval and support; - Helping students who are having difficultly; - Keeping the students using the target language(in many cases your mere presence will ensure this!) - Tactfully regulating participation in a discussion where you find some students are over dominant and others silent - Correcting mistakes and language problems that students have such as pronunciation or grammar Teachers should provide some new words that relate to the subject However, teachers shouldn’t correct unimportant mistakes and should encourage other students to find out the mistakes and correct them practice/production: This is the last activity of the lesson so teachers should give the general requirement and shouldn’t limit students’ideas as well as language so that students can speak freely Teachers can create the situation, the context and the topic for students to practise speaking in pairs or group Teachers can use pictures and photos in textbook and outside it or the topics that is close to students such as describe their school, house or their friends how to ensure the requirements of the lesson effectively, and how to stimulate student’s enthusiasm 2.3.4 Demonstration: Example of providing a dialogue Task ( Unit Part B: Speaking English 11) From the information provided in the textbook, students will combine into a dialogue and then make many other dialogues by substituting and then pracrise A: Good morning What can I for you? B: Yes I would like to send a greetings card and some flowers to my friend on her birthday 10 A: Right When is your friend’s birthday? B: It’s May 16th A: What kind of flowers would you like to send? B: Roses A bunch of red roses please A: Would you like to have the card and the flowers delivered on May 16 th or a day before? B: On May 16th It’s best to deliver in the early morning A: OK I make a note for that Could you please fill in this form? And don’t forget to write the recipient’s address clearly Example of group work Task (Unit – Part B: Speaking - English 11) This is a free activity and aims to develop fluency in speaking The procedure may be: Divide students into groups of four or five Read through the instrutions and make sure that each group understands what to Choose one “secretary” in each group to write the list but emphasis that everyone in the groups should agree on what to write While the activity is going on, move from groups, but not interrupt more than is necessary When some groups have finished their discussion, stop the activity, ask one person from each group to report on what they decided Give feedback: - Content 11 - Popular mistakes Example of using games ( chain games) Task (Unit – Part B: Speaking - English 11) Teacher: The man is tall Student 1: The man is tall He has got a square face Student 2: The man is tall He has got a square face, a crooked nose,… Example of free practice The aims of this task are to: - Improve students’ speaking and listening skills - Expand students’ vocabulary about many diffirent topics - Use expressions and idiomatic phrases - Use gestures - Make eye contact - Encourage students’ in-depth preparation 12 APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Lesson 2: Speaking Teacher: phan anh dao - Class: 10A1 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about plans and their possible results IV Anticipated problems: - There are some new words - Students usually know one way to raise plans Teacher can ask them to use different ways to talk III Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, tapes, projector IV Procedure: Teacher’s activities * Warm-up: (3 minutes) Fill in each gap with one missing letter to make meaningful words RO-D BRI-G3 SCH- -L FO-TB-LL GR-UND M-DIC-L C-NT-E - Asks the fastest one to write the answers on board - Give the keys ROAD BRIDGE SCHOOL FOOTBALL GROUND Students’ activities - Students in groups of three or fours - Others look at the screen and correct 13 MEDICAL CENTRE I Pre-speaking: ( minutes) - Shows a picture of Ha Xuyen village - Discuss in pairs - Take turns to talk about Ha Xuyen village - Asks students to look at the pictures and suggestion to talk about Ha Xuyen village Road/ narrow School/ small and poor + There/ no bridge/ in Ha Xuyen village + There/ no medical centre/ in Ha Xuyen village + There/ no football ground/ in Ha Xuyen village - Raises the question: What should we to improve the life in the village? The road is narrow The school is small and poor There is no bridge in Ha Xuyen village There is no medical centre in Ha Xuyen village There is no football ground in Ha Xuyen village - Practise speaking in pairs - Take turns to talk 14 - Leads in new lesson: Let’s practice talking about the plans to improve the life in Ha Xuyen village and their possible results II While-speaking: (30 minutes) Task 1: (5 minutes) The villagers of Ha Xuyen are discussing plans to improve the life in the village Look at the pictures and say what they should - Ask sts to practise in pairs before presenting in front of the class They should widen the road Now In the future They should build a new school Now 15 In the future They should build a new bridge Now In the future 16 They should build a medical centre In the future They should build a football ground In the future - Supposes students are Ha Xuyen villagers, give a model: A: What should we to improve the life in the village? B: I think we should widen the road - Gives more suggestion and asks students to produce the similar conversations + Widen the road + Build a new school + Build a bridge + Build a medical centre + Build a football ground Task 2: ( minutes) Match each of the plans with its possible result - Raise some plans and possible results: * Plans: - Read the model in chorus - Practice in pairs - Read the plans and 17 Resurface the road Build a medical centre Build a football ground Grow cash crops Build a bridge Build a new school * Possible results: a Children will have better learning conditions; they will be more interested in learning b Villagers will have a shorter way to town; cars and lorries can get to the village c People’s health will be looked after better; the sick will be cured in time d Young people can play sports; people can hold festival there e People can export the crops; they will have more money f Roads will not be muddy and flooded after it rains; people can get around more easily - Presents new words * Match each word with its Vietnamese equivalent Words Vietnamese equivalents Flooded Cure Export Muddy Resurface a Trải lại (mặt đường) b Lầy lội c Bị ngập lụt d Xuất e Chữa trị - Asks one student to write the answers on board - Give the keys * Keys: 1-c; 2-e; 3-d; 4-b; 5-a - Asks students to match each of the plans with its possible result - Show the keys and correct the answers on board * Keys: 1-f; 2-c; 3-d; 4-e; 5-b; 6-a Task 3: ( minutes) results to find out new words - Work in pairs - Look at the screen to correct - Copy then read the new words in chorus - Read the model in group of four - Work in groups 18 Produce conversations in groups of three or four - Gives model: A: What should we to improve the life in the village? B: I think we should resurface the roads C: That’s a good idea If we resurface the roads, they won’t be muddy and flooded D: Yes And people can get around more easily - Lets students produce conversations in groups - Asks some groups to present in front of the class IV Post-speaking: ( minutes) - Gives question relate to the fact What should we to improve our English? - Look at the pitures and suggestion to ask and answer in pairs A: What should we to improve our English? B: We should practice English everyday Practice English everyday A: What should we to improve our English? B: We should speak to foreigners Speak English to foreigners 19 A: What should we to improve our English? B: We should listen to English tapes Listen to English tapes - Gives suggestions and asks students to complete the conversation PLANS RESULTS - Practice English everyday - Speak English to foreigners - Listen to English tapes - Read many English books - Get good marks in English - Speak English more fluently - Widen our English vocabularies - Do English tests better * Complete this conversation: A: We are not very good at English What should we to ………………………….? B: I think we should ……………………………… C: Yes, if we …………………, we can …………… D: That’s a good idea - Asks two or three pairs to present V Homework: ( minutes) - Learn all new words by heart then make sentences with them - Write four conversations in the notebook - Prepare new word for listening lesson - Work in pairs 2.4 Result after applying the research in teaching: Students are more active in English speaking lesson 20 Students communicate with each other better Class Students Excellent-good Average Weak (bad) 10A1 100% 35% 50% 15% 11C1 100% 25% 55% 20% 12B1 100% 25% 50% 25% 12B4 100% 25% 50% 25% 3: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 3.1 Conclusion: To develop speaking skill for students, it requires preparation from both sides, teachers and students First, teachers have to identify the focus of the lesson to select appropriate content, then there is a clear plan Second, students need to be prepared at home well, actively learned If they well with the above requirements, certainly teachers will develop speaking skill for students 3.2 Suggestion: To teach a speaking lesson higher efficiency, the first thing to have good facilities, full intuitive full furniture, vivid pictures for teachers to have the time to invest in new initiatives and prepare for speaking lesson better Nhu Thanh The Headmaster’s identification I ensure that this study has been written by me The writer Phan Anh Đào 21 4: REFERENCE BOOKS The teacher training materials – English 11 ( Hoàng Văn Vân) The practice of English Language Teaching ( Jeremy Harmer) Brunei C (1984) Communicative methodology in teaching Cambridge University press David Nunan (1991) the author of language teaching methodology book (David Nunan 1991) 22 DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG ĐÁNH GIÁ XẾP LOẠI CẤP PHÒNG GD&ĐT, CẤP SỞ GD&ĐT VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả:PHAN ANH ĐÀO Chức vụ đơn vị công tác:Trường THCS& THPT Như Thanh TT Tên đề tài SKKN Guiding students develops Kết Cấp đánh đánh giá Năm học giá xếp loại xếp loại đánh giá xếp (Phòng, Sở, (A, B, loại Tỉnh ) C) Sở C 2013-2014 communication skills in English at Nhu Thanh high school * Liệt kê tên đề tài theo thứ tự năm học, kể từ tác giả tuyển dụng vào Ngành thời điểm 23 ... activities to help students improve English communication skills in speaking lessons at Nhu Thanh secondary and High School ” 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY When writing this initiative, I just wish to. .. lessons - Promote active learning of students in English periods, especially in the of speaking lessons - guiding students to practise themseves, practise to have skills and speaking skills in. .. communicate in that language The ability of students to communicate through skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Students' speaking skills are formed through a process of academic training

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2019, 08:24



