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Beginning c++

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  • Contents at a Glance

  • Contents

  • About the Author

  • About the Technical Reviewer

  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1: Basic Ideas

    • Modern C++

    • C++ Program Concepts

      • Comments and Whitespace

      • Preprocessing Directives and Header Files

      • Functions

      • Statements

      • Data Input and Output

      • return Statements

      • Namespaces

      • Names and Keywords

    • Classes and Objects

    • Templates

    • Program Files

    • Standard Libraries

    • Code Presentation Style

    • Creating an Executable

    • Representing Numbers

      • Binary Numbers

      • Hexadecimal Numbers

      • Negative Binary Numbers

      • Octal Values

      • Big-Endian and Little-Endian Systems

      • Floating-Point Numbers

    • Representing Characters

      • ASCII Codes

      • UCS and Unicode

    • C++ Source Characters

      • Trigraph Sequences

      • Escape Sequences

    • Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

    • Summary

  • Chapter 2: Introducing Fundamental Types of Data

    • Variables, Data, and Data Types

      • Defining Integer Variables

      • Defining Variables with Fixed Values

    • Integer Literals

      • Decimal Integer Literals

        • Hexadecimal Literals

        • Octal Literals

        • Binary Literals

    • Calculations with Integers

      • More on Assignment Operations

    • The op= Assignment Operators

    • using Declarations and Directives

    • The sizeof Operator

    • Incrementing and Decrementing Integers

      • Postfix Increment and Decrement Operations

    • Defining Floating-Point Variables

    • Floating-Point Literals

    • Floating-Point Calculations

      • Mathematical Functions

    • Formatting Stream Output

    • Mixed Expressions and Type Conversion

    • Explicit Type Conversion

      • Old-Style Casts

    • Finding the Limits

    • Working with Character Variables

      • Working with Unicode Characters

    • The auto Keyword

    • Lvalues and Rvalues

    • Summary

  • Chapter 3: Working with Fundamental Data Types

    • Operator Precedence and Associativity

    • Bitwise Operators

      • The Bitwise Shift Operators

        • Shifting Signed Integers

        • Logical Operations on Bit Patterns

      • Using the Bitwise AND

      • Using the Bitwise OR

      • Using the Bitwise Exclusive OR

    • Enumerated Data Types

      • Old-Style Enumerations

    • Synonyms for Data Types

    • The Lifetime of a Variable

    • Positioning Variable Definitions

      • Global Variables

      • Static Variables

    • External Variables

    • Summary

  • Chapter 4: Making Decisions

    • Comparing Data Values

      • Applying the Comparison Operators

      • Comparing Floating Point Values

    • The if Statement

      • Nested if Statements

      • Code-Neutral Character Handling

    • The if-else Statement

      • Nested if-else Statements

      • Understanding Nested ifs

    • Logical Operators

      • Logical AND

      • Logical OR

      • Logical Negation

    • The Conditional Operator

    • The switch Statement

    • Unconditional Branching

    • Statement Blocks and Variable Scope

    • Summary

  • Chapter 5: Arrays and Loops

    • Arrays

      • Using an Array

    • Understanding Loops

    • The for Loop

    • Avoiding Magic Numbers

    • Defining the Array Size with the Initializer List

    • Determining the Size of an Array

    • Controlling a for Loop with Floating-Point Values

    • More Complex for Loop Control Expressions

    • The Comma Operator

    • The Ranged-based for Loop

    • The while Loop

    • Allocating an Array at Runtime

    • The do-while Loop

    • Nested Loops

    • Skipping Loop Iterations

    • Breaking Out of a Loop

      • Indefinite Loops

    • Arrays of Characters

    • Multidimensional Arrays

      • Initializing Multidimensional Arrays

        • Setting Dimensions by Default

      • Multidimensional Character Arrays

    • Alternatives to Using an Array

      • Using array<T,N> Containers

      • Using std::vector<T> Containers

      • The Capacity and Size of a Vector

      • Deleting Elements from a Vector container

    • Summary

  • Chapter 6: Pointers and References

    • What Is a Pointer ?

    • The Address-Of Operator

    • The Indirection Operator

      • Why Use Pointers ?

    • Pointers to Type char

      • Arrays of Pointers

    • Constant Pointers and Pointers to Constants

    • Pointers and Arrays

      • Pointer Arithmetic

        • The Difference between Pointers

      • Using Pointer Notation with an Array Name

    • Dynamic Memory Allocation

      • The Stack and the Heap

      • Using the new and delete Operators

      • Dynamic Allocation of Arrays

      • Member Selection through a Pointer

    • Hazards of Dynamic Memory Allocation

      • Memory Leaks

      • Fragmentation of the Free Store

    • Raw Pointers and Smart Pointers

      • Using unique_ptr<T> Pointers

      • Using shared_ptr<T> Pointers

      • Comparing shared_ptr<T> Objects

      • weak_ptr<T> Pointers

    • Understanding References

      • Defining lvalue References

      • Using a Reference Variable in a Range-Based for Loop

      • Defining rvalue References

    • Summary

  • Chapter 7: Working with Strings

    • A Better Class of String

      • Defining string Objects

      • Operations with String Objects

        • Concatenating Strings

      • Accessing Characters in a String

      • Accessing Substrings

      • Comparing Strings

        • The compare( ) Function

        • Comparisons Using substr( )

      • Searching Strings

        • Searching for any of a Set of Characters

      • Searching a String Backwards

      • Modifying a String

        • Inserting a String

        • Replacing a Substring

        • Removing Characters from a String

    • Strings of International Characters

      • Strings of wchar_t Characters

    • Objects that contain Unicode Strings

    • Raw String Literals

    • Summary

  • Chapter 8: Defining Functions

    • Segmenting Your Programs

      • Functions in Classes

      • Characteristics of a Function

    • Defining Functions

      • The Function Body

        • Return Values

          • How the return Statement Works

      • Function Declarations

        • Function Prototypes

    • Passing Arguments to a Function

      • Pass-by-Value

        • Passing a Pointer to a Function

        • Passing an Array to a Function

          • const Pointer Parameters

          • Passing a Multidimensional Array to a Function

      • Pass-by-Reference

        • References Can Be Risky

          • Improving the Program

          • Simplifying Code using Type Aliases

        • References versus Pointers

      • Arguments to main()

    • Default Argument Values

      • Multiple Default Parameter Values

    • Returning Values from a Function

      • Returning a Pointer

      • Returning a Reference

    • Inline Functions

    • Static Variables

    • Function Overloading

      • Overloading and Pointer Parameters

      • Overloading and Reference Parameters

      • Overloading and const Parameters

        • Overloading with const Pointer Parameters

        • Overloading and const Reference Parameters

      • Overloading and Default Argument Values

    • A Sausage Machine for Functions

      • Creating Instances of a Function Template

      • Explicit Template Argument

      • Function Template Specialization

      • Function Templates and Overloading

      • Function Templates with Multiple Parameters

      • Non-Type Template Parameters

    • Trailing Return Types

    • Pointers to Functions

      • Defining Pointers to Functions

    • Recursion

      • Applying Recursion

      • The Quicksort Algorithm

      • The main() Function

      • The extract_words() Function

      • The swap() Function

      • The sort() function

      • The max_word_length() Function

      • The show_words() Function

    • Summary

  • Chapter 9: Lambda Expressions

    • Introducing Lambda Expressions

    • Defining a Lambda Expression

    • Naming a Lambda Expression

    • Passing a Lambda Expression to a Function

      • Function Templates that Accept Lambda Expression Arguments

      • A Function Parameter Type for Lambda Arguments

      • Using the std::function Template Type

    • The Capture Clause

      • Capturing Specific Variables

    • Using Lambda Expressions in a Template

    • Recursion in Lambda Expressions

    • Summary

  • Chapter 10: Program Files and Preprocessing Directives

    • Understanding Translation Units

      • The “One Definition” Rule

      • Program Files and Linkage

      • Determining Linkage for a Name

      • External Names

      • const Variables with External Linkage

    • Preprocessing Your Source Code

    • Defining Preprocessing Identifiers

      • Undefining an Identifier

    • Including Header Files

      • Preventing Duplication of Header File Contents

    • Namespaces

      • The Global Namespace

      • Defining a Namespace

      • Applying using Declarations

      • Functions and Namespaces

      • Unnamed Namespaces

      • Namespace Aliases

      • Nested Namespaces

    • Logical Preprocessing Directives

      • The Logical #if Directive

      • Testing for Specific Identifier Values

      • Multiple Choice Code Selection

      • Standard Preprocessing Macros

    • Debugging Methods

      • Integrated Debuggers

      • Preprocessing Directives in Debugging

      • Using the assert( ) Macro

      • Switching Off assert() Macros

    • Static Assertions

    • Summary

  • Chapter 11: Defining Your Own Data Types

    • Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

      • Encapsulation

        • Data Hiding

      • Inheritance

      • Polymorphism

    • Terminology

    • Defining a Class

    • Constructors

      • Defining Constructors Outside the Class

      • Default Constructor Parameter Values

      • Using a Constructor Initialization List

      • Use of the explicit Keyword

      • Delegating Constructors

      • The Copy Constructor

        • Implementing the Copy Constructor

        • Reference Parameters

    • Accessing Private Class Members

    • Friends

      • The Friend Functions of a Class

      • Friend Classes

    • The this Pointer

      • Returning this from a Function

    • const Objects and const Member Functions

      • Casting Away const

    • Arrays of Class Objects

    • The Size of a Class Object

    • Static Members of a Class

      • Static Data Members

      • Accessing Static Data Members

      • A Static Data Member of the Class Type

      • Static Function Members

    • Destructors

    • Pointers and References to Class Objects

    • Using Pointers As Class Members

      • Defining the Package Class

      • Defining the Truckload Class

      • Implementing the Truckload Class

    • Nested Classes

    • Summary

  • Chapter 12: Operator Overloading

    • Implementing Operators for a Class

      • Operator Overloading

      • Operators That Can Be Overloaded

      • Implementing an Overloaded Operator

      • Global Operator Functions

      • Implementing Full Support for an Operator

      • Implementing All Comparison Operators in a Class

    • Operator Function Idioms

    • Default Class Members

      • Defining the Destructor

      • When to Define a Copy Constructor

      • Implementing the Assignment Operator

      • Implementing Move Operations

    • Overloading the Arithmetic Operators

      • Improving Output Operations

      • Implementing One Operator in Terms of Another

    • Overloading the Subscript Operator

      • Lvalues and the Overloaded Subscript Operator

        • Potential Ambiguities with Conversions

    • Overloading Type Conversions

    • Overloading the Increment and Decrement Operators

    • Function Objects

    • Summary

  • Chapter 13: Inheritance

    • Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

      • Hierarchies

    • Inheritance in Classes

      • Inheritance vs. Aggregation

      • Deriving Classes

    • protected Members of a Class

    • The Access Level of Inherited Class Members

      • Choosing Access Specifiers in Class Hierarchies

      • Changing the Access Specification of Inherited Members

    • Constructor Operation in a Derived Class

      • The Copy Constructor in a Derived Class

      • The Default Constructor in a Derived Class

      • Inheriting Constructors

    • Destructors Under Inheritance

      • The Order in Which Destructors Are Called

    • Duplicate Data Member Names

    • Duplicate Function Member Names

    • Multiple Inheritance

      • Multiple Base Classes

      • Inherited Member Ambiguity

      • Repeated Inheritance

      • Virtual Base Classes

    • Converting Between Related Class Types

    • Summary

  • Chapter 14: Polymorphism

    • Understanding Polymorphism

      • Using a Base Class Pointer

      • Calling Inherited Functions

      • Virtual Functions

        • Requirements for Virtual Function Operation

        • Virtual Functions and Class Hierarchies

        • Using override

        • Using final

        • Access Specifiers and Virtual Functions

      • Default Argument Values in Virtual Functions

      • Virtual Function Calls with Smart Pointers

      • Using References to Call Virtual Functions

      • Calling the Base Class Version of a Virtual Function

      • Converting Between Pointers to Class Objects

      • Dynamic Casts

        • Casting Pointers Dynamically

      • Converting References

      • Determining the Polymorphic Type

    • The Cost of Polymorphism

    • Pure Virtual Functions

      • Abstract Classes

        • Abstract Classes As Interfaces

      • Indirect Abstract Base Classes

    • Destroying Objects Through a Pointer

      • Virtual Destructors

    • Summary

  • Chapter 15: Runtime Errors and Exceptions

    • Handling Errors

    • Understanding Exceptions

      • Throwing an Exception

      • The Exception Handling Process

        • Unhandled Exceptions

      • Code That Causes an Exception to Be Thrown

      • Nested try Blocks

      • How It Works

    • Class Objects as Exceptions

      • Matching a Catch Handler to an Exception

      • How It Works

      • Catching Derived Class Exceptions with a Base Class Handler

      • Rethrowing Exceptions

      • Catching All Exceptions

    • Functions That Throw Exceptions

      • Function try Blocks

      • Functions That Don’t Throw Exceptions

      • Constructor try Blocks

      • Exceptions and Destructors

    • Standard Library Exceptions

      • The Exception Class Definitions

      • Using Standard Exceptions

        • Deriving your own Exception Classes

    • Summary

  • Chapter 16: Class Templates

    • Understanding Class Templates

    • Defining Class Templates

      • Template Parameters

      • A Simple Class Template

      • Defining Function Members of a Class Template

        • Constructor Templates

        • The Destructor Template

        • Subscript Operator Templates

        • The Assignment Operator Template

    • Instantiating a Class Template

    • Static Members of a Class Template

    • Non-Type Class Template Parameters

      • Templates for Function Members with Non-Type Parameters

      • Arguments for Non-Type Parameters

      • Pointers and Arrays as Non-Type Parameters

    • Default Values for Template Parameters

    • Explicit Template Instantiation

    • Special Cases

      • Using static_assert( ) in a Class Template

      • Defining a Class Template Specialization

      • Partial Template Specialization

      • Choosing between Multiple Partial Specializations

    • Friends of Class Templates

    • Class Templates with Nested Classes

      • Function Templates for Stack Members

    • Summary

  • Chapter 17: File Input and Output

    • Input and Output in C++

      • Understanding Streams

        • Data Transfer Modes

        • Text Mode Operations

        • Binary Mode Operations

      • Advantages of Using Streams

    • Stream Classes

      • Standard Stream Objects

      • Stream Insertion and Extraction Operations

        • Stream Extraction Operations

        • Stream Insertion Operations

      • Stream Manipulators

        • Manipulators with Arguments

    • File Streams

      • Writing a File in Text Mode

      • Reading a File in Text Mode

        • Checking the State of a File Stream

        • Reading the File

    • Setting the Stream Open Mode

      • Managing the Current Stream Position

    • Unformatted Stream Operations

      • Unformatted Stream Input

      • Unformatted Stream Output

    • Errors in Stream Input/Output

      • Input/Output Errors and Exceptions

    • Stream Operations in Binary Mode

      • Writing Numeric Data in Binary

    • File Read/Write Operations

      • Random Access to a File

        • Random Access to a Binary Stream

        • Random File Operations in Practice

          • Implementing the Constructor

          • Checking for the Existence of a File

          • Finding a Prime that follows a Prime

          • Checking for a Prime

          • Implementing the Subscript Operator

          • Using the Primes Class

    • String Streams

    • Objects and Streams

      • Using the Insertion Operator with Objects

      • Using the Extraction Operator with Objects

      • Object I/O in Binary Mode

      • More Complex Objects in Streams

    • Summary

  • Index

Nội dung

www.it-ebooks.info For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them www.it-ebooks.info Contents at a Glance About the Author������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xxiii About the Technical Reviewer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ xxv Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xxvii ■■Chapter 1: Basic Ideas������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 ■■Chapter 2: Introducing Fundamental Types of Data �������������������������������������������������������23 ■■Chapter 3: Working with Fundamental Data Types���������������������������������������������������������55 ■■Chapter 4: Making Decisions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79 ■■Chapter 5: Arrays and Loops�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105 ■■Chapter 6: Pointers and References������������������������������������������������������������������������������151 ■■Chapter 7: Working with Strings�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������185 ■■Chapter 8: Defining Functions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������213 ■■Chapter 9: Lambda Expressions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������271 ■■Chapter 10: Program Files and Preprocessing Directives���������������������������������������������287 ■■Chapter 11: Defining Your Own Data Types�������������������������������������������������������������������315 ■■Chapter 12: Operator Overloading���������������������������������������������������������������������������������365 ■■Chapter 13: Inheritance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������399 ■■Chapter 14: Polymorphism��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������429 v www.it-ebooks.info ■ Contents at a Glance ■■Chapter 15: Runtime Errors and Exceptions�����������������������������������������������������������������463 ■■Chapter 16: Class Templates�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������495 ■■Chapter 17: File Input and Output���������������������������������������������������������������������������������533 Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������593 vi www.it-ebooks.info Introduction Welcome to Beginning C++ This is a revised and updated version of my previous book, Beginning ANSI C++ The C++ language has been extended and improved considerably since the previous book, so much so that it was no longer possible to squeeze detailed explanations of all of C++ in a single book This tutorial will teach enough of the essential C++ language and Standard Library features to enable you to write your own C++ applications With the knowledge from this book you should have no difficulty in extending the depth and scope of your C++ expertise C++ is much more accessible than many people assume I have assumed no prior programming knowledge If you are keen to learn and have an aptitude for thinking logically, getting a grip on C++ will be easier than you might imagine By developing C++ skills, you’ll be learning a language that is already used by millions, and that provides the capability for application development in just about any context The C++ language in this book corresponds to the latest ISO standard, commonly referred to as C++ 14 C++ 14 is a minor extension over the previous standard, C++ 11, so there is very little in the book that is C++ 14 specific All the examples in the book can be compiled and executed using C++ 11-conforming compilers that are available now Using the Book To learn C++ with this book, you’ll need a compiler that conforms reasonably well to the C++ 11 standard and a text editor suitable for working with program code There are several compilers available currently that are reasonably C++ 11 compliant, some of which are free The GCC compiler that is produced by the GNU Project has comprehensive support for C++ 11 and it is open source and free to download Installing GCC and putting it together with a suitable editor can be a little tricky if you are new to this kind of thing An easy way to install GCC along with a suitable editor is to download Code::Blocks from http://www.codeblocks.org Code::Blocks is a free IDE for Linux, Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows It supports program development using several compilers including compilers for GCC, Clang, and open Watcom This implies you get support for C, C++, and Fortran Another possibility is to use Microsoft Visual C++ that runs under Microsoft Windows It is not fully compliant with C++ 11, but it’s getting there The free version is available as Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Express and at the time of writing this will compile most of the examples, and should compile them all eventually You can download it from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=43733 While the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler is more limited than GCC, in terms of the extent to which C++ 11 is supported, you get a professional editor and support for other languages such as C# and Basic Of course, you can always install both! There are other compilers that support C++ 11, which you can find with a quick online search I’ve organized the material in this book to be read sequentially, so you should start at the beginning and keep going until you reach the end However, no one ever learned programming by just reading a book You’ll only learn how to program in C++ by writing code, so make sure you key in all the examples—don’t just copy them from the download files—and compile and execute the code that you’ve keyed in This might seem tedious at times, but it’s surprising how much just typing in C++ statements will help your understanding, especially when you may feel you’re struggling with some of the ideas If an example doesn’t work, resist the temptation to go straight back to the book to see why Try to figure out from your code what is wrong This is good practice for what you’ll have to when you are developing C++ applications for real xxvii www.it-ebooks.info ■ Introduction Making mistakes is a fundamental part of the learning process and the exercises should provide you with ample opportunity for that It’s a good idea to dream up a few exercises of your own If you are not sure about how to something, just have a go before looking it up The more mistakes you make, the greater the insight you’ll have into what can, and does, go wrong Make sure you attempt all the exercises, and remember, don’t look at the solutions until you’re sure that you can’t work it out yourself Most of these exercises just involve a direct application of what’s covered in a chapter—they’re just practice, in other words—but some also require a bit of thought or maybe even inspiration I wish you every success with C++ Above all, enjoy it! —Ivor Horton xxviii www.it-ebooks.info Chapter Basic Ideas I’ll sometimes have to make use of things in examples before I have explained them in detail This chapter is intended to help when this occurs by giving you an overview of the major elements of C++ and how they hang together I’ll also explain a few concepts relating to the representation of numbers and characters in your computer In this chapter you’ll learn: • What is meant by Modern C++ • The elements of a C++ program • How to document your program code • How your C++ code becomes an executable program • How object-oriented programming differs from procedural programming • What binary, hexadecimal, and octal number systems are • What Unicode is Modern C++ Modern C++ is programming using of the features of the latest and greatest incarnation of C++ This is the C++ language defined by the C++ 11 standard, which is being modestly extended and improved by the latest standard, C++ 14 This book relates to C++ as defined by C++14 There’s no doubt that C++ is the most widely used and most powerful programming language in the world today If you were just going to learn one programing language, C++ is the ideal choice It is effective for developing applications across an enormous range of computing devices and environments: for personal computers, workstations, mainframe computers, tablets, and mobile phones Just about any kind of program can be written in C++ from device drivers to operating systems, from payroll and administrative programs to games C++ compilers are available widely too There are up-to-date compilers that run on PCs, workstations, and mainframes, often with cross-compiling capabilities, where you can develop the code in one environment and compile it to execute in another C++ comes with a very extensive Standard Library This is a huge collection of routines and definitions that provide functionality that is required by many programs Examples are numerical calculations, string processing, sorting and searching, organizing and managing data, and input and output The Standard Library is so vast that we will only scratch the surface of what is available in this book It really needs several books to fully elaborate all the capability it provides Beginning STL is a companion book that is a tutorial on using the Standard Template Library, which is the subset of the C++ Standard Library for managing and processing data in various ways www.it-ebooks.info Chapter ■ Basic Ideas Given the scope of the language and the extent of the library, it’s not unusual for a beginner to find C++ somewhat daunting It is too extensive to learn in its entirety from a single book However, you don’t need to learn all of C++ to be able to write substantial programs You can approach the language step by step, in which case it really isn’t difficult An analogy might be learning to drive a car You can certainly become a very competent and safe driver without necessarily having the expertise, knowledge, and experience to drive in the Indianapolis 500 With this book you can learn everything you need to program effectively in C++ By the time you reach the end, you’ll be confidently writing your own applications You’ll also be well equipped to explore the full extent of C++ and its Standard Library C++ Program Concepts There will be much more detail on everything I discuss in this section later in the book I’ll jump straight in with the complete, fully working, C++ program shown in Figure 1-1, which explains what the various bits of it are I’ll use the example as a base for discussing some more general aspects of C++ This is a statement Statements end with a semicolon There is also a comment on this line // Ex1_01.cpp // A complete C++ program These two lines are comments Comments begin with // #include This line adds input/output capability int main ( ) { This is the first line of the function main int answer {42}; // Defines answer with value 42 std::cout

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2019, 13:44


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