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AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 bible

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www.it-ebooks.info AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible ® ® Ellen Finkelstein www.it-ebooks.info AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible ® ® Ellen Finkelstein www.it-ebooks.info AutoCAD® 2009 & AutoCAD LT® 2009 Bible Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 111 River Street Hoboken, N.J 07030 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-26017-3 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or 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blocks, and features for AutoCAD’s Help system She is also the editor of Inside AutoCAD, a monthly newsletter published by Eli Journals Ellen’s first book was AutoCAD For Dummies Quick Reference Since then, she has written books on PowerPoint, OpenOffice.org (OpenOffice.org For Dummies), Flash (such as Flash CS3 For Dummies), and Web technologies (for example, Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies) You’re holding the ninth edition of this book, which previously appeared for AutoCAD releases 14, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 www.it-ebooks.info To MMY, for teaching me that there’s more to life than meets the eye and that the deeper levels of life are the most intelligent, powerful, and blissful Credits Acquisitions Editor Stephanie McComb Project Coordinator Katherine Key Project Editor Jade L Williams Technical Editor Lee Ambrosius Graphics and Production Specialists Claudia Bell Reuben W Davis Heather Pope Ronald Terry Copy Editor Marylouise Wiack Quality 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Whether you are a new or expert user with AutoCAD, you have truly made a worthwhile investment with the AutoCAD Bible This book will be a valuable addition to your library that you will use on a regular basis as a reference and guide to using AutoCAD With each release of AutoCAD and its new feature set, the AutoCAD Bible is an excellent resource for learning and getting up to speed quickly on all things AutoCAD Everything from the basics of AutoCAD including 3D and programming is covered in this book The information is well organized and a comprehensive index makes retrieving information that you need a cinch You’ll see real-world examples and AutoCAD drawings on the DVD that will quickly help you understand and learn new concepts through the exercises Even more helpful is the fact that the drawings are available in both a before and after format, allowing you to use the after format as a reference Ellen has been writing books about AutoCAD for so long that she is practically a household name here at Autodesk and in the AutoCAD world She is an active participant in our beta program and helps shape the direction of future releases of AutoCAD You are truly learning from one of the finest and experienced professionals in this field Although the in-depth coverage of this book may seem overwhelming, not feel discouraged by the books thickness Pick out the tools that you want to learn about and then proceed from there, or if you are interested in learning new features, pick a different topic each week to learn about Thank you, Ellen, for creating another great edition of the AutoCAD Bible I know our customers will benefit from reading it as I have Doug Cochran AutoCAD Product Manager Autodesk, Inc v www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info W elcome to the AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible Whether you use AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, you’ll find complete explanations of all the powerful features that you need to know about to design and draw anything This book is designed to be your comprehensive guide to both the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT programs This book covers every significant AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT feature If you’re a beginning user, you’ll find everything you need to start out; if you’re already using AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT regularly, the book covers advanced material, as well Although you can use this book as a tutorial if you’re just starting out or learning a new set of features, it also provides a solid reference base to come back to again and again The short tutorials on almost every topic will quickly have you creating professional-level drawings The DVD is chock-full of drawings, a trial version of AutoCAD 2009, and add-in programs (which are mostly for AutoCAD only) This book is all that you need to make full use of either program For AutoCAD 2009, the emphasis is on a new interface, quick access to information, navigation, and a new macro recorder Most of the new features are in AutoCAD LT 2009, as well Is This Book for You? The AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible covers all of the essential features of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT and includes clear, real-life examples and tutorials that you can adapt to your needs Although I fully cover the basics, I have also included material on the many advanced features, such as external database connectivity, AutoLISP, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 3D modeling, rendering, and customization (Most of the advanced features apply to AutoCAD only.) The following categories should help you decide whether this book is for you If you are a new AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT user If you are new to AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, the AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible guides you through all that you need to know to start drawing effectively, whatever your field Just start at the beginning If you are upgrading to AutoCAD 2009 or AutoCAD LT 2009 This book highlights all of the new features and helps you to make the upgrade transition as seamless as possible Look for the New Feature icons vii www.it-ebooks.info Preface If you are switching from another CAD program You already know what CAD is all about This book clearly explains the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT way of drawing the models that you have already been drawing In addition, you’ll find a great deal of essential information about transferring files and data from other formats How This Book Is Organized This book is divided into eight parts Part I: AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Basics Part I provides the background information that you need to start drawing It starts with a “quick tour” that has you drawing right away, and then covers how to start a drawing, use commands, specify coordinates, and set up a drawing Part II: Drawing in Two Dimensions Part II covers all of the commands and procedures for drawing and editing in two dimensions In addition, I discuss how to control the drawing process with layers, zooming, and panning Also included in this part is information about dimensioning, plotting, and printing Part III: Working with Data Part III covers many ways to organize and share data, including blocks, attributes, external references, and external databases Part IV: Drawing in Three Dimensions Part IV explains everything that you need to know to draw in three dimensions It also discusses how to present 3D drawings using hiding, shading, and rendering techniques Part V: Organizing and Managing Drawings Part V helps you to incorporate AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT into your work world by explaining how to set standards, manage drawings, and work with other applications It concludes with a chapter on creating electronic output Part VI: Customizing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Part VI introduces the tools that you need to customize commands, toolbars, linetypes, hatch patterns, shapes, fonts, and the ribbon You’ll also find a chapter on creating macros with script files as well as the Action Recorder Part VII: Programming AutoCAD Part VII introduces you to programming AutoCAD It includes three chapters on AutoLISP and Visual LISP, and one chapter on Visual Basic for Applications This part applies to AutoCAD only viii www.it-ebooks.info S Index SAVEALL command, 24 Saveas Options dialog box, 596 SAVEFIDELITY system variable, 937 Scale action, dynamic blocks, 547 SCALE command, 182–183 scale factor, 101–102, 182, 282, 316 Scale option, ZOOM command, 140 scale/scaling annotative assigning, 102–103 attributes, 564 block considerations, 522, 528 dimensions, 363, 403 hatch patterns, 459, 460 in layouts, 497–501, 503 text, 311, 331–333, 498 version issues, 1148 attributes, 564 basic methods, 182–183 blocks, 528–529, 547 configuration options, 1156 copying settings, 182 customizing list, 104 dimensions, 363, 425–426, 498, 501, 862 drawing settings, 99–105 editing, 182–183 external references, 585 formatting, 101–102 graphic images, 855, 920 with grips, 234 hatch patterns, 459, 460 Insertion Scale options, 1155 introduction, 99–101 layouts, 425 linetype, 280–283, 495, 1000 multiline objects, 474, 481 named views, 148 objects, 862 OBJECTSCALE command, 403 for plots, 99–102 text, 315–316, 318–319, 331–333 textures, 838 viewpoints, 497 viewports, 494 zooming, compared to, 139 SCALETEXT command, 315–316 schedules, drawing, 335 See also tables schema, database, definition, 609 scientific units, 96 SCR (script) file format, 983, 984 Screen menu, customizing, 38, 1042 script files, 964, 967, 983–989, 992–993, 1164 script (SCR) file format, 983, 984 scroll bars, panning with, 138 Search feature, Windows, 559 Search tab, Help system, 56 searching for commands, 39, 1032 coordinates, 292 drawings, 853–854, 900–901 for drawings, 853–854, 900–901 in Help system, 56, 57 introduction, 20 objects by name, 1038 for reference files, 904–905 text, 356–358 SECTION command, 779–780 sectioning of solids, 779–782 SECTIONPLANE command, 781–782 security, 901–904, 1143–1144, 1149 seed file, DGN, 914 select an object command prompt option, 46 Select Block dialog box, 885, 886 Select Color dialog box, 257–258 SELECT command, 188 Select File dialog box, 31 Select Linetype dialog box, 260 Select Object option, DIMLINEAR command, 364 SELECT statement, SQL, 633 Select Template dialog box, 28 selecting objects basic methods, 172 blocks, 533, 885, 886 command entry, relationship to, 172, 185–190, 192 customizing process, 190–193 cycling through objects, 188, 786 FASTSELECT command, 243 filtering selections, 241–247 with grips, 230 by group, 187, 193, 244–245, 247–250 hatch patterns, 193 implied windowing, 188, 192–193 lights in rendering, 829 noun/verb mode, 191, 267 options, 186–188, 193 Quick Properties panel, 172, 229, 237–238, 239 solids, 786 subselecting solids, 786 trimming rules, 192 Selection Modes options, 1159 Selection Preview option, selecting objects, 190–191, 1159 selection rectangle settings, 190 selection sets, 185, 633–635, 896, 1081–1083 Selection tab, Options dialog box, 191, 237, 1159 SELECTIONANNODISPLAY system variable, 499 self-extracting executable (.exe) file format for eTransmit, 936 separator bars/spaces on control panels/toolbars, 973, 1030 /set command line switch, 1162 Set Current icon, 263 SETBYLAYER command, 276 SETQ function, 1065, 1073 SETVAR command, 288–289, 989 SETVAR operator, 1071 Sfld program (on DVD), 351, 1179 SHADE command, 704–705 shaded views for viewports, 490, 496–497 SHADEMODE command, 704 shading options, visual styles, 704 shadows, rendering in 3D, 822, 828, 845 SHAPE command, 1010 shape (SHP) file format, 318, 1009 Shape (SHX) (vector font) files, 317, 318, 999, 1009, 1010 1214 www.it-ebooks.info Index shapes See also objects blocks, relationship to, 1009 custom, 1009–1017 fonts, relationship to, 1009 SHP file format, 318, 1009 SHX files, 317, 318, 999, 1009, 1010 sheet set (DST) file format, 883 Sheet Set Manager, 32, 881–882, 884 Sheet Set Properties dialog box, 884–887 sheet/sheets sets, titleblock, 887–889 Sheet Views, 882 sheets/sheet sets archiving, 896 AutoCAD LT’s lack of, 880 callout blocks, 895 command line switch, 1162 creating, 882–887, 891–894 DST file format, 883 eTransmit, 896 importing drawings as sheets, 891 introduction, 880–882 label blocks, 885, 889–890 list of, 882, 896–897 model space views of, 882, 885, 894 named views, relationship to, 154, 894–895 naming, 891, 946 new sheet, adding, 890 opening, 32 organizing, 890–891 plotting and publishing, 895–896, 945–946 previewing, 882 properties, 884–887 references setup, 887–891 renaming, 891 renumbering, 891 resource drawings, adding, 881 sizes, 101, 105 step procedure for using, 897–899 subsets, 882, 887, 891 template settings for, 886, 887 viewports, 894–895 views, 154, 882, 885, 894–895 shelling solids, 812 Shift to Add selection method, 191 shortcut keys commands, 43, 44–45, 48, 968–970 customizing, 1042–1044 presspull shortcut, 778 shortcut menus, 39, 1036–1038, 1154–1155 shots, 3D camera, 687–690 Show/Hide Lineweight mode, 261 ShowMotion, 151–153, 687–690 SHOWURLS command, 943 SHP (shape) file format, 318, 1009 SHP2BLK command, 540 SHX (compiled shape) file format, 317, 318, 999, 1009, 1010 simple linetype, 997–998 single-line text creating, 309–314 editing, 314–317, 321 formatting, 312–313 height setting, 311 introduction, 309 justification options, 310–311, 316 rotation angle, 312 special characters, 312–313 SIngle option, selecting objects, 188 Single Point option, 133 sizing (scaling) objects annotative assigning, 102–103 attributes, 564 block considerations, 522, 528 dimensions, 363, 403 hatch patterns, 459, 460 in layouts, 497–501, 503 text, 311, 331–333, 498 version issues, 1148 attributes, 564 basic methods, 182–183 blocks, 528–529, 547 configuration options, 1156 copying settings, 182 customizing list, 104 dimensions, 363, 425–426, 498, 501, 862 drawing settings, 99–105 editing, 182–183 external references, 585 formatting, 101–102 graphic images, 855, 920 with grips, 234 hatch patterns, 459, 460 Insertion Scale options, 1155 introduction, 99–101 layouts, 425 linetype, 280–283, 495, 1000 multiline objects, 474, 481 named views, 148 objects, 862 OBJECTSCALE command, 403 for plots, 99–102 text, 315–316, 318–319, 331–333 textures, 838 trimming, 208–211 viewpoints, 497 viewports, 494 zooming, compared to, 139 SKETCH command, 478–480 SKPOLY system variable, 479 Sky properties, 827–828 SLB (slide library) file format, 994 SLICE command, 782–784 slicing solids, 751, 782–784 slide libraries, 994–995 slide shows, 991–994, 1040–1041 SLIDELIB utility, 994–995 snap AutoSnap, 82, 1156 basic settings, 76–77, 78, 79–80, 168 changing rotation angle, 160–161 isometric drawing, 168 object snaps 3D modeling, 82, 647–649, 715 aperture size setting, 1157 1215 www.it-ebooks.info S S Index snap (continued) AutoSnap feature, 1156 base point, 310, 522 in calculator operation, 302–303 circles, 122 dimensioning considerations, 363, 365, 399 DWF underlays, 604 elevation coordinates, 655 hatch patterns, 468 Insertion, 310 introduction, 80–81 isometric drawing, 168 list of, 81–82 Node, 82, 134, 328 overrides, 86 picking points, 133 polar tracking, relationship to, 73 rays, 119 running type, 84–85, 87–88 step procedure for using, 83–84 tracking, 88–94 polar, 76, 77–78, 79–80, 174, 177 SNAP command, 76–77 Snap mode, 86, 479 SNAPANG system variable, 160–161 SNAPBASE system variable, 161 software compared to hardware acceleration, 863, 1152–1153, 1162 SOLDRAW command, 707 SOLID command, 469, 653 solid fills, 468, 469 SOLIDEDIT command, 806–813 SOLIDHIST system variable, 778 solids See also 3D models 2D, 296, 469, 653 bodies, editing entire, 810–812 boundary representation, 778 checking, 812 cleaning, 811–812 combining, 773 converting to wireframe, 805 cross-sections, 779–782 display settings, 755 drawing basic shapes, 754–762 edges, 810 exploding, 805 extruded, 762–764 history of objects, 778–779 intersecting, 774–777 introduction, 753–754 lofted, 768–770 as polyline-like objects, 770–772 properties list, 814 regions, pressing or pulling, 777–778, 779 revolved, 766–767 rotating, 792–795 sectioning, 779–782 selecting, 786 separating, 812 shelling, 812 slicing, 751, 782–784 subselecting, 786 subtracting, 773–774 swept, 765–766 thickening surfaces to create, 650–654, 655–656, 750 trimming, 797 SOLPROF command, 708–709 SOLVIEW command, 707–708 source position for code errors, 1102 Spacebar, command uses of, 48 spacing dimension line, 413 line (text), 329–330 text characters, 310 spatial indexing, 595, 596 special characters, text, 312–313 specify a point command prompt option, 46, 113, 118 SPELL command, 358–360 sphere, 731, 758 spherical coordinates, 642, 644 SPLFRAME system variable, 717 SPLINE command, 448–452 SPLINEDIT command, 230, 450 splines, 230, 448–452 spreadsheet tables, 340–341 SQL Query tab, Query Editor, 632–633 SQL Server, 611 SSGET function, AutoLISP, 1081–1082, 1084 S::STARTUP function, 1067, 1068–1069 stacked fractions, 328–329 standardized (boilerplate) text, 29 standards associating with drawing, 868–869 CAD, 262, 867–871 checking against drawing, 869–870, 872–873 Communication Center, 878–879 DWS file format, 867–868 introduction, 866–867 layer notification, 871, 874–875 layer translation, 875–876 linetype, 262 management of, 877–878 renaming objects to maintain, 879–880 templates as compliance tools, 875 STANDARDS command, 868–869 Start Angle option, ELLIPSE/Arc command, 129 Start Center Angle arc, 125 Start Center End arc, 125 Start Center Length arc, 125 Start End Angle arc, 125 Start End Center arc, 125 Start End Direction arc, 125 Start End Radius arc, 125 Startup dialog box, 27 Startup Suite, 1052 static absolute coordinates display mode, 75 status bar buttons Annotation Scale, 331 Annotation Visibility, 499 coordinate display, 75 customizing, 1146 Dynamic Input, 63 External Reference Notification, 600 Grid Display mode, 78 1216 www.it-ebooks.info Index Layout, 16 LWT, 1156 Manage Xrefs, 600 menu arrow, 20 overview, 20 Quick View Drawings, 32, 890 Quick View Layouts, 485 Show/Hide Lineweight mode, 261 Workspace Switching, 29, 38, 1145–1146 Zoom, 139 STATUS command, 287–288 STB (plot style table) file format, 505 SteeringWheel, 143–145, 698–699 Still view type, ShowMotion, 152 STL (stereolithography) file format, 912 Stmplot program (on DVD), 515, 1179 Stretch action, dynamic blocks, 543, 547 STRETCH command, 216–218, 406–407 stretching objects, 216–218, 231–232, 406–407 string functions, AutoLISP, 1059–1060 Structured Query Language (SQL), 608, 629 STYLE command, 318–320 styles annotative, 498 boundary, 463 cells in tables, 336, 337, 339, 347 dimension arrows, 414–416, 417 comparing, 436 copying, 436–437 current, 433–434 definition, 362 fit options, 421–426 importing, 436–437 introduction, 409–411 lines, 412–414, 417 modifying, 433–439 overriding, 435 plot styles, relationship to, 505 preparation, dimension, 363 symbols, 416–417 text, 418–421 tolerance formatting, 431–433 units of measure, 426–431 updating, 436 variants, 434 inserting from DesignCenter, 855–856 multileader, 384, 385–387 plot adding, 506–508 attaching to layout, 510 color-dependent, 505, 506, 509 creating, 505–508, 511–512 CTB file format, 505, 509 definition, 505 dimension styles, relationship to, 505 editing, 508–510 layers, 510–511 lineweight, 490, 491, 510 named, 505–506 as object property, 510–511 page setup, 508, 511 pen assignments, 507 STB file format, 505 template choices, 506 plot styles See plot styles point, 132–133, 134, 297 table, 336–339 text, 317–322, 323, 331, 363, 470–474 visual 3D Hidden, 652, 702 3D Orbit visual aids, 684 animation settings, 693 creating customized, 702–704, 706 displaying, 702 introduction, 701–702 lights, 705 materials, 705 saving, 677 shading options, 704–705 ViewCube, 673 Walk mode, 690 sub-objects, 778, 786 sub units, definition, 604–605 submenus, customizing, 1032–1033 SUbobject option, selecting objects, 188 subpanels, 1030 subroutine, VBA, definition, 1114 subst function, AutoLISP, 1080 SUBTRACT command, 773–774 subtracting solids, 773–774 Sun & Sky option, 678 Sun Angle Calculator, 828 Sun Disk appearance, 828 Sun Properties palette, 827 sunlight, adding to rendering, 825–828 SUNPROPERTIES command, 827 SUPERHATCH command, 461 supplemental angle, dimensioning, 378 supplemental shape codes, 1011 Support File Search Path, 1146–1147 surfaces between 2D objects, 745–748 3DFACE, 715–720 box, 727–728 cone, 730–731 converting objects to, 714–715 dish, 732–733 dome, 732 edge, 748–750 extracting edges, 750–751 extruded, 741–744 introduction, 713–714 PFACE command, 720–724 plane, 724–725 polygon mesh, 725–727, 734–736 pyramid, 729–730 revolved, 736–740 sphere, 731 thickening to solid, 650–654, 655–656, 750 torus, 733–734 wedge, 728–729, 756–757 wireframe objects, converting to, 750–751, 805 SURFTAB1 system variable, 738, 741, 745, 749 1217 www.it-ebooks.info S T Index SURFTAB2 system variable, 738, 749 SURFU system variable, 724 SURFV system variable, 724 surveyor units, 97 SWEEP command, 744, 765–766 swept solids, 765–766 swept surfaces, 744 symbols @ symbol, 66, 68, 69, 93 Break-Line Symbol, 221 dependent, 592–593 dimension, 416–418 inserting into text boxes, 325 prime, 69 symmetrical object (mirroring), 196–197, 234–235, 788–789 system printer, 1151 system requirements for installation, 1139–1140 System tab, Options dialog box, 1151–1153 system variables 3DCONVERSIONMODE, 830, 839 ACADLSPASDOC, 1067 ANNOALLVISIBLE, 103 ANNOAUTOSCALE, 102 ANNOTATIVEDWG, 524 ATTDIA, 566 ATTIPE, 563 ATTREQ, 566 AUTODWFPUBLISH, 947 AutoLISP, relationship to, 107, 1071–1072 AUTOPUBLISH, 947 CALCINPUT, 306 CELTSCALE, 283 COPYMODE, 177 DBLCLKEDIT, 230 DELOBJ, 453, 715, 763, 765, 766 DGNOSNAP, 605 DIMASSOC, 363 dimension, 438 DIMGAP, 420 DIMSCALE, 862 DWFFRAME, 603 DWFOSNAP, 604 DWGCHECK, 907 FACETRES, 755 FILEDIA, 945 FILLMODE, 462, 469 GTAUTO, 787 HIDEPRECISION, 654 HIDETEXT, 654 HYPERLINKBASE, 941 INDEXCTL, 596 INSUNITS, 585 ISOLINES, 755 LEGACYCTRLPICK, 786 LIGHTINGUNITS, 678, 820, 825 list of, 288–289 LTSCALE, 282 MAXSORT, 271 MBUTTONPAN, 1038 MEASUREINIT, 28 MIRRTEXT, 355 MTEXTTOOLBAR, 323 MTJIGSTRING, 323 OFFSETGAPTYPE, 203 OSNAPNODELEGACY, 328 overview, 107 PERSPECTIVE, 681 PICKADD, 240 PLINEGEN, 443 PLTSCALE, 495 PSLTSCALE, 495 PUBLISHALLSHEETS, 945 PUBLISHCOLLATE, 896 SAVEFIDELITY, 937 SELECTIONANNODISPLAY, 499 SKPOLY, 479 SNAPANG, 160 SNAPBASE, 161 SOLIDHIST, 778 SPLFRAME, 717 SURFTAB1, 738 SURFTAB2, 738 SURFU, 724 SURFV, 724 3DCONVERSIONMODE, 830, 839 TIMEZONE, 826 TOOLTIPMERGE, 81 UCSFOLLOW, 657 UCSORTHO, 657 VIEWRES, 755 VISRETAIN, 592 VSEDGES, 755 WMFBKGND, 916 WMFFOREGND, 916 XCLIPFRAME, 594 XREFCTL, 601 XREFNOTIFY, 600 XREFTYPE, 584 ZOOMFACTOR, 139 T /t command line switch, 1161 Table Breaking arrow, 348 TABLE command, 335–336 Table Style dialog box, 336–337 tables See also database connectivity auto-fill for cell data, 341 AutoCAD LT limitations, 339 borders, 339 cell properties, 346–348 creating, 335–345, 349–350 data extraction process, 577 entering data, 339–345 importing data, 340 inserting, 335–336 linking data to, 341–343 modifying, 345–349 plot style, 505, 506–510 styles, 336–339, 337, 339, 347 text, 338–339 tablet buttons, customizing, 1038–1040 TABLET command, 480–482 1218 www.it-ebooks.info Index tablet menus, customizing, 1041–1042 tabs, ribbon, 38, 1031 See also Home tab TABSURF command, 741–743 tabulated surfaces, 741–743 tag, attribute, 563 Tan, Tan, Radius option, circle, 122 Tan, Tan, Tan option, circle, 122 Tangent object snap mode, 82 tapering objects, faces, 809 Target coordinate properties, named views, 149 target expressions for opening AutoCAD, 985–986 target point light, 823 taskbars for separate drawings, 32 TCASE command, 356 TCIRCLE command, 356 TCOUNT command, 356 technical support, 1169 templates 3D default, 640–641 attributes, 561 backing up, 964 command line switch, 1161 creating customized, 29–30, 106–108 database link, 620–621 default settings, 28, 30 drawing setup, 27–35 DWT file format, 27, 574 file location settings, 1147 importing layouts from, 487 labels of database information, 626–628, 629 layouts, 487, 501–502 materials, 835–836 MNU file format, 1021, 1025 naming, 30 plot styles, 506 reconciled or unreconciled layers option, 875 saving drawings from, 27 sheet sets, 886, 887 standard, 868 as standard-compliance tools, 875 text editor method, 577–579 titleblock in, 106, 486 temporary files, managing, 906 temporary override keys, 1042, 1043–1044 temporary tracking feature, 92 tessellation lines, definition, 651 tetrahedron, 729, 730 text alignment, 419–420 annotative scaling of, 311, 331–333, 498 ATTEXT command, 577–579 attributes annotative scaling of, 564 AutoCAD LT’s limitations, 569, 571 AutoLISP manipulation of, 1080 creating, 562–566 definition of, 520 editing, 567–574, 888 extracting data from, 574–582 as files, 524 inserting, 566–567 introduction, 561 modes, 562–563 redefining, 571 sheet set references, 887, 890 background mask, 328, 403 CHANGE command with, 184 character spacing, 310 converting field to, 353 dimension, 357, 362, 363, 366–367, 401–402, 403, 418–421 DTEXT command, 309–314 editing, 314–317, 321 Express Tools, 356 fields, 351–354 finding, 356–358 fonts AutoCAD compared to TTF, 355 big fonts, 318, 1018 creating custom, 317, 318, 1014, 1018–1019 DWF/DWFx settings, 949 editing text, 323–324 as external files, 904, 938, 1001 justification of text, 310 SHX files, 317, 318, 999, 1009, 1010 special character codes, 312–313 TTF, 317, 318, 355 unicode, 1018 height of, 311, 363, 418–419 justification, 310–311, 316, 324, 419–420 line spacing, 329–330 lists, 324 managing, 354–356 multiline (mtext) annotative scaling of, 331–333, 498 background masks, 328, 403 columns, 326 creating, 322–330, 333–335 dimensions, 366–367 editing, 333 formatting, 323–325, 330 importing, 333 lists, 324 rotating, 330 sheet set references, 887–889 styles, 470–474 rotating, 312, 315, 330 searching, 356–358 single-line creating, 309–314 editing, 314–317, 321 formatting, 312–313 height setting, 311 introduction, 309 justification options, 310–311, 316 rotation angle, 312 special characters, 312–313 spell checker, 358–360 styles, 317–322, 323, 331, 363, 470–474 table, 338–339 templates, 577–579 TEXT command, 310 text editor, 963, 983, 1010 Text option, DIMLINEAR command, 357 1219 www.it-ebooks.info T T Index Text Style dialog box, 318–322 TEXT2MTXT command, 356 TEXTEXP command, 356 TEXTFIT command, 356 TEXTMASK command, 356 TEXTTOFRONT command, 328, 924 TEXTUNMASK command, 356 texture maps for materials, 837–839 textures and materials advanced render settings, 843 attaching, 833–835, 840–841, 842–843 backgrounds, 842–843 creating customized, 835–839 displaying outside of rendering, 705, 833 on faces, 810 foggy landscapes, 842 introduction, 833 lighting effects, 839 modifying, 839–840 Tool Palettes window, 833–834 transparency, 821 troubleshooting, 1180 Thaw/Freeze layer states, 254, 264, 265, 266, 495 THICKEN command, 750 thickness, surface, 650–654, 655–656, 750 3-point circle, 122 Point option, UCS, 163, 659 3D command, 727 3D Crosshairs options, 1158 3D DWF Publish dialog box, 950 3D Modeling tab, Options dialog box, 1158–1159 3D models from 2D drawing, 167–168, 644 2D profiles of, 707–709 arrays, 789–792 AutoCAD compared to AutoCAD LT, 15–16 AutoCAD LT limitations, 640, 667, 672, 677, 681, 690, 698, 705, 753 background display, 677–679, 1147 box, 727–728 cone, 730–731, 757 converting to 2D, 710–711, 805 coordinate system, 62, 641–646, 656–663, 671 dish, 732–733 dome, 732 editing aligning, 205, 206–208, 795–797 arraying, 789–792 chamfering, 802–805 commands list, 785 converting objects, 805 edges, 810 exploding solids, 805 extending, 797–800 faces, 806–810 filleting, 800–802 with grips, 647–649, 784, 785, 786–787 mirroring, 788–789 moving objects, 786–788 rotating, 792–795 solid bodies, 810–813 subselecting solids, 786 trimming, 797 wireframe, 644 elevation, 655–656 embedded object considerations, 928 flattening to 2D, 710–711, 805 grips, 647–649, 784, 785, 786–787 helixes, 650 introduction, 639–641 object snaps, 82, 647–649, 715 object tracking, 647–649 pasting views into other applications, 930 point filters, 647–649 polygon mesh, 734–736 polylines, 649, 652 publishing in DWF/DWFx file format, 944, 950–951 pyramid, 729–730 regions in, 715, 762 rendering See rendering in 3D shaded views for viewports, 496–497 spatial indexing, 595, 596 sphere, 731 templates, 640–641 thickness, surface, 650–654, 655–656 torus, 733–734 UCS options, 163, 165 viewport display of objects, 707 views 3D Orbit, 681–687 background for, 677–679, 1147 cameras, 673–677, 687–690 flattening, 710–711 introduction, 667–668 layouts, 707–709 named, 673–679 parallel, 681 perspective view, 699–701 plan view, returning to, 680–681 ShowMotion, 687–690 standard viewpoints, 668–671, 676 SteeringWheel navigation, 698–699 tripod and compass, 679 ViewCube, 671–673, 676, 1158 visual styles, 701–706 wedge, 728–729, 756–757 workspace, 16, 640–641, 753 xref clipping options, 594 3D Navigation options, 1159 3D Objects options, 1158 3D Orbit, 681–687, 955–956 3D Performance Settings, 1152 3DALIGN command, 205, 206–208, 795–797 3DARRAY command, 789–791 3DCLIP command, 842 3DCONFIG command, 822, 823 3DCONVERSIONMODE system variable, 830, 839 3DDWF command, 950 3DFACE command, 715–720 3DFLY command, 692, 693 3DMESH command, 725–727 3DMOVE command, 786, 787–788 3DORBIT command, 681–687 3DPOLY command, 649 1220 www.it-ebooks.info Index 3DROTATE command, 793–794 3DWALK command, 690–697 through point, offset, 203 thumbnail preview images, 153, 689, 890, 952, 1148 TIF (Tagged Image File) file format, 912, 915 TIFOUT command, 915 tiled viewports, 155–160 TIME command, 289–290 time-sensitive right-clicking, 40, 1154 time spent in drawing, tracking, 289–290 TIMEZONE system variable, 826 titleblock, 105–106, 486, 491, 561, 887–889 tolerance, geometric, 394–398, 431–433 TOLERANCE command, 394–395 tool palettes Advanced Render Settings, 836, 843–845 anchoring, 42 auto-hiding, 42, 240 in AutoCAD LT, 42 Block Authoring, 542, 543, 546, 551 Classic workspace, 861 command tools, 860–861 content tools, 859–860 copying tools, 861 creating new palette, 859, 981 customizing, 859, 860, 861, 980–981 dbConnect Manager, 615–616 DesignCenter, 859 display settings, 863 docking, 42 exporting, 981 External References, 585–587, 599–600, 920–921 flyouts from, 43, 860 groups of, 981 Hatch Pattern, 459 importing, 981 inserting tools, 864 introduction, 858–859 Layer Properties Manager, 254–255 Lights in Model, 829 materials attachment, 833–835 modifying tools in, 862 naming, 981 organizing, 864 overview, 42–43 Properties 3D Orbit options, 686 annotative scaling, 332–333 block changes, 528 dimension editing with, 403 dimension style changes, 435 drawing information in, 296, 297 elevation changes, 655 introduction, 238–241 layer changes, 267 lighting options, 823, 829 polyline editing, 447 QuickCalc in, 305 table changes, 346 text changes, 315 property settings, 861–863 Sheet Set Manager, 881–882 step procedure for using, 864–866 Sun Properties, 827 Tool Palettes window, 42–43 transparency, 863 updating tools in, 862–863 views, 863 Visual Styles Manager, 702–704 Tool Properties dialog box, 861–862 Toolbar Preview pane, 973 toolbars Classic workspace, 18, 861 copying to ribbon, 1031 customizing, 971–980 Debug, 1102 display settings, 40, 41 floating, 41 grab bars, 41 keyboard entry, 42 locking/unlocking, 19 overview, 40–42 previewing, 973 Quick Access, 18, 19, 40, 49, 971, 976–980 QuickCalc, 300–302 ribbon, relationship to, 971, 1031 separator bars/spaces, 973, 1030 Toolbox toolbar, VBA, 1124–1126 TOOLTIPMERGE system variable, 81 tooltips AutoSnap, 82 drafting settings, 1157 Dynamic Input, 20, 64 polar tracking, 72, 73 preview, 586 rollover, 172, 238, 1046 workings of, 18 topological surfaces, 3D, 727 TORIENT command, 356 torus, 733–734, 759–760 Total option, LENGTHEN command, 215 Tour Building navigation wheel, 698 TPNAVIGATE command, 864 TRACE command, 477 training, AutoCAD, 1167, 1168 Trans-Spatial Dimensioning feature, 500 Transition duration property, named views, 148, 152 Transition type property, named views, 148, 152 transparency, tool palette, 863 TRANSPARENCY command, 923 transparent commands, 51–52 TRIM command, 192, 208–211 trimming basic methods, 192, 208–211 CHAMFER command, 224 FILLET command, 226 hatch patterns, 468 solids, 797 tripod feature for 3D views, 679 troubleshooting AutoLISP code debugging, 1091–1092, 1100–1106 backup drawing access, 907 errors and crashes, 905–908 rendering results, 845 1221 www.it-ebooks.info T U Index troubleshooting (continued) repairing corrupted drawing files, 906–907 with STATUS command information, 288 temporary files management, 906 VBA code debugging, 1133–1134 True Color tab, Select Color dialog box, 257–258 TTF (TrueType font) file format, 317, 318, 355 two-sided materials, 836 2-point circle, 122 2D Drafting & Annotation workspace, 16, 18, 29, 137 2D drawings 3D models, creating from, 167–168, 644 annotative objects See annotative objects AutoCAD compared to AutoCAD LT, 15–16 coordinate system See coordinates editing See editing external references (xrefs) See external references (xrefs) flattening 3D model to, 710–711, 805 introduction, 15–26 layers See layers layouts See layouts MVSETUP customization, 108–109 new, creating, 15–23, 27–29 opening existing, 31–33, 154, 855 plane surfaces, 724 profiles of 3D models, 707–709 publishing in DWF/DWFx file format, 944–950 saving, 23–25, 27, 33–34 scale settings, 99–105 selecting objects See selecting objects sending, 935–939 setup, 95–109 surfaces between 2D objects, 745–748 switching among open, 32 templates See templates with thickness, 650–651 titleblock setting, 105–106 in viewports, 158 views See views Web-based, 939–943 2D Navigation wheel, 698 2D solids, 296, 469, 653 See also regions 2D Wireframe visual style, 702 Txt2mtxt program (on DVD), 1179 Txtexprt program (on DVD), 1179 Txtstack program (on DVD), 310, 1179 U UCS dialog box, 164 UCS icon, 17, 61–62, 164–165, 657, 787, 1158 UCS Icon dialog box, 165 UCS property, named views, 148 UCS (user coordinate system) 3D modeling, 656–663, 671 customized, 163–164, 165–167 defining, 162–163 dynamic, 659–660, 1156 Express Tools, 657 introduction, 161, 162 options, 162–163 UCSFOLLOW system variable, 657, 681 UCSORTHO system variable, 657, 668 Uncomment Block, Visual LISP, 1055 underlay files, 584, 602–605 underscore before commands, definition, 47 UNDO command, 49–51, 523 Undo option layer states, 264 Options dialog box, 1156 PEDIT command, 446 selecting objects, 188 unicode fonts, 1018 UNION command, 773 units angular, 96, 97–99 architectural, 62, 96 AutoCAD compared to real-world, 62 calculator operation, 300–301, 304 converting, 304, 918 coordinates, 95–99 decimal, 96 decimal degrees, 96, 97 deg/min/sec, 97, 98 dimension styles, 426–431 dimensioning, 426–430 drawing setup, 95–99 engineering, 62, 96 external references (xrefs), 585 formats, 62 fractional, 69, 96, 328 grads (gradians), 97 lineweight, 261 measurement commands, 297–299 metric, 102 radians, 97 real-world compared to AutoCAD, 62 scientific, 96 sub units, 604–605 surveyor, 97 Unlock/Lock layer state, 254, 265 unlocking attribute position, 563 control panels, 19 layers, 254–255, 265, 269 objects in xrefs, 589 panels, window, 19 toolbars, 19 viewports, 494 unreconciled compared to reconciled layers, 874–875 UPDATE command, VBA, 1131 Up.Down tool, SteeringWheel feature, 145 upFront eZine (Web site), 1168 Upside down option for text, 319 Use Shift to Add to Selection option, 191 user coordinate system (UCS) 3D modeling, 656–663, 671 customized, 163–164, 165–167 defining, 162–163 dynamic, 659–660, 1156 Express Tools, 657 introduction, 161, 162 1222 www.it-ebooks.info Index options, 162–163 UCS icon, 17, 61–62, 164–165, 657, 787, 1158 user-defined hatch patterns, 459, 460–461 user form in VBA, 1124 user-input functions, AutoLISP, 1084 user input prompts for macros, 990 User Name options, AutoCAD LT, 1153 User Preferences tab, Options dialog box, 1153–1156 user profiles, 1159–1160 Utility object, VBA, 1121–1122 V /v command line switch, 1161 variables See also system variables AutoLISP, 1065–1066, 1070, 1104–1106 VBA, 1115, 1119–1120 variant data type, 1098, 1119 VBA Manager, 1108 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) accessing other applications, 1132–1133 debugging, 1133–1134 dialog boxes, creating, 1124–1129, 1131 help access, 1112–1113 hierarchy model, 1110–1111 introduction, 1107–1112 loading routines, 1117 modifying objects, 1108–1109, 1131–1132 opening environment, 1108 saving routines, 1116–1117 user input, 1121–1124, 1130 variables, 1119–1120, 1131–1132 writing code, 1113–1121 VBAIDE command, 1108 VBALOAD command, 1117 VBARUN command, 1117 vector-based program, AutoCAD as, 137 Ver option, XLINE command, 119 Verify mode, attributes, 563 Verisign, 903 Vertical option for text, 319 vertices, mesh, 713–714, 720–724, 726 video file, saving walkthrough as, 692–695 VIEW command, 147, 673 View Manager dialog box, 147–149 View Object navigation wheel, 698 View option, UCS, 163 View type property, named views, 148 ViewCube, 671–673, 676, 1158 viewers for AutoCAD files Autodesk Design Review, 944, 950, 954–958 PDF format, 912, 915 Viewpoint Presets dialog box, 670–671 viewpoints DDVPOINT, 670–671 standard, 668–670, 676 tripod and compass views, 679 UCS, compared to, 657 ViewCube, 671–673, 676, 1158 Viewport Association property, named views, 148 viewports 3D models, 496–497, 707 Aerial View, 146 clipping, 494–495 configuration, 157, 492 cycling, 494 display settings, 485, 707 floating 3D models, 707 creating, 147, 154–155, 159, 491–493 default display, 485 definition, 484 layouts, relationship to, 159 tiled viewports, compared to, 491 freeze/thaw controls, 264, 265 hiding views, 496–497 layers in, 492, 495 Layout Elements options, 1148 locking/unlocking, 494 managing, 491–497 maximizing/minimizing, 493–494 in model space, 491, 881, 894, 1179 rectangular, 494 redrawing, 138 saving, 158 scaling, 494, 500 shaded, 490, 496–497 from sheets/sheet sets, 894–895 tiled, 155–160 turning on/off, 495 Viewports dialog box, 157, 492–493 VIEWRES command, 1148 VIEWRES system variable, 755 views See also display settings 3D Orbit, 681–687 Aerial View, 145–146 backgrounds, 148, 677–679, 1147 cameras, 673–677, 687–690 command line switch, 1161 current, 147 Data View, 616–619, 622–623 DesignCenter, 856–857 DVIEW command, 699–701 DWF/DWFx files, 953–958 flattening 3D, 710–711 image display options, 922–924 introduction, 137, 667–668 isometric, 167–168 keyboard toggles, 17 layout, 147, 485, 707–709 linked objects and rows, 622 model space compared to paper space, 484 Model Views, 147, 882, 885, 895 named 3D model, 673–679, 687–690 animated presentation of, 151–153 creating, 146–155 displaying, 150 managing, 150–151, 154 model views, 147, 895 1223 www.it-ebooks.info V V Index views (continued) Partial Open feature, 154–155 properties, 148–150 saving, 147–150 sheet sets, relationship to, 154, 894–895 viewport configurations from, 157, 492 orthographic, 657, 668, 781 palette, 863 panning in 3D Orbit, 685 Aerial View option, 145–146 in Autodesk Design Review, 955–956 dynamic, 140–141 linked object viewing, 623 SteeringWheel feature, 145 undoing multiple instances, 50 with wheel mouse, 1038 workings of, 138, 141–143 parallel, 681 perspective, 681, 686, 690, 699–701 plan 2D Drafting & Annotation workspace, 16, 18, 29, 137 in 3D model, 667–668, 680–681 plot styles, 511 preset, 147, 668, 670–671, 672, 686 Quick View Drawings, 32, 890 redraw, 137–138 regenerating, 137–138 rotating, 160–161 sheets/sheet sets, 154, 882, 885, 894–895 ShowMotion, 152, 687–690 SteeringWheels feature, 143–145, 698–699 Tool Palette window, 863 tripod and compass, 679 UCS alignment with, 658 UCS modification of, 161–167 ViewCube, 671–673, 676, 1158 visual styles, 701–706 Web-based drawings, 954–958 zooming See also ZOOM command in 3D Orbit, 685–686 Aerial View option, 145–146 in Autodesk Design Review, 955–956 EXPLAN command, 680 linked object viewing, 623 scaling, compared to, 139 SteeringWheel feature, 145 with wheel mouse, 1038 visibility annotation, 499 attribute, 570 edge, 716–717 layers, 495 lines, 652–654, 702, 709 lineweight, 261 text, 654 Visibility parameter, dynamic blocks, 544, 548–549 Visibility States dialog box, 548 VISRETAIN system variable, 592 Visual Basic Editor, 1117 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) accessing other applications, 1132–1133 debugging, 1133–1134 dialog boxes, creating, 1124–1129, 1131 help access, 1112–1113 hierarchy model, 1110–1111 introduction, 1107–1112 loading routines, 1117 modifying objects, 1108–1109, 1131–1132 opening environment, 1108 saving routines, 1116–1117 user input, 1121–1124, 1130 variables, 1119–1120, 1131–1132 writing code, 1113–1121 Visual Effect Settings dialog box, 190 Visual LISP (VLISP) ActiveX functions, 1093–1100 AutoLISP routines in AutoCAD, 1052–1054 closing files in, 1055 creating new files, 1061–1063 Help system in, 1056–1057, 1080 interface overview, 1054–1055 introduction, 1050 loading AutoLISP file, 1050–1052 object information, accessing, 1079–1080 opening, 1050 step procedure for using, 1056 Visual style property, named views, 148 visual styles 3D Hidden, 652, 702 3D Orbit visual aids, 684 animation settings, 693 creating customized, 702–704, 706 displaying, 702 introduction, 701–702 lights, 705 materials, 705 saving, 677 shading options, 704–705 ViewCube, 673 Walk mode, 690 Visual Styles control panel, 702 Visual Styles Manager palette, 702–704 VL-LOAD-COM function, Visual LISP, 1097 VLA-GET-STARTPOINT function, Visual LISP, 1098 VLAX-DUMP-OBJECT function, Visual LISP, 1097–1098 VLISP command, 1050 VLISP (Visual LISP) ActiveX functions, 1093–1100 AutoLISP routines in AutoCAD, 1052–1054 closing files in, 1055 creating new files, 1061–1063 Help system in, 1056–1057, 1080 interface overview, 1054–1055 introduction, 1050 loading AutoLISP file, 1050–1052 object information, accessing, 1079–1080 opening, 1050 step procedure for using, 1056 VLX (project application) file format, 1051 1224 www.it-ebooks.info Index Windows Standard Behavior options, 1154 VPCLIP command, 494–495 VPOINT command, 668–671, 679 VPSCALE command, 497 VPSYNC command, 497 VSEDGES system variable, 755 VSLIDE command, 993 VTOPTIONS command, 140 W WinRAR program (on DVD), 1179 /w command line switch, 1162 Walk and Fly Settings dialog box, 692 Walk mode, 690–697 Walk tool, SteeringWheel feature, 145 walkthrough of 3D model, 690–697 warnings, configuring, 1153 Watch window, debugging code, 1104–1106 Wb.exe program (on DVD), 540, 1179 WBLOCK command, 524–526, 558 WBLOCKM command, 540 Wblockm program (on DVD), 1179 WCS (world coordinate system), 66, 161, 163, 667, 671 Web See also Web sites AutoLISP routines on, 1049 DC online, 856 hyperlinking objects to sites, 940–943, 953 opening drawings from, 939 Publish to Web feature, 951–953 PUBLISHTOWEB command, 944 resources on AutoCAD, 1169–1172 Web-based drawings, 939–943, 954–958 web lights, 825 Web sites AUGIWorld magazine, 1168 AutoCAD Tips Newsletter, 1168 Autodesk Buzzsaw, 900 Autodesk discussion groups, 1169 Autodesk University, 1168 Autodesk User Groups (AUGs), 1169 AutoEDMS, 900 Cadalyst, 1168 Columbus, 900 Cyco AutoManager Workflow EDM, 900 Digital Signature Verifier, 904 Microsoft XPS Viewer, 954 ObjectARX, 1134, 1150 upFront eZine, 1168 WEBLIGHT command, 825 wedge, 728–729, 756–757 wedge, SteeringWheel, 698 WEDGE command, 728–729, 756–757 WHILE function, AutoLISP, 1076 Width Factor option for text, 319 width of multiline text object, 330 Width property, named views, 149 Window Elements, customizing, 1147 Window option, ZOOM command, 139 Window selection mode, 185 windows, drawing, Quick Start, 3–12 Windows Metafile (WMF) file format, 912, 915, 916, 917–918 WIPEOUT command, 229 wipeout (masking objects), 229 wireframe density, definition, 738 wireframe object converting from solids and surfaces, 750–751, 805 definition, 655 display settings, 755 editing in 3D, 644–646 ViewCube visibility, 673 visual styles, 702 wizards Add Plot Style Table, 506–508 Add Plotter, 1165 Create Sheet Set, 883–884 Data Extraction, 343–345, 574–577 drawing setup, 109 Layout, 485–487 Publish to Web, 951–953 WMF (Windows Metafile) file format, 912, 915, 916, 917–918 WMFBKGND system variable, 916 WMFFOREGND system variable, 916 Word, Microsoft, transferring Excel data through, 928 workspace 2D Drafting & Annotation, 16, 18, 29, 137 3D Modeling, 16, 640–641, 753 Classic In-Place Text Editor in, 323 introduction, 16 layout of, 18 switching to, 38 tool palettes, customizing, 861 toolbars, customizing, 971, 972 command line switch, 1162 configuring, 1144–1146 layouts, 484 overview, 15–18 switching, 29, 1145–1146 Workspace Switching button, 29, 38, 1145–1146 world coordinate system (WCS), 66, 161, 163, 667, 671 World option, UCS alignment, 659 WPolygon selection mode, 187 Write Block dialog box, 524–525 X X axis, 61, 62, 92 X option, UCS, 163, 659 XATTACH command, 1155 XBIND command, 592–593 Xbind dialog box, 593 XCLIP command, 593–595 XCLIPFRAME system variable, 594 XEDGES command, 454, 750–751, 805 XLINE command, 118–119 xline (construction line), 118–120 XLIST command, 540, 600 XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file format, 1021 XOPEN command, 585 1225 www.it-ebooks.info W–X Y–Z Index XPLODE command, 536–537 xploding blocks, 536–537, 569 XPS portable document file format, 915 Xref Manager, 586 XREFCTL system variable, 601 XREFNOTIFY system variable, 600 xrefs (external references) accessing list, 585–587 attaching, 584–585, 587–588, 602, 855, 914 AutoCAD LT limitations, 585, 588, 593, 600 binding, 600 block conversion to, 600 blocks, compared to, 583 clipping, 593–595, 597–599, 603 demand loading of, 595, 1150 DGN underlays, 602, 604–605 display options, 592–599 DWF/DWFx underlays, 584, 602–604 editing, 588–592 exporting to non-AutoCAD users, 914 importing DGN files, 918 introduction, 583 managing, 599–602, 904–905 notification of, 600 opening, 585 standards, relationship to, 871 units, 585 XREFTYPE system variable, 584 XY parameter, dynamic blocks, 543 Y Y axis, 61, 62, 92 Y option, UCS, 163, 659 Z Z axis, 62, 641–642 Z Axis Vector option, UCS, 163, 658 Z option, UCS, 163, 659 ZIP (compressed) file format, 896, 936 Zoom button, 139 ZOOM command drawing limits, relationship to, 99 options, 139–141 selecting objects, 192 undoing multiple instances, 50 viewport scale, 494 workings of, 138–143 ZOOMFACTOR system variable, 139 zooming in 3D Orbit, 685–686 Aerial View option, 145–146 in Autodesk Design Review, 955–956 EXPLAN command, 680 linked object viewing, 623 scaling, compared to, 139 SteeringWheel feature, 145 with wheel mouse, 1038 1226 www.it-ebooks.info Wiley Publishing, Inc End-User License Agreement READ THIS You should carefully read these terms and conditions before opening the software packet(s) included with this book “AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible” This is a license agreement “Agreement” between you and Wiley Publishing, Inc “WPI” By opening the accompanying software packet(s), you acknowledge that you have read and accept the following terms and conditions If you not agree and not want to be bound by such terms and conditions, promptly return the Book and the unopened software packet(s) to the place you obtained them for a full refund License Grant WPI grants to you (either an individual or entity) 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2009 Bible ® ® Ellen Finkelstein www.it-ebooks.info AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible ® ® Ellen Finkelstein www.it-ebooks.info AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible. .. AutoCAD LT 2009, as well Is This Book for You? The AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible covers all of the essential features of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT and includes clear, real-life examples and. .. information for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT users Appendix A gives instructions for installing and configuring AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Appendix B covers additional resources for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT users

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