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Pigola rigoli setti vanishing and finiteness results in geometric analysis

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  • Cover

  • Progress in Mathematics Volume 266

  • Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • 1 Harmonic, pluriharmonic, holomorphic maps and basic Hermitian and Kählerian geometry

  • 2 Comparison Results

  • 3 Review of spectral theory

  • 4 Vanishing results

  • 5 A finite-dimensionality result

  • 6 Applications to harmonic maps

  • 7 Some topological applications

  • 8 Constancy of holomorphic maps and the structure of complete Kähler manifolds

  • 9 Splitting and gap theorems in the presence of a Poincaré-Sobolev inequality

  • back-matter.pdf

  • Appendix A Unique continuation

  • Appendix B Lp-cohomology of non-compact manifolds

  • Bibliography

  • Index

Nội dung

Progress in Mathematics Volume 266 Series Editors H Bass J Oesterlé A Weinstein Stefano Pigola Marco Rigoli Alberto G Setti Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis A Generalization of the Bochner Technique Birkhäuser Basel · Boston · Berlin Authors: Stefano Pigola Alberto G Setti Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica Università dell’Insubria – Como via Valleggio 11 22100 Como Italy e-mail: stefano.pigola@uninsubria.it alberto.setti@uninsubria.it Marco Rigoli Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Milano Via Saldini 50 20133 Milano Italy e-mail: rigoli@mat.unimi.it 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 53C21; secondary 35J60, 35R45, 53C42, 53C43, 53C55, 58J50 Library of Congress Control Number: 2007941340 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb.ddb.de ISBN 978-3-7643-8641-2 Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel · Boston · Berlin This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained © 2008 Birkhäuser Verlag AG Basel · Boston · Berlin P.O Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp TCF ∞ Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-7643-8641-2 e-ISBN 978-3-7643-8642-9 987654321 www.birkhauser.ch Contents Introduction vii Harmonic, pluriharmonic, holomorphic maps and Kăahlerian geometry 1.1 The general setting 1.2 The complex case 1.3 Hermitian bundles 1.4 Complex geometry via moving frames 1.5 Weitzenbăock-type formulas basic Hermitian and 1 10 12 17 Comparison Results 2.1 Hessian and Laplacian comparison 2.2 Volume comparison and volume growth 2.3 A monotonicity formula for volumes 27 27 40 58 Review of spectral theory 3.1 The spectrum of a self-adjoint operator 3.2 Schră odinger operators on Riemannian manifolds 63 63 69 Vanishing results 4.1 Formulation of the problem 4.2 Liouville and vanishing results 4.3 Appendix: Chain rule under weak regularity 83 83 84 99 A finite-dimensionality result 5.1 Peter Li’s lemma 5.2 Poincar´e-type inequalities 5.3 Local Sobolev inequality 5.4 L2 Caccioppoli-type inequality 5.5 The Moser iteration procedure 5.6 A weak Harnack inequality 5.7 Proof of the abstract finiteness theorem 103 107 110 114 117 118 121 122 Applications to harmonic maps 6.1 Harmonic maps of finite Lp -energy 6.2 Harmonic maps of bounded dilations and a Schwarz-type lemma 6.3 Fundamental group and harmonic maps 6.4 A generalization of a finiteness theorem of Lemaire 127 127 136 141 143 vi Contents Some topological applications 7.1 Ends and harmonic functions 7.2 Appendix: Further characterizations of parabolicity 7.3 Appendix: The double of a Riemannian manifold 7.4 Topology at infinity of submanifolds of C-H spaces 7.5 Line bundles over Kă ahler manifolds 7.6 Reduction of codimension of harmonic immersions 147 147 165 171 172 178 179 Constancy of holomorphic maps and the structure of complete Kăahler manifolds 183 8.1 Three versions of a result of Li and Yau 183 8.2 Plurisubharmonic exhaustions 199 Splitting and gap theorems in the presence of inequality 9.1 Splitting theorems 9.2 Gap theorems 9.3 Gap Theorems, continued a Poincar´e–Sobolev 205 205 223 229 A Unique continuation B Lp -cohomology of non-compact manifolds B.1 The Lp de Rham cochain complex: reduced and cohomologies B.2 Harmonic forms and L2 -cohomology B.3 Harmonic forms and Lp=2 -cohomology B.4 Some topological aspects of the theory 235 251 unreduced 251 260 262 265 Bibliography 269 Index 281 Introduction This book originated from a graduate course given during the Spring of 2005 at the University of Milan Our goal was to present an extension of the original Bochner technique describing a selection of results recently obtained by the authors, in noncompact settings where in addition one didn’t assume that the relevant curvature operators satisfied signum conditions To make the course accessible to a wider audience it was decided to introduce many of the more advanced analytical and geometrical tools along the way The initial project has grown past the original plan, and we now aim at treating in a unified and detailed way a variety of problems whose common thread is the validity of Weitzenbă ock formulae As is well illustrated in the elegant work by H.H Wu, [165], typically, one is given a Riemannian (Hermitian) vector bundle E with compatible fiber metric and considers a geometric Laplacian L on E which is related to the connection (Bochner) Laplacian −tr(D∗ D) via a fiber bundle endomorphism R which is in turn related to the curvature of the base manifold M Because of this relationship, the space of L-harmonic sections of E reflects the geometric properties of M To illustrate the method, let us consider the original Bochner argument to estimate the first real Betti number b1 (M ) of a closed oriented Riemannian manifold (M, , ) By the Hodge–de Rham theory, b1 (M ) equals the dimension of the space of ock, independently rediscovered harmonic 1-forms H1 (M ) A formula of Weitzenbă by Bochner, states that for every harmonic 1-form , ∆ |ω|2 = |Dω|2 + Ric ω # , ω # , (0.1) where ∆ and Ric are the Laplace–Beltrami operator (with the sign convention +d2 /dx2 ) and the Ricci curvature of M, respectively, D denotes the extension to 1-forms of the Levi–Civita connection, and ω # is the vector field dual to ω, defined by ω # , X = ω(X) for all vector fields X In particular |ω|2 satisfies the differential inequality ∆ |ω|2 − q(x) |ω|2 ≥ 0, where q(x)/2 is the lowest eigenvalue of the Ricci tensor at x Thus, if Ric ≥ 0, then |ω| is subharmonic Since M is closed, we easily conclude that |ω| =const This can be done using two different viewpoints, (i) the L∞ and (ii) the Lp 0, we get ωp = which, in turn, implies ω = This shows that, when Ric is positive somewhere, b1 (M ) = dim H1 (M ) = The example suggests that one can generalize the investigation in several directions One can relax the assumption on the signum of the coefficient q(x), consider complete non-compact manifolds, or both Maintaining compacteness, one can sometimes allow negative values of q(x) using versions of the generalized maximum principle, according to which if ψ ≥ satisfies ∆ψ − q (x) ψ ≥ 0, (0.2) and M supports a solution ϕ > of ∆ϕ − q (x) ϕ ≤ 0, (0.3) then the ratio u = ψ/ϕ is constant Combining (0.2) and (0.3) shows that ψ satisfies (0.2) with equality sign In particular, according to (0.1), ψ = |ω| satisfies (0.2), and therefore, if M supports a function ϕ satisfying (0.3), we conclude, once again, that ω is parallel, thus extending the original Bochner vanishing result to this situation It is worth noting that the existence of a function ϕ satisfying (0.3) is related to spectral properties of the operator −∆ + q (x), and that the conclusion of the generalized maximum principle is obtained by combining (0.2) and (0.3) to show that the quotient u satisfies a differential inequality without zero-order terms; see Section 2.5 in [133] In the non-compact setting the relevant function may fail to be bounded, and even if it is bounded, it may not attain its supremum In the latter case, one may use a version of the maximum principle at infinity introduced by H Omori, [124] and generalized by S.T Yau, [167], and S.Y Cheng and Yau, [34], elaborating ideas Introduction ix of L.V Ahlfors An account and further generalizations of this technique, which however works under the assumption that q(x) is non-negative, may be found in [131] Here we consider the case where the manifold is not compact and the function encoding the geometric problem is not necessarily bounded, but is assumed to satisfy suitable Lp integrability conditions, and the coefficient q(x) in the differential (in)equality which describes the geometric problem is not assumed to be non-negative Referring to the previous example, the space of harmonic 1-forms in L2 describes the L2 co-homology of a complete manifold, and under suitable assumptions it has a topological content sensitive to the structure at infinity of the manifold It turns out to be a bi-Lipschitz invariant, and, for co-compact coverings, it is in fact a rough isometry invariant As in the compact case described above, one replaces the condition that the coefficient q(x) is pointwise positive, with the assumption that there exists a function ϕ satisfying (0.3) on M or at least outside a compact set Again, one uses a Weitzenbă ock-type formula to show that the geometric function ψ = |ω| satisfies a differential inequality of the form (0.2) Combining (0.2) and (0.3) and using the integrability assumption, one concludes that either ψ vanishes and therefore the space L2 H1 (M ) of L2 -harmonic 1-forms is trivial or that L2 H1 (M ) is finite-dimensional The method extends to the case of Lp -harmonic k-forms, even with values in a fibre bundle, and in particular to harmonic maps with Lp energy density, provided we consider an appropriate multiple of q(x) in (0.3), and restrict the integrability coefficient p to a suitable range Harmonic maps in turn yield information, as in the compact case, on the topological structure of the underlying domain manifold This relationship becomes even more stringent in the case where the domain manifold carries a Kăahlerian structure Indeed, for complex manifolds, the splitting in types allows to consider, besides harmonic maps, also pluriharmonic and holomorphic maps If, in addition, the manifold is Kă ahler, the relevant Weitzenbă ock identity for pluriharmonic functions (which in the L2 energy case coincides with a harmonic function with L2 energy) takes on a form which reflects the stronger rigidity of the geometry and allows us to obtain stronger conclusions Thus, on the one hand one can enlarge the allowed range of the integrability coefficient p, and on the other hand one may deduce structure theorems which have no analogue in the purely Riemannian case The extension to the non-compact case introduces several additional technical difficulties, which require specific methods and tools The description of these is in fact a substantial part of the book, and while most, but not all, of the results are well known, in many instances our approach is somewhat original Further, in some cases, one needs results in a form which is not easily found, if at all, in the literature When we feel that these ancillary parts are important enough, or the approach sufficiently different from the mainstream treatment, a fairly detailed B.4 Some topological aspects of the theory 267 and its (Banach) reduced version pH k (K) = p Z k (K) / p B k (K) Obviously pH k (K) ⊂ p H k (K) and, every topological isomorphism f : p H k (K1 ) → logical isomorphism between reduced spaces p H k (K2 ) induces a topo- Definition B.21 Suppose the complete manifold (M, , ) has a BG triangulation (K, t) The p simplicial cohomology of the triangulated manifold (M, K, t) is defined as the p simplicial cohomology of the BG simplicial complex K Accordingly, we set p H j (M, K, t) = p H j (K) and pH j (M, K, t) = pH j (K) We are now in a position to state the far-reaching extension due to Gol’dshtein–Kuz’minov–Shvedov of the classical de Rham theorem The philosophy underlying the clever and quite complicated proof resemble the original one by Whitney Indeed, with some oversimplification, their aim is to show that integration of (non-smooth) forms over simplexes establishes the desired isomorphism Theorem B.22 Let (M, , ) be a complete m-dimensional manifold admitting a smooth BG triangulation (K, t) Then, for p ≥ and for any k ∈ N, there is a topological isomorphism Lp H k (M ) p H k (M, K, t) between unreduced cohomologies It is worth noting that, unlike the compact case, the p simplicial cohomology is not a continuous homotopy invariant of BG polyhedra For instance, one can appeal to Theorem B.22 and recall Corollary B.14 and Example B.1 Accordingly, p simplicial cohomologies the Riemannian manifolds Rm and Hm −1 have different A natural question is whether there are situations where the topology of the BG polyhedron is reflected in the p cohomology of a triangulation In this respect, we first recall the following result due to Dodziuk, [43] ˜ be a connected simplicial complex of dimension m and let Γ Theorem B.23 Let K ˜ Suppose also be a discrete group of simplicial homeomorphisms acting freely on K ˜ that the orbit space K = K/Γ is an m-dimensional, finite simplicial complex so ˜ is a BG simplicial complex that the quotient projection is a simplicial map Then K p ˜ simplicial cohomology of K is a continuous-homotopy invariant of the and the couple (K, Γ) Combining this result with Theorem B.22, and using also the equivariant triangulation theory by S Illman, [84], yields the following fundamental 268 Appendix B Lp -cohomology of non-compact manifolds Theorem B.24 Let (M, , ) and (N, ( , )) be compact Riemannian manifolds Denote by (M , , ) and (N , ( , )) the respective Riemannian universal coverings If M and N are (continuously) homotopic, then, for every k ∈ N and for every p > 1, there is a topological isomorphism Lp H k (M ) Lp H k (N ) Bibliography [1] U Abresch, Lower curvature bounds, Topogonov’s theorem, and bounded ´ topology Ann sci Ecole Norm Sup 218 n (1985), 651-670 [2] L.V Ahlfors, An extension of Schwarz’s lemma Trans Amer Math Soc 43 (1938), 359–364 [3] L Ahlfors, L Sario, Riemann Surfaces Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J 1960 [4] D Alexandru-Rugina, Lp -integrabilit´e des formes harmoniques K-finies sur les espaces hyperboliques r´eels et complexes 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-cohomology bi-Lipschitz invariance, 261 reduced, 258 topological invariance, 269 unreduced, 258 Dirichlet integral, 145 double of a manifold, 170 doubling property, 51 end of a manifold, 147 parabolic, 147 energy density, equilibrium potential, 167 Evans–Selberg potential, 157 Friedrichs extension, 67 Green kernel, 165 harmonic section, 104 Hermitian bundle, 11 connection, 12 curvature tensor, 13 Hodge Laplacian, 262 inequality Caccioppoli, 117 local Sobolev, 114 Poincar´e on annuli, 111 Poincar´e, 110 Sobolev, 81, 172 Sobolev–Poincar´e, 226 weak Harnack, 120, 121 Kă ahler form, Kă ahlerEinstein, Kato inequality, 105 refined, 3, 105 manifold almost complex, almost hermitian, CartanHadamard, 90 Hermitian, Kă ahler, locally conformally flat, 231 model, 45 of bounded geometry, 265 parabolic, 147, 164 symplectic, map harmonic, holomorphic, normal exponential, 142 of bounded dilation, 136 pluriharmonic, maximum principle for unbounded domains, 147 minimax, 68 monotonicity formula, 58 282 Morse index, 69 generalized, 78 Moser iteration, 118 operator adjoint, 63 bounded from below, 65 essentially self-adjoint, 63 multiplication, 64 Schră odinger, 70 self-adjoint, 63 unitary, 65 plurisubharmonic function, quadratic form, 66 regular geodesic ball, 58 Ricci Curvature of a Kă ahler manifold, 15 Ricci curvature almost non-negative, 53 Ricci form, second fundamental tensor, 2, 97 spectral theorem, 65 spectrum bottom of, 68 discrete, 63 essential, 63 of an operator, 63 point, 63 stable minimal hypersurface, 97 tension of a map, theorem Lp Ricci volume comparison, 47 characterization of parabolic ends, 148 constancy of convergent harmonic maps, 131 constancy of harmonic maps, 127 ends and spaces of harmonic functions, 152, 153 Index energy estimates for harmonic functions, 158, 163, 223 existence of plurisubharmonic exhaustions, 203 fundamental group and harmonic maps, 141 gap, 226 Hessian comparison, 29 Kelvin–Nevanlinna–Royden criterion, 168 Kodaira decomposition, 262 Laplacian comparison, 32 Li and Yau first version, 185 Li and Yau second version, 191 Li and Yau third version, 199 Liouville-type, 84 main finite-dimensionality, 103 main vanishing, 90 Riccati comparison, 28 Schwarz-type, 137, 139 space forms characterizations, 233–235 splitting, 208, 209 structure of Kă ahler manifolds, 205 Sturm comparison, 27 topology at innity of submanifolds, 173 unique continuation, 238 uniqueness of harmonic maps, 88, 90 volume comparison, 41 unique continuation property, 104, 238 zero of infinite order, 237 ... Progress in Mathematics Volume 266 Series Editors H Bass J Oesterlé A Weinstein Stefano Pigola Marco Rigoli Alberto G Setti Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis A Generalization... exhaustions due to Li and Ramachandran, [98], which is crucial in obtaining the important structure theorem of Napier and Ramachandran, [117], and Li and Ramachandran, [98] The unifying element of Chapter... maximum principle at in nity introduced by H Omori, [124] and generalized by S.T Yau, [167], and S.Y Cheng and Yau, [34], elaborating ideas Introduction ix of L.V Ahlfors An account and further

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