Dreamweaver CS6 The book that should have been in the box® David Sawyer McFarland Beijing | Cambridge | Farnham | Köln | Sebastopol | Tokyo Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland Copyright © 2012 Sawyer McFarland Media, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use Online editions are also available for most titles (http://my.safaribooksonline.com) For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com July 2012: First Edition Revision History for the 1st Edition: 2012-07-02 First release See http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920022732.do for release details The Missing Manual is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc The Missing Manual logo, and “The book that should have been in the box” are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media is aware of a trademark claim, the designations are capitalized While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in it ISBN-13: 978-1-449-31617-4 [M] Contents The Missing Credits ix Preface Part One: Chapter 1: Building a Web Page Dreamweaver CS6 Guided Tour 21 The Dreamweaver CS6 Interface 21 Setting Up a Site 40 Creating a Web Page 44 Managing Files and Folders with the Files Panel 49 The Dreamweaver Test Drive 53 Chapter 2: Adding and Formatting Text 85 Adding Text in Dreamweaver 85 Adding Special Characters 92 Selecting Text 98 HTML Formatting 101 Paragraph Formatting 102 Creating and Formatting Lists 106 Text Styles 114 Spell Checking 116 Chapter 3: Introducing Cascading Style Sheets 121 Cascading Style Sheet Basics 122 Creating Styles 125 Using Styles 132 Manipulating Styles 139 Text Formatting with CSS 144 Cascading Style Sheets Tutorial 168 Chapter 4: Links 185 Understanding Links 185 Adding a Link 191 Adding an Email Link 200 Linking Within a Web Page 202 iii Modifying a Link 205 Styling Links 206 Creating a Navigation Menu 210 Link Tutorial 223 Chapter 5: Images 241 Adding Images 242 Inserting an Image from Photoshop 247 Modifying an Image 253 Controlling Images with CSS 257 Editing Graphics 264 Image Maps 273 Rollover Images 276 Tutorial: Inserting and Formatting Graphics 278 Chapter 6: Tables 289 Table Basics 290 Inserting a Table 291 Selecting Parts of a Table 294 Expanded Table Mode 296 Formatting Tables 297 Modifying Cell and Row Properties 300 Adding and Removing Cells 305 Merging and Splitting Cells 308 Tabular Data 310 Tables Tutorial 314 Chapter 7: HTML: Under the Hood 331 Controlling How Dreamweaver Handles HTML 331 Code View 335 Live Code 358 Quick Tag Editor 361 The Tag Inspector 362 Comparing Versions of a Web Page 363 Reference Panel 370 Inserting JavaScript 370 Part Two: Chapter 8: Building a Better Web Page Advanced CSS 375 Compound Selectors 375 Fast Style Editing with the Properties Pane 382 Moving and Managing Styles 385 More About CSS 390 iv Contents Using the Code Navigator 397 Styling for Print 399 CSS Transitions 405 Using CSS3 418 Advanced CSS Tutorial 422 Chapter 9: Page Layout 433 Types of Web Page Layouts 435 Float Layout Basics 438 Understanding the Box Model 447 Dreamweaver’s CSS Layouts 452 Modifying Dreamweaver’s CSS Layouts 459 Absolute Positioning 465 Adding an AP Element to Your Page 472 Modifying AP Element Properties 475 CSS Layout Tutorial 479 Chapter 10: Troubleshooting CSS 491 Analyzing CSS with Dreamweaver 491 Overcoming Common CSS Problems 498 Chapter 11: Designing Websites for Mobile Devices 505 Previewing Pages at Different Resolutions 507 Media Queries 510 Strategies for Using Media Queries 518 Fluid Grid Layouts 521 jQuery Mobile 537 Part Three: Bringing Your Pages to Life Chapter 12: Forms 563 Form Basics 563 Creating a Form 566 Adding Form Elements 569 Validating Forms 588 Forms Tutorial 612 Chapter 13: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript 637 Introducing Adobe’s Spry Framework 638 Tabbed Panels 639 Accordions 645 Collapsible Panels 651 Spry Tooltips 656 Spry Data Sets 661 Contents v Dreamweaver Behaviors 679 Applying Dreamweaver Behaviors 680 Events 684 (Some of) the Actions, One by One 684 The Widget Browser 699 Chapter 14: Add Flash and Other Multimedia 709 Flash: An Introduction 709 Automate the Flash Download 718 Add Flash Videos 720 Other Video Options 724 Part Four: Managing a Website Chapter 15: Introducing Site Management 729 The Structure of a Website 730 Setting Up a Site (in Depth) 735 Managing Dreamweaver Sites 740 Site Assets 749 Chapter 16: Testing Your Site 757 Site Launch Checklist 757 Previewing Web Pages in BrowserLab 760 Find and Fix Broken Links 765 Validating Web Pages 773 Cleaning Up HTML (and XHTML) 776 Site Reporting 779 Download Statistics 783 Chapter 17: Moving Your Site to the Internet 785 Adding a Remote Server 785 Transferring Files 798 Check In and Check Out 807 Synchronizing Site Files 813 Communicating with Design Notes 817 Part Five: Dreamweaver CS6 Power Chapter 18: Snippets and Libraries 829 Snippets Basics 829 Using Snippets 831 Creating Snippets 832 Built-In Snippets 835 Library Basics 835 vi Contents Creating and Using Library Items 838 Editing Library Items 840 Snippets and Library Tutorial 842 Chapter 19: Templates 851 Template Basics 851 Creating a Template 854 Defining Editable Regions 857 Building Pages Based on a Template 859 Updating a Template 864 Using Repeating Regions 866 Using Editable Tag Attributes 872 Using Optional Regions 876 Exporting a Template-Based Site 882 Template Tutorial 883 Chapter 20: Find and Replace 895 Find and Replace Basics Basic Text and HTML Searches Advanced Text Searches Advanced Tag Searches A Powerful Example: Adding Alt Text Fast Chapter 21: 896 896 902 906 908 Customizing Dreamweaver 911 Keyboard Shortcuts 911 Dreamweaver Extensions 916 Chapter 22: Working with Server-Side Programming 925 Pieces of the Puzzle 927 Dynamic Websites: The Setup 929 Creating a Dynamic Page 936 Using Server-Side Includes 937 Working with Related PHP Files 939 PHP Code Hints 942 Appendix A: Getting Help 945 Getting Help from Dreamweaver 945 Getting Help from Adobe 946 Appendix B: Dreamweaver CS6, Menu by Menu 949 File Menu 949 Edit Menu 952 View Menu 955 Insert Menu 959 Modify Menu 961 Contents vii Format Menu 963 Commands Menu 964 Site Menu 966 Window Menu 968 Help Menu 971 Index 973 viii Contents Responsive Web Design Multiscreen Preview, 507–509 previewing other, 509–510 previewing pages at different, 507–510 Responsive Web Design, 436 Results command, 969 Revert command, 951 rollover images, 276–278, 694 links, 63 menu buttons, 218–219 root folder, 46, 730, 734, 735, 742 Choose Root Folder window, 40, 58 local, 48, 737, 930–931 MAMP/WAMP, 934 PHP files outside, 942 remote, 46 site, 930 root-relative links, 187–189, 194, 738, 739 examples, 190–191 rowspans, 966 Ruby, 565 Rulers command, 957 S Safari browser, 72 Save All command, 950 Save All Related Files command, 176, 178, 950 Save As command, 950 Save As Template command, 854–856, 951 Save command, 950 Scooter Software, 364 Script window adding JavaScript code, 371 linking to external JavaScript files, 372 tag, 440 Select All command, 86, 953 Select Child command, 953 Select HTML file dialog box, 950 Select Image Source window, 61 Selection Properties command, 961 selectors, 375–381 descendent (see descendent selectors) group, 381 ID, 392–393 Tag Selector (see Tag Selector) 1006 Index Select Parent Tag command, 341, 953 _self target, 962 separating structure and presentation, 103 server behaviors, 927 Server Behaviors command, 969 Servers and Version Control settings, 736 Server-Side Include command, 960 server-side includes (SSIs), 837, 937–939 adding to web page, 938–939 creating, 937–938 related PHP files, 939–941 server-side pages analyzing CSS in, 494–498 following links in, 497 server-side programming, 925–944 application servers, 926 ASP pages, 936 creating dynamic page, 936 Dreamweaver’s built-in tools, 927 dynamic websites, 926–944 editing pages, 928 local site root folder, 930–931 overview, 927–928 setting up, 929–935 testing server, 929, 929–935 HTML, 333–334 PHP code hints, 942–944 related PHP files, 939–941 static websites technology behind, 928 Set Target dialog box, 962 setting up site, 40–44 building pages (see building pages) selecting folder for site files, 41 (see also site management) SFTP, 786 setting up remote server with, 787–791 Shake effect, 690 sharing computer, Workspace Layout feature, 39 Sharpen tool, 267 Shockwave, 719 inserting files, 959 “shorthand properties”, 460 Show Checked Out By command, 967 Show Code Hints command, 954 Show Head Content command, 752 Show Spry Tooltips command, 958 sidebar class, 458 simple tree diagram, 378 site architecture, 730 site cache, 59 Site Definition window’s Web URL box, 739 “site-less” web design, 54 site management, 729–756 Advanced Settings options, 736 Assets panel, 749–755 color and link assets, 752 Colors category, 750 favorites, 753–756 Images category, 750 inserting assets, 751–753 Library category, 751 Links category, 751 multimedia categories (SWF, Shockwave, and Movies), 751 Scripts category, 751 Templates category, 751 viewing, 749–751 cache, 740, 750 changing new page default, 749 cloaking feature, 734, 736 consistency, 733 default images folder, 737 Delete Site button, 741 Design Notes category, 736 document-relative links, 738 editing or removing sites, 740–742 exporting and importing sites, 742–744 Export Site panel, 743 file extensions, 733 Files panel, 734 change order of columns, 747 changing number of columns, 747 modifying, 746–749 resizing width of columns, 746 viewing files in, 745–746 following site’s architecture, 732 index pages, 735 launch checklist, 757–760 links, 738 case-sensitive, 740 “Local info” options, 736 local root folder, 737 Local view, 745 local vs live site folders, 742 Manage Sites dialog box, 741 Media Query files, 738 organizing files by type, 732 planning for future growth, 731 “Recreate Site List”, 750 Remote server view, 745 Repository view, 745 root folder, 734, 735, 742 root-relative links, 738, 739 Servers and Version Control settings, 736 setting up site, 735–740 New Site command, 735 “Site name” field, 737 Site Setup window, 735, 736 Show Head Content, 752 Site Definition window’s Web URL box, 739 Spry option, 736 structure of websites, 730–735 sub-sites, 739 Subversion repository, 734 Templates option, 736 testing (see testing your site) Testing server view, 745 URLs, 738 using understandable names, 732 Web Fonts option, 736 work on pre-existing site, 738 site management, moving to Internet, 785–826 Design Notes (see Design Notes) error messages on remote site, 792 remote server adding, 785–798 advanced settings, 797–798 more FTP options, 792–793 setting up over local network, 794 setting up with FTP or SFTP, 787–791 setting up with FTPS, 793 setting up with RDS, 796 setting up with WebDAV, 795–796 transferring files, 786 synchronizing files, 813–817 transferring files (see transferring files) Index site management moving to Internet 1007 site management tools 1008 site management tools, 3 Site menu, 33, 966–968 Advanced command, 967 Change Link Sitewide command, 967 Check In command, 966 Check Links Sitewide command, 967 Check Out command, 966 Get command, 966 Locate in Site command, 967 Manage Sites command, 966 New Business Catalyst Site command, 966 New Site command, 966 PhoneGap Build Service command, 968 Put command, 966 Reports command, 967 Show Checked Out By command, 967 Site-Specific Code Hints command, 967 Synchronize Sitewide command, 967 Undo Check Out command, 967 SitePoint.com’s free online reference to CSS, 370 Sitepoint CSS Forums, 123 Sitepoint CSS reference, 123 Site Report feature, 760, 779–782, 813 types of reports, 781 Site Root button, 62 site root folder, 930 site root-relative links, 187–189 Site Setup window, 40–44, 58–59, 735–736 “Case-sensitive links checking” checkbox, 44 Choose Root Folder window, 40 “Default Images folder” field, 42 Enable Cache checkbox, 44 “FTP address” field, 790 “Links relative to” setting, 43 Root Directory box, 790 selecting folder for site files, 41 Server Name field, 789 Servers option, 788 “Site-wide Media Query file” field, 43 Test button, 791 Use alternative FTP move method checkbox, 793 Index Use FTP performance optimization checkbox, 793 Use IPV6 Transfer Mode checkbox, 793 Use Passive FTP checkbox, 791, 792 Use Proxy checkbox, 793 Username field, 790 web address, 43 Web URL box, 791 Site-Specific Code Hints command, 943, 967 site-wide media queries file, 513–517 slice tool (Photoshop), 250 Slide effect, 690 Smart Mailer extension, 589 Smart Objects, 267 Photoshop images, 248, 270–272 warnings, 271 Smashing Magazine website, 522 Snippet Panel’s Description column, 831 Snippets feature, 829–830, 960, 969 built-in, 835 Close Window Button, 835 Code view, 831 creating, 832–834, 843–845 deleting, 834 Description field, 832 Dropdown Menus, 835 HTML Comments, 835 IE Conditional Comments, 835 moving in or out of folder, 834 Name field, 832 New Snippet button, 832 organizing, 834–835 preview type, 834 tutorial, 842–849 type, 832 warning, 836 wrapping code, 831 “Wrap selection”, 832 Sort Table command, 966 sound, 709, 710 adding to Flash page, 726 source code, finding/replacing, 898 source [src] property, 242, 254 tags Spry error messages and, 596 Speaker from HotDreamweaver, 726 special characters, 92–97 adding HTML tags, 92 Date, adding to page, 97 HTML, 334–335 keyboard shortcuts, 94 line breaks, 93–94 multiple spaces, 95–96 nonbreaking spaces, 95 symbols, 100 Specific Tag option (searches), 906, 910 Specific tag(s) checkbox (Clean Up HTML), 778 spell-checking, 116–119, 759 dictionary, 117 performing spell check, 117–120 Split Code view, 955 HTML, 335 Split Vertically command, 955 Split view, 23, 24, 33, 59, 60, 64, 73, 172, 336 HTML, 335, 336 jumping between views, 337 Spry Accordion widget, 645–651, 710 Accordion class style, 649 AccordionFocused style, 649–650 AccordionPanelOpen style, 650 AccordionPanelTabHover style, 649–650 AccordionPanelTab style, 649–650 adding an accordian, 646–647 adding and entering content, 648 all tabs element, 649 content inside panel, 651 creating descendent selector to format the paragraphs inside main content region, 651 currently selected tab element, 650 tag, 648 “focus” states, 649 formatting, 648–651 not selected tab element, 649 panels element, 650 SpryAssets, 641, 642 SpryAssets folder, 214, 215, 219, 228, 238 Spry Collapsible Panel widget, 651–656 adding, 652–654 adding content, 654 all tabs element, 655 CollapsiblePanel style, 655 CollapsiblePanelTabHover style, 655 CollapsiblePanelTab style, 655 content inside panel element, 656 tag, 652 formatting, 654–656 panel element, 656 tab when moused over element, 655 tab when panel is closed element, 655 tab when panel is opened element, 655 Spry command, 960 Spry Content Slideshow widget, 704 Spry Data and Layout widgets, 960 Spry data sets, 661–679 Autorefresh data option, 671 choosing data layouts, 671–679 “Insert table” option, 671–675 Master/Detail, 675–677 Stacked Container, 677 Stacked Container with Spotlight Area, 678 choosing HTML file as data source, 666 choosing XML file as data source, 667 Data Set Name field, 667 date data type, 670 DetailColumn class, 677 DetailContainer class, 677 Detect menu, 667 Disable Data caching, 670 tag, 664 filtering out duplicate rows, 670 HTML data type, 670 identifying data container, 668 inserting, 665–671 MasterColumn class, 677 Master/Detail layout, 675–677 inserting, 676 removing and rearranging detail columns, 676 removing and rearranging master columns, 676 number data type, 670 Set Data Options window, 668–669 controlling how Spry displays data, 670–671 setting column data types, 669 Spry data sets Index 1009 Spry effects 1010 sorting data, 670 specifying advanced data selection rules, 668 Spry table layout, 671–675 assigning CSS classes to table rows, 674 assigning sortable columns, 673 inserting, 672 removing and rearranging columns, 673 “Update detail regions when row is clicked” checkbox, 674 Stacked Container layout, 677 Stacked Container with Spotlight Area layout, 678 storing data in HTML file, 662–665 string data type, 669 table IDs, 663 working with absolute URLs, 667 Spry effects, 685–691 Appear/Fade, 686–687 assigning IDs, 685 Blind, 687–688 Grow/Shrink, 688 Highlight, 689–690 Shake, 690 Slide, 690 Squish, 691 Spry Form Validation widget, 960 Spry Framework, 3, 16, 638, 946 Code view Related Files toolbar, 353–358 Spry Framework Help command, 971 Spry menu bar, 72, 210–223 absolute positioning, 435 adding a menu, 210–212 adding button to main menu, 214 adding, editing, and arranging submenus, 214 adding, editing, and removing Spry Menu links, 213–215 behind the scenes, 216 changing look of navigation menu, 215–223 fonts, 215 changing menu and button widths, 220–221 copying and pasting menu, 222 CSS style sheet for Spry menus, 221 Index deleting button from main nav bar, 214 descendent selectors, 216 editing main navigation buttons, 214 editing Spry menu’s text and links, 214, 215–223 formatting regular menu button, 217–218 formatting rollover menu buttons, 218–219 formatting submenu buttons, 219–220 JavaScript, 214 look of sub-submenus for horizontal menu bar, 222 positioning drop-down menus, 221 preventing wrapping, 219 removing Spry menu, 222 replacing arrow graphics, 220 reusing Spry menu, 222–223 Save As command, 223 templates, 223 tutorial adding navigation bar, 227–232 copying and pasting navigation bar, 232–233 styling menu bar, 233–237 two types of buttons, 217 Spry Navigation Bar, 960 Spry option in Site Setup window, 736 Spry Region tool, 679 Spry support files, 642 Spry Tabbed Panels widget, 639–645, 710 adding, 640–641 adding and editing content, 641–642 all tabs element, 643 content inside panel element, 645 currently selected tab element, 644 tag, 644 “focus” state, 645 formatting, 642–645 modifying panels, 643 not selected tab element, 643 panel elements, 643–645 panels element, 644 Spry tabbed panels group element, 643 TabbedPanels class style, 643 .TabbedPanelsContent style, 644, 645 TabbedPanelsContentGroup style, 644, 645 TabbedPanelsTab style, 643–645 TabbedPanelsTabHover style, 643 TabbedPanelsTabSelected style, 642, 644 Spry tables, 671–675 assigning CSS classes to table rows, 674 assigning sortable columns, 673 removing and rearranging columns, 673 “Update detail regions when row is clicked” checkbox, 674 Spry tools, Live Code, 360 Spry Tooltip widget, 656–661 adding, 656–660 adding content, 660 Delay option, 659 tag, 660 Effect option, 660 Follow mouse option, 658 formatting, 660–661 Hide on mouse out option, 658 Horizontal offset/Vertical offset options, 659 setting one or more of the display options, 658–660 Show Spry Tooltips command, 958 tooltipContent class, 660 trigger class style, 661 Spry validation widgets, 588–612 accessibility, 589 adding, 618–622 adding to existing form, 616–618 assigning validation requirement, 591 basics, 589–594 checkboxes, 604–607 Confirm widget, 610–611 options, 611 custom validation, 600–601 enforcing a pattern, 601 error messages and tags, 596 formatting error messages and fields, 594–596 inserting, 589 limiting characters, 602 modifying error messages, 593 Password widget, 609–610 pull-down menus, 607–608 Radio Group widget, 611–612 renaming, 590 selecting when validation occurs, 591 Select widget, 607–608 setting other options, 593 supplying a hint, 602 text area, 603–604 text fields, 596–603 Credit Card (validation type), 598 Currency (validation type), 599 Custom (validation type), 600 Date (validation type), 597 Email (validation type), 597 Integer (validation type), 597 IP Address (validation type), 599 None (validation type), 597 Phone Number (validation type), 599 Real Number/ Scientific Notation (validation type), 599 requiring visitor to enter information in field, 596 Social Security Number (validation type), 599 Time (validation type), 598 URL (validation type), 600 validation types, 597–600 Zip Code (validation type), 599 Squish effect, 691 SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology forms and, 576 Standard toolbar, 25 starter image, 695 Start/Stop Recording command, 964 static websites, 925 technology behind, 928 steering-wheel icon, 71 string data type, 669 tag, 9, 116 structure separating structure and presentation, 103 Style command, 964 Style Rendering command, 957 Style Rendering toolbar, 25, 401–402 Design Time style sheets, 405 options, 402 Toggle CSS Display button, 402 Index Style Rendering toolbar 1011 style sheets (see CSS) style sheets (see CSS) styles, text, 114–116 tag, 134 sub-sites, 739 Subversion, 810 Subversion repository, 734 SVG file format, 247 Swap Image action, 695–697 Swap Image dialog box, 696–697 Swap Image Restore action, 697 SWF file extension, 712 Swish, 711 Switch Views command, 956 symbols, 100 Synchronize Sitewide command, 967 synchronizing files, 813–817 “Delete local files not on remote server” option, 815 “Delete remote files not on local drive” option, 815 “Maintain synchronization information” checkbox, 814 System Color Picker button, 157 T tabbed panels, 639–645 adding, 640–641 adding and editing content, 641–642 all tabs element, 643 content inside panel element, 645 currently selected tab element, 644 tag, 644 “focus” state, 645 formatting, 642–645 not selected tab element, 643 panels element, 644 Spry tabbed panels group element, 643 TabbedPanels class style, 643 TabbedPanelsContent style, 644, 645 TabbedPanelsContentGroup style, 644, 645 TabbedPanelsTab style, 643–645 TabbedPanelsTabHover style, 643 TabbedPanelsTabSelected style, 642, 644 “tab-delimited” data, 317 tab index, 198–200 tabindex property, 362, 370 1012 Index Table command Insert menu, 959 Modify menu, 962 Table dialog box, 291, 292, 294, 301, 312, 314, 315 accessibility settings, 294 Table Mode command, 957 Table Objects command, 959 tables, 289–330 accessibility, 294 aligning, 297–298 alignment properties, 300 basics, 290–291 borders, 293, 296–301, 304, 315–316, 323, 325 Caption box, 294 cells, 290 adding one, 305–306 color, 301 decoration, 301 growing larger, 302 merged, 308 merging and splitting, 308–310 modifying properties, 300–305 padding, 292, 296–298, 304 selecting, 296 setting dimensions, 302 spacing, 292 Split Cell dialog box, 309 tag, 302 colspans, 966 tag, 302 columns, 291, 292, 302 adding multiple, 306–307 adding one, 305–306 deleting, 307–308 selecting, 295 width, 304 contents taking priority, 303 “Convert Table Width to Percentages” buttons, 299 data tag, 291 Expanded Table mode, 296 Expanded Table Mode, 296, 318 exporting data, 314 Export Table dialog box, 314 formatting, 297–300, 320–325 Header property, 293 head tag, 291 height, 298 tag, 299 HTML5, 298 IDs, 663 importing data, 310–312, 316–320 Import Tabular Data window, 310, 311, 312, 316 inserting, 291–294, 314–316 merged cells, 308 merging and splitting cells, 308–310 outdated properties, 299 Property Inspector Center option, 297 Clear Height Values button, 298 Clear Width Values button, 298 “Convert Widths to Percentages” button, 298 Left and Right options, 297 Merge Cells button, 309 Merge Selected Cells icon, 318, 319 No Wrap option, 301 rows and cell properties, 300 Table Header option, 301 vertical menu, 300 W (width) or H (height) field, 302 resizing, 299–300 handles, 305 rows, 291, 292 adding multiple, 306–307 color, 313 deleting, 307–308 modifying properties, 300–305 selecting, 295 rowspans, 966 selecting, 294–295 setting width/height by percentage, 293, 298, 299, 303, 304, 311, 315 sorting data, 312–314 Sort Table command, 966 Split Cell dialog box, 309 Spry, 671–675 assigning CSS classes to table rows, 674 assigning sortable columns, 673 removing and rearranging columns, 673 “Update detail regions when row is clicked” checkbox, 674 Spry data sets (see Spry data sets) Standard Mode, 296 Summary box, 294, 315 “tab-delimited” data, 317 Tabular Data dialog box, 310, 311 tag, 291 converting to tag, 301 tag, 291, 293, 296, 301, 319, 322, 323 tag, 291, 295, 300, 328, 329 tutorial, 314–330 adding a table, 314–316 final improvements, 325–329 formatting, 320–325 importing data, 316–320 using Tag Selector to select cell, 296 vertical alignment property, 300 width, 293, 298 calculating, 304 wrapping, 301 tag, 289 height, 299 tablet design, 526 Tag command, 959 Tag Inspector, 362–363, 969 Tag Libraries command, 954 tags, 8–9 advanced tag searches, 906–907 capitalization (case) of HTML tags and properties, 333 Code view character case for tags and attributes, 352 controlling the way Dreamweaver formats tags, 355 editable attributes, 853 editing properties, 853 extra closing, 332 limiting searches by, 902–903 line breaks, 355 overlapping, 332 Quick Tag Editor, 361–362 Edit tag mode, 361 Tag Hints, 362 Wrap tag mode, 361 Specific Tag option (searches), 910 styling groups of, 381 Tag Modifier menu, 903 unclosed, 332 Index tags 1013 Tag Selector 1014 Warn when fixing or removing tags” option HTML, 332 Tag Selector, 26, 32, 376 and templates when to avoid, 858 Inspect mode (Live view), 495 selecting all text on page, 98 templates and, 857–859, 870, 872, 880, 887, 889 tag styles (CSS), 125, 128 “Targeted rule” menu, 67 targets, 199 target window, 962 tag, 291 Code view, 352 converting to tag, 301 Template Objects command, 960 Template Properties command, 961 Template Properties window, 875, 881, 882, 890, 891 controlling display of optional regions, 881 templates, 851–894 applying to existing pages, 862–863 Apply Template to Page command, 862 basics, 851–854 broken links, 876 building pages based on, 859–863 child page, 852 Code view HTML, 339 coloring scheme in, 339 creating, 854–857, 884–886 from existing web page, 854–856 from scratch, 856–857 creating page based on, 886–889 editable regions, 852, 853, 857–859, 863 adding content to, 861 error messages, 872 New Editable Region dialog box, 858, 885 removing, 864 renaming, 858 Editable Tag Attribute, 872–876 changing properties of, 875–876 editable tag attributes, 853 error messages, 859 Index exporting template-based site, 882–883 content, 857 Inconsistent Region Names dialog box, 862 instance, 852 locked regions, 853, 860, 866, 868, 878 nested, 878 Optional Editable Region command, 879 optional regions, 853, 877, 876–882 adding, 877–878 advanced, 879–880 creating and using, 889–891 editable, 854 editing and removing, 880–881 hiding and showing, 881–882 locking, 878 repeating, 879 template parameters, 881 parameters, 881 Property Inspector’s Link field, 876 repeating regions, 853, 866–871 adding, 867–868 deleting, 870 error messages, 872 optional, 879 rearranging entries, 871 that not include editable region, 867 working with, 870–871 repeating tables, 866, 868–870 Save as Template command, 951 Save As Template command, 854–856 Spry Menu Bar, 223 Tag Selector, 857–859, 870, 872, 880, 887, 889 when to avoid, 858 turning off highlighting, 868 tutorial, 883–893 creating and using optional regions, 889–891 creating a template, 884–886 creating page based on template, 886–889 updating template, 891–893 under the hood, 862 unlinking page from, 866 updating, 864–866, 891–893 all files, 865 waiting to update, 865 Templates command, 963 Templates option in Site Setup window, 736 Template tool, 455 terms worth knowing, 46 testing server, 929 setting up, 929–930 setting up Dreamweaver, 931–935 adding FTP information, 932 Basic server settings window, 933 Local/Network, 934 naming site, 931 Server Model menu, 934 Web URL box, 934 Testing server view, 745 testing your site, 757–784 BrowserLab Browser Version menu, 763 JavaScript interactivity, 764 “Preview delay” setting, 763 testing pages in, 761–764 cleaning up HTML/XHTML, 776–779 download statistics, 783 finding and fixing broken links, 759, 765–773 Change Link Sitewide command, 771 changing a link throughout site, 771–773 Check Links Sitewide command, 765 fixing, 768–769 listing external links, 769–770 orphaned files, 770–771 multiple browsers, 766 Preview command, 758 previewing pages, 757 in BrowserLab, 760–764 site launch checklist, 757–760 Site Reports, 760, 779–782 types of reports, 781 spelling, checking, 759 validating pages, 759, 773–776 W3C validator, 773 text adding, 85–91 adding HTML tags, 92 adding to web page, 65–71 advanced search option, 902 “Alternate text” field, 66 bold or italics, 116, 158–160 changing to upper or lower case, 155 color, 61 controlling space between lines, 155 copying and pasting text from nonMicrosoft programs, 86 emphasizing, 9, 115 encoding and decoding, 100 Excel, pasting from, 86, 91 finding and replacing, 898 fonts (see fonts) formatting in CSS (see CSS, text formatting) HTML, pasting from, 86 importing Word and Excel documents, 91 Justify option in Property Inspector, 90 lists (see lists, creating and formatting) nonbreaking spaces, 89, 93, 96 paragraphs (see paragraph formatting) Paste Special command, 87–89 default behavior, 88 picking font color, 157–158 quotation marks, 89 selecting, 98–101 everything on page, 98 simple copy and paste, 86–87 special characters, 92–97 adding HTML tags, 92 Date, adding to page, 97 keyboard shortcuts, 94 line breaks, 93–94 multiple spaces, 95–96 nonbreaking spaces, 95 symbols, 100 styles, 114–116 Word pasting from, 86, 89–90 pasting with formatting, 90 wrapping, 280 (see also Paste command; Paste Special command) text-align property, 161, 165, 301 text-indent property, 96, 165 Index text-indent property 1015 text-shadow property 1016 text-shadow property, 421 Text Wrangler, 365 tag, 291, 293, 296, 301, 319, 322, 323 TIFF file format, 247 Tile command (Mac Only), 970 Tile Horizontally command (Windows only), 970 Tile Vertically command (Windows only), 970 Toolbars command, 958 tooltipContent class, 660 tooltips, 656–661 adding, 656–660 adding content, 660 Delay option, 659 tag, 660 Effect option, 660 Follow mouse option, 658 formatting, 660–661 Hide on mouse out option, 658 Horizontal offset/Vertical offset options, 659 setting one or more of the display options, 658–660 Toon Boom, 711 _top target, 962 Tracing command, 957 transferring files, 786, 798–806 additional background on, 802 between local site and remote site, 966 cloaking files, 804–806 disconnect time limit, 803 from web server, 802–804 to web server, 798–802 transform property, 422 transitions (see CSS transitions) transparent background (images), 252 Trent Pastrana website, 920 trigger class style, 661 triggers, 679 Trio Solutions, 726 website, 920 troubleshooting BrowserLab, 762 CSS, 491–504 analyzing in JavaScript and server-side pages, 494–498 Index analyzing with Dreamweaver, 491–498 Check Browser Compatibility tool, 491 clearing and containing floats, 499–502 clear property, 499–500 CSS Styles panel updates, 496 Current view of the CSS Styles panel, 492 editing CSS of a page in Live view, 495 editing properties, 493–494 “float drops”, 502–503 floating multiple elements inside a non-floated containing tag, 499 following links in server-side pages, 497 Inspect mode (Live view), 495 overflow property, 502 renegade floats, 500 Summary pane of the CSS Styles panel, 493 FTP, 804 Undo, 142 tag, 291, 295, 300, 328, 329 True Value Paint website, 539 tag, 116 U unclosed tags, 332 Undo Check Out command, 967 Undo command, 952 not working, 142 troubleshooting, 142 Unicode, 93, 94, 100 unordered lists, 106, 106–109 reformatting, 109–112 Update Files window, 83 Updates command, 972 uploading files from a web page, 569 through forms, 585 URLs, 738 parts of, 188 sub-sites, 739 working with absolute URLs and data sets, 667 V Validate command, 951 validating forms, 588–612 Spry validation widgets adding, 618–622 adding to existing form, 616–618 assigning validation requirement, 591 basics, 589–594 checkboxes, 604–607 Confirm widget, 610–611 Credit Card (validation type), 598 Currency (validation type), 599 custom validation, 600–601 Custom (validation type), 600 Date (validation type), 597 Email (validation type), 597 enforcing a pattern, 601 formatting error messages and fields, 594–596 inserting, 589 Integer (validation type), 597 IP Address (validation type), 599 limiting characters, 602 modifying error messages, 593 None (validation type), 597 Password widget, 609–610 Phone Number (validation type), 599 pull-down menus, 607–608 Radio Group widget, 611–612 Real Number/ Scientific Notation (validation type), 599 renaming, 590 selecting when validation occurs, 591 Select widget, 607–608 setting other options, 593 Social Security Number (validation type), 599 supplying a hint, 602 text area, 603–604 text fields, 596–603 Time (validation type), 598 URL (validation type), 600 validation types, 597–600 Zip Code (validation type), 599 validating pages, 759, 773–776 W3C validator, 773 VBScript, 565 vertical-align property, 165, 301 tag, 724, 726 viewing code, 3 View menu, 955–958 Code and Design command, 955 Code command, 955 Code Navigator command, 958 Code View Options command, 957 Color Icons command, 958 Design command, 955 Design View on Left/Top command, 955 Display External Files command, 958 Grid command, 957 Guides command, 957 Head Content command, 956 Hide Panels command, 958 Inspect command, 956 Live Code command, 956 Live View Browser command, 956 Live View command, 956 Live View Options command, 956 Magnification command, 957 Noscript Content command, 956 Refresh Design View command, 956 Refresh Styles command, 956 Related Files command, 958 Related Files Options command, 958 Rulers command, 957 Show Spry Tooltips command, 958 Split Code command, 955 Split Vertically command, 955 Style Rendering command, 957 Switch Views command, 956 Table Mode command, 957 Toolbars command, 958 Tracing Image command, 957 Visual Aids command, 957 Window Size command, 957 viewports, 508 visibility property, 469 visited links, 63 Visual Aids command, 86, 957 Visual Basic, 565 visual page-building, 2 VMWare Fusion software, 766 Index VMWare Fusion software 1017 W3C link checker tool 1018 W W3C link checker tool, 766 W3C validator, 773–776 W3Schools.com JavaScript reference, 370 WAMP, 930, 932 root folder, 934 WA Universal Email extension, 589 web address, 43 web applications, 928 WebAssist, 755 WA Universal Email extension, 589 website, 920, 927 web colors, 160 WebDAV, 786 Check In/Check Out feature, 795, 808 setting up remote server with, 795–796 webdocs folder, 930 Web Fonts command, 962 Web Fonts manager window, 148–150 Web Fonts option, 736 Web Fonts option in Site Setup window, 736 web fonts (see fonts) web hosting companies, 744 WebKit, 72, 757 Webmaster Toolkit, 766 web pages colors, 63 comparing versions, 363–370 creating templates from, 854–856 defining basic look of, 60 mobile site design (see mobile site design) uploading files from, 569 websites building pages (see building pages) dynamic (see dynamic websites) links (see links) organizing (see site management) setting up (see site management, setting up site) static (see static websites) structure of, 730–735 sub-sites, 739 websites, for further information regular expressions, 905 Index Welcome screen, 21, 22, 56 white-space property, 165 Widget Browser, 699–708 adding widgets to “My Widgets” list, 704 adding widgets to web page, 706–708 configuring widgets, 703–706 customizing widgets, 703 deleting widgets from web page, 707 finding and installing widgets, 700–702 finding widgets, 699 opening, 700 Widget command, 960 widgets, 638 adding to web page, 706–708 configuring, 703–706 customizing, 703 deleting from web page, 707 finding, 699 finding and installing, 700–702 viewing in Adobe Exchange, 702 width property, 448 absolute positioning, 468–469 using with left or right properties, 471 when width doesn’t equal width, 452 Window menu, 968–971 AP Elements command, 968 Application Bar command, 970 Application Frame command (Macs only), 970 Assets command, 969 Behaviors command, 969 Bindings command, 969 Business Catalyst command, 968 Cascade command, 970 Code Inspector command, 969 Combine As Tabs command (Mac only), 971 Components command, 969 CSS Styles command, 968 CSS Transitions command, 969 Databases command, 968 Extensions command, 970 Files command, 969 Frames command, 969 Hide Panels command, 970 History command, 969 Insert command, 968 jQuery Mobile Swatches command, 968 List of Currently Open Documents command, 971 Multiscreen Preview command, 968 Next Document, Previous Document command (Mac only), 971 Properties command, 968 Results command, 969 Server Behaviors command, 969 Snippets command, 969 Tag Inspector command, 969 Tile command (Mac Only), 970 Tile Horizontally command (Windows only), 970 Tile Vertically command (Windows only), 970 Workspace Layout command, 970 Windows, differences between Mac software and, 15 Window Size command, 957 Window Size menu, 507, 542, 543 WinMerge, 364 comparing files with, 368–370 With Attribute/Without Attribute search options, 903–904 Word built-in list-bulleting feature, 90 Clean Up Word HTML command, 117, 965 graphics, 90 importing documents, 91 pasting text from, 86, 89–90 pasting text with formatting, 90 WordPress, 927, 942 index.php file, 497 word-spacing property, 96, 164 workspace New Workspace, 39 organizing, 34–39 Workspace Layout, 38–39, 54, 970 sharing computer, 39 Workspace Switcher, 33, 56–58, 65 World Wide Web Consortium’s website, 123 wrapping text, 280 Wufoo, 565 zxp file X XHTML, 10–18 cleaning up HTML/XHTML, 776–779 Clean Up HTML/XHTML command, 965 doctype, 8 XML choosing XML file as data source, 667 importing data, 951 XSLT Objects command, 961 Y YouTube Flash videos, 724–725 Z Zend, 942 Z-index, 469 changing, 963 zxp file, 921 Index 1019 ... 2: The Missing Manual by Preston Gralla • Droid X2: The Missing Manual by Preston Gralla x The Missing Credits • Excel 2010: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald • Facebook: The Missing Manual, ... Macintosh: The Missing Manual by Chris Grover • Palm Pre: The Missing Manual by Ed Baig • Personal Investing: The Missing Manual by Bonnie Biafore The Missing Credits xi • Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual. .. Pro 11: The Missing Manual by Susan Prosser and Stuart Gripman • Flash CS6: The Missing Manual by Chris Grover • Galaxy S II: The Missing Manual by Preston Gralla • Galaxy Tab: The Missing Manual