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Building real time data pipelines

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  • Introduction

  • 1. When to Use In-Memory Database Management Systems (IMDBMS)

    • Improving Traditional Workloads with In-Memory Databases

      • Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

      • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

      • HTAP: Bringing OLTP and OLAP Together

    • Modern Workloads

    • The Need for HTAP-Capable Systems

      • In-Memory Enables HTAP

    • Common Application Use Cases

      • Real-Time Analytics

      • Risk Management

      • Personalization

      • Portfolio Tracking

      • Monitoring and Detection

      • Conclusion

  • 2. First Principles of Modern In-Memory Databases

    • The Need for a New Approach

    • Architectural Principles of Modern In-Memory Databases

      • In-Memory

        • Memory after

        • Memory only

        • Memory optimized

      • Distributed Systems

      • Relational with Multimodel

        • SQL

        • Other models

      • Mixed Media

    • Conclusion

  • 3. Moving from Data Silos to Real-Time Data Pipelines

    • The Enterprise Architecture Gap

    • Real-Time Pipelines and Converged Processing

    • Stream Processing, with Context

    • Conclusion

  • 4. Processing Transactions and Analytics in a Single Database

    • Requirements for Converged Processing

      • In-Memory Storage

      • Access to Real-Time and Historical Data

      • Compiled Query Execution Plans

      • Granular Concurrency Control

      • Fault Tolerance and ACID Compliance

    • Benefits of Converged Processing

      • Enabling New Sources of Revenue

      • Reducing Administrative and Development Overhead

      • Simplifying Infrastructure

    • Conclusion

  • 5. Spark

    • Background

    • Characteristics of Spark

    • Understanding Databases and Spark

    • Other Use Cases

    • Conclusion

  • 6. Architecting Multipurpose Infrastructure

    • Multimodal Systems

    • Multimodel Systems

    • Tiered Storage

    • The Real-Time Trinity: Apache Kafka, Spark, and an Operational Database

    • Conclusion

  • 7. Getting to Operational Systems

    • Have Fewer Systems Doing More

    • Modern Technologies Enable Real-Time Programmatic Decision Making

    • Modern Technologies Enable Ad-Hoc Reporting on Live Data

    • Conclusion

  • 8. Data Persistence and Availability

    • Data Durability

    • Data Availability

    • Data Backups

    • Conclusion

  • 9. Choosing the Best Deployment Option

    • Considerations for Bare Metal

    • Virtual Machine (VM) and Container Considerations

      • Orchestration Frameworks

    • Considerations for Cloud or On-Premises Deployments

      • Benefits of Cloud: Expansion and Flexibility

      • Benefits of On-Premises: Control, Security, Performance Optimization, and Predictability

        • Control

        • Security

        • Performance optimization and predictability

    • Choosing the Right Storage Medium

      • RAM

      • SSD and Disk

    • Deployment Conclusions

  • 10. Conclusion

    • Recommended Next Steps

Nội dung

Building Real-Time Data Pipelines Unifying Applications and Analytics with In-Memory Architectures Conor Doherty, Gary Orenstein, Steven Camiña, and Kevin White Building Real-Time Data Pipelines by Conor Doherty, Gary Orenstein, Steven Camiđa, and Kevin White Copyright © 2015 O’Reilly Media, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safaribooksonline.com) For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com Editor: Marie Beaugureau Production Editor: Kristen Brown Copyeditor: Charles Roumeliotis Interior Designer: David Futato Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest September 2015: First Edition Revision History for the First Edition 2015-09-02: First Release 2015-11-16: Second Release The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc Building Real-Time Data Pipelines, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights 978-1-491-93549-1 [LSI] Introduction Imagine you had a time machine that could go back one minute, or an hour Think about what you could with it From the perspective of other people, it would seem like there was nothing you couldn’t do, no contest you couldn’t win In the real world, there are three basic ways to win One way is to have something, or to know something, that your competition does not Nice work if you can get it The second way to win is to simply be more intelligent However, the number of people who think they are smarter is much larger than the number of people who actually are smarter The third way is to process information faster so you can make and act on decisions faster Being able to make more decisions in less time gives you an advantage in both information and intelligence It allows you to try many ideas, correct the bad ones, and react to changes before your competition If your opponent cannot react as fast as you can, it does not matter what they have, what they know, or how smart they are Taken to extremes, it’s almost like having a time machine An example of the third way can be found in high-frequency stock trading Every trading desk has access to a large pool of highly intelligent people, and pays them well All of the players have access to the same information at the same time, at least in theory Being more or less equally smart and informed, the most active area of competition is the end-to-end speed of their decision loops In recent years, traders have gone to the trouble of building their own wireless long-haul networks, to exploit the fact that microwaves move through the air 50% faster than light can pulse through fiber optics This allows them to execute trades a crucial millisecond faster Finding ways to shorten end-to-end information latency is also a constant theme at leading tech companies They are forever working to reduce the delay between something happening out there in the world or in their huge clusters of computers, and when it shows up on a graph At Facebook in the early 2010s, it was normal to wait hours after pushing new code to discover whether everything was working efficiently The full report came in the next day After building their own distributed in-memory database and event pipeline, their information loop is now on the order of 30 seconds, and they push at least two full builds per day Instead of slowing down as they got bigger, Facebook doubled down on making more decisions faster What is your system’s end-to-end latency? How long is your decision loop, compared to the competition? Imagine you had a system that was twice as fast What could you with it? This might be the most important question for your business In this book we’ll explore new models of quickly processing information end to end that are enabled by long-term hardware trends, learnings from some of the largest and most successful tech companies, and surprisingly powerful ideas that have survived the test of time Carlos Bueno Principal Product Manager at MemSQL, author of The Mature Optimization Handbook and Lauren Ipsum Chapter When to Use InMemory Database Management Systems (IMDBMS) In-memory computing, and variations of in-memory databases, have been around for some time But only in the last couple of years has the technology advanced and the cost of memory declined enough that in-memory computing has become cost effective for many enterprises Major research firms like Gartner have taken notice and have started to focus on broadly applicable use cases for in-memory databases, such as Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP for short) HTAP represents a new and unique way of architecting data pipelines In this chapter we will explore how in-memory database solutions can improve operational and analytic computing through HTAP, and what use cases may be best suited to that architecture Improving Traditional Workloads with InMemory Databases There are two primary categories of database workloads that can suffer from delayed access to data In-memory databases can help in both cases Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) OLTP workloads are characterized by a high volume of low-latency operations that touch relatively few records OLTP performance is bottlenecked by random data access — how quickly the system finds a given record and performs the desired operation Conventional databases can capture moderate transaction levels, but trying to query the data simultaneously is nearly impossible That has led to a range of separate systems focusing on analytics more than transactions These online analytical processing (OLAP) solutions complement OLTP solutions However, in-memory solutions can increase OLTP transactional throughput; each transaction — including the mechanisms to persist the data — is accepted and acknowledged faster than a disk-based solution This speed enables OLTP and OLAP systems to converge in a hybrid, or HTAP, system When building real-time applications, being able to quickly store more data in-memory sets a foundation for unique digital experiences such as a faster and more personalized mobile application, or a richer set of data for business intelligence Orchestration Frameworks With the recent proliferation of container-based solutions like Docker, many companies are choosing orchestration frameworks such as Mesos or Kubernetes to manage these deployments Database architects seeking the most flexibility should evaluate these options; they can help when deploying different systems simultaneously that need to interact with each other, for example, a messaging queue, a transformation tier, and an in-memory database Considerations for Cloud or On-Premises Deployments The right solution between cloud or on-premises deployments depends on several factors that may vary between companies and applications Benefits of Cloud: Expansion and Flexibility When it comes to flexibility and ability to scale, cloud infrastructure has the advantage Leveraging cloud deployments offers the ability to quickly scale out during peak workloads when higher performance is required, and scale back as needed Cloud deployments also provide ease of expansion to new regions without the heavy overhead Contrast that with an on-premises data center that requires developers to account for peak workloads before they occur, leaving infrastructure investment underutilized during nonpeak times Benefits of On-Premises: Control, Security, Performance Optimization, and Predictability While cloud computing offers easy startup costs and the ability to scale, many companies still retain large portions of data infrastructure on-premises for some of the following reasons Control On-premises database systems provide the highest level of control over data processing and performance The physical systems are all dedicated to their owner, as opposed to being shared on a cloud infrastructure This eliminates being relegated to a lowest common denominator of performance and instead allows fine-tuned assignment of resources for performance-intensive applications Security If your data is private or highly regulated, an on-premise database infrastructure may be the most straightforward option Financial and government services and healthcare providers handle sensitive customer data according to complex regulations that are often more easily addressed in a dedicated on-site infrastructure Performance optimization and predictability With more control over hardware, it is easier to maximize performance for a particular workload At the same time, performance on premises is typically more predictable as it is not compromised by shared servers One area in particular where on-premises deployments can provide an advantage is networking In a cloud environment, there is often little choice for network options, whereas on-premises architectures offer full control of the network environment Choosing the Right Storage Medium Depending on data workload and use case, you will be faced with various options for how data is stored There will likely be some combination of data being stored in memory and on SSD, and in some cases on disk RAM When working with high-value, transactional data, RAM is the best option RAM is orders of magnitude faster than SSD, and enables real-time processing and analytics on a changing dataset For organizations with realtime data requirements, high-value data is kept in memory for a specified period of time and later moved to disk for historical analytics SSD and Disk Solid state disks and conventional magnetic disks can be used to complement a RAM solution To optimize for I/O, SSDs and disks perform best on sequential operations, such as logging for a RAM-based rowstore or storing data in a disk-based column store Deployment Conclusions Perhaps the only certainty with computer systems is that things are likely to change As applications evolve and data requirements expand, architects need to ensure that they can rapidly adopt Before choosing an in-memory architecture, be sure that it offers the flexibility to scale across a variety of deployment options This will mitigate the risks of a changing system and provide the simplest means for continued operation Chapter 10 Conclusion In-memory optimized databases are filling the gap where legacy relational database management systems and NoSQL databases have failed to deliver By implementing a hybrid data processing model, organizations can obtain instant access to incoming data while gaining faster and more targeted insights With the ability to process and analyze data as it is being generated, data-driven businesses can detect operational trends as they happen rather than reacting after the fact Recommended Next Steps Now is the time to begin exploring in-memory options Organizations with a focus on quickly deriving business value from emerging and growing data sources should identify data processing and storage solutions with in-memory storage, compiled query execution, enterprise-ready fault tolerance, and ACID compliance To get a competitive advantage from real-time data pipelines, we recommend the following: Identify real-time use cases within your organization, prioritizing by selecting processes that will either have the biggest revenue impact or that are easiest to implement Investigate in-memory database solutions available in the market, giving preference to distributed systems that offer a memory optimized architecture Explore leveraging open source frameworks such as Apache Kafka and Apache Spark to streamline data pipelines and enrich data for analysis Select a vendor and run a proof of concept that puts your use case(s) to the test Go to production at a manageable scale to validate the value of real-time analytics or applications There’s no getting around the fact that the world is moving towards operating in real time For your business, possessing the ability to analyze and react to incoming data will give you an upper hand that could be the difference between growth or stagnation With technology advances such as in-memory computing and distributed systems, it’s entirely possible to implement a costeffective, high-performance data processing model that enables your business to operate at the pace and scale of incoming data The question is, are you up for the challenge? About the Authors Gary Orenstein is the Chief Marketing Officer at MemSQL and leads marketing strategy, product management, communications, and customer engagement Prior to MemSQL, Gary was the Chief Marketing Officer at Fusion-io, and also served as Senior Vice President of Products during the company’s expansion to multiple product lines Prior to Fusion-io, Gary worked at infrastructure companies on file systems, caching, and high-speed networking Conor Doherty is a Data Engineer at MemSQL, responsible for creating content around database innovation, analytics, and distributed systems He also sits on the product management team, working closely on the SparkMemSQL Connector While Conor is most comfortable working on the command line, he occasionally takes time to write blog posts (and books) about databases and data processing Kevin White is the Director of Operations and a content contributor at MemSQL He has worked at technology startups for more than 10 years, with a deep expertise in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) arena Kevin is passionate about customer experience and growth with an emphasis on datadriven decision making Steven Camiña is a Principal Product Manager at MemSQL His experience spans B2B enterprise solutions, including databases and middleware platforms He is a veteran in the in-memory space, having worked on the Oracle TimesTen database He likes to engineer compelling products that are user-friendly and drive business value Introduction When to Use In-Memory Database Management Systems (IMDBMS) Improving Traditional Workloads with In-Memory Databases Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) HTAP: Bringing OLTP and OLAP Together Modern Workloads The Need for HTAP-Capable Systems In-Memory Enables HTAP Common Application Use Cases Real-Time Analytics Risk Management Personalization Portfolio Tracking Monitoring and Detection Conclusion First Principles of Modern In-Memory Databases The Need for a New Approach Architectural Principles of Modern In-Memory Databases In-Memory Distributed Systems Relational with Multimodel Mixed Media Conclusion Moving from Data Silos to Real-Time Data Pipelines The Enterprise Architecture Gap Real-Time Pipelines and Converged Processing Stream Processing, with Context Conclusion Processing Transactions and Analytics in a Single Database Requirements for Converged Processing In-Memory Storage Access to Real-Time and Historical Data Compiled Query Execution Plans Granular Concurrency Control Fault Tolerance and ACID Compliance Benefits of Converged Processing Enabling New Sources of Revenue Reducing Administrative and Development Overhead Simplifying Infrastructure Conclusion Spark Background Characteristics of Spark Understanding Databases and Spark Other Use Cases Conclusion Architecting Multipurpose Infrastructure Multimodal Systems Multimodel Systems Tiered Storage The Real-Time Trinity: Apache Kafka, Spark, and an Operational Database Conclusion Getting to Operational Systems Have Fewer Systems Doing More Modern Technologies Enable Real-Time Programmatic Decision Making Modern Technologies Enable Ad-Hoc Reporting on Live Data Conclusion Data Persistence and Availability Data Durability Data Availability Data Backups Conclusion Choosing the Best Deployment Option Considerations for Bare Metal Virtual Machine (VM) and Container Considerations Orchestration Frameworks Considerations for Cloud or On-Premises Deployments Benefits of Cloud: Expansion and Flexibility Benefits of On-Premises: Control, Security, Performance Optimization, and Predictability Choosing the Right Storage Medium RAM SSD and Disk Deployment Conclusions 10 Conclusion Recommended Next Steps ... Building Real- Time Data Pipelines Unifying Applications and Analytics with In-Memory Architectures Conor Doherty, Gary Orenstein, Steven Camiña, and Kevin White Building Real- Time Data Pipelines. .. In-memory databases ingest data and run queries simultaneously, provide analytics on real- time and historical data in a single view, and provide the persistence for real- time data pipelines with... provide a real- time serving layer to thousands of analysts, and view real- time and historical data through a single interface (Figure 1-1) Figure 1-1 Analytical platform for real- time trade data Monitoring

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2019, 14:29