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Practice Test 1 Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Good communication is the key to being successful and satisfied in many situations: work, personal, social. At work, communication skills (1) ______ most commonly shown in your (2) ______ to use and understand language, whether spoken or on (3) ______. You need a good command of language to (4) ______ your ideas, opinions, (5) ______ feelings across clearly. Listening carefully is (6) ______ important communication skill, as is the ability and confidence to (7) ______ questions when you need to understand something or get (8) ______ from someone. (9) ______ in a language other than your mother tongue also counts as a (10) ______ skill. 1. A. do B. have C. were D. are 2. A. capacity B. knowledge C. ability D. fluency 3. A. writing B. paper C. written D. letter 4. A. know B. get C. understand D. come 5. A. and B. too C. so D. also 6. A. a B. an C. the D. any 7. A. ask B. put C. answer D. suggest 8. A. things B. explanation C. knowledge D. information 9. A. Talent B. Ability C. Competence D. Use 10. A. communication B. speaking C. giving D. understanding 11-15.Read the text. Then choose one best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question from the four choices. Acid rain is rain containing a certain amount of nitric acid which has been discharged into atmosphere from factories. It is extremely harmful to our health and the environment. In America, the people are becoming more concerned about the dangers caused by acid rain. Researchers have found that an increasing number of babies have died because of it. Acid rain harms the lungs of the babies. Acid rain is also harmful to the lives of fishes. When acid rain is mixed with the water of the rivers and lakes, the fishes cannot reproduce themselves. This is because the water is too acidic. If we consume such fishes, we can get food poisoning. Such rain destroys the natural vegetation and causes fertile soil to be infertile. Buildings and statues can also be gradually destroyed. Since acid rain is caused by the release of certain chemicals into the atmosphere, the government recommends that health measures be taken seriously. Certain industries are prevented by law to release nitrogen acid and sulphur dioxide into the air. This reduces the health risk. The problem of acid rain is a clear danger which has not been solved. The rain from one country can be a danger another. It happens when the wind brings the acid rain to a nearby country. 11. What has recent research found out about acid rain? A. Acid rain can increase the death of babies as well as damage lungs. B. Acid rain evaporates fast C. Acid rain is good D. it is a native language 12. What happens when lakes and rivers become too acidic? A. The fish grow faster B The fish cannot reproduce and soon die out C. The fish swim to better places D. The fish reproduce faster 13. Besides affecting rivers and lakes, what other environmental problems does acid rain cause? A. The loss of natural rain. B. The killing of animals C. The destruction of running water D. The infertility of soil and the destruction of natural vegetation 14. We are also indirectly affected when fish is poisoned by acid rain because ______. A. we can’t go fishing B. we can no longer look at pretty fish. C. the lakes and rivers smell D. we also get food poisoning when we eat the fish. 15. Choose the correct statement. A. Acid rain is caused by human beings. B. Acid rain is good for the fertility of the soil C. Buildings and statues are strengthened by acid rain. D. Everybody wants acid rain 16-18. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 16. A. bicycle B. cinema C. climate D. kind 17. A. pleasant B. reason C. season D. feature 18. A. hold B. hello C. cold D. horrible 19-20. Choose the word that has different primary stress from that of the others in each group. 19. A. supervisor B. investigate C. convenient D. contaminate 20. A. reduction B. romantic C. financial D. popular 1 21-42. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 21. We didn’t have any money but Tom had ______. A. a few B. little C. few D. a little 22. ______ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities. A. Most of B. A few C. Most D. Few 23. Language is not necessarily the private property of those ______ it. A. to use B. that use C. who use D. using 24. “Mary paid me a visit last Sunday.” means ______. A. Mary called me last Sunday B. Mary visit me last Sunday C. Mary paid me the money last Sunday D. Mary visited me last Sunday. 25. The statue was broken while it ______ to another room in the museum. A. was moved B. was being moved C. moved D. was moving 26. Neither the students nor their lecturer ______ English in the classroom. A. uses B. use C. are using D. have used 27. He had spent ______ writing an essay about this childhood. A. a large number of time B. a few time C. many time D. a great deal of time 28. The fight against ______ of our environment is important as well. A. polluting B. the pollution C. the polluting D. pollution 29. The transition from school to work is ______ the whole fairly smooth for most boys and girls. A. in B. on C. upon D. by 30. In this course, students receive ______ in the Basic grammar. A. instruction B. instructional C. instruct D. instructive 31. Is there anything important ______ first? A. to do B. done C. doing D. do 32. He tried to avoid ______ my question. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. how to answer 33. There is a shortage of water because there has been very ______ rain recently. A. a little B. a few C. few D. little 34. I wasn’t tired last night. If I had been tired, I ______ home earlier. A. would have gone B. go C. went D. will go 35. He doesn’t speak much English. Only ______ words. A. little B. a few C. a little D. few 36. This town isn’t very well-known and there isn’t much to see, so ______ tourists come here. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few 37. A few days ago, I ______ that Jane ______ for New York. A. learn / had left B. learn / will leave C. learned / has left D. learnt / had left 38. When sulphur dioxide combines with water vapour and oxygen, it ______ sulphuric mist. A. turns into B. becomes C. forms D. transforms 39. Burning coal and oil ______ other gases harmful to humans. A. releaves B. refreshes C. releases D. re-emit 40. Natural resources should be safeguarded and preserved ______ they can continue to be used and enjoyed. A. since B. therefore C. because D. so that 41. People used to believe that the world’s natural resources could never be used ______. A. up B. out C. off D. down 42. Conservation is also concerned ______ the reclaiming of land. A. on B. for C. with D. in 43-47. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that needs correct. 43. These (A) pictures, as well as(B) photograph(C) brightens(D) the room. 44. Unless salaries are not raised(A), many employees will consider(B) looking for(C) work elsewhere(D). 45. Each (A) of the(B) passengers(C) are(D) reading newspaper. 46. A number of (A) reporters(B) was(C) at(D) the conference yesterday 47. The problems of(A) pollution are(B) too difficult for(C) us to solving(D). 48-50.Choose the rewritten sentence (A, B, C or D) that best correct. 48. “Where are you going?” he asked her. 2 A. He asked her where she was going. B. He asked her where you were going. C. He asked her where you is going. D. He asked her where was she going. 49. “I don’t know English.” means ______. A. I have no knowledge of English. B. I can speak English. C. I have some good knowledge of English. D. I can speak English fluently. 50. “Daisy had a careful look at the picture on the wall.” means ______. A. Daisy took a care look at the picture on the wall carefully. B. Daisy looked careful at the picture on the wall. C. Daisy looked at the picture on the wall careful. D. Daisy looked at the picture on the wall carefully. Practice test 2 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. concern b. protect c. content d. pollute 2. a. conservation b. poison c. desert d. preserve 3. a. environment b. enrich c. enjoy d. element II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from those of the others. 4. a. valuable b. restrict c. resource d. include 5. a. mineral b. continue c. fertilizer d. region III. Choose the best option to complete each of the following unfinished sentences. 6. Her explanation certainly sounded ……………. a. to believe b. believable c. belief d. believer 7. My watch keeps ………… a. to stop b. stopping c. stop d. stopped 8. Very .…………. people know his theory. a. many b. a few c. a lot of d. few 9. ……………. television too much is not a healthy habit for a ………… child. a. To watch / grown b. Watching / grown c. Watching / growing d. Watch / growing 10. The house …………. very quiet when I got home. Everyone ……… to bed. a. were / was going b. was / went c. was / has gone d. was / had gone 11. It was too late to …………… the story from appearing in the national newspapers. a. keep b. hide c. prevent d. help 12. I regret …………… you that your application has been turned down. a. to inform b. informing c. inform d. to be informed 13. The paintings ……… from the museum haven't been found yet. a. to steal b. stealing c. which stole d. stolen 14. We are chiefly concerned ……………… improving educational standards. a. at e. with c. in d. for 15. Three quarters of my money ……………____for food. a. is b. are c. has been d. were 16. The children ………… to the circus. a. were enjoyed to take b. were enjoyed taking c. enjoyed being taken d. enjoyed taking 17. … … … … … . w a t e r is good for our health. a. Waste b. Sea c. Mineral d. Natural 18. Tet holiday is the festival …………. occurs in late January or early February. a. when b. which c. who d. where 19. "Why you keep ……………. back?" - "oh l I’m afraid of ……………… “ a. looking / following b. looking / being followed c. to look / being followed d. look / to follow 20. One of the girls who ……………. going to Paris ………. my friend. a. is / is b. are / are c. are / is d. is / are 21. Even if you have dark skin, you still need ………… from the sun. a. to protect b. protection c. protector d. protectively 22. Most breakfast cereals are …………… with vitamins. a. rich b. enrichment c. enriched d. enriching 3 23. In the future, pay increases will be related to ……………… a. produce b. production c. producer d. productivity 24. ……………. is supplying water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow. a. Irrigating b. Irrigation c. Irrigate d. Irrigated 25. Look at the crowd! I wonder what they …………. for. a. are waiting b. will wait c. were waiting d. had been waiting 26. She doesn’t allow ………… in her house. a. to smoke b. smoke c. smoking d. smokes 27. Protect your child …………… direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. a. with b. without c. for d. from 28. Jean sat on the park bench …………… the ducks …………… in the pond. a. watching / swimming b. watching / swim c. to watch / to swim d. watch / swimming 29. The wounded man has lost ……………. ___blood and is very weak now. a. a great deal of b. a little c. a number of d. little 30. When Michelle lived in Italy, she always …………… dinner at 9pm. a. has b. had c. is having d. have 31. Have you had your eyes …………… recently? a. tested b. test c. checked d. check IV. Choose the sentence (a, b, c or d) which is closest in meaning to the original one. 32. It is such a long lesson that we can't learn it by heart. a. This lesson is too long for us to learn by heart. b. This lesson isn't short enough for us to learn by heart. c. This lesson is so long that we can't learn it by heart. d. All are correct. 33. We couldn't drive because of the fog. a. The fog made us not driving. b. The fog prevented us from driving. c. We are stopped to drive by the fog. d. Because there is the fog, we couldn't drive. 34. Study hard or you will fail the exam. a. Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam b. If you don't study hard, you won't pass the exam. c. Unless you study hard, you will not pass the exam. d. All are correct. 35. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting . a. I regret not waiting for you. b. I must apologize for having kept you waiting. c. I apologize you to have kept you waiting d. I regret to have kept you waiting V. Choose the underlined part that is NOT CORRECT in each of the following sentences. 36. The air has become more and more pollution because of exhaust fumes from motor vehicles. a. has become b. pollution c. because of a. from 37. Children shouldn't be allowed watching violent programs on TV. a. be b. watching c. programs d. on 38. My only regret is that I didn't study English good enough to get a good job. a. is that b. didn’t study c. good d. to get 39. Some large cities may have to ban cars to city centre to wipe out smoke. a. may b. ban c. to d. out 40. Professor Jones, a man who discovered the new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give a press conference . a. a b. that c. is d. to give VI. Read the passage. Then choose the best word to finish each of the blanks in the following passage. More than two hundred years ago, the term "environmental pollution" was quite strange to people. They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed (41) …………. air. In those days, industry was not well-developed. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. The world today is facing with many major threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war, and after the threat of war is pollution. People all over the world are (42) ………… about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is man (43)…………… is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of (44) ……………. from the devices that make human lives more comfortable and convenient. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufacturers know that wastes from factories make water and soil (45) …………. but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth (46) ………. a lot about pollution ? 41. a. dirty b. fresh c. contaminated d. polluted 42. a. sad b. serious c. worried d. afraid 43. a. that b. who c. whom d. a and b are correct 4 43. a. fertilizers b. fumes c. factories d. wastes 44. a. polluted b. pollution c. polluting d. pollute 45. a. to talk b. talking c. talk d. talks VII . Read the passage. Than choose the best answer. Man is a land animal, but he also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two thirds of the world's population lives within 80 kilometers of the sea coast. In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man's needs. The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by man's technology is impressive. Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years. Valuable amounts of minerals exit on the ocean floor ready to be mined. Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents and waves offer possible use as a source of energy. Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The development of strong, new materials has made this possible. The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2010 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved. 46. The see serves the needs of man because ………………… a. it provides man with food. b. it offers oil to man c. it supplies man with minerals d. all of above 47. The best title for this passage is ……………… a. Sea harvest b. Sea food c. Sea exploration d. Technology for exploiting the sea 48. The major things that the sea offers man are ……………. a. fish and oil . b. warm temperature and ocean currents . c. minerals and oil. d. the food, energy sources, and minerals. 49. We can conclude from the passage that a. the sea resources have largely been used up. b. the sea, in a broad sense, has not been developed yet . c. the problems that prevent us from using the food, energy sources, and minerals of the sea have already been solved. d. by the year 2010 all the sea resources will be fully exploited. Practice Test 3 I. Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the following passage. In the United States of America the (1)___________ language. Four hundred years ago some English people(2)_____ to North America to live there, and they brought the(3)_____ language to this new country. Now in the United States of America people speak(4)____ English. Most of words are the(5)____ in America and in British English, but the American people say some English words not like people do(6)_____ English. Canada is to the North of United States of America. It is(7)____than the United States.In Canada many people speak(8)____ because they came from English many years ago. 1. A. national B. international C. nationality D. nation 2. A. arrived B. sailed C. approached D. lived 3. A. English B. American C. French D. Chinese 4. A. English B. American C French D. Chinese 5. A . different B. same C. possession D. private 6. A.by B. with C. in D. like 7. A. smaller B. farther C. poorer D. larger 8. French B. American C. English D. German II. Read the passage below and choose one best answer A, B, C or D to each question. Another effect of air pollution is acid rain. The phenomenon occurs when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, and coal combine with water vapour in the atmosphere and fall as rain, snow or fog. These gases can also be emitted from natural sources like volcanoes. Acid rain causes extensive damage to water,forest and even human health. Many lakes and streams have been 5 contaminated and this has led to the disappearance of some species of fish in Europe, USA . Because the contaminants are carried long distances, the sources of acid rain are difficult to pinpoint and hence difficult to control. 9. This passage is mainly about_________. A. air pollution that is another effect of acid rain. B. the phenomenon of air pollution. C. acid rain that is one of the effects of air pollution. D. the extensive damage of volcanoes. 10. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Acid rain cause air pollution B. Acid rain does not have any effect on human. C. Some species of fish have been killed because of the contaminated lakes or streams. D. Nowadays, the scientists can pinpoint and control acid rain. 11.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Volcanoes can emit sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. B. Building can be gradually destroyed by acid rain. C.Acid rain doesn’t cause damage to human beings. D. The contaminants are carried long distance and this led to the difficulties to control acid rain. 12. Acid rain can cause damage to______________. A. water and forest B. soil resources C. human health D. all are correct III. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 13.A. apparent B. satisfied C. preparation D. sanguine 14. A. chill B. while C. whilst D. strike 15. A. sacked B. employed C. reasoned D. determined IV. Pick out the word whose primary sress is different from the rest. 16. A. explain B. notice C. convenient D. perverse 17. A. general B. authority C. industrial D. continue 18. A. however B. investigate C. decree D. industry V. Error identification. 19. She(A) wanted to know(B) how long (C)did it take (D)to get there 20.(A)This is the school (B)at which Uncle Ho (C)used to studying when he (D)was young. 21. Before(A) went abroad, he(B)had finished his course (C)at (D)the English center. 22. (A)Every student who (B)majors in English(C) are ready to join (D)in it. 23.(A) The windows are (B)so small (C)that the room gets (D)few air. V. Choose the correct answer. 24. Most children are ill- prepared______ employment. A. with B. for C. in D. to 25. They’ve never smoked. Peter’s never smoked. A. Both they and Peter’s never smoked. B. They as well as Peter’s ever smoked. C. Neither they nor Peter’s never smoked. D. Neither they nor Peter’s ever smoked. 26. The thief simply walked in. Someone_____ to lock the door. A. forgot B. was forgetting C. had forgotten D. had forgoten 27. Language is not the private property of those___ use it. A. where B. who C. whom D. whose 28. They will almost____ find themselves speaking in English. A. automate B. automatic C. automation D. automatically 29. Mr Pike along with his friends never_____________. A. smokes B. smoked C. has smoked D. have smoked 30. He asked___ I had ever been to London A. where B. why C. whether D. when 31. I____TV at home when the doorbell rang A. watched B. have watched C. was watching D. had watched 32.People are_____ in the use of English. A. concerned B. involved C. reasonable D. accessible 33. They spend their life__________ at rocks. A. looking B. look C. to look D. looked 6 34. It’s getting snowy. You have_______ hope to come back A. few B. a few C. a little D. little 35.______ not having much money, I really feel happy. A. Although B. Despite C. Because of D. Because 36. He wrote a letter________ French A. In B. by C. since D. for 37. Nam is_______ student in his class. A. good B. a best C. the best D. best 38. Our country is_____ in natural resources. A. rich B. capable C. safe D. skilful 39. People______ desert areas to make them fertile. A. irrigated B. drained C. prevented D. disposed 40. Smog is a combination of_____ and fog. A. smoke B. garbage C. gas D. storm 41. My cousin speaks Russian _____ well. A. tolerant B. tolerable C. tolerably D. tolerance 42. Vehicles account______ air pollution in the city. A. on B. of C. for D. to 43. The teacher made his students___ harder for the exam. A. work B. working C. to work D. worked 44. _____ my holidays are at home. A. A great deal of B. Most of C. Many D. Few 45. You will get cold______ you keep your feet dry. A. because B. unless C. although D. if 46.No one has used that door for 20 years. A. That door hasn’t been used for 20 years. B. That door has been not used for 20 years. C. That door hasn’t been used by none of them for 20 years. D. That door wasn’t used for 20 years. 47. “ Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I told her A. I told her to bring it back if it doesn’t fit B. I told her that she should bring it back if it didn’t fit. C. I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit. D. I told her bring it back if it didn’t fit. 48. The carpets were so expensive that we didn’t buy them. A.They were such expensive carpets that we didn’t buy them B. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy them C. The carpets weren’t cheap enough for us to buy them D. All are correct 49. “ John left here an hour ago” said Jane. A. Jane said John left here an hour before. B. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. C. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before. 50. “ She hasn’t played the piano for five years” A. The last time she played the piano five years ago. B. She doesn’t play the piano five years ago. C. The last time she played the piano was five years ago. D. She last played the piano for five years. Practice test 4 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A. certain B. complain C. remain D. retain 2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A. legal B. general C. get D. leg 3. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A. page B. stage C. passage D. age 4. Choose the word that has the main stress on the first syllable: A. Sensible B. intend C. rotate D. revolution 5. Choose the word that has the main stress on the second syllable: 7 A. chemical B. healthy C. erosion D. harmful 6 – 25. Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 6. He often gets good marks and high grades. His parents are very _______ with him. A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfactory D. satisfactorily 7. It is raining heavily outside. You had better ________ at home. A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. staying 8. Peter has spent ________ time and money on stamp collecting. A. a few of B. a large number of C. many of D. a large amount of 9. Vehicles also account _______ air pollution in the city. A. to B. with C. on D. for 10. Many people don’t _______ the traffic rules when they are traveling in the streets. A. make sure of B. pay attention to C. lose touch with D. pay a visit 11. That boy is quick _______ learning and understanding things. A. at B. in C. on D. for 12. Most of the rooms in the hotel _______ we are staying have air- conditioning. A. which B. where C. that D. there 13. Hawaii, which is a part of a group of islands, _______ active volcanoes. A. that has B. which has C. whose has D. has 14. We stayed at home because Sally wasn’t very keen ______ going out in the rain. A. at B. in C. on D. of 15. _______ is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources. A. environment B. pollution C. conversation D. conservation 16. The fog was ______ we could hardly see the road. A. too thick that B. such thick that C. very so thick that D. so thick that 17. What we need is a _______ supply of oxygen. A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. healthful 18. Wild-life ______ are where animals are protected within natural environment. A. regions B. places C. zoos D. preserves 19. This river has been _________ by industrial waste. A. purified B. darkened C. cleaned D. contaminated 20. If Mr. Smith’s business hadn’t become bad, he _________________________. A. would not be very unhappy B. were not very happy C. wouldn’t have been very unhappy D. won’t have been very unhappy 21. The theatre was almost empty. There were very _______ people there. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 22. This kind of ______ will make plants ________ better. A. fertile / to grow B. fertilizer / grow C. chemical / growth D. gas / strongly 23. They have no ______ of selling the house which they inherited from their mother. A. intention B. success C. knowledge D. attraction 24. Those candidates for ________ we voted lost the election. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 25. Neither Tim nor his friends ______ listening to classical music. A. enjoys B. enjoy C. enjoying D. to enjoy 26 – 30. Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that needs correcting: 26. Although the serious problem of pollution, many people prefer living in big cities. A B C D 27. The heavy rain made it impossibly for us to have our picnic last Sunday. A B C D 28. It was her strong determine that helped her overcome the physical & emotional pain that followed her accident. A B C D 29. She was furious because she was being make fun of. A B C D 30. Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the patients’ bandages. A B C D 31 – 37. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses: Venice is a city in Italy which ( 31. build ) _____ on water many centuries ago. The canals ( 32. be ) _____ very deep and the people of Venice must ( 33. travel ) ______ around in boats to reach their schools, businesses and shops. Recently, the water in Venice’s canals ( 34. find ) _____ to contain a great deal of pollution and even poison in 8 it. The water could cause people sickness if they ( 35. drink )____ it or used it for ( 36. cook )______ . The government of Venice is trying ( 37. solve ) _____ this problem as quikly as they can. 38 – 41. Read this passage and choose the best anwer: Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others learn in evening classes. A few learn English by themselves or just by hearing the language on television or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Young children learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 38. Who can learn English? A. Only young children. B. Only adults. C. People of all ages. D. Only teenagers. 39. According to the passage, people learn English in the following places except __________. A. at school B. in evening classes C. on television D. in their work 40. High school students study English because __________. A. they like it B. their parents force them to study C. it is one of their subjects D. English is easy to learn. 41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ? A. Teenagers learn English for going abroad. B. A few people learn English alone. C. English is useful for their work. D. Most people must work hard to learn English. 42 – 46: Fill in each blank with one suitable word: Why do they drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other countries? The reason for this goes back to the day ( 42 )______ people travelled by ( 43 )_______. Most people are right-handed, and thus the ( 44 )______ is the natural side to ride on If you are on ( 45 ) _______ and need your right hand to hold a sword in case ( 46 ) ______ trouble. So why didn’t the rest of the world do the same ? Practice test 5 A. Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. waste b. face c. swamp d.rotate 2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. mature b. nature c. future d. adventure 3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. prevented b. stopped c. needed d. protected 4.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. environment b. conservation c. education d. preservation 5.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. enjoy b. provide c. allow d. threaten 6. Reclaiming land consists _______ irrigating deserts, draining swamps and pushing back the sea. a. with b. about c. of d. in 7. Farmers can help enrich the soil ______fertilizers. a. to add b. by adding c. of adding d. in spite of adding 8. He wishes he ______ Jane to his party yesterday. a. invited b. would invite c. has invited d. had invited 9. You won’t have any difficulty ________ a ticket for the concert. a. getting b. to get c. got d. get 10. Not until darkness fell _______ he hadn’t done half of his work. a. that he realized b. did he realize c. that he didn’t realize d. didn’t he realize 11. The weather is ______ awful that I don’t like going out this evening. a. such b. so c. too d. very 12. Police are searching _____ the man who escaped from prison. a.with b.about c.for d.through 13.Conservation is also concerned _____ the reclaiming of land. a.with b.in c.about d.at 14. I will see him when he _______ here tomorrow. a. comes b. will come c. has come d. had come 9 15. Preserving natural resources is of great ________. a. important b. more important c. importantly d. importance 16. Mexico’s _______ of oil is higher this year than last year . a. product b. production c. producer d. productive 17. An important part of conservation is the ______ of waste. a. erosion b. preservation c. protection d. prevention 18. The police provide _____ for the people in a country. a. protection b. protecting c. protectively d. protective 19. The newspaper report contained _____ important information. a. many b. another c. an d. a lot of 20. More and more pollution ________ by that factory. a. produced b. produces c. is being produced d. is producing 21. Thank you for advising me _____. a. not smoking b. not smoke c. no smoking d. not to smoke 22. The lesson was so ______ that most of them fell asleep in the middle. a. uninteresting b. interesting c. bored d. exciting 23. The children are busy ______ shells on the beach. a. collected b. to collect c. collecting d. collect 24. It’s no use your ______ him _____ you any money. a. asking / lending b. asking / to lend c. ask / to lend d. asking / lend 25. Would you ______keeping quiet for a moment ? a. like b. please c. be d. mind B. Identify an underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 26. There’s nothing like to walk as a means of keeping fit. a b c d 27. I won’t help you unless you don’t promise to work harder. a b c d 28. To prepare for the TOFEL, studying thirty minutes every day for several months. a b c d 29. Do you feel like going to a film or would you rather to stay at home ? a b c d 30.Wildlife preserves are the areas where animals are protecting within their natural environment. a b c d C. Read the passage and make the correct choice: Conservation is the protection and wise management of the environment. People practise conservation (31) ______ the environment can preserve their needs and the needs of all other living things. (32) ______ conservation, all the resources necessary for life – air, animals, energy, minerals, plants, soil and water- (33) ______ be damaged, wasted, or destroyed. Conservation also (34) ______ a concern for the quality of the environment so that people can (35) ______ living in it. It means keeping it comfortable and safe to live in. A healthy (36) ______ includes clean streets and highways (37) ______ open spaces in cities for parks and playgrounds. Ideal surroundings mean landscapes (38) ______of junk and litter. They include regions of wilderness (39) ______animals and plants can be protected (40) ______ the destructive influence of human beings. 31.a. because b. so that c. if d. although 32.a. If b. If not c. Unless d. Without 33.a. will b. would c. can d. ought to 34.a. involves b. is c. makes d. keeps 35.a. want b. manage c. enjoy d. wish 36.a. body b. work c. wildlife d. environment 37.a. of b. with c. to d. for 38.a. full b. fond c. free d. empty 39.a. which b. where c. whose d. that 40.a. by b. with c. on d. from D.Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 46. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. a. It’s better to avoid to travel during the rush hour. b. It’s better to avoid travelling during the rush hour. c. It’s better to avoid a good idea. d. It’s better to travel during the rush hour. 47. Someone was cleaning the classroom when we arrived. 10 . used it for ( 36 . cook )______ . The government of Venice is trying ( 37 . solve ) _____ this problem as quikly as they can. 38 – 41. Read this passage and. Unless d. Without 33 .a. will b. would c. can d. ought to 34 .a. involves b. is c. makes d. keeps 35 .a. want b. manage c. enjoy d. wish 36 .a. body b. work

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2013, 22:10

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