UNIX, POSIX, and Open Systems The Open Standards Puzzle John S Quarterman Texas Internet Consulting Susanne Wilhelm Windsound Consulting • TT Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, Massachusetts Menlo Park, California New York Don Mills, Ontario Wokingham, England Amsterdam Bonn Sydney Singapore Tokyo Madrid San Juan Milan • • • • • • • • • • • Paris This book is in the Addison-Wesley UNIX and Open Systems Series Series Editors: Marshall Kirk McKusick and John S Quarterman Deborah R Lajferty: Sponsoring Editor Thomas Stone: Senior Editor Patsy DuMoulin: Production Administrator Denise Descoteaux: Marketing Manager Roy E Logan: Senior Manufacturing Manager Marshall Henrichs: Cover Designer Jaap Akkerhuis: Troff Macro Designer Lyn Dupre: Copy Editor UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories in the United States and other countries Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and Addison-Wesley was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in ini tial caps or all caps The methods and procedures presented in this book have been ,included for their instruc tional value They have been tested with care, but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations, nor does it accept any liabilities with respect to the methods or procedures Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Quarterman, UNIX, John S., POSIX, and open systems S Quarterman, Susanne Wilhelm p the open standards puzzle I John cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-201-52772-3 UNIX (Computer file) Standards United States QA76.76.063Q37 Operating s ystems ! Wilhelm, Susanne (Computers) II Title 1993 005.4'3 dc20 92-19965 CIP Copyright© 1993 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys tem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher Printed in the United States of America 10-HA-95949392 To the open systems standards community To my mother Doris S Wilhelm Series Foreword Marshall Kirk McKusick John S Quarterman Addison-Wesley is proud to publish the UNIX and Open Systems Series The primary audience for the Series will be system designers, implementors, adminis trators, and their managers The core of the series will consist of books detailing operating systems, standards, networking, and programming languages The titles will interest specialists in these fields, as well as appeal more broadly to computer scientists and engineers who must deal with open-systems environments in their work The Series comprises professional reference books and instructional texts Open systems allow users to move their applications between systems easily; thus, purchasing decisions can be made on the basis of cost-performance ratio and vendor support, rather than on which systems will run a user 's application suite Decreasing computer hardware prices have facilitated the widespread adoption of capable multiprocess, multiuser operating systems, UNIX being a prime example Newer operating systems, such as Mach and Chorus, support additional services, such as lightweight processes The Series illuminates the design and implementa tion of all such open systems It teaches readers how to write applications pro grams to run on these systems, and gives advice on administration and use The Series treats as a unified whole the previously distinct fields of network ing and operating systems Networks permit open systems to share hardware and software resources, and allow people to communicate efficiently The exponential growth of networks such as the Internet and the adoption of protocols such as TCP/IP in industry, government, and academia have made network and system administration critically important to many organizations This Series will examine many aspects of network protocols, emphasizing the interaction with operating systems It will focus on the evolution in computer environments and will assist professionals in the development and use of practical networking tech nologies v vi Series Foreword Standards for programming interfaces, protocols, and languages are a key concern as networks of open systems expand within organizations and across the globe Standards can be useful for system engineering, application programming, marketing, and procurement; but standards that are released too late, cover too lit tle, or are too narrowly defined can be counterproductive This series will encour age its readers to participate in the standards process by presenting material that details the use of specific standards to write application programs, and to build modern multiprocess, multiuser computing environments Newer operating systems are implemented in object-oriented languages, and network protocols use specialized languages to specify data formats and to com pile protocol descriptions As user interfaces become increasingly sophisticated, the level at which they are programmed continues to evolve upward, from system calls to remote procedure call compilers and generic description environments for graphical user interfaces The effects of new languages on systems, programs, and users are explored in this series Foreword Carl Cargill The quest for open systems in the world of Information Technology has been lengthy, complex, and confusing Much of the delay in achieving open systems can be traced back to the need by vendors to compete with one another and to innovate - to change things to achieve higher performance, lower price, or any of a myriad of other market factors, all based on technology Users encouraged the competition, rewarding "fast" or " complex" or "large" by buying the offered systems In the late 970s, however, a gentle revolution began Computing became ubiquitous - and the advent of the personal computer showed that work done on a home computer could not be transferred to work done on an office machine As interoperability became a necessity in the eyes of users, vendors leapt to the answer that they knew - more and faster technology Over the past five years, however, this answer has proved to be not the one that the users sought The users were looking for a different answer - because they had asked a different ques tion The question was, very simply, "How I, as a user, ensure that anyone who needs information and knowledge has access to it at the right time and in the right format? " This book provides a fascinating look at an industry in transition - an indus try trying to move a ubiquitous operating system called UNIX into commercial acceptability, and the attempts of non-UNIX vendors to understand the siren song of UNIX It shows, more accurately than any other document that I 've found, how the standardization process changes an industry It also shows the glacial power and speed (unfortunately) of standards - once set in motion, the compelling need that created POSIX could not be stopped Modifications occurred, but almost always in response to an implicit or explicit user requirement The book also shows how the user question of information interoperability, rather than equip ment or data interoperability, is finally being addressed by the industry vii Foreword viii This book shows that the market an often-abused term - does understand what it is doing, and does respond It is compelling reading, and should be required for anyone who wants to understand how the Information Technology market works, both strategically and tactically - Foreword James Isaak The world of UNIX standards started in 98 , when /usr/group (which is now Uni Forum) started a committee on the subject In 984, the work of this group moved into an IEEE Computer Society project that was approved in 983, and was joined by many new participants including NBS (which is now NIST) In 985, AT&T Computer Systems (now NCR), which was responsible for marketing UNIX (which is now done by USL), published SVID Also in 984, a group of vendors called BISON in Europe (now known as X/Open) formed to create specifications for a "level playing field " BISON was originally composed of Bull (aka Honey well-Bull), ICL (aka Fujitsu), Siemens, Olivetti, and Nixdorf (now Siemens Nixdorf) By 986, the first IEEE Standard was published as "POSCE" (called IEEEIX), now known as POSIX It is quite clear that some guide is needed to keep track of the relevant con cepts in this moving mosaic As the world of UNIX merges into the mainstream of information technology, and the full range of capability needed for complex applications needs to be described, we enter a cacophony of acronyms In addi tion to traditional C, TCP/lP and FORTRAN, we find Ada, COBOL, OSI, X.400, SQL, ODIF, DME; from groups such as OSF, UI, JTC , X3, ANSI, all put into a coherent structure by organizations such as NIST, POSC, EWOS, and OIW While you might want to ignore this mumbo-jumbo, that could be bad for your ROI (return on investment) In a competitive world where changes in busi ness and technology abound, the alphabet soup of standards offers one of the few paths to move forward into the future with confidence This book provides you with the secret decoder ring that will help to translate standards jargon into a practical approach to applications portability and interoper ability of open systems ix - ·- -.,.·� - -·· · ·-· '': · , ,;: · ·< -�- ;c: ; : ,� 402 Conforming Implementation, 256 Conforming POSIX Application, 253 Conforming POSIX Application Using Extensions, 254 Connection Oriented Network Protocol (CONP), 335 Connection Oriented Network Service (CONS), 187, 335 Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP), 187, 334 Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), 187, 334 CONP (Connection Oriented Network Protocol), 335 CONS (Connection Oriented Network Service), 187, 335 consensus, 24, 26 consistent, 260 coordination, 290 Corporation for the National Research Initiative (CNRI), 116 Corporation for Open Systems (COS), 111, i 90, 243 COS (Corporation for Open Systems), 111, 90, 243 Council, 80 cpio, 59 CSA (Canadian Standards Association), 90 CSBTS (China State Bureau of Technical Supervision), 115 CSL (Computer Systems Laboratory), 243, 267 CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Detection), 63 CSRG (Computer Systems Research Group), 33, 99, 321 D DAC (Discretionary Access Control), 179, 80 DAD (Driveability Analysis Data), 170 Danish Standards Association (DS), 93 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 194, 99 Data Representation Interface (DRI), 173 Database Management System Interface (DBMSIF), 108 DBMSIF (Database Management System Interface), 108 Index DCA (Defense Communications Agency), 106, 339 DCE (Distributed Computing Environment), 39 de facto standard, , 62, 14 de jure standard, , 59 DECdts (Digital 's Distributed Time Synchronization Service), 316 DECNET, 43 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 194, 99 Defense Communications Agency (DCA), 106, 339 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 106, 07, 33 , 339 Department of Defense (DoD ), 106, 99, 338-339 Department of Energy (DOE), 195, 99 Detailed Network Interface (DNI), 172 Digital (Digital Equipment Corporation), 35, 43, 99, 245 Digital 's Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DECdts), 316 DIN (German Standards Institute), 79, 84, 92 DIS (Draft International Standard), 133 DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency), 106, 07, 33 , 339 Discretionary Access Control (DAC), 179, 80 distributed computing, Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), 39 Distributed Computing Environment (OSF DCE), 6, Distributed Management Environment (DME), 39, 00, 327 Distributed Object Management Model (DOMM), 327 Distributed Services Steering Committee (DSSC), 154, 75 , distribution services, 172 DME (Distributed Management Environment), 39, 00, 327 DNI (Detailed Network Interface), 172 DNS (Domain Name Service), 194, 7, 320 DNS (Domain Name System), 194 DoD (Department of Defense), 106, 99, 338-339 Index DOE (Department of Energy), 195, 99 Domain Name Service (DNS), 194, 17 , 320 Domain Name System (DNS), 194 DOMM (Distributed Object Management Model), 327 downloading, 56 DP (Draft Proposal), 133 dpANS (draft proposed American National Standard), 126, 32 Draft, 25 Draft International Standard (DIS), 133 Draft Proposal (DP), 133 draft proposed American National Standard (dpANS), 126, 32 DRI (Data Representation Interface), 173 Driveability Analysis Data (DAD), 170 DS (Danish Standards Association), 93 DSSC (Distributed Services Steering Committee), 154, 175, due process, 86, 24, 26 E EC (European Commission), 195 ECITC (European Committee for IT 'resting and Certification), 93, 268 ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association), 103 EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format), 89 EEi (External Environment Interface), 63, 290, 305 EIA (Electronic Industries Association), 89 88open (88open Consortium), 322 Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF), 89 Electronic Industries Association (BIA), 89 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 115 ENV (European Prestandards ), 95 ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), 115 ETS (European Telecoms Standards), 95 ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), 95 EUC (Extended UNIX Code), 279 European Commission (EC), 195 European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), 95 403 European Committee for IT Testing and Certification (ECITC), 93, 268 European Committee for Normalisation (CEN), 95, 297 European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), 103 European Conference of Post and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), 95 European Forum for Open Systems (EurOpen), 74, 108 European Prestandards (ENV), 95 European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 95 European Telecoms Standards (ETS), 95 European UNIX system Users Group (EUUG), 108 European Workshop on Open Systems (EWOS), 111, 90, 289, 297 EurOpen (European Forum for Open Systems), 74, 08 EUUG (European UNIX system Users Group), 108 evaluators, 266 EWOS (European Workshop on Open Systems), 111, 90, 289, 297 EWOS Expert Group on the Common Application Environment (EWOS/EG CAE), 112, 294, 297 EWO S/EG"CAE (EWOS Expert Group on the Common Application Environment), 112, 294, 297 Executive Board, 80 Extended UNIX Code (EUC), 279 extension, 60-6 External Data Representation (XDR), 7, 87- 88, 320 External Environment Interface (EEi), 63 , 290, 305 F FAA (Federal Aviation Agency), 243 FARs (Federal Aquisition Regulations), 245 FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 243 FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), 63, 334 feature test macro, 249, 262 Index 404 Federal Aquisition Regulations (FARs), 245 Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 243 Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 243 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), 89, 243, 245, 33 Federal Networking Council (FNC), 195 Federated Naming, 320 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 63, 334 File Transfer, Access, and Manipulation (FTAM), 176, 334 File Transport Protocol (FTP), 188 FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard), 89, 243, 245, 3 FIPS (NIST FIPS ), 331 FIPS - (NIST FIPS - ), 307, 33 , 332 FIPS -2 (NIST FIPS -2), 89 FNC (Federal Networking Council), 195 formal standard, 59 Fortran, 237 4.3BSD Manual (UNIX User's Reference Manual, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution), 167 framework, 68, 287, 289, 294 Free Software Foundation (FSF), 40 French Association for Normalization (AFNOR), 74, 84 French National Research Institute for Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), 36 French Standard (NF), 85 FSF (Free Software Foundation), 40 FTAM (File Transfer, Access, and Manipulation), 176, 334 FTP (File Transport Protocol), 188 functional standard, 52, 66, 290 German Standards Institute (DIN), 79, 84, 92 GKS (Graphical Kernel System), 168, GKS-3D (Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions), 171 GOSI (Generic Operating System Interface), 296 GOSIP (Government OSI Profile), 333 Government Centre for Information Systems (CCTA), 90, 294, 33 , 340 Government OSI Profile (GOSIP), 333 Graphical Kernel System (GKS), 168, Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions (GKS-3D), 171 Graphical User Interface (GUI), 7, 68, Group o f Ten, 05 Groupe Bull (Bull), 99 GSA (General Services Administration), 243 GSBCA (General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals), 245 GUI (Graphical User Interface), 7, 68, GUI Wars, 70, guide, 67, 88, 287, 290 H Hamilton Group, 99 Han Characters Collection (HCC), 279 Hangul, 279 Hanzi, 279 harmonization, 290 Harmonization Documents (HD), 95 harmonized, 66 HCC (Han Characters Collection), 279 HD (Harmonization Documents), 95 header files, 63 headers, 63 HEMS (High-Level Entity Management System), 213 G Hewlett-Packard (HP), 35, 99, High-Level Entity Management System General Assembly, 80 (HEMS), 213 General Services Administration (GSA), Hiragana, 279 243 General Services Administration Board of historical implementation, 64 Hitachi (Hitachi Ltd.), 99 Contract Appeals (GSBCA), 245 hosted, Generate certification, 323 Generic Operating System Interface (GOSI), H P (Hewlett-Packard), 35, 99, 296 HP-UX, 35 Index I 405 IEEE P1003 l -LIS (Pl003 l-LIS Language Independent Standard), 226 IAB (Internet Architecture Board), 107, IEEE P1003.4 (P1 003.4 Realtime and 1 6-1 17, 336 Related System API), 177, 308 and layers and processes, 84 IEEE P1003.4a (Pl003.4a Threads and Motif and OPENLOOK, 70 Extensions to 1003.4), 64, 177, 238, and procurement profiles, 3 308 and TCP/IP protocol standardization IEEE P l 003.4b (Pl003.4b Other Extensions bodies, 1 to 1003.4), 177 IAB Official Protocol Standards, 205 IEEE P1003.5 (P1003.5 Ada Binding to The IAB Standards Track, 204 1003 - 990), 239 IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers IEEE Pl003.6 (P1 003.6 Security), 179 Authority), 208 IEEE P l 003.7 (P1003.7 System IAPs (Interfaces for Application Portability), Administration), 10, 325 294 IEEE P1003.8 (P1003.8 Transparent File IBM (International Business Machines, Access), 176 IEEE P1003.9 (P1003.9 Fortran 77 Binding Inc.), 36, 43, 99 IBM CTS (IBM Conformance Test Suite), to 1003 - 1990), 237 IEEE P 003 (P1003 Supercomputing 270 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), AEP), 29 , 309, 10 208 IEEE P1003 1 (P1003 1 Transaction IEC (International Electrotechnical Processing AEP), 310 Commission), 78, 82, 32 IEEE P 003 (P1 003 Protocol IEC TC47 (IEC Technical Committee 47), Independent Interface), 175 81 IEEE P1003 (P1003 Realtime AEP), IEC TC83 (IEC Technical Committee 83), 177, 308 81 IEEE P1003 (Pl003 Multiprocessing AEP), 303, 308 IEC Technical Committee 47 (IEC TC47), 81 IEEE P1003 (Pl 003 Supercomputing Batch Element AEP), 29 , 310, IEC Technical Committee 83 (IEC TC83), IEEE P1003 (P1003 C Binding to 81 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Ele«tronics 1003 l LIS), 236 Engineers), 74, 88, 129, 152 IEEE P1003 (Pl003 Directory IEEE 1003 (IEEE Std 1003 - 990), 154, Services API), 173 245, 307, 2, 3 -332 IEEE P l 003 (P1003 POSIX IEEE 003.2 (IEEE Std 1003.2- 1992), 165, Environment Platform Profile), 292, 310 303, 307, 308 IEEE 1003.2a (IEEE Std 1003.2a- 1992), IEEE P1003 (P1003 Fortran 1990 LI 166, Binding to 1003 lLIS), 238 IEEE 1003.3 (IEEE Std 1003.3- 99 ), 246, IEEE P1003.20 (P1003.20 Ada thin LI 258 Binding to 003 l LIS), 239 IEEE Computer Society (IEEE/CS), 27, IEEE P l 20 (P1 201 Window Interface 129, 152 for User and Application Portability), IEEE P1003, 3 169 IEEE P1003.0 (POSIX Guide), 287, 290, IEEE Pl 224 (Pl 224 Message Handling 294, 303, 304 Services (MHS), 173 IEEE P1003 l a (Pl003 la System Interface IEEE Pl237 (P l237 Remote Procedure Call Extensions), 165 (RPC) API), 172 IEEE P1003 lb (P1003 lb System Interface IEEE P 238 (P l 238 Common OSI API), Extensions), 165 173 / 406 IEEE P l 238 I (P l 238 I FfAM API part), 173 IEEE P l 295 I (Pl 295 I Modular Toolkit Environment), 170 IEEE P l 295 (P l 295.2 Open Toolkit Environment), 170 IEEE Std 003 - 988, 3 -332 IEEE Std 003 - 990 (IEEE 003 ), 154, 245, 307, 2, 33 -332 IEEE Std 003.2- 992 (IEEE 1003.2), 165, 310 IEEE Std 003.2a- 992 (IEEE 003.2a), 166, IEEE Std 003.3- 99 (IEEE 1003.3), 246, 258 IEEE/CS (IEEE Computer Society), 27, 29, 152 IEEE/CS Standards Activities Board (SAB), 28, 170 IEEE/CS Standards Coordinating Committee (SCC), 170 IEEE/CS TCOS Standards Subcommittee (TCOS-SS), 88, 27, 43, 152 IEEE/CS TCOS-SS Sponsor Executive Committee (SEC), 127, 52, 1 8N (internationalization), 271 IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group), 118 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 107, 1 5, 1 8, 84, 336 IFRB (International Frequency Registration Board), 83 implementation, 53, 64 Implementation Agreement, 1 implementation defined, 250, 252 Independent Software Vendor (ISV), 101 INET92 (International Networking Conference 992), 116 information portability, 56 Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 94 Information Technology (IT), 77 Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), 178 Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (ITSCJ), 94 Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSTC), 96 Information Technology Task Force (ITTF), 80 Index Information Telecommunications Technology Group (ITTG), 89 INRIA (French National Research Institute for Computer Science and Automation), 36 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 74, 88, 29, Institutional Representative (IR), 110, 28- 29 INTAP (Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing), 115 INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation (ISC), 8, 35 interculturized, 272 Interfaces for Application Portability (IAPs), 294 The International Association of Open Systems Professionals (UniForum), 74, 09 International Business Machines, Inc (IBM), 36, 43, 99 International Consultative Committee on Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT), 83, 84 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 78, 82, 32 International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB), 83 International Networking Conference 992 (INET92), 116 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 78, 32, 84 International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), 83 International Standard (IS), 133 International Standardized Profile, See ISP International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 78, 83, 89 internationalization (1 8N), 271 internationalized, 28 The Internet, 94- 95 Internet Architecture Board, See IAB Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 208 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 208 Internet Draft, 20 l Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), 118 Index Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 107, 15, 1 8, 84, 336 Internet Protocol (IP), 27, 94, 208 Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), 119 Internet Society (ISOC), 115, 336 Internet Standard, 199 Interoperability Technology Association for lnfonnation Processing (INTAP), 115 Interoperability Test suite (ITS/88), 323 interpretations, 25 IP (Internet Protocol), 27, 194, 208 IPSJ (lnfonnation Processing Society of Japan), 94 IR (Institutional Representative), 110, 28- 29 IRTF (Internet Research Task Force), 119 is, 248-249 IS (International Standard), 133 IS 9945- (IS 9945- : 1990), 154, 303 IS9945- l/l 990, 298 ISC (INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation), 8, 35 ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 78, 32, 84 ISO C, 237 ISO Development Environment (ISODE), 190 ISO TC97 (ISO Technical Committee 97), 81 ISO Technical Committee 97 (ISO TC97), 81 ISOC (Internet Society), 115, 336 ISODE (ISO Development Environment), 190 ISO/IEC 9945 - , 307 ISO/IEC Confonning POSIX Application, 253 ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee One (ISO/IEC JTC l ), 296 ISO/IEC ITC l (ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee One), 296 ISO/IEC ITC SC22 WG 15, 74-75 ISO/IEC ITC SC22 WG 15 Security Rapporteur Group (SRG), 181 ISP (International Standardized Profile), 52, 292 and AOW, 1 and EWOS, 1 and frameworks, 294 and PSC, 303 407 ISV (Independent Software Vendor), 101 IT (Infonnation Technology), 77 IT Ad Hoc Expert Group on Advanced Manufacturing (ITAEGM), 96 IT Ad Hoc Expert Group on Standardization (ITAEGS), 96 ITAEGM (IT Ad Hoc Expert Group on Advanced Manufacturing), 96 ITAEGS (IT Ad Hoc Expert Group on Standardization), 96 ITS/88 (Interoperability Test suite), 323 ITSCJ (lnfonnation Technology Standards Commission of Japan), 94 ITSEC (Infonnation Technology Security Evaluation Criteria), 178 ITSTC (Infonnation Technology Steering Committee), 96 ITTF (lnfonnation Technology Task Force), 80 ITTG (lnfonnation Telecommunications Technology Group), 89 ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 78, 83, 89 J Japan Business Manufacturer Association (JBMA), 94 Japan Standards Association (JSA), 94 Japan UNIX Society (jus), 74, 109 Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA), 94 Japanese Industrial Standards Commission (JISC), 84, 93, 295 Japanese Institute for Standards (JIS), 79 JBMA (Japan Business Manufacturer Association), 94 JEIDA (Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association), 94 JIS (Japanese Institute for Standards), 79 JISC (Japanese Industrial Standards Commission), 84, 93, 295 Joint European Standards Institution (CEN/CENELEC), 95 Joint Technical Committee One (ITC ), 81, 32 JSA (Japan Standards Association), 94 / 408 ITAP (U.S TAG to ITC Applications Portability Study Group), 298 ITC (Joint Technical Committee One), 81, 32 ITFS (U.S JTC TAG for SGFS), 297 jus (Japan UNIX Society), 74, 109 Index Mandatory Access Control (MAC), 179, 180 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 36 The Matrix, 194 may, 248 and conforming implementation options, 257 and Conforming POSIX.1 Application, K 253 and Conforming POSIX Application Kanji, 279 Using Extensions, 254 Katakana, 279 and extended and conditional assertions, Kerberos, K&R C, 236 262 and from implementation defined to undefined, 250, 252 L and shall, should, and may, 248-249 LAFI (Look and Feel Interface), 214 and subsets, 299 LAFI API ("look and feel" independent may not, 249 API), 169 Memoranda of Understanding, 12 Lan Manager/X (LMX), 317 Message Handling System (MHS), 184, 334 language binding, 223 MHS (Message Handling System), 184, 334 language binding defined, 250, 252 MIA (Multivendor Integration Architecture language independence (LI), 223 Consortium), 105 language-independent standard (LIS), 223 MIB (Management Information Base), 328 LAPI (Layered Application Programming Military Standard (MIL-STD), 107, 245, Interface), 169 339 Layered Application Programming Interface MIL-STD (Military Standard), 107, 245, (LAP!), 169 339 legacy system, 55, 65 minimal standard, 59 LI (language independence), 223 Ministry of International Trade and Industry LIS (language-independent standard), 223 (MIT!), 93 LMX (Lan Manager/X), 317 Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications locale, 272, 274, 280 (MPT), 94 localization (L I ON), 271 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of localized application, 274 Technology), 36 "look and feel" independent API (LAFI MITI (Ministry of International Trade and API), 169 Industry), 93 Look and Feel Interface (LAFI), 214 model, 68 L I ON (localization), 271 Modular Toolkit Environment (MTE), 170 Motif, 170 MPT (Ministry of Posts and M Telecommunications), 94 MAC (Mandatory Access Control), 179, 80 MTE (Modular Toolkit Environment), 170 Mach, 36 Multivendor Integration Architecture Mail Exchange (MX), 194, 97 Consortium (MIA), 105 Management Information Base (MIB), 328 M.U.S.I.C (Management, User Interface, Management, User Interface, System System Interface, Information, Interface, Information, Communications), 294 Communications (M.U.S.I.C.), 294 MX (Mail Exchange), 194, 197 Index N NAMAS (National Measurement Accreditation Service), 266 namespace pollution, 64 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 195, 99 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 195, 99 Conforming POSIX Application, 253-254 national body development, 132- 33 National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 90, 245 National Institute of Standards and Technology, See NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Application Portability Platform (NIST APP), 67, 33 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 195 National Measurement Accreditation Service (NAMAS), 266 National Science Foundation (NSF), 195, 199 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), 243, 265 NBS (National Bureau of Standards), 90, 245 NCA (Network Computing Architecture), 7, 318 NCS (Network Computing System), , NCSC (U.S National Computer Security Commission), 179 NCSC specification and evaluation of trusted systems (TRUSIX), 179 NDR (Network Data Representation), 7, need not, 249 NesCom (New Standards Committee), 127, 28 network, Network Computing Architecture (NCA), 7, 318 Network Computing System (NCS), , Network Data Representation (NDR), , Network File System (NFS), , 34, 76, 92, 321 Network Interface Definition Language (NIDL), 317 Network Management Forum (NMF), 328 409 Network Time Protocol (NTP), 316 New Proposal (NP), 132 , 35 New Standards Committee (NesCom), 127, 28 Next Generation Computer Resources (NGCR), 107, 08 NF (French Standard), 85 NFS (Network File System), 7, 34, 76, 92, 321 NGCR (Next Generation Computer Resources), 107, 108 NIDL (Network Interface Definition Language), 317 NIH (National Institutes of Health), 195 NIH (Not Invented Here), 193 Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT) , 105 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 38, 89, 242 and AFCAC 25 , 245 and history, 243 and NIST FIPS -2, 3 and NIST profiles, 33 and procurement profiles, 33 NIST APP (National Institute of Standards and Technology Application Portability Platform), 67, 33 NIST FIPS, 307 NIST FIPS i (PIPS ), 331 NIST FIPS - (PIPS - ), 307, 33 , 332 NIST FIPS -2 (FIPS -2), 89 NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS), 242, 246, 269 NIST-PCTS (NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suite), 242, 246, 269 Nixdorf (Nixdorf Computer AG), 99 NMF (Network Management Forum), 328 Not Invented Here (NIH), 193 NP (New Proposal), 132, 135 NSF (National Science Foundation), 195, 199 NTP (Network Time Protocol), 316 NTT (Nippon Telephone and Telegraph), 105 NTT Communications Systems Corporation (NTT DATA), 105 NTT DATA (NTT Communications Systems Corporation), 105 Number Czar, 208 Index 41 NVLAP (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program), 243, 265 Object certification, 323 Object Compatibility Standard (OCS), 322 Object Management Group (OMG), 328 OCS (Object Compatibility Standard), 322 ODA (Office Documentation Architecture), 334 ODP (Open Distributed Processing), 113 ODT (Open Desktop Environment), Office Documentation Architecture (ODA), 334 Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 245 OIW (OSE Implementation Workshop), 112, 90, 209, 267, 299 OIW (OSI Implementor 's Workshop), 112 OLTP (online transaction processing), 321 OMB (Office of Management and Budget), 245 OMG (Object Management Group), 328 ONC (Open Network Computing), 6, ONI (OSI Network Interface), 173 online transaction processing (OLTP), 321 open, Open Desktop Environment (ODT), Open Distributed Processing (ODP), 113 Open Network Computing (ONC), 6, 321 open process, Open Software Foundation (OSF), , 34, 39, 74, 99 open specification, , 62, 1 open system, 42, 66 Open System Environment, See OSE Open System Environment technical committee (OTC), 113 Open Systems Interconnection, See OSI Open Toolkit Environment (OTE), 170 OPENLOOK, 70 Operating Systems Standards Working Group (OSSWG), 108 option set, 29 , 33 optional, 262 Orange Book, 179 OSE (Open System Environment), 66 and frameworks, 287 and IEEE P 003.0 POSIX guide, 304 and issues, 267 and NIST APP, 332 and open system profile hierarchy, 289-290 and OSI and open systems profile hierarchies, 288 and OSI workshops, 1 and problems, and profile, 67 and SSI, 296 and TCOS profiles and distributed computing, 1 OSE Implementation Workshop (OIW), 112, 90, 209, 267, 299 OSE profile, 292 OSF (Open Software Foundation), 6, 34, 39, 74, 99 OSF DCE (Distributed Computing Environment), 6, OSF/ l , OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), 27, 43 and history, 243 and issues, 267 and layers and processes, 84 and networking, 42 and OSI workshops, 1 OSI Distributed Transaction Processing (OSI DTP), 310, 1 OSI DTP (OSI Distributed Transaction Processing), 310, 1 OSI Implementor's Workshop (OIW), 112 OSI Network Interface (ONI), 173 OSSWG (Operating Systems Standards Working Group), 108 OTC (Open System Environment technical committee), 113 OTE (Open Toolkit Environment), 170 p P 003 l a System Interface Extensions (IEEE P l 003 l a), 165 P l 003 b System Interface Extensions (IEEE P l 003 l b), 165 P l 003 l -LIS Language Independent Standard (IEEE P 003 -LIS), 226 P 003.4 Realtime and Related System API (IEEE P l 003 4), 177, 308 P 003 4a Threads Extensions to 003 (IEEE P1 003.4a), 64, 177, 238, 308 41 Index Pl003.4b Other Extensions to 1003.4 (IEEE Pl003.4b), 177 Pl003.5 Ada Binding to 1003 - 990 (IEEE Pl003.5), 239 Pl003.6 Security (IEEE P l 003.6), 179 Pl003.7 System Administration (IEEE Pl003.7), 0, 325 Pl003.8 Transparent File Access (IEEE Pl003.8), 176 Pl003.9 Fortran 77 Binding to 003 - 990 (IEEE Pl003.9), 237 Pl003 Supercomputing AEP (IEEE Pl003 0), 29 , 309, Pl003 l l Transaction Processing AEP (IEEE Pl003 l l ), 310 Pl003 Protocol-Independent Interface (IEEE P l 003 12), 175 P1003 Realtime AEP (IEEE Pl003 3), 177, 308 Pl003 14 Multiprocessing AEP (IEEE Pl003 4), 303, 308 Pl003 Supercomputing Batch Element AEP (IEEE P1003 5), 29 , 310, Pl003 C Binding to 003 l LIS (IEEE Pl003 6), 236 Pl003 Directory Services API (IEEE Pl003 7), 173 Pl003 POSIX Environment Platform Profile (IEEE Pl003 8), 292, 303, 307, 308 Pl003 Fortran 990 LI Binding to 1003 l LIS (IEEE P l 003 9), 238 Pl003.20 Ada thin LI Binding to 1003 lLIS (IEEE P 1003.20), 239 P 20 Window Interface for User and Application Portability (IEEE P120 ) , 169 Pl 224 Message Handling Services (MHS (IEEE P 1224), 173 P1237 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API (IEEE P1237), 172 Pl238 Common OSI API (IEEE P 238), 173 P1238 l FTAM API part (IEEE P1238 l ), 173 P 295 Modular Toolkit Environment (IEEE P 295 l ), 170 P1295.2 Open Toolkit Environment (IEEE P1295.2), 170 PAR (Project Authorization Request), 127 and differences in processes, 35 and PMC, 53 and Propose, 27 parameter files, 63 pathname, 159 pax, 62 PCC (Portable C Compiler), 32 PCI (Personal Computer Integration), 317 PC-NFS, pcode (pseudocode), 54 PCTE (Portable Common Tools Environment), 103 PCTS (POSIX Conformance Test Suite), 242 PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail), 200 PEP (POSIX Environment Platform profile), 67, 290, 292, 307 Personal Computer Integration (PCI), 317 Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation (POSC), 74, 05, 340 PEX (PRIGS Extension to X), 171 PRIGS (Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard), 168, 171 PRIGS Extension t o X (PEX), 171 PII (Protocol Independent Interface), 175, 88, platform profile, 67, 292, 307 PMC (Project Management Committee), 127, 153, 175 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 184, 206 port, 44 portability, I O Portable application, 252 Portable C Compiler (PCC), 32 Portable Common Tools Environment (PCTE), 103 portable filename character set, 59 Portable Operating System Interface, See POSIX POSC (Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation), 74, 05, 340 POSI (Promoting Conference for OSI), 111 POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), 88 and IEEE/CS TCOS standards, 43 and industry organizations and user groups, 74 and processes, 76 and Propose, 127 Index 41 and relationship between standards bodies, 74 and TSG- , 298 POSIX Conformance Test Suite (PCTS), 242 POSIX conformant, 260 POSIX Environment Platform profile (PEP), 67, 290, 292, 307 POSIX Guide (IEEE P 003.0), 287, 290, 294, 303, 304 POSIX Open System Environment (POSIX OSE), 290, 304 POSIX OSE (POSIX Open System Environment), 290, 304 POSIX SP (POSIX Standardized Profile), 303, 307 POSIX Standardized Profile (POSIX SP), 303, 307 POSIX Standards Style Guide (PSSG), 107 PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 184, 206 Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), 200 product, 264 The Professional and Technical UNIX Association (USENIX), 74, 1 profile, 52, 66-67 and frameworks, 287 and profiles, 207 and simple profile, 29 Profile Steering Committee (PSC), 154, 0, 299, 303, profiling, 288 Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard (PHIGS), 168, prohibited, 25 Project Authorization Request, See PAR Project Management Committee (PMC), 127, 53, 175 Project Proposal, 26 Promoting Conference for OSI (POSI), 111 Propose, 25 Protocol Independent Interface (PII), 175, 88, protocol model, 288 Protocol Standards Steering Group (PSSG), 106, 07, 33 , 339 protocol suite, 288 PSC (Profile Steering Committee), 154, 0, 299, 303, pseudocode (pcode), 54 PSSG (POSIX Standards Style Guide), 107 PSSG (Protocol Standards Steering Group), 106, 07, 33 , 339 pthreads, 77 public domain specification, 1 public specification, 52, 63, 1 R (recognition arrangements), 268 Rapporteur Group on Conformance Testing (RGCT), 268 Rapporteur Group on Coordination of Profile Activities (RGCPA), 300 Rapporteur Group for Internationalization (RIN), 292 RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne), 190, 95 reaffirmation, 27 recognition arrangements (RA), 268 recommendations, 83 recommended practice, 88 reference model, 67, 287-288 Regional Workshop Coordinating Committee (RWCC), 112 Remote File System (RFS), 34, 76 Remote Procedure Call (RPC), 7, 172, 320 Request for Comments (RFC), 199, 336, 339 Request for Proposals (RFP), 89, 245, 29 Request for Technology (RFT), 39, 99 Requirements Interest Groups (RIGs), 113 Requirements Specification, 207 Reseaux IP Europeens (RIPE), 195 Review, 25 revision, 27 RFC (Request for Comments), 199, 336, 339 RFC 822, 207 RFC 036, 207 RFP (Request for Proposals), 89, 245, 291 RFS (Remote File System), 34, 176 RFT (Request for Technology), 39, 99 RGCPA (Rapporteur Group on Coordination of Profile Activities), 300 RGCT (Rapporteur Group on Conformance Testing), 268 RIGs (Requirements Interest Groups), 113 RIN (Rapporteur Group for Internationalization), 292 RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens), 195 RA Index RMSC (Roadmap Subcommittee), 100 Roadmap Subcommittee (RMSC), 100 Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne (RARE), 190, 95 romaji, 279 root access, 156 Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE), 197 RPC (Remote Procedure Call), 7, 172, 320 RSRE (Royal Signals and Radar Establishment), 197 RWCC (Regional Workshop Coordinating Committee), 112 41 and Strictly Conforming POSIX Application, 252 should, 248 and Conforming POSIX Application, 253 and Conforming POSIX Application Using Extensions, 255-256 and from implementation defined to undefined, 250, 252 and shall, should, and may, 248-249 and Strictly Conforming POSIX Application, 252 Siemens (Siemens AG), 99 SIG (Special Interest Group), 112 Sil (System Internal Interface), 64, 290 s Simple Gateway Management Protocol SA (Standards Australia), 115 (SGMP), 213 SAB (IEEE/CS Standards Activities Board), Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), 28, 170 214 Santa Cruz Operation (SCO), 7, 35 Simple Network Interface (SNI), 172 SC (subcommittee), 80, 3 Simple Network Management Protocol SCC (IEEE/CS Standards Coordinating (SNMP), 199, 3, 327 Committee), 170 SMB (Server Message Block), 317 SCCT (Steering Committee on SMC (Secretariat Management Committee), Conformance and Testing), 153, 258 87 SCGUI (Steering Committee for Graphical SMCC (Sun Microcomputer Corporation), SMF (Systems Management Framework), User Interfaces), 154 SCO (Santa Cruz Operation), 7, 35 327 SEC (IEEE/CS TCOS-SS Sponsor SMI (Structure of Management Executive Committee), 127, 152, Information), 328 Secretariat, 25 SMI (Sun Microsystems, Inc.), 6, 35, 321 Secretariat Management Committee (SMC), SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), 87 14 Senior Executives for Open Systems (SOS), SNA (System Network Architecture), 43, 62 9, 105 SNAcP (subnetwork access protocol), 187 Senior Executives for Standards, 105 SNDCP (subnetwork-dependent Server Message Block (SMB), 317 convergence protocol), 187 S5R3, 245 SNI (Simple Network Interface), 172 SGFS (Special Group on Functional SNICP (subnetwork-independent Standardization), 81, 296 convergence protocol), 187 SGMP (Simple Gateway Management SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 213 Protocol), 199, 3, 327 shall, 248 sockets (Berkeley sockets), 33, 175, 88 and Conforming POSIX l Application, SOE (Standard Operating Environment), 253 340, 341 and Conforming POSIX l Application Software Testing International (STI), 270 Using Extensions, 255-256 Solaris, and from implementation defined to SOS (Senior Executives for Open Systems), undefined, 250, 252 9, 05 and shall, should, and may, 248-249 SP (Standardized Profile), 52, 292, 303 Index 41 SPAG (Standards Promotion and Application Group), 111 SPARC (Standards Planning and Requirements Committee), 87, SPC (Strategic Planning Committee), 87 Special Group on Functional Standardization (SGFS), 81, 296 Special Interest Group (SIG), 112 specification, , SRG (ISO/IEC ITC SC22 WG1 Security Rapporteur Group), 181 SRI (SRI International), 200 SSI (System Software Interface for Application Programs), 295 standard, , 59 Standard Operating Environment (SOE), 340, 341 Standard Test Environment (STE), 270 Standardized Profile (SP), 52, 292, 303 Standards Australia (SA), 115 Standards Planning and Requirements Committee (SPARC), 87, Standards Promotion and Application Group (SPAG), 111 STE (Standard Test Environment), 270 Steering Committee on Conformance and Testing (SCCT), 153, 258 Steering Committee for Graphical User Interfaces (SCGUI), 154 STI (Software Testing International), 270 Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), 87 Strictly Conforming POSIX Application, 252 Structure of Management Information (SMI), 328 Study, 25 subcommittee (SC), 80, 3 subnetwork access protocol (SNAcP), 187 subnetwork-dependent convergence protocol (SNDCP), 187 subnetwork-independent convergence protocol (SNICP), 187 successful, 263 Sun Microcomputer Corporation (SMCC), Sun Microsystems, Inc (SMI), 6, 35, 321 SunOS, 35 superuser, 56, 80 supplement, SVID (System V Interface Definition), 34, 67, 241 , 14 and AFCAC 25 , 245 and the era of consortia: X/Open; and OSF versus UI and USL, 39 and SVVS, 269 and UI, 100, 348 SVVS (System V Verification Suite), 241, 242, 245, 269 system, System V Interface Definition, See SVID System V Verification Suite (SVVS), 241, 242, 245, 269 System Internal Interface (SIT), 64, 290 System Network Architecture (SNA), 43, 62 System Software Interface for Application Programs (SSI), 295 system under test, 264 Systems Management Framework (SMF), 327 T TAG (Technical Advisory Group), 123, 33 tar, 59 Tar Wars, 62 taxonomy, 68, 289 TC (Technical Committee), 80, TCOS (Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments), 76, 88, 1 0, 27, 52 TCOS-SS (IEEE/CS TCOS Standards Subcommittee), 88, 127, 143, 152 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 27, 208 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 43, 184 TCSEC (Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria), 179 Technical Advisory Group (TAG), 123, 33 Technical Board, 80 Technical Committee (TC), 80, Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments (TCOS), 76, 88, 1 0, 27, 52 Technical Liaison Committee (TLC), 112 Technical Report (TR), 296 Technical Report 10000 (TR 10000), 292 Technical Specification (TS), 205, 207, 336 Technical Study Group (TSG- l), 125, 297 Index Terms of Reference, 300 Test Environment Toolkit (TET), 270 test item, 264 test method, 259 test scaffold, 269 test suite, 269 testing laboratory, 264 TET (Test Environment Toolkit), 270 TFA (Transparent File Access), 173, 176 thick language binding, 229 thin language binding, 228 TIMS (Traditional Interactive Multiuser System), 292, 307 TLC (Technical Liaison Committee), 112 TLI (Transport Layer Interface), 26, 34, 175, 188 TMAC (Treasury Multiuser Acquisition Contract), 244, 247 TR (Technical Report), 296 TRlOOOO (Technical Report 0000), 292 TRl0000- , 289 'rR.10000-2, 289 Traditional Interactive Multiuser System (TIMS), 292, 307 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 27, 208 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 43, 184 Transparent File Access (TFA), 173, 176 Transport Layer Interface (TLI), 26, 34, 175, 188 Treasury Multiuser Acquisition Contract (TMAC), 244, 247 true test, 263 TRUSIX (NCSC specification and evaluation of trusted systems), 179 Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), 179 TS (Technical Specification), 205, 207, 336 TSG- (Technical Study Group ), 125, 297 u UA (User Agent), 217 UAOS (User Alliance for Open Systems), 74, 06, 1 , 1 3, 340 UCB (University of California at Berkeley), 33 41 UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 208 UI (UNIX International), 6, 00 and the era of consortia: X/Open; and OSF versus UI and USL, 39 and industry organizations and user groups, 74 and UI-ATLAS, and UNIX System V, 34 UI-ATLAS, 6, UISC (UNIX International Steering Committee), 100 Ultrix, 35 UN (United Nations), 83 undefined, 250-252 UniCode, 279 UniForum (The International Association of Open Systems Professionals), 74, 09 UniForum 1 8N (UniForum Technical Committee Working Group on Internationalization), 281 UniForum Technical Committee Working Group on Internationalization (UniForum 1 8N), 281 UniForum Technical Committees, 27 United Nations (UN), 83 Universal Transformation Format (UTF2), 279 University of California at Berkeley (UCB), 33 University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute (USC ISi), 200 UNIX International, See UI UNIX International Steering Committee (UISC), 100 UNIX System V, 100 UNIX System Laboratories, See USL UNIX User's Reference Manual, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution (4.3BSD Manual), 167 unspecified, 250-252 UPE (User Portability Extensions), 166 uploading, 56 U.S Air Force Computer Acquisition Center (AFCAC), 245 U.S ITC TAG for SGFS (JTFS), 297 U.S National Computer Security Commission (NCSC), 179 U.S TAG to ITC Applications Portability Study Group (ITAP), 298 Index 41 U.S TAG to WG1 , 298 USC-ISi (University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute), 200 USENIX (The Professional and Technical UNIX Association), 74, I IO User Agent (UA), 217 User Alliance for Open Systems (UAOS), 74, 06, I l l , 1 3, 340 User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 208 user group, 108 user portability, 10, 21 User Portability Extensions (UPE), 166 USL (UNIX System Laboratories), 7, 24 and the era of consortia: X/Open; and OSF versus UI and USL, 39 and SVID, and UI, 100 and UNIX and open systems, 29 and UNIX System V, 34 /usr/group, 09 /usr/group 984 Standard, 307 /usr/group Standards Committee, 37 UTF2 (Universal Transformation Format 2), 279 v Verification Suite for X/Open (VSX), 269 Virtual Terminal (VT), 334 VSX (Verification Suite for X/Open), 269 VT (Virtual Terminal), 334 w Wang, 245 WD (Working Draft), 133 weasel wording, 60, 155 WG (Working Group), 80, 23, 133 WG1 , 298 will, 248-249 withdrawal, 27 Working Draft (WD), 133 Working Group (WG), 80, 23, 133 x XDR (External Data Representation), 7, 87-1 88, 320 XDS (X/Open Directory Service), 316 Xerox Network System (XNS), 33 XNS (Xerox Network System), 33 X/Open (X/Open Company, Ltd), 74, 101, 290, 14 X/Open Directory Service (XDS), 316 X/Open Portability Guide, See XPG X/Open Portability Guide, Issue (XPG3), 297 X/Open System Management (XSM), 326 X/Open TP (X/Open Transaction Processing), 310, 1 X/Open Transaction Processing (X/Open TP), 310, 1 X/Open Transport Interface (XTI), 175, 188 XPG (X/Open Portability Guide), 39, 167, 314 and frameworks, 287 and IEEE P l 003 PEP, 307 and open system profile hierarchy, 290 and open systems and open specifications, 48 and profile, 67 XPG3 (X/Open Portability Guide, Issue 3), 297 XSM (X/Open System Management), 326 X3 (Accredited Standards Committee X3 for Information Technology), 131 X3 159, 64 X3J l l , 64 XTI (X/Open Transport Interface), 175, 188 Xtra, 1 ... integrators, standards participants, managers, consultants, and end users All these can consult The Open Standards Puzzle to learn how standards are produced and how they fit together Application... economic and political problems, but too much pressure on the standards processes can ruin the technical content of the standards, and their utility with it The lack of standards is hurting the computer... is, the groups that cut the puzzle pieces and define the puzzles they are supposed to fit into Part 3, Pieces and Patterns, describes spe cific base standards and extensions, that is, the puzzle