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SONY’S NEXT-GEN OLED TV REVIEWED WORLD CUP SPECIAL! ï 2018’s best new 4K HDR TVs ï Incredible buys from £649 to £12k ï Enjoy the top matches in Ultra HD! PLUS SMART HOME LIVING AMAZING SOUNDBARS FOR EVERY BUDGET HOT! Gadgets to upgrade every room! BLUETOOTH TURNTABLES Vinyl goes wireless TESTED OCULUS GO Why standalone VR is the future TOP PHONES UNDER £300 THE GREAT BEER GUIDE NEW STEP-UP CAMERAS Ditch the phone and go pro today GAMECHANGER The tech that’s so cutting edge, \RXèUHULVNLQJ\RXUĆQJHUV just turning this page ROBO GUARD Keecker doesn’t just project video – it captures it too It can act as a security camera, and you can even take control of it remotely, driving it around the house to check whether you closed the back door, or see what the pets are up to KEECKER 3UHSDUHWRKDYH\RXUPRYLHQLJKWKRXVHSDUW\DQGELJVFUHHQJDPLQJVHVVLRQVHOHYDWHGZLWKWKHZRUOGèVĆUVWYRLFH enabled multimedia robot for the home Keecker is designed to bring your favourite forms of media, and entertainment apps, into a central hub, making control of your home’s entertainment much smarter, faster and easier A party animal and budding DJ, the (iOS, Android) app-connected Keecker runs an Android TV platform (for access to content across Google Play, Chromecast and Google Assistant) and has a built-in 4.1 audio system, featuring four speakers and a subwoofer ,WbFDQbVWUHDPFXVWRPSOD\OLVWVIURP6SRWLI\DQG*RRJOH3OD\0XVLFSOXVLQWHUQHWUDGLRIURP7XQH,QDQGXVHVLWVLQWHJUDWHG GHJUHHDGMXVWDEOHYLGHRSURMHFWRUWRWUDQVIRUPDQ\EODQNZDOORUFHLOLQJLQWRDELJVFUHHQ$QGGRQèWZRUU\LWbZRQèW EDVKbLQWR\RXU,WDOLDQIXUQLWXUHRQWKHZD\å.HHFNHUKDVVHQVRUVWRPDS\RXUKRPHèVVSDFHWKHVDPHVHQVRUVLWXVHV WRbJLYH\RXUHDOWLPHXSGDWHVRQ\RXUKRPHèVKXPLGLW\OHYHOVURRPWHPSHUDWXUHDQGDPELHQWOLJKW £1,690, keecker.com/uk-en T3 N O V E M B ER 017 J U LY 01 T3 Meet the team Meet the team MEET OUR ADVERTISING TEAM Get in touch to see what T3 can for your brand! COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR ADAM GILSENAN adam.gilsenan@futurenet.com +44 (0)7432 609945 MATT BOLTON Editor Matt’s hunt for the best gear to watch the World Cup in 4K (p76) was all-consuming He’s sick of football now Good thing it’s all over, DQGbWKHDFWXDOWRXUQDPHQW isn’t just about to start CLAIRE DAVIES Associate Editor Claire’s week off at the beach during this issue was a relaxing haven away from work Apart from the bit where she tested and wrote about the best tech to take to the beach with you (p20) JO GULLIVER Senior Art Editor During our big smart home feature (p36) photography, Jo became enthralled by the Samsung fridge’s screen It’s the same stuff you on a phone, but it’s just different when it’s on a fridge… ACCOUNT DIRECTOR ANDREW TILBURY andrew.tilbury@futurenet.com, +44 (0)1225 687144 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR RICHARD HEMMINGS richard.hemmings@futurenet.com, +44 (0)1225 687615 ACCOUNT DIRECTOR TRACEY HENDLE tracey.hendle@futurenet.com, +44 (0)1225 687469 MICHELLE MCLAREN Art Editor Michelle tried the latest UXQQLQJDQGĆWQHVVWHFK WRbVHHLILWFRXOGKHOSKHU FRPSOHWHKHUĆUVWPDUDWKRQ (p48) Our favourite gadget was the Wallace & GromitOLNHỗ:URQJ7URXVHUVố KIMBERLEY BALLARD Production Editor With a beautiful city break planned, Kimberley could PRVWO\EHIRXQGỗERUURZLQJố our next-level cameras S b&ULHVRIờ%XWbZHQHHG them to make the issue!” IHOObRQGHDIHDUV ANDREW WESTBROOK Operations Editor The creation of our beer guide (p83) and related WHVWLQJDURXQGWKHRIĆFH enthused Andy We’re considering his proposal WKDWbỗ7ốVKRXOGVWDQGIRU ỗWHTXLODbWHTXLODWHTXLODố THE GLOBAL MAGAZINE T3 is currently licensed worldwide, from Australia to Mexico INDIA PAUL DOUGLAS Global Editor-in-Chief, T3.com Paul loves his vinyl, but there’s only so much retro a man can live with Wires?! He’s not Fred Flintstone Our wireless turntables (p96) bring him right up to date DUNCAN BELL Lifestyle Editor, T3.com In reviewing the Oculus Go standalone VR headset (p90), Duncan is certain that he has seen the future It’s just that he saw it from an inch away, and he’d prefer that it had DbVOLJKWO\KLJKHUUHVROXWLRQ SPENCER HART Product & Style Editor, T3.com Spencer got way more dressed up for his trip on a private jet (p28) than he ever gets for the team, which is… pretty fair, actually, but still DbOLWWOHKXUWIXO ROB JONES Tech & Gaming Editor, T3.com 5REWULHGRXWWKHĆUVW RIbDbQHZEUHHGRIODSWRS powered by phone chips, this month (p98) This is similar WRb5REKLPVHOIZKRLV powered by cheesy chips CONTACT T3 SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET A FREE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER! Our current subscription offer gets you a free Juice Bar portable speaker worth £39.99! Turn to p46 to see our print and digital subscription options! T3 J U LY 01 General email: inbox@t3.com Subscriptions: contact@ myfavouritemagazines.co.uk FRANCE HOW TO LICENSE T3 Interested in publishing a licensed version of T3 in your territory? Please GLUHFWHQTXLULHVWR T3’s Senior Licensing & Syndication Manager, Matt Ellis (matt.ellis@futurenet.com; +44 (0)1225 442244) VISIT T3.COM We’ve overhauled T3.com – the best site for gadget news and reviews now has a great new look and is fully responsive, enabling you to enjoy it on any device Welcome Editor’s letter When it comes to smart home gear, one of the things ,bOLNHWRVHHEXWWKDWDORWRIFRPSDQLHVVHHPWRIRUJHW LVbWKDWWKHJHDUQHHGVWRDFWXDOO\ORRNQLFH6RPHOLYLQJ URRPJDGJHWVFDQJHWDZD\ZLWKEHLQJDELWỗWHFK\ốồ ZHbGRQốWH[SHFW%OXUD\SOD\HUVWREHHVSHFLDOO\DYDQW JDUGHồEXWLI\RXốUHPDNLQJVRPHWKLQJWKDWốVVXSSRVHG WRVLWRQVKHOYHVRUDFRIIHHWDEOH\RXQHHGWRRIIHU more than a functional plastic enclosure That’s why I love something like the Mondaine Smart stop2go Clock that’s in our smart home feature, starting on p36 It starts off as a classic clock, using the company’s Swiss railway design that dates back to 1944 and yet still looks ultra-modern I’d already love to have it in my house… And then you learn that it’s got some added smarts and the deal is sealed The other way companies can go is to make WKHLUVWXIILQYLVLEOHRUKLGGHQZKLFKLVDOVRĆQHEXWWKHUHèV not really any in-between when it comes to home decor Speaking of good-looking stuff in the living room, I’m so excited to have the chance to watch the World Cup in 4K HDR this year (p76) I honestly think football is better the more you feel like you’re really there, and the ambiance RIbDbVXUURXQGVRXQGVWDGLXPDQGFU\VWDOFOHDULPDJHVLV DbELJbVWHSIRUZDUGIRUVXFKDKLJKSURĆOHWRXUQDPHQW Matt Bolton, Editor PDWWKHZEROWRQ#IXWXUHQHWFRP 7ZHHWPH#PDWWKHZEEROWRQ T3’S MISSION Our mission is to bring you the clearest recommendations ZHbFDQåDQGWKDWPHDQVDJUHDWGHDORIKDUGZRUNKDSSHQV before a product even reaches our pages! Because we only feature products the T3 team would KDSSLO\XVHRXUVHOYHVZHHQGXSGLVFDUGLQJDVLJQLĆFDQW QXPEHURIRSWLRQVLQHDFKFDWHJRU\EHIRUHVHWWOLQJRQDĆQDO shortlist to review In this respect, T3 Select does exactly what it says on the tin, picking only the best of the best to test; WKHbJHDUZHNQRZ\RXèOOZDQWWRVHULRXVO\FRQVLGHUSXUFKDVLQJ And that should mean an end to you having to undertake hours of painstaking research and product comparisons You won’t see any duff products, but you will come away with clarity on which one is the best in its category or for DbVSHFLĆFWDVNRXUDZDUGVEDGJHVVHHEHORZ HQVXUHWKDW everything T3 recommends is clearly highlighted on the page It goes without saying that every product in T3 Select KDVbEHHQWKRURXJKO\WHVWHGE\RXUWHDPRIH[SHUWVHQDEOLQJ \RXbWREX\ZLWKWRWDOFRQĆGHQFH OUR AWARDS PLATINUM AWARD THE DESIGN AWARD BEST FOR BATTERY LIFE BEST ON TEST Only the best products – WKRVHWKDWVFRUHĆYHVWDUV – receive our coveted Platinum Award This is given to winners RIbRXUJURXSWHVWVVR\RX FDQbVHHH[DFWO\ZKLFK LVbWKHbEHVWDWDJODQFH This accolade and others OLNHbLWVKRZ\RXZKLFK JHDUbLVbEHVWIRUVSHFLĆF IHDWXUHVbRUbWDVNV For kit that demonstrates exceptional industrial design DQGUHĆQHPHQWLQDGGLWLRQ WRbEHLQJJUHDW T3 J U LY 01 Contents Contents HORIZON 012 036 TOP 10 Fill your gadget-loving boots with this month’s hottest new tech, including the slick OnePlus 6, Nest’s nosy new video doorbell, and an utterly bonkers sea scooter that’s shaped like a shark SMART HOME LIVING Upgrade every room in your KRXVHbZLWKWKH latest and greatest connected home tech, from clever clocks to super smart showers 020 WE CAN BUILD YOU… Heading to the beach this summer? 6WD\bFRRODQGNHHS\RXUNLWGU\ZLWKRXU haul of portable, beach-proof goodies 024 STYLE Tropical print shirts are back, but what you wear with them is key We show you how to work them into your existing wardrobe with ease 026 AUTO &DQèWĆQG\RXUFDU"