2-1 SolutionmanualforAGuidetoComputerUserSupportforHelpDeskandSupportSpecialists4thEditionbyFredBeisse Link full download: https://getbooksolutions.com/download/solution-manual-for-aguide-to-computer-user-support-for-help-desk-and-support-specialists-4th-editionby-fred-beisse/ Link test bank download: https://getbooksolutions.com/download/test-bank-for-a-guide-tocomputer-user-support-for-help-desk-and-support-specialists-4th-edition-by-fred-beisse/ Chapter Customer Service Skills forUserSupport Agents At a Glance Instructor’s Manual Table of Contents Overview Objectives Teaching Tips Quick Quizzes Class Discussion Topics Additional Projects Additional Resources Key Terms 2-2 Lecture Notes Overview In this chapter, students will learn about communication skills, including how to be an effective listener, how to overcome the challenges of telephone communication, and how to develop an effective personal communication style Students will learn strategies for dealing with difficult situations and users An overview of personality types is provided, and students learn how these personality types may cause communications issues The chapter concludes with an introduction to Web 2.0-based usersupport Chapter Objectives In this chapter, students will learn about: The importance of communication skills and customer service relationships forsupport agents Reasons support agents listen and read carefully How agents build and communicate understanding Aspects of effective speaking and nonverbal communication forusersupport How support agents develop a personal communication style Strategies support agents use for telephone communications How support agents develop an incident management strategy How developing an understanding of different personality types and work styles can help an agent Strategies support agents use to handle difficult clients Guidelines for client-friendly communications on usersupport Web sites How to build excellent customer service Teaching Tips Communication and Customer Service Skills Discuss the importance of communication skills when providing customer support Define the term customer-service ethic and explain why organizations place so much emphasis on excellent customer service Review the actions that customer service workers should take tosupport the organization’s customer-service ethic that are listed on page 58 Teaching Tip Ask students to relate experiences in which customer service issues either made them happier or more dissatisfied with a particular product or service 2-3 Using Figure 2-1, introduce the foundations of the communication process Review the six types of listening skills in Table 2-1 Examine the tips and barriers for effective listening listed in Figure 2-2 Discuss strategies for building understanding Make sure that students understand the definition of empathy Some examples of empathetic responses are shown on page 62 Teaching Tip Stress the importance of empathy by asking students to role play a situation first with an empathetic response and then with a nonempathetic response Describe the following four aspects of an effective response: a Use a sincere greeting b Use scripts appropriately c Use tone and style effectively d Recognize the importance of nonverbal communication Make sure that students understand the definition of a script Review the nonverbal behaviors listed in Table 2-2 Develop an Effective Personal Communication Style Explain these tips for an effective personal communication style: a Use clear succinct speech b Avoid empty phrases c Phrase communications positively Teaching Tip Ask students to review the following list of positive phrases: www.callcentrehelper.com/the-top-25-positive-words-and-phrases-1847.htm Quick Quiz 1 Communication is a process that involves both Answer: listening and responding (True/False) Excellent service may be more important to clients than product features, price, convenience, or any other aspect of a business transaction Answer: True What type of listening is involved with understanding the user’s message? Answer: comprehensive 2-4 If every journey begins with a single step, all support communications begin with a(n) Answer: greeting (True/False) Phrase communications with end users negatively, rather than positively Answer: False Special Challenges of Telephone Communication Discuss some of the challenges of telephone communication Review the suggested dialog in Table 2-3, which helps agents in specific situations Assign students to act out the role-playing scenario on page 70 Develop an Incident Management Strategy Define the term incident management strategy Review the four goals of incident management listed on page 71 In addition, review the resources for building an incident management strategy on the same page Guidelines for incident management are listed in Figure 2-3 and are elaborated on in the following sections They include: a Ask goal-directed questions b Be honest c Say “I don’t know” when you don’t d Apologize when appropriate e Say “Thank you” f Use incident management, not user management, techniques g Teach self-reliance Customer Service and Personality Types Categorize the four dimensions of personality measured on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality analysis: a Where you direct your energy? Introvert (I) versus Extrovert (E) b How you process information? Sensing (S) versus Intuition (N) c How you make decisions? Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F) d How you organize your life? Judging (J) versus Perceiving (P) Teaching Tip Students can take the MBTI test to see their own personality type: www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp 2-5 Explain how the MBTI helps workers understand themselves and their coworkers Describe the issues that arise between the most common personality types in usersupport work and the other personality types that might be more common in the end user community Strategies for Difficult Clients and Incidents Describe a difficult client The characteristics of difficult clients are shown in Table 24 Teaching Tip Ask students toa Web search to find tips and strategies for dealing with difficult clients Discuss strategies for dealing with the following types of users and situations: a Users who complain b Contacts by “power users” c Incidents that get off track d Users who are upset or angry e Users who are abusive f Users who are reluctant to respond g Users who won’t stop responding Client-Friendly Web Sites and Web 2.0 Note that the use of support Web sites is growing in recent years Define Web 2.0 and provide examples of Web 2.0 sites and applications Be sure to include a description of user forums and blogs Describe the commonly found features of ausersupport Web site An example site is shown in Figure 2-4 Discuss the following criteria that are important to consider when building asupport Web site: a Content b Organization c Format d Mechanics 2-6 Teaching Tip Students may be interested in the following presentation regarding Web 2.0 anduser support: http://www.slideshare.net/lisbk/web-20-opportunity-or-threat-forit-support-staff Comprehensive Client Services Describe the ways that an organization can ensure excellence in client services Quick Quiz (True/False) Since a caller cannot see the agent on the other end of the phone, nonverbal aspects of communication are unimportant in a telephone support call Answer: False (True/False) Each question asupport agent asks should be designed to move an incident toward a successful resolution Answer: True To create , support agents explain asolution so that the user understands the reasons they encountered a problem and how to fix it Answer: self-reliance There are dimensions of personality measured by the MBTI Answer: four users are those who are technically very knowledgeable, or at least think they are, or who believe they warrant special attention or treatment because they have personal connections with significant people in an organization Answer: Power is the recent development of technologies and Web applications that emphasize interactions among communities of users and the social networking aspects of collaboration and communication among users Answer: Web 2.0 Class Discussion Topics Why are listening skills so important forusersupport workers? How can usersupport workers improve their listening skills? What strategies should workers use to overcome the challenges of telephone-based communication? What about communication over the Internet, such as supportby chat? 2-7 Additional Projects Have students select an issue addressed in the FAQ of a software program they use regularly Ask students to develop a script that could be used tohelpauser having trouble with this issue Have students find a Web 2.0 usersupport site Students should create a brief document describing the features of this site, including the ease of use and the ability to find answers to questions Additional Resources Listening skills exercises: http://ezinearticles.com/?2-Easy-Exercises-to-Improve-Listening-Skills&id=845402 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Web site: www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/ Web 2.0 article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 Key Terms Blog—A feature of a Web site where a writer posts messages to which members of auser community are invited to comment Customer-service ethic—An organization-wide commitment, shared by everyone from top management to operational staff, that client relations and client satisfaction are the most important aspects of a business Difficult client—A user who requires special handling strategies because they are angry, uncommunicative, rude or abusive, or exhibit other hard-to-handle behaviors Empathy—An understanding of and identification with a user’s problem situation, thoughts, and feelings Asupport agent who can empathize with auser understands the problem or question from the client’s perspective and why it is important to the client Greeting—The first few sentences in asupport incident that introduce an agent form the basis for the first impression of the support service by the user, and get the incidentresolution process started on a positive note Incident management strategy—A collection of tools, techniques, and strategies that support agents use during an incident to move effectively and efficiently from the initial greeting to the conclusion of the incident Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—A personality analysis commonly used in business and industry to identify worker personality and work style preferences Nonverbal behavior—Facial expression, body language, and the tone and style of communication Nonverbal communication behavior may be more important than the specific words used in a communication Personal communication style—The result of a series of decisions each support agent makes about how they communicate with end users 2-8 Power user—A user who is technically knowledgeable (or believes that they are), or who may have a relationship with an organization that they feel warrants special attention to their incident Script—A prepared sequence of questions and statements that support agents can use to handle parts of an incident; a script may include decision points and branches to handle different situations Self-reliance—A goal of support service providers that seeks to increase user selfsufficiency and reduce a user’s dependence on support services Support Web site—A Web site devoted to providing clients with product information, software downloads, support staff contacts, anda sales channel Support Web sites are a cost-effective method to communicate with users, but should be designed to be clientfriendly User forums—A feature of a Web site where various discussions are posted to which members of auser community may contribute User forums emphasize the collaborative nature of the Web as a way to encourage interaction and collaboration among users Web 2.0—The recent development of technologies and Web applications that emphasize the social networking aspects of collaboration and communication among users Web 2.0 emphasizes interactive use of the Web