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Link download test bank for disce an introductory latin course volume 1 kenneth kitchell thomas sienkewicz

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Test Bank for Disce An Introductory Latin Course Volume Kenneth Kitchell Thomas Sienkewicz Disce! Volume Chapter Test 2.1 Select subject, verb, or neither to identify the bold words in the following sentences In pictūrā trēs fēminae sunt subject verb neither Valeria itala est subject verb neither Fēmina ad sinistram Valeria est subject verb neither Fēmina prope Valeriam Licinia est subject verb neither Tertia fēmina in pictūrā Flāvia est subject verb neither Flāvia Germānica est subject verb neither In tabernā Valeria pōtum et cibum vendit subject verb neither Valeria est māter subject verb neither Flāvia ancilla est et Valeria domina est subject 10 Licinia fīlia est subject verb verb neither neither 2.2 Fix the Latin verbs in the following sentences so that they agree with their subjects, then write the corrected Latin sentences Follow the model   Ancillae strēnuē labōrat Ancillae strēnuē labōrant Fēminae in pictūrā est Licinia et Valeria italae est Flāvia Germānica sunt _ Valeria pōtum et cibum vendunt _ Disce! Chapter Test Fēminae aquam bibit 2.3 Match each description to the correct terminology singular or plural a tense the one speaking, spoken to, or spoken about b person “I” c 3rd person plural “you” (an individual) d 3rd person singular “we” e aspect “they” f 1st person plural “you” (more than one individual) g 2nd person singular “he”/”she”/”it” h number describes the time at which an action occurs i 2nd person plural 10 the kind of action (simple or continuous) j 1st person singular 2.4 Select the correct translation for the given principal part veniō a I come b to come c he is coming b they walk c I am walking b we give c I am giving ambulō a to walk dare a to give Disce! Chapter Test vendō a he is selling b I sell c to sell bibere a to drink b I drink c they drink vidēre a I see b I see c to see sum a they are b I am c to be esse a to be b I am c you are 2.5 Match the English meaning to its Latin verb vendit a they drink bibunt b they give sunt c it gives veniunt d they ask dat e he is asking vendunt f they walk est g they come poscit h she sells respondent i he is Disce! Chapter Test 10 poscunt j they sell 11 dant k it is coming 12 bibit l she does drink 13 ambulat m they are responding 14 ambulant n he does walk 15 venit o they are 2.6 Read the passage about business at the snack shop Then choose the correct answers for the items that follow Merīdiēs est et sōl altus in caelō est In urbe Rōmā multī Rōmānī in viīs sunt Diēs aestuōsus est et multī populī, dum ambulant, bibunt Ūnus vir ad tabernam venit et “Salvē, Valeria,” inquit “Dā mihi calidum, sī placet.” Alius venit et aquam poscit Tertius venit Valdē iēiūnus est et “Salvē,” inquit, “dā mihi pānem et fīcōs, sī tibi placet.” Valeria cibum dat “Grātiās, domina,” vir inquit, “Valē!” “Valēte,” Valeria respondet At what time of day does the story occur? a early evening b morning c noon d late at night What is the weather like? a rainy b hot c cold d a and b The streets are Disce! Chapter Test a crowded b deserted c dirty d wet Disce! Chapter Test Which item does the snack shop not sell in this story? a water b fish c figs d bread c valē d venit c grātiās d placet The Latin word for “goodbye” is a inquit b avē The Latin word for “thanks” is a iēiūnus b cibum 2.7 Write the Latin words from which the following English words are derived Follow the model     magistrate magister _ altitude perambulation _ aqueous imbibe _ disciple data _ feminine _ multitude essence 10 advent _ Disce! Chapter Test 11 magisterial _ 12 virile 13 prevention _ 14 tavern _ Disce! Chapter Test Answers 2.1 verb subject subject verb verb neither neither subject neither 10 subject 2.2 Fēminae in pictūrā sunt Licinia et Valeria Italae sunt Flāvia Germānica est Valeria pōtum et cibum vendit Fēminae aquam bibunt 2.3 h c b i j d g a f 10 e 2.4 a c Disce! Chapter Test a b a c b a 2.5 h j 11 b a i 12 l o e 13 n g m 14 f c 10 d 15 k 2.6 c b a b c c 2.7 altus ambulō Disce! Chapter Test aqua bibō discipulus dō fēmina multus sum 10 veniō / ad 11 magister / magistra 12 vir 13 veniō 14 taberna Disce! Chapter Test 10 ... Chapter Test a b a c b a 2.5 h j 11 b a i 12 l o e 13 n g m 14 f c 10 d 15 k 2.6 c b a b c c 2.7 altus ambulō Disce! Chapter Test aqua bibō discipulus dō fēmina multus sum 10 veniō / ad 11 magister... 10 advent _ Disce! Chapter Test 11 magisterial _ 12 virile 13 prevention _ 14 tavern _ Disce! Chapter Test Answers 2 .1 verb subject... respondent i he is Disce! Chapter Test 10 poscunt j they sell 11 dant k it is coming 12 bibit l she does drink 13 ambulat m they are responding 14 ambulant n he does walk 15 venit o they

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2019, 13:46